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Four new species (Connarus celatus, C. marlenei, C. portosegurensis andC. rigidus) and four new varieties (Connarus erianthus var.pedicellatus,C. erianthus var.stipitatus, C. perrottetii var.rufus, andC. venezuelanus var.orinocensis) are described and illustrated, in preparation for the forthcoming Monograph of the Connaraceae in Flora Neotropica.  相似文献   

Naidoo Y  Karim T  Heneidak S  Sadashiva CT  Naidoo G 《Planta》2012,236(4):1215-1226
This study was initiated to characterize the distribution, morphology, secretion mode, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes of Ceratotheca triloba using light and electron microscopy. Its leaves bear two morphologically distinct glandular trichomes. The first type has long trichome with 8-12 basal cells of pedestal, 3-14 stalk cells, a neck cell and a head of four cells in one layer. The second type has short trichome comprising one or two basal epidermal cells, a unicellular or bicellular stalk and a multicellular head of two to eight cells. There is a marked circular area in the upper part of each head cell of the long trichome. This area is provided with micropores to exudate directly the secretory product onto the leaf surface by an eccrine pathway. The secretory product has copious amount of dark microbodies arising from plastids which are positive to Sudan tests and osmium tetroxide for unsaturated lipids. The secretion mode of short trichomes is granulocrine and involves two morphologically and histochemically distinct vesicle types: small Golgi-derived vesicles which are positive to Ruthenium Red test for mucilaginous polysaccharides; the second type is dark large microbodies similar to that of long trichomes with low quantity. These two types are stored in numerous peripheral vacuoles and discharge their contents accompanied by the formation of irregular invaginations of the plasmalemma inside the vacuoles via reverse pinocytosis. These two secretion modes of long and short trichomes are reported for the first time in the family Pedaliaceae. The long trichomes have more unsaturated lipids, while the short trichomes contain more mucilaginous polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Plant material ofCalamintha menthifolia was collected from two populations grown in the Vikos-Aoos area (NW. Greece). The structure and ontogeny of the glandular trichomes and the chemical composition of the secreted essential oil were studied. The leaves ofC. menthifolia have numerous glandular trichomes of three morphological distinct types: 1) glandular scales with a unicellular foot and stalk, and a 12-celled head, 2) glandular hairs with a unicellular foot and stalk, and a unicellular pear-shaped head and 3) glandular hairs with a unicellular foot, a bicellular stalk and a unicellular elongated head. Qualitative and quantitative GC-MS analyses of the essential oils revealed piperitone oxide as the main constituent in both populations. In the light of these results the relationships beweenC. menthifolia and other members of theSatureja group as well as its taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The leaves of Artemisia nova Nelson are covered with a dense layer of nonglandular trichomes that obstruct the observation of glandular trichomes on the leaf surfaces. An acid-staining technique was developed that eliminates interference from the nonglandular trichomes and stains the glandular ones red, allowing them to be seen under a light microscope. Using this method it was found that these glands develop on both leaf surfaces, except over veins, and cover 21–35% of the leaf surface area at densities of 50–70 per mm2. Mature glands are sac-like structure with a thin sheath or cuticle surrounding a clear transparent fluid. This fluid contains all of the sesquiterpene lactones present in the leaves, and some of the monoterpenes. These terpenoids were responsible for the red color of the glands after acid treatment.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes and secretory ducts of Grindelia pulchella was studied. Plastids, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are involved in the secretory process of both, trichomes and ducts. A special tissue with “transfer cells” is associated with the duct epithelial cells. The secretion is produced in the transfer cells and then is transferred to the duct epithelial cells where it accumulates in the vacuoles. The occurrence of cavities within the cell walls of the trichome cells and duct epithelial cells is described. The secretion is accumulated between the cell wall and the cuticle of these cells. When the cuticle is broken the secretion is released. We conclude that granulocrine secretion operates in this species.  相似文献   

The influence of foliar glandular trichomes on developmental biology of the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), was examined by selective removal of trichomes on resistant and susceptible potato germplasm comprising two glandular trichome-bearing genotypes (PI 473331 and PI 473334) of wild potato, Solanum berthaultii (Hawkes), two interspecific hybrids of S. berthaultii with Solanum tuberosum L. (Q174-2 and NY123), and two commercial S. tuberosum cultivars ('Elba' and 'Allegany'). Adult mortality was affected, whereas nymphal emergence was unaffected by removal of glandular trichome exudates. No nymphs were observed emerging from leaves of PI 473331 or PI 473334. Regardless of the trichome removal treatment, no nymphs completed development on PI 473331, and only a small percentage of nymphs survived to adulthood on NY123 and PI 473334. PI 473331 had the greatest frequency of adults and nymphs with trichome exudate deposition on their bodies, followed by PI 473334. Nymphs, but not adults, had exudate accumulation when caged on foliage of Q174-2. Removal of type A trichome heads and type B droplets eliminated exudate deposition. The results of these studies provide evidence that phenolic oxidation chemistry and the physical barrier imposed by trichomes of S. berthaultii are responsible for much of the observed resistance but that other factors possibly linked to the presence of trichomes aid in the expression on resistance.  相似文献   


Main conclusion

The glandular trichomes are developed on the aerial organs of Tussilago farfara ; they produce phenols and terpenoids. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and leucoplasts are the main organelles of the trichome secretory cells. The aim of this study was to characterise the morphology, anatomy, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the trichomes in Tussilago farfara as well as to identify composition of the secretory products. Structure of trichomes located on the peduncles, bracts, phyllaries, and leaves were studied by light and electron microscopy. The capitate glandular trichomes consist of a multicellular head and a biseriate long stalk. Histochemical tests and fluorescence microscopy reveal phenols and terpenoids in the head cells. During secretory stage, the head cells contain smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, diversiform leucoplasts with opaque contents in lamellae, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and microbodies. In the capitate glandular trichomes of T. farfara subcuticular cavity is absent, unlike glandular trichomes in other Asteraceae species. For the first time, content of metabolites in the different vegetative and reproductive organs as well as in the isolated capitate glandular trichomes was identified by GC–MS. Forty-five compounds, including organic acids, sugars, polyols, phenolics, and terpenoids were identified. It appeared that metabolite content in the methanol extracts from peduncles, bracts and phyllaries is biochemically analogous, and similar to the metabolites from leaves, in which photosynthesis happens. At the same time, the metabolites from trichome extracts essentially differ and refer to the above-mentioned secondary substances. The study has shown that the practical value of the aerial organs of coltsfoot is provided with flavonoids produced in the capitate glandular trichomes.

Scanning electron microscopical investigations of fractures and corrosion casts of the spiracles from femaleA. walkerae ticks revealed a four-part structure, consisting of spiracular plate, ostium and macula forming the external closure, followed by the subostial space and the vestibulum of regulable volume, as well as the atrial chamber as the innermost part from which the main tracheal trunks originate. On the average, the spiracular plate was 158 m long and 188 m at the broadest width. It consisted of a thin, highly perforated external and a thick internal layer, which enclosed the interpedicellar space with numerous stout pedicels. In its posterior region, the spiracular plate was covered by the macula, which was up to 80 m in length and 110 m in width. The interpedicellar cavity opened into the subostial space measuring 95.5 m in length and 159.6m in width, which proceeded into the 112-m long vestibulum. The roof of the vestibulum was flexible and could be everted and inverted. Inverted, the roof formed a quadratic bulge with numerous deep cuticular folds, which confined the lumen of the vestibulum either partially or completely. In corrosion casts, the roof was everted to a length of up to 89.3 m. In the posterior part of the vestibulum, as well as in the initial fourth of the artrial chamber, numerous anvil-, cone-or drop-like cuticular projections were arranged in wedge-like fashion. The atrial chamber was almost spherical with a diameter of 138.4 m. Five main tracheal trunks of different luminal diameter as well as numerous channels opened into the atrial chamber.  相似文献   

Leaves of Humulus lupulus possess two types of glandular trichomes: - peltate (lupulin) and bulbous.
Peltate trichomes are formed from a protodermal cell by two anticlinal divisions in perpendicular planes, followed by two periclinal ones that give rise to the initials of the head cells, the basal and the stalk cells. Head cells divide successively in radial and irregular planes. Fully developed peltate trichomes are built of a glandular head consisting of 30 to 72 cells, four stalk cells and four basal cells.
Bulbous trichomes are also formed from a protodermal cell by an anticlinal division followed by two periclinal ones that produce the initials of the glandular head cells, and the basal and stalk cells. Fully developed bulbous trichomes consist of four (occasionally eight) head glandular cells, two stalk cells and two basal cells.
The density of peltate trichomes decreases with the expansion of the leaves.
Both peltate and bulbous trichomes secrete essential oils. Peltate trichomes are the preferential site for the synthesis of bitter resins. Tannic acids could not be detected histochemically either in peltate or in bulbous trichomes. Both types of trichomes produce secretion that accumulates in the subcuticular space, being released, in the case of bulbous trichomes, by rupture of the cuticle.  相似文献   

Omorgus suberosus (Fabricius, 1775) has been identified as a potential predator of the eggs of the turtle Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) on one of the main turtle nesting beaches in the world, La Escobilla in Oaxaca, Mexico. This study presents an analysis of the spatio–temporal distribution of the beetle on this beach (in areas of high and low density of L. olivacea nests over two arrival seasons) and an evaluation, under laboratory conditions, of the probability of damage to the turtle eggs by this beetle. O. suberosus adults and larvae exhibited an aggregated pattern at both turtle nest densities; however, aggregation was greater in areas of low nest density, where we found the highest proportion of damaged eggs. Also, there were fluctuations in the temporal distribution of the adult beetles following the arrival of the turtles on the beach. Under laboratory conditions, the beetles quickly damaged both dead eggs and a mixture of live and dead eggs, but were found to consume live eggs more slowly. This suggests that O. suberosus may be recycling organic material; however, its consumption of live eggs may be sufficient in some cases to interrupt the incubation period of the turtle. We intend to apply these results when making decisions regarding the L. olivacea nests on La Escobilla Beach, one of the most important sites for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Sideritis italica (Mill.) Greuter et Burdet belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is endemic to Italy. The glandular trichomes (morphology, distribution, histochemistry, and ultrastructure) of the plant were studied for the first time, along with the chemical composition of the essential oils. Abundant non-glandular hairs and peltate (type A) and capitate (types B, C(1), and C(x)) glandular trichomes were observed both on the vegetative and reproductive organs. The histochemical procedures and the ultrastructural investigation enabled specific location of the main site of essential oil production mainly in type-A peltate hairs. Particular emphasis is given to the release mechanism of the secreted material in all of the types of glands, and the potential taxonomic value of the indumentum in the Lamiaceae family is briefly discussed. Essential oils were hydrodistilled from flowering aerial parts of S. italica, and 136 compounds (112 in flowerheads, 79 in vegetative parts) were identified. The quantitative prevalence of diterpenoids (43.4% in flowerheads and 22.3% in vegetative parts) was the most significant characteristic of the essential oil of S. italica that could be classified as a diterpene-rich essential oil according to the classification of Kirimer.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) are a family of enzymes, which show differences in structure, cellular location and functions. However, all these enzymes possess poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation activity. Overactivation of PARP enzymes has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, shock, neurodegenerative disorder and allergy. The best studied of these enzymes (PARP-1) is involved in the cellular response to DNA damage so that in the event of irreparable DNA damage overactivation of PARP-1 leads to necrotic cell death. Inhibitors of PARP-1 activity in combination with DNA-binding antitumor drugs may constitute a suitable strategy in cancer chemotherapy. In addition, PARP inhibitors may be also useful to restore cellular functions in several pathophysiological states and diseases. This review gives an update of the state-of-the-art concerning PARP enzymes and their exploitation as pharmacological targets in several illnesses.  相似文献   

The micromorphology and distribution of secreting and non-secreting trichomes in different parts of plants of the species belonging to Stachys, S. germanica group, of the Italian Flora, were studied. A peculiar capitate hair with multicellular head was found in all the species examined, with the exception of S. germanica ssp. germanica. This type of trichome is typically 4-celled in S. tymphaea. The distribution of trichomes on the calyces is particularly interesting and some peculiar features better characterize S. germanica ssp. germanica, S. germanica ssp. dasyanthes, S. cretica ssp. salviifolia, S. alpina and S. heraclea.  相似文献   

《Annals of botany》1999,83(1):87-92
This paper reports the results of a study of the morphology and development of glandular trichomes in leaves ofCalceolaria adscendensLidl. using light and electron microscopy. Secretory trichomes started as outgrowths of epidermal cells; subsequent divisions gave rise to trichomes made up of a basal epidermal cell, a stalk cell and a two-celled secretory head. Ultrastructural characteristics of trichome cells were typical of terpene-producing structures. Previous phytochemical studies had revealed thatC. adscendensproduces diterpenes. Comparison withC. volckmanni,which produces triterpenes, and has trichomes with eight-celled secretory heads, suggests that there could be a relationship between the type of glandular trichome and the class of terpene produced. Further work is needed to test the hypothesis and to develop trichome characters as taxonomic tools.  相似文献   

The ears of bushcrickets (Orthoptera : Tettigoniidae) consist of a pair of membranes situated beneath the knee of the foretibia. These membranes, or tympana, are backed by a tracheal system dedicated to sound reception. In most species, a trachea opens through a hole, the auditory spiracle, in the pleuron of the prothorax adjacent to the ventilatory spiracle. Experimental evidence clearly shows that in those species possessing such an opening, sound entering through this route is amplified by the shape of the trachea, or at least is modified through resonances created by its tracheal cavities or tubes. In some species the external surface of the tympanic membrane is surrounded by cuticular folds, which may be formed into small resonating cavities or sound guiding pinnae. In other species the tympana are naked. Sound interacts with the external surface of the tympana, either through these cuticular cavities or directly at the surface of the membrane. As with auditory tracheae, the shape of these cavities may modify sound through resonances. This review examines the role of both external and internal sound-guides in sound reception. It discusses how different species may utilize different sound receiving systems and suggests how, in some cases, both external and internal routes may respond to different frequency bands. The maximum sensitivity of the ear invariably coincides with the male's call carrier frequency. Two Australian species of tettigoniid where the ear is clearly not tuned to the male's call are described. The biology of one undescribed species belonging to the subfamily, Zaprochilinae, where not only is the ear untuned, but there is marked sexual dimorphism in ear structure, is elaborated on. The review concludes with an examination of the routes selection may have taken to arrive at the extreme morphologies present in the Tettigoniidae.  相似文献   

The ovary and young fruit of Jackiopsis ornata has internal, unbranched, septate hairs which are more or less evenly dispersed over the entire interior surface of the locules and present in quite large numbers. This is the first record of intra-ovarian trichomes in the Rubiaceae. The trichomes do not seem to have an obvious function in that they do not appear to serve as a specialized pollen transmitting tissue or play a role in directing pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

On the leaves and sepals of 52 species, representing all sections of the genusDrosera except one, 14 different types of glandular hairs were found: two-celled papillae, peltate scales, several types with unbranched, bi- or multiseriate stalk with a two- or multicellular gland, and one type with a multiseriate stalk and a two-armed gland. The combination of these hairs and the presence of non-glandular hairs confirm the actual classification of the genus. In combination with simple morphological characters (e.g., the type of insertion of the petiole) glandular hairs facilitate the identification of species even in the pharmaceutically important cut crude drug.  相似文献   

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