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We report the cytosolic free calcium, [Ca2+]i, responses of single murine B lymphocytes to whole and F(ab')2 fragments of anti-Ig measured in the flow cytometer with indo-1, a new fluorescent chelator of calcium. The principle advantages of this recording system are these: Indo-1 is highly fluorescent; hence, loading concentrations that introduce artifacts in the reported [Ca2+]i signal may be avoided. The measurement of [Ca2+]i by fluorescence ratio corrects for nonuniform dye uptake, making possible quantitative estimates of [Ca2+]i in single cells and an assessment of the variability of population responses. Baseline recordings of unstimulated lymphocytes indicated a narrow, stable range of [Ca2+]i (75 to 125 nM). The [Ca2+]i rise induced by various anti-Ig preparations exhibited considerable heterogeneity. The initial mean value for F(ab')2 anti-Ig-stimulated cells peaked above 1 microM and was due only to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. A steady state elevation of [Ca2+]i was reached by 5 min and persisted for hours. Cells stimulated with intact anti-Ig reached similar initial peak [Ca2+]i values, but then declined toward baseline. This difference was due to membrane Ig-IgG Fc receptor (mIg-Fc gamma R) cross-linkage, because blocking the Fc gamma R with a monoclonal antibody made the [Ca2+]i responses to F(ab')2 and intact anti-Ig identical. The attenuation of the [Ca2+]i signal by mIg-Fc gamma R cross-linkage is proceeded by a corresponding Fc gamma-mediated reduction in anti-Ig-induced inositol trisphosphate elevation. These findings outline a biochemical basis for mIg- and Fc gamma R-mediated activation and regulation intrinsic to the B cell, and demonstrate the advantages of indo-1 over quin2 for fluorescent measurement of [Ca2+]i in small cells.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte responses to the cross-linking of surface Ig (sIg) are known to be inhibited, when IgG is the cross-linking agent, by the concurrent binding of the Fc portion of the IgG to Fc gamma R. We present a mathematical framework for designing and analyzing experiments aimed at uncovering the inhibition mechanism(s). From our model, we calculate concentrations of receptors and ligands in the different cell surface states, at equilibrium or as a function of time. IgG can cross-link surface receptors in three ways, i.e., by bridging two sIg molecules without Fc binding, by bridging two sIg while binding as well to an Fc gamma R, and by binding to an Fc gamma R and only one sIg. We show how the concentrations or fractions of these distinct cross-linked states depend on experimentally manipulable variables, including the concentrations of intact IgG, bivalent and monovalent IgG fragments, and agents that block Fc binding. Then, using simple signal/response relationships, reflecting active and passive mechanisms of Fc-mediated inhibition, we simulate the results of a variety of experiments. In cases where published experimental results are available, we find that the qualitative predictions of our general model are consistent with the data and that comparisons of simulations with available data provide some quantitative information about the parameters governing the cell surface signaling events. In particular, comparison of model predictions with published experiments on the kinetics of IgG-induced inositol trisphosphate production indicate that sIg cross-links form more rapidly than sIg-Fc gamma R "co-cross-links." Further, IgG-sIg bonds stabilize Fc attachments, i.e., the dissociation of IgG from Fc gamma R is slowed significantly when the IgG is also cross-linked to sIg. Predictions of the model suggest other experiments and ways of presenting the data that will help to identify relationships between the molecular signaling events occurring on the cell surface and the various cellular responses.  相似文献   

By cross-linking membrane immunoglobulins (mIg), the antigenic stimulation of B lymphocytes induces an increase in intracellular free calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) because of a combination of release from intracellular stores and transmembrane influx. It has been suggested that both events are linked, as in a number of other cases of receptor- induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Conversely, in B lymphocytes, type II receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG (Fc gamma RII) inhibit mIg- mediated signaling. Thus, we have investigated at the level of single cells if these receptors could act on specific phases of mIg Ca2+ signaling. Lipopolysaccharide-activated murine B splenocytes and B lymphoma cells transfected with intact or truncated Fc gamma RII-cDNA were used to determine the domains of Fc gamma RII implicated in the inhibition of the Ca2+ signal. [Ca2+]i was measured in single fura-2- loaded cells by microfluorometry. The phases of release from intracellular stores and of transmembrane influx were discriminated by using manganese, which quenches fura-2, in the external medium as a tracer for bivalent cation entry. The role of membrane potential was studied by recording [Ca2+]i in cells voltage-clamped using the perforated patch-clamp method. Cross-linking of mIgM or mIgG with F(ab')2 fragments of anti-Ig antibodies induced a sustained rise in [Ca2+]i due to an extremely fast and transitory release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and a long lasting transmembrane Ca2+ influx. The phase of influx, but not that of release, was inhibited by membrane depolarization. The increase in [Ca2+]i occurred after a delay inversely related to the dose of ligand. Co-cross-linking mIgs and Fc gamma RII with intact anti-Ig antibodies only triggered transitory release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores but no Ca2+ influx, even when the cell was voltage-clamped at negative membrane potentials. These transitory Ca2+ rises had similar amplitudes and delays to those induced by cross-linking mIgs alone. Thus, our data show that Fc gamma RII does not mediate an overall inhibition of mIg signaling but specifically affects transmembrane Ca2+ influx without affecting the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Furthermore, this inhibition is not mediated by cell depolarization. Thus, Fc gamma RII represents a tool to dissociate physiologically the phases of release and transmembrane influx of Ca2+ triggered through antigen receptors.  相似文献   

Human mast cells and basophils that express the high-affinity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor, Fc epsilon receptor 1 (Fc epsilon RI), have key roles in allergic diseases. Fc epsilon RI cross-linking stimulates the release of allergic mediators. Mast cells and basophils co-express Fc gamma RIIb, a low affinity receptor containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif and whose co-aggregation with Fc epsilon RI can block Fc epsilon RI-mediated reactivity. Here we designed, expressed and tested the human basophil and mast-cell inhibitory function of a novel chimeric fusion protein, whose structure is gamma Hinge-CH gamma 2-CH gamma 3-15aa linker-CH epsilon 2-CH epsilon 3-CH epsilon 4. This Fc gamma Fc epsilon fusion protein was expressed as the predicted 140-kappa D dimer that reacted with anti-human epsilon- and gamma-chain specific antibodies. Fc gamma Fc epsilon bound to both human Fc epsilon RI and Fc gamma RII. It also showed dose- and time-dependent inhibition of antigen-driven IgE-mediated histamine release from fresh human basophils sensitized with IgE directed against NIP (4-hydroxy-3-iodo-5-nitrophenylacetyl). This was associated with altered Syk signaling. The fusion protein also showed increased inhibition of human anti-NP (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetyl) and anti-dansyl IgE-mediated passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in transgenic mice expressing human Fc epsilon RI alpha. Our results show that this chimeric protein is able to form complexes with both Fc epsilon RI and Fc gamma RII, and inhibit mast-cell and basophil function. This approach, using a Fc gamma Fc epsilon fusion protein to co-aggregate Fc epsilon RI with a receptor containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif, has therapeutic potential in IgE- and Fc epsilon RI-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

The presence of phospholipase A2 activity within human B cell Fc gamma receptors was investigated. Lysate produced by detergent treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells that had 1% of the cells surface radioiodinated was subjected to affinity chromatography by using either rac-1-(9-carboxynonyl)-2-hexadecylglycero-3-phosphorylcholine-Sepharose (PC-Sepharose) or heat-aggregated human IgG-Sepharose 4B conjugate (IgG-Sepharose). The materials eluted from both adsorbants by ethylenediaminetetraacetate- or urea-containing buffer were further purified by gel filtration and isoelectric focusing in the presence of 6 M urea. Both isolated PC- and IgG-binding materials were homogeneous, when judged by gel filtration and isoelectric focusing, and had identical isoelectric points (pI = 6.5), peptide maps, and amino acid compositions. Furthermore, both preparations catalyzed equally the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to release fatty acid from the 2 position. Optimal enzymatic activity depended on the presence of Ca2+, was maximal at pH 9.5, and was augmented by Fc gamma fragments. Both preparations specifically bound to the Fc portion of IgG and inhibited human antibody-coated erythrocyte rosette formation by peripheral mononuclear cells. Our data thus demonstrate the identity of PC- and IgG-binding materials and suggest that a functional activity of the human B cell Fc gamma receptor is the generation of phospholipase A2 activity within the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Murine splenic B lymphocytes are induced to proliferate and undergo polyclonal activation in the presence of Fc fragments, AHGG, antigen-antibody complexes, and CH3 fragments derived from plasmin digestion of human Ig. The unifying feature of the polyclonal antibody response induced by these agents is that in all cases a portion of the constant region of the Ig molecule (ie, Fc region) is present. Fragments of Ig lacking the Fc piece, such as Fab and F(ab′)2 were found not to be stimulatory. In addition, a model is proposed to account for the regulatory effects of antigen-antibody complexes on an ongoing humoral immune response.  相似文献   

Despite a more than 20-year experience of therapeutic benefit, the relevant molecular and cellular targets of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) in autoimmune disease remain unclear. Contrary to the prevailing theories of IVIg action in autoimmunity, we show that IVIg drives signaling through activating Fc gamma receptors (Fc gammaR) in the amelioration of mouse immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). The actual administration of IVIg was unnecessary because as few as 10(5) IVIg-treated cells could, upon adoptive transfer, ameliorate ITP. IVIg did not interact with the inhibitory Fc gammaRIIB on the initiator cell, although Fc gammaRIIB does have a role in the late phase of IVIg action. Notably, only IVIg-treated CD11c+ dendritic cells could mediate these effects. We hypothesize that IVIg forms soluble immune complexes in vivo that prime dendritic-cell regulatory activity. In conclusion, the clinical effects of IVIg in ameliorating ITP seem to involve the acute interaction of IVIg with activating Fc gammaR on dendritic cells.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural correlates of antibody-mediated internalization of membrane immunoglobulin determinants has been studied in the guinea pig using a horseradish peroxidase conjugate of rabbit anti-guinea pig immunoglobulin. We have observed that polar flow of ligand-induced micro-aggregated membrane immunoglobulin proceeds by local deformation of the plasma membrane into open-ended endocytic vesicles which in turn accumulate at the Golgi-associated pole prior to completion of endocytosis. ‘Capping’ does not appear to result from simple diffusion of the aggregates within the plane of the membrane. In addition, the question of whether anti-immunoglobulin can induce the formation of uropods on B lymphocytes in the guinea pig was examined. Formation of uropod-like structures on B lymphocytes appears to be factitious and induced by accumulation at the Golgi-associated cell pole of non-internalizable aggregates of membrane immunoglobulin linked to cell debris. These observations are interpreted as supporting the concept that spontaneous uropod formation by lymphocytes in the absence of anti-immunoglobulin reagents is a characteristic of antigen-reactive thymus-derived lymphocytes in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Fc receptors and immunoglobulin binding factors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
W H Fridman 《FASEB journal》1991,5(12):2684-2690
Receptors for the Fc portion of Ig (Fc receptors, FcR) are found on all cell types of the immune system. Three types of FcR react with IgG: Fc gamma RI is a high-affinity receptor binding IgG monomers whereas Fc gamma RII and Fc gamma RIII are low-affinity receptors binding IgG immune complexes; the three types of Fc gamma R are members of the Ig superfamily. Two FcR react with IgE:Fc epsilon RI is a multichain receptor binding IgE with high affinity; it is composed of an IgE-binding alpha chain, homologous to Fc gamma RIII, and of gamma and beta chains that are necessary for receptor expression and signal transduction. The low-affinity Fc epsilon RII is the only FcR described so far that is not a member of the Ig superfamily but resembles animal lectins; it is composed of a transmembrane chain with an intracytoplasmic NH2 terminus. Fc alpha R has homology with Fc gamma R and is a member of the Ig superfamily. Receptors for IgM and IgD are not characterized yet. Finally, Ig transport is made by FcR-like molecules such as the poly-Ig receptor or an MHC-like receptor found on neonatal intestine. A remarkable property of most FcR is the fact that they are released in cell supernatants and circulate in biological fluids as immunoglobulin binding factors (IBF) generated either by cleavage at the cell membrane or by splicing of FcR transmembrane exon. Immunoglobulin binding factors may interfere with Ig-mediated functions and have direct immunoregulatory activities. Involvement of FcR or IBF has been postulated in several diseases, and monoclonal antibodies to FcR are beginning to be used in therapeutics, particularly to target cytotoxic effector lymphocytes and monocytes to tumor cells.  相似文献   

To obtain further information concerning the structure of Fc IgG-binding sites on human peripheral blood lymphocytes, enriched T-cells were surface-radioiodinated and treated with nonionic detergent, and the soluble supernatant was submitted to affinity chromatography selecting for components binding complexed IgG. Analysis of eluted material by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and two-dimensional electrophoresis demonstrated the major proteins to be of Mr 56,000, pI 4.8-5.1 and Mr 60,000, pI 5.0-5.6, and these were radiolabeled, indicating an origin in part from the T-cell membrane. While the Mr 56,000 band gave positive reactions upon transblotting with antisera to Gc protein, the identity of the Mr 60,000 protein remains unknown. Three other components were detected, although with less consistency; Mr 78,000, 42,000, and 20,000-25,000, respectively. Immunocytochemical experiments showed that less than 5% freshly isolated native T-cells were positive with antiserum to human Gc, but, after IgG antibody-coated erythrocyte rosetting, the number of positive cells increased to 15-25%, in close agreement with the percentage of IgG antibody-coated erythrocyte rosette-positive T-cells. These findings therefore indicate that, in addition to interaction with components of Mr 60,000, 42,000, and 20,000-25,000, complexed IgG binding to Fc gamma of human peripheral blood T-cells also becomes spatially associated with Gc protein.  相似文献   

IL-4 induces loss of B lymphocyte Fc gamma R II ligand binding capacity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Murine B lymphocytes cultured for 24 h with rIL-4 lost (mean reduction of 88%, range 81 to 96%) the capacity to bind Ag-IgG antibody complexes to B lymphocytes as assessed by flow microfluorometry. This effect was specific in that it was not seen with IL-1, IL-2, or IFN-gamma; IL-4 did not have a similar effect on other B lymphocyte membrane molecules; and the effect was completely prevented by anti-IL-4 (mAb 11B11). More than 60% inhibition of the binding of complexes was seen with as little as 1 U/ml of IL-4 although maximal inhibition was seen with greater than or equal to 30 U/ml. IL-4-induced inhibition of the binding of complexes was time dependent (the effect was first seen after 8 h and was not maximal until 24 h), temperature dependent (it did not occur at 4 degrees C), and reversible (B lymphocytes that had lost the ability to bind complexes due to IL-4 regained this capacity when re-cultured for 24 h in the absence of IL-4). The effect could be partially prevented by IFN-gamma. The inability to bind complexes appeared to be mainly due to an alteration of Fc gamma R (Fc Receptors) II rather than down-regulation of receptor expression because IL-4 induced only a moderate reduction in the binding of two Fc gamma R II specific mAb (20% for 2.4G2 and 32% for K9.361). The IL-4-induced loss of binding of complexes to B lymphocyte Fc gamma R II appears to be a novel form of receptor regulation (function rather than expression), and likely plays a role in the up-regulation of B lymphocytes by IL-4 by preventing Fc gamma R II-mediated inhibition of B lymphocyte responses.  相似文献   

The 95 Kd CD19 antigen is the broadest lineage specific surface marker for B cells: it is present on the surface of virtually all B lymphocytes, including early B progenitor cells. In this study we have evaluated the function of the CD19 antigen by using the CD19 mAb HD37. Binding of HD37 mAb to B cells at low doses (0.5 microgram/ml) induced a strong inhibition of the proliferative response to anti-Ig. This inhibition was not mediated by the Fc portion of the antibody, since F(ab')2 fragments were as effective as the whole antibody. Both dose-response curve analysis and experiments in which a cross-linking second step anti-mouse antibody was added suggested that cross-linking of CD19 antigens was necessary for optimal inhibition. Early phases in B cell activation were affected by the HD37 mAb: it significantly reduced the number of cells that left G0 and entered the G1 phase of the cell cycle upon triggering with anti-mu. The increase in free intracellular ionized calcium [Ca2+]i that is induced by anti-mu was also consistently reduced by CD19 mAb. Cross-linking was also crucial for this effect, suggesting that a causal relationship may exist between the inhibition of anti-Ig-mediated [Ca2+]i fluxes and inhibition of proliferation. A variable but clear increase in [Ca2+]i levels followed cross-linking of CD19 antigens by specific mAb. This evidence suggests that CD19 molecules may function in the downregulation of B cell growth and proliferation.  相似文献   

Monocytes can express three classes of FcR for IgG: Fc gamma RI, Fc gamma RII, and Fc gamma RIII (CD64, CD32, and CD16, respectively) of which the Fc gamma RIII is expressed after prolonged culture. Fc gamma R expression is regulated by IFN-gamma. Because IFN-gamma and IL-4 have antagonistic effects on the expression of the FcR for IgE on human monocytes, we studied the effect of IL-4 on Fc gamma R expression and function. We show that IL-4 down-regulates Fc gamma RI, Fc gamma RII, and Fc gamma RIII expression of cultured monocytes and inhibits IFN-gamma enhanced Fc gamma RI expression. Exposure of monocytes to IL-4 for 40 h resulted in a dose-dependent decrease of the expression of all three Fc gamma R that persisted throughout the whole culture period (7 days). Anti-IL-4 antibodies completely reversed the IL-4 effect. In addition the impaired Fc gamma R expression correlated directly with reduced Fc gamma R-mediated function because monocytes cultured in the presence of IL-4 have a reduced capacity to lyse human E opsonized with human IgG anti-D or mouse antiglycophorin A antibodies. These observations, together with the previous finding that IL-4 induces Fc epsilon RIIb expression on monocytes, indicate that IL-4 and IFN-gamma may control the Fc gamma R-mediated immune response by differentially regulating Fc gamma R expression.  相似文献   

FcgammaRs with the ITIM domain have been shown to regulate the inflammatory signal delivered by the ITAM-containing FcgammaRs. In this study, we demonstrate that the function of human neutrophil FcgammaR type IIA (CD32A) is regulated in a distinct manner by different cell activation signals at the ligand-binding stage. Activation of neutrophils with fMLP up-regulated the ligand-binding function of CD32A, whereas PMA-mediated activation completely abolished ligand binding without altering CD32A expression. Furthermore, PMA treatment also abolished CD16B-dependent ligand binding irrespective of the level of expression. The effect of PMA was cell type specific, because the ligand-binding function of CD32A expressed on cultured cells such as K562 and CHO-CD32A transfectants was not affected by PMA. Interestingly, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, another phorbol ester, and IL-8 up-regulated CD32A-dependent ligand-binding function. These results demonstrate that regulation of CD32A-dependent ligand binding in human neutrophils is not only cell type specific but also activation signal specific. Moreover, these results suggest the possibility that signals delivered to neutrophils by various inflammatory stimuli can exert opposing effects on the function of human FcgammaRs, representing a novel inside-out regulatory mechanism of FcgammaR ligand binding.  相似文献   

Receptors for Fc IgG can be demonstrated by the binding of aggregated IgG or erythrocyte-IgG antibody complexes (EAG) onto subsets of B, T and "nul" lymphocytes. Among such cells are the effectors of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity, and suppressor T cells. The binding of insoluble complexes induces a reversible modulation of the receptors associated with impaired proliferative T cell responses and transient inhibition of IgM receptors expression by adjacent T cells. Soluble receptors for Fc IgG bear a membrane binding site; they inhibit in vitro B cell differentiation induced by-T-dependent or T-independent polyclonal B cell activators.  相似文献   

Human Fc gamma receptors were isolated from surface radioiodinated granulocytes and eosinophils by using repetitive affinity chromatography on human IgG-Sepharose columns. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that cell preparations containing eosinophils possessed a 43,000 Mr Fc gamma-binding macromolecule. Nylon wool-filtered cells from patients with eosinophilia and cell cultures derived from normal donors provided highly purified eosinophil preparations that expressed only the 43,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor. Granulocyte populations yielded the 52,000 to 68,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor characteristic of neutrophils as well as the Fc gamma-binding macromolecules apparently derived from eosinophils. The 43,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor of the eosinophil and the 31,000 and 34,000 Mr fragments that appear to be derived from it were able to rebind selectively to human IgG1-Sepharose, Fc gamma 1-Sepharose, IgG3-Sepharose, and Fc gamma 3-Sepharose. In contrast, the 52,000 to 68,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor from neutrophils could rebind only to IgG1-Sepharose and Fc gamma 1-Sepharose. The results demonstrate that the Fc gamma receptor of human eosinophils is distinct in structure from the neutrophil Fc gamma receptor and that these Fc gamma receptors, at least in their solubilized states, differ in specificity for human IgG3.  相似文献   

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