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Due to the specific habitat conditions in which they live, earthworms are constantly exposed to pathogens. Consequently, they have evolved various immuno-defense mechanisms, including cellular (coelomocytes) and humoral responses, which may help to eliminate deleterious micro-organisms but also repair and/or protect host cells and tissues. Similar to mammalian phagocytes, coelomocytes can kill ingested pathogens with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide. In the present work, we studied the effects of the dermal exposure of Eisenia andrei earthworms to different immuno-stimulants: phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or concanavalin A (ConA). After 3 days of treatment with all immuno-stimulants, decreased numbers and changed composition of the coelomocytes were observed. The immuno-stimulants also induced numerous changes in bactericidal activity, including ROS production. Furthermore, all stimulants increased cell proliferation while only LPS-treatment significantly elevated apoptosis of coelomocytes. These results demonstrate that in vivo treatment of earthworms with immuno-stimulants induces various changes in their coelomocyte response.  相似文献   

As part of a comprehensive investigation of the potential genotoxicity of radiofrequency (RF) signals emitted by cellular telephones, in vitro studies evaluated the induction of DNA and chromosomal damage in human blood leukocytes and lymphocytes, respectively. The signals were voice modulated 837 MHz produced by an analog signal generator or by a time division multiple access (TDMA) cellular telephone, 837 MHz generated by a code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular telephone (not voice modulated), and voice modulated 1909.8 MHz generated by a global system of mobile communication (GSM)-type personal communication systems (PCS) cellular telephone. DNA damage (strand breaks/alkali labile sites) was assessed in leukocytes using the alkaline (pH>13) single cell gel electrophoresis (SCG) assay. Chromosomal damage was evaluated in lymphocytes mitogenically stimulated to divide postexposure using the cytochalasin B-binucleate cell micronucleus assay. Cells were exposed at 37+/-1 degrees C, for 3 or 24 h at average specific absorption rates (SARs) of 1.0-10.0 W/kg. Exposure for either 3 or 24 h did not induce a significant increase in DNA damage in leukocytes, nor did exposure for 3 h induce a significant increase in micronucleated cells among lymphocytes. However, exposure to each of the four RF signal technologies for 24 h at an average SAR of 5.0 or 10.0 W/kg resulted in a significant and reproducible increase in the frequency of micronucleated lymphocytes. The magnitude of the response (approximately four fold) was independent of the technology, the presence or absence of voice modulation, and the frequency (837 vs. 1909.8 MHz). This research demonstrates that, under extended exposure conditions, RF signals at an average SAR of at least 5.0 W/kg are capable of inducing chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The lysosomal neutral red retention time (NRRT) assay, a biomarker for lysosomal membrane stability, and the total immune activity (TIA) assay, a measure of non-specific immune system activity, were used in laboratory studies to assess the toxic effects of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) on earthworms (Eisenia andrei) in vivo. The results were compared with the concentration of TNT and its metabolites in earthworm tissue, as well as standard sublethal toxicity endpoints including growth (i.e. weight change) and reproduction effects from previously published studies. Filter paper experiments indicated a significant decrease in NRRT at ≥1.8 µg TNT cm-2, whereas sublethal (weight loss) and lethal effects to earthworms were detected at ≥3.5 and 7.1 µg TNT cm-2, respectively. Experiments in artificial soil showed that NRRT effects could be detected at lower TNT concentrations ( ≥55 mg TNT kg-1 soil dry weight) compared with other sublethal endpoints (effects on growth and reproduction). The TIA biomarker did not significantly respond to TNT. Copper (as CuSO4, filter paper contact tests) and 2-chloroacetamide (soil tests), which were used as reference toxicants, also decreased the NRRT. The use of the NRRT assay linked with tissue concentrations of TNT metabolites in earthworms was identified as a potentially appropriate biomarker approach for TNT exposure assessment under laboratory conditions and a novel tool for effects-based risk assessment.  相似文献   

The authors describe a method for analysis of micronuclei using a nucleic acid-specific fluorochrome, acridine orange, and ultraviolet microscopy in order to establish a simple and reliable technique for routine genotoxicity assessment in fish peripheral erythrocytes.  相似文献   

1,3-Dinitropyrene (1,3-DNP) and 1,6-dinitropyrene (1,6-DNP) were assessed for their potential to increase the frequencies of micronuclei in a panel of test cell lines consisting of H4IIEC3/G, 5L, 5L/r-1,3-DNP1, 208F, V79, V79/r-1,6-DNP1, HepG2 and BWI-J cells, which have been partially characterized for their expression of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes. The micronuclei were analyzed for the presence or absence of kinetochores indicating the occurrence of aneuploidy or chromosome breakage, respectively. 1,3-DNP caused a substantial increase in the frequency of micronuclei only in V79 cells. 1,6-DNP was strongly genotoxic in lines H4IIEC3/G, 208F, V79 and, to a minor degree, in 5L/r-1,3-DNP1. It caused the formation of kinetochore-positive as well as kinetochore-negative micronuclei in V79 cells but only of kinetochore-negative micronuclei in H4IIEC3/G and 208F cells. 1,6-DNP-induced formation of micronuclei was paralleled by the appearance of multinucleated cells. Treatment of V79 cells with 1,3-DNP resulted in the same types of damage as treatment with 1,6-DNP, although considerably higher concentrations were required.The results show that 1,6-DNP can be highly genotoxic in mammalian cells, whereas, at least in the panel of test cell lines used, 1,3-DNP possesses only a low genotoxic activity. 1,3-DNP appears to be activated to genotoxic products in V79 cells by the same pathway(s) as 1,6-DNP.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main goal of the present study was to determine DNA damage in pesticide-exposed greenhouse workers and pesticides non-exposed controls.

Materials and methods: The DNA damage was measured by alkaline comet assay method (pH?>?13) in 41 greenhouse workers and 45 non-exposed individuals as the control. Pesticide exposure was assessed by duration of working in the greenhouse and pesticide application in the greenhouse time. DNA damage was estimated by arbitrary unit and damage frequency.

Results: Arbitrary unit and damage frequency were consistently significantly higher in greenhouse workers than those of the controls (p?=?0.001). In terms of gender in greenhouse, DNA damage of female workers was significantly higher than those in male workers (p?<?0.05). We found significant correlation between DNA damage and working hours spent. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that working hours in the greenhouse as an indication of pesticide exposure were significantly associated with the DNA damage, which can be attributed to the genotoxic potential of the pesticide mixture.

Conclusions: The comet assay is sensitive to detect the damage exposed to chronic effect of pesticides in greenhouse workers. Significant DNA damage was obtained for the exposed group, which was associated with the pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

1,3-Dinitropyrene (1,3-DNP) and 1,6-dinitropyrene (1,6-DNP) were assessed for their potential to increase the frequencies of micronuclei in a panel of test cell lines consisting of H4IIEC3/G-, 5L, 5L/r-1,3-DNP1, 208F, V79, V79/r-1,6-DNP1, HepG2 and BWI-J cells, which have been partially characterized for their expression of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes. The micronuclei were analyzed for the presence or absence of kinetochores indicating the occurrence of aneuploidy or chromosome breakage, respectively. 1,3-DNP caused a substantial increase in the frequency of micronuclei only in V79 cells. 1,6-DNP was strongly genotoxic in lines H4IIEC3/G-, 208F, V79 and, to a minor degree, in 5L/r-1,3-DNP1. It caused the formation of kinetochore-positive as well as kinetochore-negative micronuclei in V79 cells but only of kinetochore-negative micronuclei in H4IIEC3/G- and 208F cells. 1,6-DNP-induced formation of micronuclei was paralleled by the appearance of multinucleated cells. Treatment of V79 cells with 1,3-DNP resulted in the same types of damage as treatment with 1,6-DNP, although considerably higher concentrations were required. The results show that 1,6-DNP can be highly genotoxic in mammalian cells, whereas, at least in the panel of test cell lines used, 1,3-DNP possesses only a low genotoxic activity. 1,3-DNP appears to be activated to genotoxic products in V79 cells by the same pathway(s) as 1,6-DNP.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of environmentally relevant concentrations of Cd on the zebra mussel, an important freshwater sentinel organism, and to determine the stability of DNA damage in gill cells and haemocytes. The oxidative DNA damage and the co-genotoxicity of Cd in combination with B[a]P were investigated. We measured DNA damage in haemocytes and gill cells of zebra mussels exposed for 11 days to a constant concentration of Cd (10μg/L), B[a]P (10μg/L) or the two combined chemicals (10μg/L+1μg/L). Enzymatic dissociation of gills with dispase gave the lower percentage DNA in tail, compared with collagenase/dispase or collagenase. Bioaccumulation of cadmium in the soft tissues of mussels exposed to CdCl(2) or CdCl(2)+B[a]P increased in a time-dependent manner indicating that both exposures were effective. Cd (10μg/L) is genotoxic only during the first 3 days of exposure in gill cells, while in haemocytes the genotoxicity of Cd was observed later. B[a]P (10μg/L) induced an early increase of DNA damage in gill cells (after 10h and 1 day), while in both gill cells and haemocytes, B[a]P caused a marked increase of DNA damage after 3 days of exposure. The Cd+B[a]P mixture decreased the DNA-damaging effect of Cd and B[a]P in both cell types. Cd induced an increase of DNA damage in Fpg-treated slides, indicating that Cd contributed to oxidative DNA damage. Cadmium induced a cytogenetic effect in gill cells, assessed by the number of micronuclei, throughout the duration of the exposure, while B[a]P did not induce any cytogenetic effect. B[a]P, Cd and Cd+B[a]P induced a transient increase in the number of bi-nucleated cells. Our data clearly show that gills are more sensitive to Cd and B[a]P, which makes them more suitable for future bio-monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Styrene is one of the most important organic chemicals used worldwide. Its main metabolite, styrene-7,8-oxide (SO), is considered responsible for the genotoxic effects associated with exposure to styrene. SO is detoxified by hydrolysis catalyzed by epoxide hydrolase (EH), or, to a minor extent, by conjugation mediated by glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether EH (exons 3 and 4), GSTP1 (exons 5 and 6), GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms have any influence on the genotoxicity of SO in human leukocytes. Peripheral leukocytes from 30 healthy donors were exposed to SO (50 and 200 micro M) and genotoxicity was evaluated by means of the micronucleus (MN) test and alkaline comet assay, using 1% DMSO as solvent control. When EH genotypes were classified in low, medium, and high with respect to the expected EH activity, an increase in induced comet tail length was observed with decreasing EH activity in SO-exposed cells. An increase was seen in induced MN frequency in EH low-activity donors. These findings are consistent with the detoxifying activity of this enzyme. In addition, increases in MN frequencies for GSTP1 *A/*B and *A/*C genotypes with regard to the wild-type homozygous *A/*A genotype were detected. This may be due to a low detoxifying activity as a consequence of altered SO affinity of the variant protein, but must be confirmed using homozygote variant individuals, not included in this study. No clear results were obtained for GSTM1 or GSTT1 genotypes, even when performing the analysis after grouping individuals with the same expected EH activity, probably due to the minor role that glutathione conjugation plays in styrene metabolism. The present in vitro findings using human leukocytes suggest that polymorphisms in EH, and, to a lesser extent, in GSTP1, may influence induction of cytogenetic and DNA damage by SO.  相似文献   

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a dietary modulator of carcinogenesis that can reduce the level of carcinogen binding to DNA. I3C-derived products are potent inducers of certain cytochrome P-450(CYP)-dependent enzyme activities. To investigate whether the protective effects of I3C against carcinogen damage to DNA are associated with increased activities of CYP1A1 enzymes, we examined the relationship of I3C-mediated organ-specific CYP enzyme induction with total levels of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) binding to hepatic and pulmonary DNA of rats. Oral intubation (PO) of I3C (500 mumol/kg body wt.) in 10% DMSO in corn oil produced after 20 h, increases in ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activities (associated with CYP1A1 isozyme) of 700-fold, 245-fold and 36-fold in small intestine, lungs and liver, respectively, compared with activities in untreated controls. Hepatic aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity was increased 4-fold under these conditions. Pentoxyresorufin O-depentylase (PROD) activity (associated with CYP2B isoenzyme) was increased 6-fold in the liver but was unaffected in lung and small intestine. Intraperitoneal injection (IP) of I3C (500 mumol/kg body wt.) produced no significant change in EROD or PROD activities in lung, liver, or small intestine. PO administration of the acid reaction mixture (RXM) of I3C increased hepatic AHH activity (5-fold) and EROD activities in small intestine (650-fold), lung (100-fold) and liver (18-fold). IP administration of RXM (equivalent to 500 mumol I3C/kg body wt.) significantly increased only EROD activity in lung and liver, but did not affect EROD activity in small intestine, AHH activity in liver, or PROD activity in any of the organs examined. Twenty hours after inducer treatment, half of the rats were treated PO with 0.2 mumol [3H]BP in corn oil. Analysis of tissues 5 h after BP administration indicated that compared with untreated controls, administration of I3C and RXM by either route reduced by 30-50% the level of BP binding to hepatic DNA, an effect that was not correlated to CYP1A1 enzyme induction in any of the organs examined. However, PO administration of I3C and RXM produced a 50-70% decrease in carcinogen binding to pulmonary DNA, while IP administration of inducers had no effect on DNA binding in this organ. These results with the lung are consistent with an increased presystemic clearance of BP in the intestine and are discussed in terms of the role of induction of intestinal CYP1A1 activity in the decreased lymphatic and venous transport of unmetabolized BP to the lung.  相似文献   

L H Pearl  S Neidle 《FEBS letters》1986,209(2):269-276
A general computational procedure for the modelling of intercalated DNA-ligand complexes has been developed, and is used here to model intercalated complexes of the (+)-anti and (-)-anti enantiomers of benzo[a]pyrene diol-epoxide (BPDE) with cytosine-3',5'-guanosine double-stranded DNA sequences (dCpG). Results are presented indicating differences between the behaviours of the two enantiomers which have implications for the understanding of the stereospecificity of DNA strand breakage by benzo[a]pyrene diol-epoxides.  相似文献   

The effects of single pulses and multiple pulses of 7 MV electrons on micronuclei (MN) induction in cytokinesis-blocked human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were investigated over a wide range of dose rates per pulse (instantaneous dose rate). PBLs were exposed to graded doses of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Gy of single electron pulses of varying pulse widths at different dose rates per pulse, ranging from 1 × 106 Gy s−1 to 3.2 × 108 Gy s−1. Different dose rates per pulse were achieved by changing the dose per electron pulse by adjusting the beam current and pulse width. MN yields per unit absorbed dose after irradiation with single electron pulses were compared with those of multiple pulses of electrons. A significant decrease in the MN yield with increasing dose rates per pulse was observed, when dose was delivered by a single electron pulse. However, no reduction in the MN yield was observed when dose was delivered by multiple pulses of electrons. The decrease in the yield at high dose rates per pulse suggests possible radical recombination, which leads to decreased biological damage. Cellular response to the presence of very large numbers of chromosomal breaks may also alter the damage.  相似文献   

To investigate whether cytochrome P-450 catalyzes the covalent binding of substrates to DNA by one-electron oxidation, the ability of both uninduced and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) induced rat liver microsomes and nuclei to catalyze covalent binding of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) to DNA and formation of the labile adduct 7-(benzo[a]pyren-6-yl)guanine (BP-N7Gua) was investigated. This adduct arises from the reaction of the BP radical cation at C-6 with the nucleophilic N-7 of the guanine moiety. In the various systems studied, 1-9 times more BP-N7Gua adduct was isolated than the total amount of stable BP adducts in the DNA. The specific cytochrome P-450 inhibitor 2-[(4,6-dichloro-o-biphenyl)oxy]ethylamine hydrobromide (DPEA) reduced or eliminated BP metabolism, binding of BP to DNA, and formation of BP-N7Gua by cytochrome P-450 in both microsomes and nuclei. The effects of the antioxidants cysteine, glutathione, and p-methoxythiophenol were also investigated. Although cysteine had no effect on the microsome-catalyzed processes, glutathione and p-methoxythiophenol inhibited BP metabolism, binding of BP to DNA, and formation of BP-N7Gua by cytochrome P-450 in both microsomes and nuclei. The decreased levels of binding of BP to DNA in the presence of glutathione or p-methoxythiophenol are matched by decreased amounts of BP-N7Gua adduct and of stable BP-DNA adducts detected by the 32P-postlabeling technique. This study represents the first demonstration of cytochrome P-450 mediating covalent binding of substrates to DNA via one-electron oxidation and suggests that this enzyme can catalyze peroxidase-type electron-transfer reactions.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts treated with r-7,t-8-dihydroxy-t-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE) yielded DNA polymerase alpha with elevated levels of activity, incorporated [3H]thymidine as a function of unscheduled DNA synthesis, and exhibited restoration of normal DNA-strand length as a function of unscheduled DNA synthesis. Lipoprotein-deficient fibroblasts treated with BPDE did not show elevated levels of DNA polymerase alpha activity, exhibited minimal [3H]thymidine incorporation, and had fragmented DNA after 24 h of repair in the absence of lipoprotein or phosphatidylinositol supplementation. When DNA polymerase beta activity was inhibited, cells with normal lipoprotein uptake exhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into BPDE-damaged DNA but did not show an increase in DNA-strand length. DNA polymerase alpha activity and [3H]thymidine incorporation in lipoprotein-deficient fibroblasts increased to normal levels when the cells were permeabilized and low-density lipoproteins or phosphatidylinositol were introduced into the cells. DNA polymerase alpha isolated from normal human fibroblasts, but not from lipoprotein-deficient fibroblasts, showed increased specific activity after the cells were treated with BPDE. When BPDE-treated lipoprotein-deficient fibroblasts were permeabilized and 32P-ATP was introduced into the cells along with lipoproteins, 32P-labeled DNA polymerase alpha with significantly increased specific activity was isolated from the cells. These data suggest that treatment of human fibroblasts with BPDE initiates unscheduled DNA synthesis, as a function of DNA excision repair, which is correlated with increased activity of DNA polymerase alpha, and that increased DNA polymerase alpha activity may be correlated with phosphorylation of the enzyme in a reaction that is stimulated by low-density lipoprotein or by the lipoprotein component, phosphatidylinositol.  相似文献   

Ericson G  Balk L 《Mutation research》2000,454(1-2):11-20
The time-course and dose dependent formation of DNA adducts in juvenile northern pike (Esox lucius) following a single exposure to a mixture of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF) and 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (DBC) were investigated by use of the (32)P-postlabelling assay. A complex adduct pattern was detected in liver and intestine of exposed fish. For the time-course studies fish were exposed either by oral administration or by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. Following a single i.p. injection of the mixture (40micromole/kg body weight of each substance) significantly elevated DNA adduct levels were detected in the liver after 1 day. Adduct levels were higher in liver than in intestine, in which significant elevation were detected from day 3 to 12. Following exposure via food (80micromole/kg body weight of each substance), adduct levels were detected in both liver and intestine 1 day after exposure, and continued to increase until day 3 in liver and day 6 in intestine. Calculation of a binding index, which compensates for differences in dosage, resulted in much higher adduct formation (five times in liver and 22 times in intestine) following oral exposure. Pikes receiving single oral doses of 12.5, 50, 100 or 200micromole/kg body weight of each substance exhibited significantly higher adduct levels in both liver and intestine compared to controls. Hepatic adduct levels were also higher in fish given 100 and 200micromole/kg compared to 12.5micromole/kg. Results from this study show that DNA adducts are rapidly formed in juvenile northern pike following both i.p. injection and feeding of a mixture of BaP, BkF and DBC. A maximum level was reached within a few days, which then persisted at approximately the same level for at least 9-12 days. The results also shows that higher levels of adducts were obtained following oral administration compared to i.p. injection, particularly in the intestine.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic hydrocarbons 6-hydroxymethylbenzo[a]pyrene (6-HOCH2-B[a]P) and 6-acetoxymethylbenzo[a]pyrene (6-AcOCH2-B[a]P) were examined for their ability to bind to rat and calf thymus DNA. The data indicate there are no appreciable differences in the amount of binding to the two types of DNA. Non-enzymatic binding of 6-HOCH2-B[a]P was low (5 mumol hydrocarbon/mol DNA P) but 6-AcOCH2-B[a]P was bound to a considerable extent (88.4--97.3 mumol hydrocarbon/mol DNA P). Non-enzymatic binding of 6-HOCH2-B[a]P was greatly increased in the presence of ATP. Binding of 6-HOCH2-B[a]P in the presence of liver microsomes from untreated rats or from rats pretreated with 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) never exceeded 5 mumol hydrocarbon/mol DNA P. Binding of 6-HOCH2-B[a]P in the presence of a PAPS generating system was less than non-enzymatic binding mediated by ATP and was dependent on the presence of ATP rather than ATP and sulfate. Binding was reduced by 50% when ADP was employed in the non-enzymatic reaction and was negligible in the presence of AMP or adenosine, indicating that a diphosphate group is necessary. Incubation of 6-HOCH2-B[a]P with DNA in the presence of ATP, CTP, GTP, or UTP showed that ATP was the most effective mediator of the binding reaction. These observations suggest that 6-HOCH2-B[a]P is converted to a phosphate ester which, like 6-AcOCH2-B[a]P, is much more reactive than 6-HOCH2-B[a]P itself.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is the most thoroughly studied polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). Many mechanisms have been suggested to explain its carcinogenic activity, yet many questions still remain. K-region dihydrodiols of PAHs are metabolic intermediates depending on the specific cytochrome P450 and had been thought to be detoxification products. However, K-region dihydrodiols of several PAHs have recently been shown to morphologically transform mouse embryo C3H10T1/2CL8 cells (C3H10T1/2 cells). Because K-region dihydrodiols are not metabolically formed from PAHs by C3H10T1/2 cells, these cells provide a useful tool to independently study the mechanisms of action of PAHs and their K-region dihydrodiols. Here, we compare the morphological cell transforming, DNA damaging, and DNA adducting activities of the K-region dihydrodiol of B[a]P, trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol with B[a]P. Both trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P morphologically transformed C3H10T1/2 cells by producing both Types II and III transformed foci. The morphological cell transforming and cytotoxicity dose response curves for trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P were indistinguishable. Since morphological cell transformation is strongly associated with mutation and/or larger scale DNA damage in C3H10T1/2 cells, the identification of DNA damage induced in these cells by trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol was sought. Both trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P exhibited significant DNA damaging activity without significant concurrent cytotoxicity using the comet assay, but with different dose responses and comet tail distributions. DNA adduct patterns from C3H10T1/2 cells were examined after trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol or B[a]P treatment using 32P-postlabeling techniques and improved TLC elution systems designed to separate polar DNA adducts. While B[a]P treatment produced one major DNA adduct identified as anti-trans-B[a]P-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide-deoxyguanosine, no stable covalent DNA adducts were detected in the DNA of trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol-treated cells. In summary, this study provides evidence for the DNA damaging and morphological cell transforming activities of the K-region dihydrodiol of B[a]P, in the absence of covalent stable DNA adducts. While trans-B[a]P-4,5-diol and B[a]P both induce morphological cell transformation, their activities as DNA damaging agents differ, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In concert with the morphological cell transformation activities of other K-region dihydrodiols of PAHs, these data suggest a new mechanism/pathway for the morphological cell transforming activities of B[a]P and its metabolites.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of K-region benz[a]anthracene (BA) 5,6-epoxide and benzo[a]pyrene (BP) 4,5-epoxide were resolved by chiral stationary-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (CSP-HPLC). The K-region epoxides formed in the metabolism of BA by liver microsomes from untreated (control), phenobarbital (PB)-treated, and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-treated male Sprague-Dawley rats were determined by CSP-HPLC to have a 5R,6S/5S,6R enantiomer ratio of 25:75, 21:79, and 4:96, respectively. The K-region 4,5-epoxide formed in the metabolism of BP by the same rat liver microsomal preparations contained a 4R,5S/4S,5R enantiomer ratio of 48:52 (control), 40:60 (PB), and 5:95 (MC), respectively. The results indicate that various cytochrome P-450 isozymes of rat liver exhibit different stereoselective properties in catalyzing the epoxidation reactions at the K region of BA and of BP.  相似文献   

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