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三江平原是我国最大的淡水沼泽分布区,建国后大规模的农业开发活动导致湿地面积锐减,湿地生态系统服务功能退化,产生一系列的生态环境问题,有必要进行湿地恢复。生物多样性的历史分布和湿地景观结构特征对湿地恢复具有重要指导意义。在分析三江平原湿地景观格局变化的基础上,结合三江平原历史生物多样性保护价值(即湿地恢复价值)以及各县市内湿地景观结构(现有湿地分布比例)对湿地恢复进行了优先性分析,确定了不同县市内不同空间位置上湿地恢复优先等级。景观格局变化分析结果表明,三江平原在20年间,湿地面积大幅减少,且破碎化现象严重,70%以上的退化或消失湿地被耕地侵占;基于历史生物多样性保护价值的湿地恢复价值评估表明,目前已经退化或消失的湿地有57.56%具有相对较高的恢复价值,而且还有22.02%的区域处于中等恢复价值水平,恢复潜力较大;结合现有湿地分布比例的结果表明,在三江平原的19个受湿地影响的市县中,有2个一级恢复区,6个二级恢复区,9个三级恢复区和2个四级恢复区。研究为今后三江平原湿地恢复行动的时空顺序确定提供了参考,同时为缺少生物多样性历史监测数据的区域提供了快速的湿地恢复评估方法。  相似文献   

东莞市人工景观结构与连接度的协整性及因果关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯志新  陈颖彪  千庆兰  王帅帅 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4920-4930
城市人工景观特征逐步向城市外围自然及半自然景观渗透。近年来对快速城市化地区的景观格局特征定量化研究很多,但侧重于景观格局特征的简单分析和描述,忽略了城市空间扩展过程中,城市人工景观结构与景观连接度动态变化过程中之间的内部联系。以东莞市1988—2009年城市人工景观为研究对象,通过计算并分析景观结构与景观连接度指数,利用计量经济学中的协整概念与格兰杰因果检验方法并详细分析了这两类指数之间的具体关系。研究结果表明:(1)所选取的景观结构指数与景观连接度指数能较好地描述东莞市城市人工景观时空格局变化过程;(2)人工景观斑块类型面积(CA)与可能连通性指数(PC)存在协整关系。景观聚集度指数(AI)、蔓延度指数(CONTAG)与景观连通性指数(IIC与PC)也存在协整关系,即这些变量之间确实存在长期均衡关系;(3)格兰杰因果关系检验中,在不同滞后期的情况下,大部分的结果表明景观连接度指数(IIC与PC)是景观结构指数(CA、AI、CONTAG)的格兰杰成因,说明景观连接度指数信息有助于预测景观结构指数的变化。  相似文献   

When habitats are lost, species are lost in the region as a result of the sampling process. However, it is less clear what happens to biodiversity in the habitats that remain. Some have argued that the main influence of habitat loss on biodiversity is simply due to the total amount of habitat being reduced, while others have argued that fragmentation leads to fewer species per site because of altered spatial connectance among extant habitats. Here, we use a unique data set on invertebrate species in ponds spanning six decades of habitat loss to show that both regional and local species richness declined, indicating that species loss is compounded by habitat loss via connectivity loss, and not a result of a sampling process or changes in local environmental conditions. Overall, our work provides some of the clearest evidence to date from a longitudinal study that habitat loss translates into species loss, even within the remaining habitats.  相似文献   

祖悦晴  魏妍儿  张曦文  于德永 《生态学报》2022,42(17):6937-6947
快速的城市化过程带来的生境斑块破碎化及损失会影响物种迁移、捕食等生态活动,对生物多样性构成威胁。然而,现有生态保护区可能无法覆盖其内生物的必要活动范围。生态保护区外的生境斑块对于维持生态过程也具有重要作用,因此识别生态保护区外的关键斑块并加以保护非常重要。以北京市延庆区为研究区,划分两种生境斑块,即核心生境斑块和潜在生境斑块,并基于图论构建生境网络。考虑地表覆盖类型、坡度、人类活动等因素构建生境阻力面。结合未来土地利用类型变化的模拟,研究城市化过程对区域生境网络和景观连接度的影响,选用CLUE-S模型模拟土地利用类型变化的格局。结合生境斑块特征和未来城市土地利用变化情况设计了3种未来生境变化情景。利用连接概率指数(PC)和网络连接度变化率(dI)评价不同生境变化情景下生态保护区外潜在生境斑块的景观连接度重要性,判断保护优先顺序,并分析景观格局变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响。结果表明:生态保护区外的全部潜在生境斑块对维持生境整体景观连接度有最大2.15%的影响,单个潜在生境斑块对维持景观连接度有最大0.28%的影响。此外,景观格局及其变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响差异显著,因此需针对保护物种和城市生境特征设计保护方案,研究区需要优先保护大中型斑块和位于关键位置的小型斑块。为了满足对生物多样性保护的需求,建议在区分生境斑块保护优先顺序时考虑生境斑块对景观连接度的贡献和城市化扩展过程的压力。研究为城市生物多样性保护和生境管理提供了方法参考。  相似文献   

景观连接度的概念、度量及其应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
景观连接度是指景观促进或阻碍生物体或某种生态过程在源斑块间运动的程度,反映了景观的功能特征。景观连接度理论与方法是景观评价、管理和生态规划的重要基础,对于区域可持续发展和生物多样性保护等方面的研究都具有重要指导意义。综述了国内外近10a来有关景观连接度概念、度量方法及其生态学意义的最新进展,并探讨了景观连接度与景观要素间的关系及其潜在应用前景,以期为深入开展景观空间格局与生态过程间关系的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

漫湾库区景观破碎化对区域生境质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利工程的建设不仅改变了库区的景观格局,还会导致区域生物生境质量的变化。以澜沧江漫湾库区为例,在综合海拔高度、植被类型和水源地距离生境因子的基础上,考虑生物扩散过程,研究了建坝前后整个库区以及典型研究小区(库首、库中、库尾、对照)的重要生境斑块空间分布变化。结果表明:漫湾水电站建成后库区的猕猴总体生境破碎化程度增加,景观连接度减少且重要生境斑块的比例也有所降低,生境质量整体下降;4个研究小区的景观格局变化情况同整个库区相一致。空间上,生境质量明显退化的地区主要分布在库区的西部和南部,尤其是库尾地区,其生境斑块数量相较于建坝前增长了9倍,而景观连接度指数下降了81.48%。回归分析结果表明景观连接度指数与占景观面积百分比指数(PLAND)呈显著正相关(R~2=0.973),与斑块数(NP)呈显著负相关(R~2=-0.611);肯德尔系数表明斑块数(NP)、最大斑块指数(LPI)、占景观百分比指数(PLAND)、相似邻近百分比指数(PLADJ)、连通度指数(CONNECT)和香农多样性指数(SHDI)7个景观格局指数与景观连接度指数均表现出显著一致性。由此看出,库区景观破碎化越严重、区域景观连接度越低生境质量退化越明显;而提高生境主要植被类型的覆盖率、保护连接度贡献大的重要斑块和建设生态廊道,可以有效恢复库区生物生境质量。  相似文献   

Restoring degraded landscapes has primarily focused on re‐establishing native plant communities. However, little is known with respect to the diversity and distribution of most key revegetation species or the environmental and anthropogenic factors that may affect their demography and genetic structure. In this study, we investigated the genetic structure of two widespread Australian legume species (Acacia salicina and Acacia stenophylla) in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), a large agriculturally utilized region in Australia, and assessed the impact of landscape structure on genetic differentiation. We used AFLP genetic data and sampled a total of 28 A. salicina and 30 A. stenophylla sampling locations across southeastern Australia. We specifically evaluated the importance of four landscape features: forest cover, land cover, water stream cover, and elevation. We found that both species had high genetic diversity (mean percentage of polymorphic loci, 55.1% for A. salicina versus. 64.3% for A. stenophylla) and differentiation among local sampling locations (A. salicina: ΦPT = 0.301, 30%; A. stenophylla: ΦPT = 0.235, 23%). Population structure analysis showed that both species had high levels of structure (6 clusters each) and admixture in some sampling locations, particularly A. stenophylla. Although both species have a similar geographic range, the drivers of genetic connectivity for each species were very different. Genetic variation in A. salicina seems to be mainly driven by geographic distance, while for A. stenophylla, land cover appears to be the most important factor. This suggests that for the latter species, gene flow among populations is affected by habitat fragmentation. We conclude that these largely co‐occurring species require different management actions to maintain population connectivity. We recommend active management of A. stenophylla in the MDB to improve gene flow in the adversity of increasing disturbances (e.g., droughts) driven by climate change and anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

Summary   Portions of the south coast of Western Australia are recognized as environmentally valuable because of high levels of biodiversity, but are at risk due to continued anthropogenic influences, particularly in the form of fragmentation and habitat loss. Corridors of habitat, either continuous or stepping-stone, are deemed to be valuable for the maintenance and increase of biodiversity in the region. Here we apply a series of betweenness centrality analyses to quantify the connectivity in the region. The method we describe here is an extended application of the betweenness centrality measure, which is a measure of spatial connectivity that is applied to fragmented landscapes. The method is used for significant corridors between the Stirling Ranges and the Fitzgerald River National Park to identify a series of locations that are important to the connectivity in this region and thus may provide effective locations for restoration inputs.  相似文献   

Dispersal distances of 17 species of butterflies in tropical Singapore were significantly greater in forest than in urban habitat. Butterflies in urban plots frequently moved within suitable habitat (park/grassland) patches but rarely crossed non-habitat patches suggesting potential isolation and a need for urban corridors.  相似文献   

陈思淇  张玉钧 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1411-92
乡村景观是一种人文和自然共生的复合生态系统, 为生物多样性的维持提供了支持。目前, 中国传统乡村地区生物多样性的维持正面临着农业集约化、人工林树种单一化、非农业用地急剧扩张及生态传承机制解体等复杂多样的威胁, 亟待展开深入研究。本文在总结乡村景观生物多样性相关概念及特征的基础上, 通过文献分析概括了国际乡村景观生物多样性的热点研究方向, 包括农业集约化下的生物多样性管理、区域尺度乡村景观与生物多样性的协同关系、局地尺度不同乡村景观类型的物种多样性及乡村景观中的生物文化多样性, 进一步梳理了国内在相关研究方向上的主要进展并指出研究不足。在此基础上提出未来研究展望, 包括突出生物文化多样性特征、加强多时空尺度分析、深化动态维持机制研究、推进生物多样性研究在乡村生态景观规划中的全过程应用等建议。  相似文献   

Individual dispersal,landscape connectivity and ecological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connectivity is classically considered an emergent property of landscapes encapsulating individuals' flows across space. However, its operational use requires a precise understanding of why and how organisms disperse. Such movements, and hence landscape connectivity, will obviously vary according to both organism properties and landscape features. We review whether landscape connectivity estimates could gain in both precision and generality by incorporating three fundamental outcomes of dispersal theory. Firstly, dispersal is a multi‐causal process; its restriction to an ‘escape reaction’ to environmental unsuitability is an oversimplification, as dispersing individuals can leave excellent quality habitat patches or stay in poor‐quality habitats according to the relative costs and benefits of dispersal and philopatry. Secondly, species, populations and individuals do not always react similarly to those cues that trigger dispersal, which sometimes results in contrasting dispersal strategies. Finally, dispersal is a major component of fitness and is thus under strong selective pressures, which could generate rapid adaptations of dispersal strategies. Such evolutionary responses will entail spatiotemporal variation in landscape connectivity. We thus strongly recommend the use of genetic tools to: (i) assess gene flow intensity and direction among populations in a given landscape; and (ii) accurately estimate landscape features impacting gene flow, and hence landscape connectivity. Such approaches will provide the basic data for planning corridors or stepping stones aiming at (re)connecting local populations of a given species in a given landscape. This strategy is clearly species‐ and landscape‐specific. But we suggest that the ecological network in a given landscape could be designed by stacking up such linkages designed for several species living in different ecosystems. This procedure relies on the use of umbrella species that are representative of other species living in the same ecosystem.  相似文献   

典型河床底质组成中底栖动物群落及多样性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
段学花  王兆印  程东升 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1664-1672
底栖动物是河流生态系统中食物链的重要环节。通过对长江、黄河、东江和拒马河等河流野外调查和采样分析研究了河床底质组成对底栖动物群落结构的影响规律。研究结果发现,不同河床底质组成中的底栖动物结构差别很大,不同地理位置而相同底质条件和水力条件的河流底栖动物群落组成相似,说明河床底质是影响河流底栖动物群落结构的关键因素,受地理位置和大气候的影响不大;利用多项生物指标分析了不同河床底质组成中底栖动物群落的多样性,卵石河床且有水生植物生长的河流底栖动物物种组成最丰富,大河中沙质河床不稳定,未采集到底栖动物;不同底质类型河床中的优势种群亦不同。并分析了采样所得底栖动物物种数与采样面积之间的关系,符合前者随后者呈幂指数增加的规律,当实测采样面积为1~2m^2时物种数变化不大,建议一般情况下最小采样面积应为1m^2。  相似文献   

Pine forest structure in a human-dominated landscape system in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To elucidate the characteristics of spatial heterogeneity in a human-dominated landscape, vegetation and community structure of pine (Pinus densiflora andP. rigida) forests were studied at rural Teokseong-ri in Chollanam-do, in the southwestern part of Korea. Daily removal of undergrowth for firewood affects the stratification and species composition in the community. In general, stratification of the pine forest develops in proportion to its distance from the main habitat of farmers, involving the residential and cultivated land. In pine forests near the main habitat of farmers, sun-demanding herbaceous plants grow well, while in remote forests, Fagaceous plants such asQuercus serrata, Q. actissima andCastanea crenata grow well. This zonation results from the fact that removal of undergrowth is greater in the forest near the main habitat of farmers, than in the remote forest. Construction and maintenance of graveyards, however, prevents development of stratification of the forest even in remote stands.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes can be increased with conversion of some production lands into 'more-natural'- unmanaged or extensively managed - lands. However, it remains unknown to what extent biodiversity can be enhanced by altering landscape pattern without reducing agricultural production. We propose a framework for this problem, considering separately compositional heterogeneity (the number and proportions of different cover types) and configurational heterogeneity (the spatial arrangement of cover types). Cover type classification and mapping is based on species requirements, such as feeding and nesting, resulting in measures of 'functional landscape heterogeneity'. We then identify three important questions: does biodiversity increase with (1) increasing heterogeneity of the more-natural areas, (2) increasing compositional heterogeneity of production cover types and (3) increasing configurational heterogeneity of production cover types? We discuss approaches for addressing these questions. Such studies should have high priority because biodiversity protection globally depends increasingly on maintaining biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

南京市区景观破碎化过程中的斑块规模结构动态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张明娟  刘茂松  徐驰  王磊 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1358-1363
基于南京市1988、1998和2003年3期TM影像,将农田、林地、居民聚居地及在建用地按斑块面积分为16个级别,研究了景观破碎化过程中,不同级别斑块数量的变化情况。结果表明,农田面积持续萎缩,破碎度上升,中小型斑块数量以较稳定速度增长;林地总面积略有波动,大中型斑块数量较为稳定,而中小型斑块受城市化进程影响,数量高度不稳定;居民聚集地在1988~1998年以在原有基础上扩张为主,在1998~2003年出现了大量新斑块,且两个时段的各级别斑块数量增长率呈极显著负相关;在建用地数量迅速增长,土地利用更加规模化。以上表明,斑块类型和大小对斑块的稳定性及变化趋势均有影响。  相似文献   

理解城市鸟类多样性与景观特征的关系对城市生物多样性保护和可持续发展具有重要意义。通过爬取中国观鸟记录中心网站2020年福州主城区436份观鸟报告数据计算鸟类丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)和Simpson多样性指数(D);基于谷歌地球引擎和高分辨率Worldview影像量化景观特征因子;在此基础上,采用Mann-Whitney U检验了两个网格尺度(300 m和1000 m)下S、H和D指数的差异性;运用广义线性模型探究了两个尺度下影响鸟类多样性指数的关键景观因子及其重要性。结果表明:(1)2020年研究区内共观测到242种鸟类,隶属19目59科,雀形目鸟类为优势种;数量占比从高到低依次为留鸟、冬候鸟、旅鸟和夏候鸟,分别为63.53%、25.83%、6.71%和3.93%;(2)两个尺度下鸟类多样性指数差异明显,1000 m尺度下S和H指数均显著高于300 m尺度(0.05相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山地区马鹿生境破碎化及其影响因子   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
姜广顺  张明海  马建章 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1691-1698
应用景观生态学原理和地理信息系统技术,分析黑龙江省完达山地区马鹿生境相关因子重要性、对景观连接度进行模糊相对赋值,建立了景观连接度评价模型及景观斑块指数,研究了黑龙江省完达山地区关于马鹿生境的景观连接度水平、生境的适宜性以及景观的空间结构。结果表明:(1)在155.6km2的面积中,适宜地区的总面积仅为14.81km2,占研究地区的9.52%;次适宜地区的总面积为9.57km2,占研究地区的6.15%;一般适宜地区的总面积为130.05km2,占研究地区的83.58%;不适宜地区的总面积为1.17km2,占研究地区的0.75%;(2)研究地区马鹿各类适宜地区呈多个斑块且相互隔离,在空间分布上处于破碎状态,而且不适宜地区斑块(人为活动景观)的面积比例虽小,在生态系统中形态上的破碎化程度较小,但对马鹿的生境的生态功能的丧失起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Summary The landscape modification model proposed by McIntyre and Hobbs (1999) was used to assess the modification of Tasmania’s native vegetation and its potential implications for biodiversity conservation. The inclusion of new ‘substates’ in the model allowed the varying degrees of landscape variegation and fragmentation observed in Tasmania to be quantified. The mapped extent of Tasmania’s native vegetation is approximately 5.06 million ha or 74% of the land area. The extent of native vegetation varies across bioregions from a low of around 36% in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion to a high of 94% in the Tasmanian West bioregion. Overall, the Tasmanian landscape can be described as medium variegated as the State retains 76% cover of native vegetation, by area. Two of Tasmania’s nine bioregions are in an intact state, four are variegated, and three are fragmented. Seven of the State’s 48 catchments are in an intact state, 24 catchments are variegated, and 17 are fragmented. Tasmania was estimated to support 33 760 patches of native vegetation. Fewer than 3% of these patches exceed 50 ha in area. Small and medium patches occur predominantly on freehold land with grazing as a major land use, whereas large patches occur predominantly on crown land with conservation and production forestry as the major land uses. One feature of the State’s native vegetation is the large tract of native vegetation ecosystems in western Tasmania. Opportunities arise to sustain the resilience of these native ecosystems both by consolidating the formal protection of vegetation within catchments such as the Arthur and Pieman and by strengthening environmental management in adjacent areas. Bioregions and catchments where climate change may be of particular concern for biodiversity conservation and management include the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion and Cam catchment in north‐western Tasmania. The maintenance and enhancement of patches of remnant vegetation in these areas will be challenging and appears likely to require strategic, multiscale and coordinated natural resource management over decades. Limiting the loss of native vegetation across the entire range of landscape states in Tasmania appears essential to mitigate the further decline of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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