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Nonrandom mating in plants may involve differential success of self- vs. outcross pollen, of pollen from relatives vs. nonrelatives, and of pollen from several compatible donors. Of these, the last is least understood. Wild radish plants were crossed with six pollen donors in all possible combinations to investigate differences in pollen donor performance and to compare multiply sired fruits with different numbers and identities of fathers. Pollen donors differed in number of seeds sired, position of seeds sired within fruits, and mass of seeds sired. Performance in single pollination was not a good predictor of performance in mixed pollination. Performance in two-donor pollinations was a better predictor of the outcome of multidonor pollinations. Multiply sired fruits were selectively filled, but not all multiply sired fruits were equal. Both the number and identity of donors affected fruit filling. These results and others with wild radish suggest that variation in pollen donor ability to sire seeds is relatively common in wild radish. Since wild radish plants in the field typically receive pollen from several donors, there may be considerable opportunity for selection at this stage of the life cycle in wild radish.  相似文献   

The possibility that sexual selection has played a role in theevolution of plant reproductive characters remains interesting, butcontroversial. One reason is that clear demonstration of the necessaryconditions for sexual selection is lacking. For sexual selection tooccur, differences in pollen donor performance must be consistent acrossmaternal plants and not be due to mechanisms such asself-incompatibility that produce interactions between maternal plantsand pollen donors. Here, I performed two experiments with wild radish totest whether differences in pollen donor performance are consistentacross maternal plants and not due to subtle effects of theincompatibility system. In the first, all maternal and paternal lineageshad different S-alleles. There were 16 maternal plants, four in each offour lineages and four pollen donors, one in each of four lineages. Rankorder of pollen donor performance, in terms of number of seeds siredafter mixed pollination, was highly consistent across maternal plantsand maternal lineages. In addition, maternal stress treatment had aneffect on mating success of pollen donors, but the effect was subtle anddid not affect the rank order of seeds sired by the four pollen donors.In the second experiment, pollinations were performed on both mature andimmature stigmas. Immature stigmas allowed some self seed set, so theincompatibility system was compromised. There was some nonrandom seedpaternity on both mature and immature stigmas. However, the amount ofnonrandom mating was less on immature stigmas. Taken together, theseexperiments show that the kind of consistent nonrandom mating necessaryfor sexual selection occurs in wild radish, but that the incompatibilitysystem and the mechanisms for sorting among compatible mates may overlapin time of development or in somepathways.  相似文献   

The possibility that sexual selection operates in angiosperms to effect evolutionary change in polygenic traits affecting male reproductive success requires that there is additive genetic variance for these traits. I applied a half-sib breeding design to individuals of the annual, hermaphroditic angiosperm, wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum: Brassicaceae), to estimate paternal genetic effects on, or, when possible, the narrow-sense heritability of several quantitative traits influencing male reproductive success. In spite of significant differences among pollen donors with respect to in vitro pollen tube growth rates, I detected no significant additive genetic variance in male performance with respect to the proportion of ovules fertilized, early ovule growth, the number of seeds per fruit, or mean individual seed weight per fruit. In all cases, differences among maternal plants in these traits far exceeded differences among pollen donors. Abortion rates of pollinated flowers and fertilized ovules also differed more among individuals as maternal plants than as pollen donors, suggesting strong maternal control over these processes. Significant maternal phenotypic effects in the absence of paternal genetic or phenotypic effects on reproductive traits may be due to maternal environmental effects, to non-nuclear or non-additive maternal genetic effects, or to additive genetic variance in maternal control over offspring development, independent of offspring genotype. While I could not distinguish among these alternatives, it is clear that, in wild radish, the opportunity for natural or sexual selection to effect change in seed weight or seed number per fruit appears to be greater through differences in female performance than through differences in male performance.  相似文献   

In order to understand the characters on which sexual selection might operate in plants, it is critical to assess the mechanisms by which pollen competition and mate choice occur. To address this issue we measured a number of postpollination characters, ranging from pollen germination and pollen tube growth to final seed paternity, in wild radish. Crosses were performed using four pollen donors on a total of 16 maternal plants (four each from four families). Maternal plants were grown under two watering treatments to evaluate the effects of maternal tissue on the process of mating. The four pollen donors differed significantly in number of seeds sired and differed overall in the mating characters measured. However, it was difficult to associate particular mechanistic characters with ability to sire seeds, perhaps because of interactions among pollen donors within styles or among pollen donors and maternal plants. The process of pollen tube growth and fertilization differed substantially among maternal watering treatments, with many early events occurring more quickly in stressed plants. Seed paternity, however, was somewhat more even among pollen donors used on stressed maternal plants, suggesting that when maternal tissue is more competent, mating is slowed and is more selective.  相似文献   

For sexual selection to be important in plants, it must occur at pollen load sizes typical of field populations. However, studies of the impact of pollen load size on pollen competition have given mixed results, perhaps because so few of these studies directly examined the outcome of mating when pollen load size was varied. We asked whether seed paternity after mixed pollination of wild radish was affected by pollen load sizes ranging from 22 to 220 pollen grains per stigma. We examined the seed siring abilities of 12 pollen donors across 11 maternal plants. Seed paternity was statistically indistinguishable across the pollen load sizes even though, overall, the pollen donors sired different numbers of seeds. This lack of effect of pollen load size on seed paternity may have occurred because fruit abortion and early abortion or failure of fertilization of seeds increased as load size decreased. Thus, failures of fruits and seeds sired by poorer pollen donors may keep seed paternity constant across pollen load sizes.  相似文献   

Studies of the weedy annual Raphanus sativus have demonstrated that nonrandom mating, a prerequisite for sexual selection, can occur in greenhouse plants. To determine whether this nonrandom mating pattern can occur under a wide range of conditions, including conditions that might occur in the field, we considered variation in both maternal condition and pollen load size. Maternal condition was varied by altering the watering regime. Pollen load size was varied from approximately 26 to 343 pollen grains per stigma. At the smallest pollen load size, patterns of seed paternity were altered in two of the three pollen donor pairs; seed paternity became more equal among donors. For one of three pollen donor pairs, seed paternity was more divergent among donors on stressed maternal plants. Finally, for one pollen donor pair, rank order of pollen donor performance changed from the medium to the small pollen loads on stressed vs. control maternal plants. Thus, some field conditions may alter patterns of nonrandom mating in wild radish.  相似文献   

In natural populations, wild radish plants typically mate with 6–8 pollen donors, and seeds of individual fruits are usually sired by 1–4 fathers. Since radish fruits are indehiscent and gravity-dispersed, progeny are most likely to compete with a mixture of full and half siblings. The fitness consequences of single and multiple paternity were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Seeds of every possible cross in a 5 times 5 reciprocal diallel mating design were assigned to one of three competition regimes (four full siblings, four maternal half siblings, or four unrelated individuals per pot) or were grown as singletons. After 14 weeks, the aboveground biomass of all plants was harvested and oven-dried. The dry weight of singletons was more than three times that of progeny grown in competition, indicating that intraspecific competition had occurred. Full- and half-sib progenies did not differ in mean dry weight. Thus, there was no evidence that multiple paternity enhances this aspect of maternal fitness. However, the competition regime dramatically affected the coefficient of variation in dry weight of progeny within a pot. Weight hierarchies were much more pronounced in pots of half sibs and unrelated neighbors than in pots of full sibs. Also variance in dry weight attributable to sire was greatest in the half-sib and “unrelated neighbors” competition regimes. These results suggest that weight hierarchies reinforce genetic differences among the offspring.  相似文献   

We tested whether nonrandom mating can occur across a range of conditions in wild radish by performing experimental crosses on plants grown under three greenhouse and one field regime. Variation in maternal condition among treatments was sufficient to alter components of reproduction. Effects of pollen donor identity on total seed mass per fruit were significant overall and stronger in the greenhouse than the field treatment. Mating was nonrandom in the field and in some, but not all greenhouse treatments. Selective filling of multiply sired fruits tended to occur in all treatments but was most pronounced in the low-water and defoliation treatments as performed in the greenhouse. Our results demonstrate that nonrandom mating is possible in the field, so patterns of nonrandom mating found in previous studies of wild radish are not likely to be artifacts of greenhouse conditions. However, we also discovered that there may be limits to the range of maternal conditions under which these processes occur.  相似文献   



Over a season, plant condition, amount of ongoing reproduction and biotic and abiotic environmental factors vary. As flowers age, flower condition and amount of pollen donated and received also vary. These internal and external changes are significant for fitness if they result in changes in reproduction and mating.


Literature from several fields was reviewed to provide a picture of the changes that occur in plants and flowers that can affect mating over a season. As flowers age, both the entire flower and individual floral whorls show changes in appearance and function. Over a season, changes in mating often appear as alteration in seed production vs. pollen donation. In several species, older, unpollinated flowers are more likely to self. If flowers are receiving pollen, staying open longer may increase the number of mates. In wild radish, for which there is considerable information on seed paternity, older flowers produce fewer seeds and appear to discriminate less among pollen donors. Pollen donor performance can also be linked to maternal plant age. Different pollinators and mates are available across the season. Also in wild radish, maternal plants appear to exert the most control over paternity when they are of intermediate age.


Although much is known about the characters of plants and flowers that can change over a season, there is less information on the effects of age on mating. Several studies document changes in self-pollination over time, but very few, other than those on wild radish, consider more subtle aspects of differential success of pollen donors over time.  相似文献   

If pollen donor performance during mating correlates with differences in offspring growth and fitness, processes that sort among potential mates may directly improve offspring fitness. Here seeds sired by three pollen donors on ten maternal plants were grown for eight weeks in the greenhouse. The performance of the pollen donors during pollination and fertilization was known from a previous experiment. There were significant effects of paternity on two measures of early growth: leaf number and plant height. Paternal effects on three measures more closely related to fitness; final plant weight, day of first flower production, and total flower number were also significant. Under the conditions of this experiment, final plant weight was probably the best predictor of fitness. The pollen donor that sired the largest seeds in the previous experiment sired offspring that were largest after 8 weeks of growth. Half of the plants were grown under low-water conditions. Paternal effects on growth were not masked by the environmental effects. In fact, some paternal effects became stronger under stress. This suggests that paternal effects could also be important in the field. Plants sired by donor A bolted very early when water was limited and would probably have an advantage in a season that was very short due to an early and severe drought. During fertilization and seed filling, seeds sired by this donor were more frequent on water-stressed maternal plants than on control maternal plants (Marshall, 1988). The data from this experiment indicate a connection between pollen donor performance during mating and offspring growth. These results suggest that the processes that sort among potential fathers during pollination, fertilization, and seed filling, may improve offspring quality.  相似文献   

A critical concern in the debate over the importance of sexual selection in plants is whether the nonrandom mating demonstrable in greenhouse crosses can occur in the field. Field populations likely experience smaller and more variable pollen load sizes than those that have been used in many greenhouse experiments. Therefore, we performed a greenhouse experiment in which we varied both pollen load size and composition in wild radish, Raphanus sativus, and examined the paternity of seeds. We used five maternal plants and four pairs of pollen donors. We were able to produce pollen loads of 40, 118, and 258 grains per stigma. The smallest of the pollen loads was scant enough to result in a slight, but significant reduction in seed number per fruit. While variation in pollen load composition significantly affected the proportions of seeds fathered by different donors, variation in pollen load size did not. The relative performance of different donors was constant across pollen load sizes, suggesting that, for this species, differential performance of pollen donors can occur at pollen load sizes that are likely to occur in field populations.  相似文献   

After pollen arrives on a stigma, the paternity of seeds may be influenced by microgametophyte competition, maternal choice, genetic complementation between parents, and embryo competition. While microgametophyte competition has been well accepted, the other mechanisms are more difficult to demonstrate, and their effects are often confounded. Here, wild radish plants were pollinated with single and mixed pollen loads, and some plants were stressed such that reproduction was reduced. Effects of pollen donors, maternal families, maternal × paternal interaction, pollen donor number, and stress on fruit abortion, seed number per fruit, seed weight, and total seed weight per fruit were measured. Maternal-plant × pollen-donor interaction effects were found for all variables, indicating that genetic complementation or maternal choice occurred. Values of the components of reproduction were generally higher for multiply sired fruits than for singly sired fruits, indicating that either competition among embryos changed under multiple paternity or maternal choice for multiply sired fruits occurred. Finally, when maternal plants were stressed, the components of reproduction were more strongly affected by seed and fruit paternity. This result indicates that either competitive regimes among embryos were affected by stress or maternal plants become more selective under stress. In both cases where embryo competition might have been an explanation of the results, variation in seed weight within fruits was unaffected, suggesting that competitive regimes were unchanged. Clearly, mechanisms in addition to microgametophyte competition are important in sorting the pollen that arrives on stigmas of wild radish. These data suggest that maternal choice is likely to be important. In addition, these processes are likely to occur in the field, since the effects are stronger in stressed than in control plants.  相似文献   

Previous work with wild radish has shown that pollen donors sire different numbers of seeds and that the condition of the maternal tissue affects seed paternity, suggesting that both pollen donor characteristics and maternal tissue affect mating. However, because these results are from the greenhouse, it is difficult to know whether they would hold true in the field. Here, we performed hundreds of crosses on several maternal plants to simulate changes during the flowering season of field plants. During the experiment, maternal resource availability changed due to the costs of producing fruits, and we determined the pollination history of a plant by performing crosses in specific orders. Examination of seed paternity showed that there were small differences in pollen donor success at the beginning of the experiment when maternal resources were abundant. Differential pollen donor success was greatest slightly later in the flowering period, but declined toward the end of the experiment. Thus, maternal plants may distinguish most among pollen donors when they have both abundant resources and experience with the differences in quality of available pollen donors. In contrast, there were few significant effects of the recent pollination history of plants on pollen donor success. Finally, despite the changes in mating performance over time, there were strong overall differences in pollen donor success, suggesting that seasonal changes in the field will not eliminate the potential for nonrandom mating.  相似文献   

很多植物的花,其柱头上接受的花粉供体多样性数量通常与果实成熟和种子产出有关。关于提高花粉多样性能否增加植物的生殖产出问题,文献中时常有相互矛盾的结论。本研究通过对自交不亲和性植物文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolium)进行1、2、3、4种花粉供体传粉实验,调查了不同花粉供体数量对文冠果雌性生殖的影响。结果表明,增加亲和花粉供体的多样性,一定程度上提高了花序上果实的坐果数量,同时也增加了果实中种子的数量及单粒种子重量。对文冠果授以4种亲和性花粉供体后,花序上成熟果实的平均数最多;3种亲和性花粉供体传粉后,每个果实中的种子数最多,单粒种子也最重。如果混合花粉中含有自交花粉,那么果实将败育。除花粉多样性影响雌性生殖产出外,母本基因型也具有重要影响,即增加文冠果种植品系的多样性,将有助于提高果实和种子产量。本研究还讨论了花粉遗传多样性效应、母本交配选择及果实选择性败育假说。  相似文献   

For many plants, the number of pollen genotypes deposited on a flower’s stigma is positively related to fruit maturation and seed number; however, the mechanisms underlying this effect are less understood. Here we examined whether diversity of pollen (1, 3, or 5 donors) affects reproductive success in self-incompatible apple (Malus × domestica). Using paternity analysis, we then assessed the siring rate of individual donors to test whether diversity effects are related to the presence of a superior pollen donor or to donor × donor interactions. Increasing the diversity of compatible pollen enhanced seed number and reduced seed abortion in some but not all recipient genotypes. This effect was associated with an increased number of sires per fruit and non-random siring success among pollen donors. Two donors had consistently high siring rates, regardless of recipient genotype; however, the siring success of pollen donors was not correlated with their siring success in single-donor pollinations. Rather, siring success was affected by the identity of other pollen genotypes present on the stigma. Our results therefore suggest that the effects of pollen diversity are variable but may enhance fecundity by fostering interactions between pollen donors.  相似文献   

When females mate with multiple males, they set the stage for postcopulatory sexual selection via sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice. Surprisingly little is known about the rates of multiple mating by females in the wild, despite the importance of this information in understanding the potential for postcopulatory sexual selection to drive the evolution of reproductive behaviour, morphology and physiology. Dung beetles in the genus Onthophagus have become a laboratory model for studying pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection, yet we still lack information about the reproductive behaviour of female dung beetles in natural populations. Here, we develop microsatellite markers for Onthophagus taurus and use them to genotype the offspring of wild‐caught females and to estimate natural rates of multiple mating and patterns of sperm utilization. We found that O. taurus females are highly polyandrous: 88% of females produced clutches sired by at least two males, and 5% produced clutches with as many as five sires. Several females (23%) produced clutches with significant paternity skew, indicating the potential for strong postcopulatory sexual selection in natural populations. There were also strong positive correlations between the number of offspring produced and both number of fathers and paternity skew, which suggests that females benefit from mating polyandrously by inciting postcopulatory mechanisms that bias paternity towards males that can sire more viable offspring. This study evaluates the fitness consequences of polyandry for an insect in the wild and provides strong evidence that female dung beetles benefit from multiple mating under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Mating rate has important implications for patterns of sexual selection and sexual conflict and hence for issues such as speciation and the maintenance of genetic diversity. Knowledge of natural mating rates can provide insights into the factors driving female mating behaviour. We investigated the level of polyandry in a Spanish population of the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus using microsatellite markers. Two approaches were employed: (i) genotyping the offspring of wild-caught gravid females to determine the number of males siring the brood and (ii) genotyping sperm stored in the spermathecae of females mated in the wild to estimate the number of mating partners. We compared existing methods for inferring the minimum and probable number of fathers and described a novel probabilistic technique estimating the number of mates by genotyping stored sperm. Using the most conservative allele-counting method, 71% of females produced offspring sired by at least two males (a minimum mean of 2.4 fathers per clutch), and all females had mated to at least two males with minimum mean estimates of 2.7-5.1 mates per female. Our study reveals high levels of polyandry in the wild and suggests that females mate with more males than sire their offspring.  相似文献   

In small, fragmented populations of self-incompatible plant species, genetic drift and increasingly close relationships between plants may restrict the number of genetically different pollen donors, the availability of compatible mates, and the opportunity for pollen competition and selection. These restrictions may reduce the siring success or increase the probability of inbreeding depression in the offspring. To test if this was the case, we hand-pollinated maternal plants in small and large populations of the rare, endemic plant Cochlearia bavarica (Brassicaceae) with pollen from one, three, or nine donors from the same population or with nine donors from a different population. In one additional population of intermediate size, maternal plants were hand-pollinated with ten donors located at a distance of 1, 10, 100, or 1000 m. We then recorded seed and offspring characters. On average, offspring from small populations were smaller than normal and fewer survived to maturity. Increasing the number of pollen donors had a positive effect on reproductive success in small and large populations, but at the highest pollen diversity this occurred at the expense of slightly reduced offspring fitness. Because the total amount of transferred pollen was held constant, these effects could not be attributed to increasing pollen load. Rather, the increasing pollen diversity may have increased the chances of selecting a particularly "good" donor for fertilization-an example of a sampling effect of diversity. Pollen from outside a population or from 10-100 m away resulted in higher reproductive success and greater offspring size. Effects of population size and pollination treatments on reproductive success and offspring fitness were additive. Apparently, there is no obvious size threshold above which the potential of inbreeding depression can be ignored in C. bavarica.  相似文献   

The ultimate importance of postpollination sexual selection has remained elusive, largely because of the difficulty of assigning paternity in the field. Here I use a powerful new molecular marker (AFLP) for paternity analysis in a natural population of the outcrossing angiosperm Persoonia mollis (Proteaceae) to assess male reproductive success following equal pollination of 15 pollen donors on each of 6310 pistils. These results were contrasted with male reproductive success of these same plants following natural mating. Following equal pollination, there was a significant departure from equal siring success, indicating a potential for postpollination sexual selection. The most successful pollen donor sired more than twice the expected number of seeds, and this was largely consistent across recipient plants. However, siring success following natural mating was significantly different from siring success following artificial pollination and showed that the reproductive gains to be made from superior pollen performance did not translate into increased reproductive success following natural mating. As the ecological context for post-pollination sexual selection is strong in P. mollis, I suggest that pollen competition may ultimately have only a weak effect on non-random male mating success under natural conditions because the realized opportunities for pollen competition within pistils are limited.  相似文献   

Competition among many microgametophytes for a limited number of ovules can lead to both nonrandom fertilization by pollen genotypes and selection for greater sporophytic vigor. The evolutionary implications of this process depend on the extent of heritable genetic variation for pollen competitive ability. Using flower color in wild radish as a genetic marker, we demonstrate differences among pollen donors in competitive ability. Significant differences were found in four out of five pairs of donors. For three pairs of donors, competitive differences were observed in certain maternal plants but not others. To test for heritability of pollen performance, we conducted a selection experiment. We manipulated the intensity of pollen competition for two generations and then tested for differences in the performance of pollen from two selected lines. Competitive ability of pollen derived from each line was assessed relative to a standard unrelated pollen donor, using pollen mixtures on six wild maternal plants. The intensity of previous pollen competition had no overall effect on the proportion of seeds sired by each selected line. In two maternal plants, pollen from intense previous competition was actually inferior, contrary to expectation. Thus, we found no evidence for heritable variation in this trait. Other factors, such as male-female interactions, may influence the outcome of pollen competition. Prevailing theory on the genetic basis of effects of pollen competition on subsequent generations is not supported by our results. Improved protocols for future experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

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