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siRNA-mediated gene silencing: a global genome view   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

Surface proteins of mucosal microbial pathogens play multiple and essential roles in initiating and sustaining the colonization of the heavily defended mucosa. The protist Trichomonas vaginalis is one of the most common human sexually transmitted pathogens that colonize the urogenital mucosa. However, little is known about its surface proteins. The recently completed draft genome sequence of T. vaginalis provides an invaluable resource to guide molecular and cellular characterization of surface proteins and to investigate their role in pathogenicity. Here, we review the existing data on T. vaginalis surface proteins and summarize some of the main findings from the recent in silico characterization of its candidate surface proteins.  相似文献   

The genome of vertebrates (and of eukaryotes in general) is not simply formed by genes that are randomly scattered over vast expanses of "junk DNA", but is organized in a system which obeys precise rules, that amount to a genomic code. Moreover, genes are concentrated in the chromosomal regions which are the richest in G (guanine) and C (cytosine) and seem to correspond to the telomeric regions of certain chromosome arms (T-bands). The study of the genome organization in different vertebrate classes allowed us to approach in a novel way a number of fundamental problems of genome evolution.  相似文献   

Decoding the genome: a modified view   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Transfer RNA’s role in decoding the genome is critical to the accuracy and efficiency of protein synthesis. Though modified nucleosides were identified in RNA 50 years ago, only recently has their importance to tRNA’s ability to decode cognate and wobble codons become apparent. RNA modifications are ubiquitous. To date, some 100 different posttranslational modifications have been identified. Modifications of tRNA are the most extensively investigated; however, many other RNAs have modified nucleosides. The modifications that occur at the first, or wobble position, of tRNA’s anticodon and those 3′-adjacent to the anticodon are of particular interest. The tRNAs most affected by individual and combinations of modifications respond to codons in mixed codon boxes where distinction of the third codon base is important for discriminating between the correct cognate or wobble codons and the incorrect near-cognate codons (e.g. AAA/G for lysine versus AAU/C asparagine). In contrast, other modifications expand wobble codon recognition, such as U·U base pairing, for tRNAs that respond to multiple codons of a 4-fold degenerate codon box (e.g. GUU/A/C/G for valine). Whether restricting codon recognition, expanding wobble, enabling translocation, or maintaining the messenger RNA, reading frame modifications appear to reduce anticodon loop dynamics to that accepted by the ribosome. Therefore, we suggest that anticodon stem and loop domain nucleoside modifications allow a limited number of tRNAs to accurately and efficiently decode the 61 amino acid codons by selectively restricting some anticodon–codon interactions and expanding others.  相似文献   

Gene duplication has certainly played a major role in structuring vertebrate genomes but the extent and nature of the duplication events involved remains controversial. A recent study identified two major episodes of gene duplication: one episode of putative genome duplication ca. 500 Myr ago and a more recent gene-family expansion attributed to segmental or tandem duplications. We confirm this pattern using methods not reliant on molecular clocks for individual gene families. However, analysis of a simple model of the birth-death process suggests that the apparent recent episode of duplication is an artefact of the birth-death process. We show that a constant-rate birth-death model is appropriate for gene duplication data, allowing us to estimate the rate of gene duplication and loss in the vertebrate genome over the last 200 Myr (0.00115 and 0.00740 Myr(-1) lineage(-1), respectively). Finally, we show that increasing rates of gene loss reduce the impact of a genome-wide duplication event on the distribution of gene duplications through time.  相似文献   

Genomic sequencing projects have revealed the productivity of processes duplicating genes or entire chromosome segments. Substantial proportions of the yeast, Arabidopsis and human gene complements are made up of duplicates. This has prompted much interest in the processes of duplication, functional divergence and loss of genes, has renewed the debate on whether an early vertebrate genome was tetraploid, and has inspired mathematical models and algorithms in computational biology.  相似文献   

Through multifaceted genome-scale research involving phylogenomics, targeted gene surveys, and gene expression analyses in diverse basal lineages of angiosperms, our studies provide insights into the most recent common ancestor of all extant flowering plants. MADS-box gene duplications have played an important role in the origin and diversification of angiosperms. Furthermore, early angiosperms possessed a diverse tool kit of floral genes and exhibited developmental 'flexibility', with broader patterns of expression of key floral organ identity genes than are found in eudicots. In particular, homologs of B-function MADS-box genes are more broadly expressed across the floral meristem in basal lineages. These results prompted formulation of the 'fading borders' model, which states that the gradual transitions in floral organ morphology observed in some basal angiosperms (e.g. Amborella) result from a gradient in the level of expression of floral organ identity genes across the developing floral meristem.  相似文献   

We have surveyed the publicly available genome sequence of Corynebacterium diphtheriae (www.sanger.ac.uk) to identify components of the phosphotransferase system (PTS), which plays a central role in carbon metabolism in many bacteria. Three gene loci were found to contain putative pts genes. These comprise: (i) the genes of the general phosphotransferases enzyme I (ptsI) and HPr (ptsH), a fructose-specific enzyme IIABC permease (fruA), and a fructose 1-phosphate kinase (fruK); (ii) a gene that encodes an enzyme IIAB of the fructose/mannitol family, and a novel HPr-like gene, ptsF, that encodes an HPr domain fused to a domain of unknown function; (iii) and a gene for a glucose-specific enzyme IIBCA (ptsG). A search for genes that may be putative PTS-targets or that may operate in general carbon regulation revealed a possible regulatory gene encoding an antiterminator protein downstream from ptsG. Furthermore, genes were detected encoding glycerol kinase, glucose kinase, and a homologue of the global activator of carbon catabolite repression in Escherichia coli, CAP. The possible significance of these observations in carbon metabolism and the novel features of the detected genes are discussed.  相似文献   



Coloration and color patterning belong to the most diverse phenotypic traits in animals. Particularly, teleost fishes possess more pigment cell types than any other group of vertebrates. As the result of an ancient fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD), teleost genomes might contain more copies of genes involved in pigment cell development than tetrapods. No systematic genomic inventory allowing to test this hypothesis has been drawn up so far for pigmentation genes in fish, and almost nothing is known about the evolution of these genes in different fish lineages.  相似文献   

We examine the translated open reading frames (ORFs) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, focusing on those that have FASTA matches in phyletically defined sets of completely sequenced genomes. On this basis, we identify archaeal yeast, bacterial yeast, universal yeast, and yeast ORFs that do not have a match in any of nine prokaryote genomes. Similarly, we examine the yeast mitochondrial genome and the subset of the yeast nuclear ORFs identified as being involved in mitochondrial biogenesis. For the yeast ORFs that match one or more ORFs in these prokaryote genomes, we examine the phyletic and functional distributions of these matches as a function of match strength. These results provide genome level insights into the origin of the eukaryotic cell and the origin of mitochondria. More generally, they exemplify how the growing database of prokaryote genome sequences can help us understand eukaryote genomes.  相似文献   

Song C  Guo J  Sun W  Wang Y 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):361-368
Whole genome duplication(WGD)events have been proven to occur in the evolutionary history of most angiosperms.Tomato is considered a model species of the Solanaceae family.In this study,we describe the details of the evolutionary process of the tomato genome by detecting collinearity blocks and dating the WGD events on the tree of life by combining two different methods:synonymous substitution rates(Ks)and phylogenetic trees.In total,593 collinearity blocks were discovered out of 12 pseudo-chromosomes constructed. It was evident that chromosome 2 had experienced an intra-chromosomal duplication event.Major inter-chromosomal duplication occurred among all the pseudo-chromosome.We calculated the Ks value of these collinearity blocks.Two peaks of Ks distribution were found,corresponding to two WGD events occurring approximately 36-82 million years ago(MYA)and 148-205 MYA.Additionally, the results of phylogenetic trees suggested that the more recent WGD event may have occurred after the divergence of the rosidasterid clade,but before the major diversification in Solanaceae.The older WGD event was shown to have occurred before the divergence of the rosid-asterid clade and after the divergence of rice-Arabidopsis(monocot-dicot).  相似文献   

Differential genome duplication and fish diversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The duplication of genes and entire genomes arebelieved to be important mechanisms underlyingmorphological variation and functionalinnovation in the evolution of life andespecially for the broad diversity observed inthe speciation of fishes. How did these fishspecies and their genetic diversity arise? Theoccurrence of three rounds of genomeduplication during vertebrate evolution mightexplain why many gene families are typicallyabout half the size in land vertebrates as theyare in fishes. However, mechanisms of geneticdiversity in fish lineages need to be furtherexplained. Here we propose that differentialgenome duplication of from two to six roundsoccurred in different fish lines, offering newopportunities during the radiation of fishlineages. This model provides a fundamentalbasis for the understanding of theirspeciation, diversity and evolution.  相似文献   

Gonococci express a family of related outer membrane proteins designated protein II (P.II). These surface proteins are subject to both phase variation and antigenic variation. The P.II gene repertoire of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain JS3 was found to consist of at least ten genes, eight of which were cloned. Sequence analysis and DNA hybridization studies revealed that one particular P.II-encoding sequence is present in three distinct, but almost identical, copies in the JS3 genome. These genes encode the P.II protein that was previously identified as P.IIc. Comparison of their sequences shows that the multiple copies of this P.IIc-encoding gene might have been generated by both gene conversion and gene duplication.  相似文献   

Extensive duplication and reshuffling in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Systematic analysis of the Arabidopsis genome provides a basis for detailed studies of genome structure and evolution. Members of multigene families were mapped, and random sequence alignment was used to identify regions of extended similarity in the Arabidopsis genome. Detailed analysis showed that the number, order, and orientation of genes were conserved over large regions of the genome, revealing extensive duplication covering the majority of the known genomic sequence. Fine mapping analysis showed much rearrangement, resulting in a patchwork of duplicated regions that indicated deletion, insertion, tandem duplication, inversion, and reciprocal translocation. The implications of these observations for evolution of the Arabidopsis genome as well as their usefulness for analysis and annotation of the genomic sequence and in comparative genomics are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of genome duplication within the Brassica napus genome.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The progenitor diploid genomes (A and C) of the amphidiploid Brassica napus are extensively duplicated with 73% of genomic clones detecting two or more duplicate sequences within each of the diploid genomes. This comprehensive duplication of loci is to be expected in a species that has evolved through a polyploid ancestor. The majority of the duplicate loci within each of the diploid genomes were found in distinct linkage groups as collinear blocks of linked loci, some of which had undergone a variety of rearrangements subsequent to duplication, including inversions and translocations. A number of identical rearrangements were observed in the two diploid genomes, suggesting they had occurred before the divergence of the two species. A number of linkage groups displayed an organization consistent with centric fusion and (or) fission, suggesting this mechanism may have played a role in the evolution of Brassica genomes. For almost every genetically mapped locus detected in the A genome a homologous locus was found in the C genome; the collinear arrangement of these homologous markers allowed the primary regions of homoeology between the two genomes to be identified. At least 16 gross chromosomal rearrangements differentiated the two diploid genomes during their divergence from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

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