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蔬菜植物:白菜,番茄,黄瓜,菜豆,萝卜,洋葱,马铃薯。这些植物的构造和特性。采种用蔬菜植物的培育。果树植物:苹果,橘,桃,葡萄。这些植物的构造和特性。在园中培育它们时,创造它们所必需的条件。粮食植物:水稻,小麦,粟,高梁,玉蜀黍。这些植物的构造和特性。在农田中培育它们时,保证它们所必需的条件。粮食植物对於国民经济的意义。  相似文献   

稻瘟就是稻热病,是水稻生产中的主要灾害之一。它的分布,普及全国的水稻区。不同的地区,只在发生的程度上有差别而已。北从松花江,南到海南岛,东起台湾,西到云南,都有这个病害严重发生的报导。这种病害的发生,以温度和湿度都相当高的时间和地区最严重。1年之中,以暑热最烈期的前后为主要的发生期。在这时期中,病害的轻重,和流行的程度,就决定于湿度和雨量。湿度大,降雨的日数多,时间长,就有严重发生和大流行的危险。又因水稻是高温植物,在生长期间遇到反常的低温,也能降低抗病力,而引起病害流行。病害的发生,和水稻的种类也有关系。一般说来,籼稻的抗病力比粳糯稻强。但在各类之中,品种间的差异,也很显著,不可一概而论。病害程度上的差别很大。条件不利于病害发生时,即使有病,不过在叶片上产生少数的斑点;对于产量的影响很小。但是在发生严重的时候,可以使水稻成片枯死,不能抽穗,造成颗粒无收的局面。在普通的情况下,叶斑的  相似文献   

正作为一种水果,杏在我国漫长的文化史中,扮演了众多的角色。它的果是美味的食物,可供食用。它的果仁又是上好的药材,是治百病的必备。它的花也是花中上品,不论是王公贵族,还是文人士大夫,抑或引车卖浆之流,都对杏花爱之甚深。而在美食家眼中,杏又是不可或缺的食材。在宗教者眼中,杏又是最好的灵材。道教认为,杏是仙果。佛教也相信,只有佛门圣地,杏子才会生长出来。  相似文献   

鲸类,这海洋水族界的重要成员,推波弄涛,活跃在全世界的苍茫碧海之中。90多个大大小小的不同种类,各显神通。巨大的蓝鲸、硕大无朋,跨海“吞舟”。凶猛的虎鲸横冲直闯,万“夫”莫当。温顺的灰鲸嬉游近岸,招揽游客。滑稽的座头鲸能“歌”善“舞”,成为当代“明星”。鲁莽的抹香鲸潜游二千米水下,出没自如。短胖的露脊鲸,遨游极区,无视北国严冬。为数众多的海豚,龙腾虎跃,灵巧聪明,甚至被誉为海中智叟。  相似文献   

萋草灌木簇拥着山路,游移在参天的橡树林中。奇峰峡谷肃穆,晨光熹微,浓雾尚在谷底缓缓游动,山峦青翠如洗。他这是最后一次随老爹进山了,刚接到录取A大学的通知书。山顶是片茂密的橡树林,他们是来拣橡子的。抓到半山腰,老爹回过头,见儿子落后很远,于是在岩石上坐下等待。他气喘吁吁追上来。“歇吧。”老爹说完,便掏出烟吸。得意地打量这个山乡里唯一的一个大学生,这是他家的荣耀,更是他做爹的荣耀。他一屁股压下来,不想再动。万籁俱寂,唯有几声鸟鸣在山谷里回荡。他身子一软瘫,双手撑住地面,右手压住一团软绵绵的东西,正疑惑,一阵钻心的疼痛自右手指传向全身。他猛转身,不禁大  相似文献   

园林植物是园林的重要组成部分,是园林绿化和美化的主要载体。保护园林植物的健康成长,是园林健康发展的需要。可是,园林植物病虫害常常对园林植物的健康造成威胁。传统的园林植物病虫害防治,有优势,也有不足。扬长避短,加深认识,绿色防控,不失为较好的举措。本文对此作了浅谈。  相似文献   

雄伟壮观的蛇岛屹立在蔚蓝的海洋之中。从高空鸟瞰,沟谷交错,悬崖峭壁,草木丛生,成群的海鸥迎着朝霞展翅翱翔。蛇岛原名小龙岛,亦称蟒岛。位于辽东半岛尖端,渤海的一侧,旅顺口的西北方。这个岛长3里,宽1.5里,面积约为4平方公里。西南角最高峰海拔215.5米。是一个人迹罕至盛产蝮蛇的孤岛。  相似文献   

没到珠穆朗玛峰以前,在我的心目中,珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。如今,人们,特别是我们中国人,也把那儿称为世界的第三极。我想象中的珠峰,一片白色的世界,没有其他的颜色,没有生命。 然而我错了。今年“五一”我的珠峰行,修正了我心中的珠穆朗玛。那里不只是白色,那里生机勃勃。那里有裸露的岩石,深浅不同的褐色的岩石下面有顽强的绿色,绿色汇集出了复杂的森林生态系统。那里有野生动物,哺乳动物有53种之多,鸟类更是有206种。此外,两栖动物、爬行动物、鱼类也都在那被称为“世界屋脊”的地方,找到了自己的家。动物们喜欢聚在一起的地方,不知道是不是就可以算成是野生动物的  相似文献   

难忘狼尾花狼尾花,好怪的名字,认识它是4O余年前的事了。一次初夏的香山植物分类实习,五颜六色的山花令人心醉,~种总状花序高高跃出草丛的开白色小花的草本植物,尤其引人注目。它的花尚未开放时,花序很短,随着众多小花由下向上纷纷绽开,花序越伸越长,下粗上细如弓背似的向下弯曲,尖部又略向上翘起,远远望去犹如动物的尾巴。原来,这就是报春花科珍珠菜属植物狼尾花。奇特的花序形态,有趣的植物名称,自此令人难忘。狼尾花忆ysi。ach。abarys-ta。Ily。)株高40一!00厘米,全株被柔毛。叶长圆技针形,长5—10厘米。花的形态…  相似文献   

大家知道,在众多植物的种类中,常有同名异物现象。比如说橄榄就有两种,它们分别属于不同的科,亲缘关系甚远。只因为它们的果实都为核果,样子有点相像的缘故,才都挂上了橄榄之名,然而植物分类科学把它们区分的非常清楚。其中一种叫油橄榄,又名齐墩果,属于木犀科的木犀榄属,其拉丁学名为Olea europaea。它的重要特征是常绿小乔木,单叶对生。圆锥花序腋生,短于叶,花小,花冠4深裂,雄蕊2。核果近球形或长椭圆形,长达4厘米,熟时黑色,有光泽。种子1,胚乳肉质,含丰富的油脂。通称橄榄油、可供食用或药用。这种橄榄原产于欧洲地中海一带,目前全世界…  相似文献   

紫外线 - B辐射降低豌豆、大豆和黄瓜 3种植物幼苗的净光合作用速率 ( Pn)和表观量子效率 ( AQE) ,Pn和 AQE的减少幅度随紫外线 - B辐射时间的延长逐渐增大。 3种植物的光合作用对紫外线 - B辐射的敏感性依次为 :豌豆 >黄瓜 >大豆 ,光合作用光抑制的发生程度与光合作用对 UV- B辐射敏感性有内在联系。定量分析显示 ,光合作用光抑制的发生程度随UV- B辐射时间增加 ,是 UV- B辐射剂量的累积效应。  相似文献   

Cytotoxic effects of nitric oxide (NO) derived from inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are considered to be one of the major causes of inflammatory diseases. On the other hand, protective effects of NO on toxic insults-induced cellular damage/apoptosis have been demonstrated recently. Ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced apoptosis of epidermal keratinocytes leads to skin inflammation and photoageing. However, it has not been elucidated what kind of effects NO has on UVB-induced keratinocyte apoptosis. Thus, in the present study, we investigated the problem and demonstrated that NO from NO donor suppressed UVB-induced apoptosis of murine keratinocytes. In addition, NO significantly suppressed activities of caspase 3, caspase 8 and caspase 9 that had been upregulated by UVB radiation. NO also suppressed p53 expression that had been upregulated by UVB radiation and upregulated Bcl-2 expression that had been downregulated by UVB radiation. These findings suggested that NO might suppress UVB-induced keratinocyte apoptosis by regulating apoptotic signaling cascades in p53, Bcl-2, caspase3, caspase 8 and caspase 9.  相似文献   

李想  李祖然 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9909-9911
《紫外辐射生态学》于2021年6月由科学出版社正式出版发行,此书总结近20年针对紫外辐射生态学领域所开展的研究和实践工作,结合最新国内外相关科研成果,从全球气候变化的角度,系统总结了紫外辐射生态学领域最新的研究成果,是国内外近年来唯一一部体系完整、内容全面、阐述深入的紫外辐射生态学著作,对生态学研究极具参考价值。  相似文献   

应用同位素标志法, 研究了赤潮异弯藻 (Heterosigmaakashiwo) 、亚历山大藻 (Alexandriumtamarense ) 和中肋骨条藻 (Skeletonemacostatum) 核酸和蛋白质合成对紫外线B波段 (UVB, 2 80~ 32 0nm) 辐射增强的响应变化。结果表明 :1) 按照由高到低的顺序, 3种海洋赤潮微藻对UVB辐射增强的敏感性依次是赤潮异弯藻、亚历山大藻和中肋骨条藻。 2 ) UVB辐射增强抑制赤潮异弯藻的生长和脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 的合成, 而低剂量的UVB辐射对中肋骨条藻和亚历山大藻的生长与DNA的合成表现出刺激作用, 高剂量则表现出抑制作用。 3) 随着UVB辐射的增强, 3种海洋赤潮微藻核糖核酸 (RNA) 和蛋白质的合成速度下降, 其中赤潮异弯藻合成速度的下降幅度明显大于中肋骨条藻和亚历山大藻, 表明赤潮异弯藻RNA和蛋白质的合成对UVB辐射增强的敏感性高于中肋骨条藻和亚历山大藻。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity in human lens epithelial (HLE) cells. Irradiation of HLE cells with ultraviolet B and ultraviolet C radiation activates the stress-response MAPK proteins, p38 and c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK), in a dose- and time-dependent manner, while the extracellular-regulated signal kinase (ERK 44/42) cascade was not altered by UVR exposure. Ultraviolet A radiation failed to elicit a MAPK response. UVR-induced MAPK activation does not require protein kinase C or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, suggesting that this is not a receptor-mediated event. Inhibition of ribosomal translation completely abolished UVR-induced MAPK activation, while treatment with the antioxidant, N-acetyl cysteine, and mild heat shock had no effect on this activation. These data demonstrate for the first time the selective activation of MAPK cascades in a lens epithelial cell line.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation (UV) has been shown to cause an electrophysiologically measured inactivation of the rapid, transient sodium conductance system in nerve. Tritiated saxitoxin ([3H]STX) was used as a structural probe to assess the possibility of a corresponding perturbation in the conformation of the STX binding site. UV irradiation caused an irreversible decrease in the total number of high-affinity [3H]STX binding sites in rat synaptosomes, while the dissociation constant of the remaining sites did not change. The receptor loss followed first-order kinetics, and the rate of loss was independent of temperature. The action spectrum for binding loss indicated a peak in spectral sensitivity near 280 nm. A22Na flux assay in irradiated synaptosomes directly demonstrated that [3H]STX binding sites and veratridinestimulated, STX-blocked 22Na efflux had similar sensitivities to UV radiation. We conclude that the UV inactivation of functional channels includes a modification of the STX binding-site structure.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B (UVB, 280-315 nm) radiation is detrimental to both of larvae of the digenetic trematode Schistosoma mansoni and its snail intermediate host, Biomphalaria glabrata. We explored effects of UVB on three aspects of the interaction between host and parasite: survival of infected snails, innate susceptibility and resistance of snails to infection, and acquired resistance induced by irradiated miracidia. Snails infected for 1 week showed significantly lower survival than uninfected snails following irradiation with a range of UVB intensities. In contrast to known immunomodulatory effects in vertebrates, an effect of UVB on susceptibility or resistance of snails to infection could not be conclusively demonstrated. Finally, exposure of susceptible snails to UVB-irradiated miracidia failed to induce resistance to a subsequent challenge with nonirradiated miracidia, a result similar to that reported previously with ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Vitamin D is essential for normal growth, calcuim absorption, and skeletal development. Vitamin D deficiency can cause death, immobilization, or pelvic deformities which prevent normal childbirth. In the past these problems were extremely common in North America and Europe, and were only elminated by adding vitamin D to food. Prior to that, variations in available vitamin D affected health, survival and reproductive efficiency sufficiently to have evolutionary significance. Vitamin D is naturally present in few foods; most comes from the photo-conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol in skin. The limiting factor in this conversion is the availability of ultraviolet light less than310 nm. Seasonal and geographic variations in natural ultraviolet radiation cause parallel variations in blood vitamin D levels, intestinal calcuim absorption, and clinical vitamin D deficiency. These physiological variations can be abolished by exposure to comparable artificial ultraviolet radiation, or by dietary vitamin D supplements. Ultraviolet radiation less than310 nm is absorbed by skin pigment, but is also increases skin pigmentation. This has led to the hypothesis that skin pigment regulates skin vitamin D production. Little direct evidence exists to test this reasonable hypothesis, but necessary and sufficient conditions for establishing it can be outlined. Until this hypothesis is experimentally tested, it is impossible to evaluate the corollary hypothesis: that racial variations in the efficiency of cutaneous vitamin D production restricted the evolution of dark-skinned peoples to tropical latitudes and thereby caused the geographic distribution of the races.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation has provided an evolutionary challenge to life on Earth. Recent increases in surficial ultraviolet B fluxes have focused attention on the role of UV radiation in protistan ecology, cancer, and DNA damage. Exploiting this new wealth of data, I examine the possibility that ultraviolet radiation may have played a significant role in the evolution of the first eukaryotes, that is, protists. Protists probably arose well before the formation of a significant ozone shield, and thus were probably subjected to substantial ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B, and ultraviolet C fluxes early in their evolution. Evolution consists of the generation of heritable variations and the subsequent selection of these variants. Ultraviolet radiation has played a role both as a mutagen and as a selective agent. In its role as a mutagen, it may have been crucial in the origin of sex and as a driver of molecular evolution. As a selective agent, its influence has been broad. Discussed in this paper are the influence of ultraviolet radiation on biogeography, photosynthesis, and desiccation resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of five Torulopsis glabrata isolates resulted in the appearance of a wide variety of auxotrophic variants. 16 auxotrophic phenotypes were observed. These results suggest that typical isolates of this amictic yeast are haploid.  相似文献   

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