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Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) obtained from humans were cytotoxic for influenza virus-infected target cells. The PBL were shown to have associated influenza virus anti-hemagglutinin antibody (AHAb) detectable only by radioimmunoassay. This antibody could be removed by incubating PBL at 37 degrees C for 30 min. The lymphocyte population that was effective in this system was nonadherent and nonphagocytic cells. PBL gave comparable levels of cytotoxicity when tested by using either a xenogeneic or allogeneic virus-infected target cell. These results indicate that lymphocyte cytotoxicity to influenza virus infected cells may be mediated by small quantities of antibody and by lymphocytes that possess characteristics of K cells. No evidence for T cell-mediated cytolysis was found with this xenogeneic system.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from uninfected control mice selectively lysed BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a murine coronavirus. Lysis of infected cells occurred within 3 hr, and histocompatibility between effector and target cells was not required. This natural, cell-mediated, virus-associated cytotoxicity differed from NK cell- and T cell-mediated lysis. Spleen cells from animals infected with MHV were enriched in NK activity and were more cytotoxic to YAC-1 target cells, but did not show enhanced cytotoxicity for MHV-infected target cells. Spleen cells from beige mice, which are deficient in NK cell activity, were able to lyse MHV-infected target cells, as were spleen cells from nude mice, which are deficient in T cell activity. Lysis of MHV-infected target cells could be mediated by cells from the spleen and, to a lesser extent, by cells from the bone marrow, but not by resident peritoneal cells or thymocytes. We suggest the term "virus killer (VK) activity" for this phenomenon. VK activity of splenocytes from different mouse strains correlated with the ability of the splenocytes to bind purified radiolabeled MHV virions. MHV virions caused agglutination of spleen leukocytes from susceptible mouse strains, indicating that leukocyte agglutination or adsorption may provide a useful assay for coronaviruses such as MHV which lack hemagglutinating activity. SJL mouse splenocytes did not bind MHV and did not lyse infected targets. MHV bound relatively well to splenocytes of other mouse strains, but poorly to thymocytes and erythrocytes. Binding of MHV to leukocytes was not influenced by 6 mM EDTA or EGTA, indicating a lack of requirement for Mg++ or Ca++. VK activity was also resistant to EDTA and EGTA, in contrast to NK activity, which was sensitive to those chelating agents. VK activity was also unaffected by actinomycin D, cycloheximide, or puromycin, indicating that new protein synthesis was not required for lysis. Antibody to interferon-alpha/beta did not block lysis, nor was there substantially enhanced lysis mediated by leukocytes from mice infected with virus and thus exposed to high levels of interferon. VK activity was blocked by antibody directed against the peplomeric glycoprotein E2 of MHV. VK activity required infected target cells, because cells with adsorbed MHV virions were not lysed by splenocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) were studied for their ability to mediate cytotoxicity against varicella-zoster virus (VZV)-infected and uninfected human fibroblasts in 51Cr release assays. PMN were capable of mediating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against VZV-infected targets. Maximal ADCC was obtained with effector-to-target ratios of 100:1 and 18 h of incubation. Percent 51Cr release for 26 normal adults was 14.1 +/- 0.6 (mean +/- standard error) in the presence of pooled human seropositive sera (final dilution, 1:100) and 0.5 +/- 0.6 in the presence of pooled human seronegative sera. Addition of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) enhanced PMN-mediated cytotoxicity against VZV-infected and uninfected targets. PMA-stimulated cytotoxicity was optimal with PMA concentrations of 200 ng/ml and effector-to-target ratios of 10:1, and antibody was not required; killing was detected as early as 3 h after incubation and was maximal after 18 h. Highly purified PMN were capable of mediating both ADCC and PMA-stimulated lysis. Catalase completely inhibited PMA-stimulated PMN cytotoxicity, but had no effect on PMN-mediated ADCC. PMN from patients with chronic granulomatous disease were capable of mediating ADCC, but not PMA-stimulated killing, against VZV-infected targets. Thus, PMN could kill VZV-infected targets by two different mechanisms: ADCC, which required antibody but not hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and PMA-stimulated cytotoxicity, which required H2O2 but not antibody.  相似文献   

Freshly collected peritoneal cells (PC) and cultured spleen cells (SC) (but not fresh SC) from nonimmune mice could mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells in the presence of mouse or human sera containing antibody to HSV. PC also demonstrated variable natural killer cell cytotoxicity to infected cells. Both PC and cultured SC required high concentrations of antibody and high effector to target cell ratios for optimal ADCC. The time kinetics of the reaction appeared to depend on the state of activation of the effector cells. In both PC and SC populations, ADCC activity was limited to adherent cells, and was profoundly inhibited by particulate latex or silica. The murine effector cell found in PC and SC able to mediate ADCC to HSV-infected cells appears to be a macrophage.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which human lymphocytes lyse virus-infected allogeneic fibroblast cultures were analyzed with particular consideration of the role of anti-viral antibodies and interferon. Human cells infected with viruses were able to induce high levels of interferon upon contact with human lymphocytes. Interferon, whether produced by lymphocytes after direct infection with virus or induced upon exposure of lymphocytes to virus-infected fibroblasts, appeared to be responsible for enhancing the cytotoxic efficiency of the natural killer cell against the infected target. Activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes occurred as early as 6 hr after addition of interferon and increased up to 24 hr. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (Ab-CMC) could be easily induced by sensitization of infected target cells with antiviral antibodies and could be detected at 4 hr from the beginning of the cytotoxic test, before the effect of interferon on the natural killer cell was evident. However, the antibody-dependent effector cell was inactive after 4 hr of incubation. F(ab')2 fragments of rabbit anti-human IgG completely inhibited Ab-CMC but did not at all affect the spontaneous cytotoxic activity of the effector cells against virus-infected target.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells which mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against herpes simplex virus- (HSV) infected target cells consist of both adherent (MA) and nonadherent (MNA) effector cell populations. These two cell populations can be distinguished by their different phagocytic properties and morphologic appearance, their requirement for antibody in the ADCC reaction, and the rapidity with which they lyse target cells in the presence of immune serum. The MA cells are predominantly phagocytic and have the morphologic characteristics of monocyte-macrophages, whereas the MNA cells are nonphagocytic and appear to be small to medium-sized lymphocytes. Optimal expression of ADCC by MA cells requires higher concentrations of immune serum than does MNA cell-mediated ADCC. MA-mediated cell killing is first detectable by 8 hr and reaches completion after 24 hr of incubation. In contrast, MNA-mediated ADCC produces target cell damage by 2 hr and reaches completion at 8 hr of incubation. Unlike MNA effector cells, the MA effector cells are profoundly inhibited after preincubation with either latex or silica particles. The HSV immune status of the donor had no effect on the ability of either cell population to mediate ADCC. These data demonstrate the participation of both nonadherent mononuclear cells, presumably K cells, and monocyte-macrophages, in ADCC directed against HSV-infected target cells.  相似文献   

The effector cell in mouse spleen which mediates natural cytotoxicity against mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-infected target cells was characterized. The target cells were MHV-infected BALB/c 3T3, and the assay time was 3 hr. The effector cell, designated virus killer (VK) cell for the purpose of discussion, had the following phenotype: lymphocyte morphology, plastic-nonadherent, nylon wool-adherent, nonphagocytic, cyclophosphamide-sensitive; by antibody plus complement (C) depletion studies, it was asialo GM1-, NK 1.2 alloantigen-negative, Thy-1.2-, Lyt-5-, and macrophage antigen-negative; by rosetting techniques, it was Fc receptor-positive and surface Fab+; by flow cytometry (FACS) analysis, it was Lyt-2-, MAC-1-, Ia+, IgG (gamma)+, IgM (mu)+, IgD (delta)+, and B cell lineage antibody B-220+. NK cells, measured for cytotoxicity on YAC-1 cells, were similarly tested and were found to differ from the VK cell in the following properties: nylon wool-nonadherent, asialo GM1+, NK alloantigen-positive, Lyt-5+, surface Fab-, MAC-1+, Ia-, IgG-, IgM-, IgD-, and B-220-. The VK effector cell had a phenotype highly distinguishable from NK cells, effectors most commonly associated with antiviral natural cytotoxicity. The VK cell had a phenotype identical to that of a B lymphocyte and was identified as such. Although the effector cells displayed cell surface antibody, the antibody did not appear to be involved in lysis, because lysis could not be blocked by F(ab)'2 directed against Fab, mu, or delta. Cytotoxicity was more likely associated with recognition of the B lymphocyte surface by the MHV glycoprotein E2, as shown in the accompanying companion paper. This is the first demonstration that natural cytotoxicity can be mediated by B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against dengue-infected target cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to dengue virus-infected target cells is described. Effector cells were generated in an in vitro secondary culture and appeared to be T cells possessing both the Lyt 1.1 and Lyt 2.1 surface antigens. A stronger CTL response was noted with the H-2k haplotype compared to H-2d, and H-2 compatibility was required between CTL and target cells. CTL generated showed some cross-reactivity with target cells infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), another flavivirus, but not with target cells infected with an alphavirus, Sindbis. The significance and importance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

An in vitro human antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity system was used to study the adherence of nonsensitized attacking lymphocytes from peripheral blood to antibody coated melanoma target cells. Specific adherence of attacking cells was documented by labeling the lymphocytes with 51Cr. The degree of specific adherence was proportional to antibody concentration and incubation time and could be detected before the lysis of target cells. Adsorption of attacking lymphocytes on immune serum treated target cells depleted B cells, enriched T cells, and removed most cytotoxic activity of nonadherent lymphocytes in this system. These results were not found when attacking lymphocytes were adsorbed on normal serum treated target cells.  相似文献   

Lymphocytotoxicity using S3-Hela target cells has been studied in 20 cancer patients treated with ionizing radiation (head and neck, lung and breast cancers). Monolayer cultures of Hela cells were marked with radioactive 51 Chromium and cultured with non stimulated or phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated lymphocytes. This study shows a spontaneous decrease of lymphocytotoxicity in cancer patients as compared with normal subjects and an immunodepressive effect of radiotherapy. We observe a significant decrease of lymphocytotoxicity for either stimulated or non-stimulated lymphocytes at the end of radiation treatment. Moreover one month after completion of radiotherapy a possible repair of a lymphocytoxicity seems to be related with a short-term (6 months) good prognosis.  相似文献   

Human peripheral Wood lymphocytes were depleted of natural killer cells cytotoxic against human fetal fibroblasts by allowing them to attack the fibroblast targets grown on plastic beads followed by gravity sedimentation under conditions in which single cells floated but the attacker cells sedimented with the carrier beads. The attacker cells could be released from the bead-grown targets and shown to be greatly enriched in natural cytotoxic activity. The effector cells depleted by fibroblast adsorption were also depleted of cytotoxic activity against other monolayer targets whereas suspension grown lymphoma and leukemia cells (MOLT-4, RAJI, and K-562) were killed as effectively as by non-depleted effector cells. In competition assays other monolayer cells inhibited the natural cytotoxicity against fetal fibroblasts but the suspension-grown cells were unable to compete. The results suggested that different effector cell populations were probably involved when monolayer vs suspension targets were used in assays for human natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The separation was not, however, functionally complete since in competition assays with suspension-grown target cells also monolayer cells were able to compete. Preliminary morphological characterization of the natural killer cells against fetal fibroblasts is also presented.  相似文献   

This study was designed to elucidate whether populations of human blood lymphocytes other than non-T, non-B, Fc receptor-positive K cells can mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against target cells acutely infected with type 1 herpes simplex virus. With appropriate technical precautions, a subset of E rosette-positive, nylon wool-adherent T cells were found to be effective in killing antibody-coated target cells. Thus, there appears to be at least two relatively distinct populations of lymphocytes in human peripheral blood that function as effectors in ADCC: one that consists of E rosette-negative cells, the other of E rosette-positive cells. These findings suggest a possible relationship between “classical” E rosette-negative K cells and E rosette-positive T cells.  相似文献   

Generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed leukocyte cultures was suppressed by a factor elaborated by alloantigen-activated T cells. This suppressor factor, CTL-TsF, in contrast to a factor that suppresses proliferative responses in mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR-TsF), was effective only when added during the first 24 hr of a 6-day-culture period. Moreover, removal of CTL-TsF 24 hr after culture initiation failed to restore CTL responses. CTL activity could be rescued from suppressed cultures, however, by addition of 2-mercaptoethanol on days 3 or 4. Similarly, transfer of nonadherent cells at 3 or 4 days from cultures treated with CTL-TsF to cultures of adherent cells initiated in control factor restored CTL responses. Mixing experiments with cells pulsed with CTL-TsF for 4 hr at culture initiation identified a target of CTL-TsF as a Thy-1 negative cell that was adherent to plastic and to Sephadex G-10. Suppression was not due to interference with physiologic accessory cell function, but more likely was accomplished via a negative signal from CTL-TsF-pulsed cells. The results thus suggest that CTL-TsF acts early, but reversibly, in the CTL differentiative process via a second suppressor effector cell, possibly a macrophage.  相似文献   

Human lectin-dependent T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Hep-2 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A sensitive method for human lectin-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (LDCC) is presented using HEp-2 adherent human epipharynx carcinoma cells as targets. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by detachment from the monolayer of 3H-TdR-prelabelled HEp-2 cells. Maximal LDCC was obtained in a 24 h assay with a Con A dose of 25 micrograms/ml for 50 : 1 effector-target cell ratio requiring only 2500 target cells per well. Testing of five different lymphocyte fractions: peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), monocyte-enriched adherent cells (AC), monocyte-depleted non-adherent cells (non-AC), T and non-T lymphocytes as effector cells from 25 normal individuals, suggests that LDCC to HEp-2 targets is mediated by T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from nonimmune healthy donors who did not have antibody to hepatitis A virus lysed hepatitis A virus-infected BS-C-1 cells to a greater degree than uninfected BS-C-1 cells. The predominant effector cells were contained in the nonadherent peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) fraction, although some lytic activity was associated with adherent cells. Characterization of the PBL with monoclonal antibodies showed that the responsible effector lymphocytes were contained in Leu-11+ and M1+ subsets, but not in the T3+ or T4+ subsets. The phenotypes of the effector cells active in the lysis of hepatitis A virus-infected cells are similar to those of human natural killer cells that lyse K562 cells. Human PBL produced high titers of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) when exposed to hepatitis A virus-infected cells. These results imply that hepatitis A virus infection may be controlled by lymphocyte responses in the liver, i.e., by lymphocyte-mediated lysis of the hepatitis A virus-infected cells, and by the production of high titers of IFN-alpha by lymphocytes exposed to hepatitis A virus-infected cells. Furthermore, these results, along with the observations that hepatitis A virus infection results in a persistent noncytocidal infection in vitro, support the hypothesis that lysis of hepatocytes infected with hepatitis A virus is by lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity and not by virus-induced destruction of the liver cell.  相似文献   

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