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Cell cultures of Perilla frutescens, growing on Linsmaier and Skoog medium, released more anthocyanin with 40 to 50 g sucrose/l compared with the control of 30 g sucrose/l of medium. More proteins were also released into the medium with the higher sucrose concentration and the cell volume was smaller, suggesting that the higher osmotic pressure, caused by the high sucrose concentration, may cause these releases. The capacitance of the cultured cells indicated a difference in membrane structure between the cells cultivated with different sucrose concentrations, supporting the hypothesis that cell permeabilization is increased at higher sucrose concentrations.J.-J. Zhong is with the Research Institute of Biochemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China, G.-R. Xu is with the Department of Fermentation Technology, Wuxi Institue of Light Industry, Jiangsu 214036, China. T. Yoshida is with the International Center of Cooperative Research in Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering. Osaka University, Osaka 565, Japan.  相似文献   

Here we present a new and simple medium made by Perilla frutescens seed as a tool for identification of the Cryptococcus species complex, namely Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. Its usefulness was evaluated for all major molecular types within the Cryptococcus species complex. As a result, this medium is better for identification of the species complex compared with Guizotia abyssinica or Helianthus annuus seed medium.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and expression analysis of two cDNAs encoding 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases (KAS) that are involved in the de novo synthesis of fatty acids in plastids of perilla (Perilla frutescens L.). The cDNAs, designated PfFAB1 and PfFAB24, encoded polypeptides with high sequence identities to those of KAS I and KAS II/IV, respectively, of various plants. Genomic Southern blots revealed that there was a single PfFAB1 gene but two PfFAB24 genes in the perilla genome. Of interest is that the expression of both genes was developmentally regulated in seeds. Their mRNA expression patterns in seeds were also discussed in comparison with the profile of fatty acid accumulation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants respond to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of a resource supply. However, their responses will depend on intraspecific competition for resource acquisition. Although plants are subject to various intensities of intraspecific competition, most studies of resource heterogeneity have been carried out under a single density so that the effects of intraspecific competition on plant responses to resource heterogeneity are largely unknown.


A growth experiment was performed to investigate plant responses to the temporal heterogeneity of water supply and nutrient levels under multiple plant densities. The annual plant Perilla frutescens was grown using different combinations of frequency of water supply, nutrient level and density, while providing the same total amount of water under all conditions. The effects of the treatments on biomass, allocation to roots and intensity of competition were analysed after 48 d.

Key Results

Biomass and allocation to roots were larger under homogeneous than under heterogeneous water supply, and the effects of water heterogeneity were greater at high density than at low density. The effects of water heterogeneity were greater at high nutrient level than at low level for biomass, while the effects were greater at low nutrient level than high level for allocation to roots. Competition was severer under homogeneous than under heterogeneous water supply.


Competition for water probably makes plants more sensitive to the water heterogeneity. In addition, the intensity of intraspecific competition can be affected by the temporal patterns of water supply. Because both resource heterogeneity and intraspecific competition affect resource acquisition and growth of plants, their interactive effects should be evaluated more carefully under future studies.  相似文献   

A novel chemotype (C type) having a lemon-like odor segregated out in the F2 progeny of a cross between PK and PL chemotypes ofPerilla frutescens. Chemical analysis of C-type plants revealed that geranial was the major component of essential oils in the leaves. Genetic analysis suggested that geranial is accumulated by individuals homozygous for two pairs of recessive, polymeric genes,fr 1 andfr 2, which are incapable of converting geranial into perillene.  相似文献   

Differential screening by PCR-select subtraction was carried out for cDNAs from leaves of red and green perilla, two chemovarietal forms of Perilla frutescens regarding anthocyanin accumulation. One hundred and twenty cDNA fragments were selected as the clones preferentially expressed in anthocyanin-accumulating red perilla over the nonaccumulating green perilla. About half of them were the cDNAs encoding the proteins related presumably to phenylpropanoid-derived metabolism. The cDNAs encoding glutathione S-transferase (GST), PfGST1, and chalcone isomerase (CHI), PfCHI1, were further characterized. The expression of PfGST1 in an Arabidopsis thaliana tt19 mutant lacking the GST-like gene involved in vacuole transport of anthocyanin rescued the lesion of anthocyanin accumulation in tt19, indicating a function of PfGST1 in vacuole sequestration of anthocyanin in perilla. The recombinant PfCHI1 could stereospecifically convert naringenin chalcone to (2S)-naringenin. PfGST1 and PfCHI1 were preferentially expressed in the leaves of red perilla, agreeing with the accumulation of anthocyanin and expression of other previously identified genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis. These results suggest that the genes of the whole anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway are regulated in a coordinated manner in perilla.  相似文献   

The coordinate expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in leaves and stems of a red forma of Perilla frutescens is presumably controlled by regulatory gene(s). A Myc-like gene (Myc-rp) was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from the leaves of red P. frutescens, and its deduced amino acid sequence shows 64% identity with that of delila from snapdragon. The Myc-rp gene was expressed in leaves and roots of both red and green P. frutescens equally. Comparison of deduced amino acid sequence of Myc-rp with that of Myc-gp, the second allele isolated from a green forma of P. frutescens, indicates that the 132nd amino acid, alanine, existing in MYC-RP was changed to serine in MYC-GP. The heterologous expression of these two alleles of Myc-like gene in tobacco and tomato resulted in an increase of the anthocyanin contents in flowers of tobacco and vegetative tissues and flowers of tomato. However, the flowers of transgenic tobacco expressing the fragment with a partial deletion (encoding 1–115 amino acids deleted) of Myc-gp gave no change in anthocyanin accumulation, but some morphological changes of the flower were observed. In yeast, the MYC-RP/GP and Delila protein exhibited transactivation activity on the GAL-1 promoter from yeast and the promoter of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) gene from P. frutescens. A transactivation domain of MYC-RP/GP and Delila could be located in the region between the 193rd and the 420th amino acid of MYC-RP/GP proteins. Our data indicate that this Myc-like gene presumably functions in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis similarly in different tissues of dicot plants.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 13 polymorphic microsatellite primers from Perilla frutescens Brit. var. frutescens by using a modified method that involves one‐way PCR amplification with single primer prior to enrichment with an ‘oligo hook’. The efficiency of this procedure for isolating unique microsatellite sequences was approximately 77%. The number of alleles per microsatellite locus ranged from three to 10 with an average of 6.5 alleles per locus while fragment size varied from 156 to 298 bp. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.52 to 0.86 and 0.52 to 0.89, respectively. These newly isolated microsatellite markers are expected to provide valuable resources for different genetic studies currently underway in our Perilla genome research program.  相似文献   

Metabolomics is a potent tool to assist in identifying the function of unknown genes through analysis of metabolite changes in the context of varied genetic backgrounds. However, the availability of a universal unbiased profiling analysis is still a big challenge. In this study, we report an optimized metabolic profiling method based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for Escherichia coli. It was found that physiological saline at −80 °C could ensure satisfied metabolic quenching with less metabolite leakage. A solution of methanol/water (21:79, v/v) was proved to be efficient for intracellular metabolite extraction. This method was applied to investigate the metabolome difference among wild-type E. coli, its yfcC deletion, and overexpression mutants. Statistical and bioinformatic analysis of the metabolic profiling data indicated that the expression of yfcC potentially affected the metabolism of glyoxylate shunt. This finding was further validated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reactions showing that expression of aceA and aceB, the key genes in glyoxylate shunt, was upregulated by yfcC. This study exemplifies the robustness of the proposed metabolic profiling analysis strategy and its potential roles in investigating unknown gene functions in view of metabolome difference.  相似文献   

Differential display (DD) is one of the most commonly used approaches for identifying differentially expressed genes. However, there has been lack of an accurate guidance on how many DD polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer combinations are needed to display most of the genes expressed in a eukaryotic cell. This study critically evaluated the gene coverage by DD as a function of the number of arbitrary primers, the number of 3′ bases of an arbitrary primer required to completely match an mRNA target sequence, the additional 5′ base match(s) of arbitrary primers in first-strand cDNA recognition, and the length of mRNA tails being analyzed. The resulting new DD mathematical model predicts that 80 to 160 arbitrary 13mers, when used in combinations with 3 one-base anchored oligo-dT primers, would allow any given mRNA within a eukaryotic cell to be detected with a 74% to 93% probability, respectively. The prediction was supported by both computer simulation of the DD process and experimental data from a comprehensive fluorescent DD screening for target genes of tumor-suppressor p53. Thus, this work provides a theoretical foundation upon which global analysis of gene expression by DD can be pursued.  相似文献   

Geraniol synthases from perilla and their taxonomical significance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ito M  Honda G 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(4):446-453
Geraniol synthases were isolated from five pure strains of Perilla citriodora and Perilla frutescens which vary in essential oil type, the main compounds of which were citral, elsholtziaketone, perillaketone, and perillene, respectively. This result supports the putative biosynthetic pathways of these three furylalkenes which are all produced by way of citral. Nucleotide sequences of geraniol synthases from three oil types of P. citriodora were identical, and almost the same as the sequence from P. frutescens, a species with twice the chromosome number of P. citriodora. This identity in sequence between P. citriodora and P. frutescens, together with other previous results, indicates that P. frutescens was formed as an amphidiploid of P. citriodora and an unknown wild species.  相似文献   



Forage plant breeding is under increasing pressure to deliver new cultivars with improved yield, quality and persistence to the pastoral industry. New innovations in DNA sequencing technologies mean that quantitative trait loci analysis and marker-assisted selection approaches are becoming faster and cheaper, and are increasingly used in the breeding process with the aim to speed it up and improve its precision. High-throughput phenotyping is currently a major bottle neck and emerging technologies such as metabolomics are being developed to bridge the gap between genotype and phenotype; metabolomics studies on forages are reviewed in this article.


Major challenges for pasture production arise from the reduced availability of resources, mainly water, nitrogen and phosphorus, and metabolomics studies on metabolic responses to these abiotic stresses in Lolium perenne and Lotus species will be discussed here. Many forage plants can be associated with symbiotic microorganisms such as legumes with nitrogen fixing rhizobia, grasses and legumes with phosphorus-solubilizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and cool temperate grasses with fungal anti-herbivorous alkaloid-producing Neotyphodium endophytes and metabolomics studies have shown that these associations can significantly affect the metabolic composition of forage plants. The combination of genetics and metabolomics, also known as genetical metabolomics can be a powerful tool to identify genetic regions related to specific metabolites or metabolic profiles, but this approach has not been widely adopted for forages yet, and we argue here that more studies are needed to improve our chances of success in forage breeding.


Metabolomics combined with other ‘-omics’ technologies and genome sequencing can be invaluable tools for large-scale geno- and phenotyping of breeding populations, although the implementation of these approaches in forage breeding programmes still lags behind. The majority of studies using metabolomics approaches have been performed with model species or cereals and findings from these studies are not easily translated to forage species. To be most effective these approaches should be accompanied by whole-plant physiology and proof of concept (modelling) studies. Wider considerations of possible consequences of novel traits on the fitness of new cultivars and symbiotic associations need also to be taken into account.  相似文献   

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