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The all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin occurs selectively, efficiently, and on an ultrafast time scale. The reaction is facilitated by the surrounding protein matrix which undergoes further structural changes during the proton-transporting reaction cycle. Low-temperature polarized Fourier transform infrared difference spectra between bacteriorhodopsin and the K intermediate provide the possibility to investigate such structural changes, by probing O-H and N-H stretching vibrations [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, and Maeda (1998) J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 7899-7905]. The measurements of [3-18O]threonine-labeled bacteriorhodopsin revealed that one of the D2O-sensitive bands (2506 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and 2466 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, in D2O exhibited 18(O)-induced isotope shift. The O-H stretching vibrations of the threonine side chain correspond to 3378 cm(-1) in bacteriorhodopsin and to 3317 cm(-1) in the K intermediate, indicating that hydrogen bonding becomes stronger after the photoisomerization. The O-H stretch frequency of neat secondary alcohol is 3340-3355 cm(-1). The O-H stretch bands are preserved in the T46V, T90V, T142N, T178N, and T205V mutant proteins, but diminished in T89A and T89C, and slightly shifted in T89S. Thus, the observed O-H stretching vibration originates from Thr89. This is consistent with the atomic structure of this region, and the change of the S-H stretching vibration of the T89C mutant in the K intermediate [Kandori, Kinoshita, Shichida, Maeda, Needleman, and Lanyi (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 5828-5829]. We conclude that all-trans to 13-cis isomerization causes shortening of the hydrogen bond between the OH group of Thr89 and a carboxyl oxygen atom of Asp85.  相似文献   

In previous Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) studies of the photocycle intermediates of bacteriorhodopsin at cryogenic temperatures, water molecules were observed in the L intermediate, in the region surrounded by protein residues between the Schiff base and Asp96. In the M intermediate, the water molecules had moved away toward the Phe219-Thr46 region. To evaluate the relevance of this scheme at room temperature, time-resolved FTIR difference spectra of bacteriorhodopsin, including the water O-H stretching vibration frequency regions, were recorded in the micro- and millisecond time ranges. Vibrational changes of weakly hydrogen-bonded water molecules were observed in L, M, and N. In each of these intermediates, the depletion of a water O-H stretching vibration at 3645 cm-1, originating from the initial unphotolyzed bacteriorhodopsin, was observed as a trough in the difference spectrum. This vibration is due to the dangling O-H group of a water molecule, which interacts with Asp85, and its absence in each of these intermediates indicates that there is perturbation of this O-H group. The formation of M is accompanied by the appearance of water O-H stretching vibrations at 3670 and 3657 cm-1, the latter of which persists to N. The 3670 cm-1 band of M is due to water molecules present in the region surrounded by Thr46, Asp96, and Phe219. The formation of L at 298 K is accompanied by the perturbations of Asp96 and the Schiff base, although in different ways from what is observed at 170 K. Changes in a broad water vibrational feature, centered around 3610 cm-1, are kinetically correlated with the L-M transition. These results imply that, even at room temperature, water molecules interact with Asp96 and the Schiff base in L, although with a less rigid structure than at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

The structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin during the photocycle are investigated. Time resolved polarized infrared spectroscopy in combination with photoselection is used to determine the orientation and motion of certain structural units of the molecule: Asp-85, Asp-96, Asp-115, the Schiff base, and several amide I vibrations. The results are compared with recently published x-ray diffraction data with atomic resolution about conformational motions during the photocycle. The orientation of the measured vibrations are also calculated from the structure data, and based on the comparison of the values from the two techniques new information is obtained: several amide I bands in the infrared spectrum are assigned, and we can also identify the position of the proton in the protonated Asp residues.  相似文献   

Allin C  Gerwert K 《Biochemistry》2001,40(10):3037-3046
FTIR difference spectroscopy has been used to determine the molecular GTPase mechanism of the small GTP binding protein Ras at the atomic level. The reaction was initiated by the photolysis of caged GTP bound to Ras. The addition of catalytic amounts of the GTPase activating protein (GAP) reduces the measuring time by 2 orders of magnitude but has no influence on the spectra as compared to the intrinsic reaction. The reduced measuring time improves the quality of the data significantly as compared to previously published data [Cepus, V., Scheidig, A., Goody, R. S., and Gerwert, K. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 10263-10271]. The phosphate vibrations are assigned using 18O-labeled caged GTP. In general, there is excellent agreement with the results of Cepus et al., except in the nu(a)(alpha-PO2-) vibration assignments. The assignments reveal that binding of GTP to Ras induces vibrational uncoupling into mainly individual vibrations of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-phosphate groups. In contrast, for unbound GTP, the phosphate vibrations are highly coupled and the corresponding absorption bands are broader. This result indicates that binding to Ras forces the flexible GTP molecule into a strained conformation and induces a specific charge distribution different from that in the unbound case. The binding causes an unusual frequency downshift of the GTP beta-PO2- phosphate vibration, whereas the alpha-PO2- and gamma-PO3(2-) phosphate vibrations shift to higher wavenumbers. The frequency downshift indicates a lowering of the bond order of the nonbridged P-O bonds of the beta-phosphate group of GTP and GDP. The bond order changes can be explained by a shift of negative charges from the gamma- to the beta-oxygens. Thereby, the GTP charge distribution becomes more like that in GDP. The charge shift appears to be a key factor contributing to catalysis by Ras in addition to the correct positioning of the attacking water. Ras appears to increase the negative charge at the pro-R beta-oxygen mainly by interaction of Mg(2+) and at the pro-S beta-oxygen mainly by interactions of the backbone NHs of Lys 16, Gly 15, and Val 14. The correct positioning of the backbone NHs of Lys 16, Gly 15, and Val 14, and especially the Lys 16 side chain, of the structural highly conserved phosphate binding loop relative to beta-phosphate therefore seems to be important for the catalysis provided by Ras.  相似文献   

The surface potential of purple membranes and the release of protons during the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle have been studied with the covalently linked pH indicator dye, fluorescein. The titration of acidic lipids appears to cause the surface potential to be pH-dependent and causes other deviations from ideal behavior. If these anomalies are neglected, the appearance of protons can be followed by measuring the absorption change of fluorescein bound to various residues at the extracellular surface. Contrary to widely held assumption, the activation enthalpies of kinetic components, deuterium isotope effects in the time constants, and the consequences of the D85E, F208R, and D212N mutations demonstrate a lack of direct correlation between proton transfer from the buried retinal Schiff base to D85 and proton release at the surface. Depending on conditions and residue replacements, the proton release can occur at any time between the protonation of D85 and the recovery of the initial state. We conclude that once D85 is protonated the proton release at the extracellular protein surface is essentially independent of the chromophore reactions that follow. This finding is consistent with the recently suggested version of the alternating access mechanism of bacteriorhodopsin, in which the change of the accessibility of the Schiff base is to and away from D85 rather than to and away from the extracellular membrane surface.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Edens GJ  Grzymski J  Mauzerall D 《Biochemistry》2008,47(29):7752-7761
The volume and enthalpy changes associated with proton translocation steps during the bacteriorhodopsin (BR) photocycle were determined by time-resolved photopressure measurements. The data at 25 degrees C show a prompt increase in volume followed by two further increases and one decrease to the original state to complete the cycle. These volume changes are decomposed into enthalpy and inherent volume changes. The positive enthalpy changes support the argument for inherent entropy-driven late steps in the BR photocycle [Ort, D. R., and Parson, W. M. (1979) Enthalpy changes during the photochemical cycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Biophys. J. 25, 355-364]. The volume change data can be interpreted by the electrostriction effect as charges are canceled and formed during the proton transfers. A simple glutamic acid-glutamate ion model or a diglutamate-arginine-protonated water charge-delocalized model for the proton-release complex (PRC) fit the data. A conformational change with a large positive volume change is required in the slower rise (M --> N of the optical cycle) step and is reversed in the decay (N --> O --> BR) steps. The large variation in the published values for both the volume and enthalpy changes is greatly ameliorated if the values are presented per absorbed photon instead of per mole of BR. Thus, it is the highly differing assumptions about the quantum or reaction yields that cause the variations in the published results.  相似文献   

Chu HA  Feng YW  Wang CM  Chiang KA  Ke SC 《Biochemistry》2004,43(34):10877-10885
Light-induced Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy has been applied to studies of ammonia effects on the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II (PSII). We found that NH(3) induced characteristic spectral changes in the region of the symmetric carboxylate stretching modes (1450-1300 cm(-1)) of the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) FTIR difference spectra of PSII. The S(2) state carboxylate mode at 1365 cm(-1) in the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) spectrum of the controlled samples was very likely upshifted to 1379 cm(-1) in that of NH(3)-treated samples; however, the frequency of the corresponding S(1) carboxylate mode at 1402 cm(-1) in the same spectrum was not significantly affected. These two carboxylate modes have been assigned to a Mn-ligating carboxylate whose coordination mode changes from bridging or chelating to unidentate ligation during the S(1) to S(2) transition [Noguchi, T., Ono, T., and Inoue, Y. (1995) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1228, 189-200; Kimura, Y., and Ono, T.-A. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 14061-14068]. Therefore, our results show that NH(3) induced significant structural changes of the OEC in the S(2) state. In addition, our results also indicated that the NH(3)-induced spectral changes of the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) spectrum of PSII are dependent on the temperature of the FTIR measurement. Among the temperatures we measured, the strongest effect was seen at 250 K, a lesser effect was seen at 225 K, and little or no effect was seen at 200 K. Furthermore, our results also showed that the NH(3) effects on the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) spectrum of PSII are dependent on the concentrations of NH(4)Cl. The NH(3)-induced upshift of the 1365 cm(-1) mode is apparent at 5 mM NH(4)Cl and is completely saturated at 100 mM NH(4)Cl concentration. Finally, we found that CH(3)NH(2) has a small but clear effect on the spectral change of the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) FTIR difference spectrum of PSII. The effects of amines on the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) FTIR difference spectra (NH(3) > CH(3)NH(2) > AEPD and Tris) are inverse proportional to their size (Tris approximately AEPD > CH(3)NH(2) > NH(3)). Therefore, our results showed that the effects of amines on the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) spectrum of PSII are sterically selective for small amines. On the basis of the correlations between the conditions (dependences on the excitation temperature and NH(3) concentration and the steric requirement for the amine effects) that give rise to the NH(3)-induced upshift of the 1365 cm(-)(1) mode in the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) spectrum of PSII and the conditions that give rise to the altered S(2) state multiline EPR signal, we propose that the NH(3)-induced upshift of the 1365 cm(-1) mode is caused by the binding of NH(3) to the site on the Mn cluster that gives rise to the altered S(2) state multiline EPR signal. In addition, we found no significant NH(3)-induced change in the S(2)Q(A)(-)/S(1)Q(A) FTIR difference spectrum at 200 K. Under this condition, the OEC gives rise to the NH(3)-stabilized g = 4.1 EPR signal and a suppressed g = 2 multiline EPR signal. Our results suggest that the structural difference of the OEC between the normal g = 2 multiline form and the NH(3)-stabilized g = 4.1 form is small.  相似文献   

The structural changes in the photoreaction cycle of bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump, was investigated at a resolution of 7 angstroms by a time-resolved x-ray diffraction experiment utilizing synchrotron x rays from an undulator of SPring-8. The x-ray diffraction measurement system, used in coupling with a pulsed YAG laser, enabled us to record a diffraction pattern from purple membrane film at a time-resolution of 6 micros over the time domain of 5 micros to 500 ms. In the time domain, the functionally most important M-intermediate appears. A series of time-resolved x-ray diffraction data after photo-excitation showed clear intensity changes caused by the conformational changes of helix G in the M-intermediate. The population of the reaction intermediate was prominently observed at approximately 5 ms after a photo-stimulus. In contrast, absorption measurement indicated the deprotonation of the Schiff base predominantly occurred at approximately 300 micros after a photo-stimulus. These results showed that the conformational changes characterizing structurally the M-intermediate predominantly occur at a later stage of the deprotonation of the Schiff base. Thus, the M-intermediate can be divided into two metastable stages with different physical characteristics.  相似文献   

I Grieger  G H Atkinson 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5660-5665
An investigation of the photolytic conditions used to initiate and spectroscopically monitor the bacteriorhodopsin (BR) photocycle utilizing time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectroscopy has revealed and characterized two photoinduced reactions that interrupt the thermal pathway. One reaction involves the photolytic interconversion of M-412 and M', and the other involves the direct photolytic conversion of the BR-570/K-590 photostationary mixture either to M-412 and M' or to M-like intermediates within 10 ns. The photolytic threshold conditions describing both reactions have been quantitatively measured and are discussed in terms of experimental parameters.  相似文献   

We have analysed 1H, 15N-HSQC spectra of the recombinant, NADP(H)-binding component of transhydrogenase in the context of the emerging three dimensional structure of the protein. Chemical shift perturbations of amino acid residues following replacement of NADP+ with NADPH were observed in both the adenosine and nicotinamide parts of the dinucleotide binding site and in a region which straddles the protein. These observations reflect the structural changes resulting from hydride transfer. The interactions between the recombinant, NADP(H)-binding component and its partner, NAD(H)-binding protein, are complicated. Helix B of the recombinant, NADP(H)-binding component may play an important role in the binding process.  相似文献   

Yuta Taguchi 《BBA》2007,1767(6):535-540
A Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum of the oxygen-evolving Mn cluster upon the S1-to-S2 transition was obtained with Ca2+-depleted photosystem II (PSII) membranes to investigate the structural relevance of Ca2+ to the Mn cluster. Previously, Noguchi et al. [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1228 (1995) 189] observed drastic changes in the carboxylate stretching region of the S2/S1 FTIR spectrum upon Ca2+ depletion, whereas Kimura and co-workers [Biochemistry 40 (2001) 14061; ibid. 41 (2002) 5844] later claimed that these changes were not ascribed to Ca2+ depletion itself but caused by the interaction of EDTA to the Mn cluster and/or binding of K+ at the Ca2+ site. In the present study, the preparation of the Ca2+-depleted PSII sample and its FTIR measurement were performed in the absence of EDTA and K+. The obtained S2/S1 spectrum exhibited the loss of carboxylate bands at 1587/1562 and 1364/1403 cm− 1 and diminished amide I intensities, which were identical to the previous observations in the presence of EDTA and K+. This result indicates that the drastic FTIR changes are a pure effect of Ca2+ depletion, and provides solid evidence for the general view that Ca2+ is strongly coupled with the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

The photoinduced reaction cycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) has been studied by means of a recently developed picosecond infrared spectroscopic method at ambient temperature. BR - K difference spectra between 1560 and 1700 cm-1 have been recorded at delay times from 100 ps to 14 ns. The spectrum remains unchanged during this period. The negative difference OD band at 1660 cm-1 indicates the peptide backbone responds within 50 ps. A survey in the region of carboxylic side chain absorption around 1740 cm-1 reveals that perturbations of those groups, present in low-temperature FTIR spectra, are not observable within 10 ns, suggesting a slow conformational change.  相似文献   

The pH dependencies of the rate constants in the photocycles of recombinant D96N and D115N/D96N bacteriorhodopsins were determined from time-resolved difference spectra between 70 ns and 420 ms after photoexcitation. The results were consistent with the model suggested earlier for proteins containing D96N substitution: BR hv----K----L----M1----M2----BR. Only the M2----M1 back-reaction was pH-dependent: its rate increased with increasing [H+] between pH 5 and 8. We conclude from quantitative analysis of this pH dependency that its reverse, the M1----M2 reaction, is linked to the release of a proton from a group with a pKa = 5.8. This suggests a model for wild-type bacteriorhodopsin in which at pH greater than 5.8 the transported proton is released on the extracellular side from this as yet unknown group and on the 100-microseconds time scale, but at pH less than 5.8, the proton release occurs from another residue and later in the photocycle most likely directly from D85 during the O----BR reaction. We postulate, on the other hand, that proton uptake on the cytoplasmic side will be by D96 and during the N----O reaction regardless of pH. The proton kinetics as measured with indicator dyes confirmed the unique prediction of this model: at pH greater than 6, proton release preceded proton uptake, but at pH less than 6, the release was delayed until after the uptake. The results indicated further that the overall M1----M2 reaction includes a second kinetic step in addition to proton release; this is probably the earlier postulated extracellular-to-cytoplasmic reorientation switch in the proton pump.  相似文献   

The ADP/ATP transporter shows a high instability when solubilized, making it difficult to obtain functional protein with sufficient purity for long-term spectroscopic studies. When solubilized in the detergent dodecyl maltoside the protein is in equilibrium between the so-called CATR and BA conformations and in a few hours it becomes nonfunctional, unable to bind either its inhibitors or its substrates. By Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, we studied the structural changes involved in this denaturation process. To do so, the carboxyatractyloside-inhibited protein was used as a structural model for the protein in the CATR conformation and its spectrum was compared with that of the unliganded time-inactivated protein. From the difference spectra of the amide I, amide II, and amide A bands combined with dichroism spectra of the carboxyatractyloside-inhibited protein, we concluded that few structural differences exist between both states, affecting as few as 11 amino acids (3.5% of the protein); the structural changes consisted in the disappearance of large loop structure and the appearance of aggregated strands. We hypothesize that some mitochondrial loop (tentatively loop M1) shows a high tendency to aggregate, being responsible for the observed features. The functional consequences of this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Electric impulses of high field intensity (2 × 105 to 3 × 106 Vm?1, 1 to 20 μs duration) cause transient changes in the optical absorbance of suspended purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium. The electric dichroism at 1 mm NaCL, pH ≈ 6 and at 293K is dependent on field strength, pulse duration and wavelength of the monitoring, plane-polarized light in the range 400 to 650 nm. The optically detected processes are, however, independent of bacteriorhodopsin concentration, of ionic strenght and of the intensity of the monitoring light. These data together with the analysis of time course ands steady state of the reduced dichroism, suggest electric field-sensitive, intramemembraneous structural changes which lead to restricted orientation changes of the chromophore. A thoretical analysis of restricted orientation is developed and applied to the electro-optic data. As a result, it is found that the electric dichroism of purple membrane is associated with a large polarizability anisotropy of 2.4 × 10?30 Fm2 (2.2 × 10?14 cm3); the electric permanent dipole moment which is involved amounts to 4.7 × 10?28 Cm(140 Debye). The kinetic data suggest a cyclic reaction scheme with at least five different conformations. The high polarizability is probably due to displaceable ionic groups within the cooperative lattice of bacteriorhodopsin molecules in purple membranes.  相似文献   

In wild-type bacteriorhodopsin light-induced proton release occurs before uptake at neutral pH. In contrast, in mutants in which R82 is replaced by a neutral residue (as in R82A and R82Q), only a small fraction of the protons is released before proton uptake at neutral pH; the major fraction is released after uptake. In R82Q the relative amounts of the two types of proton release, "early" (preceding proton uptake) and "late" (following proton uptake), are pH dependent. The main conclusions are that 1) R82 is not the normal light-driven proton release group; early proton release can be observed in the R82Q mutant at higher pH values, suggesting that the proton release group has not been eliminated. 2) R82 affects the pKa of the proton release group both in the unphotolyzed state of the pigment and during the photocycle. In the wild type (in 150 mM salt) the pKa of this group decreases from approximately 9.5 in the unphotolyzed pigment to approximately 5.8 in the M intermediate, leading to early proton release at neutral pH. In the R82 mutants the respective values of pKa of the proton release group in the unphotolyzed pigment and in M are approximately 8 and 7.5 in R82Q (in 1 M salt) and approximately 8 and 6.5 in R82K (in 150 mM KCl). Thus in R82Q the pKa of the proton release group does not decrease enough in the photocycle to allow early proton release from this group at neutral pH. 3) Early proton release in R82Q can be detected as a photocurrent signal that is kinetically distinct from those photocurrents that are due to proton movements from the Schiff base to D85 during M formation and from D96 to the Schiff base during the M-->N transition. 4) In R82Q, at neutral pH, proton uptake from the medium occurs during the formation of O. The proton is released during the O-->bacteriorhodopsin transition, probably from D85 because the normal proton release group cannot deprotonate at this pH. 5) The time constant of early proton release is increased from 85 microseconds in the wild type to 1 ms in R82Q (in 150 mM salt). This can be directly attributed to the increase in the pKa of the proton release group and also explains the uncoupling of proton release from M formation. 6) In the E204Q mutant only late proton release is observed at both neutral and alkaline pH, consistent with the idea that E204 is the proton release group. The proton release is concurrent with the O-->bacteriorhodopsin transition, as in R82Q at neutral pH.  相似文献   

The fluorescence spectrum of a distinct isometric and conformational intermediate formed on the 10(-11) s time scale during the bacteriorhodopsin (BR) photocycle is observed at room temperature using a two laser, pump-probe technique with picosecond time resolution. The BR photocycle is initiated by pulsed (8 ps) excitation at 565 nm, whereas the fluorescence is generated by 4-ps laser pulses at 590 nm. The unstructured fluorescence extends from 650 to 880 nm and appears in the same general spectral region as the fluorescence spectrum assigned to BR-570. The transient fluorescence spectrum can be distinguished from that assigned to BR-570 by a larger emission quantum yield (approximately twice that of BR-570) and by a maximum intensity near 731 nm (shifted 17 nm to higher energy from the maximum of the BR-570 fluorescence spectrum). The fluorescence spectrum of BR-570 only is measured with low energy, picosecond pulsed excitation at 590 nm and is in good agreement with recent data in the literature. The assignment of the transient fluorescence spectrum to the K-590 intermediate is based on its appearance at time delays longer than 40 ps. The K-590 fluorescence spectrum remains unchanged over the entire 40-100-ps interval. The relevance of these fluorescence data with respect to the molecular mechanism used to model the primary processes in the BR photocycle also is discussed.  相似文献   

A Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum of the oxygen-evolving Mn cluster upon the S(1)-to-S(2) transition was obtained with Ca(2+)-depleted photosystem II (PSII) membranes to investigate the structural relevance of Ca(2+) to the Mn cluster. Previously, Noguchi et al. [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1228 (1995) 189] observed drastic changes in the carboxylate stretching region of the S(2)/S(1) FTIR spectrum upon Ca(2+) depletion, whereas Kimura and co-workers [Biochemistry 40 (2001) 14061; ibid. 41 (2002) 5844] later claimed that these changes were not ascribed to Ca(2+) depletion itself but caused by the interaction of EDTA to the Mn cluster and/or binding of K(+) at the Ca(2+) site. In the present study, the preparation of the Ca(2+)-depleted PSII sample and its FTIR measurement were performed in the absence of EDTA and K(+). The obtained S(2)/S(1) spectrum exhibited the loss of carboxylate bands at 1587/1562 and 1364/1403 cm(-1) and diminished amide I intensities, which were identical to the previous observations in the presence of EDTA and K(+). This result indicates that the drastic FTIR changes are a pure effect of Ca(2+) depletion, and provides solid evidence for the general view that Ca(2+) is strongly coupled with the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

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