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It is generally accepted that a bi-directional or reciprocal interaction occurs between the immune and neuroendocrine systems, and that this relationship is important for the appropriate physiological functioning of both systems. Similarly, an imbalance in this relationship may contribute to a number of pathologies, most notably those relating to stress. The aim of this article is to consider the interaction of cytokines with the adrenal medulla, a potentially important player in this relationship. The chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla release catecholamines and a range of biologically active peptides in response to a wide variety of stress-related signals. A growing body of evidence indicates that this stress response is influenced by, and in turn has influence upon, immune signalling. This brief review will focus primarily on the best-described adrenal medullary active cytokines, namely interferon-α, interleukin-6, interleukin-1α/β and tumour necrosis factor-α. In each case, three key issues will be addressed: the physiologically relevant source of the cytokine; the intracellular signalling events arising from activation of its receptor and finally the cellular consequences of such activation in terms of modulation of gene expression and the secretory output of the chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of Proenkephalin Synthesis in Adrenal Medullary Chromaffin Cells   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The synthesis of proenkephalin was assessed in primary cultures of bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells by incubation of the cells with [35S]methionine, digestion of proenkephalin-derived peptides with trypsin and carboxy-peptidase B, and quantitation of radioactivity incorporated into Met-enkephalin following reversed-phase HPLC. Nicotine, histamine, and vasoactive intestinal peptide each enhanced the rate of proenkephalin synthesis approximately 10-fold when examined between 16 and 32 h after the drug or hormone addition. Inclusion of nifedipine (1 microM) partially blocked the stimulatory effect of nicotine, but not that of vasoactive intestinal peptide or histamine, or proenkephalin synthesis. Theophylline, tetrabenazine, and angiotensin II also increased the rate of proenkephalin synthesis (three- to eight-fold). These increases in the apparent rate of proenkephalin synthesis were not attributable to altered [35S]methionine specific radioactivity or rates of turnover and did not reflect similar increases in total protein synthesis. The half-life for turnover of Met-enkephalin sequences was 3-4 days in the cultured chromaffin cell. These studies directly show that proenkephalin synthesis is the primary regulatory step in control of chromaffin cell opioid peptide content.  相似文献   

Abstract: Catecholamine secretion has been measured with electrochemical techniques from isolated, single adrenal medullary chromaffin cells with carbon-fiber microelectrodes. The electrode tip, which is of similar dimensions to the cell, is placed adjacent to the cell to enable the measurement of local secretion. Secretion is caused by exposing the cell to nanoliter volumes of solution containing nicotinic receptor agonists or depolarizing agents. The identification of secreted substances is made with cyclic voltammetry at both bare electrodes and electrodes coated with a perfluorinated cationexchange polymer. Catecholamine secretion is induced by nicotine (10–500 μ M ), carbamylcholine (1 m M ), and K+ (60 m M ). All agents that induce secretion lead to a broad envelope of secreted catecholamines on which sharp concentration spikes are superimposed. The concentration spikes can be monitored with a time resolution of tens of milliseconds when the electrodes are used in the amperometric mode. Release induced by nicotine and K+ is inhibited by Cd2+ (0.5 m M ), and hexamethonium selectively blocks the nicotineinduced secretion. The actions of nicotine are found to continue for a longer period of time than those of the other secretagogues tested.  相似文献   

Sodium/Proton Exchange in Cultured Bovine Adrenal Medullary Cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We investigated the presence of Na+/H+ exchange in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. The intracellular pH in control cells measured by 5,5-dimethyl[2-14C]oxazolidine-2,4-dione was 7.13 +/- 0.02 (n = 6). Removal of Na+ from the incubation medium shifted the intracellular pH down to 6.67 +/- 0.12 (n = 6). Reintroduction of Na+ to the medium caused a rapid recovery in intracellular pH to 7.20-7.30 that was associated with an increase in uptake of 22Na+ by the cells. Both increases in intracellular pH and uptake of 22Na+ were inhibited by amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange. The recovery of intracellular pH by addition of Na+ was partially inhibited by quinidine, another inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange, but not by 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, an anion-exchange (Cl-/HCO3-) inhibitor. Li+ could substitute for Na+ in the recovery of intracellular pH. Carbachol caused an increase in intracellular pH from 7.12 +/- 0.01 to 7.21 +/- 0.02 (n = 10). This increase in intracellular pH caused by carbachol was inhibited by amiloride. These results suggest the existence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange that regulates the intracellular pH in adrenal medullary cells.  相似文献   

The adenine nucleotide stores of cultured adrenal medullary cells were radiolabeled by incubating the cells with 32Pi and [3H]adenosine and the turnover, subcellular distribution, and secretion of the nucleotides were examined. ATP represented 84-88% of the labeled adenine nucleotides, ADP 11-13%, and AMP 1-3%. The turnover of 32P-adenine nucleotides and 3H-nucleotides was biphasic and virtually identical; there was an initial fast phase with a t1/2 of 3.5-4.5 h and a slow phase with a half-life varying from 7 to 17 days, depending upon the particular cell preparation. The t1/2 of the slow phase for labeled adenine nucleotides was the same as that for the turnover of labeled catecholamines. The subcellular distribution of labeled adenine nucleotides provides evidence that there are at least two pools of adenine nucleotides which make up the component with the long half-life. One pool, which contains the bulk of endogenous nucleotides (75% of the total), is present within the chromaffin vesicles; the subcellular localization of the second pool has not been identified. The studies also show that [3H]ATP and [32P]ATP are distributed differently within the cell; 3 days after labeling 75% of the [32P]ATP was present in chromaffin vesicles while only 35% of the [3H]ATP was present in chromaffin vesicles. Evidence for two pools of ATP with long half-lives and for the differential distribution of [32P]ATP and [3H]ATP was also obtained from secretion studies. Stimulation of cell cultures with nicotine or scorpion venom 24 h after labeling with [3H]adenosine and 32Pi released relatively twice as much catecholamine as 32P-labeled compounds and relatively three times as much catecholamine as 3H-labeled compounds.  相似文献   

Lead Enters Bovine Adrenal Medullary Cells Through Calcium Channels   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
Agents that stimulate secretion also accelerate the rate of Pb uptake into adrenal medullary cells. For example, when cells are suspended in a medium containing 5 microM Pb2+, depolarization by 77 mM K increases the rate of Pb uptake from 12 +/- 1 to 47 +/- 5 mumol/(L cells X min). K-induced Pb uptake has an apparent Km for Pb2+ of 2.6 microM, and is antagonized by Ca2+ with a K0.5 of 1.4 mM. The Ca channel blocker D-600 inhibits Pb entry with a K0.5 of 0.4 microM. Pb uptake is also stimulated by the Ca channel agonist BAY K 8644. These observations suggest that Pb passes through Ca channels. The permeability of the channels to Pb appears to be at least 10 times the permeability to Ca.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells contain a pool of ATP sequestered within the chromaffin vesicles and an extravesicular pool of ATP. In a previous study it was shown that the turnover of ATP in the extravesicular pool was biphasic. One phase occurred with a t1/2 of 3.5-4.5 h whereas the second phase occurred with a t1/2 of several days. The studies described here were undertaken to characterize further the vesicular and extravesicular pools of ATP by examining the effects of metabolic inhibitors, adenosine, and digitonin on ATP utilization and subcellular localization immediately after and 48 h after labeling with [3H]adenosine and 32Pi. Immediately after labeling a combination of cyanide, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, the beta-glucono-1,5-lactone resulted in a 90-95% depletion of the labeled ATP but only a 25% depletion of the endogenous ATP within 30 min. Forty-eight hours after labeling, addition of the inhibitors resulted in a 70% depletion of the [3H]ATP but only a 25% depletion of the [32P]ATP and endogenous ATP. Addition of 10 microM adenosine to the media resulted in a similar loss of [3H]ATP in cells examined immediately after or 48 h after labeling. Adenosine increased the amounts of [32P]ATP when added immediately after labeling but had no effect on the [32P]ATP content when added 48 h after labeling.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Both nicotine and histamine have been reported to increase cyclic AMP levels in chromaffin cells by Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms. The present study investigated whether Ca2+ was an adequate and sufficient signal for increasing cyclic AMP in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. Depolarization with 50 mM K+ caused a two- to three-fold increase in cellular cyclic AMP levels over 5 min, with no change in extracellular cyclic AMP. This response was abolished by omission of extracellular Ca2+ and by 100 microM methoxyverapamil, and was unaffected by 1 microM tetrodotoxin and by 1 mM isobutylmethylxanthine. Veratridine (40 microM) also increased cellular cyclic AMP levels by two- to fourfold. This response was abolished by either methoxyverapamil or tetrodotoxin. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 (10-50 microM) had little or no effect on cellular cyclic AMP levels. When the concentration of K+ used to depolarize the cells was reduced to 12-15 mM, the catecholamine release was similar to that induced by 50 microM A23187, and the cyclic AMP response was almost abolished. The results suggest that Ca2+ entry into chromaffin cells is a sufficient stimulus for increasing cellular cyclic AMP production. The possible involvement of a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent isozyme of adenylate cyclase is discussed.  相似文献   

Histamine activation of H1 receptors stimulates 3H release from cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells preloaded with [3H]noradrenaline. The initial (1-min) release induced by a high concentration of histamine was unaffected by the removal of extracellular Ca2+, whereas the more sustained response (10 min) was largely inhibited. In contrast, release induced by nicotine was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ at all times. The protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine inhibited both the initial and sustained (10-min) phases of histamine-induced release (IC50 in the region of 200 nM) but was ineffective against a direct depolarizing stimulus (56 mM K+). In contrast, the calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine was equally effective against both stimuli. These data indicate that although a staurosporine-sensitive event (perhaps involving protein kinase C) is essential for coupling histamine receptor activation to the release processes, it is not essential for exocytosis itself. A further distinction between histamine- and depolarization-induced release was demonstrated by the differential effect of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein inhibitor pertussis toxin. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (0.1 microgram/ml for 16 h) enhanced depolarization-induced release by approximately 1.5-fold. This pertussis toxin pretreatment was, however, approximately twofold as effective in potentiating histamine-evoked release. Thus, the characteristics of the histaminergic response are distinct from those of a depolarizing stimulus, perhaps indicating the involvement of different mechanisms in the release process.  相似文献   

The effect of choline deficiency on the composition and biosynthesis of the major membrane phospholipids was examined in adrenal medullary cells maintained in suspension cultures. The amount and proportions of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in these cells were not affected by the removal of choline from the culture media. However, the rate of biosynthesis of choline at the phosphatide level by the stepwise methylation of PE increased twofold within 24 h after choline was removed from the culture media, while ethanolamine incorporation into PE was increased by 50%. In contrast, the rate of incorporation of labeled choline into PC, presumably via CDP-choline, was virtually identical in cells that had been preincubated in the presence or absence of 1 mM choline. These results demonstrate that cultured cells of neural origin are capable of compensating for lack of exogenous choline by forming choline at the phosphatide level through the sequential methylation of PE. The hypolipidemic drug, DH-990, when added to the culture media, inhibited conversion of phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine (PME) to PC, but had no effect on the N-methylation of PE. This differential effect indicates that the initial N-methylation of PE is catalyzed by an enzyme that is distinguishable from the enzyme(s) catalyzing the conversion of PME to PC.  相似文献   

Abstract: Histamine stimulation of bovine adrenal medullary cells rapidly activated phospholipase C. [3H]Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [[3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3] levels were transiently increased (200% of basal values between 1 and 5 s) before declining to a new steady-state level of ~140% of basal values. [3H]Inositol 1,4-bisphosphate [[3H]Ins(1,4)P2] content increased to a maximal and maintained level of 250% of basal values after 1 s, whereas levels of [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate [[3H]-Ins(1,3,4)P3], [3H]inositol 1,3-bisphosphate, and [3H]-inositol 4-monophosphate ([3H]Ins4P) increased more slowly. The rapid responses were not reduced by the removal of extracellular Ca2+, but they were no longer sustained over time. The turnover rates of selected inositol phosphate isomers have been estimated in the intact cell. [3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3 was rapidly metabolized (t1/2 of 11 s), whereas the other isomers were metabolized more slowly, with t1/2 values of 113, 133, 104, and 66 s for [3H]Ins(1,3,4)P3, [3H]Ins(1,4)P2, an unresolved mixture of [3H]inositol 1- and 3-monophosphate ([3H]Ins1/3P), and [3H]Ins4P, respectively. The calculated turnover rate of [3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3 was sufficient to account for the turnover of the combination of both [3H]Ins(1,4)P2 and [3H]Ins(1,3,4)P3 but not that of [3H]Ins1/3P or [3H]Ins4P. These observations demonstrate that histamine stimulation of these cells results in a complex Ca2+-dependent and -independent response that may involve the hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids in addition to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.  相似文献   

Histamine can cause the release of catecholamines from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells by a mechanism distinct from that of the depolarizing agents nicotine or high K+ buffer. It was the aim of this study to determine the protein phosphorylation responses to histamine in these cells and to compare them with those induced by depolarization. A number of proteins showed increases in phosphorylation in response to histamine especially when analyzed on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or by phosphopeptide mapping; one protein of 20,000 daltons was markedly dephosphorylated. Emphasis was given to the effects of histamine on tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH) phosphorylation, because this protein showed the most prominent changes on one-dimensional gels. Histamine acted via H1 receptors to increase TOH phosphorylation; the response was blocked by the H1 antagonist mepyramine and could be mimicked by the H1 agonist thiazolylethylamine, but not by the H2 agonist dimaprit. The H3 agonist (R) alpha-methylhistamine increased TOH phosphorylation at high concentrations, but the response was blocked entirely by mepyramine. Histamine rapidly increased the phosphorylation of TOH, with a maximum reached within 5 s and maintained for at least 30 min. This was in marked contrast to nicotine-stimulated protein phosphorylation of TOH, which was rapidly desensitized. The initial phosphorylation response to histamine was independent of extracellular Ca2+ for at least 3 min, but the sustained response required extracellular Ca2+. This was in contrast to the situation with both nicotine and high K+ buffer, which under the conditions used here caused a response which was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ at all times investigated. In the presence of histamine, the phosphopeptide profiles for TOH were essentially the same with or without Ca2+, suggesting that the same protein kinases were involved, but at longer times there was evidence of new phosphorylation sites. The mechanism or mechanisms whereby histamine modulates TOH phosphorylation are discussed with emphasis on the differences from depolarizing agents.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of ascorbic acid in norepinephrine biosynthesis was studied using digitonin-permeabilized chromaffin cells. When permeabilized chromaffin cells were incubated with [3H]3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine ([3H]dopamine) in calcium-free medium, the amounts of radioactive dopamine and norepinephrine measured in the cell fraction were increased as a function of incubation time and dopamine concentration. Both the accumulation of dopamine and the formation of norepinephrine were shown to require the presence of Mg-ATP in the medium. These results indicate that the permeabilization of chromaffin cells by digitonin treatment does not disrupt the functions of chromaffin granules, including dopamine uptake, norepinephrine formation, and storage of these amines. Using this permeabilized cell system, the effect of ascorbic acid on the rates of dopamine uptake and hydroxylation was investigated. The formation of norepinephrine was stimulated by ascorbic acid at concentrations of 0.5-2 mM in the presence of Mg-ATP. By contrast, dopamine uptake was not affected by the presence or absence of ascorbic acid in the medium. These findings provide evidence that ascorbic acid may stimulate the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine by increasing dopamine beta monooxygenase activity rather than by increasing the substrate supply of dopamine. These observations also suggest that the rate of norepinephrine biosynthesis in adrenal medullary cells may be regulated by the concentration of ascorbic acid within the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that exocytosis is a possible export route for calcium from bovine adrenal medullary cells. After prelabelling cells in primary tissue culture with 45Ca, evoked 45Ca export and catecholamine secretion show the same time course, a similar fraction of the total pool of 45Ca and catecholamine is released, and the same concentrations of carbamylcholine or KCl are required for half-maximal triggered release. Increasing the osmolarity of the extracellular medium or treating the cells with botulinum toxin type D inhibits both evoked catecholamine secretion and 45Ca export to the same extent without inhibiting 45Ca influx. Incorporation of 45Ca into chromaffin granules is very slow, however, and incorporated 45Ca is not immediately releasable. 45Ca entering the cell during short-term stimulation is not found in the releasable pool during a second period of triggered secretion. Our data suggest that chromaffin granules are the largest pool of intracellular calcium in bovine adrenal medullary cells and that most of the calcium in chromaffin granules does not rapidly exchange with cytoplasmic Ca, but can be released directly by exocytosis. Exocytosis does not appear to play a major role in exporting Ca that enters the cell during short-term stimulation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of long-term treatment with interferon (IFN)-α on the noradrenaline transporter of bovine adrenal medullary cells. Treatment of cultured adrenal medullary cells with IFN-α caused a decrease in uptake of [3H]noradrenaline by the cells in time (4–48 h)- and concentration (300–1,000 U/ml)-dependent manners. IFN-β also inhibited [3H]noradrenaline uptake to a lesser extent than did IFN-α, whereas IFN-γ had little effect. An anti-IFN-α antibody reduced the effect of IFN-α on [3H]noradrenaline uptake. Saturation analysis of [3H]noradrenaline uptake showed that the inhibitory effect of IFN-α was due to a reduction in the maximal uptake velocity ( V max) values without altering apparent Michaelis constant ( K m) values. Incubation of cells with IFN-α caused a translocation of protein kinase C from the soluble to the particulate fraction in the cells. The effect of IFN-α on [3H]noradrenaline uptake was diminished in protein kinase C-down-regulated cells. Incubation of cells with IFN-α for 48 h significantly reduced the specific binding of [3H]desipramine to crude plasma membranes isolated from cells. Scatchard analysis of [3H]desipramine binding revealed that IFN-α decreased the maximal binding ( B max) values without any change in the dissociation constant ( K D) values. These findings suggest that IFN-α suppresses the function of noradrenaline transporter by reducing the density of the transporter in cell membranes through, at least in part, a protein kinase C pathway.  相似文献   

Lead buffers (citrate and Tiron) were used to investigate the effects of low concentrations (0.1-6 microM) of Pb2+ on stimulus-secretion coupling in isolated bovine chromaffin cells. Nicotinic agonists and high K elicit secretion by enhancing Ca2+ influx into chromaffin cells. Pb2+ inhibited the catecholamine secretion in response to 500 microM carbachol and 77 mM K+ depolarization but was without significant effect on basal secretion. Pb2+ also inhibited the influx of 45Ca occurring in response to these agents. The K0.5 values for inhibition suggest that the carbachol-evoked flux is more sensitive to Pb2+ than influx in response to a direct depolarization. When extracellular calcium was lowered in the absence of Pb2+, both secretion and 45Ca entry were reduced. The effects of Pb2+ were comparable to those of lowered Ca2+. 22Na influx through nicotinic receptor-mediated channels, measured in the presence of tetrodotoxin (2 microM) and ouabain (50 microM), was inhibited by Pb2+. The results suggest that Pb2+ inhibits exocytotic catecholamine secretion by inhibiting Ca2+ influx. The differential sensitivity to Pb2+ of K- and carbachol-evoked 45Ca flux, coupled with the 22Na measurements, indicates that Pb2+ inhibits the movement of ions through acetylcholine-induced channels as well as through voltage-sensitive calcium channels.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory suggest that protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the angiotensin II (AII)-induced increase in the expression of genes encoding proenkephalin and catecholamine biosynthesizing enzymes in primary cultured bovine adrenal medullary (BAM) cells. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of [Sar1]-AII (S1-AII), an AII agonist, on PKC activity in BAM cells. Thirty-minute incubation with S1-AII produced a dose-dependent activation of PKC. The particulate PKC activity was significantly increased by 2 nM S1-AII after both 30 min and 12 h of incubation. A high concentration of S1-AII (200 nM) caused an increase in particulate PKC activity after 30 min of incubation and this increase was still observed after 18 h of continuous incubation. [Sar1, Thr8]-angiotensin II (S1, T8-AII) (100 microM), an AII antagonist, inhibited the effect of S1-AII (20 nM) on PKC activity, suggesting a specific AII receptor-mediated effect. An increase in BAM cell particulate PKC immunoreactivity after 18 h of S1-AII treatment was observed in Western blot analysis of PKC-immunoreactive protein (82 kDa). The persistent activation of PKC seen in this study is consistent with our hypothesis that PKC may mediate the S1-AII-induced increase in the expression of genes encoding proenkephalin and catecholamine synthesizing enzymes in BAM cells.  相似文献   

The distribution and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPs) were investigated in bovine adrenal medulla. (1) Cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells (2 x 10(6)/dish) contained 100.4 +/- 6.0 fmol of immunoreactive ANP (IR-ANP) and 207.3 +/- 6.6 nmol of catecholamines as epinephrine plus norepinephrine. (2) Stimulation of nicotinic but not muscarinic acetylcholine receptors caused a cosecretion of IR-ANP and catecholamines corresponding to the ratio of IR-ANP to catecholamines in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. (3) Carbachol-stimulated secretion of IR-ANP was dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+. (4) Chromaffin granules isolated from bovine adrenal medulla contained large amounts of IR-ANP and catecholamines, in the same ratio as did cultured adrenal medullary cells. (5) Reverse-phase HPLC analysis showed that both stored and secreted IR-ANP consisted of two components, which eluted at the position of ANP(99-126) or ANP(1-126). These results indicate that ANPs are stored as ANP(99-126) and ANP(1-126) in chromaffin granules, and are cosecreted in parallel with catecholamines in a Ca2+-dependent manner by the stimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.  相似文献   

The in vivo storage relationship between catecholamines and ATP in chromaffin vesicles of cultured bovine adrenal medulla cells was investigated using drugs that block vesicular catecholamine uptake. Three-day treatments with reserpine and tetrabenazine causing 85-90% depletion of catecholamines resulted in 41-46% reductions in cellular ATP content. Subcellular fractionation of reserpine-treated cells indicated that the ATP is lost from the chromaffin vesicle pool. This was confirmed in experiments using metabolic inhibitors to differentiate the vesicular and extravesicular ATP pools. The vesicular ATP loss was not proportional to that of catecholamines, resulting in a reduction by 50% in the chromaffin vesicle mole ratio of catecholamines to ATP after 48 h of treatment. In metabolic labeling studies, it was found that reserpine treatment reduced the incorporation of [3H]adenosine into vesicular ATP selectively, but it reduced the incorporation of 32Pi into both the vesicular and extravesicular pools. The reduction of the [3H]adenosine incorporation was not due to diminished vesicular nucleotide uptake resulting from low catecholamine levels, because when the catecholamines were depleted by tetrabenazine pretreatment followed by removal of the drug before labeling, no reduction in [3H]adenosine incorporation was observed. When present during the labeling, tetrabenazine was found to be a reversible inhibitor of plasma membrane adenosine uptake. The observed loss of adenine nucleotides from catecholamine-depleted chromaffin vesicles in vivo provides evidence that interactions between ATP and catecholamines are important in the vesicular storage of high concentration of these compounds.  相似文献   

Abstract: The tyrosine hydroxylase gene is expressed specifically in catecholaminergic cells, and its activity is regulated by afferent stimuli. To characterize molecular mechanisms underlying those regulations, we have constructed chimeric genes consisting of bovine tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoters (wild-type or deletion mutants) and a luciferase reporter gene. The basal expression of these genes and their regulation by angiotensin II were examined in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. Luciferase activity was normalized to the amount of transfected plasmid DNA. A pTHgoodLUC plasmid containing the -428/+21-bp fragment of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoter expressed luciferase activity at severalfold higher levels than the promoterless pOLUC plasmid. Deletion of the -194/-54-bp promoter fragment containing POU/Oct, SP1, and other putative regulatory elements increased luciferase expression fivefold. An additional deletion further upstream (-269/-194 bp), including a 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)-responsive element (TRE)-like site, reduced promoter activity. These results indicate the presence of negatively and positively acting regions in the bovine tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoter controlling basal promoter activity in adrenal medullary cells. Angiotensin II stimulated the expression of endogenous tyrosine hydroxylase gene and pTHgood-LUC approximately threefold without affecting the expression of pOLUC. A comparable threefold stimulation was observed following the deletion of the -194/-54-bp promoter region, despite the increase in basal promoter activity. Additional deletion of the -269/-194-bp promoter fragment reduced stimulation by angiotensin II to 1.5-fold. These results indicate that the angiotensin II receptor-responsive element is located in the -269/-194-bp promoter region containing the TRE-like site. Additional angiotensin II-responsive site(s) may be present outside this region. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated constitutive and angiotensin II-induced protein binding to the tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoter. Some DNA-protein complexes were displaced with c-Fos antibodies. The results suggest that c-Fos-related antigens support basal promoter activity and mediate activation of tyrosine hydroxylase by angiotensin II receptor.  相似文献   

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