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Summary Generation of an effective immune response requires that antigens be processed and presented to T lymphocytes by antigen-presenting cells, the most efficient of which are dendritic cells (DC). Because of their influence on both the innate and the acquired arms of immunity, a defect in DC would be expected, to result in a broad impairment of immune function, not unlike that observed in astronauts during or after space flight. In the study reported here, we investigated whether DC generation and function are altered in a culture environment that models microgravity, i.e., the rotary-cell culture system (RCCS). We observed that RCCS supported the generation of DC identified by morphology, phenotype (HLA-DR+ and lacking lineage-associated markers), and function (high allostimulatory activity). However, the yield of DC from RCCS was significantly lower than that from static cultures. RCCS-generated DC were less able to phagocytoseAspergillus fumigatus conidia and expressed a lower density of surface HLA-DR. The proportion of Dc expressing CD80 was also significantly reduced in RCCS compared to static cultures. When exposed to fungal antigens, RCCS-generated DC produced lower levels of interleukin-12 and failed to upregulate some costimulatory/adhesion molecules involved in antigen presentation. These data suggest that DC generation, and some functions needed to mount an effective immune response to pathogens, may be disturbed in the microgravity environment of space.  相似文献   

AIMS: Bacteria are important residents of water systems, including those of space stations which feature specific environmental conditions, such as lowered effects of gravity. The purpose of this study was to compare responses with modelled reduced gravity of space station, water system bacterial isolates with other isolates of the same species. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial isolates, Stenotrophomonas paucimobilis and Acinetobacter radioresistens, originally recovered from the water supply aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were grown in nutrient broth under modelled reduced gravity. Their growth was compared with type strains S. paucimobilis ATCC 10829 and A. radioresistens ATCC 49000. Acinetobacter radioresistens ATCC 49000 and the two ISS isolates showed similar growth profiles under modelled reduced gravity compared with normal gravity, whereas S. paucimobilis ATCC 10829 was negatively affected by modelled reduced gravity. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that microgravity might have selected for bacteria that were able to thrive under this unusual condition. These responses, coupled with impacts of other features (such as radiation resistance and ability to persist under very oligotrophic conditions), may contribute to the success of these water system bacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Water quality is a significant factor in many environments including the ISS. Efforts to remove microbial contaminants are likely to be complicated by the features of these bacteria which allow them to persist under the extreme conditions of the systems.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic glycation of type I collagen occurs in aging and diabetes, and may affect collagen solubility, charge, polymerization, and intermolecular interactions. Proteoglycans(1) (PGs) bind type I collagen and are proposed to regulate fibril assembly, function, and cell-collagen interactions. Moreover, on the collagen fibril a keratan sulfate (KS) PG binding region overlaps with preferred collagen glycation sites. Thus, we examined the effect of collagen modified by simple glycation on PG-collagen interactions. By affinity coelectrophoresis (ACE), we found reduced affinities of heparin and KSPGs for glycated but not normal collagen, whereas the dermatan sulfate (DS)PGs decorin and biglycan bound similarly to both, and that the affinity of heparin for normal collagen decreased with increasing pH. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy revealed normal and glycated collagens to assume triple helical conformations, but heparin addition caused precipitation and decreased triple helical content-effects that were more marked with glycated collagen. A spectrophotometric assay revealed slower polymerization of glycated collagen. However, ultrastructural analyses indicated that fibrils assembled from normal and glycated collagen exhibited normal periodicity, and had similar structures and comparable diameter distributions. B-cells expressing the cell surface heparan sulfate PG syndecan-1 adhered well to normal but not glycated collagen, and endothelial cell migration was delayed on glycated collagen. We speculate that glycation diminishes the electrostatic interactions between type I collagen and PGs, and may interfere with core protein-collagen associations for KSPGs but not DSPGs. Therefore in vivo, collagen glycation may weaken PG-collagen interactions, thereby disrupting matrix integrity and cell-collagen interactions, adhesion, and migration.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) reside in germinal centers in which their dendrites interdigitate and form non-mobile networks. FDC purification requires the use of collagenase and selection columns and leaves FDCs without detectable dendrites when examined by light microscopy. We have reasoned that isolated FDCs might reattach to a collagen matrix, extend their processes, and form immobile networks in vitro. As a test for this, cells were plated on collagen type I, laminin, biglycan, and hyaluronan. After 12 h, 80%–90% of FDCs adhered to all tested matrices but not to plastic. Within 2 weeks, FDCs adhering to type I collagen had spread out and had begun to acquire processes with occasional interconnections. By day 30, most FDCs had fine processes that formed networks through interdigitation with neighboring cells. FDC identity was confirmed by FDC-M1 labeling, immune complex trapping, and retention by FDCs in the networks. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that groups of FDCs were in networks composed of convolutions and branching dendrites emanating from FDC cell bodies. In vivo, collagen type I was co-localized with FDCs, 5 h after challenge of immune mice with antigen. However, 2 days later, the collagen type I fibers were largely found at the periphery of the active follicles. Flow cytometry established the expression of CD29 and CD44 on FDCs; this may have partly mediated FDC-collagen interactions. Thus, we report, for the first time, that FDCs attach to collagen type I in vitro and regenerate their processes and networks with features in common with networks present in vivo. Financial support for this work was provided by VaxDesign (Orlando, FL 32826) and NIH (grant no. AI-17142). This document was cleared for public release (distribution unlimited) by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA; 9/27/2006).  相似文献   

Type I collagen is a fibril‐forming protein largely responsible for the mechanical stability of body tissues. The tissue level properties of collagen have been studied for decades, and an increasing number of studies have been performed at the fibril scale. However, the mechanical properties of collagen at the molecular scale are not well established. In the study presented herein, the persistence length of pepsin digested bovine type I collagen is extracted from the conformations assumed when deposited from solution onto two‐dimensional surfaces. This persistence length is a measure of the flexibility of the molecule. Comparison of the results for molecules deposited from different solvents allows for the study of the effect of the solutions on the flexibility of the molecule and provides insight into the molecule's behavior in situ. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 329–335, 2014.  相似文献   

Tendon and corneal decorins are differently iduronated dermatan sulphate/proteoglycan (DS/PG) and the biochemical parameter that differentiates type I collagens is the hydroxylysine glycoside content. We have examined the effect of tendon and corneal decorins on the individual phases (tlag, dA/dt) of differently glycosylated type I collagens fibril formation, at molar ratios PG:collagen monomer ranging from 0.15 : 1 to 0.45 : 1. The results obtained indicate that decorins exert a different effect on the individual phases of fibril formation, correlated to the degree of glycosylation of collagen: at the same PG:collagen ratio the fibril formation of highly glycosylated corneal collagen is more efficiently inhibited than that of the poorly glycosylated one (tendon). Moreover tendon and corneal decorins exert a higher control on the fibrillogenesis of homologous collagen with respect to the heterologous one. These data suggest a possible tissue-specificity of the interaction decorin/type I collagen correlated to the structure of the PG and collagen present in extracellular matrices. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although great strides have recently been made in elucidating the factors initiating tumor cell migration and the relevant cellular pathways involved, the constituent components of migratory dynamics for individual tumor cell motion have still not been resolved. Utilizing a three-dimensional (3D) collagen assay and computer-assisted, continuous single cell tracking, we investigated the basic parameters for both the spontaneous and norepinephrine-induced migration of highly metastatic MBA-MB-468 breast, PC-3 prostate, and SW 480 colon carcinoma cells. We show that tumor cells do not migrate with uniform migrational structure and speed as previously thought, but rather, the induction of locomotion elicits significant increases in speed, break frequency, and total cell displacement, but decreases in break length and no change in the recruitment of nonlocomotory cells. We furthermore illustrate the corresponding morphological changes of induced tumor cell migration with emphasis on motion in a collagen matrix. These results demonstrate the complexity of tumor cell migration, and the compulsion for incorporating not only knowledge of intracellular pathways, but also fundamental parameters of migratory behavior into any expansive theory of tumor cell migration and metastasis formation. We furthermore establish the analytical methodology of investigating both the stimulation and potential pharmaceutical inhibition of tumor cell migration.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix and growth factors are the crucial factors that regulate healing and regenerating processes in human periodontal ligament cells. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of type I collagen and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on osteopontin (OPN) expression. The data showed that OPN expression was significantly decreased when cells were cultured on collagen-coated plates. Addition of IGF-I obviously induced OPN expression only in a collagen-coated condition, suggesting an attenuating effect of IGF-I on the decrease of OPN expression. Cells treated with a combination of inhibitory antibody to beta1 integrin and IGF-I showed the same level of OPN expression as those treated with either inhibitory antibody to beta1 integrin or IGF-I alone. These results indicate that IGF-I counteracts with the inhibitory signal from type I collagen through beta1 integrin receptor.  相似文献   

Summary— The behavior of two mammalian cell lines was investigated in Biorack during the 1st Spacelab international microgravity laboratory flight (IML-1) in the ESA facility Biorack. The parameters determined were cell proliferation, biosynthesis of specific cell products, consumption of glucose, glutamine and production of ammonia and lactate respectively. Murine Friend leukemia virus-transformed cells (Friend cells) were induced to differentiate and express hemoglobin (Hg) genes upon induction with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). No change was observed in all metabolic parameters including the production of Hg and the number of Hg-positive cells. Electron microscopy analysis showed no difference in morphology, mean cell volume and mitotic index between the different cell samples, Murine hybridoma cells revealed an increase (+ 30–40%) of cell proliferation rate in microgravity, whereas the metabolic parameters, production of monoclonal antibodies included, were lower in the 0 g than in the 1 g controls. The results clearly show that not all mammalian cells undergo dramatic changes in microgravity and that the effects reported on human T lymphocytes represent a unique case.  相似文献   

Gallium is a Group IIIa transitional element with therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of metabolic bone disorders. Previously described antiresorptive effects of gallium on osteoclasts are not sufficient to account for the full range of effects of gallium on bone structure and metabolism. We have recently shown that gallium nitrate inhibits osteocalcin gene expression and the synthesis of osteocalcin protein, an osteoblast-specific bone matrix protein that is though to serve as a signal to trigger osteoclastic resorption. Here we present evidence for an additional mechanism by which gallium may function to augment bone mass by altering matrix protein synthesis by osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells. Rat calvarial explants exposed to gallium nitrate for 48 h showed increased incorporation of 3H-proline into hydroxyproline and collagenase digestible protein. In addition, gallium treatment increased steady-state mRNA levels for fibronectin and type I procollagen chains in primary rat calvarial osteoblast-enriched cultures, the ROS 17/2.8 osteoblastic osteosarcoma line, and nontransformed human dermal fibroblasts. These findings suggest that the exposure of mesenchymally-derived cells to gallium results in an altered pattern of matrix protein synthesis that would favor increased bone formation.  相似文献   

High-molecular-mass aggregates were made soluble from insoluble collagens of bovine Achilles tendon and rat tail tendon by limited thermal hydrolysis. These polymeric collagen aggregates were cross-linked by 390-nm-fluorescent 3-hydroxy-pyridinium residues (excited at 325 nm) in the former tendon and by unknown non-fluorescent residues in the latter. With the solubilized insoluble-collagens from both tendons, as well as with acid-soluble collagen from rat tail tendon, other 350-385-nm fluorescence intensities (excited at 300 nm) were found to be higher in monomeric chains than in dimeric and polymeric chains. Low levels of ozone inhibited fibril formation of acid-soluble collagen particularly from young rat tail tendon, reacting with tyrosine residues and the 350-385-nm fluorophores. Aldehyde groups, involved in cross-linking, were not effectively modified by ozone. beta-Components (alpha-chain dimers) were not efficiently dissociated even by higher doses of ozone compared to gamma-components (alpha-chain trimers). Polymeric chain aggregates from bovine Achilles tendon collagen, whose 3-hydroxy-pyridinium cross-links are cleaved by ozone, were more readily dissociated by ozone than those from rat tail tendon collagen. Ultraviolet (300-nm) light, which destroyed the 350-385-nm fluorophores, inhibited fibril formation less effectively than ultraviolet (275-nm) light, which is absorbed by tyrosine residues, and did not dissociate collagen polymers from rat tail tendon. On the other hand, ultraviolet (320-nm) light, absorbed by 3-hydroxy-pyridinium cross-links which were rapidly photolyzed, partially dissociated polymeric collagen aggregates from bovine Achilles tendon after subsequent heating.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a fundamental role in angiogenesis affecting endothelial cells proliferation, migration and differentiation. Vessels-like network formation in vitro is a reliable test to study the inductive effects of ECM on angiogenesis. Here we utilized matrix deposed by osteoblasts as substrate where the molecular and structural complexity of the endogenous ECM is preserved, to test if it induces vessel-like network formation by endothelial cells in vitro. ECM is more similar to the physiological substrate in vivo than other substrates previously utilized for these studies in vitro. Osteogenic ECM, prepared in vitro from mature osteoblasts at the phase of maximal deposition and glycosylation of collagen I, induces EAhy926, HUVEC, and HDMEC endothelial cells to form vessels-like structures and promotes the activation of metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2); the functionality of the p-38/MAPK signaling pathway is required. Osteogenic ECM also induces a transient increase of CXCL12 and a decrease of the receptor CXCR4. The induction of vessel-like networks is dependent from proper glycosylation of collagens and does not occur on osteogenic ECMs if deglycosylated by -galactosidase or on less glycosylated ECMs derived from preosteoblasts and normal fibroblasts, while is sustained on ECM from osteogenesis imperfecta fibroblasts only when their mutation is associated with over-glycosylation of collagen type I. These data support that post-translational glycosylation has a role in the induction in endothelial cells in vitro of molecules conductive to self-organization in vessels-like structures.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are major players in liver fibrogenesis. Accumulating evidence shows that suppression of autophagy plays an important role in the development and progression of liver disease. Phospholipase D1 (PLD1), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to yield phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline, was recently shown to modulate autophagy. However, little is known about the effects of PLD1 on the production of type I collagen that characterizes liver fibrosis. Here, we examined whether PLD1 regulates type I collagen levels in HSCs through induction of autophagy. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of PLD-1 (Ad-PLD1) reduced type I collagen levels in the activated human HSC lines, hTERT and LX2. Overexpression of PLD1 in HSCs led to induction of autophagy as demonstrated by increased LC3-II conversion and formation of LC3 puncta, and decreased p62 abundance. Moreover, inhibiting the induction of autophagy by treating cells with bafilomycin or a small interfering (si)RNA for ATG7 rescued Ad-PLD1-induced suppression of type I collagen accumulation in HSCs. The effects of PLD on type I collagen levels were not related to TGF-β/Smad signaling. Furthermore, treatment of cells with PA induced autophagy and inhibited type I collagen accumulation. The present study indicates that PLD1 plays a role in regulating type I collagen accumulation through induction of autophagy.  相似文献   

The proportions of Type I and Type III collagen were evaluated from gestational, postpartum-retained, and released bovine placental membranes. Placentomes were excised at 90, 150, 210, and 270 days of gestation (n = 32) and from postpartum-retained (2 and 12 h, n = 8) and released (2 h, n = 4) membranes. Placentome components were processed for collagen, hydroxyproline, protein, and dry weight determination. Collagen extracts were separated by SDS-PAGE. Densitometry was used to establish the proportions of collagen alpha chains (Type I = 2 alpha 1 + 1 alpha 2; Type III = 3 alpha 1). No difference in the proportion of maternal caruncular Type I and Type III collagen was found. The proportion of Type I fetal cotyledonary collagen was lowest (p less than 0.05) at Day 90 of gestation but did not differ between Days 150, 210, 270, or between retained and released fetal membranes. The proportion of Type III fetal cotyledonary collagen was greatest (p less than 0.05) at Day 90. Retained fetal cotyledons had a greater (p less than 0.05) proportion of Type III collagen than did released fetal cotyledons. Therefore, although hydroxyproline content was not different between retained and released fetal membranes, the retained bovine fetal cotyledon was characterized by disproportionate amounts of Type III collagen as compared to the fetal cotyledon that was not retained.  相似文献   

The course of glycation of calf skin fibrous type I collagen was monitored in vitro under physiological conditions during an 8-week incubation period in order to take into account the long half-life of this protein. The formation of glycated compounds was measured by determining fructosamine, pentosidine, and carboxymethyllysine content. The incubation conditions were as physiological as possible in sterile saline phosphate buffer, except glucose concentration. With incubation medium containing 200 mmol glucose, fibrous collagen underwent solubilization; in addition an increase in fructosamine, pentosidine, and carboxymethyllysine content in both solubilized and remaining insoluble collagen was noticed. There was a spontaneous, restricted, and time-dependent native glycated state of collagen; high concentration glucose enhanced the formation of glycated compounds and induced changes in solubility and glycoxidated products. The production of pentosidine during incubation without glucose should be considered as an event resulting from the initial fructosamine. Whereas the production of carboxymethyllysine during long-term incubation with glucose provided indirect proof of an additional oxidative process after early glycated product formation. These experimental observations provide insight into the in vivo context of advanced glycation end product formation in chronic hyperglycemia and aging.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is used to investigate the transport of dissolved oxygen from the bulk fluid to the surface of aggregates of animal cells cultured in a rotating bioreactor. These aggregates move through different regions of the bioreactor with a local flow field and concentration distribution that vary with time. The time variation of the Sherwood number and the surface concentration for a range of parameters typical of a cell science experiment executed in the Rotating Wall Perfused Vessel (RWPV) bioreactor in space are investigated. The Reynolds numbers experienced by the aggregate are generally low (Re < 1) and the Peclet numbers range from O(1) to O(100). Comparison of the results from the numerical solution of the mathematical model with those from a quasi-steady model, using a steady-state correlation for mass transport on a sphere, indicate that the quasi-steady assumption is not a good model to compute the instantaneous Sherwood number. This indicates a significant history effect in the Sherwood number response to the variations of acceleration of the aggregates in the bioreactor. A high resistance to the mass transport from the bulk fluid to the surface of the aggregate exists for the bioreactor operated in micro gravity. The difference between the surface concentration and the free stream concentration was as high as 30% for aggregates larger than 3 mm. Diffusion reduces the variations of the free stream concentration resulting in a nearly constant value for the concentration at the surface of the aggregates.  相似文献   

During adipogenic differentiation human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) produce collagen type IV. In immunofluorescence staining differentiating hMSCs started to express collagen type IV when Oil Red O-positive fat droplets appeared intracellularly. Quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction confirmed progressive increase of collagen type IV α1 and α2 mRNA levels over time, 18.6- and 12.2-fold by day 28, respectively, whereas the copy numbers of α3-α6 mRNAs remained rather stable and low. Type IV collagen was in confocal laser scanning microscopy seen around adipocytes, where also laminins and nidogen were found, suggesting pericellular deposition of all key components of the fully developed basement membrane. Immunofluorescence staining of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2, 72 kD type IV collagenase, gelatinase A) and MMP-9 (92 kD type IV collagenase, gelatinase B) disclosed only faint staining of MSCs, but MMP-9 was strongly induced during adipogenesis, whereas MSC supernatants disclosed in zymography pro-MMP-2 and faint pro-MMP-9 bands, which increased over time, with partial conversion of pro-MMP-2 to its active 62 kD form. Differentiation was associated with increasing membrane type 1-MMP/MMP-14 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) staining, which may enable participation of type IV collagenases in basement membrane remodelling via ternary MT1-MMP/TIMP-2/MMP-2 or -9 complexes, focalizing the fully active enzyme to the cell surface. MMP-9, which increased more in immunofluorescence staining, was perhaps preferentially bound to cell surface and/or remodelling adipocyte basement membrane. These results suggest that upon MSC-adipocyte differentiation collagen type IV synthesis and remodelling become necessary when intracellular accumulation of fat necessitates a dynamically supporting and instructive, partly denatured adipogenic pericellular type IV collagen scaffold.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are the major class of proteoglycans synthesized by mouse uterine stroma in vitro (Jacobs, A. L., and Carson, D. D. (1991). J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15,464-15,473). In the present study, stromal CSPGs were isolated and examined with regard to their ability to bind to specific extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Of a variety of ECM components tested, only collagen type I formed stable complexes with stromal CSPGs in both solid phase and solution binding assays. Proteolytic digestion of the CSPGs did not affect binding and suggested that the protein cores did not participate directly in binding. Furthermore, free chondroitin sulfate polysaccharides do not compete effectively in the binding assays. Therefore, interactions with multiple CS chains and/or the higher charge density afforded by intact CSPGs appear to be required for retention by collagen type I. Intact CSPGs were examined for their ability to modulate embryo attachment and outgrowth in vitro on fibronectin- or collagen type I-coated surfaces. In both cases, intact CSPGs, but not their constituent protein cores or polysaccharides, inhibited both the rate and the extent of outgrowth formation. In addition, embryo outgrowth on stromal ECM was enhanced by predigestion with chondroitinase. Addition of exogenous CSPG markedly retarded embryo outgrowth on stromal matrix. Collectively, these data indicate that stromal cell-derived CSPGs are retained by collagen type I in the stromal interstitial ECM where these molecules may attenuate trophoblast invasive behavior.  相似文献   

Collagens of either soft connective or mineralized tissues are subject to continuous remodeling and turnover. Undesired cleavage can be the result of an imbalance between proteases and their inhibitors. Owing to their superhelical structure, collagens are resistant to many proteases and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are required to initiate further degradation by other enzymes. Several MMPs are known to degrade collagens, but the action of MMP-12 has not yet been studied in detail. In this work, the potential of MMP-12 in recognizing sites in human skin collagen types I and III has been investigated. The catalytic domain of MMP-12 binds to the triple helix and cleaves the typical sites -Gly775-Leu776- in α-2 type I collagen and -Gly775-Ile776- in α-1 type I and type III collagens and at multiple other sites in both collagen types. Moreover, it was observed that the region around these typical sites contains comparatively less prolines, of which some have been proven to be only partially hydroxylated. This is of relevance since partial hydroxylation in the vicinity of a potential scissile bond may have a local effect on the conformational thermodynamics with probable consequences on the collagenolysis process. Taken together, the results of the present work confirm that the catalytic domain of MMP-12 alone binds and degrades collagens I and III.  相似文献   

Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are regarded as promising seed cells for engineering cartilage. However, few researches have covered the immune properties of seeded MSCs. Collagen has been considered as good scaffold, whether it has inherent chondrogenic inducibility for MSCs is still in debate. In this study, engineering grafts are constructed by neonatal rabbit MSCs and collagen Type I hydrogel. After periods of culture, the appearance of chondroid tissue in the grafts and the cartilage matrix‐specific genes expressions of seeded cells prove the inducibility of collagen hydrogel, even if the growth factors are absence. With the differentiation, immunological properties of MSCs are changing. The expressions of main histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules increase and the ability to inhibit the proliferation of activated lymphocytes may be declined. But to a large extent, it keeps the low stimulating to allogeneic lymphocytes and the small absolute value of MHCs. The changes are adverse for avoiding inflammation and rejection. Therefore, suitable scaffold and engineering strategies should be selected. For the grafts based on Collagen I hydrogel and MSCs, a longer culture period might not be necessary. To maintain the immune regulation, a higher initial MSCs density in engineering grafts may be more meaningful. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

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