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Based on the integration of geological information, the pollen record, radiocarbon data, and modern mangrove distribution, this paper proposes a model of evolutionary development for mangroves on the Brazilian Bragança Peninsula driven by relative sea-level changes from the middle to late Holocene. After a postglacial relative sea-level rise (RSL), the mangrove habitats on the Bragança Peninsula began to develop at about 5100 years BP close to the current RSL, originating in the middle of the peninsula. Between 1800 and 1400 years BP, this littoral area underwent a maximum RSL fall of 1 m below the current one, followed by a gradual RSL rise until 1000 years BP, when the modern RSL was reached. Between 5100 and 1000 years BP, the RSL of the Bragança coastline was probably never higher than 0.6 m above the present level. The first Holocene mangrove forest (5100 years BP) in this region disappeared from the plains due to RSL fall and was replaced by herbaceous vegetation (Cyperaceae and Poaceae).  相似文献   

The Holocene lake history, vegetation history and climate history of Brurskardstjørni, an alpine lake in the Jotunheimen Mountains of south-central Norway, are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on fossil pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, chironomids and sediment characteristics. Subsequent to deglaciation, the lake was formed at about 11,000 cal years BP. A diverse chironomid assemblage quickly colonised the lake, whereas the first diatoms were found about 400 years later. At that time, the lake water was turbid with a high pH. The surrounding soils were immature and unstable and dominated by open pioneer vegetation. Compared to the present, summer temperatures were warmer and there was less winter precipitation. From about 10,000 cal years BP, local organic production increased rapidly and from about 9,500 cal years BP a few macrofossils and a high pollen influx of birch suggest that the tree-line was close to the lake. Pine most likely reached its highest tree-line altitude around 9,000 cal years BP and has receded since that time. From about 5,000 cal years BP, the total amount of trees and shrubs decreased and the landscape became more open, probably due to decreasing temperatures and increasing effective moisture lowering the birch tree-line. Coinciding with a cooling during the last 3,000 years, lake-water pH decreased. There is large incongruence between the Holocene July temperatures inferred from pollen and chironomids. The biological proxies responded to a combined effect of environmental change and biotic interactions. This response is interpreted with reference to taxon–environment relationships in the modern calibration data sets and with reference to the latent structure and ecological demands of the fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

We describe a sudden backreef infilling at the west coast of Luzon, Philippines, which occurred after 324 ± 12 yr ago (year BP, before 1950 AD). Results of 30 230Th-dated fossil corals from the surface and 5 cores, 17–29.1 m in length, recovered from a Holocene reef at Paraoir show that the reef flat developed in two stages. The reef margin is dated at 10,256 ± 50 (2σ) yr BP at 23.9 m below mean sea level (MSL) and about 6,654 ± 29 yr BP at 3.7 m below MSL with ages increasing with depth. The reef flat was formed with sediments of 818–324 yr BP old, which do not follow an age–depth correlation. The evidence suggests that a backreef moat remained empty throughout the buildup of the reef for about 6 kyr and was filled abruptly with a 26-m-thick succession of rubble and bioclastics by an extreme wave event (EWE) after 324 ± 12 yr BP. Field evidence, historical records, and tsunami simulation suggest the EWE sedimentation was likely caused by a single severe tropical cyclone, although the possibility of tsunami is not ruled out. The Paraoir reef flat was built up in a mode different from previously reported cases of Holocene reefs.  相似文献   

Palynological and sedimentological data from a core extracted from Lake Eteza shed new light on the Holocene vegetation and climate history in KwaZulu-Natal and can be linked to regional and global climate change. A 2072 cm core with nineteen radiocarbon dates and chronological extrapolation to the bottom of the sequence suggests that sedimentation started ca. 10 200 cal yrs BP. Between ca. 10 200 and 6800 cal yrs BP pollen indicators point to a change from intermediately humid conditions to comparatively drier grassy environments. This is in good agreement with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) fluctuations from a core in the Mozambique Channel which influence precipitation in coastal KwaZulu-Natal, and the beginning of the Holocene Thermal Maximum ca. 10 500 cal yrs BP. The lower section of the core corresponds to gradually increasing Holocene sea levels along the coast and development of freshwater or estuarine conditions at Lake Eteza. The middle Holocene (ca. 6800-3600 cal yrs BP), when the sea level reached its highest stand and SST peak, indicate humid climatic conditions that favoured an increase of forest trees, e.g. Podocarpus, and undergrowth plants like Issoglossa. As a consequence of higher precipitation and increase of the water table, conditions were favourable for the spread of mangrove, swamp and possibly riverine forest. During the late Holocene after ca. 3600 cal yrs BP a decrease of Podocarpus and other trees as well as an increase of Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, grasses and Phoenix coincide with a return to lower sea levels and drier conditions. The decrease of all trees including Phoenix at ca. 700 cal yrs BP, accompanied by rapid sedimentation rates, possibly reflect forest clearing and upland erosion induced by activities of Iron Age settlers. A dry period at the globally recognized onset of the Little Ice Age might have contributed to these changes. Late Iron Age settlers have probably already introduced Zea mays, which was detected in the profile since ca. 210 BP. The appearance of neophytes like Pinus, Casuarina and pollen of Ambrosia-type in the youngest sediments indicates increased disturbance of European settlements and land use since ca. 100 cal yrs BP.  相似文献   

Two subfossil partial skeletons of male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were recovered, along with remains of 16 other mammalian species, from a natural sinkhole on Jiangdong Mountain (south-western Yunnan, China). The panda and other mammalian bones from the sinkhole's upper chamber yielded tightly clustered accelerator mass spectrometry corrected radiocarbon ages of 8470–8250 yr BP, and the panda remains from the lower chamber were found to be 5025 ± 35 yr BP. The bones represent a natural accumulation of mostly large mammals (>30 kg), which had fallen accidentally into the sinkhole. The Jiangdong Mountain mammal assemblage comprises mostly obligate forest-dwellers such as the giant panda, Asian elephant and Sumatran rhinoceros, but the presence of the horse and gaur suggests a more open woodland habitat. Giant pandas were distributed widely in southern China during the Pleistocene, but are now restricted to dense stands of bamboo within temperate forests surrounding the Sichuan Basin. The evidence from Jiangdong Mountain indicates that suitable habitat for pandas extended west of the Salween River through the mid-Holocene. Rapid deforestation of the area in historical times is suggested by an accumulation of cave fill below the opening of the sinkhole containing pieces of an early to middle Ming Dynasty bowl.  相似文献   

Medicine Lake is a small (165 ha), relatively shallow (average 7.3 m), intermediate elevation (2,036 m) lake located within the summit caldera of Medicine Lake volcano, Siskiyou County, California, USA. Sediment cores and high-resolution bathymetric and seismic reflection data were collected from the lake during the fall of 1999 and 2000. Sediments were analyzed for diatoms, pollen, density, grain size (sand/mud ratio), total organic carbon (TOC), and micro-scale fabric analysis. Using both 14C (AMS) dating and tephrochronology, the basal sediments were estimated to have been deposited about 11,400 cal year BP, thus yielding an estimated average sedimentation rate of about 20.66 cm/1,000 year. The lowermost part of the core (11,400–10,300 cal year BP) contains the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions. From about 11,000–5,500 cal year BP, Medicine Lake consisted of two small, steep-sided lakes or one lake with two steep-sided basins connected by a shallow shelf. During this time, both the pollen (Abies/Artemisia ratio) and the diatom (Cyclotella/Navicula ratio) evidences indicate that the effective moisture increased, leading to a deeper lake. Over the past 5,500 years, the pollen record shows that effective moisture continued to increase, and the diatom record indicates fluctuations in the lake level. The change in the lake level pattern from one of the increasing depths prior to about 6,000 cal year BP to one of the variable depths may be related to changes in the morphology of the Medicine Lake caldera associated with the movement of magma and the eruption of the Medicine Lake Glass Flow about 5,120 cal year BP. These changes in basin morphology caused Medicine Lake to flood the shallow shelf which surrounds the deeper part of the lake. During this period, the Cyclotella/Navicula ratio and the percent abundance of Isoetes vary, suggesting that the level of the lake fluctuated, resulting in changes in the shelf area available for colonization by benthic diatoms and Isoetes. These fluctuations are not typical of the small number of low-elevation Holocene lake records in the region, and probably reflect the hydrologic conditions unique to Medicine Lake.  相似文献   

Late Glacial and Holocene environmental changes were reconstructed using physical, chemical and biological proxies in Lake Myklevatnet, Allmenningen, (5º13′17″E, 61º55′13″N) located at the northern side of Nordfjorden at the coast of western Norway. Myklevatnet (123 m a.s.l.) lies above the Late Glacial marine limit and contains sediments back to approximately 14,300 years before a.d. 2000 (b2k). Because the lake is located ~48 km beyond the margin of the Younger Dryas (YD) fjord and valley glaciers further inland, and did not receive glacier meltwater from local glaciers during the YD, the lake record provides supplementary information to Lake Kråkenes that received glacial meltwater from a local YD glacier. Lake Myklevatnet has a small catchment and is sensitive to Late Glacial and Holocene climate and environmental changes in the coastal region of western Norway. The age-depth relationship was inferred from a radiocarbon- and tephra-based smoothing-spline model with correlated ages from oxygen isotope maxima and minima in the Late Glacial sequence of the NGRIP ice core (in years b2k) to refine the basal chronology in the Myklevatnet record. The results indicate a two-step YD warming, colder early YD temperatures than in the later part of the YD, and considerably more climate and environmental variability during the late Holocene in western Norway than recorded previously in the oxygen isotopes from Greenland ice cores. The Myklevatnet record is also compared with other Late Glacial and Holocene terrestrial and marine proxy reconstructions in the North Atlantic realm.  相似文献   

Detailed botanical (microfossil and macroremain), zoological and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements including C, Al, S, Ca, Fe, P, As, Zn, U, Ba and Rare Earth Elements) of organic deposits provide new insights into Early Holocene environmental change in the Kreekrak area (southwestern Netherlands). The age assessment of the record is based on high resolution AMS 14C wiggle-match dating (WMD). For the first time an AMS 14C WMD based chronology covering the Late Glacial/Holocene transition and early Preboreal is introduced for a site in The Netherlands.The Kreekrak botanical record reflects the end of the Younger Dryas to early Boreal and can be well correlated with pollen records from other sites in The Netherlands and Belgium. The palaeo-topography showed that the Kreekrak deposits formed in an abandoned channel of the River Schelde. Around ca. 11,490 cal BP, at the end of the Late Glacial/Holocene transition, infilling of the lake started with predominantly organic deposits in slowly running water. As a result of the warmer climate the area became forested with birch and poplar during the Friesland Phase (ca. 11,490-11,365 cal BP). Biological productivity of the lake and its surroundings increased. Aquatic vegetation developed in the lake, while shrubs of willow, reed swamps and grasslands fringed the shores. Precipitation increased, which caused a rise in the lake water table and an increase in the supply of oxic surface (= river) water into the Kreekrak lake. During this period, the Kreekrak lake was fed by inflowing river water, run-off, precipitation and seepage of Fe-rich groundwater. Around ca. 11,435 cal BP the water became stagnant probably as result of a total cut-off of the river channel. Inflow of river water ceased, while the supply of reduced Fe-rich groundwater became dominant. During the Rammelbeek Phase (ca. 11,365-11,250 cal BP), the climate was more continental and the abundance of grasslands and open herbaceous vegetation increased. Biological productivity remained high. In the lake, the supply of Fe-rich groundwater continued, the water level slightly decreased but aquatic vegetation remained present. At the end of the Rammelbeek Phase a sudden reduction in the supply of Fe-rich reduced groundwater caused a lowering of the groundwater level in the area, resulting in the development of a hiatus. Due to this hiatus, the Late Preboreal (11,250-10,710 cal BP) is absent from the record. During the early Boreal (10,710-10,000 cal BP) the landscape became densely forested and accumulation of peat in the former lake resumed due to a slowly rising groundwater level. The Boreal was a relatively stable period with low sedimentation rates.The combination of palaeobotanical and geochemical analyses in the Kreekrak record shows a close interrelation between landscape development and geochemistry. It appears that the environmental development of this area during the Late Glacial/Holocene transition and Early Holocene was largely influenced (directly or indirectly) by major climatic changes that occurred during this period, which determined local phenomena such as the composition and density of the vegetation, occurrence of seepage and river activity. Further research of this type has the potential to develop the application of major- and trace element geochemistry in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

Appropriate management of contemporary environments requires knowledge of their long-term history. We use palaeoecological data to explore how contemporary forest-steppe environments have been shaped by climate change and human impacts through the Holocene using the western Mid-Russian Upland as a case-study. Our paper presents new reconstructions of Mid- and Late Holocene climate, vegetation dynamics and local environmental change based on pollen, plant macrofossil and testate amoeba records from a site at Selikhovo (Mid-Russian Upland, Russia). Eutrophic fen vegetation dominated by Phragmites australis developed around 6800 cal year BP and has been resilient to episodes of local burning and variable input of mineral material through the Holocene. New and previously-published data show that the boundary between broadleaf forest and steppe occupied a similar position to present during the period 7000–4800 cal year BP, despite a warmer and drier climate, but shifted to the south following climate cooling and an increase in precipitation from 4800–2500 cal year BP. A subsequent decline in woodland cover was caused by both climate change and human impacts, with human activity becoming increasingly significant over the last two millennia. Prior to major human disturbance (about 1700 cal year BP) the landscape was dominated by mixed broadleaf-pine forests with some spruce covering about 60 % of the study area. Our results emphasize the variability of steppe-forest habitats over long time periods and the need to consider human impacts and climate change when setting targets for habitat conservation.  相似文献   

A new diatom record from Lake Euramoo on the Atherton Tableland, north Queensland, Australia is used to assess regional climate change and variability and their links to forcing at a local to global scale. The major factor driving diatom composition in the approximately fifteen thousand-year record appears to be regional moisture availability. Patterns of diatom preservation and other indicators, particularly sediment organic content, suggest that permanent deep water formed at the site from ca. 15,000 cal. yr BP. However, between 13,800 and 11,500 cal. yr BP, there was a notable phase of lower lake levels and effective precipitation. The timing and duration of this phase does not correspond to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Antarctic Cold Reversal or the Younger Dryas and supports emerging evidence for a variable climate regime in the south-west Pacific during the late glacial transition.The Early to Mid Holocene record is one of remarkable stability with 5000 years of sustained dominance by the planktonic diatom Aulacoseira ambigua. Conversely, the Mid to Late Holocene record is marked by distinct diatom variability superimposed on a series of sustained shifts in composition. Accentuated Late Holocene climate variability may aid in explaining intensified land use in indigenous populations and also suggests that Europeans may have arrived in the landscape at the time it was most vulnerable to perturbation.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a taxonomic and ecological investigation of diatoms from polygonal ponds and Quaternary permafrost deposits of Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago) and the reconstruction of climatic changes on the Island during late Pleistocene/Holocene transition using fossil diatom assemblages from the permafrost deposits. The taxonomic list of diatoms includes 159 diatom species. The main ecological factors that determine the distribution of diatoms in the investigated data set are mean July air temperature, рН, electrical conductivity, water depth, and concentrations of Si4+ and Al3+. An increase in water depth and stable lacustrine conditions in the Lateglacial–Holocene in the ancient thermokarst lake relate to Lateglacial warming before 11860 ± 160 years BP and during the early Holocene between 11210 ± 160 and 7095 ± 60 years BP.  相似文献   

A Holocene sediment sequence from Lake Seukokjaure, a subarctic lake at tree-line in northern Sweden, was analyzed to assess major changes in the structure and functioning of the aquatic ecosystem in response to climate change and tree-line dynamics. The compiled multi-proxy data, including sedimentary pigments, diatoms, chironomids, pollen, biogenic silica (BSi), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) elemental and stable-isotope records, and total lake-water organic carbon (TOC) concentration inferred from near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), suggest that the Holocene development of Lake Seukokjaure was closely coupled to changes in terrestrial vegetation with associated soil development of the catchment, input of allochthonous organic carbon, and changes in the light regime of the lake. A relatively productive state just after deglaciation around 9700 to 7800 cal years BP was followed by a slight long-term decrease in primary production. The onset of the local tree-line retreat around 3200 cal years BP was accompanied by more diverse and altered chironomid and diatom assemblages and indications of destabilized soils in the catchment by an increase in variability and absolute values of δ13C. An abrupt drop in the C/N ratio around 1750 cal years BP was coupled to changes in the internal lake structure, in combination with changes in light and nutrient conditions, resulting in a shift in the phototrophic community from diatom dominance to increased influence of chlorophytes, likely dominated by an aquatic moss community. Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of indirect effects of climate change on tree-line lake ecosystems and complex interactions of in-lake processes during the Holocene.  相似文献   

The results of a high-temporal-resolution geochemical and pollen analysis of bottom sediments in Lake Baunt (55°11′15″ N and 113°01′45″ E), located within the continuous permafrost zone, have made it possible to reconstruct the environmental and climate changes in northern Buryatia during the Holocene post-Optimum for the first time. Over the last almost 7000 years, the natural and climatic conditions in the northeast of Buryatia have not remained homogeneous. A relatively warm and dry climate occurred here at the end of the Holocene Optimum between 6900 and 6000 BP. Later, about 6000–1500/1000 BP, the climate became colder, long-term permafrost activated, and chemical weathering attenuated. The climate over the last 1500–1000 years was colder in general than the modern climate. The environmental indices have different values in sediments with respect to warm and cold intervals and reflect the sedimentation conditions what were controlled by climate changes.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of plant foods in the subsistence of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the Central East, Northwest, and Northeast Patagonia (Argentina) during the late Holocene (ca. 3,000-500 years BP). The goal of the present study is to assess the temporal variation of dental caries ratio and wear rate in skeletal samples to ascertain if the biological information supports the dietary shift toward greater consumption of wild plant foods around 1,500 years BP, suggested by other types of evidence. The authors registered caries, antemortem and postmortem tooth loss, and tooth wear from eight samples belonging to hunter-gatherers from Patagonia for which chronological sequences from early late Holocene (ca. 3,000-1,500 years BP) up to final late Holocene (ca. 1,500-500 years BP) are available. The results indicate that caries percentages in Patagonian samples fall within the range established for hunter-gatherers but there are significant geographical differences. In addition, caries ratio does not change significantly through time, so the amount of carbohydrates consumed seems to have remained fairly constant since 3,000 years BP. In contrast, there is a marked temporal trend toward the reduction of wear rates in the three areas, suggesting a faster rate in early late Holocene than in final late Holocene. These results would reflect a change to less hard and/or abrasive diets in the final late Holocene, probably owing to differences in food processing methods employed.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Khatanga-12 Lake (Taimyr Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk krai) has been studied. The 131.5-cm-long core covers ca. 7100 years of sedimentation. Chironomid analysis, a qualitative reconstruction of the paleoenvironment in the region, and a quantitative reconstruction of variations of the mean July air temperature and in the water depth of the lake have been performed using Northern Russia chironomid-inferred mean July temperature models (Nazarova et al., 2008, 2011, 2015). Khatanga-12 Lake was formed during the Middle Holocene warming as a result of thermokarst processes. The development of the lake ecosystem at different stages of its development was influenced by climatic and cryolithogenic factors. The Middle Holocene warming, which occurred around 7100–6250 cal. years BP, activated thermokarst processes and resulted in the formation of the lake basin. Later, between 6250 and 4500 cal. years BP, a period of cooling took place, as is proved by chironomid analysis. The bottom sediments of the lake during this period were formed by erosion processes on the lake shores. The reconstructed conditions were close to the modern after 2500 cal. years BP.  相似文献   

Sediments from Xinyun Lake in central Yunnan, southwest China, provide a record of environmental history since the Holocene. With the application of multi-proxy indicators (total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), δ13C and δ15N isotopes, C/N ratio, grain size, magnetic susceptibility (MS) and CaCO3 content), as well as accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C datings, four major climatic stages during the Holocene have been identified in Xingyun′s catchment. A marked increase in lacustrine palaeoproductivity occurred from 11.06 to 9.98 cal. ka BP, which likely resulted from an enhanced Asian southwest monsoon and warm-humid climate. Between 9.98 and 5.93 cal. ka BP, a gradually increased lake level might have reached the optimum water depth, causing a marked decline in coverage by aquatic plants and lake productivity of the lake. This was caused by strong Asian southwest monsoon, and coincided with the global Holocene Optimum. During the period of 5.60–1.35 cal. ka BP, it resulted in a warm and dry climate at this stage, which is comparable to the aridification of India during the mid- and late Holocene. The intensifying human activity and land-use in the lake catchment since the early Tang Dynasty (∼1.35 cal. ka BP) were associated with the ancient Dian culture within Xingyun’s catchment. The extensive deforestation and development of agriculture in the lake catchment caused heavy soil loss. Our study clearly shows that long-term human activities and land-use change have strongly impacted the evolution of the lake environment and therefore modulated the sediment records of the regional climate in central Yunnan for more than one thousand years.  相似文献   

The long‐term interaction between human activity and climate is subject to increasing scrutiny. Humans homogenize landscapes through deforestation, agriculture, and burning and thereby might reduce the capacity of landscapes to provide archives of climate change. Alternatively, land‐use change might overwhelm natural buffering and amplify latent climate signals, rendering them detectable. Here we examine a sub‐annually resolved sedimentary record from Lake Sauce in the western Amazonian lowlands that spans 6900 years. Finely‐laminated sediments were deposited from ca. 5000 years ago until the present, and human activity in the watershed was revealed through the presence of charcoal and maize agriculture. The laminations, analyzed for color content and bandwidth, showed distinctive changes that were coupled to more frequent occurrence of fossil maize pollen. As agricultural activity intensified ca. 2200 cal. BP, the 2‐ to 8‐year periodicity characteristic of El Niño–Southern Oscillation became evident in the record. These agricultural activities appeared to have amplified an existing, but subtle climatic signal that was previously absorbed by natural vegetation. When agricultural activity slowed, or land use around Lake Sauce changed at ca. 800 cal. BP, the signal of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activity became erratic.  相似文献   

A 9.14 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and investigated for its chronology and sedimentological, mineralogical, and biogeochemical changes. The basal part of the sequence is dominated by coarse clastic matter, i.e., mainly sand. The sediment composition suggests that a lake existed in Fryxell basin during the Middle Weichselian by ca. 48,000 cal. year BP. After a short period of lake-level lowstand ca. 43,000 cal. year BP, lower Taylor Valley became occupied by the proglacial Lake Washburn, which was at least partly supplied by meltwater and sediments from the Ross Ice Sheet that was advanced to the mouth of Taylor Valley. Evaporation of Lake Washburn to lower levels started during the Last Glacial Maximum at ca. 22,000 cal. year BP, long before the Ross Ice Sheet retreated significantly. Lake-level lowering was discontinuous with a series of high and low stands. From ca. 4000 cal. year BP environmental conditions were similar to those of today and lower Fryxell basin was occupied by a small lake. This lake evaporated to a saline or hypersaline pond between ca. 2500 and 1000 cal. year BP and refilled subsequently.  相似文献   

This study focuses on diatom assemblages occurring in cores of Late-glacial and Holocene deposits retrieved from the mouth of the lower Rega River valley, of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Sediment samples from four cores were the subject of the present study. Diatom-inferred environmental characteristics, e.g., water level; water salinity (conductivity), trophic status and pH, within each core are presented. Diatom assemblage zones (DAZ) were distinguished, based on differences in the distribution of particular ecological groups. Each DAZ appears to be related to environmental changes during the deposition of a given sediment interval. The Late-glacial (Allerød) sediments originated in a shallow lake with increasing concentrations of solutes and nutrients. The Holocene record begins in the early Atlantic Chronozone and the diatoms point to weakly brackish-water sediments deposited in a shallow water environment. During the period of 8,500–5,800 cal year BP sedimentation took place in a shallow embayment and/or lagoon. From ca. 5,800 cal year BP onwards sedimentation took place in a peat bog environment alternating with Aeolian deposition. Changes in diatom community structure imply a close relationship with the climate-controlled eustatic rise of the ocean level and its consequence Littorina transgression. As with other southern Baltic Sea localities, brackish-water diatoms appear in the sediments, signaling the onset of marine transgression somewhat earlier than previously accepted. Differences and similarities in diatom assemblages and the palaeogeographic development of nearby regions within the Baltic Sea basin and lagoons (coastal areas) from different geographic regions, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The main drivers of fire regimes in southern Europe are climate, vegetation and land-use changes that interact at different spatio-temporal scales. These complex interplays between “natural” and anthropogenic forcings hinder the identification of fire-climate linkages on the long time scale. In this paper, we focused on the Last Glacial–Holocene transition, which is the last time Europe experienced rapid warming of similar magnitude and rate of change as predicted for the future, and with minimal human impact (no agricultural activities). We derived fire activity from two neighbouring lacustrine macrocharcoal records, Ech paleolake and Lake Lourdes, located 3 km apart. To understand the effect of external forcings, we reconstructed summer T° changes and vegetation dynamics from two independent proxies. We then compared both paleofire records with chironomid-inferred summer air temperature reconstruction from Ech paleolake. We discuss the role of vegetation type, structure and biomass availability using pollen analysis from Ech paleolake and Lourdes. Fire activity is strongly modulated by summer T° oscillations as shown by the highly contrasted responses between the Oldest Dryas/Interstadial and Younger Dryas/Holocene transitions. However, vegetation type and biomass availability act as limiting factors: the slight increase in fire activity at the onset of the Interstadial is triggered by a 7 °C summer T° increase but remains limited by low availability of woody biomass in a steppe environment. On the contrary, the onset of the Holocene is characterised by a 2 °C summer T° increase and an unprecedented increase in fire activity, conditioned by the establishment of dense deciduous forests.  相似文献   

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