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Few-polyhedra (FP) mutants of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) are a well-known phenomenon during serial passage of virus in cell culture. Under these circumstances such mutants produce low yields of occlusion bodies (OBs) and poorly occlude virions, but they are selected for through advantageous rates of budded virus replication. Spontaneous insertion of transposable elements originating from host cell DNA into the viral fp25 gene has been shown to be a common cause of the phenotype. A model of NPV population genetics predicts that mutants with these characteristics might persist within stable polymorphisms in viral populations during serial passage of virus in vivo. However, this hypothesis was previously untested, and FP mutants have not been recovered from field isolates of NPVs. We isolated and characterized an FP mutant that arose during routine passage of Autographa californica multinucleocapsid NPV (AcMNPV) in cell culture and identified a transposable element within the fp25 gene. We tracked the fates of coinfecting wild-type and FP mutant AcMNPV strains through serial passage in fifth-instar Trichoplusia ni larvae. The levels of both strains remained stable during successive rounds of infection. We applied the data obtained to a model of NPV population genetics in order to derive the frequency distribution of the multiplicity of cell infection in infected insects and estimated that 4.3 baculovirus genomes per OB-producing cell would account for this equilibrium.  相似文献   

We use data from the serial passage of co-occluded recombinant Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) to estimate the viral multiplicity of infection of cells within infected insects. Co-occlusion, the incorporation of wild-type and mutant virus genomes in the same occlusion body, has been proposed as a strategy to deliver genetically modified viruses as insecticides in a way that contains their spread in the environment. It may also serve as a means whereby naturally occurring mutant forms of NPVs can be maintained in a stable polymorphism. Here, a recombinant strain of AcMNPV was constructed with a deletion of its polyhedrin gene, rendering it incapable of producing occlusion bodies (i.e., occlusion negative). This was co-occluded with wild-type AcMNPV and used to infect fifth-instar Trichoplusia ni larvae. The fate of both genotypes was monitored over several rounds of insect infection. Levels of the occlusion-negative virus genome declined slowly over successive rounds of infection. We applied these data to a model of NPV population genetics to derive an estimate of 4.3 ± 0.3 viral genomes per occlusion body-producing cell.  相似文献   

In previous work, cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni) evolved 22-fold resistance to the single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus of T. ni (TnSNPV) after 26 generations of selection with the virus. The goal of the present study was to determine if T. ni could evolve resistance to the recombinant Autographa californica multiple nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV-AaIT) that expresses an insect specific neurotoxin and to determine if it was influenced by prior development of resistance to TnSNPV. To answer these questions, the T. ni line that had been exposed to TnSNPV was divided into two sublines at generation 27. One of them was serially selected for resistance to AcMNPV-AaIT (subline TnSNPV/AcMNPV-AaIT), while the other one was mock infected with distilled water (subline TnSNPV/H2O). The same was done with the line that was used as a control from generations 1 to 26 (subline H2O/AcMNPV-AaIT and subline H2O/H2O). After 17 generations of selection with AcMNPV-AaIT, T. ni that had not been previously exposed to TnSNPV evolved only twofold resistance to AcMNPV-AaIT. However, those that had been selected with TnSNPV evolved fourfold resistance to AcMNPV-AaIT. Exposure to AcMNPV-AaIT conferred cross-resistance to TnSNPV in only one subline, subline H2O/AcMNPV-AaIT. Resistance to AcMNPV-AaIT did not affect the developmental time, pupal weight, egg production, or percentage of egg hatch of T. ni.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(3):463-469
Larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, were analyzed for the accumulation and biosynthesis of cuticular and internal hydrocarbon at closely spaced and accurately timed intervals during the fourth and fifth stadia. Large differences in the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into hydrocarbon were observed at different times during larval development. Much higher incorporation was observed during feeding stages as compared to wandering stages, while lowest rates of biosynthesis occurred just prior to ecdysis. Fourth stadia wanderers accumulated increased amounts of internal hydrocarbon, which is apparently used to cover the newly forming cuticle. During the fourth to fifth stadium moult insects lost all cuticular hydrocarbon that was present on the old cuticle (about 8 μg/insect) and had about 8 μg/insect on the surface of the newly exposed cuticle. During the fourth stadium incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into total lipid declined between feeding and wandering stages from 24% of injected radiolabel to 7%. Similar decreases in lipid biosynthesis were observed between feeders and wanderers in fifth stadium larvae with the greatest decrease found in the triacylglycerol fraction. These results document dramatic changes in the accumulation and biosynthesis of hydrocarbon and other lipids during larval development.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Wild-type Euglena gracilis var. baciliaris , strains B and Z, synthesize 2 distinct fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolases. Amounts of the 2 activities depend upon conditions of growth. The class I enzyme, with activity similar to that found in various photosynthetic tissues, is formed during regreening of dark-grown cultures incubated in the light. Very low activity of the class I enzyme is also found in mutant strains W3BUL and W8BHL, both of which apparently lack plastid DNA. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a high-affinity Na(+)-dependent choline transporter (TrnCHT) was isolated from the CNS of the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni using an RT-PCR-based approach. The deduced amino acid sequence of the CHT cDNA predicts a 594 amino acid protein of 64.74 kDa prior to glycosylation. TrnCHT has 80%, 79%, 76%, and 58% amino acid identity to putative CHTs from Anopheles gambiae, Drosophila melanogaster and Apis mellifera, and a cloned CHT from Limulus polyphemus, respectively. In situ hybridization of TrnCHT cRNA in whole-mount preparations of caterpillar CNS revealed that TrnCHT mRNA is expressed by hundreds of presumably cholinergic neurons present in both the brain and cortex of all segmental ganglia. Na(+)-dependent [(3)H]-choline uptake was induced in Sf9 cells in vitro following infection with a TrnCHT-expressing recombinant baculovirus. Virally induced [(3)H]-choline uptake was found to approximately equal the endogenous rate of choline uptake in insect cells, seen either after infection with a control virus or in TrnCHT-infected cells exposed to [(3)H]-choline in the absence of Na(+). The Na(+)-dependent component of [(3)H]-choline uptake by TrnCHT-infected cells was saturable with a K(m) for choline transport of 8.4 microM. Several compounds reported to be potent blockers of [(3)H]-choline uptake by cloned vertebrate choline transporters proved to be relatively weak inhibitors of choline uptake by Sf9 cells expressing TrnCHT. Hemicholinium-3 (K(i)=4.1 microM) and two oxoquinuclidium analogues of choline, quireston-A (K(i) approximately 10 microM) and quireston (K(i) approximately 100 microM) inhibited 50% of control uptake only at micromolar concentrations. The endogenous low-affinity Na(+)-independent uptake of [(3)H]-choline was also inhibited by high micromolar concentrations of hemicholinium-3.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis has been examined in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and the nuclear male-sterile mutant BM3 by cytochemical staining. The mutant lacks adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, an enzyme of the purine salvage pathway that converts adenine to AMP. Pollen development in the mutant began to diverge from wild type just after meiosis, as the tetrads of microspores were released from their callose walls. The first indication of abnormal pollen development in the mutant was a darker staining of the microspore wall due to an incomplete synthesis of the intine. Vacuole formation was delayed and irregular in the mutant, and the majority of the mutant microspores failed to undergo mitotic divisions. Enzyme activities of alcohol dehydrogenase and esterases decreased in the mutant soon after meiosis and were undetectable in mature pollen grains of the mutant. RNA accumulation was also diminished. These results are discussed in relation to the possible role(s) of adenine salvage in pollen development.  相似文献   

A new cell line, MSU-TnT4 (TnT4), was established from Trichoplusia ni embryos for use with baculovirus expression vectors and evaluated for its potential for membrane protein production. To evaluate membrane protein synthesis, recombinant baculoviruses were constructed to express the human neurotensin receptor 1 as an enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion. TnT4 cells had a doubling time of 21 h and expressed the membrane-GFP fusion protein at approximately twice the level as Sf21 cells from the p10 promoter, as evaluated by GFP intensity. Expression of secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) was similar to that of Sf21 cells. Expression of membrane-GFP fusion proteins in recombinant baculoviruses provides a rapid method for evaluating the potential of new cell lines for the production of membrane proteins using a baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS).  相似文献   

A wild-type nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) isolate from Spodoptera exigua from Florida (Se-US2) is a variant of the SeMNPV type strain since it has a unique DNA profile but is closely related to other known geographical isolates of SeMNPV. It consists of several genotypic variants, of which seven were identified in a Se-US2 virus stock by a modification of the in vivo cloning method developed by Smith and Crook (Virology 166:240–244, 1988). The US2A variant was the most prevalent genotype, and it was designated the prototype Se-US2 variant, while four of the variants (US2B, US2D, US2F, and US2H) were found at low frequency. US2C and US2E were also very abundant, and their diagnostic bands were easily observed in wild-type isolate restriction endonuclease patterns. The analysis of each variant, compared to the prototype US2A, showed that US2B and US2H presented minor differences, while US2D and US2F contained slightly larger insertions or deletions. Variants US2C and US2E contained major deletions of 21.1 and 14 kb, respectively, mapping at the same genomic region (between 14.5 and 30.2 map units [m.u.] and between 12.8 and 23 m.u., respectively). This is the first report of such deletion mutants in a natural baculovirus population. Variants US2A, US2B, US2D, US2F, and US2H were isolated as pure genotypes, but we failed to clone US2C and US2E in vivo. When these two variants appeared without apparent contamination with any other variant, they lost their pathogenicity for Spodoptera exigua larvae. A further biological characterization showed evidence that these two naturally occurring deletion mutants act as parasitic genotypes in the virus population. Bioassay data also demonstrated that pure US2A is significantly more pathogenic against second-instar S. exigua larvae than the wild-type isolate. The need for precise genotypic characterization of a baculovirus prior to its development as a bioinsecticide is discussed.  相似文献   

The insect midgut cadherin serves as an important receptor for the Cry toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Variation of the cadherin in insect populations provides a genetic potential for development of cadherin-based Bt resistance in insect populations. Sequence analysis of the cadherin from the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, together with cadherins from 18 other lepidopterans showed a similar phylogenetic relationship of the cadherins to the phylogeny of Lepidoptera. The midgut cadherin in three laboratory populations of T. ni exhibited high variability, although the resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ac in the T. ni strain is not genetically associated with cadherin gene mutations. A total of 142 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the cadherin cDNAs from the T. ni strains, including 20 missense mutations. In addition, insertion and deletion polymorphisms (indels) were also identified in the cadherin alleles in T. ni. More interestingly, the results from this study reveal that differential splicing of mRNA also occurs in the cadherin gene expression. Therefore, variation of the midgut cadherin in insects may not only be caused by cadherin gene mutations, but could also result from alternative splicing of its mRNA regulated by factors acting in trans. Analysis of cadherin gene alleles in F2, F3 and F4 progenies from the cross between the Cry1Ac resistant and the susceptible strain after consecutive selections with Cry1Ac for three generations showed that selection with Cry1Ac did not result in an increase of frequencies of the cadherin alleles originated from the resistant strain.  相似文献   

Nonparasitized second-instar larvae of Trichoplusia ni were twice as susceptible (at the LD50 level) to the singly enveloped T. ni nuclear polyhedrosis virus as those parasitized by Hyposoter exiguae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). The LD50 values for nonparasitized and parasitized larvae were 1.58 × 103 and 3.16 × 103 polyhedra/ml of diet, respectively. The LD95 value for parasitized larvae was approximateely 5 times higher than that for nonparasitized larvae. The slopes (b values) were 1.2 for parasitized larvae and 1.7 for nonparasitized larvae. The LT50 values for parasitized larvae also were significantly longer than those for nonparasitized larvae. No significant difference was found between the food consumption of parasitized and nonparasitized T. ni larvae.  相似文献   

The three key lepidopteran pests of cole, Brassica oleracea L., crops in North America are diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae); cabbage looper; Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae); and imported cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Two species-specific pheromone-based experimental attracticide formulations were evaluated against these pests: LastCall DBM for P. xylostella and LastCall CL for T. ni. No LastCall formulation was available against P. rapae. Laboratory toxicity experiments confirmed the effectiveness of each LastCall formulations in killing conspecific males that made contact. In replicated small plots of cabbage and collards in central Alabama, over four growing seasons (fall 2003, spring 2004, fall 2004, and spring 2005), an attracticide treatment receiving the two LastCall formulations, each applied multiple times at the rate of 1,600 droplets per acre, was compared against Bacillus thuringiensis. subspecies kursatki (Bt) spray at action threshold and a negative untreated control. Efficacy was measured by comparing among the three treatments male capture in pheromone-baited traps, larval counts in plots, and crop damage rating at harvest. LastCall provided significant reductions in crop damage comparable to Bt in three of the four seasons. Efficacy of LastCall was dependent upon lepidopteran population densities, which fluctuated from season to season. In general, reduction in crop damage was achieved with LastCall at low-to-moderate population densities of the three species, such as typically occurs in the fall in central Alabama, but not in the spring when high P. rapae population pressure typically occurs in central Alabama. Significant reductions in pheromone trap captures did not occur in LastCall plots, suggesting that elimination of males by the toxicant (permethrin), rather than interruption of sexual communication, was the main mechanism of effect.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of combining microbial pesticides with camptothecin (CPT) on the mortality of two lepidopteran insects: Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) and Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). CPT is an alkaloid that is often used as an anticancer agent. Here, CPT was evaluated as a microbial pesticide synergist of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and insect baculovirus. The toxicity of CPT and its synergistic effects on two microbial pesticides were studied using the diet overlay method. Bioassay results showed that CPT significantly enhances the toxicity of Bt variety kurstaki to S. exigua and T ni. In addition, CPT strongly enhanced the infectivity of Autographa californica (Speyer) multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) and S. exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV). Using light microscopy, we found that CPT disrupts the peritrophic membrane of T. ni larvae and severely affects the structure of the midgut, resulting in an abnormal gut lumen morphology. We speculate that CPT increases toxicity by affecting the permeability of the peritrophic membrane.  相似文献   

The production of maltase, an inducible and repressible catabolic enzyme in Saccharomyces italicus, was studied and compared in batch, fed-batch, and continuous fermentations. Tight genetic controls on maltase synthesis limited the effect of environmental manipulations such as fed-batch or continuous culture in enhancement of maltase synthesis, and neither approach was able to improve the performance above the batch process for maltase production. S. italicus was mutated, and a constitutive producer of maltase was isolated. The mutant was detected by its ability to grow on sucrose, which is a noninducing substrate that is hydrolyzed by maltase; S. italicus does not possess invertase and will not normally grow on sucrose. Maltase production by this mutant was studied during growth on sucrose in batch and continuous cultures and marked improvement in enzyme productivity was observed. The specific activity of maltase produced by this mutant was more than twice that of the parent wild type: 2,210 and 1,370 U/g of cells for the mutant versus 890 and 510 U/g of cells for the wild type in batch and continuous cultures, respectively. Maltase specific productivity was increased from 74 to 288 U/g of cells per h by switching from batch growth of the wild type to continuous cultivation of the mutant.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis and cellular localization of juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) was examined in larvae of the moth Trichoplusia ni, infected with a recombinant baculovirus (Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: AcNPV) engineered to produce high levels of JHE (JHE virus). The course of JHE localization in the recombinant virus infected larvae was compared with that of both wild type AcNPV infected, and uninfected larvae, using immunogold electron microscopy. In the JHE virus infected insects, high levels of JHE were observed in the endoplasmic reticulum of all cells showing evidence of viral structures in the nucleus, except for gut cells which showed only background JHE levels. Tracheole cells and haemocytes appeared to play a role in the dissemination of infection. In uninfected larvae, fat body and epidermis were the major tissues staining for JHE, which was only detectable at peak times of JHE activity during the fifth instar: lower levels at other times could not be distinguished from background. JHE was also present in lysosomes of granular haemocytes: these lysosomes increased in number in the fifth instar compared to the fourth instar. Similar lysosome-like granules in the pericardial cells did not become highly positive for JHE antigen until the fifth instar.  相似文献   

The cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, is a globally distributed highly polyphagous herbivore and an important agricultural pest. T. ni has evolved resistance to various chemical insecticides, and is one of the only two insect species that have evolved resistance to the biopesticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in agricultural systems and has been selected for resistance to baculovirus infections. We report a 333‐Mb high‐quality T. ni genome assembly, which has N50 lengths of scaffolds and contigs of 4.6 Mb and 140 Kb, respectively, and contains 14,384 protein‐coding genes. High‐density genetic maps were constructed to anchor 305 Mb (91.7%) of the assembly to 31 chromosomes. Comparative genomic analysis of T. ni with Bombyx mori showed enrichment of tandemly duplicated genes in T. ni in families involved in detoxification and digestion, consistent with the broad host range of T. ni. High levels of genome synteny were found between T. ni and other sequenced lepidopterans. However, genome synteny analysis of T. ni and the T. ni derived cell line High Five (Hi5) indicated extensive genome rearrangements in the cell line. These results provided the first genomic evidence revealing the high instability of chromosomes in lepidopteran cell lines known from karyotypic observations. The high‐quality T. ni genome sequence provides a valuable resource for research in a broad range of areas including fundamental insect biology, insect‐plant interactions and co‐evolution, mechanisms and evolution of insect resistance to chemical and biological pesticides, and technology development for insect pest management.  相似文献   

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