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Trotta E  Del Grosso N  Erba M  Paci M 《Biochemistry》2000,39(23):6799-6808
AAT.ATT is the most abundant and also the most frequently polymorphic class of trinucleotide repeats in the human genome. To characterize its structural properties and conformational changes induced by minor groove ligands, (AAT)(6) and (ATT)(6) oligomers as well as their complexes with DAPI were investigated by electrophoretic mobility and UV thermal stability as well as fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy. The results show that individual (AAT)(6) and (ATT)(6) strands exist principally as monomeric non-hydrogen-bonded structures. Their individual interaction with DAPI induces the formation of base-paired structures with different thermal stabilities by quite spectroscopically distinct binding mechanisms. In the presence of DAPI, (ATT)(6) forms a monomeric hairpin structure stabilized by two ligands located in the minor groove with a strong apparent binding constant of 3.4 x 10(6) M(-)(1). The DAPI-induced (ATT)(6) hairpin is characterized by well-stacked A.T Watson-Crick and T.T wobble base pairs, a high electrophoretic mobility, and a melting temperature of 41 degrees C. Interaction of DAPI with the complementary (AAT)(6) strand favors less stable base-paired structures, and the results are consistent with electrostatic and hydrogen-bond interactions of the ligand with the phosphodiester backbone of (AAT)(6) by minor involvement of DNA bases.  相似文献   

Effects of DAPI on human leukocytes in vitro.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DAPI (4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a fluorochrome specific for AT-rich DNA, was supplied for 24 h at various concentrations to human leukocytes in culture. This treatment caused the appearance on the chromosomes of specific areas lacking spiralization. In particular, the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1,9, and 16, a short region on the long arm of chromosomes 1 and 2, and the distal heterochromatic part of the long arm of the Y chromosome were despiralized. The despiralization pattern of DAPI is compared with those previously obtained with Hoechst 33258 and Distamycin A.  相似文献   

Structural features of trinucleotide repeats associated with DNA expansion.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mechanism of DNA expansion is not well understood. Recent evidence from genetic, in vivo, and in vitro studies has suggested a link between the formation of alternative DNA secondary structures by trinucleotide repeat tracts and their propensity to undergo expansion. This review will focus on structural features and the mechanism of expansion relevant to human disease.  相似文献   

Interaction of DAPI with double-stranded ribonucleic acids.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The interaction of DAPI with natural and synthetic double-stranded polyribonucleotides was studied with different optical and calorimetric methods. The results were similar to those obtained previously with double-stranded polydeoxynucleotides, i.e. two interaction modes, the first of which shows high affinity for AU clusters and consequent strong fluorescence enhancement. The results suggest caution in the use of DAPI as selective fluorescent staining agent for DNA in the presence of RNA. A narrow groove binding model with hydrogen bonds between DAPI and AU pairs is proposed. An intercalation mechanism can be excluded because of the non planarity of DAPI molecule.  相似文献   

In discontinuous polyoma DNA replication, the synthesis of Okazaki fragments is primed by RNA. During viral DNA synthesis in nuclei isolated from infected cells, 40% of the nascent short DNA fragments had the polarity of the leading strand which, in theory, could have been synthesized by a continuous mechanism. To rule out that the leading strand fragments were generated by degradation of nascent DNA, they were further characterized. DNA fragments from a segment of the genome which replication forks pass in only one direction were strand separated. The sizes of the fragments from both strands were similar, suggesting that one strand was not specifically degraded. Most important, however, the majority of the Okazaki fragments of both strands were linked to RNA at their 5' ends. For identification, the RNA was labeled at the 5' ends by [beta-32P]GTP, internally by [3H]CTP, [3H]GTP, and [3H]UTP, or at the 3' ends by 32P transfer from adjacent [32P]dTMP residues. All three kinds of labeling indicated that an equal proportion of DNA fragments from the two strands was linked to RNA primers.  相似文献   

A quantitative genetic assay was developed to monitor alterations in tract lengths of trinucleotide repeat sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Insertion of (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeats into a promoter that drives expression of the reporter gene ADE8 results in loss of expression and white colony color. Contractions within the trinucleotide sequences to repeat lengths of 8 to 38 restore functional expression of the reporter, leading to red colony color. Reporter constructs including (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeat sequences were integrated into the yeast genome, and the rate of red colony formation was measured. Both orientations yielded high rates of instability (4 x 10(-4) to 18 x 10(-4) per cell generation). Instability depended on repeat sequences, as a control harboring a randomized (C,A,G)50 sequence was at least 100-fold more stable. PCR analysis of the trinucleotide repeat region indicated an excellent correlation between change in color phenotype and reduction in length of the repeat tracts. No preferential product sizes were observed. Strains containing disruptions of the mismatch repair gene MSH2, MSH3, or PMS1 or the recombination gene RAD52 showed little or no difference in rates of instability or distributions of products, suggesting that neither mismatch repair nor recombination plays an important role in large contractions of trinucleotide repeats in yeast.  相似文献   

Ouyang D  Yi L  Liu L  Mu HT  Xi Z 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(18):4510-4521
The expansion of DNA repeat sequences is associated with many genetic diseases in humans. Simple bulge DNA structures have been implicated as intermediates in DNA slippage within the DNA repeat regions. To probe the possible role of bulged structures in DNA slippage, we designed and synthesized a pair of simple chiral spirocyclic compounds [Xi Z, Ouyang D & Mu HT (2006) Bioorg Med Chem Lett 16, 1180-1184], DDI-1A and DDI-1B, which mimic the molecular architecture of the enediyne antitumor antibiotic neocarzinostatin chromophore. Both compounds strongly stimulated slippage in various DNA repeats in vitro. Enhanced slippage synthesis was found to be synchronous for primer and template. CD spectra and UV thermal stability studies supported the idea that DDI-1A and DDI-1B exhibited selective binding to the DNA bulge and induced a significant conformational change in bulge DNA. The proposed mechanism for the observed in vitro expansion of long DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The properties of nascent DNA in the replicative closed circular mitochondrial DNA were examined in the in vitro system of discontinuous replication, using newborn rat liver mitochondria containing endogeneous DNA templates and enzymes. 2. The nascent DNA associated with the closed circular DNA fraction was found to be of two types; one class consisted of the fragments, and the other of the higher molecular-weight DNAs. Data from pulse and chase experiments indicate that the fragments were initially synthesized and subsequently converted into both heavy and light strands of the higher molecular-weight DNAs in an asymmetrical mode. 3. DNA - DNA hybridization experiments revealed that half of the fragments at least were copies of complementary parts of the parental DNA. 4. Based on the present in vitro data, a tentative structure of the replicating region and its expansion are discussed.  相似文献   

To study homologous recombination between repeated sequences in an in vitro simian virus 40 (SV40) replication system, we constructed a series of substrate DNAs that contain two identical fragments of monkey alpha-satellite repeats. Together with the SV40-pBR322 composite vector encoding Apr and Kmr, the DNAs also contain the Escherichia coli galactokinase gene (galK) positioned between two alpha-satellite fragments. The alpha-satellite sequence used consists of multiple units of tandem 172-bp sequences which differ by microheterogeneity. The substrate DNAs were incubated in an in vitro SV40 DNA replication system and used to transform the E. coli galK strain DH10B after digestion with DpnI. The number of E. coli galK Apr Kmr colonies which contain recombinant DNAs were determined, and their structures were analyzed. Products of equal and unequal crossovers between identical 172-bp sequences and between similar but not identical (homeologous) 172-bp sequences, respectively, were detected, although those of the equal crossover were predominant among all of the galK mutant recombinants. Similar products were also observed in the in vivo experiments with COS1 cells. The in vitro experiments showed that these recombinations were dependent on the presence of both the SV40 origin of DNA replication and SV40 large T antigen. Most of the recombinant DNAs were generated from newly synthesized DpnI-resistant DNAs. These results suggest that the homologous recombination observed in this SV40 system is associated with DNA replication and is suppressed by mismatches in heteroduplexes formed between similar but not identical sequences.  相似文献   

Soluble nuclear extracts prepared from adenovirus-infected HeLa cells supported adenovirus DNA replication with exogenous DNA-protein complex as template, but protease-treated, phenol-extracted DNA was less active. Replication was enhanced when creatine phosphate and creatine phosphokinase were included in the reaction mixture, rendering the reaction independent of exogenous ATP. Genomic-length, newly synthesized DNA strands were first observed 30 min after initiation of replication and continued to increase in amount for at least 4 h. Thus, the rate of replication is consistent with previous estimates of the rate of replication in vivo. Nascent DNA strands bound to benzoylated, naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose due to their association with protein. The 5' termini of nascent DNA strands were resistant to the 5'- to 3'-specific T7 exonuclease, and the 3' termini of nascent strands were sensitive to the 3'- to 5'-specific exonuclease III. These results suggest that a protein becomes covalently linked to the 5' termini of nascent DNA strands replicated in vitro. Nuclear extracts prepared from adenovirus type 2-infected cells also supported replication of DNA-protein complex prepared from the unrelated type 7 adenovirus. The limited sequence homology between these two viruses at the origin of replication further defines recognition sequences at the origin. These results are discussed in terms of a model for adenovirus DNA replication in which the terminal protein and sequences within the inverted terminal repetition are involved in the formation of an initiation complex that is able to prime DNA replication.  相似文献   

F Sha  R Mu  D Henderson    F M Chen 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(1):410-423
Turbidity measurements via absorbance monitoring at 320 nm were employed to obtain autocatalytic-like kinetic profiles of K+-induced aggregate formation of d(XGG)4 and some related oligomers, where X = A, C, G, and T. At least 1 M KCl is needed to observe the turbidity-measurable aggregation at pH 8, and the relative propensity for aggregate formation is shown to follow the order d(GGG)4 > d(AGG)4 approximately d(TGG)4 > d(CGG)4. The presence of Mg2+ greatly facilitates and dramatically reduces the amount of K+ required to initiate aggregation and significantly enhances the thermal stabilities of the aggregates. Replacement of K+ by Na+ fails to induce a similar phenomenon. The Psi-type CD characteristics of aggregates are strongly dependent on the sequence and ionic conditions. Despite their ease of aggregate formation, oligomers with AGG trinucleotide repeats fail to exhibit Psi-CD formation. The propensity for aggregation is greatly affected by the chain length, with oligomers of four repeats being most facile. Appending X base at the 3' end of d(GGXGGXGGXGG) appears to provide a greater hindrance to aggregation than at the 5' end. Atomic force microscopic images support some of these findings and reveal the morphologies of these aggregates. The presence of MgCl2 in solutions appears to considerably elongate the K+-induced aggregates.  相似文献   

The stability of CTG triplet repeats was analyzed in Escherichia coli to identify processes responsible for their genetic instability. Using a biochemical assay for stability, we show that the absence of single-stranded-DNA-binding protein leads to an increase in the frequency of large deletions within the triplet repeats.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of trinucleotide repeats in the yeast genome. Perfect and imperfect repeats, ranging from four to 130 triplets were recognized and the repartition of different triplet combinations was found to differ between Open Reading Frames and Intergenic Regions. Examination of different laboratory strains, revealed polymorphic size variations for all perfect repeats studied, compared to an absence of variation for the imperfect ones. Size variations were found discrete in the range of 6–18 triplets, each strain showing one allelic form for a given repeat array. The distribution and stability of trinucleotide repeats in the yeast genome resembles that of humans and may provide an experimental approach to study the mechanisms of their expansion.  相似文献   

Covalent circular sex-factor DNA has been isolated from donor and recipient cells during the conjugation of normal and temperature-sensitive DNA mutants of Escherichia coli. Single strands of sex-factor DNA were centrifuged in cesium chloride-poly(U,G) gradients to give two components that have been identified by annealing experiments as the separated complementary strands. When matings are performed with either DNA temperature-sensitive donor or recipient cells, the inhibition of vegetative DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature does not interfere with transfer and circularization of the sex-factor DNA. If DNA is isolated from temperature-sensitive donor cells mated at the restrictive temperature, a specific stimulation of sex-factor DNA synthesis can be demonstrated. By separating the complementary strands of the sex-factor in a cesium chloride-poly (U,G) gradient, this DNA synthesis has been found to be asymmetric. The sex-factor DNA strand which is synthesized in the donor has the same polarity as the strand which is transferred to the recipient.  相似文献   

Q Guo  M Lu  L A Marky  N R Kallenbach 《Biochemistry》1992,31(9):2451-2455
DNA containing one or more copies of the motifs repeated in telomere sequences has unusual conformational properties. The isolated sequence from the protozoan Oxytricha, dT4G4 has the potential to form tetramers in the presence of sodium or potassium ions. We report here that these tetramers bind ethidium tightly, with an interaction that fulfills several criteria for an intercalative mechanism in the G sequence. By contrast, the 4-fold tandem repeat of this subunit, d(T4G4)4, does not interact specifically with ethidium in the presence of Na+. This difference might have a simple structural basis: the tetramer of dT4G4 forms a stack of four G-quartets in the presence of Na+ or K+, whereas the constraint imposed by the T4 "tethers" in the repeat d(T4G4)4 allows only two layers to form in the presence of Na+. In the presence of sufficient K+, the latter can partially form a four-layer G-quartet structure, which interacts with ethidium. This idea is supported by analysis of a "relaxed" sequence, dT4G4(T7G4)3, which allows formation of four G-quartets and binds ethidium in the presence of Na+ as well as K+. Ethidium (and intercalators generally) should thus be able to retard or inhibit the action of telomerase in the presence of K+.  相似文献   

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