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Selected nitrogen and phosphorus pools in two freshwater tidal marsh ecosystems on the lower Connecticut River were measured relative to Phragmites, Typha and mixed native wetland plant cover types. For both the Chapman Pond Preserve and Chester Creek Marsh, significant differences were found between plant cover types in porewater ammonium and phosphate for some months during the 1998 growing season; porewater nitrate was always below the detection limit. At Chapman Pond, no significant differences were detected between Phragmites and Typha for plant tissue N concentrations. The standing stock of nitrogen was higher in Phragmites stands, however, owing to its greater aboveground biomass. No significant difference was found between plant cover types for total soil N at Chapman Pond, but KCl extractable ammonium was higher in the mixed cover type than Phragmites or Typha. The results of this study suggest that Phragmites is affecting nutrient pools in freshwater tidal marshes, a result that should be considered in future management design.  相似文献   

This paper compares the available North Americanliterature and data concerning several ecologicalfactors affecting Phragmites australisin inlandfreshwater, tidal fresh, and tidal brackish marshsystems. We compare aboveground productivity, plantspecies diversity, and sediment biogeochemistry; andwe summarize Phragmiteseffects on faunalpopulations in these habitats. These data suggest thatPhragmitesaboveground biomass is higher thanthat of other plant species occurring in the samemarsh system. Available data do not indicate anysignificant difference in the aboveground Phragmitesbiomass between marsh types, nor doesthere appear to be an effect of salinity on height.However, Phragmitesstem density wassignificantly lower in inland non-tidal freshwatermarshes than in tidal marshes, whether fresh orbrackish. Studies of the effects of Phragmiteson plant species richness suggest that Phragmitesdominated sites have lower diversity.Furthermore, Phragmiteseradication infreshwater sites increased plant diversity in allcases. Phragmitesdominated communities appearto have different patterns of nitrogen cyclingcompared to adjacent plant communities. Abovegroundstanding stocks of nitrogen (N) were found to behigher in Phragmitessites compared to thosewithout Phragmites. Porewater ammonium(NH4 +) did not differ among plant covertypes in the freshwater tidal wetlands, but inbrackish marshes NH4 +was much higher inSpartinaspp. than in neighboring Phragmitesstands. Faunal uses of Phragmitesdominated sites in North America were found to vary bytaxa and in some cases equaled or exceeded use ofother robust emergent plant communities. In light ofthese findings, we make recommendations for futureresearch.  相似文献   

The roles of O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase (OASTL, EC and abscisic (ABA) acid in stress responses to NaCl and cadmium treatments were investigated in Typha latifolia L. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel plants. OASTL activity increased under stress (25-300 microM Cd, 100mM NaCl, 1 microM ABA) in both Typha and Phragmites mainly in roots, contributing substantially to satisfy the higher demand of cysteine for adaptation and protection. The earliest significant responses in intact roots were recorded after 12-24 h of Cd treatments, but different levels of stimulation were also observed after 3 and 7 days of exposure. The OASTL activity responses of Phragmites to salinity (100mM NaCl) were higher than those of Typha. Cysteine synthesis in Typha is much higher than in Phragmites, which supports the efficiency of the thiol-metabolism-based protection shown in Typha. Exogenous ABA increased OASTL activity in both species. Cd treatments led to increased ABA levels in roots. Phragmites showed higher ABA levels compared to Typha. The increase of ABA content indicates the involvement of this phytohormone in early stress responses, while the stimulation of OASTL following the ABA application suggests that ABA has a role in an OASTL activation pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A. was historically cleared largely for pastoral purposes; it is now comprised of recently abandoned pastures dominated by non‐native pasture species. To investigate the potential for reducing non‐native species relative to native species, park managers initiated an experiment in 1995 that included mowing, herbicide application, planting of seed, and burning of replicate 20 × 50–m plots at each of two sites within Cades Cove. Between 1995 and 2001 we evaluated the response of the plant community (i.e., species‐specific cover and frequency, biomass, diversity) to this suite of treatments and compared it with unmanipulated control plots at each site. Four years after treatment initiation abundance measures of Plantago lanceolata, Setaria geniculata, and Trifolium spp. averaged one‐third lower in treated than control plots. Frequency of Festuca pratensis was lower in treated than in control plots for 2 years, but after 4 years its frequency, cover, and biomass did not differ between treated and control plots. By 2000 the cover of Sorghastrum nutans in treated plots increased to 23–47%, depending on the site. Total biomass and diversity increased in treated plots. The dominance of Lespedeza cuneata at one site apparently reduced planting success, biomass production, and diversity and evenness. Post‐treatment lags in response for several species, coupled with interannual variation in response to environmental conditions, suggest that evaluations of treatment success would differ greatly depending on when the evaluation was conducted.  相似文献   

We document the regeneration of native freshwater wetland plant assemblages following removal of the common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel from two sites at Chapman Pond, East Haddam, Connecticut, USA. We gathered field data on composition of the vegetation 1 year before and for each of the 3 years after the removal in fall 1995/spring 1996 of Phragmites by two slightly different methods (hand-removal and herbiciding in one area, mowing/mulching and herbiciding in another). An area where Phragmites was left intact was similarly monitored. Our goals for this monitoring were: (1) to document plant species composition and richness before and after Phragmites removal and (2) to examine temporal and spatial variability in patterns of plant recruitment. Phragmites declined in both density and extent in both plots where removal treatments were applied. Richness, evenness, and density of non-Phragmites species increased steadily from 1996 to 1997 in all removal and intact plots. However, the species composition of the removal plots was richer than that of the intact plot, and more closely resembled that of comparable, uninvaded freshwater tidal wetlands. Rates of recovery of species richness in the removal plots declined from 1997 to 1998, potentially reflecting saturation of available colonization space, or the return of Phragmites. Phragmites has expanded its range in both of the removal plots since 1997. A model of its colonization indicates that Phragmites occupies space through localized proliferation of dense rhizomes rather than diffusely foraging with long tillers. Vigilance in monitoring is needed to document the spread of invasives, to evaluate the multi-faceted ecological effects of eradication efforts on both the invader and the regenerating community, and develop strategies for preventing re-invasion.  相似文献   

Although Phragmites has been an upper border tidal marsh species for thousands of years, it is only recently (within the last century or so) that the distribution of this plant within the coastal marsh community has become prominent. Prior to approximately 100 years ago, Phragmites was an upper border/brackish marsh co-dominant in many marsh systems. Occurrence of this species varied between associations of sedges, Typha, forbs and a variety of woody shrubs. Paleoreconstructions rarely show the presence of a Phragmites monoculture or early associations with salt marsh species. However, since the turn of this century (and perhaps as early as the middle of the last century) the distribution of Phragmites has changed substantially. Today, this plant often forms dense monocultures and is commonly found in association with Spartina grasses. The results of this paleoecological investigation show that the changes that have been observed in Phragmites communities during the last 100 years are not part of the long-term cycle of development in these systems and are new to the landscape.  相似文献   

Within the genus Phragmites (Poaceae), the species P. australis (the common reed) is virtually cosmopolitan, and shows considerable variation in ploidy level and morphology. Genetic variation in Phragmites was studied using AFLPs, and analysed with parsimony and distance methods. Groups of P. australis strongly supported in the analyses include one that comprises all South American clones, a distinct group from the US Gulf Coast, and a group of E. Asian and Australian octoploids. Among the other species, the paleotropical P. vallatoria is supported as monophyletic and most closely related to the paraphyletic P. mauritianus and to the Gulf Coast and S. American groups. The E. Asian species P. japonicus is closely related to a group of P. australis clones mostly from central North America. Tetraploidy predominates in the genus, and optimisation of chromosome numbers onto the phylogeny shows that higher ploidy levels have evolved many times.  相似文献   

Saline meadows in Goshen Bay, Utah County, Utah, USA, occur interspersed among large areas of salt playa. Springs irrigate these meadows which show concentric vegetational zones surrounding each spring. Each vegetational zone demonstrates its own unique dominant vascular plant species. The central zone is dominated primarily by Scirpus americanus, the middle zone by Eleocharis palustris and the outer zone by Juncus balticus, Distichlis spicata and Muhlenbergia asperifolia. As distance increases from the springs, pH and soluble salt concentration increase, while percent organic matter, percent moisture and phosphorus decrease. With the increase in salt levels and decrease in water levels, halophytic plant species generally increase with distance from the springs.  相似文献   

物种多样性(SD)与功能多样性(FD)之间存在多种关系,但由于生态系统功能主要由物种的功能属性决定,因而功能多样性对生态系统功能的影响大于物种多样性的影响。但在种间性状差异和物种均匀度这两个构成功能多样性的基本成分中,何者对功能多样性影响更大,并进而决定SD-FD关系尚不明确。通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期6a的刈割(留茬1 cm、3 cm及不刈割)和施肥(尿素7.5 g m~(-2)a~(-1)+磷酸二胺1.8 g m~(-2)a~(-1)、不施肥)控制实验,研究了种间性状差异(33个物种13个性状)和物种均匀度(所有物种)对物种多样性(所有物种)与功能多样性(33个物种13个性状)之间关系的影响。研究结果显示:(1)物种多样性与功能多样性正相关,它们与多性状种间差异负相关,而与物种均匀度正相关。物种均匀度是导致功能多样性变化的主要因素,也是导致SD-FD正相关的原因,这是因为随着物种多样性增加,物种均匀度的增加程度大于多性状种间差异的减少程度,因而功能多样性增加,SD-FD正相关;(2)功能多样性指数(FD_(Rao)和FDis)随物种多样性指数(H')减速递增,表明群落存在一定的功能冗余,且功能冗余随物种多样性的增大而增大,但尚未达到产生SD-FD无相关性的极限H'值;(3)功能多样性对高寒草甸生态系统地上净初级生产力(ANPP)的影响大于物种多样性的影响,二元线性回归显示在同时考虑二者对ANPP的影响时,可排除物种多样性的作用。但由于物种多样性下降或物种丧失引起的物种功能性状丢失或性状空间维度减小将导致功能多样性降低,表明它们之间存在一定互补性,在研究生物多样性与生态系统功能关系时,同时考虑物种多样性和功能多样性的影响仍十分必要。  相似文献   

Reed invasion is a common phenomenon of open streams with disturbed riparian vegetation in river catchments. Knowledge of the effects of such vegetation change on aquatic communities is fundamental to river management. Macroinvertebrate fauna in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. and open bank habitats were examined in three rivers in central Victoria in order to understand the effect of such littoral habitat on macroinvertebrates. Data were analysed using Partially Nested Factorial ANOVA with season, river and habitats as main effects. Habitat structure had a significant effect (p<0.05) on macroinvertebrate species richness, however this was not seasonally consistent across the three rivers. There was a significant increase (p<0.05) in macroinvertebrate taxa richness in Phragmites habitats during winter and spring seasons. Total abundance of taxa showed no consistent significant differences in the two habitats. Results of Canonical Analysis of Principle Coordinates indicated significant differences (p<0.05) in macroinvertebrate assemblages between Phragmites and bare bank habitats in all seasons. Habitat selection by taxa could be related to the microphysical environment of the habitats. This study suggests that reed beds create important littoral habitat structures which support diverse macroinvertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   

为探究外来植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)入侵与南京市本土植物多样性的关系,该文采用踏查及样方调查对其入侵地群落的物种组成与多样性进行研究。结果表明:(1)入侵地群落中共有维管植物200种(含种下单元),隶属于62科156属,其中被子植物195种,裸子植物1种,蕨类植物4种; 数量最多的是菊科(Asteraceae)和禾本科(Poaceae)植物,分别有25种和24种; 从生活型来看,草本植物占多数,有133种,占所有种的66.50%; 此外,群落内尚有其他外来植物29种。群落中重要值最大的是加拿大一枝黄花,为40.00%; 其次是救荒野豌豆(Vicia sativa),为7.00%。(2)从植物区系看,非入侵地中植物科的区系分布型共4个,而入侵地植物科的区系类型仅有3个,其中泛热带分布、世界分布和北温带分布为两者均有,东亚和北美间断分布型仅在非入侵地中存在。非入侵地植物科的区系以世界分布型为主,有13科,占该类型群落中所有科的39.39%; 入侵地则以泛热带分布型为主,有16科,占总科数的45.71%。非入侵地中植物属的区系分布型有10个,而入侵地有12个,两者区系成分相近,旧世界热带型和热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布型仅在入侵地中出现。北温带分布型和世界分布型同为两者中最主要成分。入侵地及非入侵地群落属的区系R/T值分别为0.58和0.38,种系分化度分别为3.29和3.11。(3)重度入侵群落的Margalef指数(E)与非入侵及轻度入侵群落相比,显著降低; 此外,重度入侵群落的Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Weiner(H'')指数和Pielou指数(J)均显著低于非入侵、轻度入侵、中度入侵群落。(4)不同生境之间加拿大一枝黄花群落的EDH''J均无显著性差异。该研究可为南京地区的加拿大一枝黄花入侵地的治理防控和生态恢复,以及进一步的科学研究提供强有力的理论支撑。  相似文献   

The mesophyll protoplasts were isolated from the Solanum tuberosum (S. tbr) clones of different ploidy level (4x Bzura cv., 2x H-8105, and 2x ZEL-1136) as well as from the wild species: S. bulbocastanum (S. blb, 2x) and two accessions of S. nigrum (S. ngr, 6x). Additionally, the protoplasts were isolated from the cell suspensions of Bzura cv. and H-8105 clone. The conditions of protoplast isolation as well as the media for their culturing and regeneration, were selected and optimized for the studied genotypes. For mesophyll protoplasts, the shooting calli were produced by all the cultured protoclones except that of S. bulbocastanum. The shoots excised from the protoplast-derived calli developed into whole plants in all the studied potato clones but only in one accession of S. nigrum, i.e. S. ngr var. gigantea. As for suspension-cell-derived protoplasts, only H-8105 clone produced the regenerative type of calli, though normal shoots could not be obtained. The regenerative capacity of the protoplasts isolated from leaves and cell suspensions is compared and discussed. We regret to report the death of M. Sc. Maria Borkowska after the completion of this work.  相似文献   

Many desert playas are covered with water in the early spring. As theweather becomes warmer and drier, water evaporates, increasing saltcontent of the soil from 7,000 to almost 16,000 mmol NaCl Kg-1. Changes in respiratory metabolism during the growing season of fourhalophytes characteristic of cold desert playas was followed usingcalorimetry. In order of decreasing salt tolerance, the species examinedwere: the forbs Salicornia rubra, S. utahensis; the grass Distichlisspicata; and the shrub Allenrolfea occidentalis. Tissue collected in thefield from sites of low and high salinity in a single playa during May, June,and August of 1997 was put in isothermal calorimeters and the metabolicheat rate (q) and respiration rate (RCO2) measured. Efficiency ofsubstrate carbon conversion (q/RCO2) and predicted specific growthrate (HBRSG) were calculated. These species are allwell-adapted to the environment in which they are found. Highestmetabolism, respiration, efficiency and growth are found during May andJune and are lowest during the hot, dry month of August. Differencesbetween the species are also noted.  相似文献   

Three new coccoid zoospore-producing green algae includingAxilococcus clingmanii gen. & spec. nov.,Lautosphaeria monsfumosa gen. & spec. nov., andDictylochloris pulchra spec. nova (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae) are described.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The development of lakeside fringes of Phragmites reeds can be affected by high water levels, leading in extreme cases to die-back. A model is presented that allows estimation of the proportions of the damage. The model-formulated for 1 year and one Phragmites stalk—is based on the growth curve of the stalk, the altitude of the growth site, and the water level curve for the year. Applied to a reed stand over a series of years, the model is based upon the frequency distribution of the critical stalk length and the chance that the water level will be below a given value, each parameter being time dependent. Three case studies from Lake Constance-Untersee provide an example of the significance of episodic high water levels. Hence, aestival high water levels are expected to be one of the main factors controlling the lakeside frontline of the reedbelt. The model can be used in waterworks engineering, where reed plantations are to be established on the shores of lakes and reservoirs with strongly fluctuating water levels.  相似文献   

The activities and properties of cellulases and xylanases associated with Phragmites communis leaves were followed during the course of their decomposition from autumn to summer in a seawater lake. Cellulases and xylanases of low optimum pH (4 or less) were detected on aerial dead leaves before submergence. These enzymes remained on the leaves immediately after submergence, but were replaced by enzymes with a higher optimum pH (about 5.5 to 6.5), the activity of which increased rapidly during the initial two weeks. The enzyme activities then declined with water temperature until about day 100, but gradually increased again thereafter. This successive change in enzyme activities closely correlated with that of the decomposition rates of cellulose and xylan. The molecular weight distribution of the cellulases and xylanases changed markedly in the latter half of the experimental period, which suggested a change in the flora of active decomposer microorganisms.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass and species diversity in a shallow, eutrophic Danish lake are described and related to different disturbance events acting on the phytoplankton community.Both the spring diatom maximum and the summer bloom of the filamentous blue-green alga, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, coincided with low values of phytoplankton species diversity and equitability. Diatom collapse was mainly due to internal modifications as nutrient depletion (Si, P) caused by rapid growth of phytoplankton, and increased grazing activity from zooplankton. A large population of Daphnia longispina O.F. Müller in June effectively removed smaller algal competitors, thus favouring the development of a huge summer bloom (140 mm3 l–1) of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Heavy rainfall and storms in late July increased the loss of Apahnizomenon by out-flow and disturbed the stratification of the lake. These events caused a marked decline in phytoplankton biomass but had no effect on species diversity. A second storm period in late August circulated the lake completely and was followed by a rapid increase in phytoplankton diversity, and a change in the phytoplankton community structure from dominance of large, slow-growing K-selected species (Aphanizomenon) to small, fast-growing r-selected species (cryptomonads).  相似文献   

向琳  陈芳清  官守鹏  王玉兵  吕坤 《生态学报》2019,39(21):8144-8155
研究植物群落功能多样性沿环境梯度的变化可以揭示功能多样性与生态系统功能间的关系及维持机制。以井冈山地区鹿角杜鹃(Rhododendron latoucheae)群落为研究对象,通过调查不同海拔梯度群落灌木层植物的物种组成与结构特征,研究了该群落类型灌木层植物的物种多样性、功能多样性、环境因子的特征及其相互之间的关系。结果表明:1)群落类型灌木层植物物种多样性和功能多样性沿海拔梯度呈现不同的变化趋势。物种多样性指数均随着海拔的升高呈减小趋势,而功能多样性指数的变化却较为复杂。其中FRic、FEveFDis随着海拔的升高显著减小,FDivRao却随海拔的升高而增加;2)群落中物种多样性和功能多样性呈现复杂的相关性。FRic、FEve与丰富度指数呈显著正相关,而Rao、FDis、FDivSimpson优势度指数呈线性相关关系,且具有显著相关性;3)群落所分布的坡位及土壤氮与磷含量等环境因子对灌木植物的功能多样性有着重要的影响。鹿角杜鹃群落灌木层植物的物种多样性和功能多样性的相互关系及其对环境变化的响应共同决定了群落的生态系统功能。  相似文献   

Marsh vegetation plays an important role in trophic ecology of estuaries. Once broken down to detritus, it is an important food source for manyorganisms. In Atlantic Coast marshes, the reed Phragmites australis hasbeen invading many areas once dominated by smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora. In this study we evaluated the growth of and trophictransfer of metals to estuarine invertebrates when fed diets of detritus fromthese different plant species. Decaying leaves from populations of Phragmites, natural Spartina, and restored Spartina from boththe Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey, and the more pristineAccabonac Harbor of East Hampton, New York, were collected from themarsh surface in the spring. Decaying leaves were pureed and fed to thefiddler crabs Uca pugnax and U. pugilator, and to the grassshrimp Palaemonetes pugio. In fiddler crabs we monitored limbregeneration, molting and weight. U. pugilator regenerated limbs andmolted equally well on all six diets. Most of the U. pugnax arrestedgrowth midway through regeneration on all 6 diets. A repeat experimentwith smaller crabs, which did complete the process, found no consistentdifferences among the six diets and control food, although control food andPhragmites detritus had higher N concentrations than the Spartinadetritus. Grass shrimp fed all six diets did not survive beyond 3 weeks. Inanother experiment using HM sediments from each vegetation type(containing detritus, meiofauna, and microflora), survival was equally highamong treatments and the shrimp fed sediments from the restored Spartina site or control food grew better than those fed sediments fromthe Phragmites or natural Spartina sites. Although metalconcentrations in detritus varied between sites and plant species, the crabsof each group did not differ in metal concentrations after the feedingexperiment. Our data do not support the general assumption that Phragmites leaf detritus is of poorer nutritional quality than Spartinaalterniflora leaf detritus to estuarine consumers.  相似文献   

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