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An alternative domain near the ATP binding pocket of Drosophila myosin affects muscle fiber kinetics

Swank DM Braddock J Brown W Lesage H Bernstein SI Maughan DW 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(7):2427-2435
We examined the importance of alternative versions of a region near the ATP binding site of Drosophila myosin heavy chain for muscle mechanical properties. Previously, we exchanged two versions of this region (encoded by alternative exon 7s) between the indirect flight muscle myosin isoform (IFI) and an embryonic myosin isoform (EMB) and found, surprisingly, that in vitro solution actin-activated ATPase rates were increased (higher Vmax) by both exon exchanges. Here we examined the effect of increased ATPase rate on indirect flight muscle (IFM) fiber mechanics and Drosophila locomotion. IFM expressing EMB with the exon 7a domain replaced by the IFM specific exon 7d domain (EMB-7d) exhibited 3.2-fold greater maximum oscillatory power (Pmax) and 1.5-fold greater optimal frequency of power generation (fmax) versus fibers expressing EMB. In contrast, IFM expressing IFI with the exon 7d region replaced by the EMB exon 7a region (IFI-7a), showed no change in Pmax, fmax, step response, or isometric muscle properties compared to native IFI fibers. A slight decrement in IFI-7a flight ability was observed, suggesting a negative influence of the increased ATPase rate on Drosophila locomotion, perhaps due to energy supply constraints. Our results show that exon 7 plays a substantial role in establishing fiber speed and flight performance, and that the limiting step that sets ATPase rate in Drosophila myosin has little to no direct influence in setting fmax for fast muscle fiber types. 相似文献
Contribution of myosin rod protein to the structural organization of adult and embryonic muscles in Drosophila 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Polyák E Standiford DM Yakopson V Emerson CP Franzini-Armstrong C 《Journal of molecular biology》2003,331(5):1077-1091
Myosin rod protein (MRP) is a naturally occurring 155 kDa protein in Drosophila that includes the myosin heavy chain (MHC) rod domain, but contains a unique 77 amino acid residue N-terminal region that replaces the motor and light chain-binding domains of S1. MRP is a major component of myofilaments in certain direct flight muscles (DFMs) and it is present in other somatic, cardiac and visceral muscles in adults, larvae and embryos, where it is coexpressed and polymerized into thick filaments along with MHC. DFM49 has a relatively high content of MRP, and is characterized by an unusually disordered myofibrillar ultrastructure, which has been attributed to lack of cross-bridges in the filament regions containing MRP. Here, we characterize in detail the structural organization of myofibrils in adult and embryonic Drosophila muscles containing various MRP/MHC ratios and in embryos carrying a null mutation for the single MHC gene. We examined MRP in embryonic body wall and intestinal muscles as well as in DFMs with consistent findings. In DFMs numbers 49, 53 and 55, MRP is expressed at a high level relative to MHC and is associated with disorder in the positioning of thin filaments relative to thick filaments in the areas of overlap. Embryos that express MRP in the absence of MHC form thick filaments that participate in the assembly of sarcomeres, suggesting that myofibrillogenesis does not depend on strong myosin-actin interactions. Further, although thick filaments are not well ordered, the relative positioning of thin filaments is fairly regular in MRP-only containing sarcomeres, confirming the hypothesis that the observed disorder in MRP/MHC containing wild-type muscles is due to the combined action between the functional behavior of MRP and MHC myosin heads. Our findings support the conclusion that MRP has an active function to modulate the contractile activity of muscles in which it is expressed. 相似文献
Miller BM Bloemink MJ Nyitrai M Bernstein SI Geeves MA 《Journal of molecular biology》2007,368(4):1051-1066
Drosophila expresses several muscle myosin isoforms from a single gene by alternatively splicing six of the 19 exons. Here we investigate exon 7, which codes for a region in the upper 50 kDa domain near the nucleotide-binding pocket. This region is of interest because it is also the place where a large insert is found in myosin VI and where several cardiomyopathy mutations have been identified in human cardiac myosin. We expressed and purified chimeric muscle myosins from Drosophila, each varying at exon 7. Two chimeras exchanged the entire exon 7 domain between the indirect flight muscle (IFI, normally containing exon 7d) and embryonic body wall muscle (EMB, normally containing exon 7a) isoforms to create IFI-7a and EMB-7d. The second two chimeras replaced each half of the exon 7a domain in EMB with the corresponding portion of exon 7d to create EMB-7a/7d and EMB-7d/7a. Transient kinetic studies of the motor domain from these myosin isoforms revealed changes in several kinetic parameters between the IFI or EMB isoforms and the chimeras. Of significance were changes in nucleotide binding, which differed in the presence and absence of actin, consistent with a model in which the exon 7 domain is part of the communication pathway between the nucleotide and actin-binding sites. Homology models of the structures suggest how the exon 7 domain might modulate this pathway. 相似文献
Takashi Okumura Kiichiro Taniguchi Naotaka Nakazawa Ryo Hatori Reo Maeda 《Developmental biology》2010,344(2):693-706
Many animals exhibit stereotypical left-right (LR) asymmetry in their internal organs. The mechanisms of LR axis formation required for the subsequent LR asymmetric development are well understood, especially in some vertebrates. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying LR asymmetric morphogenesis, particularly how mechanical force is integrated into the LR asymmetric morphogenesis of organs, are poorly understood. Here, we identified zipper (zip), encoding a Drosophila non-muscle myosin II (myosin II) heavy chain, as a gene required for LR asymmetric development of the embryonic anterior midgut (AMG). Myosin II is known to directly generate mechanical force in various types of cells during morphogenesis and cell migration. We found that myosin II was involved in two events in the LR asymmetric development of the AMG. First, it introduced an LR bias to the directional position of circular visceral muscle (CVMU) cells, which externally cover the midgut epithelium. Second, it was required for the LR-biased rotation of the AMG. Our results suggest that myosin II in CVMU cells plays a crucial role in generating the force leading to LR asymmetric morphogenesis. Taken together with previous studies in vertebrates, the involvement of myosin II in LR asymmetric morphogenesis might be conserved evolutionarily. 相似文献
Covalent modification of cysteine 193 impairs ATPase function of nucleotide-binding domain of a Candida drug efflux pump 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Jha S Karnani N Lynn AM Prasad R 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2003,310(3):869-875
N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) impairs the ATPase function of N-terminal NBD of Candida drug resistance gene product Cdr1p. To identify the reactive cysteine(s) for such a contribution, we adopted a three-arm approach that included covalent modification, cysteine mutagenesis, and structure homology modeling. The covalent modification results clearly indicate the ability of NEM and iodoacetic acid (IAA) to potently inhibit the ATPase activity of N-terminal NBD. Since this domain contains five cysteine residues in its sequence, we mutated each and found four of these (C325A, C363A, C402A, and C462A) to stay sensitive to NEM/IAA modification and influence ATPase activity, while C193A mutation completely abrogated the catalytic function. The structural homology modeling data further validate these biochemical findings by ruling out any plausible interactions within the cysteine residues, and deriving the importance of Cys-193 in lying at a bond length clearly feasible to interact with ATP and divalent cation to critically influence ATP hydrolysis. 相似文献
The RNA-binding protein Arrest (Bruno) regulates alternative splicing to enable myofibril maturation in Drosophila flight muscle

Maria L Spletter Christiane Barz Assa Yeroslaviz Cornelia Schönbauer Irene R S Ferreira Mihail Sarov Daniel Gerlach Alexander Stark Bianca H Habermann Frank Schnorrer 《EMBO reports》2015,16(2):178-191
Taniguchi K Hozumi S Maeda R Ooike M Sasamura T Aigaki T Matsuno K 《Developmental biology》2007,311(1):251-263
Although bilateral animals appear to have left-right (LR) symmetry from the outside, their internal organs often show directional and stereotypical LR asymmetry. The mechanisms by which the LR axis is established in vertebrates have been extensively studied. However, how each organ develops its LR asymmetric morphology with respect to the LR axis is still unclear. Here, we showed that Drosophila Jun N-terminal kinase (D-JNK) signaling is involved in the LR asymmetric looping of the anterior-midgut (AMG) in Drosophila. Mutant embryos of puckered (puc), which encodes a D-JNK phosphatase, showed random laterality of the AMG. Directional LR looping of the AMG required D-JNK signaling to be down-regulated by puc in the trunk visceral mesoderm. Not only the down-regulation, but also the activation of D-JNK signaling was required for the LR asymmetric looping. We also found that the LR asymmetric cell rearrangement in the circular visceral muscle (CVM) was regulated by D-JNK signaling and required for the LR asymmetric looping of the AMG. Rac1, a Rho family small GTPase, augmented D-JNK signaling in this process. Our results also suggest that a basic mechanism for eliciting LR asymmetric gut looping may be conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. 相似文献
Structure of a Drosophila sigma class glutathione S-transferase reveals a novel active site topography suited for lipid peroxidation products 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Agianian B Tucker PA Schouten A Leonard K Bullard B Gros P 《Journal of molecular biology》2003,326(1):151-165
Insect glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) are grouped in three classes, I, II and recently III; class I (Delta class) enzymes together with class III members are implicated in conferring resistance to insecticides. Class II (Sigma class) GSTs, however, are poorly characterized and their exact biological function remains elusive. Drosophila glutathione S-transferase-2 (GST-2) (DmGSTS1-1) is a class II enzyme previously found associated specifically with the insect indirect flight muscle. It was recently shown that GST-2 exhibits considerable conjugation activity for 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a lipid peroxidation product, raising the possibility that it has a major anti-oxidant role in the flight muscle. Here, we report the crystal structure of GST-2 at 1.75A resolution. The GST-2 dimer shows the canonical GST fold with glutathione (GSH) ordered in only one of the two binding sites. While the GSH-binding mode is similar to other GST structures, a distinct orientation of helix alpha6 creates a novel electrophilic substrate-binding site (H-site) topography, largely flat and without a prominent hydrophobic-binding pocket, which characterizes the H-sites of other GSTs. The H-site displays directionality in the distribution of charged/polar and hydrophobic residues creating a binding surface that explains the selectivity for amphipolar peroxidation products, with the polar-binding region formed by residues Y208, Y153 and R145 and the hydrophobic-binding region by residues V57, A59, Y211 and the C-terminal V249. A structure-based model of 4-HNE binding is presented. The model suggest that residues Y208, R145 and possibly Y153 may be key residues involved in catalysis. 相似文献
Kronert WA Dambacher CM Knowles AF Swank DM Bernstein SI 《Journal of molecular biology》2008,379(3):443-456
The relay domain of myosin is hypothesized to function as a communication pathway between the nucleotide-binding site, actin-binding site and the converter domain. In Drosophila melanogaster, a single myosin heavy chain gene encodes three alternative relay domains. Exon 9a encodes the indirect flight muscle isoform (IFI) relay domain, whereas exon 9b encodes one of the embryonic body wall isoform (EMB) relay domains. To gain a better understanding of the function of the relay domain and the differences imparted by the IFI and the EMB versions, we constructed two transgenic Drosophila lines expressing chimeric myosin heavy chains in indirect flight muscles lacking endogenous myosin. One expresses the IFI relay domain in the EMB backbone (EMB-9a), while the second expresses the EMB relay domain in the IFI backbone (IFI-9b). Our studies reveal that the EMB relay domain is functionally equivalent to the IFI relay domain when it is substituted into IFI. Essentially no differences in ATPase activity, actin-sliding velocity, flight ability at room temperature or muscle structure are observed in IFI-9b compared to native IFI. However, when the EMB relay domain is replaced with the IFI relay domain, we find a 50% reduction in actin-activated ATPase activity, a significant increase in actin affinity, abolition of actin sliding, defects in myofibril assembly and rapid degeneration of muscle structure compared to EMB. We hypothesize that altered relay domain conformational changes in EMB-9a impair intramolecular communication with the EMB-specific converter domain. This decreases transition rates involving strongly bound actomyosin states, leading to a reduced ATPase rate and loss of actin motility. 相似文献
K. Vijay Raghavan 《Development genes and evolution》1981,190(5):297-300
Summary Electrophoresis of myosin extracts from larvae and adult tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster under non-dissociating conditions indicate that two of the bands seen are myosins. They stain for Ca2+ ATPase activity and when cut and re-run under dissociating conditions are found to contain a myosin heavy chain that co-migrates with rabbit skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. One of the forms of myosin seen is found primarily in extracts from the leg. The other is common to the adult fibrillar flight muscles and the larval body wall muscles.The electrophoretic evidence for two myosin types is strengthened by the histochemical demonstration of two myofibrillar ATPases on the basis of their lability to acid or alkali preincubation. The myofibrillar ATPase in the leg and the Tergal Depressor of the Trochanter (TDT) are shown to be relatively acid labile and alkali stable. The larval body wall muscles and the adult fibrillar flight muscles have an ATPase which is acid stable and alkali labile. This distribution of the two myofibrillar ATPase coincides with that predicted by electrophoresis of extracts from whole tissue and also locates the two myosins to specific muscle types. 相似文献
GATA factors play an essential role in endodermal specification in both protostomes and deuterostomes. In Drosophila, the GATA factor gene serpent (srp) is critical for differentiation of the endoderm. However, the expression of srp disappears around stage 11, which is much earlier than overt differentiation occurs in the midgut, an entirely endodermal organ. We have identified another endoderm-specific Drosophila GATA factor gene, dGATAe. Expression of dGATAe is first detected at stage 8 in the endoderm, and its expression continues in the endodermal midgut throughout the life cycle. srp is required for expression of dGATAe, and misexpression of srp resulted in ectopic dGATAe expression. Embryos that either lacked dGATAe or were injected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) corresponding to dGATAe failed to express marker genes that are characteristic of differentiated midgut. Conversely, overexpression of dGATAe induced ectopic expression of endodermal markers even in the absence of srp activity. Transfection of the dGATAe cDNA also induced endodermal markers in Drosophila S2 cells. These studies provide an outline of the genetic pathway that establishes the endoderm in Drosophila. This pathway is triggered by sequential signaling through the maternal torso gene, a terminal gap gene, huckebein (hkb), and finally, two GATA factor genes, srp and dGATAe. 相似文献
A common motif found in invertebrate serine proteases involved in immunity and development is the clip domain, proposed to regulate catalytic activity or protein-protein interactions within proteolytic cascades. Snake functions in a cascade that patterns the Drosophila embryo, and provides an accessible model for exploring the structural requirements for clip domain function. We tested Snake zymogens bearing charged-to-alanine mutations in the clip domain for their ability to rescue embryos lacking endogenous Snake and for their interactions by S2 cell co-transfection with upstream Gastrulation Defective and downstream Easter in the protease cascade. Of 13 single and multiple substitutions, one double mutant in a predicted protruding region exhibited a severe defect in embryonic rescue but showed only minimal defects in the co-transfection assay. We discuss implications of these and other results for potential biological roles of the Snake clip domain and for use of the in vitro assay in predicting protease behavior. 相似文献
Iwamoto H Inoue K Matsuo T Yagi N 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2007,274(1623):2297-2305
In the asynchronous flight muscles of higher insects, the lattice planes of contractile filaments are strictly preserved along the length of each myofibril, making the myofibril a millimetre-long giant single multiprotein crystal. To examine how such highly ordered structures are formed, we recorded X-ray diffraction patterns of the developing flight muscles of Drosophila pupae at various developmental stages. To evaluate the extent of long-range myofilament lattice order, end-on myofibrillar microdiffraction patterns were recorded from isolated quick-frozen dorsal longitudinal flight muscle fibres. In addition, conventional whole-thorax diffraction patterns were recorded from live pupae to assess the extent of development of flight musculature. Weak hexagonal fluctuations of scattering intensity were observed in the end-on patterns as early as approximately 15 h after myoblast fusion, and in the following 30 h, clear hexagonally arranged reflection spots became a common feature. The result suggests that the framework of the giant single-crystal structure is established in an early phase of myofibrillogenesis. Combined with published electron microscopy results, a myofibril in fused asynchronous flight muscle fibres is likely to start as a framework with fixed lattice plane orientations and fixed sarcomere numbers, to which constituent proteins are added afterwards without altering this basic configuration. 相似文献
Surath K. Banerjee George J. Kaldor Sandra L. Livernois 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1988,83(1):55-63
Summary Subfragment-1 of rabbit atrial and thyrotoxic ventricular myosin (V1 isomyosin) has been prepared and purified by DEAF-cellulose column chromatography. Pyrophosphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns and column chromatographic profile of the atrial subfragment differ from those of thyrotoxic ventricular myosin subfragment-1. On the other hand, Ca2+, Mg2+ and actin-activated ATPase activities of these subfragments are identical. Comparison of the peptide mapping by limited proteolysis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate of the heavy and the light subunits of these subfragments reveals that the patterns for the heavy chain peptides of these subfragments are substantially similar but their light chain peptide patterns differ. The results suggest that the enzymatic and structural similarities that have been recognized between these isoenzymes using intact myosin hold true for the myosin subfragment-1.The differences between these subfragments are due to the differences in the light chains associated with them.Abbreviations EDTA
Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
- S1
myosin subfragment-1
- HC
Heavy Chain
- LC
Light Chain 相似文献
Calcineurin function is required for myofilament formation and troponin I isoform transition in Drosophila indirect flight muscle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mutations in the Drosophila calcineurin B2 gene cause the collapse of indirect flight muscles during mid stages of pupal development. Examination of cell fate-specific markers indicates that unlike mutations in genes such as vestigial, calcineurin B2 does not cause a shift in cell fate from indirect flight muscle to direct flight muscle. Genetic and molecular analyses indicate a severe reduction of myosin heavy chain gene expression in calcineurin B2 mutants, which accounts at least in part for the muscle collapse. Myofibrils in calcineurin B2 mutants display a variety of phenotypes, ranging from normal to a lack of sarcomeric structure. Calcineurin B2 also plays a role in the transition to an adult-specific isoform of troponin I during the late pupal stages, although the incompleteness of this transition in calcineurin B2 mutants does not contribute to the phenotype of muscle collapse. Together, these findings suggest a molecular basis for the indirect flight muscle hypercontractility phenotype observed in flies mutant for Drosophila calcineurin B2. 相似文献