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Limited information is available concerning the interactions between the brassinosteroid (BR) and auxin signaling pathways. The expression pattern of the SAUR-AC1 gene, an early auxin-inducible gene in Arabidopsis, was studied in response to brassinolide (BL), in the presence of a BR-biosynthesis inhibitor, in a BR-deficient mutant, and in combination with auxin. The results suggested that the SAUR-AC1 gene is regulated by BRs independently of auxin levels, and that it is important in BR-mediated elongation. The axr1 (auxin insensitive 1) mutant was less sensitive to BL-induced elongation and BL-induced SAUR-AC1 expression, suggesting that a ubiquitin ligase-mediated system is involved in BR-mediated elongation.  相似文献   

Telomeres of Drosophila melanogaster contain arrays of the retrotransposon-like elements HeT-A and TART. Their transposition to broken chromosome ends has been implicated in chromosome healing and telomere elongation. We have developed a genetic system which enables the determination of the frequency of telomere elongation events and their mechanism. The frequency differs among lines with different genotypes, suggesting that several genes are in control. Here we show that the Su(var)2-5 gene encoding heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is involved in regulation of telomere length. Different Su(var)2-5 mutations in the heterozygous state increase the frequency of HeT-A and TART attachment to the broken chromosome end by more than a hundred times. The attachment occurs through either HeT-A/TART transposition or recombination with other telomeres. Terminal DNA elongation by gene conversion is greatly enhanced by Su(var)2-5 mutations only if the template for DNA synthesis is on the same chromosome but not on the homologous chromosome. The Drosophila lines bearing the Su(var)2-5 mutations maintain extremely long telomeres consisting of HeT-A and TART for many generations. Thus, HP1 plays an important role in the control of telomere elongation in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondrial genomes exist in a natural state of heteroplasmy, in which substoichiometric levels of alternative mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules coexist with the main genome. These subgenomes either replicate autonomously or are created by infrequent recombination events. We found that Arabidopsis thaliana OSB1 (for Organellar Single-stranded DNA Binding protein1) is required for correct stoichiometric mtDNA transmission. OSB1 is part of a family of plant-specific DNA binding proteins that are characterized by a novel motif that is required for single-stranded DNA binding. The OSB1 protein is targeted to mitochondria, and promoter-beta-glucuronidase fusion showed that the gene is expressed in budding lateral roots, mature pollen, and the embryo sac of unfertilized ovules. OSB1 T-DNA insertion mutants accumulate mtDNA homologous recombination products and develop phenotypes of leaf variegation and distortion. The mtDNA rearrangements occur in two steps: first, homozygous mutants accumulate subgenomic levels of homologous recombination products; second, in subsequent generations, one of the recombination products becomes predominant. After the second step, the process is no longer reversible by backcrossing. Thus, OSB1 participates in controlling the stoichiometry of alternative mtDNA forms generated by recombination. This regulation could take place in gametophytic tissues to ensure the transmission of a functional mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Previous investigations suggested that specific auxin spatial distribution due to auxin movements to particular embryonic regions was important for normal embryonic pattern formation. To gain information on the molecular mechanism(s) by which auxin acts to direct pattern formation in specific embryonic regions, the role of a plasma membrane (PM) ATPase was evaluated as downstream target of auxin in the present study. Western-blot analysis revealed that the PM H(+)-ATPase expression level was significantly increased by auxin in wheat (Triticum aestivum) embryos (two-three times increase). In bilaterally symmetrical embryos, the spatial expression pattern of the PM H(+)-ATPase correlates with the distribution pattern of the auxin analog, tritiated 5-azidoindole-3-acetic acid. A strong immunosignal was observed in the abaxial epidermis of the scutellum and in the epidermal cells at the distal tip of this organ. Pseudoratiometric analysis using a fluorescent pH indicator showed that the pH in the apoplast of the cells expressing the PM H(+)-ATPase was in average more acidic than the apoplastic pH of nonexpressing cells. Cellulose staining of living embryos revealed that cells of the scutellum abaxial epidermis expressing the ATPase were longer than the scutellum adaxial epidermal cells, where the protein was not expressed. Our data indicate that auxin activates the proton pump resulting in apoplastic acidification, a process contributing to cell wall loosening and elongation of the scutellum. Therefore, we suggest that the PM H(+)-ATPase is a component of the auxin-signaling cascade that may direct pattern formation in embryos.  相似文献   

The kinesin-like calmodulin (CaM) binding protein (KCBP), a minus end-directed microtubule motor protein unique to plants, has been implicated in cell division. KCBP is negatively regulated by Ca(2)+ and CaM, and antibodies raised against the CaM binding region inhibit CaM binding to KCBP in vitro; therefore, these antibodies can be used to activate KCBP constitutively. Injection of these antibodies into Tradescantia virginiana stamen hair cells during late prophase induces breakdown of the nuclear envelope within 2 to 10 min and leads the cell into prometaphase. However, mitosis is arrested, and the cell does not progress into anaphase. Injection of antibodies later during cell division has no effect on anaphase transition but causes aberrant phragmoplast formation and delays the completion of cytokinesis by approximately 15 min. These effects are achieved without any apparent degradation of the microtubule cytoskeleton. We propose that during nuclear envelope breakdown and anaphase, activated KCBP promotes the formation of a converging bipolar spindle by sliding and bundling microtubules. During metaphase and telophase, we suggest that its activity is downregulated.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using bovine fibronectin as the substrate was used to demonstrate that Mannheimia haemolytica A1 binds to fibronectin. This binding to fibronectin was specific as no binding was observed with bovine fibrinogen. The binding to fibronectin was not observed if the M. haemolytica A1 cells were pretreated with trypsin or proteinase K, suggesting that it involved a protein molecule on the cell surface. Interestingly, the fibronectin-binding activity was found to be higher in an acapsular mutant compared with its parent strain. The fibronectin-binding protein was shown to be present in the outer membrane fraction of M. haemolytica A1. A 45 kDa outer membrane protein that binds to fibronectin was identified by Far-Western immunoblot analysis. This protein was purified and subjected to MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight analysis. The results identified it to be outer membrane OmpA based on comparison with the M. haemolytica A1 genomic sequence.  相似文献   

We have identified the function of the Arabidopsis DIMINUTO/DWARF1 (DIM/DWF1) gene by analyzing the dim mutant, a severe dwarf with greatly reduced fertility. Both the mutant phenotype and gene expression could be rescued by the addition of exogenous brassinolide. Analysis of endogenous sterols demonstrated that dim accumulates 24-methylenecholesterol but is deficient in campesterol, an early precursor of brassinolide. In addition, we show that dim is deficient in brassinosteroids as well. Feeding experiments using deuterium-labeled 24-methylenecholesterol and 24-methyldesmosterol confirmed that DIM/DWF1 is involved in both the isomerization and reduction of the Delta24(28) bond. This conversion is not required in cholesterol biosynthesis in animals but is a key step in the biosynthesis of plant sterols. Transient expression of a green fluorescent protein-DIM/DWF1 fusion protein and biochemical experiments showed that DIM/DWF1 is an integral membrane protein that most probably is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Columbia-0) roots, the so-called zone of cell elongation comprises two clearly different domains: the transition zone, a postmeristematic region (approximately 200-450 μm proximal of the root tip) with a low rate of elongation, and a fast elongation zone, the adjacent proximal region (450 μm away from the root tip up to the first root hair) with a high rate of elongation. In this study, the surface pH was measured in both zones using the microelectrode ion flux estimation technique. The surface pH is highest in the apical part of the transition zone and is lowest at the basal part of the fast elongation zone. Fast cell elongation is inhibited within minutes by the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; concomitantly, apoplastic alkalinization occurs in the affected root zone. Fusicoccin, an activator of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, can partially rescue this inhibition of cell elongation, whereas the inhibitor N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide does not further reduce the maximal cell length. Microelectrode ion flux estimation experiments with auxin mutants lead to the final conclusion that control of the activity state of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases is one of the mechanisms by which ethylene, via auxin, affects the final cell length in the root.  相似文献   

Cell elongation is a developmental process that is regulated by light and phytohormones and is of critical importance for plant growth. Mutants defective in their response to light and various hormones are often dwarfs. The dwarfed phenotype results because of a failure in normal cell elongation. Little is known, however, about the basis of dwarfism as a common element in these diverse signaling pathways and the nature of the cellular functions responsible for cell elongation. Here, we describe an Arabidopsis mutant, dwarf4 (dwf4), whose phenotype can be rescued with exogenously supplied brassinolide. dwf4 mutants display features of light-regulatory mutants, but the dwarfed phenotype is entirely and specifically brassinosteroid dependent; no other hormone can rescue dwf4 to a wild-type phenotype. Therefore, an intact brassinosteroid system is an absolute requirement for cell elongation.  相似文献   

Synaptobrevin is a vesicle-associated membrane protein playing an essential role in regulated vesicle transport. In this study, we characterized Syb1, synaptobrevin of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Syb1 was located on various sizes of vesicle-like structures in the cytoplasm and enriched in the medial region and cell ends. Transport of Syb1 to the medial region was mainly dependent on F-actin and Myo52/Myo4. Syb1 is essential for cell viability and most of the syb1-null cells showed a round or short cylindrical form. These results suggest that Syb1 is involved in membrane trafficking of cytokinesis and cell elongation.  相似文献   

The presence of a leader peptide in picornaviruses is restricted to the Cardiovirus and Aphthovirus genera. However, the leader peptides of these two genera are structurally and functionally unrelated. The aphthovirus leader is a protease involved in viral polyprotein processing and host cell translation shutoff. The function of the cardiovirus leader peptide is still unknown. To gain an insight into the function of the cardiovirus leader peptide, a mengovirus leader peptide deletion mutant was constructed. The deletion mutant was able to grow at a reduced rate in baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21). Mutant virus production in mouse fibroblasts (L929 cells), however, could be demonstrated only after inoculation of BHK-21 cells with the transfected L929 cells. Analysis of cellular and viral protein synthesis in mutant virus-infected cells showed a delayed inhibition of host cell protein synthesis and a reduced production of viral proteins. In a single-cycle infection, mutant virus produced only 1% of wild-type virus yield at 8 h postinfection. Host cell translation shutoff in L929 cells infected with mutant virus was restored by the addition of the kinase inhibitor 2-aminopurine. Mutant virus production in 2-aminopurine-treated L929 cells was increased to 60% of wild-type virus yield at 8 h postinfection. Our results suggest that the cardiovirus leader peptide is involved in the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Zhao DY  Tian QY  Li LH  Zhang WH 《Annals of botany》2007,100(3):497-503
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Root growth and development are closely dependent upon nitrate supply in the growth medium. To unravel the mechanism underlying dependence of root growth on nitrate, an examination was made of whether endogenous nitric oxide (NO) is involved in nitrate-dependent growth of primary roots in maize. METHODS: Maize seedlings grown in varying concentrations of nitrate for 7 d were used to evaluate the effects on root elongation of a nitric oxide (NO) donor (sodium nitroprusside, SNP), a NO scavenger (methylene blue, MB), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine, L-NNA), H(2)O(2), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and a nitric reducatse inhibitor (tungstate). The effects of these treatments on endogenous NO levels in maize root apical cells were investigated using a NO-specific fluorescent probe, 4, 5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2DA) in association with a confocal microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Elongation of primary roots was negatively dependent on external concentrations of nitrate, and inhibition by high external nitrate was diminished when roots were treated with SNP and IAA. MB and L-NNA inhibited root elongation of plants grown in low-nitrate solution, but they had no effect on elongation of roots grown in high-nitrate solution. Tungstate inhibited root elongation grown in both low- and high-nitrate solutions. Endogenous NO levels in root apices grown in high-nitrate solution were lower than those grown in low-nitrate solution. IAA and SNP markedly enhanced endogenous NO levels in root apices grown in high nitrate, but they had no effect on endogenous NO levels in root apical cells grown in low-nitrate solution. Tungstate induced a greater increase in the endogenous NO levels in root apical cells grown in low-nitrate solution than those grown in high-nitrate solution. CONCLUSIONS: Inhibition of root elongation in maize by high external nitrate is likely to result from a reduction of nitric oxide synthase-dependent endogenous NO levels in maize root apical cells.  相似文献   

Microtubule reorientation is a long-standing observation that has been implicated in regulating the inhibitory effect of ethylene on axial elongation of plant cells. However, the signaling mechanism underlying ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation has remained elusive. Here, we reveal, by live confocal imaging and kinetic root elongation assays, that the time courses of ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation and root elongation inhibition are highly correlated, and that microtubule reorientation is required for the full responsiveness of root elongation to ethylene treatment. Our genetic analysis demonstrated that the effect of ethylene on microtubule orientation and root elongation is mainly transduced through the canonical linear ethylene signaling pathway. By using pharmacological and genetic analyses, we demonstrate further that the TIR1/AFBs-Aux/IAAs-ARFs auxin signaling pathway, but not the ABP1-ROP6-RIC1 auxin signaling branch, is essential for ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation and root elongation inhibition. Together, these findings offer evidence for the functional significance and elucidate the signaling mechanism for ethylene-induced microtubule reorientation in fast root elongation inhibition in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Water stress restrains plant growth. Expansin is a cell wall protein that is generally accepted to be the key regulator of cell wall extension during plant growth. In this study, we used two different wheat cultivars to study the involvement of expansin in drought tolerance. Wheat coleoptile was used as the material in experiment. Our results indicated that water stress induced an increase in acidic pH-dependant cell wall extension, which is related to expansin activity; however, water stress inhibited coleoptile elongation growth. The increased expansin activity was mainly due to increased expression of expansin protein that was upregulated by water stress, but water stress also resulted in a decrease in cell wall acidity, a negative factor for cell wall extension. Decreased plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity was involved in the alkalinization of the cell wall under water stress. The activity of expansin in HF9703 (a drought-tolerant wheat cultivar) was always higher than that in 921842 (a drought-sensitive wheat cultivar) under both normal and water stress conditions, which may be correlated with the higher expansin protein expression and plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity observed in HF9703 versus 921842. However, water stress did not change the susceptibility of the wheat cell wall to expansin, and no difference in this susceptibility was observed between the drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive wheat cultivars. These results suggest the involvement of expansin in cell elongation and the drought resistance of wheat.  相似文献   

The pasticcino2 (pas2) mutant shows impaired embryo and seedling development associated with cell de-differentiation and proliferation. This process is specifically enhanced in presence of cytokinins leading to callus-like structure of the apical part of the seedling. Cell proliferation concerns localized and stochastic nodules of dividing cells. In absence of cytokinins, cell proliferation leads to small calli on stems but, most often, cell proliferation is associated with post-genital organ fusion. The PAS2 gene was identified by positional cloning. PAS2 expression was found in every plant organ and was not regulated by PAS1 and PAS3 genes. PAS2 encodes the Arabidopsis member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase-like (Ptpl) family, a new PTP family originally described in mice and humans and characterized by a mutated PTP active site. This family of proteins has a yeast homolog that is essential for cell viability. The absence of yeast PAS2 homolog can be functionally replaced by the Arabidopsis PAS2 protein, demonstrating that PAS2 function is conserved between higher and lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Although several glycine-rich protein (GRP) genes were isolated and characterized, very little is known about their function. The primary structure of AtGRP5 from Arabidopsis thaliana has a signal peptide followed by a region with high glycine content. In this work, green fluorescent protein fusions were obtained in order to characterize the sub-cellular localization of the AtGRP5 protein. The results indicated that this protein is the first described vacuolar GRP. Sense, antisense and RNAi transgenic A. thaliana plants were generated and analyzed phenotypically. Plants overexpressing AtGRP5 showed longer roots and an enhanced elongation of the inflorescence axis, while antisense and RNAi plants demonstrated the opposite phenotype. The analysis of a knockout T-DNA line corroborates the phenotypes obtained with the antisense and RNAi plants. Altogether, these results suggest that this vacuolar GRP could be involved in organ growth by promoting cell elongation processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Amanda Mangeon and Claudia Magioli contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of magnetic Dynabeads to purify microsomes from a crude microsomal fraction. A 28 kDa membrane-associated protein is proposed to mediate the binding of progesterone and other steroid hormones to ocular lens membranes and the rapid-nongenomic actions of these steroids. The subcellular location of this membrane steroid binding protein (MSBP) was probed by capture of organelles containing MSBP by magnetic beads displaying an antibody to a cytoplasmic domain of the protein. The beads were exposed to a crude microsomal fraction from lens epithelia. Western blotting was used to identify captured organelles and confirm the presence of MSBP. Microsomes and trace fiber cell plasma membrane were captured. Microsomes contained the 28 kDa MSBP. Lens fiber cell membrane contained a 55 kDa immunoreactive protein. The role of this serendipitously recognized protein in binding of steroids is unknown.  相似文献   

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