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Nucleotide and inferred amino acid sequences from two nuclear protein-encoding genes, elongation factor-aα and RNA polymerase II, were obtained from 34 myriapods and 14 other arthropods to determine phylogenetic relationships among and within the myriapod classes. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods recovered all three represented myriapod classes (Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Symphyla) and all multiply sampled chilopod and diplopod orders, often with high node support. In contrast, relationships between classes and between orders were recovered less consistently and node support was typically lower. The temporal structure of phylogenetic diversification in Myriapoda may explain this apparent pattern of the phylogenetic recovery.  相似文献   

Revived interest in molluscan phylogeny has resulted in a torrent of molecular sequence data from phylogenetic, mitogenomic, and phylogenomic studies. Despite recent progress, basal relationships of the class Bivalvia remain contentious, owing to conflicting morphological and molecular hypotheses. Marked incongruity of phylogenetic signal in datasets heavily represented by nuclear ribosomal genes versus mitochondrial genes has also impeded consensus on the type of molecular data best suited for investigating bivalve relationships. To arbitrate conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses, we evaluated the utility of four nuclear protein-encoding genes-ATP synthase β, elongation factor-1α, myosin heavy chain type II, and RNA polymerase II-for resolving the basal relationships of Bivalvia. We sampled all five major lineages of bivalves (Archiheterodonta, Euheterodonta [including Anomalodesmata], Palaeoheterodonta, Protobranchia, and Pteriomorphia) and inferred relationships using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. To investigate the robustness of the phylogenetic signal embedded in the data, we implemented additional datasets wherein length variability and/or third codon positions were eliminated. Results obtained include (a) the clade (Nuculanida+Opponobranchia), i.e., the traditionally defined Protobranchia; (b) the monophyly of Pteriomorphia; (c) the clade (Archiheterodonta+Palaeoheterodonta); (d) the monophyly of the traditionally defined Euheterodonta (including Anomalodesmata); and (e) the monophyly of Heteroconchia, i.e., (Palaeoheterodonta+Archiheterodonta+Euheterodonta). The stability of the basal tree topology to dataset manipulation is indicative of signal robustness in these four genes. The inferred tree topology corresponds closely to those obtained by datasets dominated by nuclear ribosomal genes (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA), controverting recent taxonomic actions based solely upon mitochondrial gene phylogenies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of Myriapoda using three nuclear protein-coding genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We assessed the ability of three nuclear protein-encoding genes-elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha), RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and elongation factor-2 (EF-2)-from 59 myriapod and 12 non-myriapod species to resolve phylogenetic relationships among myriapod classes and orders. In a previous study using EF-1alpha and Pol II (2134 nt combined) from 34 myriapod taxa, Regier and Shultz recovered widely accepted classes, orders, and families but failed to resolve interclass and interordinal relationships. The result was attributed to heterogenous rates of cladogenesis (specifically, the inability of the slowly evolving sequences to capture phylogenetic signal during rapid phylogenetic diversification) but the possibility of inadequate taxon sampling or limited sequence information could not be excluded. In the present study, the myriapod taxon sample was increased by 25 taxa (73%) and sequence length per taxon was effectively doubled through addition of EF-2 (4318 nt combined). Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the expanded data set recovered a monophyletic Myriapoda, all four myriapod classes and all multiply sampled orders, often with high node support. However, except for three diplopod clades (Colobognatha, Helminothomorpha, and a subgroup of Pentazonia), few interordinal relationships and no interclass relationships were well supported. These results are similar to those of the earlier study by Regier and Shultz, which indicates that taxon sample and sequence length alone do not readily explain the weakly supported resolution in the earlier study. We review recent paleontological evidence to further develop our proposal that heterogeneity in phylogenetic signal provided by our slowly evolving sequences is due to heterogeneity in the temporal structure of myriapod diversification.  相似文献   

The dove louse genus Columbicola has become a model system for studying the interface between microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns. This genus of parasitic louse (Phthiraptera) contains 80 described species placed into 24 species groups. Samples of Columbicola representing 49 species from 78 species of hosts were obtained and sequenced for mitochondrial (COI and 12S) and nuclear (EF-1alpha) genes. We included multiple representatives from most host species for a total of 154 individual Columbicola, the largest molecular phylogenetic study of a genus of parasitic louse to date. These sequences revealed considerable divergence within several widespread species of lice, and in some cases these species were paraphyletic. These divergences correlated with host association, indicating the potential for cryptic species in several of these widespread louse species. Both parsimony and Bayesian maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of these sequences support monophyly for nearly all the non-monotypic species groups included in this study. These trees also revealed considerable structure with respect to biogeographic region and host clade association. These patterns indicated that switching of parasites between host clades is limited by biogeographic proximity.  相似文献   

The short-term advantages of sexual reproduction are unclear, but the existence of groups that are capable of producing either meiotic or ameiotic eggs (cyclic parthenogenesis, CP) might indicate that short-term advantages to sex exist. Alternatively, CP might be an unstable transitory stage between asexuality and sex, or a phylogenetically favoured life cycle (i.e. clade selection). The extensive knowledge of breeding systems and population genetics in branchiopod crustaceans makes them a useful group to test phylogenetic predictions of these hypotheses. Several proponents favour the hypothesis that CP has evolved multiple times in five orders of branchiopod crustaceans. We inferred the first robust branchiopod phylogeny from nuclear rRNA sequence (SSU and LSU), morphology, and complex rRNA stem–loop structures to assess the phylogenetic distribution of cyclic parthenogenesis. The sequence-based, structural rRNA and total evidence phylogenies are concordant and suggest that cyclic parthenogenesis arose once in the branchiopods, that this clade is long-lived (at least since the Permian), and that it has radiated extensively into nearly every aqueous habitat without reverting to strict sexuality and only rarely transforming to strict asexuality. These results are consistent with the clade selection hypothesis but inconsistent with the predictions of the hypothesis that CP is a transitory stage that leads to strict sexual reproduction. The evidence also indicates that clade selection for CP is a viable alternative explanation for the maintenance of sex in CP life cycles.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of cichlid fishes using nuclear DNA markers   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The recent explosive adaptive radiation of cichlids in the great lakes of Africa has attracted the attention of both morphologists and molecular biologists. To decipher the phylogenetic relationships among the various taxa within the family Cichlidae is a prerequisite for answering some fundamental questions about the nature of the speciation process. In the present study, we used the random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique to obtain sequence differences between selected cichlid species. We then designed specific primers based on these sequences and used them to amplify template DNA from a large number of species by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We sequenced the amplified products and searched the sequences for indels and shared substitutions. We identified a number of such characters at three loci-- DXTU1, DXTU2, and DXTU3--and used them for phylogenetic and cladistic analysis of the relationships among the various cichlid groups. Our studies assign an outgroup position to Neotropical cichlids in relation to African cichlids, provide evidence for a sister-group relationship of tilapiines to the haplochromines, group Cyphotilapia frontosa with the lamprologines of Lake Tanganyika, place Astatoreochromis alluaudi to an outgroup position with respect to other haplochromines of Lakes Victoria and Malawi, and provide additional support for the monophyly of the remaining Lake Victoria haplochromines and the Lake Malawi haplochromines. The described approach holds great promise for further resolution of cichlid phylogeny.   相似文献   

 A phylogenetic study of the largest tribe of palms, the Areceae, was conducted using sequences of two low-copy nuclear genes. Previous morphological and plastid DNA studies have not supported the monophyly of the tribe, but have placed its members in a large clade that includes the monophyletic tribes Geonomeae, Cocoeae, Podococceae, and Hyophorbeae. We analyzed this large clade to test the monophyly of tribe Areceae with nuclear data, to explore relationships among its subtribes, and to identify other monophyletic groups. For 54 palm species, including members of all 17 subtribes of tribe Areceae, we sequenced regions of the malate synthase (MS) and phosphoribulokinase (PRK) genes. Simultaneous analysis of these regions revealed 52 shortest trees, all of which resolved tribe Areceae as polyphyletic. Subtribes Iguanurinae, Dypsidinae, Oncospermatinae, and Arecinae were also resolved as polyphyletic. A clade of Indo-Pacific taxa was resolved with strong support, and would be a suitable target for more focused study. Received February 7, 2001; accepted April 9, 2002 Published online: December 3, 2002  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 37 living species of order Carnivora spanning a relatively broad range of divergence times and taxonomic levels were examined using nuclear sequence data from exon 1 of the IRBP gene (approximately 1.3 kb) and first intron of the TTR gene (approximately 1 kb). These data were used to analyze carnivoran phylogeny at the family and generic level as well as the interspecific relationships within recently derived Felidae. Phylogenetic results using a combined IRBP+TTR dataset strongly supported within the superfamily Califormia, the red panda as the closest lineage to procyonid-mustelid (i.e., Musteloidea) clade followed by pinnipeds (Otariidae and Phocidae), Ursidae (including the giant panda), and Canidae. Four feliform families, namely the monophyletic Herpestidae, Hyaenidae, and Felidae, as well as the paraphyletic Viverridae were consistently recovered convincingly. The utilities of these two gene segments for the phylogenetic analyses were extensively explored and both were found to be fairly informative for higher-group associations within the order Carnivora, but not for those of low level divergence at the species level. Therefore, there is a need to find additional genetic markers with more rapid mutation rates that would be diagnostic at deciphering relatively recent relationships within the Carnivora.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence comparisons were used to investigate the evolution of P transposable elements and the possibility that horizontal transfer has played a role in their occurrence in natural populations of Drosophila and other Diptera. The phylogeny of P elements was examined using published sequences from eight dipteran taxa and a new, partial sequence from Scaptomyza elmoi. The results from a number of different analyses are highly consistent and reveal a P-element phylogeny that contradicts the phylogeny of the species. At least three instances of horizontal transfer are necessary to explain this incongruence, but other explanations cannot be ruled out at this time.   相似文献   

We investigate the phylogenetic relationship, and evolutionary history of 18 diploid and polyploid Hordeum species including 22 taxa based on two single-copy nuclear ACC1 and ACC2 genes using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The results of molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrated genetic relationships among taxa and origin of polyploids. Our phylogenetic analyses revealed a clear alloploid origin of Hordeum capense, with Eurasian Hordeum marinum subsp. gussoneanum as the Xa genome donor and diploid Asian Hordeum roshevitzii as the H genome donor. The formation of hexaploid Hordeum lechleri likely involves hybridization between tetraploid Hordeum brachyantherum subsp. brachyantherum and a diploid possessing the I genome. The Acc1 and Acc2 gene data analyses suggested that Siberian Hordeum bogdanii might have be the common ancestor of the diploid New World Hordeum species. Perennial diploid South American species, Hordeum comosum was the first-diverging group within the clade of diploid American species in the analyses.  相似文献   

Zhou L  Li-Ling J  Huang H  Ma F  Li Q 《Genomics》2008,91(2):129-141
Kininogens, the precursors of bradykinins, vary extremely in both structure and function among different taxa of animals, in particular between mammals and amphibians. This includes even the most conserved bradykinin domain in terms of biosynthesis mode and structure. To elucidate the evolutionary dynamics of kininogen genes, we have identified 19 novel amino acid sequences from EST and genomic databases (for mammals, birds, and fishes) and explored their phylogenetic relationships using combined amino acid sequence and gene structure as markers. Our results show that there were initially two paralogous kininogen genes in vertebrates. During their evolution, the original gene was saved with frequent multiplication in amphibians, but lost in fishes, birds, and mammals, while the novel gene was saved with multiple functions in fishes, birds, and mammals, but became a pseudogene in amphibians. We also propose that the defense mechanism against specific predators in amphibian skin secretions has been bradykinin receptor dependent. Our findings may provide a foundation for identification and structural, functional, and evolutionary analyses of more kininogen genes and other gene families.  相似文献   

Regier JC  Zwick A 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23408


This study aims to investigate the strength of various sources of phylogenetic information that led to recent seemingly robust conclusions about higher-level arthropod phylogeny and to assess the role of excluding or downweighting synonymous change for arriving at those conclusions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The current study analyzes DNA sequences from 68 gene segments of 62 distinct protein-coding nuclear genes for 80 species. Gene segments analyzed individually support numerous nodes recovered in combined-gene analyses, but few of the higher-level nodes of greatest current interest. However, neither is there support for conflicting alternatives to these higher-level nodes. Gene segments with higher rates of nonsynonymous change tend to be more informative overall, but those with lower rates tend to provide stronger support for deeper nodes. Higher-level nodes with bootstrap values in the 80% – 99% range for the complete data matrix are markedly more sensitive to substantial drops in their bootstrap percentages after character subsampling than those with 100% bootstrap, suggesting that these nodes are likely not to have been strongly supported with many fewer data than in the full matrix. Data set partitioning of total data by (mostly) synonymous and (mostly) nonsynonymous change improves overall node support, but the result remains much inferior to analysis of (unpartitioned) nonsynonymous change alone. Clusters of genes with similar nonsynonymous rate properties (e.g., faster vs. slower) show some distinct patterns of node support but few conflicts. Synonymous change is shown to contribute little, if any, phylogenetic signal to the support of higher-level nodes, but it does contribute nonphylogenetic signal, probably through its underlying heterogeneous nucleotide composition. Analysis of seemingly conservative indels does not prove useful.


Generating a robust molecular higher-level phylogeny of Arthropoda is currently possible with large amounts of data and an exclusive reliance on nonsynonymous change.  相似文献   

Species limits were investigated within the Fusarium graminearum clade (Fg clade) through phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from portions of 11 nuclear genes including the mating-type (MAT) locus. Nine phylogenetically distinct species were resolved within the Fg clade, and they all possess contiguous MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs consistent with a homothallic reproductive mode. In contrast, only one of the two MAT idiomorphs was found in five other species, four of which were putatively asexual, and the other was heterothallic. Molecular evolutionary analyses indicate the MAT genes are under strong purifying selection and that they are functionally constrained, even in species for which a sexual state is unknown. The phylogeny supports a monophyletic and apomorphic origin of homothallism within this clade. Morphological analyses demonstrate that a combination of conidial characters could be used to differentiate three species and three species pairs. Species rank is formally proposed for the eight unnamed species within the Fg clade using fixed nucleotide characters.  相似文献   

The Dactyloa clade, one of two major subgroups of mainland Anolis lizards, is distributed from Costa Rica to Peru, including the Amazon region and the southern Lesser Antilles. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships within Dactyloa based on mitochondrial (ND2, five transfer-RNAs, COI) and nuclear (RAG1) gene regions using likelihood and Bayesian methods under different partition strategies. In addition, we tested the monophyly of five previously recognized groups within Dactyloa. The data strongly support the monophyly of Dactyloa and five major clades: eastern, latifrons, Phenacosaurus, roquet and western, each of which exhibits a coherent geographic range. Relationships among the five major clades are less clear: support for basal nodes within Dactyloa is weak and some contradictory relationships are supported by different datasets and/or phylogenetic methods. Of the previously recognized subgroups within Dactyloa, only the roquet series consistently passed the topology tests applied. The monophyly of the aequatorialis, latifrons (as traditionally circumscribed) and punctatus series was strongly rejected, and the monophyly of Phenacosaurus (as traditionally circumscribed) yielded mixed results. The results of the phylogenetic analyses suggest the need for a revised taxonomy and have implications for the biogeography and tempo of the Dactyloa radiation.  相似文献   



Environmental SSU rDNA surveys have significantly improved our understanding of microeukaryotic diversity. Many of the sequences acquired using this approach are closely related to lineages previously characterized at both morphological and molecular levels, making interpretation of these data relatively straightforward. Some sequences, by contrast, appear to be phylogenetic orphans and are sometimes inferred to represent “novel lineages” of unknown cellular identity. Consequently, interpretation of environmental DNA surveys of cellular diversity rely on an adequately comprehensive database of DNA sequences derived from identified species. Several major taxa of microeukaryotes, however, are still very poorly represented in these databases, and this is especially true for diverse groups of single-celled parasites, such as gregarine apicomplexans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study attempts to address this paucity of DNA sequence data by characterizing four different gregarine species, isolated from the intestines of crustaceans, at both morphological and molecular levels: Thiriotia pugettiae sp. n. from the graceful kelp crab (Pugettia gracilis), Cephaloidophora cf. communis from two different species of barnacles (Balanus glandula and B. balanus), Heliospora cf. longissima from two different species of freshwater amphipods (Eulimnogammarus verrucosus and E. vittatus), and Heliospora caprellae comb. n. from a skeleton shrimp (Caprella alaskana). SSU rDNA sequences were acquired from isolates of these gregarine species and added to a global apicomplexan alignment containing all major groups of gregarines characterized so far. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of these data demonstrated that all of the gregarines collected from crustacean hosts formed a very strongly supported clade with 48 previously unidentified environmental DNA sequences.


This expanded molecular phylogenetic context enabled us to establish a major clade of intestinal gregarine parasites and infer the cellular identities of several previously unidentified environmental SSU rDNA sequences, including several sequences that have formerly been discussed broadly in the literature as a suspected “novel” lineage of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Detailed phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses are reported on 140 genome sequenced cyanobacteria with the main focus on the heterocyst-differentiating cyanobacteria. In a phylogenetic tree for cyanobacteria based upon concatenated sequences for 32 conserved proteins, the available cyanobacteria formed 8–9 strongly supported clades at the highest level, which may correspond to the higher taxonomic clades of this phylum. One of these clades contained all heterocystous cyanobacteria; within this clade, the members exhibiting either true (Nostocales) or false (Stigonematales) branching of filaments were intermixed indicating that the division of the heterocysts-forming cyanobacteria into these two groups is not supported by phylogenetic considerations. However, in both the protein tree as well as in the 16S rRNA gene tree, the akinete-forming heterocystous cyanobacteria formed a distinct clade. Within this clade, the members which differentiate into hormogonia or those which lack this ability were also separated into distinct groups. A novel molecular signature identified in this work that is uniquely shared by the akinete-forming heterocystous cyanobacteria provides further evidence that the members of this group are specifically related and they shared a common ancestor exclusive of the other cyanobacteria. Detailed comparative analyses on protein sequences from the genomes of heterocystous cyanobacteria reported here have also identified eight conserved signature indels (CSIs) in proteins involved in a broad range of functions, and three conserved signature proteins, that are either uniquely or mainly found in all heterocysts-forming cyanobacteria, but generally not found in other cyanobacteria. These molecular markers provide novel means for the identification of heterocystous cyanobacteria, and they provide evidence of their monophyletic origin. Additionally, this work has also identified seven CSIs in other proteins which in addition to the heterocystous cyanobacteria are uniquely shared by two smaller clades of cyanobacteria, which form the successive outgroups of the clade comprising of the heterocystous cyanobacteria in the protein trees. Based upon their close relationship to the heterocystous cyanobacteria, the members of these clades are indicated to be the closest relatives of the heterocysts-forming cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The nuclear small subunit rRNA genes of authentic strains of the black yeastsExophiala dermatitidis, Wangiella dermatitidis, Sarcinomyces phaeomuriformis, Capronia mansonii, Nadsoniella nigra var.hesuelica, Phaeoannellomyces elegans, Phaeococcomyces exophialae, Exophiala jeanselmei var.jeanselmei andE. castellanii were amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. A putative secondary structure of the nuclear small subunit rRNA ofExophiala dermatitidis was predicted from the sequence data. Alignment with corresponding sequences fromNeurospora crassa andAureobasidium pullulans was performed and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The obtained topology of the tree was confirmed by bootstrap analysis. Based upon this analysis all fungi studied formed a well-supported monophyletic group clustering as a sister group to one group of the Plectomycetes (Trichocomaceae and Onygenales). The analysis confirmed the close relationship postulated betweenExophiala dermatitidis, Wangiella dermatitidis andSarcinomyces phaeomuriformis. This monophyletic clade also contains the teleomorph speciesCapronia mansonii thus confirming the concept of a teleomorph connection of the genusExophiala to a member of the Herpotrichiellaceae. However,Exophiala castellanii did not belong to this clade. Therefore, this species is not the anamorph ofCapronia mansonii as it was postulated.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequences from two mitochondrial (mt) and one nuclear gene (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and C-mos) were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among the six extant species of skinks endemic to the Cape Verde Archipelago. The species form a monophyletic unit, indicating a single colonization of the islands, probably from West Africa. Mabuya vaillanti and M. delalandii are sister taxa, as indicated by morphological characters. Mabuya fogoensis and M. stangeri are closely related, but the former is probably paraphyletic. Mabuya spinalis and M. salensis are also probably paraphyletic. Within species, samples from separate islands always form monophyletic groups. Some colonization events can be hypothesized, which are in line with the age of the islands. C-mos variation is concordant with the topology derived from mtDNA.  相似文献   

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