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Coevolution of parasite virulence and host life history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most models about the evolutionary interactions between a parasite's virulence and its host's life history neglect two potentially important aspects: epidemiological and coevolutionary feedback. We emphasize their importance by presenting models that describe the coevolution of a semelparous host's age at reproduction and a parasite's virulence in different environmental conditions. In particular, we first show that an epidemiological feedback will lead to a nonmonotonic response of the host's age at reproduction as virulence increases. We then show that the coevolutionary pressure on virulence can lead to complex associations between the host's life history and the parasite's virulence, which would not be expected with more traditional models of host or parasite evolution. Thus, for example, a high mortality rate of the host favours avirulent parasites and late reproduction of the host when the environmental conditions allow the host to grow rapidly, but early reproduction and high virulence when growth is slow.  相似文献   

For parasites that require multiple hosts to complete their development, genetic interplay with one host may impact parasite transmission and establishment in subsequent hosts. In this study, we used microsatellite loci to address whether the genetic background of snail intermediate hosts influences life-history traits and transmission patterns of dioecious trematode parasites in their definitive hosts. We performed experimental Schistosoma mansoni infections utilizing two allopatric populations of Biomphalaria glabrata snails and assessed intensities and sex ratios of adult parasites in mouse definitive hosts. Our results suggest that the genetic background of hosts at one point in a parasite’s life cycle can influence the intensities and sex ratios of worms in subsequent hosts.  相似文献   

  1. Parasites are integral to ecosystem functioning yet often overlooked. Improved understanding of host–parasite associations is important, particularly for wide‐ranging species for which host range shifts and climate change could alter host–parasite interactions and their effects on ecosystem function.
  2. Among the most widely distributed mammals with diverse diets, gray wolves (Canis lupus) host parasites that are transmitted among canids and via prey species. Wolf–parasite associations may therefore influence the population dynamics and ecological functions of both wolves and their prey. Our goal was to identify large‐scale processes that shape host–parasite interactions across populations, with the wolf as a model organism.
  3. By compiling data from various studies, we examined the fecal prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in six wolf populations from two continents in relation to wolf density, diet diversity, and other ecological conditions.
  4. As expected, we found that the fecal prevalence of parasites transmitted directly to wolves via contact with other canids or their excreta was positively associated with wolf density. Contrary to our expectations, the fecal prevalence of parasites transmitted via prey was negatively associated with prey diversity. We also found that parasite communities reflected landscape characteristics and specific prey items available to wolves.
  5. Several parasite taxa identified in this study, including hookworms and coccidian protozoans, can cause morbidity and mortality in canids, especially in pups, or in combination with other stressors. The density–prevalence relationship for parasites with simple life cycles may reflect a regulatory role of gastrointestinal parasites on wolf populations. Our result that fecal prevalence of parasites was lower in wolves with more diverse diets could provide insight into the mechanisms by which biodiversity may regulate disease. A diverse suite of predator–prey interactions could regulate the effects of parasitism on prey populations and mitigate the transmission of infectious agents, including zoonoses, spread via trophic interactions.

Patterns of accumulation of Triaenophorus crassus in its second intermediate host whitefish Coregonus lavaretus s.l. were studied between 1991 and 1996 from two host populations in two separate areas of Lake Saimaa, Finland. Whitefish were infected commonly with several T. crassus plerocercoids and the parasites were aggregated into the oldest hosts. In one host population the annual parasite accumulation was 0·9 parasites in all host age groups between 3 and 8 years. In the other host population the annual accumulation was 1·6 parasites in 3–5-year-old fish, but increased up to 3 to 4 parasites per year in fish over 5 years old. The increase did not coincide with the period of maturation or any increase in whitefish growth, both of which could alter the food intake of the fish. The sharp increase in the annual accumulation suggests a threshold intensity above which the probability of acquiring further parasites increases. In spite of a heavy aggregation of parasites there was no evidence of parasite-induced host mortality. The annual increase in mean abundance was not correlated with the mean annual weight increase in 2–4-year-old fish within cohorts. However, evidence of a negative effect of parasites on whitefish growth was revealed by back-calculation of lengths of uninfected and infected whitefish and correlations between length or weight of fish and intensity of infection with fish age. Both analyses suggested that larger young fish harboured more parasites than the smaller ones while in older fish the reverse was true, a pattern that has not been shown earlier for parasitized fish.  相似文献   

We quantified the clonal diversity of the New Zealand marine trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis (n = 1250) within Zeacumantus subcarinatus snail (n = 25) and Macrophthalmus hirtipes crab (n = 25) intermediate hosts using four to six microsatellite loci, and investigated the potential biological and physical factors responsible for the observed genetic patterns. Individual snails harboured one to five trematode genotypes and 48% of snails were infected by multiple parasite genotypes. Overall, the number of parasite genotypes did not increase with snail size, but was highest in intermediate-sized snails. Significantly larger numbers of parasite genotypes were detected in crabs (relative to snails; P < 0.001), with 16-25 genotypes recovered from individual crabs. Although crabs are typically infected by small numbers of cercariae sourced from many snails, they are occasionally infected by large numbers of cercariae sourced from single snails. The latter cases explain the significant genetic differentiation of trematode populations detected among their crab hosts (F(ST) = 0.009, P < 0.001). Our results suggest that the timing of infection and/or intraspecific competition among parasite clones within snails determine(s) the diversity of parasite clones that snails harbour. The presence of a large number of infected snails and tidal mixing of cercariae prior to infection results in crabs potentially harbouring hundreds of parasite genotypes despite the crabs' territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

Animal parasitic nematodes can cause serious diseases and their emergence in new areas can be an issue of major concern for biodiversity conservation and human health. Their ability to adapt to new environments and hosts is likely to be affected by their degree of genetic diversity, with gene flow between distinct populations counteracting genetic drift and increasing effective population size. The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis), a gastrointestinal parasite of the raccoon (Procyon lotor), has increased its global geographic range after being translocated with its host. The raccoon has been introduced multiple times to Germany, but not all its populations are infected with the parasite. While fewer introduced individuals may have led to reduced diversity in the parasite, admixture between different founder populations may have counteracted genetic drift and bottlenecks. Here, we analyse the population genetic structure of the roundworm and its raccoon host at the intersection of distinct raccoon populations infected with B. procyonis. We found evidence for two parasite clusters resulting from independent introductions. Both clusters exhibited an extremely low genetic diversity, suggesting small founding populations subjected to inbreeding and genetic drift with no, or very limited, genetic influx from population admixture. Comparison of the population genetic structures of both host and parasite suggested that the parasite spread to an uninfected raccoon founder population. On the other hand, an almost perfect match between cluster boundaries also suggested that the population genetic structure of B. procyonis has remained stable since its introduction, mirroring that of its raccoon host.  相似文献   

Field studies have identified that male-biased infection can lead to increased rates of transmission, so we examined the relative importance of host sex on the transmission of a trophically transmitted parasite (Pterygodermatites peromysci) where there is no sex-biased infection. We experimentally reduced infection levels in either male or female white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) on independent trapping grids with an anthelmintic and recorded subsequent infection levels in the intermediate host, the camel cricket (Ceuthophilus pallidipes). We found that anthelmintic treatment significantly reduced the prevalence of infection among crickets in both treatment groups compared with the control, and at a rate proportional to the number of mice de-wormed, indicating prevalence was not affected by the sex of the shedding definitive host. In contrast, parasite abundance in crickets was higher on the grids where females were treated compared with the grids where males were treated. These findings indicate that male hosts contribute disproportionately more infective stages to the environment and may therefore be responsible for the majority of parasite transmission even when there is no discernable sex-biased infection. We also investigated whether variation in nematode length between male and female hosts could account for this male-biased infectivity, but found no evidence to support that hypothesis.  相似文献   

Myxobolus desaequalis n. sp. is described from the gill lamellae of the freshwater fish Apteronotus albifrons, collected in the Amazon River, near the city of Salvaterra, Brazil. Large spherical plasmodia filled with disporic pansporoblasts and spores were observed. Ellipsoidal to pyriform spores are 18.3 microm length x 11.2 microm width x 4.4 microm thickness. The anterior end of the spores contain two extremely unequal pyriform polar capsules measuring: (larger): 11.2 microm length, 4.9 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 11 to 12 turns obliquely to the longitudinal axis; (smaller): 4.6 microm length, 2.8 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 4 to 5 turns, obliquely to the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

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