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集胞藻类金属硫蛋白的纯化,性质和溶液构象的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
集胞藻Synechocysitissp.PCC6803光照培养,加入100μmol/LZnCl2诱导藻内类金属硫蛋白(MT-like)的表达。离心收集鲜藻,超声波破碎细胞,离心除沉淀。上清液72℃加热3min去杂蛋白,离心,上清液依次经过分子筛层析柱,阴离子交换柱和脱盐柱,可得蓝藻类金属硫蛋白。5L培养液收集鲜藻7.6g,一次上样1.52g鲜藻的裂解物,冻干后得15mg纯化的蛋白样,为鲜藻重的0.1%.经分析其等电点为pH4.5,分子量为6.986kD,由58个氨基酸残基组成。其序列中含有较多疏水氨基酸残基(36%),但其半胱氨酸含量仅为5%。CD(圆二色性)图谱表明其二级结构主要为无规卷曲,不含α-helix和β-sheet,无哺乳动物的金属硫蛋白所具有的典型双结构域结构。紫外吸收光谱表明Zn结合的类金属硫蛋白在220nm也有较高的吸收值。红外光谱分析的结果表明,此类金属硫蛋白的吸收光谱与高等动物的金属硫蛋白的吸收光谱类似。  相似文献   

聚球藻类金属硫蛋白的纯化及部分性质的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
单细胞蓝藻以50μmol/L Zn^2+诱导8d后收集,破碎取上清液经凝胶过滤,离子交换层主反相HPLC纯化得到类金属硫蛋白,产率为每升培养液收集1.5g鲜藻,得2.5mg纯品。其单体分子量为8750,N末端测定为缬氨酸,氨基酸组成分析得每分子含10个半胱氨酸,疏水氨酸较多,且含有芳香族氨基酸,原子吸收光谱测得每分子蛋白结合4个二价金属。  相似文献   

酵母菌类金属硫蛋白的分离、纯化及性质鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过对酵母菌的金属抗性试验和培养条件试验,确定了高产类金属硫蛋白的酿酒酵母菌株Cu-21(Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cu-21)及其最佳培养条件。对该菌株的菌体蛋白进行SephadexG-100、DEAE-52结合的两次柱分离纯化,获得了类金属硫蛋白的三个亚型,蛋白性质鉴定结果表明含三个亚型、分子量小、富含半脱氨酸和金属元素,具有典型的巯基吸收特性。  相似文献   

经过对酵母菌的金属抗性试验和培养条件试验,确定了高产类金属硫蛋白的酿酒酵母菌株Cu-21(Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cu-21)及其最佳培养条件。对该菌株的菌体蛋白进行SephadexG-100、DEAE-52结合的两次柱分离纯化,获得了类金属硫蛋白的三个亚型,蛋白性质鉴定结果表明含三个亚型、分子量小、富含半胱氨酸和金属元素,具有典型的巯基吸收特性。  相似文献   

经过对酵母菌的金属抗性试验和培养条件试验,确定了高产类金属硫蛋白的酿酒酵母菌株Cu-21(Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cu-21)及其最佳培养条件。对该菌株的菌体蛋白进行SephadexG-100、DEAE-52结合的两次柱分离纯化,获得了类金属硫蛋白的三个亚型,蛋白性质鉴定结果表明含三个亚型、分子量小、富含半胱氨酸和金属元素,具有典型的巯基吸收特性。  相似文献   

脱金属硫蛋白与二价汞离子的络合作用及构象研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用圆二色谱研究兔肝锐金属硫蛋白的两个亚型apo-MT1、apo-MT2与Hg^2+在不同分子数比和pH值下的络合规律。发现:(1)在pH2下与Hg^2+重组MTs的CD谱特征峰是304nm(+),260nm(-),250nm(+)。络合Hg^2+的数目n远远超过7。任何pH值下过量Hg^2+的存在都将破坏MTs的正常构象。pH值对形成和维持MTs稳定构象的影响很大,当pH≥4.9时,apo-MTs  相似文献   

在雪松聚球藻的培养基中逐渐增加氯化镉的浓度以诱导藻细胞内金属硫蛋白的合成,经Sephadex G-50,DEAE-cellulose和Sephadex G-25柱层析,获得的MT没有亚型,经SDS-PAGE分析是高度均一的。每个蛋白分子约含5个Cd原子,10个巯基,分子量约为7.6KD,等电位pH4.5左右,半胱氨酸含量约占总氨基酸量的15.5%,还含有少量的芳香族氨基酸,MT的最大紫外吸收在25  相似文献   

脱金属硫蛋白与镉离子的络合作用及构象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用圆二色(CD)谱地研究兔肝脱金属硫属蛋白的两个亚型与Cd^2+的络合作用及对重组MT构象的影响。观测了apo-MT垢巯基在空气和室温下的稳定性。在PH4.71,镉重组MT1的CD谱特征峰在257nm(+),238nm(-),226nm(+)与镉诱导的天然MT1相同。在空气存在和PH7.90的CD谱只有243nm(+)一个峰。向两亚型分别加入7eqCd^2+测定CD谱随PH值的变化,发现在PH2.  相似文献   

镉诱导蚯蚓金属硫蛋白的分离纯化及其溶液构象的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
镉诱导蚯蚓匀浆液经热沉淀,乙醇沉淀后,经凝胶过滤SephacryS-200柱层析,得三个镉结合蛋白峰,分子量依次为40,17及9kD。这三个组份再分别经DEAESepharose Fast Flow柱层析,分别得三、三、二个镉结合蛋白峰。根据光谱学特征、巯基含量及氨基酸组成等分析,认为凝胶过滤第二峰为金属硫蛋白(MT),其经DEAE柱层析所得三个峰为MT三个亚型。对蚯蚓MT三个亚型在不同PH条件下  相似文献   

中华鳖肝金属硫蛋白的分离、纯化及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属硫蛋白metallothionein,MT)是一类低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白。MT几乎广泛分布于所有生物,包括哺乳动物、两栖动物、鱼、植物、真菌和蓝细菌,不同生物金属硫蛋白理化特性和其氨基酸序列及中心片段的比较研究,对研究MT的结构和生物功能及生物的分子进化提供重要依据。哺乳动物MT研究较多,爬行动物鳖MT的研究尚属空白,本文报道鳖肝的金属硫蛋白,中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)分别经皮下注射ZnSO4,CuSO4和CdCl2溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经SephadexG-50、DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT,质谱和HPLC分析其分子量约为6300dalton。根据氨基酸组成分析。鳖肝脏MT含61个氨基酸残基,其中MT的典型氨基酸Cys含量占17%。Lys,Glu和Asp含量较高,而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量极低,从紫外光谱特性分析,Zn-MT、Cu-MT、Cd-MT紫外吸收肩分别在220nm、270nm和250nm。表明确为鳖肝脏MT。从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓酵母菌的MT类似。鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现了鳖这种生物进化的特点。  相似文献   

Purification of glutamyl-tRNA reductase from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
delta-Aminolevulinic acid is the universal precursor for all tetrapyrroles including hemes, chlorophylls, and bilins. In plants, algae, cyanobacteria, and many other bacteria, delta-aminolevulinic acid is synthesized from glutamate in a reaction sequence that requires three enzymes, ATP, NADPH, and tRNA(Glu). The three enzymes have been characterized as glutamyl-tRNA synthetase, glutamyl-tRNA reductase, and glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase. All three enzymes have been separated and partially characterized from plants and algae. In prokaryotic phototrophs, only the glutamyl-tRNA synthetase and glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase have been decribed. We report here the purification and some properties of the glutamyl-tRNA reductase from extracts of the unicellular cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The glutamyl-tRNA reductase has been purified over 370-fold to apparent homogeneity. Its native molecular mass was determined to be 350 kDa by glycerol density gradient centrifugation, and its subunit size was estimated to be 39 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined for 42 residues. Much higher activity occurred with NADPH than with NADH as the reduced pyridine nucleotide substrate. Half-maximal rates occurred at 5 microM NADPH, whereas saturation was not reached even at 10 mM NADH. Purified Synechocystis glutamyl-tRNA reductase was inhibited 50% by 5 microM heme. Activity was unaffected by 10 microM 3-amino-2,3-dihydrobenzoic acid. No flavin, pyridine nucleotide, or other light-absorbing prosthetic group was detected on the purified enzyme. The catalytic turnover number of purified Synechocystis glutamyl-tRNA reductase is comparable to those of prokaryotic and plastidic glutamyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

The phytochrome Cph1 from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 forms holoprotein adducts with close spectral similarity to plant phytochromes when autoassembled in vitro with bilin chromophores. Cph1 is a 85-kDa protein that acts as a light-regulated histidine kinase seemingly involved in 'two-component' signalling. This paper describes the improvement of Cph1 purification, estimation of the extinction coefficient of holo-Cph1, spectral analyses of the assembly procedure and studies on quaternary structure. During assembly with the natural chromophore phycocyanobilin (PCB), a red-shifted intermediate is observed. A similar result was obtained when phycoerythrobilin was used as chromophore. As shown by SDS/PAGE and Zn2+ fluorescence, the covalent attachment of PCB is blocked by 1 mM iodoacetamide, a cysteine-derivatizing agent. When PCB was incubated with blocked apo-Cph1, again a shoulder at longer wavelengths appeared. It is therefore proposed that the long-wavelength-absorbing form represents the protonated, noncovalently bound bilin. Biliverdin, which is neither protonated nor covalently attached, undergoes spectral changes in its blue-absorbing band upon incubation with apo-Cph1. On the basis of these data we therefore propose a three-step model for phytochrome autoassembly. Size-exclusion chromatography revealed different mobilities for the apoprotein, red-absorbing Cph1-PCB and far-red-absorbing Cph1-PCB. The major peaks of both holoprotein adducts had apparent molecular masses approximately 200 kDa, a result in agreement with the notion that autophosphorylation in sensory histidine kinases requires dimerization. When Cph1-PCB was further purified by preparative native electrophoresis, the mobility on size-exclusion chromatography was approximately 100 kDa, and it was found to have lost its kinase activity, results implying that the material had lost its capacity to dimerize.  相似文献   

The cph1 gene from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechoycstis sp. PCC 6803 encodes a protein with the characteristics of plant phytochromes and histidine kinases of two-component phospho-relay systems. Spectral and biochemical properties of Cph1 have been intensely studied in vitro using protein from recombinant systems, but virtually nothing is known about the situation in the natural host. In the present study, His6-tagged Cph1 was isolated from Synechocystis cells. The cph1-his gene was expressed either under the control of the natural cph1 promoter or over-expressed using the strong promoter of the psbA2 gene. Upon purification with nickel affinity chromatography, the presence of Cph1 in extracts was confirmed by immunoblotting and Zn2+-induced fluorescence. The Cph1 extracts exhibited a red/far-red photoactivity characteristic of phytochromes. Difference spectra were identical with those of the phycocyanobilin adduct of recombinant Cph1, implying that phycocyanobilin is the chromophore of Cph1 in Synechocystis.  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Little is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutaminase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assignment of the genomic annotation. The apparent K m value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na+. Moreover, the K m value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na+. These data demonstrate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na+ through increasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synechocystis by targeted mutagenesis and the Δslr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between Δslr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, Δslr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate of Δslr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further characterize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimilation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress response by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis. Supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No. 30500108) and Hundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Lit-tle is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutami-nase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Es-cherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assign-ment of the genomic annotation. The apparent Km value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na . Moreover, the Km value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na . These data demon-strate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na through in-creasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synecho-cystis by targeted mutagenesis and the △slr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between △slr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, △slr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosyn-thetic oxygen evolution rate of △slr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further charac-terize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in △slr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimi-lation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in △slr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress re-sponse by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis.  相似文献   

NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase activity has been screened in several cyanobacteria grown on different nitrogen sources; in all the strains tested isocitrate dehydrogenase activity levels were similar in cells grown either on ammonium or nitrate. The enzyme from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by a procedure that includes Reactive-Red-120-agarose affinity chromatography and phenyl-Sepharose chromatography as main steps. The enzyme was purified about 600-fold, with a yield of 38% and a specific activity of 15.7 U/mg protein. The native enzyme (108 kDa) is composed of two identical subunits with an apparent molecular mass of 57 kDa. Synechocystis isocitrate dehydrogenase was absolutely specific for NADP as electron acceptor. Apparent Km values were 125, 59 and 12 microM for Mg2+, D,L-isocitrate and NADP, respectively, using Mg2+ as divalent cation and 4, 5.7 and 6 microM for Mn2+, D,L-isocitrate and NADP, respectively, using Mn2+ as a cofactor. The enzyme was inhibited non-competitively by ADP (Ki, 6.4 mM) and 2-oxoglutarate, (Ki, 6 mM) with respect to isocitrate and in a competitive manner by NADPH (Ki, 0.6 mM). The circular-dichroism spectrum showed a protein with a secondary structure consisting of about 30% alpha-helix and 36% beta-pleated sheet. The enzyme is an acidic protein with an isoelectric point of 4.4 and analysis of the NH2-terminal sequence revealed 45% identity with the same region of Escherichia coli isocitrate dehydrogenase. The aforementioned data indicate that NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase from Synechocystis resembles isocitrate dehydrogenase from prokaryotes and shows similar molecular and structural properties to the well-known E. coli enzyme.  相似文献   

So AK  John-McKay M  Espie GS 《Planta》2002,214(3):456-467
A fully-segregated mutant (ccaA::kanR) defective in the ccaA gene, encoding a carboxysome-associated beta-carbonic anhydrase (CA), was generated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 by insertional mutagenesis. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the CcaA polypeptide was absent from the carboxysome-enriched fraction obtained from ccaA::kanR, but was present in wild-type (WT) cells. The carboxysome-enriched fraction isolated from WT cells catalyzed 18O exchange between 13C18O2 and H2O, indicative of CA activity, while ccaA::kanR carboxysomes did not. Transmission and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that carboxysomes of WT and ccaA::kanR were of similar size, shape and cellular distribution, and contained most of the cellular complement of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). The ccaA::kanR cells were substantially smaller than WT and were unable to grow autotrophically at air levels of CO2. However, cell division occurred at near-WT rates when ccaA::kanR was supplied with 5% CO2 (v/v) in air. The apparent photosynthetic affinity of the mutant for inorganic carbon (Ci) was 500-fold lower than that of WT cells although intracellular Ci accumulation was comparable to WT measurements. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that the CA-like activity associated with the active CO2 transport system was retained by ccaA::kanR cells and was inhibited by H2S, indicating that CO2 transport was distinct from the CcaA-mediated dehydration of intracellular HCO3-. The data suggest that the ccaA mutant was unable to efficiently utilize the internal Ci pool for carbon fixation and that the high-CO2-requiring phenotype of ccaA::kanR was due primarily to an inability to generate enough CO2 in the carboxysomes to sustain normal rates of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Martin DD  Xu MQ  Evans TC 《Biochemistry》2001,40(5):1393-1402
A naturally occurring trans-splicing intein from the dnaE gene of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (Ssp DnaE intein) was used to characterize the intein-catalyzed splicing reaction. Trans-splicing/cleavage reactions were initiated by combining the N-terminal splicing domain of the Ssp DnaE intein containing five native N-extein residues and maltose binding protein as the N-extein with the C-terminal Ssp DnaE intein splicing domain (E(C)) with or without thioredoxin fused in-frame to its carboxy terminus. Observed rate constants (k(obs)) for dithiothreitol-induced N-terminal cleavage, C-terminal cleavage, and trans-splicing were (1.0 +/- 0.5) x 10(-3), (1.9 +/- 0.9) x 10(-4), and (6.6 +/- 1.3) x 10(-5) s(-1), respectively. Preincubation of the intein fragments showed no change in k(obs), indicating association of the two splicing domains is rapid relative to the subsequent steps. Interestingly, when E(C) concentrations were substoichiometric with respect to the N-terminal splicing domain, the levels of N-terminal cleavage were equivalent to the amount of E(C), even over a 24 h period. Activation energies for N-terminal cleavage and trans-splicing were determined by Arrhenius plots to be 12.5 and 8.9 kcal/mol, respectively. Trans-splicing occurred maximally at pH 7.0, while a slight increase in the extent of N-terminal cleavage was observed at higher pH values. This work describes an in-depth kinetic analysis of the splicing and cleavage activity of an intein, and provides insight for the use of the split intein as an affinity domain.  相似文献   

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