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植物体内的胼胝质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胼胝质(callose)是一种以β-1,3-键结合的葡聚糖。在植物的筛管代谢、配子体发育等生命活动中发挥着重要的调节作用,其合成、分解直接关系植物正常的生长代谢过程,因此,胼胝质的代谢是植物研究中的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

十九世纪,人们在研究筛分子的结构时,发现筛域或筛板上总有一些被水溶性苯胺蓝染上蓝色的小团块。后来在花粉母细胞的壁、花粉粒中及其他类型的细胞里也发现了类似的情况,人们称它为胼胝质(Callose)。这是一种无色、无定形而各向同性的物质,不溶于水和酒精,而溶解在冷浓硫酸,冷稀氢氧化钾,浓氯化钙、氯化锌溶液中。对筛板上分离的胼胝质作化学分析,证明它是碳水  相似文献   

胼胝质是一种普遍存在于高等植物中以β-1,3-键结合的葡聚糖.阐述了胼胝质在植物生长发育过程及胁迫条件下的动态变化,并探讨其生物学意义,以期为生物学教学与研究提供理论参考.  相似文献   

植物小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中胼胝质染色的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用改良苯酚品红-苯胺蓝压片法,观察小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中胼胝质的动态变化。使用该方法简便、快速且省时,获得的照片颜色鲜艳,细胞质呈红色,染色体为深红色,胼胝质呈黄绿色荧光,对比明显,有三维效果。单用改良苯酚品红染液对新鲜材料进行压片,在蓝光激发下,细胞质与染色体呈红色荧光,染色体清晰。实验结果表明,改良苯酚品红染液可作为荧光染料代替DAPI及H33258等昂贵的核染料,从而降低实验成本。  相似文献   

利用改良苯酚品红-苯胺蓝压片法, 观察小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中胼胝质的动态变化。使用该方法简便、快速且省时, 获得的照片颜色鲜艳, 细胞质呈红色, 染色体为深红色, 胼胝质呈黄绿色荧光, 对比明显, 有三维效果。单用改良苯酚品红染液对新鲜材料进行压片, 在蓝光激发下, 细胞质与染色体呈红色荧光, 染色体清晰。实验结果表明, 改良苯酚品红染液可作为荧光染料代替DAPI及H33258等昂贵的核染料, 从而降低实验成本。  相似文献   

植物体内的水杨酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王树才  周燮 《生命科学》1999,11(A01):97-100

植物体内的单宁   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物体内的单宁范六民(河南师范大学生物学系新乡453002)单宁是酚衍生物的一类界杂物质,广泛分布于植物体内。现在知道,除了幼嫩的分生组织以外,几乎所有组织都含有单宁。许多植物的叶子、维管组织、周皮、未成熟的果实、种皮和许多受病部分,如虫瘿(五倍子)...  相似文献   

早在1884年,Fischer在考虑叶肉组织细胞的光合产物是如何运输到小叶脉问题时,就曾猜想过叶子的小叶脉中,可能有某种特殊的细胞来起着它的传递作用。当时他称这种细胞为“中间细胞”。后来,有了一些这方面的报道,但并没引起人们的注意。一直到本世纪六十年代后期,由于运用了超薄切片技术和电子显微镜的观察,才又发现了这些运输代谢产物、细胞壁结构非常特殊的细胞,当时就称之为传递细胞(transfer cell)。起初人们认为传递细胞主要集中叶的木质部和韧皮部,特别是叶小脉的维管组织中。后来研究发现,这种细胞在植物体内分布却十分广泛。除了植物的叶以外,节、鳞片、苞片、小苞片、子叶、胚囊等都发现有这类细胞存在。近年来,国内学者又报道了蒜的花茎中也存在着这类细胞。  相似文献   

植物体内的木质素   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
木质素是植物体内重要的大分子物质,它是一类在化学结构上密切相关、高分子量的多聚体。主要论述了木质素单体的类型,它们在植物体内的合成过程,单体间的聚合机制及其在植物体内的分布和作用。  相似文献   

植物体内的电信号传递   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜常青先生所撰《西红柿的叶也能够“谈话”——一篇读书札记》(植物杂志,1994年第6期)一文,介绍了植物体内电信号传递研究的部分进展。为了让读者对植物电信号传递的研究有一较为全面的了解,特撰写此文,简要介绍植物体内电信号传递的研究状况。  相似文献   

Callose is a polysaccharide in the form of β-1,3-glucan with some β-1,6-branches and it exists in the cell walls of a wide variety of higher plants. Callose plays important roles during a variety of processes in plant development and/or in response to multiple biotic and abiotic stresses. It is now generally believed that callose is produced by callose synthases and that it is degraded by β-1,3-glucanases. Despite the importance of callose in plants, we have only recently begun to elucidate the molecular mechanism of its synthesis. Molecular and genetic studies in Arabidopsis have identified a set of genes that are involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of callose. In this mini-review, we highlight recent progress in understanding callose biosynthesis and degradation and discuss the future challenges of unraveling the mechanism(s) by which callose synthase operate.Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, callose, callose synthase, glucan synthase-like, pollen, plasmodesmata, cell plate, stress  相似文献   

Callose deposition at plasmodesmata   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The transport of ions and metabolites through plasmodesmata has been thought to be controlled at the neck region where the cytoplasmic annulus is constricted and where callose has also been localised. In order to determine the possible structural and functional effects of callose, its deposition was inhibited through incubation of the plant tissue with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DDG) for 1 h prior to fixation in 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The inhibition of callose formation was monitored through aniline blue-induced fluorescence of callose. The neck region of the plasmodesmata fromAllium cepa L. roots treated with DDG exhibited a funnel-shaped configuration. This is in contrast to the plasmodesmata from tissue not incubated with DDG, which exhibited constricted necks similar to those previously reported. Both initial dissection and glutaraldehyde fixation induced neck constriction in plasmodesmata, however, dissection of tissue increased the frequency of constrictions. The inhibition of callose formation by chemical means showed that the neck constrictions and raised collars in this area are artefacts due to physical wounding and glutaraldehyde fixation. The external electron-dense material observed when tannic acid is included in the primary fixative appears to be unrelated to the deposition of callose at the neck region.Abbreviations DDG 2-deoxy-D-glucose  相似文献   

Callose in cell walls during megasporogenesis in angiosperms   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
B. Rodkiewicz 《Planta》1970,93(1):39-47
Summary Callose was detected by fluorescence microscopy in megasporogenesis in all investigated species with mono- and bisporic embryo-sac development. Callose occurs first in the meiotic prophase in the chalazal part of the megasporocyte wall and by the first meiotic metaphase the whole cell is enveloped in a callose-containing wall. Later, there is a marked decrease of callose fluorescence, usually at the chalazal end of the megasporocyte. In Oenothera, where the micropylar megaspore is active, decrease of fluorescence takes place at the micropylar pole of the megasporocyte. Callose appears centrifugally in the cell plates forming eventually the walls dividing the megaspores. It disappears from the walls of the megaspores during degeneration and differentiation.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis was transformed with double-stranded RNA interference (dsRNAi) constructs designed to silence three putative callose synthase genes: GLUCAN SYNTHASE-LIKE5 (GSL5), GSL6, and GSL11. Both wound callose and papillary callose were absent in lines transformed with GSL5 dsRNAi and in a corresponding sequence-indexed GSL5 T-DNA insertion line but were unaffected in GSL6 and GSL11 dsRNAi lines. These data provide strong genetic evidence that the GSL genes of higher plants encode proteins that are essential for callose formation. Deposition of callosic plugs, or papillae, at sites of fungal penetration is a widely recognized early response of host plants to microbial attack and has been implicated in impeding entry of the fungus. Depletion of callose from papillae in gsl5 plants marginally enhanced the penetration of the grass powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis on the nonhost Arabidopsis. Paradoxically, the absence of callose in papillae or haustorial complexes correlated with the effective growth cessation of several normally virulent powdery mildew species and of Peronospora parasitica.  相似文献   

Callose deposits are present both in degenerating megasporesof the heteropolar tetrad in Oenothera hookeri and in degeneratingembryo sacs of the homopolar developing tetrad in O biennis.They are partially continuous with the cell wall and partiallyenclosed in the degenerating cytoplasm and show electron opaquebands within a less electron opaque material Vesicles calledcallose grains are present in the degenerating cytoplasm ofthe embryo sac in O biennis These show an electron opaque fibnllaror granular core surrounded by a halo of low electron opacity Similarities in fine structure between callose deposits of femalegametophytes which follow the degenerating pathway of development,and callose plugs present in pollen tubes during their growth,are discussed. Oenothera, evening primrose, megagametogenesis, megasporogenesis, callose, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Callose, a ß, 1–3 glucan as a component of plantcells has received sporadic attention. Here, we report an attemptto determine whether aniline blue and lacmoid are indeed specificfor visualizing callose. We also re-evaluate, based on a checkfor stain specificity, the localization of callose in elongatingLilium longiflorum, cv. ‘Ace’ pollen tubes. Specificityof these stains was checked by chemical and enzymatic extractionprocedures which solubilize proteins and polysaccharides. Resultsherein question the generally accepted validity of the fluorescent-anilineblue method for detecting callose. Lacmoid either possessesan affinity for both callose and protein or for callose as aglycoprotein. As for callose localization, the walls of thenon-growing region of the lily pollen tube contain callose,probably as a glycoprotein. Presence of the callosicglycoproteinin the wall of the growing tube-tip is dependent on tube length.Callose plugs exhibiting an affinity for aniline blue or lacmoidwere never seen. Phase-contrast microscopy revealed non-stainablewall ingrowths in fixed-tubes and free-moving cytoplasmic masseswithin living tubes.  相似文献   

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