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We explored whether obesity in patients with bipolar disorder is associated with their chronotype. A group of 29 patients with bipolar I disorder, not currently experiencing an affective episode, were assessed for total body fat, mood symptoms, and self-reported circadian chronotype and sleep quality. Chronotype explained 19% of the variance in body fat, after age, sex, mood state, and sleep quality were accounted for. This association suggested that evening chronotype patients have a higher percentage of total body fat. Evening chronotype could be a proxy for as yet unknown specific causes of the high rate of obesity and obesity-related diseases in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Issues complicating the differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder in young people are discussed. They include: a) the subtype of bipolar disorder being considered; b) the person’s age and stage of development; c) whether one views bipolar disorder more conservatively, requiring clear episodes that mark a distinct change from premorbid levels of function, or more liberally, focusing for instance on severe irritability/explosive outbursts as the mood change; d) who is reporting manic symptoms, and whether symptoms are past and must be recalled or current and more likely to be observed; e) impact of family history. The diagnosis of mania/bipolar I disorder may not become clear for a number of years. This is an impairing disorder, but so are the conditions from which it must be distinguished. Family history may increase the odds that certain symptoms/behaviors are manifestations of bipolar disorder but it does not make the diagnosis. Until there are biomarkers that can confirm the diagnosis, and treatments unique to the condition, it is wise to make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents provisionally and keep an open mind to the likelihood that revisions may be necessary.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by episodes of elevated mood interspersed with episodes of depression. While treatment developments and understanding the disruptive nature of this illness have focused on these episodes, it is also evident that some patients may have chronic week-to-week mood instability. This is also a major morbidity. The longitudinal pattern of this mood instability is poorly understood as it has, until recently, been difficult to quantify. We propose that understanding this mood variability is critical for the development of cognitive neuroscience-based treatments. In this study, we develop a time-series approach to capture mood variability in two groups of patients with bipolar disorder who appear on the basis of clinical judgement to show relatively stable or unstable illness courses. Using weekly mood scores based on a self-rated scale (quick inventory of depressive symptomatology-self-rated; QIDS-SR) from 23 patients over a 220-week period, we show that the observed mood variability is nonlinear and that the stable and unstable patient groups are described by different nonlinear time-series processes. We emphasize the necessity in combining both appropriate measures of the underlying deterministic processes (the QIDS-SR score) and noise (uncharacterized temporal variation) in understanding dynamical patterns of mood variability associated with bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

The offspring of parents with mental disorders are at increased risk for developing mental disorders themselves. The risk to offspring may extend transdiagnostically to disorders other than those present in the parents. The literature on this topic is vast but mixed. To inform targeted prevention and genetic counseling, we performed a comprehensive, PRISMA 2020-compliant meta-analysis. We systematically searched the literature published up to September 2022 to retrieve original family high-risk and registry studies reporting on the risk of mental disorders in offspring of parents with any type of mental disorder. We performed random-effects meta-analyses of the relative risk (risk ratio, RR) and absolute risk (lifetime, up to the age at assessment) of mental disorders, defined according to the ICD or DSM. Cumulative incidence by offspring age was determined using meta-analytic Kaplan-Meier curves. We measured heterogeneity with the I2 statistic, and risk of bias with the Quality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool. Sensitivity analyses addressed the impact of study design (family high-risk vs. registry) and specific vs. transdiagnostic risks. Transdiagnosticity was appraised with the TRANSD criteria. We identified 211 independent studies that reported data on 3,172,115 offspring of parents with psychotic, bipolar, depressive, disruptive, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, anxiety, substance use, eating, obsessive-compulsive, and borderline personality disorders, and 20,428,575 control offspring. The RR and lifetime risk of developing any mental disorder were 3.0 and 55% in offspring of parents with anxiety disorders; 2.6 and 17% in offspring of those with psychosis; 2.1 and 55% in offspring of those with bipolar disorder; 1.9 and 51% in offspring of those with depressive disorders; and 1.5 and 38% in offspring of those with substance use disorders. The offspring's RR and lifetime risk of developing the same mental disorder diagnosed in their parent were 8.4 and 32% for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; 5.8 and 8% for psychosis; 5.1 and 5% for bipolar disorder; 2.8 and 9% for substance use disorders; 2.3 and 14% for depressive disorders; 2.3 and 1% for eating disorders; and 2.2 and 31% for anxiety disorders. There were 37 significant transdiagnostic associations between parental mental disorders and the RR of developing a different mental disorder in the offspring. In offspring of parents with psychosis, bipolar and depressive disorder, the risk of the same disorder onset emerged at 16, 5 and 6 years, and cumulated to 3%, 19% and 24% by age 18; and to 8%, 36% and 46% by age 28. Heterogeneity ranged from 0 to 0.98, and 96% of studies were at high risk of bias. Sensitivity analyses restricted to prospective family high-risk studies confirmed the pattern of findings with similar RR, but with greater absolute risks compared to analyses of all study types. This study demonstrates at a global, meta-analytic level that offspring of affected parents have strongly elevated RR and lifetime risk of developing any mental disorder as well as the same mental disorder diagnosed in the parent. The transdiagnostic risks suggest that offspring of parents with a range of mental disorders should be considered as candidates for targeted primary prevention.  相似文献   

Current strategies to predict psychosis identify only a small proportion of individuals at risk. Additional strategies are needed to increase capacity for pre­diction and prevention of serious mental illness, ideally during childhood and adolescence. One possible approach would be to investigate systems in which psychosis risk factors are concentrated during childhood. One notable such system is represented by Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Although psychotic disorders are uncommon in CAMHS, many risk factors for psychosis are highly prevalent in young people who enter this system. We hypothesized, therefore, that youth attending CAMHS would be a high‐risk group for psychosis if followed into adulthood and, furthermore, that CAMHS systems would capture a substantial proportion of future psychosis cases. We constructed a total population cohort study of all Finns born in 1987 (N=55,875), linking together extensive register data on health care contacts from birth through age 28 years. We identified all individuals diagnosed with a psychotic or bipolar disorder by age 28 (N=1,785). The risk of psychosis/bipolar disorder by age 28 years was 1.8% for individuals who had not attended CAMHS during childhood or adolescence, whereas it was 12.8% for those with a history of any outpatient CAMHS contact (odds ratio, OR=7.9, 95% CI: 7.2‐8.7). Furthermore, the risk of psychosis/bipolar disorder by age 28 years was 2.3% for individuals without a history of inpatient CAMHS admission, whereas it was 24.0% for those with a history of inpatient CAMHS admission (OR=13.3, 95% CI: 11.9‐14.9), and 36.5% for those with a history of inpatient CAMHS admission in adolescence (age 13‐17 years) (OR=24.2, 95% CI: 21.2‐27.6). Individuals who attended CAMHS but received no mental disorder diagnosis had an equally high risk of subsequently developing a psychosis/bipolar disorder as individuals who did receive a diagnosis (OR=0.9, 99.5% CI: 0.7‐1.1). Compared to other CAMHS attendees, individuals who developed psychosis or bipolar disorder were more likely to have had an initial CAMHS diagnosis of depressive or other mood disorder (OR=2.3, 99.5% CI: 1.6‐3.0) and disruptive behaviour disorder (OR=1.7, 99.5% CI: 1.2‐2.5). Of all psychosis/bipolar diagnoses by age 28 years, 50.2% occurred in individuals who had, at some point in childhood or adolescence, attended CAMHS, indicating that CAMHS represent not only a high‐risk but also a high‐capacity system for prediction of psychosis/bipolar disorder. These findings suggest an enormous, untapped potential for large‐scale psychosis/bipolar disorder prediction and prevention research within existing specialist CAMHS.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by three main behavioral symptoms including social deficits, impaired communication, and stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. ASD prevalence shows gender bias to male. Prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA), a drug used in epilepsy and bipolar disorder, induces autistic symptoms in both human and rodents. As we reported previously, prenatally VPA‐exposed animals at E12 showed impairment in social behavior without any overt reproductive toxicity. Social interactions were not significantly different between male and female rats in control condition. However, VPA‐exposed male offspring showed significantly impaired social interaction while female offspring showed only marginal deficits in social interaction. Similar male inclination was observed in hyperactivity behavior induced by VPA. In addition to the ASD‐like behavioral phenotype, prenatally VPA‐exposed rat offspring shows crooked tail phenotype, which was not different between male and female groups. Both male and female rat showed reduced GABAergic neuronal marker GAD and increased glutamatergic neuronal marker vGluT1 expression. Interestingly, despite of the similar increased expression of vGluT1, post‐synaptic marker proteins such as PSD‐95 and α‐CAMKII expression was significantly elevated only in male offspring. Electron microscopy showed increased number of post‐synapse in male but not in female at 4 weeks of age. These results might suggest that the altered glutamatergic neuronal differentiation leads to deranged post‐synaptic maturation only in male offspring prenatally exposed to VPA. Consistent with the increased post‐synaptic compartment, VPA‐exposed male rats showed higher sensitivity to electric shock than VPA‐exposed female rats. These results suggest that prenatally VPA‐exposed rats show the male preponderance of ASD‐like behaviors including defective social interaction similar to human autistic patients, which might be caused by ectopic increase in glutamatergic synapses in male rats.  相似文献   



Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder is common in adolescence. Obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms may be episodic and secondary to alterations in mood, and display specific features. Management of pediatric bipolar disorder-obsessive–compulsive disorder is challenging, as pharmacotherapy of obsessive–compulsive disorder may induce or exacerbate manic episodes and there is limited evidence of treatment efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is sparsely used in children and adolescents, but is documented to be a safe and efficacious intervention in adults with bipolar disorder. In view of the severity of symptoms in juvenile mania, studies on treatment strategies are warranted. We report a case of an adolescent with bipolar disorder-obsessive–compulsive disorder who was successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy during an episode of severe mania.

Case presentation

A 16-year-old girl of Middle East origin first presented to us with depressed mood, irritability, and increased obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms, which were initially interpreted in the context of acute stress secondary to migration. She had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder in her previous home country, but had difficulties in accounting for earlier psychiatric history. During hospitalization her mood switched to a manic state with mixed and psychotic features, at times showing aggression toward others. Interruption in her lithium treatment for a short period and possibly the introduction of an atypical antipsychotic could in part have been triggering factors. After 8 weeks of in-patient care and psychotropic drug trials, electroconvulsive therapy was initiated and administered every second or third day for 4 weeks, with marked positive response. No apparent side effects were reported.


This case demonstrates the need for a detailed medical history, taking special note of periodicity and character of obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms, in adolescents with mood disorders. When treating culturally diverse patients, extra consideration should be taken. Special concerns in the pharmacological treatment to avoid the patient’s condition from worsening must be addressed, including giving priority to mood stabilization before obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms. There are potential benefits in considering electroconvulsive therapy in young patients with severe mania where first-line treatment options have failed.

The constructs of atypical depression, bipolar II disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) overlap. We explored the relationships between these constructs and their temperamental underpinnings. We examined 107 consecutive patients who met DSM-IV criteria for major depressive episode with atypical features. Those who also met the DSM-IV criteria for BPD (BPD+), compared with those who did not (BPD-), had a significantly higher lifetime comorbidity for body dysmorphic disorder, bulimia nervosa, narcissistic, dependent and avoidant personality disorders, and cyclothymia. BPD+ also scored higher on the Atypical Depression Diagnostic Scale items of mood reactivity, interpersonal sensitivity, functional impairment, avoidance of relationships, other rejection avoidance, and on the Hopkins Symptoms Check List obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, anger-hostility, paranoid ideation and psychoticism factors. Logistic regression revealed that cyclothymic temperament accounted for much of the relationship between atypical depression and BPD, predicting 6 of 9 of the defining DSM-IV attributes of the latter. Trait mood lability (among BPD patients) and interpersonal sensitivity (among atypical depressive patients) appear to be related as part of an underlying cyclothymic temperamental matrix.  相似文献   

When antisocial behavior becomes a persistent pattern that affects diverse domains of children's functioning, psychiatrists refer to oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or conduct disorder (CD). The term disruptive behavior disorder (DBD) covers both ODD and CD. Research shows that in the absence of effective interventions, the prognosis for DBD children is relatively unfavorable: their disorder can extend into adolescence, manifest itself in delinquency, and convert into other psychiatric symptoms, such as addiction or personality disorders. Although environmental factors have traditionally attracted most attention in explaining the origin and persistence of DBDs, it is important not to overlook the vulnerability of the child in the development of antisocial behavior. Relatively few studies have been conducted on the neurobiological factors involved in the development of DBDs in children. In this paper, we explain how problems in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and serotonergic system functioning could be important factors in the behavioral problems of DBD children. Low fear of punishment and physiological underactivity may predispose antisocial individuals to seek out stimulation or take risks and may explain poor (social) conditioning and socialization. Findings consistent with this hypothesis are presented. Finally, we explain how stress in general, and adverse early life experiences in particular, could have an impact on the development of the HPA and serotonergic systems. An investigation of the neurobiological factors involved in antisocial behavior disorder might ultimately guide the development of new forms of intervention.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with mutant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been suggested in bipolar disorder, and comorbidity with neurodegenerative diseases was often noted. We examined the entire sequence of mtDNA in six subjects with bipolar disorder having comorbid somatic symptoms suggestive of mitochondrial disorders and found several uncharacterized homoplasmic nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions of mtDNA. Of these, 3644C was found in 5 of 199 patients with bipolar disorder but in none of 258 controls (p = 0.015). The association was significant in the extended samples [bipolar disorder, 9/630 (1.43%); controls, 1/734 (0.14%); p = 0.007]. On the other hand, only 5 of 25 family members with this mutation developed bipolar disorder, of which 4 patients with 3644C had comorbid physical symptoms. The 3644T-->C mutation converts amino acid 113, valine, to alanine in the NADH-ubiquinone dehydrogenase subunit I, a subunit of complex I, and 113 valine is well conserved from Drosophila to 61 mammalian species. Using transmitochondrial cybrids, 3644T-->C was shown to decrease mitochondrial membrane potential and complex I activity compared with haplogroup-matched controls. According to human mitochondrial genome polymorphism databases, 3644C was not found in centenarians but was found in 3% of patients with Alzheimer disease and 2% with Parkinson disease. The result of modest functional impairment caused by 3644T-->C suggests that this mutation could increase the risk for bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components are highly predictive of cardiovascular diseases. The primary aim of this systematic review and meta‐analysis was to assess the prevalence of MetS and its components in people with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder, comparing subjects with different disorders and taking into account demographic variables and psychotropic medication use. The secondary aim was to compare the MetS prevalence in persons with any of the selected disorders versus matched general population controls. The pooled MetS prevalence in people with severe mental illness was 32.6% (95% CI: 30.8%‐34.4%; N = 198; n = 52,678). Relative risk meta‐analyses established that there was no significant difference in MetS prevalence in studies directly comparing schizophrenia versus bipolar disorder, and in those directly comparing bipolar disorder versus major depressive disorder. Only two studies directly compared people with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, precluding meta‐analytic calculations. Older age and a higher body mass index were significant moderators in the final demographic regression model (z = ?3.6, p = 0.0003, r2 = 0.19). People treated with all individual antipsychotic medications had a significantly (p<0.001) higher MetS risk compared to antipsychotic‐naïve participants. MetS risk was significantly higher with clozapine and olanzapine (except vs. clozapine) than other antipsychotics, and significantly lower with aripiprazole than other antipsychotics (except vs. amisulpride). Compared with matched general population controls, people with severe mental illness had a significantly increased risk for MetS (RR = 1.58; 95% CI: 1.35‐1.86; p<0.001) and all its components, except for hypertension (p = 0.07). These data suggest that the risk for MetS is similarly elevated in the diagnostic subgroups of severe mental illness. Routine screening and multidisciplinary management of medical and behavioral conditions is needed in these patients. Risks of individual antipsychotics should be considered when making treatment choices.  相似文献   

Depression and comorbid cognitive impairment in the elderly can be difficult to distinguish from dementia. Adding to the complex differential is that depression may be part of a bipolar illness rather than a unipolar mood disorder. A diligent workup and close monitoring of patients can inform appropriate treatment and can make the difference between recovery and persistence of symptoms. The present case will illustrate how a comprehensive workup utilizing extensive data gathering, laboratory workup, use of neuropsychological testing, neuroimaging, and timely treatment can lead to successful clinical outcomes that can be sustained for many years.  相似文献   

Previous observations of reduced [3H]cyclic AMP binding in postmortem brain regions from bipolar affective disorder subjects imply cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase function may be altered in this illness. To test this hypothesis, basal and stimulated cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity was determined in cytosolic and particulate fractions of postmortem brain from bipolar disorder patients and matched controls. Maximal enzyme activity was significantly higher (104%) in temporal cortex cytosolic fractions from bipolar disorder brain compared with matched controls. In temporal cortex particulate fractions and in the cytosolic and particulate fractions of other brain regions, smaller but statistically nonsignificant increments in maximal enzyme activity were detected. Basal cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity was also significantly higher (40%) in temporal cortex cytosolic fractions of bipolar disorder brain compared with controls. Estimated EC50 values for cyclic AMP activation of this kinase were significantly lower (70 and 58%, respectively) in both cytosolic and particulate fractions of temporal cortex from bipolar disorder subjects compared with controls. These findings suggest that higher cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in bipolar disorder brain may be associated with a reduction of regulatory subunits of this enzyme, reflecting a possible adaptive response of this transducing enzyme to increased cyclic AMP signaling in this disorder.  相似文献   

A significant portion of patients with 22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) develop psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and other psychotic and affective symptoms, and the responsible gene/s are assumed to also play a significant role in the etiology of nonsyndromic psychiatric disease. The most common psychiatric diagnosis among patients with 22q11DS is schizophrenia, thought to result from neurotransmitter imbalances and also from disturbed brain development. Several genes in the 22q11 region with known or suspected roles in neurotransmitter metabolism have been analyzed in patients with isolated schizophrenia; however, their contribution to the disease remains controversial. Haploinsufficiency of the TBX1 gene has been shown to be sufficient to cause the core physical malformations associated with 22q11DS in mice and humans and via abnormal brain development could contribute to 22q11DS-related and isolated psychiatric disease. 22q11DS populations also have increased rates of psychiatric conditions other than schizophrenia, including mood disorders. We therefore analyzed variations at the TBX1 locus in a cohort of 446 white patients with psychiatric disorders relevant to 22q11DS and 436 ethnically matched controls. The main diagnoses included schizophrenia (n = 226), schizoaffective disorder (n = 67), bipolar disorder (n = 82), and major depressive disorder (n = 29). We genotyped nine tag SNPs in this sample but did not observe significant differences in allele or haplotype frequencies in any of the analyzed groups (all affected, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia alone, and bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder) compared with the control group. Based on these results we conclude that TBX1 variation does not make a strong contribution to the genetic etiology of nonsyndromic forms of psychiatric disorders commonly seen in patients with 22q11DS.  相似文献   

While it is known that rare copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to risk for some neuropsychiatric disorders, the role of CNVs in bipolar disorder is unclear. Here, we reasoned that a contribution of CNVs to mood disorders might be most evident for de novo mutations. We performed a genome-wide analysis of de novo CNVs in a cohort of 788 trios. Diagnoses of offspring included bipolar disorder (n?= 185), schizophrenia (n?= 177), and healthy controls (n?= 426). Frequencies of de novo CNVs were significantly higher in bipolar disorder as compared with controls (OR?= 4.8 [1.4,16.0], p?= 0.009). De novo CNVs were particularly enriched among cases with an age at onset younger than 18 (OR?= 6.3 [1.7,22.6], p?= 0.006). We also confirmed a significant enrichment of de novo CNVs in schizophrenia (OR?= 5.0 [1.5,16.8], p?= 0.007). Our results suggest that rare spontaneous mutations are an important contributor to risk for bipolar disorder and other major neuropsychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is involved in cell-cell interactions during synaptogenesis, morphogenesis, and plasticity of the nervous system. Disturbances in synaptic restructuring and neural plasticity may be related to the pathogenesis of several neuropsychiatric diseases, including mood disorders and schizophrenia. Disturbances in brain cellular function may alter concentrations of N-CAM in the CSF. Soluble human N-CAM proteins are detectable in the CSF but are minor constituents of serum. We have recently found an increase in N-CAM content in the CSF of patients with schizophrenia. Although the pathogenesis of both schizophrenia and mood disorders is unknown, ventriculomegaly, decreased temporal lobe volume, and subcortical structural abnormalities have been reported for both disorders. We have therefore measured N-CAM concentrations in the CSF of patients with mood disorder. There were significant increases in amounts of N-CAM immunoreactive proteins, primarily the 120-kDa band, in the CSF of psychiatric inpatients with bipolar mood disorder type I and recurrent unipolar major depression. There were no differences in bipolar mood disorder type II patients as compared with normals. There were no significant effects of medication treatment on N-CAM concentrations. It is possible that the 120-kDa N-CAM band present in the CSF is derived from CNS cells as a secreted soluble N-CAM isoform. Our results suggest the possibility of latent state-related disturbances in N-CAM cellular function, i.e., residue from a previous episode, or abnormal N-CAM turnover in the CNS of patients with mood disorder.  相似文献   

Recent data from several reports indicate that free radicals are involved in aetiopathogenesis of many human pathologies including neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc. In the present study, we aimed at determining and evaluating levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity levels in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (n = 25) and bipolar disorder (n = 23). The control group was composed of 20 healthy subjects. There was a significant increase in MDA levels of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder compared with controls. SOD and GSH-Px activity levels were significantly higher in the schizophrenic group compared with controls. SOD activity levels in bipolar the group were significantly higher than controls whereas there were no significant changes in GSH-Px activity levels in the bipolar group and controls. Significant differences between lipid peroxidation product and antioxidant enzyme (SOD and GSH-Px) activity levels in schizophrenic and bipolar disorder patients compared with controls leads us to believe that these differences are related to the heterogenities in aetiologies of these disorders.  相似文献   

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