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L-tyrosyl-L-tyrosine crystallizes as a dihydrate in the orthorhombic system, space group C222(1), with a = 12.105(2), b = 12.789(2), c = 24.492(3) A, Z = 8. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to a final R-value of 0.059 for 1740 observed reflections. The molecule exists as a zwitterion, the peptide unit is trans planar, and the backbone torsion angles correspond to an extended conformation, with psi 1 = 149.4 degrees, phi 2 = -161.2 degrees, psi 2 = 158.3 degrees. The values of the side-chain torsion angles (chi 1, chi 2) are (-58.8 degrees, -63.1 degrees) for the first tyrosine and (-171.7 degrees, -116.5 degrees) for the second. The planes of the aromatic rings are nearly parallel (dihedral angle of 6.1 degrees), and their centers are separated by 10.9 A. The carboxyl plane forms a dihedral angle of 23.8 degrees with the plane of the peptide bond.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a tripeptide, L-phenylalanyl-glycyl-glycine (C13H17N3O4), molecular weight = 279.3, has been determined. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with a = 5.462(1) A, b = 15.285(5), c = 16.056(4), Z = 4, and P (calc) = 1.384 g.cm-3. The final R-index is 0.052 for 866 reflections with sin theta/lambda less than or equal to 0.55 A-1 and I greater than 1 sigma. The molecule exists as a zwitterion, with the N-terminus protonated and the C-terminus in an ionized form. Both the peptide units are in the trans configuration and planar, though one of them shows significant deviations from planarity ([delta w[ = 5.1 degrees). The peptide backbone is folded, with the torsion angles of: psi 1 = 116.2(5) degrees, omega 1 = 178.8(4), phi 2 = -89.7(5). psi 2 = -28.9(6), omega 2 = -174.9(4), phi 3 = 134.9(5), psi 31 = 7.8(6), psi 32 = -172.6(4). The terminal glycine adopts a "D-residue" conformation. For the sidechain of phenylalanine, chi 1 = 175.5(4), chi 2 = -127.0(6).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of t-Boc-glycyl-L-phenylalanine (C14H22N2O5, molecular weight = 298) has been determined. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P2(1), with a = 7.599(1) A, b = 9.576(2), c = 12.841(2), beta = 97.21(1) degrees, Z = 2, Dm = 1.149, Dc = 1.168 g X cm-3. Trial structure was obtained by direct methods and refined to a final R-index of 0.064 for 1465 reflections with I greater than 1 sigma. The peptide unit is trans planar and is nearly perpendicular to the plane containing the urethane moiety. The plane of the carboxyl group makes a dihedral angle of 16.0 degrees with the peptide unit. The backbone torsion angles are omega 0 = -176.9 degrees, phi 1 = -88.0 degrees, psi 1 = -14.5 degrees, omega 1 = 176.4 degrees, phi 2 = -164.7 degrees and psi 2 = 170.3 degrees. The phenylalanine side chain conformation is represented by the torsion angles chi 1 = 52.0 degrees, chi 2 = 85.8 degrees.  相似文献   

The tripeptide, L-prolyl-glycyl-glycine, crystallizes in the trigonal space group P3(2), with a = b = 8.682(2) A, c = 12.008(2) and Z = 3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R-value of 0.07 for 727 reflections (I greater than 1.0 sigma). The molecule exists as a zwitterion in the crystal. The peptide units are trans and show significant deviations from planarity (omega 1 = 169.7 degrees, omega 2 = -170.1 degrees). The peptide backbone adopts a left-handed helical conformation similar to that of polyglycine II and polyproline II.  相似文献   

The tripeptide, glycyl-glycyl-L-valine, crystallizes as a dihydrate in the monoclinic space group P2(1), with a = 5.786(1), b = 7.954(2), c = 14.420(3)A, beta = 93.85(2) degrees, Z = 2. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R-value of 0.040 for 876 observed reflections. The molecule exists as a zwitterion in the crystal. The peptide planes show significant deviations from planarity. The chain conformation resembles a reverse turn if the orientation of the carboxyl group is also taken into account. An intramolecular water bridge links the amino and carboxyl ends of the molecule. The crystal packing involves spatial segregation of polar and nonpolar moieties.  相似文献   

The dipeptide, (DL)-alanyl-(DL)-norvaline, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c, with a = 12.559(2)A, b = 5.265(1), c = 16.003(3), beta = 103.53(2) degrees, Z = 4. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R-value of 0.054 for 871 reflections with I greater than 2 sigma. The molecule exists as a zwitterion in the crystal. The peptide unit is trans and shows significant deviations from planarity (delta omega = 12.4 degrees). The peptide backbone adopts an extended conformation. The unit cell contains D-Ala-L-norval and its enantiomer. The molecular conformation and packing features show a striking resemblance to those for D-Ala-L-Met (1), and leads to the speculation that norvaline might act as an analog of methionine.  相似文献   

The dipeptide, L-prolyl-L-leucine monohydrate (C11H20N2O3.H2O, molecular weight, 246.3) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1), with cell constants: a = 6.492(2)A, b = 5.417(8)A, c = 20.491(5)A, beta = 96.59(2) degrees, Z = 2, Do = 1.15 g/cm3, and Dc = 1.142 g/cm3. The structure was solved by SHELX-86 and refined by full matrix least squares methods to a final R-factor of 0.081 for 660 unique reflections (I greater than 2 sigma (I)) measured on an Enraf Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer (CuK alpha, lambda = 1.5418 A, T = 293 K). The peptide linkage exists in the trans conformation. The pyrrolidine ring exists in the envelope conformation. The values of the sidechain torsion angles are: chi 1 = -59.3(13) degrees, chi 21 = -63.1(16) degrees and chi 22 = 174.8(15) degrees for leucine (C-terminal). The crystal structure is stabilised by a three-dimensional network of N-H ... O, O-H ... O, and C-H ... O hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

By applying the method of amino-acyl incorporation to sulfonamido peptides, cyclo(-MeTau-Phe-DPro-) 3 has been synthesized in high yield starting from Z-MeTau-Phe-Pro-OH. The crystal structure and the molecular conformation of 3 have been determined. Crystals are orthorhombic, s.g. P2(1)2(1)2(1), with a = 5.454, b = 13.486, c = 24.025 A. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.039 for 1974 reflections with I greater than 1.5 sigma (I). The 10-measured cyclopeptide adopts a backbone conformation in the crystals characterized by Phe-DPro and DPro-MeTau peptide bonds in trans and cis conformation, respectively. Both the peptide bonds deviate significantly from planarity and the corresponding [delta omega[ values are ca. 12 degrees. The sulfonamide SO2NH junction adopts a cisoidal conformation with a C alpha 1-S1-N2-C alpha 2 torsion angle of 70.8 degrees. 13C n.m.r. data show that the trans geometry at the Phe-DPro junction found in the crystals is retained in DMSO solution. The 10-membered ring of 3 is characterized by a pseudo mirror-plane passing through the Phe nitrogen and the DPro carbonylic carbon. The DPro ring adopts a half-chair conformation. The Phe side chain conformation corresponds to the statistically most favored g- rotamer (chi 1 = -68.6 degrees). The crystal packing is characterized by a weak intermolecular hydrogen bond between NH group and the MeTau O1' oxygen.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between conformational flexibility and solution stability of a linear RGD peptide (Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe-OH; 1) and a cyclic RGD peptide (cyclo-(1, 6)-Ac-Cys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe-Pen-NH2; 2); as a function of pH. Previously, it was found that cyclic peptide 2 was 30-fold more stable than linear peptide 1. Therefore, this study was performed to explain the increase in chemical stability based on the preferred conformation of the peptides. Molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimizations were conducted to evaluate the backbone flexibility of both peptides under simulated pH conditions of 3, 7 and 10 in the presence of water. The reactive sites for degradation for both molecules were also followed during the simulations. The backbone of linear peptide 1 exhibited more flexibility than that of cyclic peptide 2, which was reflected in the rotation about the phi and psi dihedral angles. This was further supported by the low r.m.s. deviations of the backbone atoms for peptide 2 compared with those of peptide 1 that were observed among structures sampled during the molecular dynamics simulations. The presence of a salt bridge between the side chain groups of the Arg and Asp residues was also indicated for the cyclic peptide under simulated conditions of neutral pH. The increase in stability of the cyclic peptide 2 compared with the linear peptide 1, especially at neutral pH, is due to decreased structural flexibility imposed by the ring, as well as salt bridge formation between the side chains of the Arg and Asp residues in cyclic peptide 2. This rigidity would prevent the Asp side chain carboxylic acid from orienting itself in the appropriate position for attack on the peptide backbone.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-tauryl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester 1 has been synthesized. The crystal structure and molecular conformation of 1 have been determined. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P2(1) with a = 5.088(2), b = 17.112(17), c = 9.581(6) A, beta = 92.34(4) degrees, Z = 2. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.043 for 2279 reflections with I greater than 1.5 sigma(I). The sulphonamide junction maintains the peptide backbone folded with Tau and Phe C alpha atoms in a cisoidal arrangement, the torsion angle around the S-N bond being 65.4 degrees. In this conformation the p-orbital of the sulphonamide nitrogen lies in the region of the plane bisecting the O-S-O angle, thus favouring d pi-p pi interactions between nitrogen and sulphur atoms. The S-N bond with a length of 1.618 A has significant pi-bond character. The CO-NH is planar and adopts trans conformation. The Tau residue is extended with the Tau-C1 alpha-Ca beta bond anti-periplanar to the S-N bond. The Phe side chain conformation corresponds to the statistically most favoured g- rotamer and exhibits a chi 1 torsion angle of -67.5 degrees. The packing is characterized by intermolecular H-bonds which the Tau and Phe NH groups form with the acetyl carbonyl and one of the two sulphonamide oxygens, respectively.  相似文献   

Bioactive peptides of natural origin have, in general, short linear sequences, and are characterized by a large conformational flexibility. It is very difficult to study their conformation in solution since they exist, almost invariably, as a complex mixture of numerous conformers, most of which are extended. The so-called bioactive conformation may be one of them, although the solvents used in solution studies often have properties drastically different from those of the biological system in which the peptide acts. There is, however, no simple way of identifying the bioactive conformation amid the many existing conformers. It is possible to approach a solution to this problem using two distinct strategies: (a) Limiting the conformational freedom of the peptide, e.g., by increasing the viscosity of the solution and decreasing the temperature, in the assumption that the bioactive conformation is, even slightly, more stable than the others. (b) Trying to mimic in solution the physicochemical features of the more reliable receptor models. These two approaches will be illustrated with examples taken mainly from opioid peptides.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism spectra of the synthetic peptide antigen, 209-222 of the surface glycoprotein of the rabies virus were recorded as a function of solvent composition and over the temperature range of +60 degrees C to -135 degrees C; beta-III and beta-II reverse turn conformations were found to exist in TFE/H2O (3:1) at room temperature and in ethanediol/H2O (2:1) below -110 degrees C respectively. Evidence, from comparison of observed and calculated spectra, is given to support the existence of a conformational equilibrium between a beta-II and a beta-III reverse turn. These data can serve as a basis for synthetic vaccine development and understanding the nature of polypeptide chain folding.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic properties (uv, CD, nmr) of histidine, glycylhistidine, histidylglycine, glycylhistidylglycine have been investigated in water and methanol in the temperature range 200–320 K in order to obtain information about their conformational equilibria. This analysis has been carried out for the different ionic forms of the compounds, in order to evaluate the influence of the ionization state of the carboxyl, histidyl, and amino groups on the rotamer distribution of the histidyl side chain (as evaluated from proton nmr analysis) and on the overall molecule (as judged from CD spectra). On the basis of certain approximations and from the temperature dependence of the proton nmr resonance, the thermodynamic parameters (ΔH° and ΔS°) characterizing the conformational equilibrium of the hystidyl side chain have been evaluated for the different structures and ionization states. Relatively large entropy differences between the rotamers are obtained in some cases. The data of the sidechain rotamer population, as determined by nmr, have been analytically correlated with the CD data, and in the case of hystidine and histidylglycine in basic solution, first-approximation values for the ellipticity of the single conformers have been evaluated. Finally, in the example of glycylhistidine and histidylglycine in basic solution, it is shown how the data obtained from the different experimental approaches (nmr and CD), as well as from theoretical energy calculations, converge to characterize the most stable conformation in solution.  相似文献   

Diethylglycine (Deg) residues incorporated into peptides can stabilize fully extended (C5) or helical conformations. The conformations of three tetrapeptides Boc-Xxx-Deg-Xxx-Deg-OMe (Xxx=Gly, GD4; Leu, LD4 and Pro, PD4) have been investigated by NMR. In the Gly and Leu peptides, NOE data suggest that the local conformations at the Deg residues are fully extended. Low temperature coefficients for the Deg(2) and Deg(4) NH groups are consistent with their inaccessibility to solvent, in a C5 conformation. NMR evidence supports a folded beta-turn conformation involving Deg(2)-Gly(3), stabilized by a 4-->1 intramolecular hydrogen bond between Pro(1) CO and Deg(4) NH in the proline containing peptide (PD4). The crystal structure of GD4 reveals a hydrated multiple turn conformation with Gly(1)-Deg(2) adopting a distorted type II/II' conformation, while the Deg(2)-Pro(3) segment adopts a type III/III' structure. A lone water molecule is inserted into the potential 4-->1 hydrogen bond of the Gly(1)-Deg(2) beta-turn.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to develop a simple search method for lead peptide candidates, which include constrained structures in a recognized sequence, using the design of a competitive inhibitor for HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR). A structure-functional analysis of previously synthesized peptides proposes that a competitive inhibitory peptide can be designed by maintaining bioactive conformation in a recognized sequence. A conformational aspect of the structure-based approach was applied to the peptide design. By analysis of the projections obtained through a principle component analysis (PCA) for short linear and cyclic peptides, a head-to-tail peptide cycle is considered as a model for its linear analogy. It is proposed that activities of the linear peptides based on an identical amino acid sequence, which are obtained from a less flexible peptide cycle, would be relatively higher than those obtained from more flexible cyclic peptides. The design criterion was formulated in terms of a 'V' parameter, reflecting a relative deviation of an individual peptide cycle from an average statistical peptide cycle based on all optimized structures of the cyclic peptides in set. Twelve peptide cycles were selected for the peptide library. Comparing the calculated 'V' parameters, two cyclic peptides (GLPTGG and GFPTGG) were selected as lead cycles from the library. Based on these sequences, six linear peptides obtained by breaking the cycle at different positions were selected as lead peptide candidates. The linear GFPTGG peptide, showing the highest inhibitory activity against HMGR, increases the inhibitory potency nearly tenfold. Kinetic analysis reveals that the GFPTGG peptide is a competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA with an equilibrium constant of inhibitor binding (K(i)) of 6.4 +/- 0.3 microM. Conformational data support a conformation of the designed peptides close to the bioactive conformation of the previously synthesized active peptides.  相似文献   

This study presents an approach that can be used to search for lead peptide candidates, including unconstrained structures in a recognized sequence. This approach was performed using the design of a competitive inhibitor for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR). In a previous design for constrained peptides, a head-to-tail cyclic structure of peptide was used as a model of linear analog in searches for lead peptides with a structure close to an active conformation. Analysis of the conformational space occupied by the peptides suggests that an analogical approach can be applied for finding a lead peptide with an unconstrained structure in a recognized sequence via modeling a cycle using fixed residues of the peptide backbone. Using the space obtained by an analysis of the bioactive conformations of statins, eight cyclic peptides were selected for a peptide library based on the YVAE sequence as a recognized motif. For each cycle, the four models were assessed according to the design criterion ("V" parameter) applied for constrained peptides. Three cyclic peptides (FGYVAE, FPYVAE, and FFYVAE) were selected as lead cycles from the library. The linear FGYVAE peptide (IC(50) = 0.4 microM) showed a 1200-fold increase the inhibitory activity compared to the first isolated LPYP peptide (IC(50) = 484 microM) from soybean. Experimental analysis of the modeled peptide structures confirms the appropriateness of the proposed approach for the modeling of active conformations of peptides.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to synthesize and characterize the hydrochloride salt of carbendazim with the aim of improving the intrinsic solubility of the parent compound. Carbendazim hydrochloride dihydrate was synthesized for the purpose of increasing the aqueous solubility of the parent drug, carbendazim. This was done with the commonly used saturation and cooling method. The structure was determined by single crystal radiograph crystallography, and the hydrochloride salt was found to be a dihydrate. The salt crystallized in a P 21 21 21 (#19) space group, which is typical for nonplanar, achiral, and noncentrosymmetric molecules. The asymmetric unit is comprised of 1 molecule each of carbendazim and chloride and 2 water molecules. The carbendazim molecules arrange themselves in a helical structure, with the waters and the chloride molecules in the channel linking the helix. The crystal lattice is held together by numerous hydrogen bonds, as well as van der Waals interactions. The melting point of the salt is 125.6°C. The solubility of the salt is 6.08 mg/mL, which is a thousand-fold increase from the intrinsic solubility (6.11 μg/mL) of the free base. Published: September 20, 2005  相似文献   

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