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Female Albino Swiss rats were exposed to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone benzoate (DHTB) for the last 4 days of gestation, or for 4 days after birth, or both. Post-natal DHTB exposure (as well as pre-plus post-natal exposure) resulted in a 2-3-fold increase in the number of motor neurones forming the spinal nucleus of bulbocavernosus (SNB); numbers were intermediate between those found in normal females (approximately 40) and males (approximately 200). These DHTB-treated groups also possessed perineal muscles which were approximately 25% of the weight of those in normal males. Transverse sections of one of the muscles (levator ani) showed that it had approximately half the muscle fibres of normal males. Females exposed prenatally to DHTB showed a small (but significant) rise in SNB numbers, but had no recognizable perineal muscles.  相似文献   

Digit flexor muscles in the cat: their action and motor units   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation between muscle action and the mechanical properties of motor units has been explored in the main digit flexors of the cat hind limb: plantaris (PL); flexor digitorum brevis (FDB); flexor hallucis longus (FHL); and, flexor digitorum longus (FDL). General observations on muscle action revealed that PL is an ankle extensor as well as a digit flexor. PL and FHL were shown to be the major force contributors to digit flexion with FDL playing a lesser but still significant role. The mechanical properties of PL, FHL and FDB motor units were studied by noting twitch and tetanic tensions produced by electrical stimulation of single alpha axons, functionally isolated from the ventral root filaments. These data were compared to similar data reported by Olson and Swett (1966) for flexor digitorum longus (FDL). Our sample (114 PL, 60 FDB and 124 FHL units) disclosed that PL, FDB and FHL have units of uniformly fast contraction times (means 22, 27 and 27 msec respectively). PL units developed the most tetanic tension (3 to 160, mean 62 gm-wt) followed by FHL (2 to 87, mean 31 gm-wt) with FDB units producing very little tension (1 to 20, mean 6 gm-wt). Swett and Olson's FDL sample (108 units) showed tensions ranging from 0.3 to 100 gm-wt (mean 10 gm-wt). A division of labor among the four muscles is proposed. The large PL units are advantageous for forceful phasic inputs to the digits during the locomotion and in keeping with PL's additional role as an ankle exstensor. The low output forces of FDB units are optimal for discrete input to the digits during subtle adjustments of posture. We propose that the larger fast contracting units of FHL are used primarily for forceful digit flexions required in locomotion and for phasic protrusion of the claws while the predominately small and slow contracting units of FDL are used for sustained claw protrusion.  相似文献   

During development, survival of the sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and its target perineal muscles, the bulbocavernosus (BC) and the levator ani (LA) is androgen-dependent. To define androgen's site of action in masculinizing SNB system structures, we examined whether or not androgen receptors are present in SNB motoneurons and/or BC/LA muscles of neonatal male rats. Using a receptor binding assay, we have identified androgen-binding factors in the neonatal BC/LA (Bmax = 13.5 fmol/mg protein; Kd = 4.69 nM) for the first time. In contrast, androgen autoradiography provided no evidence that neonatal spinal motoneurons accumulate androgens. These results support the hypothesis that BC/LA muscles are a primary site of androgen action for masculinizing SNB system structures, and that androgen need not interact with SNB motoneurons directly to sexually differentiate them.  相似文献   

Summary The output connections of a bilaterally symmetrical pair of wind-sensitive interneurones (called A4I1) were determined in a non-flying locust (Schistocerca gregaria). Direct inputs from sensory neurones of specific prosternai and head hairs initiate spikes in these interneurones in the prothoracic ganglion.The interneurone with its axon in the right connective makes direct, excitatory connections with the two mesothoracic motor neurones innervating the pleuroaxillary (pleuroalar, M85) muscle of the right forewing, but not with the comparable motor neurones of the left forewing. The connections can evoke motor spikes.The interneurones also exert a powerful, but indirect effect on the homologous metathoracic pleuroaxillary motor neurones (muscle 114), and a weaker, indirect effect on subalar motor neurones of the hindwings. No connections or effects were found with other flight motor neurones, or motor neurones innervating hindleg muscles, including common inhibitor 1 which also innervates the pleuroaxillary muscle.One thoracic interneurone with its cell body in the right half of the mesothoracic ganglion and with its axon projecting ipsilaterally to the metathoracic ganglion receives a direct input from the right A4I1 interneurone.These restricted output connections suggest a role for the A4I1 interneurones in flight steering.Abbreviations DCMD descending contralateral movement detector - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - TCG tritocerebral commissure giant (interneurone)  相似文献   

Growing evidence from human and animal studies has shown adverse consequences of maternal usage of antidepressants in their newborn babies. To study the effects of early antidepressant exposure on motor function later in life, we treated neonatal rat pups with fluoxetine (FLX), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)-type antidepressant, from the day of birth to postnatal day 4 and examined motor performance during adolescence. FLX-treated rats had reduced locomotor activities in an open field and poorer motor performance on an accelerating rotarod compared to the control group of saline-treated animals. Nevertheless, the poorer motor performance largely improved after repetitive practices. To elucidate the structural alterations in the motor system, we examined the structure of neurons in motor-related brain regions. The shape, density, and soma size of cerebellar Purkinje cells were comparable in the two groups, however, density of dendritic spine in medial spiny neurons of striatum and Layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex (M1) were reduced in FLX-rats. Furthermore, the basilar dendrites in M1 Layer 5 neurons had reduced dendritic complexity than those of the control animals. The impaired dendritic structure in striatal and cortical neurons in FLX-treated rats might account for their poorer motor performances. Together, the structure and function of the motor system are affected by early FLX exposure, the long-term effects of early exposure to SSRI-type antidepressants should be concerned.  相似文献   

This study concerns with the multiple treatment of the target site to potent carcinogen and the super imposition of low level radiofrequency and microwave radiation. Swiss albino mice (male) were used for this investigation. The study has been divided in two parts, part A: a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) 100 μg/animal was applied topically on the skin of mice and were exposed to 112 MHz amplitude modulated (AM) at 16 Hz (power density 1.0 mW/cm(2), specific absorption rate (SAR) 0.75 W/kg). Similarly after a single dose of DMBA, mice were exposed to 2.45 GHz radiation (power density of 0.34 mW/cm(2), SAR, 0.1 W/kg), 2 h/day, 3 days a week for a period of 16 weeks. The two sets of experiments were carried out separately. Part B: mice were transplanted intraperitoneally (ip) with ascites 8 × 10(8) (Ehrlich-Lettre ascites, strain E) carcinoma cells per mouse. These mice were exposed to 112 MHz amplitude modulated at 16 Hz and 2.45 GHz radiation separately for a period of 14 days. There was no tumor development in mice exposed to RF and MW. Similarly a topical application of single dose of DMBA followed by RF/MW exposure also did not produce any visible extra tumor on the skin of mice. On the other hand mice were transplanted intraperitoneally with ascites (8 × 10(8) cell/ml) and subsequently exposed to above mentioned fields for 14 days showed a slight increase in the cell numbers as compared to the control group. However, the increase is insignificant. There were insignificant differences either in the mortality or cell proliferation among the control and exposed group. This results show that low level RF or MW do not alter tumor growth and development as evidenced by no observable change in tumor size.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the antihyperlipidemic potential of Diosmin (DS) in mice fed with a high-fat diet (HFD). Animals were divided in five groups (n = 6). The total duration of the study was 90 days split into two intervals. During the first 45-day interval, mice were administered with HFD, whereas during the second 45-day interval they were co-administered HFD plus DS or the standard drug atorvastatin. DS was administered at the dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg;p.o. DS treatment to HFD-induced hyperlipidemic mice caused significant decrements in the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C and VLDL-C. Moreover, DS resulted in significant increase in the levels of HDL-C and improvements in total protein levels, whereas it caused remarkable decreases in SGOT, SGPT and ALP enzymatic activities in hyperlipidemic mice. Histopathological examination of hyperlipidemic mice revealed a disorganized hepatic tissue, fatty changes, and mononuclear cell infiltration, which were all ameliorated by DS administration. The results revealed that DS possesses potential ameliorating benefits again.st hyperlipidemia induced by HFD on lipid profile, liver function enzymes and hepatic histoarchitecture. Further investigations are highly recommended and clinical trials are warranted in order to assess the efficacy and to fully dissect the mode-of-action underpinning the observed antihyperlipidemic effect of DS.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity for calretinin, a calcium-binding protein, was studied in neurones in the guinea-pig small intestine. 26±1% of myenteric neurones and 12±3% of submucous neurones were immunoreactive for calretinin. All calretinin-immunoreactive neurones were also immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and hence are likely to be cholinergic. In the myenteric plexus, two subtypes of Dogiel type-I calretinin-immunoreactive neurones could be distinguished from their projections and neurochemical coding. Some calretinin-immunoreactive myenteric neurones had short projections to the tertiary plexus, and hence are likely to be cholinergic motor neurones to the longitudinal muscle. Some of these cells were also immunoreactive for substance P. The remaining myenteric neurones, immunoreactive for calretinin, enkephalin, neurofilament protein triplet and substance P, are likely to be orad-projecting, cholinergic interneurones. Calretinin immunoreactivity was also found in cholinergic neurones in the submucosa, which project to the submucosal vasculature and mucosal glands, and which are likely to mediate vasodilation. Thus, calretinin immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine is confined to three functional classes of cholinergic neurones. It is possible, for the first time, to distinguish these classes of cells from other enteric neurones.  相似文献   

Specific in vitro binding of [3H]testosterone (T), 5ALPHA[3H]dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and [3H[estradiol (E2) was demonstrated in the 30 000 X g supernatant (cytosol) of thigh muscles (TM) and of the levator ani - bulbocavernosus muscle complex (LA-BC) by gel filtration through Sephadex G-25 columns. In TM cytosol, T and E2 [are bound with high affinity (Ka = 1.1 X 10(9) M-1, and 2.3 X 10(9) M-1 respectively) whereas DHT binding is of lower affinity (Ka = 5.0 X 10(7) M-1).] In LA-BC cytosol, T, E2, and DHT are bound with high affinity (Ka = 1.9 X 10(9) M-1, 0.3 X 10(9) M-1, and 0.5 X 10(9) M-1, respectively). Competition experiments suggest that the binding of the three hormones (T, E2, and DHT) is due to different proteins. In addition to TM and LA-BC, T and E2 binding was found in other muscles of male and female rats, including gastrocnemius, the pectoralis, diaphragm, and heart.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND RESULTS: Embryos from diabetic mice exhibit several forms of neural tube defects, including non-closure of the neural tube. In the present study, embryos collected at embryonic day 11.5 from diabetic pregnancies displayed open neural tube with architectural disruption of the surrounding tissues. The percentage of proliferating cells was found to be increased in the dorsal and ventral domains of the spinal neural tube of embryos from diabetic mice, indicating a defect in the proliferation index. We have analyzed the development of various cell types, including motoneurons, interneurons, oligodendrocytes and migrating neurons, as well as radial glial cells in the open neural tube using specific molecular markers. Immunofluorescence results revealed a significantly reduced number of Pax2+ interneurons and increased number of Isl-1+ motoneurons, as well as Olig2+ oligodendrocytes in the neural tube of embryos from diabetic mice as compared to controls. In addition, these embryos exhibited a decreased number of doublecortin positive migrating neurons and Glast/Blbp positive radial glial cells with shortened processes in the neural tube. Expression levels of several developmental control genes involved in the generation of different neuronal cell types (such as Shh, Ngn, Ngn2, Ascl1) were also found to be altered in the neural tube of embryos from diabetic mice. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the open neural tube in embryos of diabetic mice exhibits defects in the specification of different cell types, including motoneurons and interneurons, as well as glial cells along the dorsoventral axis of the developing spinal cord. Although these defects are associated with altered expression of several development control genes, the exact mechanisms by which maternal diabetes contributes to these changes remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

The pharmacology of the direct central connections between the fast extensor and flexor motor neurones of a locust (Schistocerca gregaria) hind leg was studied. A spike in the fast extensor produces an EPSP in the flexor motor neurones. Glutamate depolarized the flexor motor neurones when injected into the neuropil. Quisqualate, but not by kainate or NMDA, also depolarized the flexor motor neurones. The fast extensor was also depolarized by glutamate, and also by kainate, but not by quisqualate, AMPA or NMDA. The glutamate response in the flexor motor neurones and the EPSP evoked by a spike in FETi both had similar reversal potentials. The FETi-evoked EPSP was blocked by bath application of the glutamate antagonist glutamic acid diethyl ester. The responses of extrasynaptic somata receptors to glutamate were compared to the neuropil responses. Glutamate usually hyperpolarized the somata of FETi and the flexor motor neurones. The response of a flexor motor neurone to glutamate was abolished at potentials less negative than -90 mV. The results provide evidence for glutamate transmission at central synapses in the locust, and show that presumed synaptic receptors in the neuropil differ to the extrasynaptic soma response  相似文献   

Analysis of psychoemotional behavioral component in Albino and Wistar rats during solving a cognitive task showed that intra-population differences were determined by the relationship between passive and active forms of unconditioned reactions. Quick-learning rats from both populations were characterized by the dominance of active forms of psychoemotional reactions over the course of training. The learning process in slow-learning rats was accompanied mainly by passive emotional manifestations, whereas active reactions dominated at the stage of habit realization. Passive forms of manifestations prevailed over active forms over the course of training in both Albino and Wistar rats which failed to solve the task. The interpopulational psychoemotional differences were quantitative and depended only on the learning styles. Wistar strain was characterized by a decreased percent of animals which were able to solve a cognitive task (40% versus 80% in Albino rats), affective flatness and decreased tolerance to information loadings.  相似文献   

Infection of Swiss albino mice with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA), a lethal strain, led to injury of the liver, thymic atrophy and high host mortality. Action of pentoxifylline (PTX), an inhibitor of TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor alpha), was investigated on hepatic necrosis, thymic atrophy, increased percentage of Sub G0/G1 hepatic and thymic populations, parasitemia and survivability of the infected mice host. Our data suggest the importance of PTX in mice survival and curing of liver cirrhosis, without affecting the parasitemic condition of the infected mice. Histomorphological changes were well evident from the appearance of hypertrophied hepatic cells with abundance of pigments. In the thymus no cortico-medullary demarcation was observed with presence of hypertrophied thymocytes. Hyperplasia of hepatic cells in the Sub-G0/G1 stage as revealed by flow cytometric analyses, was suppressed by PTX which is an indication of apoptotic effect of PTX in mice. Mice treated with PTX showed a significant decrease of necrotic areas in liver and thymus, suggesting that PTX treatment controls TNF-α effect, and thus PTX may be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of malaria.  相似文献   

Experimental data were reviewed which demonstrated that the neonatal injection effects of certain biologically active drugs (ACTH4?C10 fragment and its analogue Semax, piracetam, caffeine, levetiracetam, busperone, etc.) could be detected in adult animals as changes in physiological and behavioral reactions and in several morphological traits as well. Audiogenic seizures proneness, anxiety-fear and exploration behavior as well as pain sensitivity were analyzed. The remote effects discovered were either similar in direction to those applied to an adult organism, or opposite to it. Pharmacological treatments of such type presumably interfere the CNS development during early postnatal ontogeny and change the normal pattern of brain development. These modulatory influences could be due to changes in neurotransmitter system development and are presumably capable to induce CNS morphological deviations (numbers of neurons, adult neurogenesis).  相似文献   

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