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A taxonomic review of the genus Copelatus Erichson (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Korea is presented. In the present study, five species of Copelatus are recognized from Korea, including one unrecorded species, C. kammuriensis. We provide a key to the Korean species of Copelatus, diagnosis of one unrecorded species, habitus photographs, scanning electron micrographs of the elytron, and illustrations of the aedeagus.  相似文献   

The genus Hemibidessus Zimmermann, 1921 is revised. Six species are recognized in the genus. Two new species are described, H. spirodiscus sp. n. from Bolivia and H. spangleri sp. n. from Argentina. A key for identifying the species is presented. The female genitalia are thoroughly illustrated and described for the first time for any species of Bidessini. Other important diagnostic structures are also illustrated including the male genitalia. A cladistic analysis is presented for 8 species (6 ingroup and 2 outgroup species) and 13 characters. A single most parsimonious cladogram was found.  相似文献   

Two dytiscid beetle species, Leiodytes nicobaricus (Redtenbacher) and Platambus stygius (Régimbart), are identified for the first time in Korea. Diagnoses, habitus and scanning electron microscopy photographs, and line drawings of the diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

The first account of the predaceous diving beetles or Dytiscidae of Jordan is presented. Altogether 25 species are listed, although the occurrence of two of them remains doubtful. Nine species are recorded from the territory of Jordan for the first time, and the first precise locality data are provided for an additional seven species. Bidessus anatolicus Wewalka, 1972 and Nebrioporus stearinus (Kolenati, 1845) recorded recently from Jordan based on misidentification are removed from the list. If available, habitat information is provided for recently collected species. The zoogeographical patterns of the region are briefly summarised.  相似文献   


Hydrotrupes chinensis Nilsson, 2003 Nilsson, A.N. (2003), ‘Dytiscidae. XII. A New Species of Hydrotrupes Sharp from China, an Example of Pacific Intercontinental Disjunction (Coleoptera)’, in Water Beetles of China (Vol. 3), eds. M.A. Jäch and L. Ji, Vienna: Zoologische-Botanische, Gesellschaft, pp. 284297. [Google Scholar] described from the holotype collected in Anhui Province, China, is newly recorded from three localities in Guangdong Province, ca. 750?km southwest from the type locality. The species seems to inhabit hygropetric habitats exclusively, with diurnal larvae and nocturnal adults hidden under stones or in cracks in rock during the day; when disturbed, the adults readily jumped off the rock surface. The adult is redescribed. The larvae are described and illustrated for the first time, with detailed morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment, and urogomphi. Whereas similar morphologically to the Nearctic endemic Hydrotrupes palpalis Sharp, 1882 Sharp, D. (1882), ‘On Aquatic Carnivorous Coleoptera or Dytiscidae’, Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, 2, 1791003. [Google Scholar], the first instar larva of H. chinensis distinguishes by presence of six lamellae clypeales, two additional spine-like setae both on the last abdominal segment and urogomphomere 1, and the strongly developed egg bursters.  相似文献   

Two Korean species of the genus Bisnius Stephens are studied. Bisnius macies (Sharp), found along the seashore of some islands, is introduced for the first time in Korea.  相似文献   

Michel Brancucci 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3-4):175-181
Two new species of Lacconectus Motschulsky are described from Vietnam, Lacconectus valeriae sp. n. and L. baolocensis sp. n., and a key is given for the species described from and occurring in that country. Together with the two new species, seven species are now known from Vietnam, and the number of Lacconectus species rises to 60.  相似文献   

In this contribution, a new pubescent Trechus species for the Iberian Peninsula is described, and the use of some morphological traits in the systematic of Trechini are discussed. Micropubescence is common in endogean and troglobite species which are closely related with the “terrestrial-phreatic habitat”. It probably enhances survival in swampy environments through the retention of air bubbles in immersion conditions and promoting flotation. Neither this trait, anophthalmy nor inner sac of aedeagus without sclerotized pieces can be used to support supraspecific taxa. Thus, we propose the formal synonymy of Hydrotrechus with Trechus [Hydrotrechus syn. nov. of Trechus]. To avoid secondary homonymy, we propose the name Trechus triamicorum nom. nov. for Hydrotrechus cantabricus Carabajal, García & Rodríguez 1999 [already occupied by Trechus cantabricus Jeannel 1927, synonym of Trechus distigma Kiesenwetter 1851]. We also propose the synonymization of the subgenus Trichapoduvalius with Apoduvalius [Trichapoduvalius syn. nov. of Apoduvalius]. The new hypogean species with pubescent elytra, Trechus cifrianae sp. nov., is described. The morphology of the species suggests that it probably inhabits the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS) or the fissure network (mesocaverns and microcaverns) of the cave where the only individual was found. The structure of internal female genitalia suggests a close relationship between T. cifrianae sp. nov. and T. carrilloi Toribio & Rodríguez 1997.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of Korean Haliplidae Aubé is presented. Eight species in two genera are recognized, one of which (Haliplus diruptus Balfour‐Browne) is reported for the first time in South Korea. We also found that H. ovalis Sharp previously recorded in the Korean peninsula was an incorrect identification of H. chinensis Falkenström. Habitus and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs, diagnoses of genera, additional characters of species and diagnostic characters with illustrations of the species are provided.  相似文献   

The Colombian species of the diving beetle genus Liodessus Guignot, 1939 Guignot, F. (1939), ‘Contribution à l’étude des Bidessus’, Bulletin de la Société d’Étude des Sciences Naturelles de Vaucluse, 10(4), 5161. [Google Scholar] are revised. Liodessus bogotensis Guignot, 1953 Guignot, F. (1953), ‘Trente-neuvième note sur les hydrocanthares’, Revue Française d’Entomologie, 20, 109117. [Google Scholar] is re-described. Three higher altitude species are new to science: Liodessus azufralis sp. n., L. quillacinga sp. n. and L. quimbaya sp. n. We also introduce two new subspecies, L. quillacinga cochaensis ssp. n. and L. quillacinga cumbalis ssp. n. We delineate the species using morphological structures such as male genital structure and beetle size, shape and colour pattern. Mitochondrial cox1 sequence data provided an additional character source. All the new species occur on higher altitudes above 2700 m and were collected in shallow, exposed peatland pools and puddles, mostly in Páramo. Liodessus obscurellus (LeConte, 1852), not yet recorded from Colombia, is included into the key due to its presence in nearby Costa Rica and Ecuador. The known distribution and habitat preferences of each species are outlined briefly.  相似文献   

KANG  Tau  Tae Hwa  Jin III  KIM 《Entomological Research》2002,32(1):21-23
ABSTRACT We examined newly recorded species, Pseudoabsidia ussurica Wittmer, from Korea. The species was redescribed with their color variation. Also, the photos of adult habitus and aedeagus are provided.  相似文献   

Here, we describe Clypeodytes geiseri sp. n. from Champasak Province in southwestern Laos. This very distinct species belongs to the subgenus Hypoclypeus Guignot, 1950 and can be distinguished from all other Clypeodytes species by its larger size and almost completely blackish or dark ferrugineous dorsal surface, except for some weak testaceous markings on the elytra. The habitus and the median lobe of the new species are illustrated, and a map is provided. Altogether, six species of subgenus Hypoclypeus are now known from Asia.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FC01425F-9D3A-482E-8FE4-D2BF3D4943DF  相似文献   

We reviewed the family Lycidae in Korea. The Korean Lycidae was recorded to fourteen species under eight genera until now. However, the taxonomy of Korean species was conducted without comparative analysis. We revised the Korean Lycidae to eleven species under seven genera of two subfamilies. Also, we provided the key to subfamilies, gernera, and species including illustrations of pronotum and aedeagus, the photos of adult habitus.  相似文献   

Two pselaphine staphylinid species –Stipesa rudis Sharp and Tainochus nitidus Nomura – are identified for the first time in the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

Abstract  The third instars of the Australian species Hyphydrus lyratus Swartz, H. contiguus Wehncke, H. elegans (Montrouzier) and H. decemmaculatus Wehncke (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Dytiscidae) are described, including a chaetotaxic analysis of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment and urogomphi. Larvae of these species morphologically resemble other species of Hyphydrus Illiger for which the larvae have been described. A key to identify larvae of the Australian species of Hyphydrus is provided. Larvae of H. effeminatus Watts appear identical to those of H. decemmaculatus . A 822 bp fragment of the CO1 gene of larvae and adults of these species showed very slight differences, suggesting the possibility that, in Australia at least, H. decemmaculatus is polymorphic.  相似文献   

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