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对成年日本新糠虾(Neomysis japonica)雄性生殖系统的解剖特征和组织结构进行了观察,结果表明,日本新糠虾雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管和交接器组成,整体似“n”形。精巢左右对称,由一条“n”形的精索和其外侧延伸形成的19~21个精母细胞囊及与之相连的19~21个精子细胞袋组成,精子细胞袋位于精母细胞囊背部偏外侧的位置,通过一个短窄的通道与输精管相连。输精管是一个“n”形的管子,位于精索的背面,其前段连着精巢,后段逐渐变细,直至第8胸节向腹部弯曲变得更细,随后膨大形成壶腹,壶腹向后通入交接器中并在末端膨大。交接器位于身体的腹中线附近,其壁由外层的角膜层和内层的上皮细胞层组成,具有防御和保护功能;其内的肌肉层加厚,外层为环肌层,内层为纵肌层。从精索,经精母细胞囊,到精子细胞袋依次分布着不同发育阶段的精细胞。成熟精子有头部和尾部两部分,头部较短,尾部相当长,且头尾之间有一个15°的转角。精子呈簇分布形成精子束,精子束通过精子细胞袋与输精管间的通道被输送到输精管中,并沿输精管向交接器运输。  相似文献   

配合饲料投喂条件下日本新糠虾雌雄成体的营养成分比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较配合饲料投喂条件下日本新糠虾(Neomysis japonica)雌雄成体的营养组成差异,本研究采用养殖实验和生化分析方法,测定和比较了日本新糠虾雌雄成体的常规营养成分、脂类、脂肪酸和氨基酸含量,进一步探讨了日本新糠虾雌雄成体对配合饲料中多不饱和脂肪酸和必需氨基酸的相对保留率。结果显示:(1)饲料中的粗蛋白和粗脂肪分别为40.48%和9.82%,高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)含量和二十二碳六烯酸/二十碳五烯酸(DHA/EPA)的比值分别为27%和1.34,总氨基酸(TAA)和10种必需氨基酸(EAA)含量分别为38.80%和16.32%。(2)雄、雌成体的水分含量均在88%左右,雌体的粗蛋白、粗脂肪和甘油三酯含量均显著高于雄体,雄体的磷脂含量显著高于雌体。(3)除肉豆蔻酸和棕榈油酸(14:0和16:1n-7)外,雌雄成体的饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸组成接近,雄体的花生四烯酸(ARA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、总高不饱和脂肪酸(∑HUFA)以及DHA/EPA的比值显著高于雌体,雌体的亚油酸(LOA)、亚麻酸(LNA)和亚麻油酸(18:4n-3)含量高于雄体;雌体的异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸、精氨酸、半胱氨酸、天冬氨酸、丝氨酸和谷氨酸含量显著高于雄体,雄体牛磺酸的含量显著高于雌体,雌体的必需氨基酸和所有氨基酸总量显著高于雄体。(4)雌体的亚油酸和亚麻酸的相对保留率高于雄体,而雄体的花生四烯酸、二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸相对保留率高于雌体;雌雄成体对各种必需氨基酸的相对保留率接近。综上,日本新糠虾雌雄成体在粗蛋白、粗脂肪、甘油三酰、磷脂、部分脂肪酸和氨基酸含量及重要脂肪酸相对保留率上差异显著,这暗示雌雄成体的营养需求有所不同。  相似文献   

寡齿新银鱼胚胎发育及其与温度的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在平均水温分别为14.2、15.6、16.5、23.4和24.5℃时,寡齿新银鱼胚胎孵化时数依次为142、119、108、68和61h.胚胎发育时序可分为10期.温度与胚胎孵化时间呈幂函数关系,H=6861.1988×T-1.4717;积温与胚胎孵化时间亦呈幂函数关系,H=1.6081×10-8×A3.0151.  相似文献   

日本鬼鲉胚胎发育及仔、稚鱼形态学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对日本鬼鲉的胚胎及仔稚鱼形态发育进行观察,描述了各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。日本鬼鲉的受精卵呈正圆球形,无色透明,无油球,平均卵径为(1.42±0.04)mm,呈浮性。在水温(22±0.5)℃,盐度31‰的条件下,历时约52h10min完成孵化。初孵仔鱼全长(3.04±0.13)mm,卵黄囊长(2.23±0.08)mm,卵黄囊高为(1.65±0.06)mm,在(21±0.5)℃水温下,仔鱼孵化后3d内营内源性营养(卵黄囊仔鱼),第4天卵黄囊完全消失,开口摄食轮虫。13d全长(7.12±0.35)mm,背鳍鳍条出现进入稚鱼早期,15d全长(7.92±0.61)mm鱼体及各鳍开始出现金黄色斑纹,25d全长(13.66±0.55)mm,整个鱼体呈黄褐色,完成变态进入幼鱼期,开始营底栖生活。同时观察了自胚胎发育至幼鱼期鱼苗体表色素分布的变化及其器官发育的形态变化。  相似文献   

通过观察日本七鳃鳗Lampetra japonica (Martens, 1868)胚胎外部形态和内部组织结构变化, 描述受精卵从卵裂至器官形成以及仔鱼孵出的发育阶段, 采用实验生态学方法研究卵黄囊期仔鱼的异速生长模式。结果表明: 日本七鳃鳗卵子为乳白色, 呈卵圆形; 受精卵卵裂方式为全卵裂; 胚胎发育过程主要包括卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、头凸期、孵出前期和孵出期, 历时11—12d; 初孵仔鱼为乳白色, 全长约(3.41±0.24) mm, 体质量约为0.0006 g。日本七鳃鳗胚胎发育研究可为了解七鳃鳗胚胎发育过程, 早期脊椎动物的起源和发育进化研究提供参考。卵黄囊期内仔鱼身体各部分中, 头长和尾长均表现出快速生长, 同在7 日龄出现生长拐点, 且生长拐点后的生长速率都大于生长拐点前的生长速率; 而仔鱼体长在卵黄囊期内表现出慢速生长。在头部器官中, 吻长、鳃前长和鳃长均表现出快速生长现象, 吻长和鳃长分别在9日龄和8日龄出现生长拐点; 口笠长在3日龄时出现生长拐点, 在生长拐点前为等速生长, 而在生长拐点后表现出快速生长; 眼径和眼鳃间距则分别表现出等速生长和慢速生长。泄殖孔在卵黄囊期内未出现生长拐点, 生长速率相对于全长生长速率表现出快速生长现象。七鳃鳗卵黄囊期仔鱼的异速生长是在长期进化过程中, 适应早期生活环境和独特的生活方式而形成特有的发育机制。  相似文献   

脱落酸与胚胎发育的关系及作用方式的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
脱落酸(ABA)在植物生理的以下几个方面起着作用:(1)气孔开闭,(2)芽的休眠,(3)根的向地性,(4)离子的运输及物质的运转,(5)衰老、脱落,(6)抗寒,(7)花芽分化,(8)种子的发育和萌发,(9)胚胎发育。  相似文献   

棘腹蛙(Rana boulengeri Günther)早期胚胎发育与分期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了湘西地区棘腹蛙(R.boulengeriG.)的早期胚胎发育与分期.用人工诱导排卵、人工授精的方法获得受精卵,在控制水温为(23±0.5)℃下发育,棘腹蛙的胚胎发育从人工授精开始到蝌蚪的鳃盖完全闭合需要261h;以胚胎形态变化和主要生理特征的出现为基础,该蛙早期胚胎发育可分为25个时期.棘腹蛙发育过程中的形态特征和其它无尾两栖类相似,但在某些方面也呈现出与适应山地溪流环境有关的一些特点.  相似文献   

哺乳动物基因印迹及其与胚胎发育的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在哺乳动物,一些遗传性状表现出亲本依赖性,只有当这些性状从父本或母本继承来才能够表现出来。目前已知有两种类型的亲本依赖性,第一种是由于雄性配子和雌性配子间遗传信息分布的不均衡所致,如由线粒体基因、Y染色体相连基因和母体效应基因等编码的性状;第二种即为...  相似文献   

不同温度对脊尾白虾胚胎发育与幼体变态存活的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用实验室内人工控制交尾的脊尾白虾,研究了不同温度对脊尾白虾胚胎发育及幼体变态、存活的影响。结果表明,在盐度为31的条件下,脊尾白虾胚胎发育的生物学零度为12.18℃,有效积温为3828.27℃.h。在15.3—28.1℃范围内,胚胎发育时间随着温度升高而呈双曲线性缩短,而胚胎发育速度随着温度的升高而呈直线性加快,但当温度超过30℃时,胚胎无法正常完成发育。脊尾白虾幼体变态发育速度随着温度的升高而加快,18、20、22、24、26、28℃各实验组开始出现仔虾的时间依次为17、14、11、9、8和8 d,各组90%以上幼体变态为仔虾的时间依次为21、18、15、14、11和11 d。各实验组在幼体变态过程中存活率都呈明显的阶梯式下降趋势,且28℃组的存活率下降最快,但当存活幼体全部变为仔虾时,各实验组间的存活率并无显著性差异(P>0.05)。18℃组仔虾干质量明显高于其它各组(P<0.05),28℃组仔虾干质量最低,但与20、22、24、26℃组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。因此在脊尾白虾育苗中,幼体孵化温度不应低于12℃,最高不超过28℃为宜;幼体培育温度,建议控制在22—26℃为最佳。  相似文献   

湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育与新生幼体特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄喉拟水龟(Mauremys mutica Cantor)为东亚常见的淡水水生龟类之一,主要分布于中国、日本和越南.在中国,黄喉拟水龟已成为潜在的水产养殖品种,研究了湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育和新生幼体的影响.恒温29℃时,用未受精卵做对比,在-12、-150kPa和-300kPa 3种孵化湿度下,观察并记录了黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育过程中卵重的变化、孵化周期、孵化成功率、卵壳龟裂率、卵壳受精斑变化规律及新生幼体的特征.在-12kPa和-150kPa处理组,受精卵在孵化中期开始持续增重;而在-300kPa处理组,受精卵在孵化中期开始持续减轻;孵化湿度显著影响卵壳受精斑的变化,-12kPa处理组的受精斑绕卵短径合拢的时间显著长于-150kPa和-300kPa处理组;受精卵的卵壳龟裂率随着孵化湿度的增加而增加;湿度显著影响新生幼体体重和背甲宽,但对体高、背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲宽以及尾长无明显影响;孵化湿度对孵化周期及新生幼体的运动能力影响不明显.  相似文献   

This paper describes both embryonic development and newly hatched larval morphology of the little dragon sculpinBlepsias cirrhosus. The eggs ofB. cirrhosus are almost spherical, 3.0–3.2 mm in diameter, and have a yolk color of burnt orange. Development is very slow, being especially sluggish once the embryo appears. The embryo begins forming from the 10th day. In size, the early embryo is less than 1/6 of the yolk’s circumference. Incubation at 10°C takes about 200 days, 50 days shorter than the incubation period in a natural environment, with a mean water temperature of 11°C. The notochord length of newly-hatched larvae averages 11.1 mm. The larvae are developed so fully that the notochord is already flexing and the caudal and pectoral rays are forming.  相似文献   

本文研究了三叶虫萤Emeia pseudosauteri在不同恒温设置和室内变温条件下卵孵化率和初孵幼虫存活率,并通过直接最优法和直线回归法计算出了三叶虫萤卵的发育起点温度和有效积温。结果表明:12~30℃恒温条件下,卵的孵化率随着温度升高显著下降(P<0.05),且均低于室内变温条件(P<0.05)下的孵化率;初孵幼虫在恒温15℃下的存活率最高,为73.13%;低于12℃和高于30℃恒温中初孵幼虫均无法存活;在恒温条件12~30℃下,卵的发育历期随温度升高而缩短,其中恒温12℃下最长,发育历期为42.96 d(n=3),恒温30℃下最短,发育历期仅12.75 d(n=3)。通过直接最优法计算出三叶虫萤卵的发育起点温度为3.52℃,有效积温分别为382.20 d·℃。上述结果为三叶虫萤的人工繁育提供了参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. Cuticular sensilla on newly hatched larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis De Geer (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) and Oestrus ovis (L.) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Two types of trichoid sensilla, two types of coeloconic sensilla and a pit sensillum were present on the thoracic and abdominal segments of G. intestinalis larvae. Sensilla on larvae of O. ovis were similar although only one type of trichoid sensillum was present. Total number of sensilla were higher for O. ovis than for G. intestinalis (248 v . 214). Variation in numbers of sensilla is consistent with the concept that increasing numbers of sensilla are associated with increasingly complex searching behaviour required to locate suitable habitats for development.  相似文献   

At birth, the intestine becomes the sole site for nutrient absorption requiring a dramatic increase in blood flow. The vascular changes accompanying this transition have been partly characterized in mammals. We investigated, using wire myography, the developmental changes in chick mesenteric artery (MA) reactivity. Rings of the MA from 15-day (E15) and 19-day (E19) chicken embryos (total incubation 21 days) as well as non-fed 0–3-h-old (NH3h) and first-fed 1-day-old (NH1d) newly hatched chicks contracted in response to KCl, norepinephrine (NE), U46619, and endothelin (ET)-1 and relaxed in response to acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and forskolin indicating the presence of electro- and pharmaco-mechanical coupling as well as cGMP- and cAMP-mediated relaxation. In ovo development and transition to ex ovo life was accompanied by alterations in the response of the MAs, but a different developmental trajectory was observed for each reactivity pathway tested. Thus, the contractile efficacy of KCl underwent a linear increase (E15 < E19 < NH3h < NH1d). The efficacy of NE and U46619 increased in ovo, but not ex ovo (E15 < E19 = NH3h = NH1d) and the efficacy of ET-1 peaked at E19 (E15 < E19 > NH3h = NH1d). The relaxations elicited by ACh (endothelium-dependent), SNP, and forskolin did not undergo significant developmental changes. In conclusion, the ability of chick MAs to constrict in response to pharmacological stimuli increases during the embryonic period, but no dramatic changes are induced by hatching or the first feeding. Maturation of vasodilator mechanisms precedes that of vasoconstrictor mechanisms. Alterations of the delicate balance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators may play an important role in perinatal intestinal diseases.  相似文献   

The cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) levels of ventricles isolated from 15- to 20-day-old chick embryos and 0- to 3-day-old hatched chicks were compared to clarify the mechanism underlying the change in sensitivity to isoproterenol during perinatal developmental stages when the functional sympathetic innervation has been completely achieved. Isoproterenol produced a positive inotropic effect on ventricles isolated from both embryonic and hatched chicks, but the ventricles from the hatched chicks were more sensitive. At both developmental stages sotalol was an equipotent antagonist of isoproterenol. 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) produced an increment in the contractile force of the ventricles at both stages, but the ventricles from the hatched chicks responded to lower doses of IBMX. The reactivity to isoproterenol in increasing cyclic AMP level was significantly higher in the hatched ventricles than in the embryonic ventricles. The results suggest that the different sensitivities to isoproterenol between embryonic and newly hatched chick ventricles may be due to some changes in the process for cyclic AMP production.  相似文献   

Alois Herzig 《Hydrobiologia》1983,104(1):237-246
The embryonic development times of four planktonic rotifers from Neusiedlersee (Austria) (Rhinoglena fertöensis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Keratella quadrata and Polyarthra dolichoptera) were determined at constant temperatures ranging from 0.6 °C to 10.5 °C. Development times decreased with increasing temperatures. The curvilinear relationship between temperature and development time was described by Bělehrádek's equation. Data on embryonic development times of rotifers are summarized and regression equations for the temperature-duration of development relationship are presented. Adaptation to temperature is discussed in the context of the thermal history of the various species and populations.  相似文献   

The biological impact of consumption and utilization of celery was examined for the generalist herbivore, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). An analysis of leaves and petioles demonstrated that both plant parts contained high levels of water (>85%), but that leaves contained twice as much total organic nitrogen as petioles. Developmental and reproductive rates were significantly higher (P<0.01, t-test) for larvae fed on leaves. Penultimate and final instars consumed significantly more (P0.05, t-test) dry weight of plant material when fed petioles as opposed to leaves. Although growth rates were similar regardless of food source for penultimate instars, conversion of food to body weight was lower for larvae limited to petioles. In the final instar, both growth and conversion rates were lower for larvae fed petioles than for those given leaves. Thus, since larvae exhibit preferences for the nutritionally less suitable petioles during later larval stages, environmental factors other than nutrition must influence movement and distribution of S., exigua in celery.
Résumé L'impact biologique de la consommation et de l'utilisation du céleri a été examiné sur un herbivore généraliste Spodoptera exigua Hübner. Une analyse de feuilles et de pétioles montre que ces deux parties de la plante ont une haute teneur en eau (>85%), mais que les feuilles contiennent deux fois plus d'azote organique total que les pétioles. Les taux de développement et de reproduction on été significativement plus élevés (<0,01 test t) pour les chenilles nourries sur feuilles. Les 2 derniers stades ont consommé significativement plus (P<0,05 test t) de poids sec de matière végétale en s'alimentant sur pétioles qu'en s'alimentant sur feuilles. Bien que les taux de croissance aient été voisins quel que soit l'aliment pour les avant-derniers stades, la conversion d'aliment en poids de corps était inférieure pour les chenilles ne consommant que des pétioles. Au dernier stade, tant les taux de croissance que de conversion des chenilles élevées sur pétioles étaient inférieurs à ceux des chenilles élevées sur feuilles. Ainsi, puisque les chenilles présentent une préférence pour les pétioles moins nutritifs au dernier stade larvaire, des paramètres écologiques autres que l'alimentation doivent influencer les mouvements et la distribution de S. exigua sur céleri.

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