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Huang YJ  Parker MM  Belfort M 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1501-1512
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe checkpoint gene named rad3(+) encodes an ATM-homologous protein kinase that shares a highly conserved motif with proteins involved in DNA metabolism. Previous studies have shown that Rad3 fulfills its function via the regulation of the Chk1 and Cds1 protein kinases. Here we describe a novel role for Rad3 in the control of telomere integrity. Mutations in the rad3(+) gene alleviated telomeric silencing and produced shortened lengths in the telomere repeat tracts. Genetic analysis revealed that the other checkpoint rad mutations rad1, rad17, and rad26 belong to the same phenotypic class with rad3 with regard to control of the telomere length. Of these mutations, rad3 and rad26 have a drastic effect on telomere shortening. tel1(+), another ATM homologue in S. pombe, carries out its telomere maintenance function in parallel with the checkpoint rad genes. Furthermore, either a single or double disruption of cds1(+) and chk1(+) caused no obvious changes in the telomeric DNA structure. Our results demonstrate a novel role of the S. pombe ATM homologues that is independent of chk1(+) and cds1(+).  相似文献   

The Neurospora CYT-18 protein, a tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, which functions in splicing group I introns in mitochondria, promotes splicing of mutants of the distantly related bacteriophage T4 td intron. In an in vivo assay, wild-type CYT-18 protein expressed in E. coli suppressed mutations in the td intron's catalytic core. CYT-18-suppressible mutations were also suppressed by high Mg2+ or spermidine in vitro, suggesting they affect intron structure. Both the N- and C-terminal domains of CYT-18 are required for efficient splicing, but CYT-18 with a large C-terminal truncation retains some activity. Our results indicate that CYT-18 interacts with conserved structural features of group I introns, and they provide direct evidence that a protein promotes splicing by stabilizing the catalytically active structure of the intron RNA.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the lysozyme from phage P22 is shown to be homologous (26% identity) with the lysozyme from bacteriophage T4. The sequence correspondence suggests that the structure of P22 lysozyme is similar to the known structure of T4 lysozyme within the "core" of the molecule, including the active site cleft. However, P22 lysozyme appears to lack two surface loops present in T4 lysozyme. It is possible that P22 lysozyme may provide an "evolutionary link" between the phage-type lysozymes and the goose-type lysozymes.  相似文献   

Here we describe the discovery of a group I intron in the DNA polymerase gene of Bacillus thuringiensis phage Bastille. Although the intron insertion site is identical to that of the Bacillus subtilis phages SPO1 and SP82 introns, the Bastille intron differs from them substantially in primary and secondary structure. Like the SPO1 and SP82 introns, the Bastille intron encodes a nicking DNA endonuclease of the H-N-H family, I-BasI, with a cleavage site identical to that of the SPO1-encoded enzyme I-HmuI. Unlike I-HmuI, which nicks both intron-minus and intron-plus DNA, I-BasI cleaves only intron-minus alleles, which is a characteristic of typical homing endonucleases. Interestingly, the C-terminal portions of these H-N-H phage endonucleases contain a conserved sequence motif, the intron-encoded endonuclease repeat motif (IENR1) that also has been found in endonucleases of the GIY-YIG family, and which likely comprises a small DNA-binding module with a globular ββααβ fold, suggestive of module shuffling between different homing endonuclease families.  相似文献   

Although mobility of the phylogenetically widespread group I introns appears to be mechanistically similar, the phage T4 intron-encoded endonucleases that promote mobility of the td and sunY introns are different from their eukaryotic counterparts. Most notably, they cleave at a distance from the intron insertion sites. The td enzyme was shown to cleave 23-26 nt 5' and the sunY endonuclease 13-15 nt 3' to the intron insertion site to generate 3-nt or 2-nt 3'-OH extensions, respectively. The absolute coconversion of exon markers between the distant cleavage and insertion sites is consistent with the double-strand-break repair model for intron mobility. As a further critical test of the model we have demonstrated that the mobility event is independent of DNA sequences that encode the catalytic intron core structure. Thus, in derivatives in which the lacZ or kanR coding sequences replace the intron, these marker genes are efficiently inserted into intron-minus alleles when the cognate endonuclease is provided in trans. The process is therefore endonuclease-dependent, rather than dependent on the intron per se. These findings, which imply that the endonucleases rather than the introns themselves were the primordial mobile elements, are incorporated into a model for the evolution of mobile introns.  相似文献   

Of 97 nondirected T4 thymidylate synthase-defective (td) mutations, 27 were mapped to the intron of the split td gene. Clustering of these intron mutations defined two domains that are functional in splicing, each within approximately 220 residues of the respective splice sites. Two selected mutations, tdN57 and tdN47, fell within phylogenetically conserved pairings, with tdN57 disrupting the exon I-internal guide pairing (P1) in the 5' domain and tdN47 destabilizing the P9 helix in the 3' domain. A splicing assay with synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to RNA junction sequences revealed processing defects for T4tdN57 and T4tdN47, both of which are impaired in cleavage at the 5' and 3' splice sites. Thus prokaryotic genetics facilitates association of specific residue changes with their consequences to splicing.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequence of intron 1 and flanking exons in the mitochondrial apocytochrome b gene of the Neurospora laboratory strain 74A and the natural isolate North Africa. In contrast to a previous report, we find that this intron contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 951 bases in frame with the upstream exon. The putative intron-encoded protein resembles those of other intron ORFs with respect to length, calculated isoelectric point, and proportion of basic, acidic, polar, and non-polar amino acids; however, no amino acid sequences resembling the "decapeptides" characteristic of maturase-like ORFs were found. Coupled with the previous finding that this intron is capable of self-splicing in vitro in the absence of proteins, the observations discussed here raise the possibility that other introns with long, in-frame ORFs may also be capable of RNA-catalyzed splicing in vitro.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases initiate nonreciprocal transfer of DNA segments containing their own genes and the flanking sequences by cleaving the recipient DNA. Bacteriophage T4 segB gene, which is located in a cluster of tRNA genes, encodes a protein of unknown function, homologous to homing endonucleases of the GIY-YIG family. We demonstrate that SegB protein is a site-specific endonuclease, which produces mostly 3′ 2-nt protruding ends at its DNA cleavage site. Analysis of SegB cleavage sites suggests that SegB recognizes a 27-bp sequence. It contains 11-bp conserved sequence, which corresponds to a conserved motif of tRNA TψC stem-loop, whereas the remainder of the recognition site is rather degenerate. T4-related phages T2L, RB1 and RB3 contain tRNA gene regions that are homologous to that of phage T4 but lack segB gene and several tRNA genes. In co-infections of phages T4 and T2L, segB gene is inherited with nearly 100% of efficiency. The preferred inheritance depends absolutely on the segB gene integrity and is accompanied by the loss of the T2L tRNA gene region markers. We suggest that SegB is a homing endonuclease that functions to ensure spreading of its own gene and the surrounding tRNA genes among T4-related phages.  相似文献   

Based upon analyses of purified enzyme preparations, T4 bacteriophage-coded ribonucleotide reductase is considered to be relatively insensitive to control by allosteric inhibition. However, two factors suggest that CDP reduction to dCDP is feedback-controlled by dTTP in infected cells. First, the pool of 5-hydroxymethyldeoxycytidine triphosphate, which expands manyfold upon infection by a dCMP deaminase-deficient T4 mutant, shrinks to near-normal levels as a consequence of dTTP accumulation, and ribonucleotide reductase is the only apparent control point. Second, analysis of mutagenesis by 5-bromodeoxyuridine suggests that most induced mutations result from localized pool depletion of 5-hydroxymethyl-dCTP at replication sites, as if 5-bromo-dUTP were behaving like dTTP in inhibiting the CDP reductase activity of the phage enzyme. We found that CDP reductase activity in crude extracts of T4 phage-infected bacteria is sensitive to inhibition by either dTTP or 5-bromo-dUTP, at concentrations as low as 0.01 mM. However, in partially purified enzyme preparations that sensitivity is lost. Although we don't know the basis for this loss of feedback sensitivity, the results suggest that kinetic properties of enzymes in intact cells are determined by the cellular milieu in ways not apparent from analysis of purified enzymes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the source of indigenous sporadic infection with Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4. DESIGN--Case-control study of primary sporadic cases identified by the Public Health Laboratory Service between 1 August and 30 September 1988. SETTING--PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, Division of Enteric Pathogens, 11 PHLS laboratories, and 42 local authority environmental health departments in England. SUBJECTS--232 Patients (cases) with confirmed primary sporadic infection, for 160 of whom (88 female) (median age 30 years, age range 4 months to 85 years) data were obtained by questionnaire about consumption of fresh eggs, egg products, precooked chicken, and minced meat in the three days and one week before onset of the symptoms. Up to three controls, matched for neighbourhood, age, and sex (if aged greater than 11 years), were asked the same questions for the same calendar period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Association of primary sporadic infection with consumption of suspected food items. RESULTS--Illness due to S enteritidis phage type 4 was significantly associated with consumption of raw shell egg products (homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, and milk drinks containing eggs) (matched p = 0.02) and shop bought sandwiches containing mayonnaise (matched p = 0.00004) or eggs (matched p = 0.02). Illness was also significantly associated with eating lightly cooked eggs (unmatched p = 0.02), but not soft boiled eggs, and precooked hot chicken (matched p = 0.006). Reported consumption of eggs was not appreciably different between cases and controls before or after the median date of interview. CONCLUSIONS--Fresh shell eggs, egg products, and precooked hot chicken are vehicles of S enteritidis phage type 4 infection in indigenous sporadic cases. Public health education and reduction in contamination of eggs and infection of poultry with S enteritidis are needed to reduce the incidence of human infection.  相似文献   

A protein induced by wild-type T4 phage which is absent in Escherichia coli infected with nuclear disruption-deficient phage (with mutations in gene ndd) was identified by polacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein was synthesized at maximum rate at 3 to 6 min after infection. It had a molecular weight of 15,000 determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was associated with sedimentable fractions of the cell from which it can be dissociated with 1 M guanidine-hydrochloride. The dissociated protein can be partly recovered in a form soluble in dilute buffer after partial purification and dialysis. The occurrence of this protein in a particulate cell fraction is of interest because of the postulated role of the bacterial cell membrane in nuclear disruption.  相似文献   

A method is described for liberating and estimating intracellular bacteriophage at any stage during the latent period by arresting phage growth and inducing premature lysis of the infected cells. This is brought about by placing the infected bacteria into the growth medium supplemented with 0.01 M cyanide and with a high titer T6 lysate. It was found in some of the later experiments that the T6 lysate is essential only during the first half of the latent period. Cyanide alone will induce lysis during the latter part of the latent period. Using this method on T4-infected bacteria it is found that during the first half of the latent period no phage particles, not even those originally infecting the bacteria, are recovered. This result is in agreement with the gradually emerging concept that a profound alteration of the infecting phage particle takes place before reproduction ensues. During the second half of the latent period mature phage is found to accumulate within the bacteria at a rate which is parallel to the approximately linear increase of intracellular DNA in this system. However, the phage production lags several minutes behind DNA production. When 5-methyltryptophan replaced cyanide as the metabolic inhibitor, similar results were obtained. The curves were, however, displaced several minutes to the left on the time axis. The results are compared with Latarjet's (16) data on x-radiation of infected bacteria and with Foster's data (18) concerning the effect of proflavine on infected bacteria. Essential agreement with both is apparent.  相似文献   

Summary Photodynamic inactivation with methylene blue and light (MB+Li) of maximally sensitized phages T4 and T4rII nearly followed single-hit kinetics. Not so mutation induction, which in one phage (T4rII N17) tested showed multi-hit kinetics. This difference and the fact that T4rII phages with a GC base pair at the site of the rII-mutation showed no enhanced backmutation when compared to rII phages with an AT base pair or to sign mutants suggests that there is no guanine specificity for MB+Li-induced mutation in phage T4.  相似文献   

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