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A principal use of flow cytometers is for the measurement of fluorescence distributions of cells stained with DNA specific dyes. A large amount of effort has been and is being expended currently in the analysis of these distributions for the fractions of cells in the G1, S, and G2 + M phases. Several methods of analysis have been proposed and are being used; new methods continue to be introduced. Many, if not most, of these methods differ only in the mathematical function used to represent the phases of the cell cycle and represent attempts to fit exactly distributions with known phase fractions or unusual shapes. In this paper we show that these refinements probably are not necessary because of cell staining and sampling variability. This hypothesis was tested by measuring fluorescence distributions for Chinese hamster ovary and KHT mouse sarcoma cells stained with Hoechst-33258, chromomycin A3, propidium iodide, and acriflavine. Our results show that: a) single measurements can result in phase fraction estimates that are in error by as much as 40% for G2 + M phase and 15-20% for G1 and S phases; b) different dyes can yield phase fraction estimates that differ by as much as 40% due to differences in DNA specificity; c) the shapes of fluorescence distributions and their interpretation are very dependent on the dye being used and on its binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Apoptosis induced by fucoxanthin in HL-60 cells was associated with a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential at an early stage, but not with an increase in reactive oxygen species. Fucoxanthin treatment caused cleavages of procaspase-3 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase without any effect on the protein level of Bcl-2, Bcl-X(L), or Bax. Apoptosis induction by fucoxanthin may be mediated via mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and caspase-3 activation.  相似文献   

A large series of alkyl C-glycosides was synthesized from D-glucal or D-galactal. These compounds were screened against the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line (HL60), showing significant activity and apoptosis. Up to 13 C-glucopyranosides, but no C-galacto- or C-mannopyranosides, exhibited inhibitory concentrations (IC(50) values) below 20 microM, five of them in the range 4-8 microM. Preliminary structure-activity relationships were established.  相似文献   

Yang SH  Lu MC  Chien CM  Tsai CH  Lu YJ  Hour TC  Lin SR 《Life sciences》2005,76(21):2513-2522
Cardiotoxin III (CTX III), a basic polypeptide with 60 amino acid residues isolated from Naja naja atra venom, has been reported to have anticancer activity. CTX III was found to inhibit the growth of K562 cells in a time-and dose-dependent manner with IC50 value of 1.7 microg/ml, and it displayed several features of apoptosis including apoptotic body formation, increase of sub G1 population, DNA fragmentation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage. Investigation of the mechanism of CTXIII--induced apoptosis revealed that the treatment of K562 cells with CTX III resulted in the activation of caspase-9, caspase-3 and subsequent cleavage of its substrate PARP and that CTXIII was also associated with an early release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria. These results suggest that CTX III may induce apoptosis through a mitochondria- and caspase-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Deficient activation of apoptosis signaling pathways may be responsible for treatment failure of malignant diseases. In primary leukemia samples the detection of deficient mitochondrial apoptosis signaling would enable identification of chemo-resistant cells. To investigate the key events of apoptosis at the mitochondrial level, we developed a flow cytometric method for simultaneous detection of mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspase-3 processing using conformation sensitive monoclonal antibodies. This method proved to identify deficient mitochondrial apoptosis signaling in leukemia cells overexpressing Bcl-2 by a pattern of apoptosis resistance, deficient cytochrome c reduction and partial processing of caspase-3. In primary leukemia cells, reduction of cytochrome c and caspase-3 activation was induced by treatment with anticancer drugs in vitro. In leukemia cells of a patient with resistant disease, a pattern of deficient apoptosis signaling as in Bcl-2 transfected cells was observed, suggesting that deficient mitochondrial signaling contributed to the clinical phenotype of drug resistance in this patient. Flow cytometric analysis of mitochondrial apoptosis signaling may provide a useful tool for the prediction of drug resistance and treatment failure in primary leukemia.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of bacteria by human leukocytes measured by flow cytometry   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A new method has been developed for the evaluation of the phagocytic activity of human leukocytes using fluorescently labeled bacteria and flow cytometry. By simultaneous measurement of cellular light scatter and fluorescence, extracellular bacteria, phagocytes, and nonphagocytes could be discriminated and quantified. All leukocytes assumed to be capable of phagocytosis were phagocytosing, and about 90% of these cells were polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes. Within 15 min 85% of the bacteria were phagocytosed and each phagocyte contained an average of 15-20 bacteria. The phagocytic capacity of the leukocytes from healthy individuals showed minor interindividual and day-to-day variations. This method facilitates a rapid and accurate in vitro evaluation of the phagocytic activity of human leukocytes.  相似文献   

Fresh loquat leaves have been used as folk health herb in Asian countries for long time, although the evidence supporting their functions is still minimal. This study aimed to clarify the chemopreventive effect of loquat tea extract (LTE) by investigating the inhibition on proliferation, and underlying mechanisms in human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60). LTE inhibited proliferation of HL-60 in a dose-dependent manner. Molecular data showed that the isolated fraction of LTE induced apoptosis of HL-60 as characterized by DNA fragmentation; activation of caspase-3, -8, and -9; and inactivation of poly(ADP)ribose polymerase. Moreover, LTE fraction increased the ratio of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax)/anti-apoptotic myeloid cell leukemia 1 (Mcl-1) that caused mitochondrial membrane potential loss and cytochrome c released to cytosol. Thus, our data indicate that LTE might induce apoptosis in HL-60 cells through a mitochondrial dysfunction pathway. These findings enhance our understanding for chemopreventive function of loquat tea.  相似文献   

(+)-2,3,9-Trimethoxy-pterocarpan (1) (+)-3,9-dimethoxy-pterocarpan [(+)-homopterocarpin] (2), (+)-3-hydroxy-9-methoxy-pterocarpan [(+)-medicarpin] (3) and (+)-3,4-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-pterocarpan [(+)-vesticarpan] (4) are cytotoxic pterocarpans isolated from the native Brazilian plant Platymiscium floribundum. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether induction of apoptosis and/or inhibition of DNA synthesis is involved in the cytotoxicity of these pterocarpans in human leukemia cells. The effect on cell viability determined using the trypan exclusion assay revealed that all compounds tested reduced the number of viable cells, while only in the presence of 3 and 4, there was an increase of nonviable cells. The analysis of membrane integrity and morphological modifications by flow cytometry in the presence of these two compounds indicated that treated cells undergo necrosis, while 1 and 2 trigger apoptosis. DNA synthesis seemed to be affected since BrdU incorporation was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of all tested compounds. Pterocarpan treatment also induced an increase in the amount of subdiploid DNA, indicating internucleosomal DNA breakdown, mitochondrial depolarization and caspase-3 activation, which indicate apoptosis induction.  相似文献   

Features of apoptotic cells measured by flow cytometry.   总被引:134,自引:0,他引:134  
The present review describes several methods to characterize and differentiate between two different mechanisms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis. Most of these methods were applied to studies of apoptosis triggered in the human leukemic HL-60 cell line by DNA topoisomerase I or II inhibitors, and in rat thymocytes by either topoisomerase inhibitors or prednisolone. In most cases, apoptosis was selective to cells in a particular phase of the cell cycle: only S-phase HL-60 cells and G0 thymocytes were mainly affected. Necrosis was induced by excessively high concentrations of these drugs. The following cell features were found useful to characterize the mode of cell death: a) Activation of an endonuclease in apoptocic cells resulted in extraction of the low molecular weight DNA following cell permeabilization, which, in turn, led to their decreased stainability with DNA-specific fluorochromes. Measurements of DNA content made it possible to identify apoptotic cells and to recognize the cell cycle phase specificity of the apoptotic process. b) Plasma membrane integrity, which is lost in necrotic but not apoptotic cells, was probed by the exclusion of propidium iodide (PI). The combination of PI followed by Hoechst 33342 proved to be an excellent probe to distinguish live, necrotic, early- and late-apoptotic cells. c) Mitochondrial transmembrane potential, assayed by retention of rhodamine 123 was preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. d) The ATP-dependent lysosomal proton pump, tested by the supravital uptake of acridine orange (AO) was also preserved in apoptotic but not necrotic cells. e) Bivariate analysis of cells stained for DNA and protein revealed markedly diminished protein content in apoptotic cells, most likely due to activation of endogenous proteases. Necrotic cells, having leaky membranes, had minimal protein content. f) Staining of RNA allowed for the discrimination of G0 from G1 cells and thus made it possible to reveal that apoptosis was selective to G0 thymocytes. g) The decrease in forward light scatter, paralleled either by no change (HL-60 cells) or an increase (thymocytes) of right angle scatter, were early changes during apoptosis. h) The sensitivity of DNA in situ to denaturation, was increased in apoptotic and necrotic cells. This feature, probed by staining with AO at low pH, provided a sensitive and early assay to discriminate between live, apoptotic and necrotic cells, and to evaluate the cell cycle phase specificity of these processes. i) The in situ nick translation assay employing labeled triphosphonucleotides can be used to reveal DNA strand breaks, to detect the very early stages of apoptosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study we propose a novel anticancer agent using hetero-chitooligosaccharide (hetero-COS). To examine the possibility of the hetero-COS as a anticancer agent, we prepared nine kinds of hetero-COS with relatively higher molecular weights (90, 75 and 50-COS I, 5-10kDa), medium molecular weights (90, 75 and 50-COS II, 1-5kDa), and lower molecular weights (90, 75 and 50-III, below 1kDa), and their anticancer properties were investigated on HL-60 cells using flow cytometry and morphological analysis. The results obtained indicate that 90-COS III, which is relatively higher degree of deacetylation and lower molecular weights, showed the highest anticancer activity, and the data showed the anticancer property of the hetero-COSs depended on their degree of deacetylation values and molecular weight.  相似文献   

In this study, we extracted a polysaccharide (short-chain polysaccharide [PS]) from porcine cartilage and examined its function in chronic myeloid leukaemia by using human K562 cells and mouse L1210 cells. Results of cell proliferation assay indicated that PS inhibited cancer cell growth at different concentrations, while it had little effect on normal cells. The presence of morphological aspects of apoptosis, such as nuclear shrinkage, was shown in H&E stained sections. The occurrence of PS-induced apoptosis was confirmed by TUNEL assay and cell cycle analysis. The results of immunofluorescent staining indicated the molecular mechanism underlying. Through interfering with the cell cycle of tumor cells, PS may induce apoptosis by downregulating the expression level of cyclin D1 and upregulating the level of p21 protein. Correlation analysis of apoptosis and MAPK suggested that inactivation of ERK was crucial for PS induced apoptosis, while JNK phosphorylation had a small effect and p38 was not involved. In vivo assay showed that PS inhibited L1210 cell growth in vivo and prolonged the life span of L1210-bearing mice. We conclude that PS is a polysaccharide with anticancer effects and induced apoptosis in human K562 cells.  相似文献   

The role of interferon (IFN)-gamma as a sensitizing agent in apoptosis induced by ligation of death receptors has been evaluated in human myeloid leukemia cells. Incubation of U937 cells with IFN-gamma sensitized these cells to apoptosis induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha, agonistic CD95 antibody, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. Other human myeloid leukemic cells were also sensitized by IFN-gamma to death receptor-mediated apoptosis. Treatment of U937 cells with IFN-gamma up-regulated the expression of caspase-8 and potently synergized with death receptor ligation in the processing of caspase-8 and BID cleavage. Concomitantly, a marked down-regulation of BCL-2 protein was also observed in cells incubated with IFN-gamma. Furthermore, the caspase-dependent generation of a 23-kDa fragment of BCL-2 protein, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and the activation of caspase-9 were also enhanced upon death receptor ligation in IFN-gamma-treated cells. Ectopically expressed Bcl-2 protein inhibited IFN-gamma-induced sensitization to apoptosis. In summary, these results indicate that IFN-gamma sensitizes human myeloid leukemic cells to a death receptor-induced, mitochondria-mediated pathway of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage posesses unique material properties due to a complex depth-dependent composition of sub-components. Raman spectroscopy has proven valuable in quantifying this composition through cartilage cross-sections. However, cross-sectioning requires tissue destruction and is not practical in situ. In this work, Raman spectroscopy-based multivariate curve resolution (MCR) was employed in porcine cartilage samples (n = 12) to measure collagen, glycosaminoglycan, and water distributions through the surface for the first time; these were compared against cross-section standards. Through the surface Raman measurements proved reliable in predicting composition distribution up to a depth of approximately 0.5 mm. A fructose-based optical clearing agent (OCA) was also used in an attempt to further improve depth of resolution of this measurement method. However, it did not; mainly due to a high-spectral overlap with the Raman spectra of main cartilage sub-components. This measurement technique potentially could be used in situ, to better understand the etiology of joint diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA).  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of the CDK1 inhibitor CGP74514A on cell cycle- and apoptosis-related events in human leukemia cells. An 18-hr exposure to 5 microM CGP74514A induced mitochondrial damage (i.e., loss of Delta psi(m)) and apoptosis in multiple human leukemia cell lines (e.g., U937, HL-60, KG-1, CCRF-CEM, Raji, and THP; range 30-95%). In U937 cells, CGP74514A- induced apoptosis (5 microM) became apparent within 4 hr and approached 100% by 24 hr. The pan- caspase inhibitor Boc-fmk and the caspase-8 inhibitor lETD-fmk opposed CGP74514A-induced caspase-9 activation and PARP degradation, but not cytochrome c or Smac/DIABLO release. CGP74514A-mediated apoptosis was substantially blocked by ectopic expression of full-length Bel- 2, a loop-deleted mutant Bcl-2, and Bcl-x(L). CGP74514A treatment (5 microM; 18 hr) resulted in increased p21(CIP1) expression, p27(KIP1) degradation, diminished E2F1 expression, and dephosphorylation of p34(CDC2). It also induced early (i.e., within 2 hr) inhibition of CDK1 activity and dephosphorylation of pRb, followed by pRb degradation, but did not block pRb phosphorylation at CDK2- and CDK4- specific sites. These findings indicate that the selective CDK1 inhibitor, CGP74514A, induces complex changes in cell cycle-related proteins in human leukemia cells accompanied by extensive mitochondrial damage, caspase activation, and apoptosis.  相似文献   

The separation method, flow field-flow fractionation (flow FFF), is coupled on-line with multiangle laser light scattering (MALLS) for simultaneous measurement of the size and concentration of vesicles eluting continuously from the fractionator. These size and concentration data, gathered as a function of elution time, may be used to construct both number- and mass-weighted vesicle size distributions. Unlike most competing, noninvasive methods, this flow FFF/MALLS technique enables measurement of vesicle size distributions without a separate refractive index detector, calibration using particle size standards, or prior assumptions about the shape of the size distribution. Experimentally measured size distributions of vesicles formed by extrusion and detergent removal are non-Gaussian and are fit well by the Weibull distribution. Flow FFF/MALLS reveals that both the extrusion and detergent dialysis vesicle formation methods can yield nearly size monodisperse populations with standard deviations of approximately 8% about the mean diameter. In contrast to the rather low resolution of dynamic light scattering in analyzing bimodal systems, flow FFF/MALLS is shown to resolve vesicle subpopulations that differ by much less than a factor of two in mean size.  相似文献   

Yang HL  Hseu YC  Hseu YT  Lu FJ  Lin E  Lai JS 《Life sciences》2004,75(15):1817-1831
It has been shown that humic acid (HA), a phenolic polymer, exhibits pro-oxidant and cytotoxic effects. In this study, HA induction of apoptosis was studied using cultured human premyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Treatment at a range of HA concentrations (50-400 microg/ml) resulted in dose-and time-dependent sequences of events marked by apoptosis, as demonstrated through by apoptotic features such as loss of cell viability, chromatin condensation, and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. This HA-induced apoptosis in the HL-60 cells was mainly associated with the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria. Furthermore, apoptosis in the HL-60 cells was accompanied by the activation of caspase-3 and the specific proteolytic cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a major component in the apoptotic cell death mechanism. Although the HA-induced apoptosis was associated with Bax protein levels, negligible Bcl-2 reduction was observed. Analysis of the data reported herein reveals that HA exerts antiproliferative action and growth inhibition on HL-60 cells through induction of apoptosis, which may have anticancer properties potentially useful for the development of new drug products.  相似文献   

Quantitation of apoptotic cell death in vivo has become an important issue for patients with acute leukemia. We describe herein a new analytical method, based on infrared (IR) spectroscopy, to estimate the percentage of apoptotic leukemic cells in two different cell lines (CEM and K562), induced with etoposide (VP-16). As the percentage of apoptosis increases, the protein structure shifts from dominantly -sheet to unordered (random coil), the overall lipid content increases and the amount of detectable DNA decreases. These changes can be directly related to the percentage of apoptosis as determined by two standard reference methods: flow cytometry and DNA ladder formation. The correlation between the significant IR spectral changes and the percentage of apoptotic leukemia cells in the two cell lines was optimal up to 24 h following etoposide treatment (r = 0.99 for CEM cells and r = 0.96 for K562 cells). Furthermore, IR spectroscopy is able to detect apoptotic changes in these cells already after 4 h treatment with VP-16, compared to flow cytometry which needs 6 h to observe significant changes. Our study suggests that IR spectroscopy may have potential clinical utility for the early, fast and reagent free assessment of chemotherapeutic efficacy in patients with leukemia.  相似文献   

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