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The remains of the pectoral girdle (scapulocoracoid) and carapace of Trionyx sp. which were found in the Upper Miocene sediments of Bayraktepe are described and discussed.  相似文献   

The fossil history of worm lizards in Eastern Europe is very patchy because of the small number of localities and the fragmentary vertebral material available. A new record of the genus Blanus from the late Miocene of the Egorovka 1 and 2 localities in Ukraine is reported here. Based on its dental morphology, Blanus from Egorovka differs from all extinct species of the genus and from the extant B. cinereus complex. It is most closely related to the Eastern clade of Blanus (B. strauchi complex) in having enlarged second and small third dentary teeth. Blanus from Egorovka is the second fossil record of the B. strauchi complex and the first record of the Eastern clade outside of its current geographical range. It indicates a wider past range of the Eastern European Blanus, including the northern Black Sea coastal area.  相似文献   

Eohomopterus simojovelensis n. sp., the first fossil record of the subfamily Paussinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Miocene amber of the Simojovel area, Chiapas, Mexico, is described. The morphology of the new species is compared withEohomopterus poinari Nagel, 1997 from Dominican amber as well as with extant representatives ofEohomopterus, and the biogeographical implications are discussed.   相似文献   

The relationship between femoral neck superior and inferior cortical thickness in primates is related to locomotor behavior. This relationship has been employed to infer bipedalism in fossil hominins, although bipeds share the same pattern of generalized quadrupeds, where the superior cortex is thinner than the inferior one. In contrast, knuckle‐walkers and specialized suspensory taxa display a more homogeneous distribution of cortical bone. These different patterns, probably related to the range of movement at the hip joint and concomitant differences in the load stresses at the femoral neck, are very promising for making locomotor inferences in extinct primates. To evaluate the utility of this feature in the fossil record, we relied on computed tomography applied to the femur of the Late Miocene hominoid Hispanopithecus laietanus as a test‐case study. Both an orthograde body plan and orang‐like suspensory adaptations had been previously documented for this taxon on different anatomical grounds, leading to the hypothesis that this fossil ape should display a modern ape‐like distribution of femoral neck cortical thickness. This is confirmed by the results of this study, leading to the conclusion that Hispanopithecus represents the oldest evidence of a homogeneous cortical bone distribution in the hominoid fossil record. Our results therefore strengthen the utility of femoral neck cortical thickness for making paleobiological inferences on the locomotor repertoire of fossil primates. This feature would be particularly useful for assessing the degree of orthograde arboreal locomotor behaviors vs. terrestrial bipedalism in putative early hominins. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe the new genus Elektrothopomyia n. gen., with two new species E. saltensis n. sp. and E. tzotzili n. sp. as second and third fossil Pachygastrinae from the Mexican amber. These fossils from the Totolapa amber deposit confirm the presence of this group in Central America during the late Oligocene to middle Miocene period. Their exact affinities remain uncertain because of the current problems in the phylogenetic classification of these flies. These fossils are new elements of comparison between the entomofaunas of the Dominican and Mexican amber.  相似文献   

Using vein density to study the relationship between plants and environment is an important topic for paleoclimate and paleoenvironment studies. In this paper, the vein density of fossil plants Zelkova ungeri Kovats, Machilus tiantaiensis Ding et Sun and their NLRs was analyzed using the one-dimensional analysis and two-dimensional analysis approaches. The mechanism of vein density responses to the environment variation was also discussed. Further, the differences of the vein density between the fossil and extant leaves were compared. The results indicated that the vein density of Z. schneideriana Hand.-Mazz. and M. pingii Cheng ex Yang increased closely with the increase of precipitation but not closely related with the variation of temperature. The vein density of Z. ungeri and M. tiantaiensis was respectively higher than that of their NLRs. Thus we deduced that the precipitation in eastern Zhejiang Province during the late Miocene was higher than that of nowadays and the paleoclimate was more humid at that time.  相似文献   

Aim To document the distribution of two closely related macrophyte species, the fossil Nitellopsis (Tectochara) merianii (A. Braun ex Unger) Grambast & Soulié‐Märsche and Nitellopsis obtusa (Desvaux) J. Groves, the single living species of genus Nitellopsis and to draw the relationships between first finds of N. merianii in North Africa and previously known records. Location South part of the High Atlas Range, Aït Kandoula basin, Morocco. Methods New finds of fossil charophyte gyrogonites were determined and illustrated. Using a large bibliographic database of both fossil and extant charophytes, we depict the biogeographical distribution N. merianii and N. obtusa and summarize the ecological requirements of N. obtusa as a modern analogue. Results The Aït Kandoula deposits, dated by magnetostratigraphy and vertebrate fossils to Upper Miocene, provided the first fossil populations of N. merianii in Africa. The distribution patterns of the Tertiary N. merianii and the living N. obtusa superimpose on a large area that extends from Spain to East Asia and characterize them as typically Eurasian taxa indicative for permanent, relatively cold and deep freshwater lakes. During the Quaternary, similar palaeolakes in the Sahara were colonized by N. obtusa. Main conclusions The presence of the Eurasian species N. merianii in North Africa is the result of dispersal by migratory waterbirds and attests to N–S migration occurring during the Upper Miocene (10–5 Myr ago). Gyrogonites imported from Southern Europe could germinate and fulfil their life cycle so as to form a new seed bank of gyrogonites because they had been deposited in a suitable environment consisting of a freshwater mountain lake.  相似文献   

An abundant fossil record of the snake clade Scolecophidia exists in Europe; however, the minute snake is noticeably absent in reports about the North American Paleogene and Neogene. Presented here are four localities from Florida, USA, that contain scolecophidian remains older than the Pleistocene: Thomas Farm (late Early Miocene, Hemingfordian Land Mammal Age, LMA), Live Oak (Oligocene-Miocene transition, latest Arikareean LMA), White Springs 3B (late Arikareean LMA), and Brooksville 2 (Late Oligocene, middle Arikareean LMA). These remains extend their known existence by about 26 m.y. and are now the oldest reported scolecophidian remains in North America. Molecular evidence on extant scolecophidians concludes that these tiny snakes have a Gondwanan origin. Interestingly, the oldest record of a scolecophidian is from Europe (Belgium) and dates back to the middle Paleocene (MP 1–5). The earliest African record of the snake clade comes from the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in Morocco. The clade is apparently absent from Europe and Middle East deposits dating from the latest Eocene through to the latest Oligocene (MP 19–30) and to the Early Miocene (MN 4). A portion of this time is known as the booid ‘Dark Period’ which represents an apparent response to global aridization and cooling. Scolecophidians appear to re-emerge into the southern Eurasian record in the Early Miocene (MN 4) and become widely dispersed throughout Europe and Middle East. The fossil record of these minute snakes is largely absent in southern Asia and South America. It is possible that the current lack of a decent fossil scolecophidian record outside of Europe and Middle East is due mainly to a bias in the methodology to recover fossils; wet sieving sediments through < 1.0 mm mesh is needed to recover the minuscule vertebrae.  相似文献   

We restudy the holotype specimen of the alleged fossil auk Petralca austriaca from early Miocene marine deposits of the Austrian locality Pucking, which was considered the earliest European representative of Alcidae (auks). The specimen is a partial skeleton consisting mainly of wing bones on two slabs. A recent re-preparation yielded new data on the skeletal morphology of Petralca, which allow more detailed comparisons with auks and loons. Our study shows that the taxon is clearly distinguished from auks in various skeletal features and can be confidently identified as a loon (Gaviiformes). Petralca resembles Colymboides in overall morphology of the wing bones, and clearly is a stem group representative of Gaviiformes. However, some features indicate that it is more closely related to the crown group taxon Gavia than to the stem group taxa Colymboides and Colymbiculus. Unusually thick bone walls of the limb bones indicate well-developed diving capabilities for Petralca austriaca.  相似文献   

The first known fossil record of pygmy pipehorses is described. The fossils were collected in the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) beds of the Coprolitic Horizon in the Tunjice Hills, Slovenia. They belong to a new genus and species Hippotropiscis frenki, which was similar to the extant representatives of Acentronura, Amphelikturus, Idiotropiscis, and Kyonemichthys genera. Hippotropiscis frenki lived among seagrasses and macroalgae and probably also on a mud and silt bottom in the temperate shallow coastal waters of the western part of the Central Paratethys Sea. The high coronet on the head, the ridge system and the high angle at which the head is angled ventrad indicate that Hippotropiscis is most related to Idiotropiscis and Hippocampus (seahorses) and probably separated from the main seahorse lineage later than Idiotropiscis.  相似文献   

The Late Aragonian (late middle Miocene) stratigraphic sequence of Abocador de Can Mata (ACM) from Els Hostalets de Pierola (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain), rich in fossil vertebrate localities, provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of western Eurasian hominoids. Among these sites, Barranc de Can Vila 1 (BCV1) recently delivered a well-preserved hominoid partial skeleton of a new genus and species, Pierolapithecus catalaunicus. On the basis of the small-mammal fauna recovered at BCV1, we infer an early MN 7+8 age, between 12.5 and 12Ma, for this site. The spatial distribution of macromammal fossils, the relative abundances of skeletal elements, and their state of preservation suggest that different agents were involved in the accumulation of the P. catalaunicus individual and the remaining taxa. Carnivore marks occur on some bones of the P. catalunicus skeleton, documenting the action of predators and/or scavengers in this case. In contrast, carnivore marks are extremely rare on other macromammal remains, which seem to be derived from adjacent alluvial-fan plain areas. The small-mammal fauna from BCV1 and the large-mammal fauna from the ACM series, indicate the presence of considerably humid and warm forest environments. The compositions of the small-mammal fauna from BCV1 and from other Late Aragonian sites from the Vallès-Penedès area are similar to those from France and central Europe. The former are clearly distinct from those of Iberian inner basins, where the environment appears to have been drier, thus precluding the dispersal of hominoids into that area.  相似文献   

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation has been used extensively to study the evolutionary relationships of individuals and populations, both within and across species. So ubiquitous and easily acquired are mtDNA data that it has been suggested that such data could serve as a taxonomic 'barcode' for an objective species classification scheme. However, there are technical pitfalls associated with the acquisition of mtDNA data. One problem is the presence of translocated pieces of mtDNA in the nuclear genome of many taxa that may be mistaken for authentic organellar mtDNA. We assessed the extent to which such 'numt' sequences may pose an overlooked problem in analyses of mtDNA from humans and apes. Using long-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we generated necessarily authentic mtDNA sequences for comparison with sequences obtained using typical methods for a segment of the mtDNA control region in humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans. Results revealed that gorillas are notable for having such a variety of numt sequences bearing high similarity to authentic mtDNA that any analysis of mtDNA using standard approaches is rendered impossible. Studies on humans, chimpanzees, bonobos or orangutans are apparently less problematic. One implication is that explicit measures need to be taken to authenticate mtDNA sequences in newly studied taxa or when any irregularities arise. Furthermore, some taxa may not be amenable to analysis of mtDNA variation at all.  相似文献   

A distal right tibia described by G.S. Miller in 1929 (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 82[5]:1-16) on the island of Hispaniola is shown to be that of a heretofore unknown extinct platyrrhine and is informally referred to as Ceboid M. Its affinities appear to be with the dwarfed callitrichids, especially Saguinus. It is suggested that Ceboid M represents yet another case of gigantism in the Antilles, in response to a lack of both competitors and predators. A reconsideration of the affinities of Xenothrix mcgregori from Jamaica is suggested.  相似文献   

The genus Elaeocarpus contains approximately 360 species and occurs in mesic forest communities from India, through to China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia, and New Caledonia. Elaeocarpus fossils are best known from the Eocene to the Miocene of Australia and the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene of India, but have not been documented from East Asia before. Here we describe six new species of Elaeocarpus, E. nanningensis sp. nov. from the late Oligocene Yongning Formation of the Nanning Basin, E. presikkimensis sp. nov. from the Miocene Erzitang Formation of the Guiping Basin, E. prerugosus sp. nov., E. prelacunosus sp. nov., E. preserratus sp. nov., and E. preprunifolioides sp. nov. from the late Miocene Foluo Formation of the Nankang Basin in Guangxi, South China. This is the first reliable report for the genus occurring in East Asia, and the fossils indicate that Elaeocarpus had colonized this region by the late Oligocene and represented by a morphologically diverse group of species by the late Miocene. This sheds new insights into the timing and migration patterns of the genus in East Asia. Elaeocarpus is typically a rainforest genus occurring in mesic forests. Based on the habitat of their morphologically similar modern relatives we propose that these three sedimentary basins were warm and wet adjacent to mountainous regions with the evergreen or rain forests during the late Oligocene to Miocene.  相似文献   

A well‐preserved 11.8‐million‐years‐old lower face attributed to the seminal taxon Dryopithecus fontani (Primates, Hominidae) from the Catalan site ACM/C3‐Ae of the Hostalets de Pierola area (Vallès‐Penedès Basin, Catalonia, NE Spain) is described. The new data indicate that D. fontani is distinct at the genus level from Late Miocene European taxa previously attributed to Dryopithecus, which are here reassigned to Hispanopithecus. The new facial specimen also suggests that D. fontani and the Middle Miocene Pierolapithecus catalaunicus are not synonymous. Anatomical and morphometric analyses further indicate that the new specimen shows a combination of lower facial features—hitherto unknown in Miocene hominoids—that resembles the facial pattern of Gorilla, thus providing the first nondental evidence of gorilla‐like lower facial morphology in the fossil record. Considering the current evidence, the gorilla‐like facial pattern of D. fontani is inferred to be derived relative to previously known stem hominids, and might indicate that this taxon is either an early member of the Homininae or, alternatively, a stem hominid convergent with the lower facial pattern of Gorilla. The biogeographic implications of both alternatives are discussed. This new finding in the Hostalets de Pierola section reinforces the importance of this area for understanding the elusive question of the Middle Miocene origin and early radiation of great apes. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


A new fossil species of the genus Scutus (Scutus mirus n. sp.) is described from five Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Waitakian to Altonian; 25.2–15.9?Ma) localities in the South Island, New Zealand. It is one of the oldest fossil species of Scutus known and probably inhabited very shallow, sub-tropical waters surrounding Zealandia during this time. The holotype of Scutus petrafixus Finlay, 1930 is re-examined; it is possibly from All Day Bay, Kakanui (Waitakian 25.2–21.7?Ma). The New Zealand species documented herein significantly expand our understanding of the fossil record of this shallow-marine molluscan lineage, and by proxy, also indicate the presence of very shallow coastal marine environments around the late Oligocene and early Miocene in southern Zealandia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A suite of 23 ultrastructural characters was used in a phylogenetic analysis of the protozoan order Diplomonadida. A single most parsimonious solution was found, with a length of 38 transformations and a consistency index of 0.84. The cladogram supports previous hypotheses of the relationships of the genera in the suborder Diplomonadina, as well as the inclusion of the genera Enteromonas and Trimitus in the order. Heterochrony is suggested in the change to binary axial symmetry, as hypermorphosis resulting from delayed cytokinesis in the ancestor. Hypotheses regarding a pivotal position for Giardia lamblia in the evolution of eukaryotes are inconsistent with the phylogeny proposed here.  相似文献   

Fossil fruits including nuts and associated husk valves of a new species of Carya (Juglandaceae) are described from the latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene in northeastern Tennessee, eastern United States. The husk valves are elliptic, 1.2–4.5 mm thick, with a convex exterior face and a concave interior face; the nuts are globose to ovoid in shape, smooth and longitudinally ribbed on exterior surface, with a short protruding apex and a slightly 4-angled base; inner ribs, lacunae and primary septa are well-developed, while secondary septa are absent or weakly developed. The combination of these carpological characteristics clearly shows a close resemblance to the genus Carya in Juglandaceae. Detailed comparisons of carpological morphology and anatomy indicate that the present fossil taxon is different from both living and most other fossil species of the genus, and therefore warrants the designation of a new fossil species, Carya tennesseensis Huang et al., sp. nov. Carya tennesseensis displays a carpological similarity to C. ventricosa from the late Oligocene to early Pliocene in Europe, suggesting a potential species exchange of the genus between Europe and southeastern North America during the late Neogene. The new fossil species represents one of the few fruit fossil species of Carya from its modern distribution range in southeastern North America. It provides crucial information for better understanding the rapid diversification of the genus from the late Miocene to early Pliocene, and the origin and establishment of today's Carya biodiversity in this region.  相似文献   

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