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本属与其近亲属粉背蕨属(Aleuritopteris)及碎米蕨属(Cheilosoria)的区别,主要在于本属夏绿、中生,根状茎及叶柄的鳞片大,长圆形或卵圆披针形,先端长钻状,边缘有锯齿或有具柄的腺体;叶片长圆披针形,或有时为卵圆形,长为宽的2—3(4)  相似文献   

直立草本,高1—1.5米,基部具淡红色的无叶片的叶鞘。叶具4毫米长的柄,叶片倒卵状披针形或椭圆状披针形,长18—30厘米,宽6—9厘米,顶端渐尖或尾尖,基部圆形,两面无毛;叶舌全缘,长约4毫米,革质,淡绿色,边缘具缘毛;叶鞘淡绿色,无毛,具明显的纵条纹。穗状花序近长圆形,  相似文献   

李法曾 《植物研究》1985,5(1):157-159
植株高达60厘米,根状茎直立或斜升,顶端密被黑褐色、全缘、披针形鳞片,鳞片边缘有棕色狭边。叶丛生,叶柄长约20-25厘米,禾杆色,初被黑褐色先端卷曲的披针形鳞片,后逐渐脱落;叶片长圆形,长30-40厘米,宽20-25厘米,基部圆形,先端渐尖,3回羽裂;羽片10-12对,斜向上,互生,基部一对较大,柄长约1厘米,卵状披针形,长约16厘米,宽约10厘米,2回羽裂,小羽片约10对,基部上侧小羽片与叶轴平行,下侧一片较大,长圆形,长约6厘米,宽达3厘米,l回羽裂,末回小羽片短圆,边缘羽裂或全缘,其余各对羽片向上渐短。  相似文献   

李建秀  马书太 《植物研究》1983,3(4):139-141
植株高达60厘米。根状茎短而斜升,先端连同叶柄基部密被红棕色披针形鳞片,基部有锯齿,上部全缘,先端毛发状;叶簇生,柄长15-30厘米,粗约2-3毫米,淡绿色,向上连同叶轴密被阔披针形,边缘有锯齿的鳞片和线形鳞片混生;叶片卵状三角形或卵状矩圆形,长30-35厘米,宽20-25厘米,基部较宽,圆截形,顶端渐尖并羽裂,二回羽状;羽片12,互对生,近平展,有短柄,相距约3厘米,彼此接近,长圆披针形,基部2对较大,长10-15厘米,宽约4厘米,基部圆,先端渐尖,一回羽裂,小羽片15对,斜展,镰刀状披针形,长2.5-3.2厘米,基部宽8毫米,基部两侧略呈耳状突起,近对称,有短柄或几无柄,分离,下部下侧的略浅裂,向上变狭,尖头顶端有少数牙齿。  相似文献   

祝正银   《广西植物》1987,(4):295-296
<正> 多年生草本,高55—65厘米。根茎密节,具鳞片。叶披针形或卵状披针形,长(6—)10—18厘米,宽(1.4—)2—3厘米,先端细长尾尖,基部宽楔形或近圆形,边缘具缘毛,两面均被短柔毛,尤以叶背明显:叶具短柄,长1—2毫米,有时不明显,叶鞘被短柔毛;叶舌长1—1.5毫米或不明显,2裂,外被短柔毛。总状花序顶生,花密集,长4—5厘米;总苞片黄白色,矩圆形,与花序近等长,内面光滑,外面疏被短柔毛或近无毛,先端细尾状尖,通常早落;花序轴粗约2毫米,具疏柔毛或几无毛;花梗长1—2毫米,被短柔毛。花  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜对云南10种杜鹃属植物叶片毛被与鳞片特征进行了研究,并结合已报道的中国45种杜鹃属植物毛被与鳞片特征进行了聚类分析,探讨叶表皮毛被与鳞片在该属植物中的系统学意义。结果表明:(1)常绿杜鹃亚属的8种植物叶背面具毛被却无鳞片结构,杜鹃花亚属的2种植物叶背面均具鳞片结构。(2)基于叶表面毛被与鳞片特征对55种杜鹃属植物进行聚类分析显示,有鳞片杜鹃与无鳞片杜鹃分别聚为2类,聚类结果与杜鹃属植物在亚属水平上的传统分类基本一致,表明叶表面毛被与鳞片特征在杜鹃属植物各亚属的分类中具有较好的参考价值。(3)从亚组水平看,55种杜鹃属植物的聚类结果对云锦杜鹃亚组、有鳞大花亚组、露珠杜鹃亚组具有较好的分类学界定,但在三花杜鹃亚组、高山杜鹃亚组、大理杜鹃亚组、大叶杜鹃亚组、树形杜鹃亚组存在明显的交叉现象,表明叶表皮覆被物特征不足以作为这些亚组在分类处理上的关键性状。(4)该研究聚类结果表明,糙叶杜鹃与其他有鳞杜鹃之间亲缘关系较近,支持糙叶杜鹃归并到杜鹃花亚属。  相似文献   

报道了河南省鳞毛蕨科耳蕨属一新记录种——亮叶耳蕨(Polystichum lanceolatum Baker)。对该种进行了特征描述,并编制了河南耳蕨属植物检索表。该种近似正宇耳蕨(P.liui Ching),但羽片上侧耳状凸起不明显,边缘有7~8个具短刺头的牙状齿,孢子囊群在主脉上侧最多3个,下侧不育或偶有1个,囊群盖圆盾形,全缘等特征而不同。凭证标本存放于河南农业大学植物标本馆(HEAC)。  相似文献   

刘寿养   《广西植物》1984,(3):199-200
<正> 多年生草本。茎细长,匍匐,上部常缠绕,密被长硬毛。叶椭圆形或卵状披针形,长1.8—5厘米,宽0.8—2.5厘米,全缘,顶端锐尖或近圆形,具短尖头,基部近圆形,浅心形或阔楔形,边缘密被及两面疏被长硬毛,背面脉上毛常较密,侧脉每边3—6条,两面凸起,小脉平行横出,在叶面不显,在叶背明显突起;叶柄长3—8毫米,密被长硬毛。花序的苞叶卵形,基部截形,少为浅心形或近圆形。聚伞花序腋生,具花1—3朵,仅1花能育,花序梗长约5毫米;苞片线形,极小,长2—3毫米;花蕾狭卵形,顶端长渐尖;萼片披针形,近等  相似文献   

安徽产大戟属植物叶表皮微形态   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用光镜和扫描电镜对安徽7种大戟属(Euphorbia)植物叶表皮进行了观察。发现该属7种植物叶表皮细胞为不规则形或多边形,垂周壁一般为平直、浅波状、深波状;气孔器通常为无规则型,有的种类叶表皮具单细胞毛或多细胞毛,表皮毛在电镜下具瘤状突起的纹饰。在扫描电镜下,角质层纹饰多具鳞片或颗粒等特征,种间有细微差别。结果表明该7种植物叶表皮微形态有明显差别,这些表皮特征有助于识别一些在外部形态较相近的种类。  相似文献   

叶柄具二色卵形、卵状披针形或阔披针形鳞片;叶片中部以下不逐渐缩短;小羽片具耳状突起;小鳞片短型,稀疏。 该系约25种,主产亚、欧、美洲。中国约15种,除东北外,大部分地区有分布。 假黑鳞耳蕨 新拟  相似文献   

鳞片是蕨类植物体表常见附属物, 是蕨类植物非常显著的分类学特征。凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)在蕨类植物系统发育中的位置关系多次发生了变化, 不同学者对该科中包含的类群也有着不同的观点。通过对该科76种植物的鳞片进行取材, 利用解剖镜观察拍照, 对各属鳞片特征进行描述。结果显示, 鳞片特征在不同的属和亚科之间具有明显的形态差异。用GenBank数据库中的rbcL基因序列对所研究物种进行系统发育重建, 并对鳞片的边缘特征和筛孔类型进行祖先性状重建, 结果表明, 全缘型鳞片和均质型鳞片是凤尾蕨科鳞片的祖征性状, 非全缘类型和透明筛孔类型的鳞片是在后期演化过程中形成的特征。此外, 透明和不透明类型的筛孔其形成可能与蕨类植物生活环境中的光照强度有关。  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2018,38(6):801-803
描述了发现自安徽省毛茛科毛茛属一新种,庐江毛茛Ranunculus lujiangensis。此新种与怀宁毛茛R.huainingensis在亲缘关系上甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的叶或小叶的裂片全缘或有不明显的浅齿,萼片呈宽船状椭圆形,不具脉,边缘有3~4根毛,子房宽卵形。  相似文献   

In this revision, three species are recognised. A discussion is made on merging the genus Polysolenia into Leptomischus. Indopolysolenia burmanica Deb et Rout is reduced to a synonum of Leptomischus primuloides Drake. A key to species is given below: l. Flowers larger, with corollas more than 2cm long. 2.Stipules 3-fid or torn; Leaves narrowly lanceolate; stigmas with 2 short obtuse lobes ...................................................... 1.L. wallichii 2.Stipules entire; leaves obovate to elliptic; stigmas with 2 slender elongate lobes ......................................................... 2. L. primuloides 1.Flowers smaller, with corollas 6-6.5mm long; stigmas with 2 lanceolate lobes .......................................................... 3. L. parviflorus  相似文献   

中国梅花草属校订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了中国梅花草属的外部形态,结合地理分布和生境条件,对国产梅花草属植物的分类、演化和地理分布均进行了研究。作者以退化雄蕊的特征为分组的依据;以雄蕊花药药隔的变异为划分亚组的依据;以花瓣边缘不同和基生叶数目为分系依据。据此归纳为9组2亚组和9系。同时作者认为我国西南部山区是梅花草属植物现代分布和分化中心,也可能是起源中心。  相似文献   

Spore morphology of 51 species of Cyclosorus in the Thelypteridaceae from China was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The spores are monolete, bilaterosymmetric, ellipsoidal in polar view, and kidney-shaped in equatorial view. On the basis of the variation in their surface ornamentation, the spores fall into three main types. Type I: The surface of spores is echinate or perforate with fimbriate wings. 19 species belong to this type. Type Ⅱ: The surface of spores is cristate. 11 species belong to this type. Type Ⅲ: The surface of spores is echinulate. 10 species belong to this type. The remaining 11 species have spores with mixed surface ornamentation of the above three types, which are considered as intermediate types. The results are valuable for a better understanding of the taxonomy and palynology of the genus Cyclosorus.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate differences in correlations among Biological Elements and environmental parameters for different river types, analysed at two different spatial scales. A total of 82 sites, with at least good ecological status, were sampled across Europe, representing three core river types: Mountain rivers (26 sites); Lowland rivers (29 sites) and Mediterranean rivers (17 sites). At each site samples of macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fishes were taken during spring, following the methodological procedures established by the European STAR project. Environmental parameters were also recorded, based on a site protocol developed by the European projects AQEM and STAR. Environmental parameters were divided into three categories: aquatic habitats (mesohabitat scale), global features (reach scale) and obligatory typology parameters of Water Framework Directive (WFD) (geographical scale). Data were analysed to evaluate at the two scales, first, relationships among biological elements, and second, relationships between biological elements and environmental parameters. Within each river type, correlation matrices (Bray–Curtis distance) were calculated separately for each biological element and for each category of environmental parameters. All biological elements were correlated (p<0.01) to the larger spatial scale: macrophytes and macroinvertebrates are more correlated in lowland and mountain rivers, while in Mediterranean rivers, fish and macrophytes presented higher correlations. These links tend to be consistent for different spatial scales, except if they are weak on a larger regional scale, obligatory parameters of WFD were, in most cases, significantly correlated with the three biological communities (p<0.05). Results at different spatial scales supported the hierarchical theory of river formation. Reach and mesohabitat environmental parameters tend to explain aquatic communities at a lower spatial scale, while geographical parameters tend to explain the communities at a major spatial scale.  相似文献   

The optical light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques have proven to play a key and noteworthy role in the advancement of morphological studies in general, and in investigating fish scale morphology in particular. These techniques have illustrated several hidden architectural structures in scales that contribute effectively to fish identification and classification. The scale morphological and topological characters such as type, size, shape, lateral surface, focus position, circuli appearance, radii type, lepidonts, and posterior and anterior margin shapes were obtained using macro- and microscopic analysis in six body regions for three size classes of Garra sharq, a cyprinid endemic fish of the Arabian Peninsula. The general scale type in the studied G. sharq species was a basal elasmoid cycloid and a sectioned type. As a protective structure, the scales display several specific characteristics including firm attachment to the fish body, overlapping, and thin structure with a high surface area and high strength. These characteristics improve scale resistance to penetration, increase protection against mechanical injury and microbial infection, enhance scale flexibility, reduce fish weight (reduce friction drag), and increase scale transparency. The scales demonstrate plasticity in focus shape, size, and position in the six fish body parts and fish size groups. The examined scales displayed narrow or wide grooves (radii) in three types including primary, secondary, and tertiary present in all four scale fields (anterior, posterior, and laterals), thus a tetra-sectioned type that is almost specific to the genus Garra. This characteristic also increases scale flexibility. The rostral margin of scales was characterized by the presence of waved and striate types. The lepidont shape and size varied being blunt, flat, pointed, tiny, sharp, short, and long. Some of these scale characters and their morphologies could be used as an alternative tool for identification, classification, and phylogenetic interpretation among the different freshwater fish species and genera.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of moths, Tanyglossus orectometopus n. gen. et sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillarioidea), is described from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber. Autapomorphies for the new genus are small size (body length of only 0.9 mm), long proboscis greater than body length, presence of ocelli, 3-segmented porrect labial palps, 5-segmented curved maxillary palps, no eye cap, lanceolate wings with reduced venation and a body and wing covering of several types of scales. Based on the available characters, the fossil is placed in the small, aberrant family Douglasiidae and represents the first fossil member of this family. This study adds to our scant knowledge of the diversity of Mesozoic Glossata.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic chrysomonads of the genus Paraphysomonas are ubiquitous phagotrophs with diverse silica scale morphology. Over 50 named species have been described by electron microscopy from uncultured environmental samples. Sequence data exist for very few, but the literature reveals misidentification or lumping of most previously sequenced. For critically integrating scale and sequence data, 59 clonal cultures were studied light microscopically, by sequencing 18S ribosomal DNA, and recording scale morphology by transmission electron microscopy. We found strong congruence between variations in scale morphology and rDNA sequences, and unexpectedly deep genetic diversity. We now restrict Paraphysomonas to species with nail-like spine scales, establishing 23 new species and eight subspecies (Paraphysomonadidae). Species having base-plates with dense margins form three distinct subclades; those with a simple margin only two. We move 29 former Paraphysomonas species with basket scales into a new genus, Clathromonas, and describe two new species. Clathromonas belongs to a very distinct rDNA clade (Clathromonadidae fam. n.), possibly distantly sister to Paraphysomonas. Molecular and morphological data are mutually reinforcing; both are needed for evaluating paraphysomonad diversity and confirm excessive past lumping. Former Paraphysomonas species with neither nail-like nor basket scales are here excluded from Paraphysomonas and will be assigned to new genera elsewhere.  相似文献   

Atherton S  Hochberg R 《ZooKeys》2012,(190):81-94
A new species of Acanthodasys (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida, Thaumastodermatidae) is described from sublittoral sediments off the Atlantic coast of Florida. Acanthodasys paurocactussp. n. is a relatively small species (to 450 μm long) with a strap-shaped outline, a series of anterior, lateral, and ventrolateral adhesive tubes, paired caudal pedicles with posterior adhesive tubes, and a morphologically diverse cuticle. The cuticle contains both spined and unspined scales. Unspined scales are present in two general shapes: lanceolate and eye shaped, with some transitional shapes. All scales have a thickened rim and depressed central region; some scales of both shapes bear either one or more central bumps, a parallel ridge, or a perpendicular ridge that gives the appearance of a cross-shaped pattern under transmitted light. Spined scales are somewhat quadrangular in shape and bear uniancres to 15 μm long with a cross-shaped sectional profile. The new species is now one of five described species to possess both spined and spineless scales, and only one of two species to possess two types of spineless scales (the second species is an incompletely described specimen from Norway).  相似文献   

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