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The effects of select monoterpenes on nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification potentials were determined in four separate laboratory bioassays. The effect of increasing monoterpene addition was an initial reduction in NO3 -N production (nitrification inhibition), followed by a reduction in the sum of NH4 +-N and NO3 -N (inhibition of net N mineralization and net immobilization at high monoterpene additions. Monoterpenes could produce this pattern by inhibiting nitrification, reducing net N mineralization, enhancing immobilization of NO3 -N relative to NH4 +-N, and/or stimulating overall net immobilization of N by carbon-rich material.Initial monoterpene concentrations in the assay soils were about 5% of the added amount and were below detection after incubation in most samples.Potential N mineralization-immobilization, nitrification, and soil monoterpene concentrations were determined by soil horizon for four collections from a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) stand in New Mexico. Concentrations of monoterpenes declined exponentially with soil depth and varied greatly within a horizon. Monoterpene content of the forest floor was not correlated with forest floor biomass. Net N mineralization was inversely correlated with total monoterpene content of all sampled horizons. Nitrification was greatest in the mineral soil, intermediate in the F-H horizon, and never occurred in the L horizon. Nitrification in the mineral soil was inversely correlated with the amount of monoterpenes in the L horizon that contain terminal unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds (r 2 = 0.37, P 0.01). This pattern in the field corresponded to the pattern shown in the laboratory assays with increasing monoterpene additions.  相似文献   

四种温带森林土壤氮矿化与硝化时空格局   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
傅民杰  王传宽  王颖  刘实 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3747-3758
利用PVC管原位培养连续取样法测定了东北地区4种具有代表性的森林生态系统(硬阔叶林、蒙古栎林、红松林、落叶松林)土壤氮素矿化、硝化的时间动态及氮矿化的空间分布格局.结果表明:4种森林土壤氮素矿化存在明显的时空变异.蒙古栎和红松林土壤在6月份表现出强烈的氮矿化和硝化作用,而硬阔叶林及落叶松林7月份氮素矿化强烈.4种森林生态系统上层土壤的氮净矿(硝)化率显著高于下层土壤.4种林型土壤的硝化过程在氮矿化过程中占有重要地位,其NO-3-N在无机氮中的比例分别为:79.9%~91.1%(硬阔叶林)、50.7%~80.5%(蒙古栎林)、54.1%~92.0%(红松林)、63.7%~86.5%(落叶松林).生态系统构成决定了土壤氮素的矿化能力.阔叶林和针阔混交林生态系统矿化率大于纯针叶林生态系统.硬阔叶林、红松林、蒙古栎林、落叶松林的平均净矿化率分别为:(0.58±0.01) mg · kg-1 · d-1、(0.47±0.19) mg · kg-1 · d-1、(0.39±0.11) mg · kg-1 · d-1和(0.23±0.06) mg · kg-1 · d-1.4种林型氮素矿化作用与地下5 cm温度呈正相关,并受土壤表层 (0~10 cm)水分显著影响.土壤微生物量氮与土壤氮矿化呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

本试验研究脲酶/硝化抑制剂不同组合在黑土和褐土中对尿素水解和硝化作用的调控效果,旨在筛选出适合东北黑土、褐土的高效抑制剂组合.采用室内恒温、恒湿培养试验,以不施氮肥(CK)和施用普通尿素肥料(U)为对照,研究分别添加脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)及其与硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(D...  相似文献   

长白山两种主要林型下土壤氮矿化速率与温度的关系   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
周才平  欧阳华 《生态学报》2001,21(9):1469-1473
在实验室条件下,控制土壤的温度与含水量,测定长白山两种森林类型,阔叶红松林和云冷杉林土壤的氮净矿化速率。将含水量适度和饱和的原样土柱置于5℃、15℃、25℃和35℃恒温箱中培养30d。分析培养前后的NH^ 4-N和NO^-3-N含量,确定土壤有机氮的矿化速率。结果表明,对于不同的土壤和不同的含水量,土壤的净的净矿化速率与温度呈正相关;而净硝化速率在低温段与温度正相关,在高温段则呈负相关,而且整个培养期硝态氮的变化不大。建立两种森林类型土壤氮净矿化速率与温度的一次线性和指数回归方程,发现指数回归效果较好,用回归方程模拟两种森林类型土壤的年矿化量分别为111.8kg/(hm^2.a)和57.4kg/(hm^2.a),与实测值1217.36kg(hm^2.a)和47.41kg/(hm^2.a)很接近。  相似文献   

本研究分析添加不同种硝化抑制剂及其组合的高效稳定性氯化铵氮肥对红壤硝化作用、玉米产量和氮肥利用率的影响,旨在筛选出适合酸性红壤的高效稳定性氯化铵态氮肥。在氯化铵中分别添加硝化抑制剂2-氯-6-三甲基吡啶(CP)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)和双氰胺(DCD)及其组合,制成6种高效稳定性氯化铵态氮肥,以不施氮肥(CK)和施氯化铵(N)为对照,进行等氮量玉米盆栽试验。结果表明: 与N处理相比,CP+DMPP和DMPP+DCD处理红壤中铵态氮含量提高56%~62%,显著高于CP、DMPP和DCD处理;土壤表观硝化率显著降低33%~34%。添加硝化抑制剂及其组合的6个处理均显著提高了玉米生物量和氮肥吸收利用率。与N处理相比,单独添加硝化抑制剂处理生物量均显著高于硝化抑制剂组合处理,平均提高1.3倍;添加DCD处理效果最显著,玉米籽粒产量、吸氮量和氮肥吸收利用率分别显著提高4.1、6.3和4.4倍。为了达到既能低成本又能提高产量和氮肥利用率的效果,在红壤上添加硝化抑制剂DCD是最佳选择。  相似文献   

Soil percolation columns in which a pF of 2 could be maintained were developed to study nitrification in soils and litter of an acid and a calcareous forest soil location. High nitrification rates were observed in the calcareous soil. In the acid soil nitrification was much slower. A column filled with leaf litter gave a low nitrification rate at the start of the experiment, but a high rate was found after 60 days of percolation with an ammonium-containing medium of pH 4. In this leaf litter high numbers of autotrophic bacteria were just present at the beginning of the experiment, whereas at the end only low numbers were detected. Results indicate that autotrophic bacteria from acid soils are sensitive to a pH increase.  相似文献   

The soils of mid-Wales in grazed permanent pasture usually exhibit stagnogley features in the top 4–10 cm even though on sloping sites, they are freely drained. Nitrogen is often poorly recovered under these conditions. Our previous studies suggest that continuing loss of available N through concurrent nitrification and denitrification might provide an explanation for poor response to fertilizer N. The work described was designated to further test this proposition. When NH 4 + –N was applied to the surface of intact cores, equilibrated at –5kPa matric potential, about 70% of NH 4 + –N initially present was lost within 56 days of incubation. Study of different sections of the cores showed a rise in NO 3 - level in the surface 0–2.5 cm soil layer but no significant changes below this depth. The imbalance between NO 3 - accumulation and NH 4 + disappearance during the study indicated a simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in the system. Furthermore, the denitrification potential of the soil was 3–4 times greater than nitrification potential so no major build-up of NO 3 - would be expected when two processes occur simultaneously in micro-scale. When nitrification was inhibited by nitrapyrin, a substantial amount of NH 4 + –N remained in the soil and persisted till the end of the incubation. The apparent recovery of applied N increased and of the total amount of N applied, 50% more was recovered relative to without nitrapyrin. It appears that addition of nitrapyrin inhibited nitrification, and consequently denitrification, by limiting the supply of NO 3 - for denitrifying organisms. Emission of N2O from the NH 4 + amended soil cores further confirmed that loss of applied N was the result of both nitrification and denitrification, which occurred simultaneously in adjacent sites at shallow depths. This N loss could account for the poor response to fertilizer N often observed in pastoral agriculture in western areas of the UK.  相似文献   

Patterns and amounts of nitrogen loss from disturbed ecosystems vary widely. The mineralization of organic nitrogen to ammonium and then nitrification to nitrate are important processes regulating nitrogen cycling rates and nitrogen losses. Nitrification is a significant process because of the production of the nitrate anion which is easily leached or denitrified. Most studies of these processes do not evaluate their seasonal and yearly variations. This study demonstrates that marked seasonal and yearly variations can occur in these processes in different ecosystems and suggests that nitrogen loss or other system properties correlated with one arbitrarily selected collection can be misleading. Spruce-fir and ponderosa pine ecosystems demonstrated little actual orpotential nitrification. Aspen and mixed conifer ecosystems demonstrated distinct seasonal patterns with increased rates of mineralization and nitrification during spring and summer months and a precipitous decline in both rates coincident with autumn foliage litterfall.The relative availability of soil nitrogen along with the amount of nitrogen circulating annually in litterfall prior to disturbance are useful predictors of the potential for nitrate production and loss following disturbance. However, other controls, including regulation by organic compounds, appear important in determining seasonal and annual variation in actual nitrification rates.  相似文献   

We examined soil nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification rates, and soil and forest floor properties in one native forest: evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF), one secondary shrubs (SS), and three adjacent plantation forests: Chinese fir plantation (CFP), bamboo plantation (BP) and waxberry groves (WG) in Tiantong National Forest Park, Eastern China. All forests showed seasonal dynamics of N mineralization and nitrification rates. Soil N mineralization rate was highest in EBLF (1.6 ± 0.3 mg-N kg−1 yr−1) and lowest in CFP (0.4 ± 0.1 mg-N kg−1 yr−1). Soil nitrification rate was also highest in EBLF (0.6 ± 0.1 mg-N kg−1 yr−1), but lowest in SS (0.02 ± 0.01 mg-N kg−1 yr−1). During forest conversion of EBLF to SS, CFP, BP and WG, soil N mineralization rate (10.7%, 73%, 40.3% and 69.8%, respectively), soil nitrification rate (94.9%, 32.2%, 33.9% and 39%, respectively), and soil N concentration (50%, 65.4%, 78.9% and 51.9%, respectively) declined significantly. Annual soil N mineralization was positively correlated with total C and N concentrations of surface soil and total N concentration of forest floor, and negatively correlated with soil bulk density, soil pH and C:N ratio of forest floor across the five forests. Annual soil nitrification was positively correlated with total C concentration of surface soil and N concentration of forest floor, and negatively correlated with soil bulk density and forest floor mass. In contrast, annual soil nitrification was not correlated to pH value, total N concentration, C:N ratio of surface soil and total C concentration and C:N ratio of forest floor.  相似文献   

王朋  王莹  孔垂华 《生态学报》2008,28(1):62-68
植物释放的挥发性单萜在生态系统中起着重要的作用,这些单萜不仅能以空气为载体对其他植物显示直接的化感作用,而且也能以土壤为载体进行间接的化感作用.通过对三裂叶豚草挥发物对植物种子萌发和土壤微生物种群影响及其化学成分的鉴定研究,验证了以单萜类物质为主的三裂叶豚草挥发物可以经土壤载体对其他植物及土壤微生物显示化感效应.还对植物挥发物化学成分鉴定的GC(气相色谱)和GC-MS(气相色谱-质谱联用)方法存在的一些误区进行了澄清,这将有助于对生态系统中植物挥发物化感作用的研究和认识.  相似文献   

Monoterpenes, source of the distinctive odor of conifers, are generally considered plant defensive compounds. However, they are also known to act as long‐range insect attractants, as they are volatile and permeate forest airspaces. Moreover, they are lipid soluble and can be absorbed into plant epicuticular waxes. We test their role in short‐range host plant choice by both adult females and larvae of a folivorous forest pest (Choristoneura fumiferana). We conducted laboratory assays testing the responses of Eastern spruce budworm to an artificial monoterpene mix (α‐pinene, β‐pinene, limonene, myrcene) and to white spruce (Picea glauca) epicuticular waxes in closed arenas. Ovipositing females preferred filter paper discs treated with P. glauca waxes to controls, and preferred the waxes + monoterpenes treatment to waxes alone. However, females showed no preference between the monoterpene‐treated disc and the control when presented without waxes. Feeding larvae prefered wax discs to control discs. They also consumed discs treated with realistic monoterpene concentrations and wax preferentially over wax‐only discs, but showed no preference between extremely high monoterpene concentrations and wax‐only controls. In an insect‐free assay, P. glauca epicuticular wax decreased monoterpene volatilization. These results suggest that P. glauca waxes and realistic concentrations of monoterpenes are stimulatory to both egg‐laying females and feeding larvae, and that their effects are synergistic.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments have been carried out to quantify net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in oak-beech litter at temperatures ranging from 0 to 30°C. Net mineralization was linearly proportional to temperature. Nitrification was inhibited at 0,5 and 30°C. As compared with soils under cultivation, there is only restricted knowledge of nitrification kinetics in acid forest litters, especially when temperature is considered. With these litter types, one should be cautious applying high incubation temperatures, which seldomly occur under field conditions.  相似文献   

王朋  王莹  孔垂华 《生态学报》2008,28(1):62-68
植物释放的挥发性单萜在生态系统中起着重要的作用,这些单萜不仅能以空气为载体对其他植物显示直接的化感作用,而且也能以土壤为载体进行间接的化感作用。通过对三裂叶豚草挥发物对植物种子萌发和土壤微生物种群影响及其化学成分的鉴定研究,验证了以单萜类物质为主的三裂叶豚草挥发物可以经土壤载体对其他植物及土壤微生物显示化感效应。还对植物挥发物化学成分鉴定的GC (气相色谱) 和GC-MS (气相色谱-质谱联用) 方法存在的一些误区进行了澄清,这将有助于对生态系统中植物挥发物化感作用的研究和认识。  相似文献   

Brierley  E. D. R.  Wood  M.  Shaw  P. J. A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):97-104
Soil N transformations were studied at Ironhill, near Liphook, UK as part of a forest fumigation experiment. Nitrification potential was measured in a humoferric podzol soil, of pH 3 (in 0.01 M CaCl2). An initial experiment into nitrogen mineralisation potential indicated that nitrification was linked strongly to the species of coniferous tree growing in the soil. Transfer of soil solution between soils had no influence on mineralisation potential and allelopathic effects of the trees were not demonstrated. The initial finding was attributed subsequently to the type of ground vegetation and its management. Attempts to reproduce soil conditions, which promoted nitrification, were partially successful.Soil, from the Ironhill site, was incubated with various nitrogenous substrates and other nutrients and sources of carbon to test whether heterotrophs were responsible for nitrification. Organic N (which was ammonified) promoted nitrification, but the addition of ammonium was inhibitory unless supplied with a readily available carbon source such as acetate. Nitrification potential was unaffected when soils were incubated with an inhibitor of autotrophic nitrification. The results of these experiments supported strongly the hypothesis that heterotrophic organisms were responsible for nitrification in this soil.  相似文献   

Summary The extractable monoterpenes from needles of two groups of trees — 4-year-old clonal and 20-year-old wild trees — were studied with respect to the influence of individual constitution, needle age, whorl position, and position on branch. Leaf terpene amounts from clonal trees are significantly affected by age and position of the whorl, whereas position on the branch is of minor importance. Developing needles of clonal trees are most strongly affected by age and whorl position and they differ markedly from mature needles in quantitative terpene composition. Wild trees exhibit a very high variation from tree to tree, which obscures the influence of needle age and position. For this reason meaningful tree leaf terpene data will only be derived if large samples of needles of different ages are collected from distinct positions. When comparing different trees, needles should be selected that not only have the same state of development, but also originate from identical positions and have been subjected to the same light treatment.  相似文献   

The importance of heterotrophic nitrification was studied in soil from a mixed-conifer forest. Three sites in the forest were sampled: a clear cut area, a young stand and a mature stand. In the mature stand, the mineral soil (0–10 cm) and the organic layer were sampled separately. Gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification were measured by15NH 4 + and15NO 3 isotopic pool dilution, respectively. The rates of autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification were distinguished by use of acetylene as a specific inhibitor of autotrophic nitrification. In samples supplemented with15NH 4 + and treated with acetylene, no15NO 3 was detectable showing that the acetylene treatment effectively blocked the autotrophic nitrification, and that NH 4 + was not a substrate for heterotrophic nitrification. In the clear cut area, autotrophic nitrification was the most important NO 3 generating process with total nitrification (45 ug N kg–1h–1) accounting for about one-third of gross N mineralization (140 ug N kg–1 h–1). In the young and mature forested sites, gross nitrification rates were largely unaffected by acetylene treatment indicating that heterotrophic nitrification dominated the NO 3 generating process in these areas. In the mature forest mineral and organic soil, nitrification (heterotrophic) was equal to only about 5% of gross mineralization (gross mineralization rates of 90 ug N kg–1 h–1 mineral; 550 ug N kg–1 h–1 organic). The gross nitrification rate decreased from the clear cut area to the young forest area to the mineral soil of the mature forest (45; 17; 4.5 ug kg–1 h–1 respectively). The15N isotope pool dilution method, combined with acetylene as an inhibitor of autotrophic nitrification provided an effective technique for assessing the importance of heterotrophic nitrification in the N-cycle of this mixed-conifer ecosystem.  相似文献   

Global patterns and controlling factors of soil nitrification rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil nitrification, an important pathway of nitrogen transformation in ecosystems, produces soil nitrate that influences net primary productivity, while the by‐product of nitrification, nitrous oxide, is a significant greenhouse gas. Although there have been many studies addressing the microbiology, physiology, and impacting environment factors of soil nitrification at local scales, there are very few studies on soil nitrification rate over large scales. We conducted a global synthesis on the patterns and controlling factors of soil nitrification rate normalized at 25°C by compiling 3,140 observations from 186 published articles across terrestrial ecosystems. Soil nitrification rate tended to decrease with increasing latitude, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, and varied largely with ecosystem types. The soil nitrification rate significantly increased with mean annual temperature (MAT), soil nitrogen content, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, soil ammonium, and soil pH, but decreased with soil carbon:nitrogen and carbon:nitrogen of microbial biomass. The total soil nitrogen content contributed the most to the variations of global soil nitrification rate (total coefficient = 0.29) in structural equation models. The microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN; total coefficient = 0.19) was nearly of equivalent importance relative to MAT (total coefficient = 0.25) and soil pH (total coefficient = 0.24) in determining soil nitrification rate, while soil nitrogen and pH influenced soil nitrification via changing soil MBN. Moreover, the emission of soil nitrous oxide was positively related to soil nitrification rate at a global scale. This synthesis will advance our current understanding on the mechanisms underlying large‐scale variations of soil nitrification and benefit the biogeochemical models in simulating global nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is expected to experience the greatest warming of all forest biomes, raising concerns that some of the large quantities of soil carbon in these systems may be added to the atmosphere as CO2. However, nitrogen deposition or fertilization has the potential to increase boreal forest production and retard the decomposition of soil organic matter, hence increasing both tree stand and soil C storage. The major contributors to soil‐surface CO2 effluxes are autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration. To evaluate the effect of nutrient additions on the relative contributions from autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, a large‐scale girdling experiment was performed in a long‐term nutrient optimization experiment in a 40‐year‐old stand of Norway spruce in northern Sweden. Trees on three nonfertilized plots and three fertilized plots were girdled in early summer 2002, and three nonfertilized and three fertilized plots were used as control plots. Each plot was 0.1 ha and contained around 230 trees. Soil‐surface CO2 fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature were monitored in both girdled and nongirdled plots. In late July, the time of the seasonal maximum in soil‐surface CO2 efflux, the total soil‐CO2 efflux in nongirdled plots was 40% lower in the fertilized than in the nonfertilized plots, while the efflux in girdled fertilized and nonfertilized plots was 50% and 60% lower, respectively, than in the corresponding nongirdled controls. We attribute these reductions to losses of the autotrophic component of the total soil‐surface CO2 efflux. The estimates of autotrophic respiration are conservative as root starch reserves were depleted more rapidly in roots of girdled than in nongirdled trees. Thus, heterotrophic activity was overestimated. Calculated on a unit area basis, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration was significantly lower in fertilized plots, which is especially noteworthy given that aboveground production was around three times higher in fertilized than in nonfertilized plots.  相似文献   

森林土壤氮素转换及其对氮沉降的响应   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
近几十年人类活动向大气中排放的含氮化合物激增 ,并引起大气氮沉降也成比例增加。目前 ,氮沉降的增加使一些森林生态系统结构和功能发生改变 ,甚至衰退。近 2 0 a欧洲和北美有关氮沉降及其对森林生态系统的影响方面的研究较多 ,而我国少有涉及。森林土壤氮素转换是森林生态系统氮素循环的一个重要的组成部分 ,而矿化、硝化和反硝化作用是其核心过程 ,氮沉降作为驱动因子势必改变森林土壤氮素转换速度、方向和通量。根据国外近 2 0 a有关研究 ,首先介绍了森林土壤氮素转换过程和强度 ,论述森林土壤氮素在生态系统氮素循环中的作用 ,然后在此基础上 ,介绍了氮沉降对森林土壤氮素循环的研究途径 ,探讨了氮沉降对森林土壤氮素矿化、硝化和反硝化作用的影响及其机理  相似文献   

Brierley  E. D. R.  Shaw  P. J. A.  Wood  M. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(1):83-96
Ironhill, near Liphook, UK, was the site of a forest fumigation experiment. Nitrogen cycling within the humoferric podzol soil was a component of the study into the impacts of sulphur dioxide and ozone on coniferous trees. Variation in total soil N and N mineralisation was too great to determine impacts from the fumigant gases. Differences in the nitrogen mineralisation potential of the soils were unrelated to the initial levels of mineral or total N, or to pH. Mineralisation potential was affected by temperature and a Q10 of approximately 3 was demonstrated. Mineralisation potential was reduced in very dry soils, but the wetting of these dry soils did not result in enhanced mineralisation, relative to fresh samples of equivalent moisture content. Nitrification potential was detected in this forest soil of pH 3 (in 0.01 m CaCl2).The soil N data and those from the analysis of N within vegetation were used to prepare N budgets for the second and third seasons' growth of a mixed conifer forest; by the third year, N appeared to limit tree growth.The relative magnitude of proton fluxes from plant growth, nitrification and atmospheric inputs was estimated. Acidity generated from the balance of cations and anions in plant uptake, and soil N transformations was estimated to be comparable to that from `acid rain'. This comparison was based on only parts of the N cycle because they may occur remotely, in time or space, from other transformations of N. The comparison is valid, therefore, at the scale of individual trees or small-scale experimental plots, but at forest scale, wet and dry deposition were predicted to be the more significant for ecosystem acidification.  相似文献   

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