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We have used mathematical modeling and statistical analysis to examine the correlation between UV-induced DNA damage and resulting base-substitution mutations in mammalian cells. The frequency and site specificity of UV-induced photoproducts in the supF gene of the pZ189 shuttle vector plasmid were compared with the frequency and site specificity of base-substitution mutations induced upon passage of the UV-irradiated vector in monkey cells. The hypothesis that the observed mutational spectrum is due to a preferential insertion of adenosine opposite UV photoproducts in the DNA template was found to best explain the mutational data. Models in which it was postulated that only (6-4) photoproducts, and not cyclobutane dimers, are mutagenic, or that the relative frequency of photoproduct formation does not influence mutation frequencies, fit the data much less well. This analysis demonstrates that molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis in mammalian cells can be deduced from mutational data obtained with a shuttle vector system.  相似文献   

DNA excision repair modulates the mutagenic effect of many genotoxic agents. The recently observed strand specificity for removal of UV-induced cyclobutane dimers from actively transcribed genes in mammalian cells could influence the nature and distribution of mutations in a particular gene. To investigate this, we have analyzed UV-induced DNA repair and mutagenesis in the same gene, i.e. the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-transferase (hprt) gene. In 23 hprt mutants from V79 Chinese hamster cells induced by 2 J/m2 UV we found a strong strand bias for mutation induction: assuming that pre-mutagenic lesions occur at dipyrimidine sequences, 85% of the mutations could be attributed to lesions in the nontranscribed strand. Analysis of DNA repair in the hprt gene revealed that more than 90% of the cyclobutane dimers were removed from the transcribed strand within 8 hours after irradiation with 10 J/m2 UV, whereas virtually no dimer removal could be detected from the nontranscribed strand even up to 24 hr after UV. These data present the first proof that strand specific repair of DNA lesions in an expressed mammalian gene is associated with a strand specificity for mutation induction.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break repair in mammalian cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Human cells can process DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by either homology directed or non-homologous repair pathways. Defects in components of DSB repair pathways are associated with a predisposition to cancer. The products of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which normally confer protection against breast cancer, are involved in homology-directed DSB repair. Defects in another homology-directed pathway, single-strand annealing, are associated with genome instability and cancer predisposition in the Nijmegen breakage syndrome and a radiation-sensitive ataxia-telangiectasia-like syndrome. Many DSB repair proteins also participate in the signaling pathways which underlie the cell's response to DSBs.  相似文献   

To study the effect of nucleotide excision repair on the spectrum of mutations induced in diploid human fibroblasts by UV light (wavelength, 254 nm), we synchronized repair-proficient cells and irradiated them when the HPRT gene was about to be replicated (early S phase) so that there would be no time for repair in that gene before replication, or in G1 phase 6 h prior to S, and determined the kinds and location of mutations in that gene. As a control, we also compared the spectra of mutations induced in synchronized populations of xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP12BE cells, which are unable to excise UV-induced DNA damage). Among the 84 mutants sequenced, base substitutions predominated. Of the XP mutants from S or G1 and the repair-proficient mutants from S, approximately 62% were G.C----A.T. In the repair-proficient mutants from G1, 47% were. In mutants from the repair-proficient cells irradiated in S, 71% (10 of 14) of the premutagenic lesions were located in the transcribed strand; with mutants from such cells irradiated in G1, only 20% (3 of 15) were. In contrast, there was no statistically significant difference in the fraction of premutagenic lesions located in the transcribed strand of the XP12BE cells; approximately 75% (24 of 32) of the premutagenic lesions were located in that strand, i.e., 15 of 19 (79%) in the S-phase cells and 9 of 13 (69%) in the G1-phase cells. The switch in strand bias supports preferential nucleotide excision repair of UV-induced damage in the transcribed strand of the HPRT gene.  相似文献   

We compared the DNA damaging potency of acrylamide (AA) and its metabolite glycidamide (GA) in the comet assay in cell systems differing with respect to species origin and cytochrome P450-depended monooxygenase (CYP2E1) expression (V79, Caco-2, primary rat hepatocytes). Only after 24 h incubation in the highest concentration of AA (6 mM) a slight but significant increase in DNA damage was observed in V79 and Caco-2 cells. In primary rat hepatocytes, however, expressing substantial amounts of CYP2E1, no induction of DNA strand breaks was found. At the end of the incubation time period (24 h), still 67+/-19% of the CYP2E1 protein was detected by Western blotting. Direct treatment with GA resulted in a significant increase in DNA damage in V79 cells and primary rat hepatocytes at concentrations > or =100 microM (24 h). Caco-2 cells were found to be less sensitive, exhibiting an increase in DNA strand breaks at concentrations > or 300 microM GA. These data confirm the higher genotoxic potential of GA compared to AA but also indicate that high expression of CYP2E1 per se is not necessarily associated with increased genotoxicity of AA. We, therefore, investigated whether the intracellular glutathione (GSH) level might be a critical determinant for the genotoxicity of AA in cells with different CYP2E1 status. Depletion of intracellular GSH by dl-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoxime (BSO) in rat hepatocytes and V79 cells resulted in a significant induction of DNA strand breaks after incubation with 1 mM AA. However, at higher concentrations (> or =1.25 mM) a strong increase in cytotoxicity, resulting in a severe loss of viability, was observed. In summary, the DNA strand breaking effect of AA appeared not to be directly correlated with the CYP2E1 status of the cells. Depletion of GSH is associated with an increase in AA genotoxicity but seems also to lead to a substantial enhancement of cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

We have tested the ability of T4 DNA ligase to rejoin radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in living hamster cells (CHO-K1, EM9, xrs-5). T4 DNA ligase was introduced into cells by electroporation prior to x-irradiation. Single- and double-strand breaks were measured by the alkaline comet assay technique, and double-strand breaks (DSBs) were evaluated by the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis method. In the comet assay, the three cell lines showed reduced tail moments following pretreatment with T4 DNA ligase, both directly after irradiation and after repair incubation for 4 h. Similarly, the results obtained from pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed reduced DSB frequencies after pretreatment with T4 DNA ligase. We conclude that exogeneous T4 ligase contributes to rejoining of radiation-induced strand breaks.  相似文献   

We compared the DNA damaging potency of acrylamide (AA) and its metabolite glycidamide (GA) in the comet assay in cell systems differing with respect to species origin and cytochrome P450-depended monooxygenase (CYP2E1) expression (V79, Caco-2, primary rat hepatocytes). Only after 24 h incubation in the highest concentration of AA (6 mM) a slight but significant increase in DNA damage was observed in V79 and Caco-2 cells. In primary rat hepatocytes, however, expressing substantial amounts of CYP2E1, no induction of DNA strand breaks was found. At the end of the incubation time period (24 h), still 67 ± 19% of the CYP2E1 protein was detected by Western blotting. Direct treatment with GA resulted in a significant increase in DNA damage in V79 cells and primary rat hepatocytes at concentrations ≥100 μM (24 h). Caco-2 cells were found to be less sensitive, exhibiting an increase in DNA strand breaks at concentrations ≥300 μM GA. These data confirm the higher genotoxic potential of GA compared to AA but also indicate that high expression of CYP2E1 per se is not necessarily associated with increased genotoxicity of AA. We, therefore, investigated whether the intracellular glutathione (GSH) level might be a critical determinant for the genotoxicity of AA in cells with different CYP2E1 status. Depletion of intracellular GSH by DL-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoxime (BSO) in rat hepatocytes and V79 cells resulted in a significant induction of DNA strand breaks after incubation with 1 mM AA. However, at higher concentrations (≥1.25 mM) a strong increase in cytotoxicity, resulting in a severe loss of viability, was observed. In summary, the DNA strand breaking effect of AA appeared not to be directly correlated with the CYP2E1 status of the cells. Depletion of GSH is associated with an increase in AA genotoxicity but seems also to lead to a substantial enhancement of cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The rate of strand separation in alkali of DNA of irradiated mammalian cells.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

DNA strand specificity in promoter recognition by RNA polymerase.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
C S Park  Z Hillel    C W Wu 《Nucleic acids research》1980,8(23):5895-5912
DNA strand and enzyme subunit specificities involved in the interaction between E. coli RNA polymerase and T7 DNA were studied by photo-crosslinking techniques. In non-specific enzyme-DNA complexes, subunits, sigma, beta, and beta' were crosslinked to both strands of the DNA. Under conditions leading to specific enzyme-promoter complexes, however, only sigma and beta subunits were crosslinked. The sigma subunit was crosslinked preferentially to the non-sense strand at promoter sites. No such strand specificity was observed for the beta subunit. These results provide insight into the molecular mechanism of promoter recognition and indicate that the interaction between RNA polymerase and DNA template is different at promoters and at non-specific sites.  相似文献   

Supplementation of the culture media of human MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells or mouse fibroblasts with low levels of selenium (30 nM) provided as sodium selenite was shown to protect these cells from ultraviolet (UV)-induced chromosome damage, as quantified by micronucleus assay. Selenium supplementation was also effective in reducing UV-induced gene mutations as measured in the lacI shuttle vector model. Protection was dependent on functional BRCA1 activity, a protein implicated in breast cancer risk and DNA damage repair. In addition, overexpression of GPx-1, a selenoprotein with antioxidant activity, also attenuated UV induced micronuclei formation in the absence of selenium supplementation. Combining selenium supplementation with GPx-1 overexpression further reduced UV-induced micronucleus frequency. These data provide evidence that the benefits of selenium supplementation might be either through the prevention or repair of DNA damage, and they implicate at least one selenoprotein (GPx-1) in the process.  相似文献   

We have compared the spontaneous mutation frequency and spectrum of lacI genes recovered from a rat embryonic fibroblast line transfected with a lambda-phage shuttle vector (Rat2lambdalacI) using both the traditional plaque assay as well as a positive selection assay. In addition, mutation frequencies and spectrum were determined after treatment of the cells with either the intracellular superoxide-generating compound, menadione, or UVC light. The differences in mutation frequency between the two systems suggested that the selectable assay was better at discerning relatively small mutation frequency increases, more rapidly and at lower cost, than the plaque assay method. Some novel lacI mutations were observed in mutants derived from the selectable assay. This indicates that the selectable assay system may be a useful tool for assessing the mutagenic potential of different agents.  相似文献   

2-Acetylaminonaphthalene (2-AAN) has been recognized as a urinary bladder carcinogen in humans. The deacetylated form, 2-aminonaphthalene (2-AN), is metabolized in vivo and reacts primarily with guanine residues in DNA, resulting in the formation of dG-N(2)-aminonaphthalene (dG-N(2)-AN) adduct. Phosphoramidite chemical procedure has recently been established in our laboratory to prepare oligodeoxynucleotides containing a single dG-N(2)-acetylaminonaphthalene (dG-N(2)-AAN) adduct. Oligodeoxynucleotides ((5')TCCTCCTNXCCTCTC, where X is dG or dG-N(2)-AAN and N is C, A, T or G) with different bases 5' flanking to the lesion were prepared and were inserted into a single-strand shuttle vectors and used to establish the mutational frequency and specificity of dG-N(2)-AAN adduct in simian kidney cells. dG-N(2)-AAN adduct promoted preferential incorporation of dCMP, the correct base, opposite the lesion. When the 5' flanking base to the lesion was C, A or T, the mutational frequency was under 2.1%. When G flanked to the lesion, the mutational frequency was slightly increased to 4.2%. Misincorporation of dAMP, dTMP, and/or dGMP varied depending on the 5' flanking base. When dG-N(2)-AAN was positioned at codon 61 of noncoding strand of human c-Ha-ras1 gene ((5')TCCTCCTXGCCTCTC, where X is dG-N(2)-AAN), the mutational frequency was 6.7%; G-->T transversions (4.7%), followed by G-->A transition (2.0%), were observed. These results demonstrated that dG-N(2)-AAN is a weak mutagenic lesion in mammalian cells. The influence of 5' flanking sequence context was observed on the mutational frequency and specificity of this adduct.  相似文献   

In recent years two mechanisms have been proposed for the production of DNA strand breaks in cells undergoing oxidative stress: (i) DNA attack by OH radical, produced by Fenton reaction catalyzed by DNA-bound iron; and (ii) DNA attack by calcium-activated nucleases, due to the increase of cytosolic and nuclear calcium induced by oxidative stress. We set out to investigate the participation of the former mechanism by detecting and quantifying 3'-phosphoglycolate, a 3' DNA terminus known to be formed by OH radical attack to the deoxyribose moiety, followed by sugar ring rupture and DNA strand rupture. These structures were found in DNA of monkey kidney cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide, iron nitrilotriacetate or ascorbate, all species known to favor a cellular pro-oxidant status. The method employed to measure 3' phosphoglycolate was the 32P-postlabeling assay. Repair time course experiments showed that it takes 10 h for 3'-phosphoglycolate to be removed from DNA. It was found that the DNA of both control cells and cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide had a very poor capacity of supporting in vitro DNA synthesis, catalyzed by DNA polymerase I. If the DNA was previously incubated with exonuclease III, an enzyme able to expose 3'-OH primers by removal of 3'-phosphoglycolate and 3'-phosphate termini the in vitro synthesis was substantially increased. This result shows that either of these termini are present at the break and that 3'-hydroxyl termini are virtually absent. At least 25% of the strand breaks exhibited 3'-phosphoglycolate termini as determined by the 32P-postlabeling assay, but due to the characteristic of the method this percentage is likely to be higher. These results favor the hypothesis that an oxidative agent generated by Fenton reaction is responsible for DNA strand breakage in cells undergoing oxidative stress.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we identified the novel protein PprA that plays a critical role in the radiation resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans. In this study, we focussed on the ability of PprA protein to recognize and bind to double-stranded DNA carrying strand breaks, and attempted to visualize radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in mammalian cultured cells by employing PprA protein using an immunofluorescence technique. Increased PprA protein binding to CHO-K1 nuclei immediately following irradiation suggests the protein is binding to DNA strand breaks. By altering the cell permeabilization conditions, PprA protein binding to CHO-K1 mitochondria, which is probably resulted from DNA strand break immediately following irradiation, was also detected. The method developed and detailed in this study will be useful in evaluating DNA damage responses in cultured cells, and could also be applicable to genotoxic tests in the environmental and pharmaceutical fields.  相似文献   

Specificity of mutations induced in transfected DNA by mammalian cells   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
DNA transfected into mammalian cells is subject to the high mutation frequency of approximately 1% per gene. We present data bearing on the derivation of the two main classes of mutations detected, base substitutions and deletions. The DNA sequence change is reported for nearly 100 independent base substitution mutations that occurred in shuttle vectors as a result of passage in simian cells. All of the mutations occur at G:C base pairs and involve either transition to A:T or transversion to T:A. To identify possible mutational intermediates, various topological forms of the vector DNA were introduced separately. Supercoiled and relaxed DNA are mutated at equal frequencies. However, linearized DNA leads to a greatly elevated frequency of deletions. Nicked and gapped templates stimulate both deletions and base substitutions. We discuss a model involving intracellular degradation of the transfected DNA which explains these observations.  相似文献   

Negative supercoiling of substrate DNA dramatically alters the in vitro sequence specificity of mammalian DNA methyltransferase (DNA MeTase). This result suggests that in vivo site selection by DNA MeTase could be regulated by conformational information in the form of alternative secondary structures induced in DNA by local supercoiling or by the binding of specific nuclear proteins. DNA in the left-handed Z-form is shown not to be a substrate for mammalian DNA MeTase. The sensitivity of DNA MeTase to DNA structure may also make it useful as a probe for sequences which undergo supercoiling-dependent structural transitions in vitro.  相似文献   

Induction and repair of DNA breaks following irradiation with NIRS cyclotron neutrons were studied in cultured mammalian cells (L5178Y) in comparison to those following gamma-rays. The yield of the total single-strand breaks, 3'OH terminals and sites susceptible to S1 endonuclease following fast neutrons was found to be approximately 50 per cent of that following gamma-irradiation. On the other hand, the yield of double-strand breaks was slightly higher after fast neutrons than after gamma-rays. The percentage of the total single-strand breaks remaining unrejoined at 3 hours after post-irradiation incubation was found to be distinctly higher after the fast neutrons than after gamma-rays. The neutron-induced damage appears to carry a higher proportion of alkali-labile lesions compared to gamma-rays. It was concluded that the increase in the yield of double-strand breaks and of unrejoinable breaks is responsible for a high r.b.e. of the cyclotron neutrons.  相似文献   

A method to visualize in situ of single strand scissions of DNA in fixed mammalian cells has been developed. Using the nuclear nick translation with biotin-labeled dUTP followed by binding to avidin-biotin-peroxydase complex, the nuclei of HeLa cells which had been treated with a DNA-damaging antibiotic bleomycin were specifically stained, implicating that the histochemical detection of single strand scissions (nicks) of DNA in fixed cells was completed without destroying the morphology, and without using autoradiography.  相似文献   

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