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1. Habitat loss and fragmentation potentially affect the performance of bees that forage nectar and pollen of plants in their habitats. In forest landscapes, silvicultural conifer plantations often have reduced and fragmented natural broadleaf forests, which seem to provide more floral resources for bees than do the plantations. 2. This study evaluated the effects of forest characteristics (i.e. elevation, area, edge length, and tree size of natural forests) on pollen diets (plant taxa assemblages of pollen grains in provisions) and total provision mass in oviposited chambers in nests made by a standardised number of Osmia cornifrons bees at 14 sites in a forestry area in central Japan. 3. From April to May, the numbers of nests and chambers per nest increased, and the provision mass per chamber decreased. Main pollen sources were Prunus at higher elevations in April and Wisteria at lower elevations in May, foraging on which increased the numbers of nests and chambers per nest. The provision mass per chamber was smaller at higher elevations in more fragmented natural forests. Decreases in the area of natural forests within the foraging range (400‐m radii) of O. cornifrons increased the utilisation of Rubus pollen and decreased the total provision mass. 4. These findings suggest that the loss and fragmentation of natural broadleaf forests change pollen diets and reduce the provision mass of mason bees, which may reduce the number and size of their offspring.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2010, 2178.5 km of transect was walked and 76 leopard scats counted in the Mt. Rungwe–Kitulo landscape. The number of scats per 10 km ranged between 0 and 0.83 in Mt Rungwe and between 0 and 1.41 in Kitulo. Leopards chiefly selected bamboo forest between 2500 and 2950 m asl. Some 126 interviews revealed that leopards were encountered more in the 1980s than latterly. Leopards used to attack livestock, but in the 1960s and 1970s, were heavily poisoned. We analysed 59 scats for undigested materials and compared them to a hair reference atlas. Some 135 different prey items were found, with an average of 2.3 items per scat. Some 14 samples were identified to species level and four to genus level. The average prey body weight was 5.9 kg. The diet was dominated by small mammals and rodent species up to 5.0 kg (59.57%) of biomass, followed by carnivores (29.14%), primate species (8.91%) and small rodents <1 kg (2.24%). The highest relative biomass consumed was prey classes of 1.1–5.0 kg (61.06%), followed by prey 5.1–50 kg (35.22%) and small rodents <1 kg (2.24%). The total absence of ungulate prey and conservation implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Insects are exposed to a variety of potential pathogens in their environment, many of which can severely impact fitness and health. Consequently, hosts have evolved resistance and tolerance strategies to suppress or cope with infections. Hosts utilizing resistance improve fitness by clearing or reducing pathogen loads, and hosts utilizing tolerance reduce harmful fitness effects per pathogen load. To understand variation in, and selective pressures on, resistance and tolerance, we asked to what degree they are shaped by host genetic background, whether plasticity in these responses depends upon dietary environment, and whether there are interactions between these two factors. Females from ten wild‐type Drosophila melanogaster genotypes were kept on high‐ or low‐protein (yeast) diets and infected with one of two opportunistic bacterial pathogens, Lactococcus lactis or Pseudomonas entomophila. We measured host resistance as the inverse of bacterial load in the early infection phase. The relationship (slope) between fly fecundity and individual‐level bacteria load provided our fecundity tolerance measure. Genotype and dietary yeast determined host fecundity and strongly affected survival after infection with pathogenic P. entomophila. There was considerable genetic variation in host resistance, a commonly found phenomenon resulting from for example varying resistance costs or frequency‐dependent selection. Despite this variation and the reproductive cost of higher P. entomophila loads, fecundity tolerance did not vary across genotypes. The absence of genetic variation in tolerance may suggest that at this early infection stage, fecundity tolerance is fixed or that any evolved tolerance mechanisms are not expressed under these infection conditions.  相似文献   

Annual Finnish breeding duck surveys over the last 30 years show declining abundance among several species and greater declines on eutrophic waters than oligotrophic lakes. It has been suggested that habitat-related differences in the rate of increase in predation pressure is a potential explanation for contrasting duck population trajectories between habitats. We assessed potential duck nest predation risk and predator presence in various duck breeding habitats in Finland and Denmark by monitoring 333 artificial duck nests with wildlife cameras during 2017–2019. Predation rates differed between landscapes and habitats: nest predation rate and predator diversity were lowest in forested and highest in agricultural landscapes. Forest nests further from water bodies survived better than nests around shorelines of permanent lakes. Of the 16 different predator species detected, the most common were Eurasian magpie (Picapica), hooded crow (Corvus corone) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). While predation by specific native predator species was typically associated with particular habitats and landscapes, the alien raccoon dog appeared to be a true habitat generalist, ubiquitous and common across all habitats and landscapes. Based on these results, the higher duck nest predation pressure along shorelines, especially in agricultural landscape lakes, due to increased diversity and abundance within the predator community, may contribute to the declining population trends of ducks.  相似文献   

While most ecologists agree that the effects of fragmentation on diversity of organisms are predominantly negative and that the scale of fragmentation defines their severity, the role of habitat corridors in mitigating those effects still remains controversial. This ambiguousness rests largely on various difficulties in experimentation, a problem partially solved in the present paper by the use of easily manipulated soil communities. In this 2.5‐year‐long field experiment, we investigated the responses of soil decomposer organisms (from microbes to mesofaunal predators) to habitat fragment size, in the presence or absence of habitat corridors connecting the fragments. The habitat fragments and corridors, composed of forest humus soil, were embedded in mineral soil representing an uninhabitable (or nonpreferred) matrix for the decomposer organisms. The results demonstrate that soil decomposer organisms do respond to changes in their habitat size: the species richness of microarthropods (mites and collembolans) increased as the size of the fragments increased. Especially collembolan species and predatory mites proved to be sensitive to the restricted habitat size, which is suggested to be a consequence of the large proportion of rare species and small and fluctuating population sizes in these groups. Contrary to our expectations, the presence of corridors had no positive effects on species richness or abundance of any of the studied faunas, possibly because of the low quality of the corridors. On the other hand, the biomass of soil fungi increased in the presence of corridors, which apparently provided a preferred pathway for vegetative dispersal of the fungi. Our results indicate that despite their characteristic underground environment, the response of soil decomposer organisms – in particular that of microarthropods – to habitat size is not unlike to that of the larger organisms in aboveground habitats.  相似文献   

The effects of isolation-related and vegetational parameters on presence and relative abundance of snakes in patchy forested fragments of Mediterranean central Italy are studied. The most abundant species was Coluber viridiflavus (accounting for 47.7% of the total snake sample observed) followed by Vipera aspis (22%), Elaphe longissima (21.5%), Natrix natrix (7.7%), and Coronella austriaca (1.1%). There was a clear trend for bigger species to be less distributed among the various forest fragments than the smaller species. Presence of Coluber viridiflavus, Coronella austriaca and Natrix natrix was not influenced by woodland area, whereas that of Vipera aspis and Elaphe longissima was positively influenced by woodland area. Woodland isolation parameters did not influence the presence of Coluber viridiflavus, Coronella austriaca and Natrix natrix, but of Vipera aspis and Elaphe longissima. Discriminant stepwise analysis suggested that specific environmental features influenced the occurrence and abundance of the various snake species, Vipera aspis being the taxon more affected by isolation-related parameters. Some conservation implications of our observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Habitat loss and fragmentation are the main causes of changes in the distribution and abundance of organisms, and are usually considered to negatively affect the abundance and species richness of organisms in a landscape. Nevertheless, habitat loss and fragmentation have often been confused, and the reported negative effects may only be the result of habitat loss alone, with habitat fragmentation having nil or even positive effects on abundance and species richness.
2. Manipulated alfalfa micro-landscapes and coccinellids (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are used to test the effects habitat loss (0% or 84%), fragmentation (4 or 16 fragments), and isolation (2 or 6 m between fragments) on the density, species richness, and distribution of native and exotic species of coccinellids.
3. Generally, when considering only the individuals in the remaining fragments, habitat loss had variable effects while habitat fragmentation had a positive effect on the density of two species of coccinellids and on species richness, but did not affect two other species. Isolation usually had no effect. When individuals in the whole landscape were considered, negative effects of habitat loss became apparent for most species, but the positive effects of fragmentation remained only for one species.
4. Native and exotic species of coccinellids did not segregate in the different landscapes, and strong positive associations were found most often in landscapes with higher fragmentation and isolation.
5. The opposing effects of habitat loss and fragmentation may result in a nil global effect; therefore it is important to separate their effects when studying populations in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

1. Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to biodiversity because it disrupts movement between habitat patches. In addition, arthropod fitness may be reduced in fragmented habitats, e.g. due to reduced prey availability. 2. We studied the relationship of spider body condition with habitat fragmentation, population density, and prey availability. We expected that prey availability and population density of spiders would be affected by landscape composition and patch isolation. Body condition should be enhanced by high prey availability, but negatively affected by population density due to competition. 3. We sampled spiders on 30 groups of cherry trees that varied independently in the level of isolation from other woody habitats and in the percentage of woody habitat within 500 m radius. As a measure of body condition, we used residuals of the relationship between individual body mass/opisthosoma width and prosoma width of the two most common orb‐weaving spider species, Nuctenea umbratica Clerck and Araniella opisthographa Kulczynski. 4. Body condition of A. opisthographa was positively correlated with the abundance of flies, which increased with the percentage of forest in the landscape. In contrast, body condition of N. umbratica was reduced at high population densities, presumably due to intraspecific competition. In addition, body condition and population density of A. opisthographa was lower at isolated sites. 5. Our study suggests that effects of landscape fragmentation on body condition vary strongly between spider species, depending on the relative role of food limitation and intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

The geographical characteristics of a total of 1839 forest fragments surrounded by sugar cane fields were studied in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest region of the northeastern state of Pernambuco. The size and shape of the fragments as well as inter-fragment distances and the effects of varying edge width were examined using a geographical information system. The analyses show that the fragments are relatively small and close to each other. Approximately 48% of the rain forest fragments are <10 hectares, while only about 7% are >100 hectares. Forest fragments are close to each other, as fragments located 50m or less apart formed groups that included ca. 50% of the total forest area. At 350m inter-fragment distance, 98% of the rain forest area was included in groups of fragments. Due to the small size and irregular shape of the fragments, the total area of edge zone exceeds that of the interior habitat when the edge width is ca. 60m. At an edge width of 300m ca. 94% of the total fragment area is edge zone. For conservation purposes, ways of establishing networks of forest fragments connected by corridors and stepping stone fragments are demonstrated using GIS. Simulations using these techniques show that reforestation of sugar cane fields between the forest fragments would considerably increase the area of interior forest habitat and connectivity between fragments.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are often highly variable in size within populations due to their close link with the physical condition of individuals. Nutrition has a large impact on physical condition, and thus, any seasonal changes in nutritional quality are predicted to alter the average size of sexually selected traits as well as the degree of sexual dimorphism in populations. However, although traits affected by mate choice are well studied, we have a surprising lack of knowledge of how natural variation in nutrition affects the expression of sexually selected weapons and sexual dimorphism. Further, few studies explicitly test for differences in the heritability and mean‐scaled evolvability of sexually selected traits across conditions. We studied Narnia femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae), an insect where males use their hind legs as weapons and the femurs are enlarged, to understand the extent to which weapon expression, sexual dimorphism and evolvability change across the actual range of nutrition available in the wild. We found that insects raised on a poor diet (cactus without fruit) are nearly monomorphic, whereas those raised on a high‐quality diet (cactus with ripe fruit) are distinctly sexually dimorphic via the expression of large hind leg weapons in males. Contrary to our expectations, we found little evidence of a potential for evolutionary change for any trait measured. Thus, although we show weapons are highly condition dependent, and changes in weapon expression and dimorphism could alter evolutionary dynamics, our populations are unlikely to experience further evolutionary changes under current conditions.  相似文献   

Most tropical insectivorous birds, unlike their temperate counterparts, hold and defend a feeding and breeding territory year-around. However, our understanding of ecological factors influencing territory selection and size in tropical insectivores is limited. Here we examine three prominent hypotheses relating food abundance, food dispersion (spatial arrangement of food items), and habitat structure to territoriality in the Usambara Thrush Turdus roehli. We first compared leaf-litter macro-invertebrate abundance and dispersion, and habitat structure between territories and random sites. We then examined the relation between these same ecological factors and territory size. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion were sparsely and evenly distributed across our study system and did not vary between territories and random sites. In contrast, habitat structure did vary between territories and random sites indicating the Usambara Thrush selects territories with open understorey and closed overstorey habitat. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion within territories of the Usambara Thrush were not associated with habitat structure. We believe the most likely explanation for the Usambara Thrush’s preference for open understorey and closed overstorey habitat relates to foraging behavior. Using information-theoretic model selection we found that invertebrate abundance was the highest-ranked predictor of territory size and was inversely related, consistent with food value theory of territoriality.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigated whether habitat fragmentation at the landscape level influences patch occupancy and abundance of the black‐headed gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, and whether the response of the species to environmental factors is consistent across replicated landscape plots. Location Water bodies (habitat patches) in southern Poland. Methods Surveys were conducted in two landscape types (four plots in each): (1) more‐fragmented landscape, in which habitat patches were small (mean size 2.2–6.2 ha) and far apart (mean distance 2.5–3.1 km); and (2) less‐fragmented landscape, in which habitat patches were large (mean size 9.2–16.5 ha) and separated by short distances (mean 0.9–1.4 km). Observations were performed twice in 284 potential habitat patches during the 2007 breeding season. Results Colonies were significantly more frequent and larger in the less‐fragmented landscapes than in the more‐fragmented ones. Probability of patch occupancy and number of breeding birds were positively related with patch size and these relationships were especially strong in the more‐fragmented landscapes. In the less‐fragmented landscapes, the occurrence of black‐headed gulls was negatively related to the distance to the nearest local population, but in the more‐fragmented landscapes such a relationship was not detected. As distance to the nearest habitat patch increased, the probability of the patch occupancy decreased in the more‐fragmented landscapes. Moreover, abundance was negatively influenced by distance to the nearest habitat patch, especially strongly in more‐fragmented landscapes. Proximity of corridors (rivers) positively influenced the occupation of patches regardless of landscape type. The number of islets positively influenced occupancy and abundance of local populations, and this relationship was stronger in the more‐fragmented landscapes. Main conclusions Our results are in agreement with predictions from metapopulation theory and are the first evidence that populations of black‐headed gulls may have a metapopulation structure. However, patch occupancy and abundance were differentially affected by explanatory variables in the more‐fragmented landscapes than in the less‐fragmented ones. This implies that it is impossible to derive, a priori, predictions about presence/abundance patterns based on only a single landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Grassland fragmentation is expected to influence the abundance of different invertebrate species to a different extent. Fragmentation-related effects are of particular importance in species that interact with many other species.
2. The density and spatial distribution of nests of 15 ant species in experimentally fragmented calcareous grasslands at three sites in the Northern Swiss Jura mountains were examined. Fragments of different size (0.25 m2, 2.25 m2, and 20.25 m2) were isolated by a 5-m wide strip of frequently mown vegetation. Control plots of corresponding size were situated in adjacent undisturbed grassland.
3. Three years after initiation of the experiment, ant nest density did not differ between fragments and control plots. Six years after initiation of the experiment, however, ant nest density and forager abundance were higher in large fragments than in large control plots. Ant nests tended to occur more frequently along the edge of fragments than in the core area. Persistence time of nests of the most abundant species, Lasius paralienus , tended to be shorter in fragments than in control plots. Furthermore, persistence time was longer in nests situated close to the fragment edge than in nests in the core area.
4. Effects on nest density, edge effects on the spatial distribution of nests, and the relationships between nest density and environmental factors were more pronounced when only nests of L. paralienus were considered. The implications of these findings for plant and other invertebrate species are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant reproductive success is supposedly influenced by phenology and individual size, which may be modified under edge effects. We tested if reproductive success, estimated by fruit set, in Senefeldera verticillata (Euphorbiaceae) is related to flowering synchrony and tree size, including plant height and circumference at breast height. The study was carried out in the interior and in edges of clearings for gas pipelines and electric lines of a lowland rainforest in south‐eastern Brazil. Monthly observations were performed during one reproductive season, of 19 individuals that grew at edges of electric lines and gas pipelines and at forest interior. Reproductive success was significantly higher at forest interior than at gas pipeline area; there was no significant difference between gas pipeline and electric line areas or between forest interior and electric line area. In the forest edges, only plant height was positively related to plant reproductive success. This is probably related to crown exposure to sunlight, which enhances flower production. At forest interior, reproductive success was positively influenced by the synchrony of flowering activity among neighbouring individuals. In contrast, flowering synchrony based on phenophase intensity negatively impacted reproductive success. Senefeldera verticillata shows temporal dioecy and is mainly pollinated by small social bees, and the high degree of flowering synchrony at low intensity may increase the number of mating partners and therefore enhance its reproductive success. Inside the forest fragments, individuals with thicker trunks showed lower reproductive success, which may be related to a loss of reproductive capacity of older individuals. Our results evidenced the complexity of responses experienced by tropical plants subjected to forest fragmentation because of linear clearings.  相似文献   

Background and AimsAridity is increasing in many regions of the world, but microclimatic conditions may buffer plant communities from the direct effects of decreased precipitation, creating habitat islands. However, reduced precipitation can also impact these communities indirectly by decreasing the suitability of the surrounding habitat, thus limiting incoming propagules and increasing the chances of population decline and species loss. We test whether decreased precipitation results in loss of species and functional diversity within habitat islands, evaluating in particular whether declines in species diversity and abundance are less likely to result in loss of functional diversity if species/individual loss is stochastic (i.e. independent of species/individual traits) and communities/populations are functionally redundant.MethodsLomas communities are discrete plant communities embedded in the Atacama Desert, maintained by the microclimatic conditions created by fog. We recorded species and functional diversity in six Lomas communities along a 500 km long precipitation gradient in northern Chile. Functional traits were measured in 20 individuals per species, in those species that accounted for approx. 75 % of the abundance at each site. We calculated functional diversity and functional redundancy of the community, and intraspecific functional variation.Key ResultsDecreased precipitation was associated with lower species diversity and lower species abundances. However, no traits or functional strategies increased or decreased consistently with precipitation, suggesting stochastic species/individual loss. Species with stress-tolerant strategies were predominant in all sites. Although species diversity decreased with decreasing precipitation, functional diversity remained unchanged. Lower functional redundancy in the drier sites suggests that mainly functionally redundant species were lost. Likewise, intraspecific functional variation was similar among communities, despite the lower species abundance in drier sites.ConclusionsDecreased precipitation can impact habitat island communities indirectly by decreasing the suitability of the surrounding habitat. Our results support the idea that a stochastic loss of species/individuals from functionally redundant communities and populations does not result in loss of functional diversity.  相似文献   

We investigated temporal changes in diet composition of the Montagu''s Harrier Circus pygargus breeding in natural habitat (calcareous peat bog) in SE Poland. We characterized diet composition in a three‐year period (2007–2009), based on pellet analyses. We investigated whether diet composition was affected by years or stage of breeding. We compared diet of the studied population between 2000s and 1990s and with other populations. We found that the food of the studied population was dominated by insects and mammals (by number) and mammals and birds (by biomass). Biomass and abundance of main prey items differed between studied years because of different air temperatures. We found some interannual differences in contribution of some prey items including higher number of thermophilic prey (insects and amphibians) in warmer years. Comparison of pellet composition in the 1990s and 2000s revealed significant increase in the abundance of thermophilic prey (insects and reptiles) and decrease of mammals including Microtus voles and birds. Those changes may be linked to habitat changes in areas neighboring peat bogs and climate change‐induced changes in prey communities. The studied population was able to respond to changes in foraging habitats and prey composition by opportunistic foraging on easily available prey. The diet of the studied population is the most similar to the geographically closest populations foraging in similar habitats and characterized by high contribution of insects.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to incorporate migration processes into species distribution models (SDMs) are allowing assessments of whether species are likely to be able to track their future climate optimum and the possible causes of failing to do so. Here, we projected the range shift of European beech over the 21st century using a process‐based SDM coupled to a phenomenological migration model accounting for population dynamics, according to two climate change scenarios and one land use change scenario. Our model predicts that the climatically suitable habitat for European beech will shift north‐eastward and upward mainly because (i) higher temperature and precipitation, at the northern range margins, will increase survival and fruit maturation success, while (ii) lower precipitations and higher winter temperature, at the southern range margins, will increase drought mortality and prevent bud dormancy breaking. Beech colonization rate of newly climatically suitable habitats in 2100 is projected to be very low (1–2% of the newly suitable habitats colonised). Unexpectedly, the projected realized contraction rate was higher than the projected potential contraction rate. As a result, the realized distribution of beech is projected to strongly contract by 2100 (by 36–61%) mainly due to a substantial increase in climate variability after 2050, which generates local extinctions, even at the core of the distribution, the frequency of which prevents beech recolonization during more favourable years. Although European beech will be able to persist in some parts of the trailing edge of its distribution, the combined effects of climate and land use changes, limited migration ability, and a slow life‐history are likely to increase its threat status in the near future.  相似文献   

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