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BM-40 is an extracellular matrix-associated protein and is characterized by an extracellular calcium-binding domain as well as a follistatin-like domain. Secreted modular calcium-binding protein-1 (SMOC-1) is a new member of the BM-40 family. It consists of two thyroglobulin-like domains, a follistatin-like domain and a new domain without known homologues and is expressed ubiquitously in many adult murine tissues. Immunofluorescence studies, as well as immunogold electron microscopy, have confirmed the localization of SMOC-1 in or around basement membranes of adult murine skin, blood vessels, brain, kidney, skeletal muscle, and the zona pellucida surrounding the oocyte. In the present work, light microscopic immunohistochemistry has revealed that SMOC-1 is localized in the early mouse embryo day 7 throughout the entire endodermal basement membrane zone of the embryo proper. SMOC-1 mRNA is synthesized, even in early stages of mouse development, by mesenchymal as well as epithelial cells deriving from all three germ layers. In embryonic stage day 12, and fetal stages day 14, 16, and 18, the protein is present in the basement membrane zones of brain, blood vessels, skin, skeletal muscle, lung, heart, liver, pancreas, intestine, and kidney. This broad and organ-specific distribution suggests multifunctional roles of SMOC-1 during mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Protein synthesis in egg follicles and blastoderm embryos ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to 400 polypeptide spots have been resolved on autoradiographs. Stage 10 follicles (for stages see King, 1970) were labelled in vitro for 10 to 60 min with35S-methionine and cut with tungsten needles into an anterior fragment containing the nurse cells and a posterior fragment containing the oocyte and follicle cells. The nurse cells were found to synthesize a complex pattern of proteins. At least two proteins were detected only in nurse cells but not in the oocyte even after a one hour labelling period. Nurse cells isolated from stages 9, 10 and 12 follicles were shown to synthesize stage specific patterns of proteins. Several proteins are synthesized in posterior fragments of stage 10 follicles but not in anterior fragments. These proteins are only found in follicle cells. No oocyte specific proteins have been detected. Striking differences between the protein patterns of anterior and posterior fragments persist until the nurse cells degenerate. In mature stage 14 follicles, labelled in vivo, no significant differences in the protein patterns of isolated anterior and posterior fragments could be detected; this may be due to technical limitations. At the blastoderm stage localized synthesis of specific proteins becomes detectable again. When blastoderm embryos, labelled in vivo, are cut with tungsten needles and the cells are isolated from anterior and posterior halves, differences become apparent. The pole cells located at the posterior pole are highly active in protein synthesis and contribute several specific proteins which are found exclusively in the posterior region of the embryo. In this study synthesis of specific proteins could only be demonstrated at those developmental stages which are characterized by the presence of different cell types within the egg chamber, while no differences were detected when stage 14 follicles were cut and anterior and posterior fragments analyzed separately. The differences in the pattern of protein synthesis by pole cells and blastoderm cells indicate that even the earliest stages of determination are reflected by marked changes at the biochemical level.  相似文献   

SCO-spondin is a multidomain glycoprotein secreted by the subcommissural organ (SCO). It belongs to the thrombospondin type 1 repeat superfamily and has been identified in several vertebrate species. We report the cloning of the chick SCO-spondin ortholog and examine its temporal and spatial expression during early embryogenesis from Hamburger and Hamilton (HH) stage 12 to HH stage 21. Chick SCO-spondin cDNA contains a long open reading frame encoding a predicted protein of 5255 amino acids. Northern blot analysis has revealed SCO-spondin mRNA as a band of about 15 kb. Many conserved domains have been identified, including 27 thrombospondin type 1 repeats, 13 low-density lipoprotein receptor type A domains, one EMI domain (a cysteine-rich domain of extracellular proteins), three von Willebrand factor type D domains, and one cystine knot C-terminal domain. Whole-mount in situ hybridization enabled the first signal of mRNA expression to be detected at HH stage 17, exclusively in a thin area of the prosencephalon roof plate. During the following stages of development, SCO-spondin expression remained restricted to this region. The multidomain structure of SCO-spondin and its early expression suggest that it plays a role in developmental processes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA (mtlrRNA) has been identified as a cytoplasmic factor inducing pole cells in ultraviolet (UV)-sterilized Drosophila embryos. In situ hybridization studies have revealed that mtlrRNA is present outside mitochondria localized on the surface of polar granules during the cleavage stage. In the present study, we describe the developmental changes in extramitochondrial mtlrRNA distribution through early embryogenesis using in situ hybridization at the light and electron microscopic level. No mtlrRNA signal was discernible on polar granules in the mature oocyte, unless the oocyte was activated for development. mtlrRNA was localized on the surface of polar granules during a limited period of stages from oocyte activation to pole bud formation and disappeared as soon as being detached from polar granules without entering pole cells. These changes in the temporal and spatial distribution of mtlrRNA outside mitochondria are compatible with the idea that mtlrRNA is required for pole cell formation but not for the differentiation of pole cells as functional germ cells.  相似文献   

U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) is one of the members of the box C/D class of snoRNA and is essential for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing to generate 18S rRNA in the nucleolus. Although U3 snoRNA is abundant, and is well conserved from yeast to mammals, the genes encoding U3 snoRNA in C. elegans have long remained unidentified. A recent RNomics study in C. elegans predicted five distinct U3 snoRNA genes. However, characterization of these candidates for U3 snoRNA has yet to be performed. In this study, we isolated and characterized four candidate RNAs for U3 snoRNA from the immunoprecipitated RNAs of C. elegans using an antibody against the 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap. The sequences were identical to the predicted U3 sequences in the RNomics study. Here, we show the several lines of evidence that the isolated RNAs are the true U3 snoRNAs of C. elegans. Moreover, we report the novel expression pattern of U3 snoRNA and fibrillarin, which is an essential component of U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex, during early embryo development of C. elegans. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of the inconsistent localization U3 snoRNA and fibrillarin during early embryogenesis, providing novel insight into the mechanisms of nucleologenesis and ribosome production during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary InSmittia embryos, anterior UV irradiation causes the formation of double abdomens in which head and thorax are replaced by a mirror-image duplication of abdominal segments. The transformation is ascribed to the inactivation of cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein particles acting as anterior determinants. During the first 5 h after egg deposition (h.a.d.), high yields of double abdomens are produced by microbeam irradiation of a small target area (diameter 20 m) behind the anterior pole. This localization coincides with a yolk-free cytoplasmic cone observed behind the anterior pole of newly depositedSmittia eggs (Zissler and Sander 1973). Irradiation of this area becomes less efficient between 5 and 7 h.a.d., while double abdomen yields increase after irradiation of adjacent target areas. A dramatic increase in the double abdomen yield is also observed after irradiation of the entire anterior surface. Under these conditions, the UV fluence required for a given yield decreases by a factor of 3.9 between 5.5. and 7 h.a.d. This can be explained quantitatively by the assumption that the effective targets move an average distance of 8 from the strongly absorbing endoplasm towards the egg surface. During the period of apparent target deshielding, the distance of nuclei from the egg surface actually decreases from 11 to 3 m. However, the timing and direction of the nuclear migration and of the apparent deshielding differ, indicating that the shift of effective targets may be triggered by, but does not exactly follow, the nuclear movement. The data suggest that a major fraction of anterior determinants shifts from a small volume behind the anterior pole to a spread-out distribution over the surface of the anterior half.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown in mice that the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoform 4 (PMCA4) is essential for sperm fertilization capacity. We analyzed whether sperm PMCA4 is formed in the rat during spermatogenesis or is synthesized in the epididymis and transferred onto sperm during sperm maturation. We could show that PMCA4 is conserved in sperm from testis to epididymis. In testis, PMCA4 mRNA was restricted to spermatogonia and early spermatocytes, while the PMCA4 protein was detected in spermatogonia, late spermatocytes, spermatids and in epididymal sperm. In epididymis PMCA4 mRNA was localized in basolateral plasma membranes of epithelial cells of the caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis. In contrast, the protein was only detectable in the epithelial cells of the caput, indicating that PMCA4 mRNA is only translated into protein in caput epithelium. In the epididymal corpus and cauda, PMCA4 mRNA and protein, respectively, was localized and in peritubular cells. Furthermore, we detected an identical distribution of PMCA4a and b splice variants in rat testis, epididymal corpus and cauda. In the caput epididymidis, where PMCA4 is located in the epithelium splice variant 4b was more prominent. Further experiments have to clarify the functional importance of the differences in the PMCA4 distribution.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms of intracellular targeting of viral nucleic acids within infected cells. We used in situ hybridization to visualize the distribution of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viral RNA (vRNA) in infected tobacco protoplasts. Immunostaining of the ER lumenal binding protein (BiP) concurrent with in situ hybridization revealed that vRNA colocalized with the ER, including perinuclear ER. At midstages of infection, vRNA accumulated in large irregular bodies associated with cytoplasmic filaments while at late stages, vRNA was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and was associated with hair-like protrusions from the plasma membrane containing ER. TMV movement protein (MP) and replicase colocalized with vRNA, suggesting that viral replication and translation occur in the same subcellular sites. Immunostaining with tubulin provided evidence of colocalization of vRNA with microtubules, while disruption of the cytoskeleton with pharmacological agents produced severe changes in vRNA localization. Mutants of TMV lacking functional MP accumulated vRNA, but the distribution of vRNA was different from that observed in wild-type infection. MP was not required for association of vRNA with perinuclear ER, but was required for the formation of the large irregular bodies and association of vRNA with the hair-like protrusions.  相似文献   

为探讨肾综合征出血热病毒(HFRSV)在恙螨体内的分布和定位,采用原位分子杂交技术检测恙螨体内HFRSVRNA。结果发现:原位分子杂交技术的检出阳性率较IFAT高;HFRSV阳性信号颗粒呈弥散分布,多见于恙螨幼虫和若虫的腹部组织细胞内,该部位是恙螨的卵巢细胞、中肠及支囊上皮细胞。前体组织细胞内少见;个别幼虫和若虫的前足和中足细胞内亦可见到HFRSVRNA阳性信号。在原位分子杂交中,若虫组织细胞内的HFRSVRNA阳性信号较幼虫密集而且量多,表明HFRSV在恙螨体内可传递并有增殖现象  相似文献   

A regional Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the highest levels of NF-L mRNA in the adult mouse brain are present in brain stem followed by mid-brain, with lower levels found in neocortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus. The study was extended to the cellular level over the time course of postnatal development using in situ hybridization. This developmental analysis revealed that the expression of NF-L mRNA closely follows the differentiation pattern of many large neurons during postnatal neurogenesis. Neurons which differentiate early such as Purkinje, mitral, pyramidal, and large neurons of brain stem and thalamic nuclei, expressed high levels of NF-L mRNA at postnatal day 1. Early expression of NF-L mRNA may be required for the maintenance of the extensive neurofilament protein networks that are detected within the axons of larger neurons. Smaller neurons which differentiate later, such as dentate gyrus granule cells, small pyramidal and granule cells of the neocortex, and granule cells of the cerebellum, exhibit a delayed expression of NF-L mRNA.To whom to address reprint requests.  相似文献   

RNA原位杂交实用技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
利用互补RNA为探针进行原位杂交是分析组织或细胞内RNA分布的行之有效的方法 ,通过对mRNA分布的研究可以了解特定基因的表达情况。原位杂交技术过程较长 ,操作繁琐 ,从而在一些实验中不能得到很好的使用 ,为此本文根据我们过去的实际操作经验对该技术中的一些使用技巧作简要的介绍。  相似文献   

Yue MJ  Mo SJ  Song P  Gong YZ 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):386-390
斑马鱼z-otu基因编码的蛋白可能具有DUBs活性,它包含OTU和TUDOR结构域,属于OTU相关蛋白酶家族的成员。该研究将原核表达的融合蛋白(OTU结构域和GST)纯化后免疫新西兰兔,获得多克隆抗体anti-Z-OTU,并利用该抗体对Z-OTU蛋白质在斑马鱼卵子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中的表达进行了分析。根据原位和整体免疫组织化学检测结果并结合以前的研究结论,分析并比较了z-otu基因的mRNA和蛋白质的分布,发现在卵子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中,z-otu基因的mRNA和蛋白质表达模式存在明显差异:mRNA仅在卵子发生早期表达,卵母细胞受精后才重新开始表达,而其蛋白在卵子发生过程中均表达;在卵子发生过程中,mRNA分布于细胞质中,而蛋白质先分布于细胞核中,然后向细胞质迁移,接着又向卵母细胞生发泡(germinal vesicle,GV)集中。推测Z-OTU蛋白类似于其他具有去泛素化酶活性的OTU相关蛋白酶,对于卵母细胞减数分裂过程中生发泡破裂、生发泡迁移及维持胚胎的分裂是必需的。  相似文献   

We have carried out a large-scale, semi-automated whole-mount in situ hybridization screen of 8369 cDNA clones in Xenopus laevis embryos. We confirm that differential gene expression is prevalent during embryogenesis since 24% of the clones are expressed non-ubiquitously and 8% are organ or cell type specific marker genes. Sequence analysis and clustering yielded 723 unique genes displaying a differential expression pattern. Of these, 18% were already described in Xenopus, 47% have homologs and 35% are lacking significant sequence similarity in databases. Many of them encode known developmental regulators. We classified 363 of the 723 genes for which a Gene Ontology annotation for molecular function could be attributed and found 'DNA binding' and 'enzyme' the most represented terms. The most common protein domains encoded in these embryonic, differentially expressed genes are the homeobox and RNA Recognition Motif (RRM). Fifty-nine putative orthologs of human disease genes, and 254 organ or cell specific marker genes were identified. Markers were found for nasal placode and archenteron roof, organs for which a specific marker was previously unavailable. Markers were also found for novel subdomains of various other organs. The tissues for which most markers were found are muscle and epidermis. Expression of cell cycle regulators fell in two classes, containing proliferation-promoting and anti-proliferative genes, respectively. We identified 66 new members of the BMP4, chromatin, endoplasmic reticulum, and karyopherin synexpression groups, thus providing a first glimpse of their probable cellular roles. Cluster analysis of tissues to measure tissue relatedness yielded some unorthodox affinities besides expectable lineage relationships. In conclusion, this study represents an atlas of gene expression patterns, which reveals embryonic regionalization, provides novel marker genes, and makes predictions about the functional role of unknown genes.  相似文献   

In order to understand the molecular mechanism of development during early embryogenesis in diapause and non-diapause of the silkworm, mRNA from diapause and non-diapause eggs was compared using the differential display technique. We cloned the full length of a cDNA encoding a novel RNA helicase-like (RHL) protein by the RACE method using a cDNA fragment which was one of the specific cDNAs in the non-diapause eggs. A BLAST search using the predicted amino acid sequence of RHL revealed a low homology (21–25% identity of its partial length) with that of the DEAD-box RNA helicase. Gene expression of the RHL gene of the diapause and non-diapause eggs was investigated by RT-PCR until 60 h after oviposition. Amplified RHL cDNA was observed through all the stages in the non-diapause eggs, while in the diapause eggs, cDNA was found in eggs 0–12 h after oviposition but disappeared 24–60 h after oviposition. When the diapause eggs were activated by HCl treatment after chilling at 4 °C for 6 days from 48 h after oviposition (artificial diapause termination), cDNA was observed from 12 h after HCl treatment. We also investigated the immunohistochemical distribution and localization of RHL in non-diapause eggs using anti-recombinant His-tag RHL antiserum. RHL was distributed in blastoderm cells and yolk cells and was localized in the nucleus and the cytosol of yolk cells. These data suggest that RHL has an important role in the early embryo of the silkworm.  相似文献   

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