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Continuous production of diatom Entomonies sp. was performed in mechanically stirred tank and flat-panel airlift photobioreactors (FPAP). The maximum specific growth rate of diatom from the batch experiment was 0.98 d?1. A series of dilution rate and macronutrient concentration adjustments were performed in a stirred tank photobioreactor and found that the dilution rate ranged from 0.7 to 0.8 d?1 and modified F/2 growth media containing nitrate at 3.09?mg N/L, phosphate at 2.24?mg P/L, and silicate at 11.91?mg Si/L yielded the maximum cell number density. Finally, the continuous cultivation of Entomonies sp. was conducted in FPAP using the optimal conditions determined earlier, resulting in the maximum cell number density of 19.69?×?104 cells/mL, which was approximately 47 and 73% increase from the result using the stirred tank photobioreactor fed with modified and standard F/2 growth media, respectively.  相似文献   

陈伟  蒋卫  邱雪柏  蒋光华  潘文杰 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6877-6885
以烤烟云烟87为材料,在烟株团棵期和打顶期用透光率相近的有色薄膜分别对其进行遮光处理直到采收结束,研究光质对烟叶光合特性、类胡萝卜素和表面提取物含量的影响.结果表明:烟叶生育前期各光质的整体光合性能依次为红光>自然光>白光>蓝光>黄光,后期蓝光的作用逐渐凸显.烤后烟叶β-胡萝卜素和叶黄素含量之间呈极显著正相关,且β-胡萝卜素含量明显高于叶黄素含量.团棵期增加红光,打顶期补充蓝光,有利于提高烤后烟叶β-胡萝卜素和叶黄素含量.光质对腺毛分泌物中的β-西柏三烯二醇影响最大,对降茄二酮影响最小.烷烃类蜡质成分中的三十一烷、三十三烷和异三十三烷含量受光质影响较大,异三十二烷和二十九烷含量受光质影响较小.相对于腺毛分泌物和烷烃类蜡质而言,光质对新植二烯影响较小.黄膜处理烤后烟叶的腺毛分泌物及其降解产物总量最高,光质对新植二烯和烷烃类蜡质含量的影响存在多种变化.红光和蓝光对烟叶表面提取物的影响效应主要表现在烟株生长前期,黄光和白光的影响效应主要体现在烟株生长后期.烟株生长前期增加红光比例,有利于增加烤后烟叶新植二烯和烷烃类蜡质成分积累;烟株生长后期补充黄光光质有助于提高烤后烟叶腺毛分泌物含量和表面提取物总量.  相似文献   

The slow development of microalgal biotechnology stems from the failure in the design of large-scale photobioreactors where light energy is efficiently utilized. Due to the light gradient inside the reactor and depending on the mixing properties, algae are subjected to certain light/dark cycles where the light period is characterized by a light gradient. These light/dark cycles will determine productivity and biomass yield on light energy. Air-lift reactors can be used for microalgae cultivation and medium-frequency light/dark cycles will be found in these systems. Light/dark cycles are associated with two basic parameters: first, the light fraction, i.e., the ratio between the light period and the cycle time and second, the frequency of the light/dark cycle. In the present work, light/dark cycles found in air-lift reactors were simulated taking into account the light gradient during the light period. The effect of medium-frequency cycle time (10-100 s) and light fraction (0.1-1) on growth rate and biomass yield on light energy of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta was studied. The biomass yield and growth rates were mainly affected by the light fraction, while cycle time had little influence. Response surface methodology was used and a statistical model describing the effect of light fraction and cycle time on growth rate and biomass yield on light energy was developed. The use of the model as a reactor design criterion is discussed.  相似文献   

Overlap in growth of offspring should constrain the opportunity for sex-biased maternal effects, yet sex-specific allocation of maternal resources among simultaneously growing ova is often observed in vertebrates. In birds, such allocation can be accomplished either by temporal clustering of ova that become the same sex, resulting in sex-biased egg-laying order, or by follicle-specific delivery of maternal resources. Two house finch populations at the northern and southern boundaries of the species range have opposite ovulation sequences of male and female eggs, and thus, in the absence of sex differences in ova growth or sex-specific maternal strategies, would be expected to have opposite sex-specific accumulation of maternal products. We found that the populations had strong and similar gradients of steroid distribution in relation to ovulation order, whereas distribution of carotenoids and vitamins correlated with each follicle's accumulation of steroids. In both populations, temporal bias in production of sons and daughters within a clutch enabled strongly sex-specific acquisition of maternal products, and oocytes of the same sex were highly interdependent in their accumulation of steroids. Moreover, in nests where the sex-bias in relation to ovulation order deviated from population-specific patterns, eggs had highly distinct concentrations of steroids, carotenoids and vitamins. These results and previous findings of sex-specific yolk partitioning among oocytes suggest that oocytes that become males and females are temporally or spatially clustered during their ovarian growth. We discuss the implication of these findings for the evolution of sex-specific maternal resource allocation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to measure important nutritional status parameters for a group of free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys (A. palliata mexicana) and compare those data to published data for primates. The nutritional status of six free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys was examined using biochemical analysis. Blood samples were analyzed for serum chemistry; lipids; vitamins D, A, and E; carotenoids; and minerals. Serum chemistries were somewhat different from published values, but did not indicate clear abnormalities. Circulating lipids were not different from those in captive primates. Circulating vitamin D metabolites (83±16.3 for 25(OH)D ng/mL; 563±53.8 for 1,25(OH)2D pg/mL) were similar to those in wild‐caught tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), lower than some published data for captive Cebidae and Callitrichidae, and higher than for Old World primates. Serum concentrations of retinol (16.5±1.64 μg/dl) were similar to those in captive spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Retinyl palmitate and retinyl stearate was present in howler samples and may have reflected recent dietary intake. Circulating α‐tocopherol (997±97.6 μg/dl) was similar to published values for other primates. Carotenoid levels in howlers were within the ranges reported for many primates. A significant finding was the presence of cadmium in samples that should be further studied. The number of individuals sampled was limited, and further investigation into the effects of seasonality is needed. However, this information provides new data for howler monkeys and for free‐ranging primates in general. Zoo Biol 22:239–251, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Flat‐plate photobioreactors (FPPBRs) are widely reported for cultivation of microalgae. In this work, a novel FPPBR mounted with inclined baffles was developed, which can make the fluid produce a “spirality” flow. The flow field and cell trajectory in the photobioreactor were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics. In addition, the cell trajectory was analyzed using a Fast Fourier transformation. The influence of height of the baffles, the angle α between the inclined baffle and fluid inlet flow direction (z), and the fluid inlet velocity on the frequency of flashing light effect and pressure drop were examined to optimize the structure parameters of the inclined baffles and operating conditions of the photobioreactor. The results showed that with inclined baffles built‐in, significant swirl flow could be generated in the FPPBR. In this way, the flashing light effect for microalgal cell could also be achieved and the photosynthesis efficiency of microalgae could be promoted. In outdoor cultivation of freshwater Chlorella sp., the maximum biomass productivity of Chlorella sp. cultivated in the photobioreactor with inclined baffles was 29.94% higher than that of the photobioreactor without inclined baffles. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

虾池常见微藻的光照强度、温度和盐度适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过Smith生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数分析了虾池常见微藻种群(啮蚀隐藻、新月菱形藻、微绿球藻和蛋白核小球藻)在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位宽度和生态位重叠特征.结果表明:新月菱形藻和蛋白核小球藻具有较大的生态位宽度值,啮蚀隐藻和微绿球藻的生态位宽度值则相对较小.蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位重叠值均为最大,啮蚀隐藻在各资源与其他微藻的重叠值最小.新月菱形藻与蛋白核小球藻适应光照强度的范围较广.当水温达16.9℃,可定向培育新月菱形藻;当水温达25℃,可定向培育新月菱形藻和啮蚀隐藻;当水温达30℃时,可定向培育新月菱形藻、蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻.养殖水体盐度处于9~26,可引入蛋白核小球藻与微绿球藻;处于9~17.5,应引入啮蚀隐藻;高盐水体,应引入新月菱形藻.蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位重叠值均为最大,因此微藻定向培育,不可同时引入蛋白核小球藻与微绿球藻.  相似文献   

A chlorophyll a, c-fucoxanthin pigment-protein complex8 functions as the major light harvesting antenna in the Chrysophyte Ochromonas danica. The regulated distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems was investigated in these organisms and was shown to be strongly wavelength dependent. A light state transition was induced by pre-illumination of cells using light 2 (640 nm) and light 1 (700 nm) of equal absorbed intensity, and detected by reversible changes in the 77 K chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra. Peaks at 690 nm and 720 nm in the low temperature spectra are most likely associated with PS2 and PS1 respectively. A room temperature fluorescence emission at 680 nm induced by modulated light 2 (500 nm) was strongly quenched in the presence of background light 1 (720 nm). Removal of light 1 led to an increase in fluorescence followed by a slow quenching. The room temperature fluorescence changes were directly correlated with changes in the 77 K emission spectra that indicated a change in the distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems. It was established that DCMU (1 mol) prevented the state 2. The conversion to state 1 followed a simple photochemical dose dependence and had a half-time of 20 s-1.5 min at 6 W m-2. In contrast, the conversion to state 2 was independent of light intensity. These data indicate that O. danica undergoes a light state transition in response to the preferential excitation of PS2 or PS1.Abbreviations PS2 photosystem 2 - PS1 photosystem 1 - LHC light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein - fx fucoxanthin - PQ plastoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea  相似文献   

The response of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare, cvs Carnival and Atem), faba beans (Vicia faba, cv. Maris Bead), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, cv. Monoire), forage maize (Zea mays, cv. Leader), forage peas (Pisum sativum, cv. Poneka) and white turnip (Brassica campestris, cv. Barkant) to topsoil compaction was investigated in a three year trial. Soil compaction was induced by tractor wheeling after crop sowing. Compaction reduced leaf area and dry matter accumulation in all crops in every season. Yield of barley was reduced by 29%, 27% and 40% in 1984, 1986 and 1987 respectively. Yield of maize, peas and turnip decreased by 33%, 14% and 13% in 1986 and 25%, 16% and 19% in 1987. Yields of beans and sugar beet were decreased by 34% and 35% respectively in 1984. Light interception was decreased in all crops in all three years of study but, with the exception of maize in 1987, the efficiency of conversion of radiant energy to dry matter was not significantly affected by soil compaction. It is concluded that reduced dry matter production and yield due to soil compaction was more a consequence of reduced light interception because of restricted leaf area development rather than as a result of an impaired ability of crops to utilise intercepted radiant energy.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the effects of copper on microalgal physiology is largely based on studies conducted with high copper concentrations; much less is known when environmentally relevant copper levels come into question. Here, we evaluated the physiology of Chlorolobion braunii exposed to free copper ion concentrations between 5.7 × 10?9 and 5.0 × 10?6 mol · L?1, thus including environmentally relevant values. Population growth and maximum photosynthetic quantum yield of PSII were determined daily during the 96 h laboratory controlled experiment. Exponentially‐growing cells (48 h) were analyzed for effective quantum yield and rapid light curves (RLC), and total lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, chlorophyll a and carotenoids were determined. The results showed that growth rates and population density decreased gradually as copper increased in experiment, but the photosynthetic parameters (maximum and effective quantum yields) and photochemical quenching (qP) decreased only at the highest free copper concentration tested (5.0 × 10?6 mol · L?1); nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) increased gradually with copper increase. The RLC parameters Ek and rETRmax were inversely proportional to copper concentration, while α and Im decreased only at 5.0 × 10?6 mol · L?1. The effects of copper in biomolecules yield (mg · L?1) varied depending on the biomolecule. Lipid yield increased at free copper concentration as low as 2.5 × 10?8 mol · L?1, but proteins and carbohydrates were constant throughout.  相似文献   

A flat plate, multi-pass air lift reactor (FPALR) for the culture of photosynthetic organisms was constructed from twin wall acrylic sheet and its performance characterised. When operated at an air input of 2.01 min−1 the multi-pass system had a Reynolds number of 5200 indicating fully turbulent flow. Chlorella vulgaris 211/11c was found to have a stationary phase biomass of 1.48 g 1−1 when grown in the flat plate air lift reactor (FPALR) at 100 μmol m−2s−1 compared to 1.11 g 1−1 when cultured in the continually stirred tank reactor (CSTR) at the same PFD (photon flux density). The same organism cultured at 200 μmol m−2s−1 achieved a stationary phase biomass of 1.71 g 1−1 in the FPALR. In contrast, Scenedesmus sp. produced a stationary phase biomass of 2.27 g1−1 and 1.27 g1−1, when cultured at 100 μmol m−2s−1 in the FPALR and the CSTR respectively. The growth rates of both organisms were also higher in the PFALR.  相似文献   

蓝光光照对蛹虫草子实体生长和主要活性成分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光作为一种重要的环境因子,可影响真菌的生长发育、生理周期、形态变化及次级代谢产物的产生,对于蛹虫草而言,光照还是其子实体生长发育的必要条件。选择2株不同来源的蛹虫草菌株,研究了自然光照和蓝光光照条件下,其子实体生长、抗氧化酶活性和主要活性成分的变化。结果表明蓝光光照对于蛹虫草子实体产量没有明显的促进和抑制作用。自然光照条件下成熟子实体的超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性显著高于蓝光光照,过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性没有明显差别,而过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性则表现出菌株差异。子实体主要活性成分方面,腺苷、甘露醇含量不受蓝光影响,类胡萝卜素在蓝光光照条件下含量极显著高于自然光光照,蓝光对子实体、虫草素、粗多糖含量的影响则存在菌株差异。研究为蛹虫草子实体的栽培条件优化,提高蛹虫草子实体质量提供依据。  相似文献   

Without developing new agronomic practices, present rates of improvement in seed yields of cereal crops globally are insufficient to fulfil the estimated increasing food demand for 2050 and beyond. Intercropping is one of the agricultural practices that can lead to greater crop yields. However, there exists leaf redundancy for maize in intercropping systems, and the top canopy leaves shade more competent leaves at middle strata of maize plants. Therefore, this work aimed to elucidate the effect of leaf excision treatments in maize to understand the optimum leaf area of maize plants under a maize–soybean relay‐intercropping system (MSR) and a sole cropping system (SM). The effects of four‐leaf excision treatments (T1, 0; T2, 2; T3, 4; T4, 6 leaves excised from the top of maize plants until 7 days after silking) on light interception, leaf area index (LAI), photosynthetic characteristics, total biomass accumulation at blistering stage (BS), dough stage (DS) and physiological maturity (PM), and seed yield of maize were investigated through field experiments for 2 years under MSR and SM. Results showed that, under MSR and SM, as compared to control (T1), optimum excision of leaves (T2) from the top of maize plants significantly improved the light interception (by 25, 18 and 16% at BS, DS and PM, respectively) to lower strata leaves and accelerated the biomass partitioning to maize seeds (by 13 and 12% at DS and PM, respectively). Importantly, plants under T2 exhibited higher green leaf area than control, that is, excision the top two leaves led to an increase in LAI at PM by 10%, suggesting that leaf senescence under T2 was delayed which enhanced the photosynthetic rate at PM by 7% in 2017 and 6% in 2018. Relative to T1, maize under T2 produced 19 and 13% higher maize yield under MSR and SM, respectively, and relay‐cropped maize had 90% of SM seed yield. These results suggest that by manipulating the canopy structure of maize plants we can enhance the biomass accumulation and seed yield of maize crops under MSR and SM.  相似文献   

Carotenoid composition in leaves of normal, lycopenic and ζ-carotenic mutants of Zea mays were investigated. In lycopenic leaves, in addition to lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, δ- and γ-carotene, trace amounts of α- and β-carotene and antheraxanthin were identified. Low light promoted accumulation of α- and β-carotene; high light brought about an increase in antheraxanthin content. In the leaves of the ζ-carotenic mutant, phytoene, phytofluene and ζ-carotene were synthesized. Illumination of low intensity stimulated carotenoid synthesis to a slight extent. Relative amounts of carotenoid components were essentially the same as in etiolated material, except for a small increase in cis-ζ-carotene. Under high intensity illumination, carotenoids were rapidly destroyed.  相似文献   

The inclusion body process route for manufacturing proteins offers distinct process advantages in terms of expression levels and the ease of initial inclusion body recovery. The efficiency of the refolding unit operation, however, does determine the overall economic feasibility of a process. Dilution refolding is the simplest and most extensively used refolding operation, although significant yield losses often occur due mainly to aggregation. Operating variables may have a significant effect on the degree of aggregation, but a systematic study has not been reported. This study investigates the effect of operating variables on the dilution refolding of solubilized r-trypsinogen inclusion bodies in a pulse-fed stirred reactor. Variables investigated were inclusion body washing, stirring speed, feed rate, concentration of solubilized r-trypsinogen, and concentration of urea during solubilization of the inclusion bodies. Additionally, the effect of baffles in the reactor was investigated. The yield of renatured r-trypsinogen varied between 12 +/- 0.2% and 21 +/- 1.0% depending on the specific combination of operating variables employed. It is clear that a suboptimal operating strategy can significantly reduce protein yield. In particular, we note that an increased intensity of mixing adversely affected yield in contrast to previous reports indicating that enhanced dispersion increases yield. We conclude that yield is determined not only by the efficiency of dispersion, but also by the local chemical environment of the protein as it folds, and the rate of change of this environment. This will be controlled by micromixing effects, and hence the intensity of agitation, in a complex manner requiring further characterization.  相似文献   

Factors related to autochthonous production were investigated at several sites along a prairie stream at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area. Primary production, algal biomass, litter input, and ability of floods to move native substrate were measured. Additional experiments were conducted to establish the influence of light and water velocity on primary production rates and recovery of biomass following dry periods. The study period encompassed two extreme (> 50 year calculated return time) floods, thus we were able to analyze the effects of scour on periphyton biomass and productivity. Biomass of sedimentary algae was reduced greatly by flooding and did not reach preflood amounts during the 2 months following the first flood. Rates of primary production associated with sediments recovered to levels above preflood rates within 2 weeks. Biomass of epilithic periphyton was not affected as severely as that of sedimentary algae. Little relationship was observed between water velocity and photosythetic rates. Production reached maximum rates at 25% of full sun light. Epilithic chlorophyll levels recovered within eight days following a dry period, and chl a was an order of magnitude greater on rocks than sediments 51 days after re-wetting. Estimated annual rates of primary production were 2.6 times greater in the prairie than in the forest reaches of the stream. The ratio of annual autochthonous:allochthonous carbon input was 4.81 for prairie and 0.32 for the forest. Periphyton production in prairie streams is resilient with regard to flooding and drought and represents a primary carbon source for the system.  相似文献   

为探讨野外条件下光强及光质对高山红景天 (Rhodiola sachalinensis)生物量和红景天甙含量的影响 ,于 2 0 0 1年 5月 8日至 9月 16日在大兴安岭加格达奇的高山红景天种植圃地 ,利用纱布及红色、蓝色和绿色的滤光膜遮光处理 ,对生长 3a和 4 a的高山红景天进行了光强、光质控制实验。与温室实验类似 ,遮荫显著抑制高山红景天根的生长 ,并使红景天甙的含量略有提高。红膜处理使光强大约降低一半 ,但仅从光质的角度而言 ,红膜处理对根的生长影响不大 ,却显著增加了根中的红景天甙含量和产量 ,不过效果不如温室实验明显。绿膜处理未表现出对红景天甙积累的促进作用 ,这与温室实验结果不同。红膜处理不同天数的结果表明 ,处理时间对红景天甙含量提高的程度影响很小。这意味着在野外种植的情况下 ,可以在临近收获的最后一段时间用红膜对高山红景天进行处理 ,这样既可避免红膜处理对高山红景天根生长的抑制 (由于减弱了光照 ) ,又可显著提高根的红景天甙含量 ,从而达到大幅度提高红景天甙产量的目的。  相似文献   

光温因子对大田冬小麦累积生物量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了探索光、温因子对冬小麦各生育阶段生物量的影响及冬小麦各组织器官生物量的变化规律,利用甘肃省西峰农业气象试验站1981-2008年冬小麦生产年度物候期、产量分析要素等观测资料、1995-2008年冬小麦生产年度三叶期、越冬期、拔节期、抽穗期、乳熟期及成熟期生物量测定资料及相应时段的温度、日照资料,分析了冬小麦生物量变化过程及光温因子综合作用辐热积对各生育阶段生物量的影响.结果表明:冬小麦全生育期生物量的累积过程呈“S”型曲线,抽穗期、乳熟期生物量达到最大.自1981年以来,抽穗期、乳熟期的辐热积以3.314 MJ·m-2·a-1的速度上升,其他各生育阶段辐热积随年份呈抛物线变化;返青期、拔节期及乳熟期、成熟期辐热积在20世纪90年代较大,20世纪80年代及21世纪初较小;拔节期、抽穗期辐热积在20世纪90年代较小,20世纪80年代及21世纪初较大.各生育阶段辐热积与产量相关显著.各生育阶段的叶面积指数与该阶段的辐热积利用率呈显著相关,拔节期及抽穗期叶面积指数增加1,其辐热积利用率分别增加0.049和0.259 g·MJ-1.  相似文献   

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