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Secretin is a 27 amino acid peptide which stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate, enzymes and potassium ion from the pancreas. A complementary DNA encoding the rat secretin receptor was isolated from a CDM8 expression library of NG108-15 cell line. The secretin receptor expressed in COS cells could specifically bind the iodinated secretin with high and low affinities. Co-expression of the secretin receptor with the alpha-subunit of rat Gs protein increased the concentration of the high affinity receptor in the membrane fraction of the transfected COS cells. Secretin could stimulate accumulation of cAMP in COS cells expressing the cloned secretin receptor. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA has revealed that the secretin receptor consists of 449 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 48,696. The secretin receptor contains seven putative transmembrane segments, and belongs to a family of the G protein-coupled receptor. However, the amino acid sequence of the secretin receptor has no significant similarity with that of other G protein-coupled receptors. A 2.5 kb mRNA coding for the secretin receptor could be detected in NG108-15 cells, and rat heart, stomach and pancreatic tissue.  相似文献   

lambda gt11 clones encoding human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) (EC were isolated from human prostatic cDNA libraries by immunoscreening with polyclonal antisera. Sequence data obtained from several overlapping clones indicated that the composite cDNAs contained the complete coding region for PAP, which encodes a 354-residue protein with a calculated molecular mass of 41,126 Da. In the 5'-end, the cDNA codes for a signal peptide of 32 amino acids. Direct protein sequencing of the amino-terminus of the mature protein and its proteolytic fragments confirmed the identity of the predicted protein sequence. PAP has no apparent sequence homology to other known proteins. However, both the cDNA clones coding for human placental alkaline phosphatase and PAP have an alu-type repetitive sequence about 900 nucleotides downstream from the coding region in the 3'-untranslated region. Two of our cDNA clones differed from others at the 5'-ends. RNA blot analysis indicated mRNA of 3.3 kb. We are continuing to study whether acid phosphatases form a gene family as do alkaline phosphatases.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate synthetase (EC catalyzes the first step in formation of AMP from IMP. At least two isozymes exist in vertebrate tissue. An acidic form, present in most tissues, has been suggested to be involved in de novo biosynthesis while a basic isozyme, which predominates in muscle, appears to function in the purine nucleotide cycle. Antibodies specific for the basic isozyme detect a single protein in mouse tissues with highest levels in skeletal muscle, tongue, esophagus, and heart tissue consistent with a role for the enzyme in muscle metabolism. A series of degenerate oligonucleotides were constructed based on peptide sequences from purified rat muscle enzyme and then used to clone a mouse muscle cDNA encoding the basic isozyme. The clone contains a open reading frame of 1356 bases with 452 amino acids. Northern analysis of RNA from mouse tissues showed a tissue distribution similar to that of the protein, indicating a high level of gene expression in muscle. Transfection of COS cells with the mouse muscle cDNA allows expression of a functional protein with a molecular mass of approximately 50 kDa, consistent with the open reading frame and the size of the isolated rat enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mouse synthetase is 47 and 37% identical to the synthetase sequences from Dictyostelium discoideum and Escherichia coli, respectively. The availability of antibodies and cDNA clones specific for the basic isozyme of adenylosuccinate synthetase from muscle will facilitate future genetic and biochemical analysis of this protein and its role in muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and expression of rat betacellulin cDNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cDNA encoding an entire open reading frame of rat betacellulin has been cloned from rat kidney. Expression of this cDNA in COS7 cells showed a significant amount of mitogenic activity in the culture media. Western blotting of the cell lysates suggested that the membrane-anchored precursor was cleaved to release its ectodomain very efficiently.  相似文献   

Extracts of soluble proteins from bovine retina contain multiple species of inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) that can be resolved by hydroxylapatite or ion exchange chromatography. We have purified one of these isoforms by a combination of chromatography and electrophoresis under denaturing conditions and have partially sequenced four peptides generated from it by CNBr digestion. This sequence information was used to clone PPase cDNA from a retinal cDNA library. Of five cDNA inserts, three were 1.3 kilobase pairs in length and two of these contained a complete open reading frame that was 867 base pairs long and encoded a 289-amino acid protein of 33 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence is 49.5% identical to that of PPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and contains identical amino acid residues at all of the positions previously identified as essential for catalytic activity in that enzyme. When the bovine PPase cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli, catalytically active PPase was produced that comigrated with bovine retinal PPase in a nondenaturing gel and was clearly distinguishable from the host PPase. Northern analysis of poly(A)+ RNA from human, canine, and bovine retinas revealed that each contained a single major band of 1.4 kilobases that hybridized strongly with a pyrophosphatase cDNA probe. Southern analysis of bovine genomic DNA was consistent with the existence of one PPase gene. Thus, the multiple forms separated by chromatography may be derived from a common precursor or from mRNAs of very similar size.  相似文献   

Carnitine biosynthesis from lysine and methionine involves five enzymatic reactions. γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase (BBH; EC is the last enzyme of this pathway. It catalyzes the reaction of hydroxylation of γ-butyrobetaine to carnitine. The cDNA encoding this enzyme has been isolated and characterized. The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1161 bp encoding a protein of 387 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of 44.5 kDa. The sequence of the cDNA showed an important homology with the human cDNA recently isolated. Northern analysis showed γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase expression in the liver and in some extend in the testis and the epididymis. During this study, it also appeared that BBH mRNA expression was undetectable by Northern analysis during the perinatal period. During the development of the rat, the amount of BBH mRNA appeared after the weaning of the young rat and reached a maximal expression at the adult stage.  相似文献   

Both genomic DNA and cDNA of the feline granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) gene were cloned from CRFK cells. Southern blot analysis showed that the haploid genome contains a single copy of the G-CSF gene. The RT-PCR analysis of several feline cell lines revealed expression of G-CSF mRNA in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Sequence analysis of genomic and cDNA clones indicated that the intron-exon junction structure is conserved between the human and the feline G-CSF genes. The G-CSF coding region encodes a predicted protein of 195 amino acids including a signal sequence of 21 amino acids. The feline G-CSF amino acid sequence shares a high degree of identity with the canine (90.8%), human (87.4%), ovine (83.9%), bovine (82.8%), porcine (80.5%), murine (70.7%) and rat (66.8%) G-CSF. The feline G-CSF expressed in insect cells using recombinant baculovirus vector was biologically active as measured in a proliferation assay using NFS-60 cells and an induction assay of leukocytes in cats.  相似文献   

Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), identified as nitric oxide (NO), is derived from a guanidino nitrogen of L-arginine via its metabolism by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Herein, we report the molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding the constitutive calcium-calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM)-regulated nitric oxide synthase (ECNOS). A full-length ECNOS clone was isolated by screening a bovine aortic endothelial cell cDNA library using a fragment of rat brain NOS (bNOS) cDNA. This cDNA has an open reading frame of 3615 nucleotides encoding a 1205-amino acid protein. Membranes prepared from COS cells transfected with the ECNOS cDNA demonstrated NADPH- and Ca2+/CaM- dependent conversion of L-, but not D-, arginine to NO and citrulline that was inhibited by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of ECNOS to the bNOS and macrophage NOS (Mac-NOS) sequences revealed 57 and 50% identity, respectively. In addition, ECNOS contains a unique N-myristylation consensus sequence (not shared by bNOS or Mac-NOS) that may explain its membrane localization.  相似文献   

Carnitine biosynthesis from lysine and methionine involves five enzymatic reactions. gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase (BBH; EC 1.14. 11.1) is the last enzyme of this pathway. It catalyzes the reaction of hydroxylation of gamma-butyrobetaine to carnitine. The cDNA encoding this enzyme has been isolated and characterized. The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1161 bp encoding a protein of 387 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of 44.5 kDa. The sequence of the cDNA showed an important homology with the human cDNA recently isolated. Northern analysis showed gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase expression in the liver and in some extend in the testis and the epididymis. During this study, it also appeared that BBH mRNA expression was undetectable by Northern analysis during the perinatal period. During the development of the rat, the amount of BBH mRNA appeared after the weaning of the young rat and reached a maximal expression at the adult stage.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and expression of rat interleukin-1 alpha cDNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A cDNA sequence coding for rat interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) has been isolated from a cDNA library that was prepared with mRNA derived from LPS-stimulated rat peritoneal macrophages by using human IL-1 alpha cDNA as a probe. The rat cDNA encodes a 270 amino acid residue protein which is homologous (65%) to human IL-1 alpha. The rat cDNA sequence under SV40 early promoter directed the synthesis of biologically active IL-1 in monkey COS-1 cells. Rat IL-1 alpha mRNA is not expressed in spleen, lung, liver or brain, and is also not expressed in these organs of LPS-treated rat except spleen. This suggests that IL-1 alpha is not produced constitutively in various tissues and LPS is not sufficient to induce IL-1 alpha in most tissues. Our data indicate that the IL-1 activities which have been reported to be produced in the brain are not of alpha type. We have constructed a plasmid expressing the carboxy terminal 156 amino acids in Escherichia coli. Recombinant rat IL-1 alpha produced in COS cells or E. coli has cytotoxic activity against the human melanoma cell line A375S1 (GIF activity), which has been reported to be sensitive to human IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta. This suggests that GIF activity is common to IL-1s derived from various sources.  相似文献   

A locust cDNA clone encoding the complete sequence of a guanine nucleotide-binding protein was isolated and its nucleotide sequence determined. Comparing the deduced amino acid sequence with primary structures of other G-proteins revealed striking homologies with the vertebrate G0-protein. The cloned cDNA was expressed and the translation product detected by specific antibodies. Northern blot analysis revealed that the corresponding mRNA exists in two forms, preferentially expressed in the nervous tissue.  相似文献   

We have cloned a DNA that is complementary to the messenger RNA that encodes human pancreatic elastase 2 from a human pancreatic cDNA library using a cloned cDNA for rat pancreatic elastase 2 messenger RNA. This complementary DNA contains the entire protein coding region of 807 nucleotides which encodes preproelastase of 269 amino acids, and 4 and 82 nucleotides of the 5'- and 3'-untranslated sequences, respectively. When this deduced amino acid sequence was compared with known amino acid sequences it showed 82% homology with rat pancreatic elastase 2. This deduced sequence also contains a 16-amino-acid peptide identical with the N-terminal sequence determined for native human pancreatic proelastase 2. Taking the above findings together, we conclude that the cloned cDNA encodes a mature enzyme of 241 amino acids including 16 and 12 amino acids for a signal peptide and an activation peptide, respectively. Moreover, the predicted key amino acid residues involved in determining the substrate specificity of mammalian pancreatic elastase 2 are retained in the human enzyme. Cloned human pancreatic elastase 2 cDNA was expressed in E. coli as a mature and pro-form protein. Both resulting proteins showed immunoreactivity toward anti-elastase serum and enzymatic activity. We have also cloned and sequenced a porcine pancreatic elastase 2 cDNA.  相似文献   

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