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Guidelines designed to aid in the restoration of rare species have been previously proposed using two primary strategies to select individuals for augmentation and reintroduction: mixing progeny from different populations or separating individuals from different populations. Understanding the genetic structure and diversity of an endangered species can offer insights into conservation management strategies. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA markers to assess the genetic structure and diversity of Jacquemontia reclinata , a federally endangered species endemic to Southeastern Florida. We sampled 20 percent of total number of individuals from eight of the ten known wild populations. Across individuals high levels of polymorphic loci (94.7%) were found and larger populations had greater genetic diversity. Cluster and ordination analyses found that one population was genetically differentiated from all the others; this population grows in a unique habitat. Most genetic variation (77.5%) was found within populations, and genetic distances between populations were not explained by their geographic distances. We recommend the use of two management units in restoration programs for J. reclinata , one consisting of the genetically differentiated population and the second consisting of the other seven populations sampled.  相似文献   

Herbarium collections constitute permanent and often well-documented records of the distribution of taxa through space and time. Since their creation, their uses have dramatically expanded and with many new uses being proposed, including some for which herbaria were not initially intended for. In this paper we assess the potential of these collections on conservation biology, by providing exemplary studies that use herbarium specimens, grouped into four categories: (1) based on occurrence data, such as studies about plant extinction or introduction, or those focused on modelling their ecological niche; (2) based on the specimens themselves, such as morphological or phenological studies to evaluate the impact of climate change; (3) based in genetic data, such as phylogeographic or taxonomical studies; and (4), other applied studies.  相似文献   

报道湖南省新记录2种,为绿花油点草(Tricyrtis viridula Takah.)和小果马银花(Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu et L. M. Gao),均发现于罗霄山脉地区。文中简述了新记录的主要识别特征,分类历史及区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

Considerable sums of money are aimed at biodiversity conservation programs at present, and although collection of specimens is necessary for the advancement of taxonomy and systematics, we detected a dilemma between conservation and collection of rare species with small populations. Collecting may act synergistically with other factors to increase the risk of, or even drive species to extinction. We present some examples we believe show the conflict between collecting rare species with a small population and the conservation programs for those species. We also stress the need to review the Minimum Viable Population Size concept as it can be used as a justification for collecting small, rare, and declining population species.  相似文献   

Plant community functional composition can be manipulated in restored ecosystems to reduce the establishment potential of invading species. This study was designed to compare invasion resistance among communities with species functionally similar or dissimilar to yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), a late‐season annual. A field experiment was conducted in the Central Valley of California with six experimental plant communities that included (1) six early‐season native annual forbs (AF); (2) five late‐season native perennials and one summer annual forb (NP); (3) a combination of three early‐season native annual forbs and three late‐season native perennials (FP); (4) six early‐season non‐native annual grasses (AG); (5) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial grass Elymus glaucus (EG); and (6) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial Grindelia camporum (GC). Following establishment, C. solstitialis seed was added to half of the plots, and a monoculture of C. solstitialis (CS) was established as a control. Over a 5‐year period, the AF and AG communities were ineffective at preventing C. solstitialis invasion. Centaurea solstitialis cover remained less than 10% in the FP and NP communities, except in year 1. By the fourth year, E. glaucus cover was greater than 50% in NP and FP communities and had spread to all other communities (e.g., 27% cover in CS in year 5). Communities containing E. glaucus, which is functionally similar to C. solstitialis, better resisted invasion than communities lacking a functional analog. In contrast, G. camporum, which is also functionally similar to C. solstitialis, failed to survive. Consequently, species selection for restored communities must consider not only functional similarity to the invader but also establishment success, competitiveness, and survivorship.  相似文献   

报道江西省种子植物3个新记录种(变种),即大别五针松Pinus fenzeliana Hand.-Mazz. var. dabeshanensis (C. Y. Cheng et Y. W. Law) L. K. Fu et Nan Li、浙江凤仙花Impatiens chekiangensis Y. L. Chen和浙江金线兰Anoectochilus zhejiangensis Z. Wei et Y. B. Chang。它们均发现于幕阜山脉中段江西省修水县和武宁县境内。文中简述各新记录种的区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

海南珍稀药用植物种类及其保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍井分析了海南珍稀濒危药用植物的种类、濒危状况以及濒危原因,井提出资源保护的建议和措施。  相似文献   

After removing invasive plants, whether by herbicides or other means, typical restoration design focuses on rebuilding native plant communities while disregarding soil microbial communities. However, microbial–plant interactions are known to influence the relative success of native versus invasive plants. Therefore, the abundance and composition of soil microorganisms may affect restoration efforts. We assessed the effect of herbicide treatment on phytosymbiotic pink‐pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria and the potential consequences of native and invasive species establishment post‐herbicide treatment in the lab and in a coastal sage scrub (CSS)/grassland restoration site. Lab tests showed that 4% glyphosate reduced PPFM abundance. PPFM addition to seeds increased seedling length of a native plant (Artemisia californica) but not an invasive plant (Hirschfeldia incana). At the restoration site, methanol addition (a PPFM substrate) improved native bunchgrass (Nassella pulchra) germination and size by 35% over controls. In a separate multispecies field experiment, PPFM addition stimulated the germination of N. pulchra, but not that of three invasive species. Neither PPFM nor methanol addition strongly affected the growth of any plant species. Overall, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that PPFMs have a greater benefit to native than invasive species. Together, these experiments suggest that methanol or PPFM addition could be useful in improving CSS/grassland restorations. Future work should test PPFM effects on additional species and determine how these results vary under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Grasses can be important regulators of species diversity and ecosystem processes in prairie systems. Although C4 grasses are usually assumed to be ecologically similar because they are in the same functional group, there may be important differences among species or between seed sources that could impact restorations. I tested whether C4 grass species identity, seed source, or grass species richness scales to influence aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), resistance to weed invasion, or establishment of subordinate prairie species during restoration. Plots in western Iowa, United States, were planted with equal‐sized transplants of one of five common grass species (Panicum virgatum L., Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash, Andropogon gerardii Vitman, Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, and Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torrey) either from local seed or from cultivar seed sources. These plots were compared to plots containing all five species in mixture and to nonplanted plots. Differences in ANPP were found among species but not between cultivars and noncultivars or between monocultures and mixtures. Panicum virgatum, S. nutans, and S. scoparium were more productive than A. gerardii and B. curtipendula. Weed invasion was much higher when plots were not planted with grasses. Schizachyrium scoparium allowed greater establishment of subordinant prairie species than all other focal grass species. There were two separate mechanisms by which grasses suppressed prairie species establishment either (1) by growing tall and capturing light or (2) by quickly filling in bare space by spreading horizontally through rhizome growth in short species. These results suggest that high ANPP can be found with noncultivar plantings during the first 2 years after planting and that subordinate species establishment is most likely when shorter bunchgrasses such as S. scoparium are dominant.  相似文献   

Restoration of diverse native plant communities typically requires the collection of large amounts of seed. Thus, practitioners often struggle to find adequate supplies near project sites and need to know from how far they can collect without compromising restoration success—how far does local provenance extend? We addressed this issue by assessing genetic variation within, and differentiation among, 12 potential seed source populations of Persoonia longifolia, a key component of the jarrah forest of Western Australia. An analysis of molecular variance of 66 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism markers partitioned 92% of the total genetic variation within populations and 8% among populations, indicating relatively weak but statistically significant population genetic differentiation. Ordination of these genetic data showed marked west/east and north/south gradients. Pairwise population genetic dissimilarity was correlated with both geographic distance and environmental distance derived from five climate variables. However, partial Mantel tests showed that the relationship between genetic and geographic distance was not independent of environmental distance, suggesting a non‐neutral signature in these markers. Bayesian outlier analysis identified two markers, and spatial analysis method tests identified highly significant associations between these two markers and three environmental variables. Frequency differences at these markers across populations suggested the possibility of climatically adapted provenances. The global significance value from analyses of similarities for these two markers correlated to a general provenance distance of 47 km, in contrast to a threshold of 60 km for the complete dataset. Guidelines for seed sourcing that consider these population genetic data should lead to more effective ecological restoration with this species.  相似文献   

Adaptation to environmental factors may influence the germination and establishment of focal species in ecological restoration. Reciprocal transplants remain one of the best methods to detect local adaptation, but long‐term studies are often not feasible. We conducted reciprocal transplants of the native California bunchgrasses Elymus glaucus and Bromus carinatus between two central California locations to seek evidence of adaptation to local environmental conditions in a single growing season. Experimental plots at one location included grazed and ungrazed sites. The combination of locations and grazing treatments allowed us to determine whether the ability to detect evidence for adaptation depended on grazing regime. In addition, we measured the direct effects of grazing on seedling growth and survival concurrent with our investigation of local adaptation. We detected a homesite advantage for seedling growth or survival in both species, but the factors contributing to adaptive differentiation were species specific. Evidence of local adaptation was detected for seedling biomass in Bromus and for survivorship in Elymus. The homesite advantage observed in both species was greatly reduced under grazed conditions and in Elymus was significant only in the ungrazed plots. Climate and soil analyses detected significant differences between locations in five soil attributes and two climate variables. In particular, differences in exchangeable magnesium indicated that one of the two transplant locations consisted of serpentine soil, which is widely known to drive adaptation in plant populations. Together, these results suggest that it is possible to investigate the scale and factors involved in local adaptation with short‐term transplant studies.  相似文献   

舟山市种子植物物种多样性及其分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外调查和查阅文献资料,分析了舟山市种子植物物种组成、区系特点及物种多样性的分布特征。结果表明:舟山市共有野生种子植物1372种,隶属于141科627属;植物区系组成以小型科属为主,生活型以草本植物居多,地理成分广泛而多样,滨海特有植物较多,重点保护植物较少;在10个典型岛屿中,物种丰富度及物种密度的分布极不均匀,南部岛屿的物种丰富度及物种密度相对较高,北部岛屿相对较低;在8种主要森林群落类型中,乔木层、灌木层、草本层中物种丰富度最高的分别是红楠林、香樟林、滨柃灌丛,物种丰富度、Simpson指数和Shannon-Weaver指数表现为灌木层乔木层草本层,Pielou均匀度指数在乔木群落中变化趋势不明显,但在灌丛群落中呈现草本层灌木层的规律。本文通过对舟山市种子植物物种多样性的调查分析,为舟山群岛野生植物资源的研究和保护积累了基础材料,为海岛植物资源的开发和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Successful restoration of sedge meadow wetlands is limited by lack of information regarding reintroduction of sedge (Carex) propagules. While restoration from seed is common for prairie restorations, little is known about the germination characteristics of many wetland plants, including sedges. We present the results of a 2.5-year study on seed germination and viability for five species of Carex common to sedge meadow and prairie pothole wetlands in temperate North America. Seed storage and germination conditions were investigated to determine the optimum combination for maintaining seed viability and stimulating germination rates over time. Seeds were germinated under seven different temperature and three moisture regimes after storage for 4, 10, and 14 months under one of four different storage regimes (dry-warm, dry-cold, moist-cold, and wet-cold). The efficacy of short-term wet-cold stratification to stimulate germination of 2.5-year-old seed after long-term dry storage was also investigated. Carex stricta, Carex comosa, and Carex lacustris showed the greatest germination response after wet-cold or moist-cold storage, while Carex lasiocarpa and Carex rostrata showed similar rates of germination after either wet-cold or dry-warm storage. Wet-cold long-term storage was associated with a high level of viability in all five species after 2.5 years. Viability and germination rates were reduced in Carex stricta, Carex comosa, and Carex lasiocarpa after long-term dry-cold storage. Germination rates of seeds stored dry for 2.5 years are not improved by short-term wet-cold treatment in any species tested. Carex seeds should be stored under wet-cold conditions to maintain seed viability over time, thus increasing the likelihood of seeding success for sedge meadow restoration.  相似文献   

青海种子植物特有种及其生态地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要依据中国科学院西北高原生物研究所青藏高原生物标本馆内所存标本为基础,结合对相关资料的全面收集,整理出青海特有植物82种和37变种,隶属19科54属。文中除了分科、属列出每个种或种下类型在青海境内到县一级的产地、生境和海拔高度等以外,还列出了它们的原始文献和可供引证、查阅的标本号。是研究青海高原植物区系的组成、性质和特点以及发生和演变规律等方面问题的基础资料。  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a global crisis, due primarily to habitat destruction and widespread nonnative invasions. Invasive grasses are particularly problematic in many tropical ecosystems, where they possess traits that promote their persistence and can drastically alter native plant communities. We explored the ecophysiological basis for restoring native Hawaiian dryland ecosystems currently dominated by the nonnative invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus (guinea grass) in a garden experiment. Three native species—Myoporum sandwicense (naio; canopy tree), Dodonaea viscosa (aalii; shrub), and Plumbago zeylanica (iliee; groundcover)—were grown with M. maximus at three levels of native functional diversity (one, two, or three species) while holding overall plant density constant. We tested which individual and functional combinations of native species were more productive and best suppressed M. maximus growth and reproduction. Megathyrsus maximus had 39–94% higher maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) than native species and increasing native functional diversity did not affect M. maximus Amax. Aboveground, belowground, and total biomass of M. maximus varied with functional diversity, although intraspecific competition reduced growth as much as interspecific competition. Reproductive tiller production by M. maximus decreased significantly when planted with any of the native species and with increasing native functional diversity. These results indicate that high native functional diversity in an ecological restoration setting may aid in the control of a dominant invasive grass and the reintroduction of diverse native species. Recommendations for restoring degraded nonnative grasslands in Hawaii and throughout the tropics include selection of native species that are ecophysiologically competitive and have high functional diversity.  相似文献   

筛选堇叶紫金牛(Ardisia violacea)野生优株,以其当年新发带休眠腋芽茎段为外植体,通过启动培养、丛生芽诱导增殖、壮苗培养、生根培养和炼苗移栽等过程建立其组培快繁技术体系。研究结果表明,最佳启动培养基为MS+0.80 mg·L~(–1)KT+0.10 mg·L~(–1) NAA+0.10 mg·L~(–1) IBA,腋芽萌发率达92.60%;最佳丛生芽诱导增殖培养基为MS1+0.50 mg·L~(–1) TDZ+0.10mg·L~(–1) NAA,平均增殖系数达8.60;最佳壮苗培养基为MS+1.00 mg·L~(–1) KT+0.50 mg·L~(–1) NAA;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+2.00 mg·L~(–1) IBA+1.00 mg·L~(–1) NAA+1.00 mg·L~(–1) AC,平均生根率达98.70%;采用松鳞和泥炭(2:1,v/v)作为炼苗基质,炼苗成活率可达85.30%。实验成功建立了堇叶紫金牛高效组培快繁技术体系,经验证该体系能够满足规模化生产的需求。  相似文献   

The use of local seed sources for revegetation is accepted practice to reduce the potential that propagules will be poorly adapted to site conditions. However, data are often lacking to determine the distance within which seed sources represent local genotypes. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies represent a class of tools to detect local adaptation of target species. We conducted a reciprocal transplant of Nassella pulchra between two central California locations to test for adaptation to local environmental conditions over a 3‐year period. Experimental plots at one location were split between grazed and ungrazed sites to evaluate the potential influence of livestock grazing on the detection or magnitude of local adaptation. During each year of the study, evidence of a home‐site advantage depended on the location, traits studied, and population. At the end of the 3‐year study period, however, we detected consistent evidence of a home‐site advantage for seedling biomass among grazed sites at one location and ungrazed plots at the other location. In effect, local adaptation was only apparent in the final year of the study. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies are an effective tool to guide the selection of seed sources most likely to germinate and to become established at a restoration site, but such studies cannot rule out local adaptation, which may not be immediately detectable.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) transports glucocorticoids and progesterone in the blood and thereby modulates the tissue availability of these hormones. As a member of the serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) family, CBG displays a reactive center loop (RCL) that is targeted by proteinases. Cleavage of the RCL is thought to trigger a SERPIN-typical stressed-to-relaxed (S-to-R) transition that leads to marked structural rearrangements and a reduced steroid-binding affinity. To characterize structure-function relationships in CBG we studied various conformational states of E. coli-produced rat and human CBG. In the 2.5 Å crystal structure of human CBG in complex with progesterone, the RCL is cleaved at a novel site that differs from the known human neutrophil elastase recognition site. Although the cleaved RCL segment is five residues longer than anticipated, it becomes an integral part of β-sheet A as a result of the S-to-R transition. The atomic interactions observed between progesterone and CBG explain the lower affinity of progesterone in comparison to corticosteroids. Surprisingly, CD measurements in combination with thermal unfolding experiments show that rat CBG fails to undergo an S-to-R transition upon proteolytic cleavage of the RCL hinting that the S-to-R transition observed in human CBG is not a prerequisite for CBG function in rat. This observation cautions against drawing general conclusions about molecular mechanisms by comparing and merging structural data from different species.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation in Plants: Implications for Agriculture   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Drought and salinity stress are the major causes of historicand modern agricultural productivity losses throughout the world.Both drought and salinity result in osmotic stress that maylead to inhibition of growth. Salinity causes additional iontoxicity effects mainly through perturbations in protein andmembrane structure. In contrast to animals, which rely on Na+/K+-ATPasesfor the expulsion of osmotica, plants rely on plasma membraneand endosomal ATPase activities to generate proton gradientsto drive ion extrusion and intracellular sequestration. Consequently,most angiosperms, including all major crop species, have a diminishedcapacity for Na+ transport and tolerance to high salinity. Newinsights into the molecular mechanisms of Na+/K+ discrimination,Na+ extrusion and compartmentation, water transport, and osmolytebiosynthesis and function have led to genetically engineeredplants with improved salt, drought, and cold tolerance. A deeperunderstanding of the complex signal transduction and regulatoryresponses to osmotic stress promises novel strategies for improvingsalinity and drought tolerance that will be of practical benefitto agriculture.  相似文献   

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