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Radioimmunoassays for measuring prostaglandin F (PGF) and 5α, 7α-dihydroxy-11-keto tetranorprosta-1,16-dioic acid, PGF-main urinary metabolite (PGF-MUM), with 125I-tyrosine methylester amide (TMA) of PGF and PGF-MUM were developed.Antibody to PGF was produced in rabbits immunized with conjugates of PGF coupled to bovine serum albumine. Antibody to PGF-MUM was also produced in rabbits immunized with conjugates of PGF-MUM coupled to bovine serum albumin.PGF-125I-TMA had an affinity to antiserum to PGF. PGF-MUM-125I-TMA also responded to antiserum to PGF-MUM.  相似文献   

In humans eicosapentaenoic acid can be converted to 3-series prostaglandins (PGF, PGI3, and PGE3). Whether 3-series prostaglandins can protect the gastric mucosa from injury as effectively as their 2-series analogs is unknown. Therefore, we compared the protective effects of PGF and PGF against gross and microscopic gastric mucosal injury in rats. Animals received a subcutaneous injection of either PGF or PGF in doses raning from 0 (vehicle) to 16.8 μmol/kg and 30 min later they received intragastric administration of 1 ml of absolute ethanol. Whether mucosal injury was assessed 60 min or 5 min after ethanol, PGF was significantly less protective against ethanol-induced damage than PGF. These findings indicate that the presence of a third double bond in the prostaglandin F molecule between carbons 17 and 18 markedly reduces the protective effects of this prostaglandin on the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

The present study has been performed to investigate how PGs would participate the hatching process. Effects of indomethacin, an antagonist to PGs biosynthesis, on the hatching of mouse blastocysts were examined in vitro. Furthermore, it was studied that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostaglandin F (PGF) or 6-keto-prostaglandin F (6-keto-PGF) were added to the culture media with indomethacin. (1) The hatching was inhibited by indomethacin yet the inhibition was reversible. (2) In the groups with indomethacin and PGE2, no improvement was seen in the inhibition of hatching and the inhibition was irreversible. (3) In the groups with indomethacin and PGF, inhibition of hatching was improved in comparison with the group with indomethacin. (4) In the groups with indomethacin and 6-keto-PGF, no improvement was seen. The above results indicated that PGF possibly had an accelerating effect on hatching and a high concentration of PGE2 would exert cytotoxic effect on blastocysts.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins E2 and D2 were both converted to prostaglandin F (9α, 11α) by an enzyme present in sheep blood. Neither the 9β, 11α epimer nor the 9α, 11β epimer was produced from PGE2 or PGD2 respectively. The rate of reduction was measured using isotope dilution (D4 PGF) and multiple-ion detection gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Potassium-deficiency was induced in rats by dietary deprivation of potassium. The animals became polyuric and urine osmolality decreased more then three-fold compared to controls. Urinary excretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostaglandin F (PGF) did not increase during 2 weeks of potassium depletion. Partial inhibition of renal prostaglandin synthesis by meclofenamate did not increase the urine osmolality after water deprivation. These results make unlikely the hypothesis that the polyuria of potassium-deficiency, is the result of enhanced renal synthesis of prostaglandins with subsequent antagonism of the hydro-osmotic effect of vasopressin. Male animals consistently excreted less PGE2 than female animals.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F (PGF) 20 mg combined with urea 80 g was injected intra-amniotically in 20 patients to induce mid-trimester abortion. Abortion resulted in all subjects within 24 hours in a mean time of 12 hours 38 minutes (range 5 hours 50 minutes to 20 hours 45 minutes).Plasma sex steroids were evaluated before and hourly for 5 hours after the injection. A progressive decline in levels occurred with time. Decreases in plasma progesterone, estrone, estradiol and estriol were significant as soon as one hour after injection.Gastrointestinal side effects occurred with a greater frequency than when a comparable dose of PGF is given alone and 2 patients had small cervical lacerations requiring suture. Further studies are indicated to establish whether a lower dose of PGF will be associated with fewer side effects and be as effective.  相似文献   

Two subcutaneous injections of Prostaglandin F THAM salt 24 hours apart terminated pregnancies in cats after the 40th day of gestation. Injections of 0.50 or 1.00 mg. PGF THAM salt/Kg. body weight were the most effective in terminating pregnancies. Parturition or abortion occurred within 24 hours after the initial injection in 9 cats and after the 2nd injection in 4 cats.  相似文献   

Intrauterine PGF (5mg) was administered for termination of early pregnancy in 14 healthy volunteers. With 11 complete abortions, the efficiency rate of this technique is below conventional methods. In addition, the incidence of infection was high occurring in 12 out of 14 subjects. Because of persistent bleeding, six patients underwent a dilatation and curettage. Other significant side effects included transient hypertension, pain, nausea and restlessness. In the patients with a complete abortion, the mean plasma progesterone concentration fell 37% after 8 hours post PGF instillation and 90% 14 days later. The mean plasma estradiol-17β fell 26% over the initial eight hour period and 75% over the next 14 days.  相似文献   

Vehicle or 8 or 16 mg of PGF per 58 kg body weight was given intramuscularly to intact, hysterectomized or ovariectomized 90–100 day pregnant ewes in three separate experiments. Both doses of PGF increased PGF in ovarian venous plasma compared with controls at 72 hr post treatment in intact (P≤0.05) but did not in hysterectomized (P≥0.05) 90–100 day pregnant ewes. Concentrations of PGE in ovarian venous blood of intact ewes did not differ (P≥0.05) between treatment groups and were equivalent to concentrations of PGE determined in uterine venous plasma. PGE was decreased in ovarian venous plasma by PGF in hysterectomized ewes (P≤0.07). PGE in uterine venous plasma averaged 6 ng/ml over the 72-hr treatment period in intact and ovariectomized 90–100 day pregnant ewes and was 12 fold greater (P≤0.05) than PGF which averaged 500 pg/ml in uterine venous plasma. Both PGF and PGE increased (P≤0.05) by 64 hr in uterine venous plasma of the 8 mg PGF — treated intact pregnant ewes. A significant quadratic increase (P≤0.05) was observed for PGF and PGE in the vehicle and both PGF treatment groups of intact ewes at the end of the 72-hr sampling period. It is concluded that the uterus and ovaries secrete significant quantities of PGE but little PGF during midgestation. In addition, PGF increased uterine secretion of PGE . PGE may be a placental stimulator of ovine placental secretion of progesterone or PGE may protect placental steroidogenesis from actions of PGF.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG)F, E2, D2 and 6-keto-F were determined in human cerebrospinal fluid by a mass spectrometric technique. The samples were obtained from 12 patients with suspected intracranial disease. A 64 fold variation in PG levels was observed. The major PG was 6-keto-F (0.12–15 ng/ml). PGF and PGE2 were present in lower concentrations PGD2 was below the level of detection (0.05 ng/ml) except in one patient with extremely high total levels of PGs.  相似文献   

The effects of PGF infusion in a dose of 25 μg/min for 5 hours on serum levels of estradiol-17β, progesterone, LH, FSH, TSH and prolactin, and on the pituitary hormone responsiveness to LRH and TRH were studied in 10 apparently healthy cycling women in the mid-luteal phase. No systematic alteration was seen in the pituitary and ovarian hormone levels during PGF infusion, and the pituitary hormone responses to releasing hormones were unaffected. Ovarian steroid production increased in response to increased gonadotropin levels after LRH injection during PGF administration. These results confirm that PGF is not luteolytic in humans and no apparent relationship between PGF and pituitary hormone secretion exists.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of prostaglandin F results in transient episodes of sinus bradycardia in anesthetized cats. In addition, ventricular bigeminy was observed in approximately 40% of those cats anesthetized with pentobarbital (36 mg/kg) and 58% of those anesthetized with chloralose (70 mg/kg). This arrhythmogenic effect of PGF is abolished following bilateral vagotomy, indicating that the arrhythmias are most likely due to a marked stimulation of vagal tone in this species.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed toward PGF were prepared in rabbits. The serologic specificity of the immune reaction was determined by inhibition of sodium borohydride-reduced (3H) PGE2 anti-PGF binding by several prostaglandins. The antibodies to PGF recognize the β-hydroxyl configuration in the cyclopentane ring of PGF. With the use of both anti-PGF and anti-PGF, the product of PGE2 reduction by 9-ketoreductase purified from chicken heart was identified as PGF. Guinea pig liver and kidney homogenates were examined for PGE 9-ketoreductase activity. Although enzyme activity was present, no evidence of PGF production was found.  相似文献   

Our reported data on the cortical inhibitory actions of prostaglandin F (PGF) and the diversity of data in the literature on cerebral PG actions are examined here in the light of intracellular recording which provides the requisite membrane data for the first time. Thus, 1) intracellular recording from the cat cerebral cortex is obtained for the actions of PGF and for norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5HT). 2) The parallel changes in firing and polarization and the simultaneous transmembrane conductance changes are qualitatively identical for PGF, NE and 5HT. 3) The reduction in firing accompanied by hyperpolarization indicates that PGF, NE and 5HT all inhibit these cells. 4) The ionic species responsible for this inhibition is such that it increased the transmembrane resistance, and this was true for all three. 5) The changes in membrane parameters, identical in direction for PGF and NE, but stronger for the latter, constitute conditions that can lead to competitive inhibition and therefore conote, presumably, actions at the same or related receptors. Such competition with evoked cortical field potentials is shown in the preceding paper.  相似文献   

A viroimmunoassay of PG F is presented here. By a modification of the technique used by Dray et al. (3), it allowed us to measure as low as one picogram of PG F. It seems that such a sensitive assay might be usefull for many purposes in the prostaglandin field.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F concentrations measured in ovarian follicular fluid from thirty-four patients rose significantly during the pre-ovulatory phase, reaching a peak at day 14 and falling after mid-cycle. These findings provide evidence in women to support a role for prostaglandins, acting at the follicular level, in the process of ovulation.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F (PGF) was measured by immunoassay in plasma and milk of four cows (six experiments). After 30 mg PGF im, plasma PGF peaked at 15 minutes (2.4 ± 0.7 ng/ml) and declined toward basal values by 3 hours; maximum milk PGF (0.91 ± 0.12 ng/ml) occurred at 1 hour. The average excretion rate in milk was 2.9 μg/day 0.9 μg (0.003%) of which was due to the 30 mg PGF injected. In six non-pregnant control cows, daily changes of milk PGF and progesterone were not consistently related.  相似文献   

3H5,6-Prostaglandin F is largely eliminated from the circulation during a single passage through the pulmonary vascular bed. Its elimination requires cellular uptake. The volume of distribution and the mean transit time of the radioactivity are greater than those of an intravascular marker, blue dextran. The lungs retain 25–30% of the radioactivity, most in the form of a metabolite less polar than PGF itself. The pulmonary venous effluent contains the same metabolite along with some unmetabolized PGF. The metabolite can be distinguished from prostaglandins of the A, B, D, E and F series. It is reduced on reaction with borohydride, but reduction does not yield PGF. Na0H has no effect on the metabolite, a finding that rules out the presence of a β-hydroxy-ketone configuration of the ring structure. The chromatographic behavior of the metabolite and its reaction with borohydride are those expected of 9,11-hydroxy-15-ketoprostanoic acid.  相似文献   

3H5,6-Prostaglandin F is largely eliminated from the circulation during a single passage through the pulmonary vascular bed. Its elimination requires cellular uptake. The volume of distribution and the mean transit time of the radioactivity are greater than those of an intravascular marker, blue dextran. The lungs retain 25–30% of the radioactivity, most in the form of a metabolite less polar than PGF itself. The pulmonary venous effluent contains the same metabolite along with some unmetabolized PGF. The metabolite can be distinguished from prostaglandins of the A, B, D, E and F series. It is reduced on reaction with borohydride, but reduction does not yield PGF. NaOH has no effect on the metabolite, a finding that rules out the presence of a β-hydroxy-ketone configuration of the ring structure. The chromatographic behavior of the metabolite and its reaction with borohydride are those expected of 9,11-hydroxy-15-ketoprostanoic acid.  相似文献   

Oviductal fluid was continuously collected from cycling, unrestrained gilts during late proestrus, standing heat and early luteal pahse. Collection was performed via cannulae exteriorized to single vented collection tubes attached to the skin. In some cases one of the oviducts was transected at isthmic level to compare fluid production rates with those of the contralateral intact tube. A consistently elevated fluid production was observed during proestrus and standing heat, being highest at the second day of the cycle, there- after decreasing. No significant differences were seen between daily collection rates from right or left nor between intact and isthmic transected oviducts. Levels of PGF were determined by RIA in the collected samples. Relatively large day to day fluctuations in PGF values were evident and a consistent relatinship was found between concentration and the stage of the estrous cycle. The highest PGF mean values (up to 50 ng/ml fluid) were also found on the second day of standing heat, concurrently periovulatory.  相似文献   

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