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A prospective study with mild general analgesia and sedation together with local anesthesia during bone marrow harvest was performed. Thirty-one patients underwent 33 bone marrow collections. Pretreatment consisted of 100 mg meperidine i.m. and 20 mg diazepam i.m. 1 h before start of procedure. Eight patients got additional meperidine and diazepam during the procedure, all patients got lidocaine 1% locally. A mean volume of 1.321 was obtained with 42.5 punctures. Twenty-two patients had no complications, 4 vomited, 4 had easily correctable hypotension of short duration, one got oxygen for cyanosis of short duration. Acceptance was good in 23 patients, in 6 reasonably well, in two bad. Only one patient experienced pain problems, due to suction. Anxiety was no major problem due to good information before the procedure and mild sedation. This form of anesthesia for bone marrow collection is a safe procedure, it is generally well accepted by the patient and it can be performed on an out-patient basis.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and effective technique using the IBM (Cobe)-2991 cell processor for the concentration of buffy coat cells from large volume marrow has been well adopted (n = 16). Only about one-eighth of the original volume was obtained while retaining more than 90% of the total nucleated cells to be cryopreserved in polyolefine bags with TC-199 culture medium and final 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (n = 9), processed by a computerized Nicool ST-20 (France) programmed freezer and stored in a vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees C. Stem cell assay by CFU-GM after thawing yielded a mean of 50.39 +/- 19.54% which has been satisfactory for clinical implementation. So far, three cases with hematological malignancies had been rescued by autologous cryopreserved marrow after supralethal doses of chemoradiotherapy. Two patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia transplanted in 1st remission as of Oct. 31 had been disease free for 178+ and 157+ days, respectively, after transplant which was taken at the corresponding age of 53 and 42 years. The other patient who was a victim of Hodgkin's disease, stage IV, and was transplanted in 3rd remission, expired on the 59th day because of the complication of idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis despite excellent granulocytopoietic reconstitution. The preliminary results are encouraging for further exploitation, especially for those who would otherwise be candidates for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation but are limited by age or lack of an HLA-identical sibling to serve as marrow donors.  相似文献   

Since 1984 bone marrow from 42 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, non Hodgkin's lymphoma and neuroblastoma was cryopreserved. In 5 cases (c-ALL, NHL and B type) the marrow was purged by using a cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies (VIL A1, VIB C5, VIB-E3). Up to now 13 children (ALL/10, neuroblastoma/3) were autografted (one of them after purging) after supralethal chemoradiotherapy. Except one child with early death all patients had engraftment: a level of 1.0.10(9)/l leukocytes was reached at days 10-33 (median, 19); platelet level over 60.10(9)/l at days 32-60 (median, 41). 2 children died on treatment related complications, one on infection after full haematological restitution, 2 patients alive with relapse, 8/13 alive in CCR and well.  相似文献   

We treated 73 patients with hematologic malignancies in first complete remission (acute lymphoblastic leukemia = 23 patients; acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia = 25 patients; chronic myelogenous leukemia in first chronic phase = 20 patients, and high grade lymphoma = five patients) with a uniform preparative regimen consisting of fractionated total body irradiation (1,320 cGy) and high dose cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg), followed by allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. By radiation dosimetry we demonstrated that the calculated doses were delivered accurately and reproducibly. Actuarial survival rates (+/- SEM) in complete remission were as follows: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia = 74 +/- 9%; acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia = 50 +/- 11%; and chronic myelogenous leukemia = 55 +/- 11%. Actuarial relapse rates for these three diagnoses were 19 +/- 9%, 17 +/- 11%, and 0% respectively. Three of the five lymphoma patients are alive in complete remission at 22+, 28+, and 54+ months. Overall probability of survival for the 73 patients was 59 +/- 7%. Interstitial pneumonia, usually associated with cytomegalovirus infection and graft-versus-host disease, and relapse of the underlying malignancy were the major causes of death.  相似文献   

Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy is the term used to describe a constellation of features indicative of abnormal heart structure and function in patients with cirrhosis. These include systolic and diastolic dysfunction, electrophysiological changes, and macroscopic and microscopic structural changes. The prevalence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy remains unknown at present, mostly because the disease is generally latent and shows itself when the patient is subjected to stress such as exercise, drugs, hemorrhage and surgery. The main clinical features of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy include baseline increased cardiac output, attenuated systolic contraction or diastolic relaxation in response to physiologic, pharmacologic and surgical stress, and electrical conductance abnormalities (prolonged QT interval). In the majority of cases, diastolic dysfunction precedes systolic dysfunction, which tends to manifest only under conditions of stress. Generally, cirrhotic cardiomyopathy with overt severe heart failure is rare. Major stresses on the cardiovascular system such as liver transplantation, infections and insertion of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunts (TIPS) can unmask the presence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and thereby convert latent to overt heart failure. Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy may also contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatorenal syndrome. Pathogenic mechanisms of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy are multiple and include abnormal membrane biophysical characteristics, impaired β-adrenergic receptor signal transduction and increased activity of negative-inotropic pathways mediated by cGMP. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis require a careful assessment of patient history probing for excessive alcohol, physical examination for signs of hypertension such as retinal vascular changes, and appropriate diagnostic tests such as exercise stress electrocardiography, nuclear heart scans and coronary angiography. Current management recommendations include empirical, nonspecific and mainly supportive measures. The exact prognosis remains unclear. The extent of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy generally correlates to the degree of liver insufficiency. Reversibility is possible (either pharmacological or after liver transplantation), but further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Normal and malignant myeloid cells express a highly immunogenic oligosaccharide, lacto-n-fucopentaose-III (LNF-III), that has been identified by numerous monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). We have been interested in the use of a particular monoclonal antibody to LNF-III, PM-81, in the treatment of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia using the antibody to treat bone marrow in vitro. Following in vitro treatment of bone marrow with PM-81 and another MoAb, AML-2-23, the remaining cells are used as an autograft in a patient treated with high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In order to enhance the ability of the MoAb to lyse leukemic cells in the remission bone marrow, we have explored the effect of neuraminidase treatment on leukemia cells. In this paper we describe that myeloid leukemia cells expressing low levels of LNF-III by immunofluorescence can be shown to have high levels of LNF-III after neuraminidase treatment. In addition, we show that normal bone marrow progenitor cells do not have cryptic LNF-III antigen, thus allowing the application of this finding to the clinical setting. Moreover, we have shown that leukemia colony-forming cells from one patient with acute myelogenous leukemia express cryptic LNF-III and that after exposure to neuraminidase there was an increased ability of PM-81 in the presence of complement to eliminate these colony forming cells. These data indicate that the LNF-III moiety is almost universally expressed on myeloid leukemia cells and their progenitors but not expressed on normal progenitors. Thus, it may be possible to enhance leukemia cell kill in vitro by neuraminidase treatment of bone marrow.  相似文献   

In preparing the autologous transplantation of children a method for cryoconservation of bone-marrow was developed by means of investigating the donor's bone-marrow. This method is adapted to our conditions, can easily be practised and is cell-preserving. Quantity and quality of the stored bone-marrow cells were evaluated concerning their proliferation capability by means of CFU-c assays. The highest recovery in CFU-c (78%) and cells (98%) was observed if isolated mononuclear cells with cryoprotective addition of 5% DMSO, 20% of human albumin, and 20% of serum were slowly frozen at a controllable rate, stored in liquid oxygen and thawed very quickly. According to the elaborated method the remission marrow was taken from 15 children affected with malignant diseases for autologous reinfusion. The data gained here confirm the experimental experiences.  相似文献   

In vivo use of rIL-2 autologous BMT may be the means of reproducing a kind of "adoptive immunotherapy" from grafted cells after allogeneic BMT. This approach may enhance the spontaneous generation of cytotoxic T-cells and NK cells which are presumably involved in this immunotherapy. Potential risks of such an approach would be to increase the usual toxicity of rIL-2 and to jeopardize the hemopoietic reconstitution. To determine the feasibility of this approach we have treated 19 poor prognosis patients with a succession of autologous BMT followed 78 +/- 12 days later by a continuous infusion of rIL-2. Eighteen million international units (IU) per m2 per day of Proleukine (CETUS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) were administrated over 6 or 12 days. No patient died of the procedure. Clinical toxicity related to rIL-2 was not increased. Hemopoietic toxicity, significant both for platelets and granulocytes, was transient. Immune stimulation was dramatic for lymphocytes and subpopulations (CD3+ and NK cells) and for cytolytic functions (NK and LAK activity). This trial establishes the feasibility of administration of high doses of rIL-2, 2 months after autologous BMT. In this setting a 6 day period of continuous infusion of 18 million per m2 per day of Proleukine appears to be a regularly tolerable dosage conducting to a major immune activation and invites further studies to determine the clinical impact of such an approach.  相似文献   

Autologous platelets were harvested and cryopreserved in eight consecutive patients elected for ablative chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) for solid malignancy. There was a 19% loss in platelet count after the freeze thaw and wash procedure; with an in vitro functional loss of 40-60%. No correlation could be found for individual platelet transfusions between in vitro functional tests and in vivo recovery. Six consecutive patients received a total of 16 autologous platelet transfusions in the aplastic phase of ABMT. No bleeding was observed during the study period and there was no CMV infection in the recipients. While improvement in freezing and subsequent handling is desirable, autologous cryopreserved platelets can safely be used for the prophylaxis of bleeding during aplasia in patients treated with ABMT.  相似文献   

目的观察自体骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)移植治疗肝硬化难治性腹水的疗效及安全性。方法对2010年9月至2013年9月入住南京总医院消化内科经正规利尿、补充白蛋白达3个月以上且疗效欠佳的32例肝硬化腹水患者,在原有治疗基础上加用自体BMSC移植治疗,分别于治疗前、治疗后1个月及3个月观察腹围、体重、24 h尿量、血清尿素氮、肌酐、尿钠及血清蛋白浓度等指标变化。采用方差分析、配对t检验和Wilcoxon检验进行统计学分析。结果治疗前,患者体重、腹围、24 h尿量及血清尿素氮、肌酐、血清总蛋白、血清白蛋白及尿钠排出水平分别为(66.9±3.8)kg、(94.0±3.6)cm、(966±138.7)ml、(10.5±3.6)mmol/L、(112.4±30.6)μmol/L、(63.8±4.2)g/L、(32.1±2.7)g/L、(43.8±2.3)mmol/L;治疗后1个月,分别为(66.0±3.9)kg、(93.0±3.6)cm、(1032±154.8)ml、(9.9±3.2)mmol/L、(104.8±25.6)μmol/L、(65.3±3.5)g/L、(32.6±2.9)g/L、(44.7±2.7)mmol/L;治疗后3个月,分别为(56.2±3.7)kg、(80.5±4.5)cm、(1530±180.6)ml、(7.9±2.3)mmol/L、(88.7±22.2)μmol/L、(72.8±3.3)g/L、(39.2±1.5)g/L。3个组别8个指标均数比较有统计学意义(F=78.194、117.689、120.527、6.558、6.712、54.827、83.421、493.776,均P=0.000)。治疗后1个月与治疗前水平差异无统计学意义(t分别为0.587、0.636、0.559、0.556、0.678、0.522、0.611、0.592;P=0.331、0.266、0.101、0.416、0.25、0.107、0.447);而治疗后3个月,患者的体重、腹围较治疗前及治疗后1个月均明显减少,24 h尿量明显增加(与治疗前比较,t=3.722、3.784、3.821,与治疗后1个月比较,t=3.921、3.834、3.944,均P=0.000),血清尿素氮、肌酐水平较治疗前及治疗后1个月均明显下降;而血清总蛋白、白蛋白及尿钠排出水平均明显升高(与治疗前比较,t=2.182、2.338、2.182、2.412、2.136,P尿素、肌酐=0.001,其余P  相似文献   

There is reported about the treatment of refractory thrombocytopenia in a 9 years old boy following the autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The megakaryocytes were found diminished in the bone marrow smears. Controls of the thrombocyte count and the kinetics with radioactively labeled platelets of a donor spoke in favour of immunothrombocytopenia. Threatening bleeding complications challenged the use of all treatment possibilities. The irradiation of the spleen was without any success. After the splenectomy the thrombocyte count increased slowly, but after a remarkable lag phase, however. A diminished reproduction capacity of the bone marrow graft for special cell sorts has to be taken into account in such cases. The usual cytodynamics after splenectomy cannot be expected at all.  相似文献   

The association between thrombosis, bleeding and neoplastic disease is well recognized. There are distinctive features of the thrombotic and bleeding complications associated with specific hematologic malignancies. A number of procoagulants can initiate intravascular clotting including tissue factor, cancer procoagulant and interleukin-1. The hematologic malignancy most often associated with intravascular clotting and bleeding is acute promyelocytic leukemia. The pathogenesis of the life-threatening bleeding disorder associated with this uncommon subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is complex and involves disseminated intravascular coagulation, fibrinolysis and proteolysis. Both all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide result in relatively rapid resolution of the coagulopathy. Intravascular clotting may also be induced by hyperleukocytosis in AML and by the hyperviscosity syndrome observed in multiple myeloma and Waldenstr?m's macroglobulinemia. In the setting of hematologic malignancies, when thromboembolic complications occur, the presence of comorbid thrombophilic conditions should be excluded. Abnormal platelet production and function contribute to the development of thrombosis in patients with myeloproliferative disorders. The Budd-Chiari syndrome may be observed in patients with myeloproliferative disorders. A number of medications have thrombogenic potential, including corticosteroids, thalidomide, L-asparaginase, all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide.  相似文献   

The effect of an automyelotransplant taken from a nonirradiated area of bone marrow has been studied after large fields irradiation in dogs. Certain changes occurring in the hemopoietic organs and in some other vitally important organs have been revealed. The automyelotransplantation contributes to a quicker repopulation of the bone marrow and stimulates lymphoid hemopoiesis in the spleen; that plays a positive role in overcoming the bone marrow syndrome at radiation illness. In other organs (gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, heart) given various doses of irradiation, in the control and test (with automyelotransplantation) groups similar morphological changes have been revealed.  相似文献   

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