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Pulsed field gel electrophoresis   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Pulsed homogeneous orthogonal field gel electrophoresis (PHOGE).   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A versatile system (PHOGE) has been developed that allows resolution of molecules of DNA megabase pair size by the use of homogeneous, orthogonal, pulsed fields. The resulting electrophoretograms have characteristics that differ from those produced by other systems for pulsed field electrophoresis. Molecules in a two-fold range of sizes can be separated with maximum resolution, or a much larger range of sizes may be separated with lower resolution but with a linear relationship of mobility to size from 50 kb, or below, to at least 1 Mb. Straight lanes and large useable gel areas, characteristic of PHOGE, are also valuable for mapping procedures or for any other circumstance in which large numbers of samples of DNA are to be directly compared. Existing models cannot explain the results obtained, because a stage of the molecular reorientation appears to result in a rate of migration greater than that occurring by reptation. We suggest a mechanism that might account for the resolution observed and also suggest that the resolution achieved by existing OFAGE-type systems may be the result of the superimposition of PHOGE and FIGE separatory mechanisms. No maximum size of molecules that may be resolved by the PHOGE system has yet been determined.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a technique for the fractionation of high-molecular-weight DNA ranging from 10 kb to 10 Mb by electrophoresis in agarose gel with an electric field that alternates (pulsates) in two directions. This technology plays a key role in modern genomics, as it allows manipulations with DNA of whole chromosomes or their large fragments. In this review, we discuss (1) the theory behind PFGE; (2) different instruments based on the principle of pulsed field, as well as their advantages and limitations; (3) factors affecting the DNA mobility in PFGE gel; and (4) practical applications of the technique.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis on slab gels containing a linear gradient of polyacrylamide concentration has been used to separate DNA fragments obtained by restriction of viral DNAs. A simple method of preparing gradient gels using a sucrose density-gradient mixer and preexisting slab gel apparatus is described. DNA fragments of molecular weights 7 × 104–14 × 106 have been fractionated on gels of 3.5–7.5% and 2.5–7.5% acrylamide concentration. In addition to the wide range of fragment sizes which may be run on a single gel, a further advantage of the system is that much sharper bands are obtained compared to conventional constant concentration gels, thus improving resolution.In the molecular-weight range below 5 × 106, for bands whose terminal velocities in the polyacrylamide concentration gradient approach zero, an approximately linear relationship holds between the logarithms of the molecular weights of the fragments and the logarithms of the distances they have migrated in the gel. Thus, by choosing a suitable upper limit to the concentration gradient, the gel system provides a method for estimating approximate molecular weights of unknown DNA fragments, by comparing their mobilities to known standards.  相似文献   

We have designed a high-capacity gel electrophoretic device for the purification of large amounts of restriction endonuclease fragments of genomic DNA. This device exploits the high resolution of gel electrophoresis in conjunction with an electronic system permitting discontinuous sample elution over a large gel surface area. This feature preserves resolution and greatly increases capacity and yield. The resulting DNA fractions may be used in restriction endonuclease, ligation, transfection, and transformation reactions without further extensive manipulation. Furthermore, DNA fragments of a broad size range are recovered with high efficiency from the gel.  相似文献   

Summary A method has been developed which allows the isolation of very high molecular weight DNA (>2 million bp) from leaf protoplasts of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). The DNA isolated in this manner was digested in agarose with rare-cutting restriction enzymes and separated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The size range of the reslting fragments was determined by hybridization to a number of single copy clones and the suitability of these enzymes for the mapping of large DNA fragments was evaluated. Furthermore, five genetically tightly linked single copy clones have been used to begin the construction of a physical map in a region of the genome containing the Tm-2a gene which confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Two of the five clones were found to be on the same 560 kb SalI fragment and therefore are no further apart than that distance. The remaining three markers are distributed over at least 3 million bp, so that the total minimum physical distance of that cluster is at least 4 million bp. The results are discussed with respect to correlations between recombination frequencies and physical distance as well as physical mapping large regions of a complex plant genome like tomato.  相似文献   

空肠弯曲菌脉冲场凝胶电泳分子检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:【目的】建立空肠弯曲菌脉冲场电泳(pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PFGE)图谱分型方法。【方法】在PFGE基本程序基础上,通过调整菌液浓度、Seakem Gold○R琼脂糖凝胶浓度、蛋白酶K浓度、洗涤方式和限制性内切酶SmaⅠ浓度,进行程序的比较与优化。应用PFGE技术对不同来源分离株进行分析。【结果】37株空肠弯曲菌脉冲场凝胶电泳图谱显示分离株均产生了6-24条电泳带,条带数量适中,清晰易读;系统进化树显示,可分为4个遗传谱系,分离株主要分布于PFGE遗传谱系  相似文献   

A computer program was developed to automate the selection of DNA fragments for detecting mutations within a long DNA sequence by denaturing gel electrophoresis methods. The program, MELTSCAN, scans through a user specified DNA sequence calculating the melting behavior of overlapping DNA fragments covering the sequence. Melting characteristics of the fragments are analyzed to determine the best fragment for detecting mutations at each base pair position in the sequence. The calculation also determines the optimal fragment for detecting mutations within a user specified mutational hot spot region. The program is built around the statistical mechanical model of the DNA melting transition. The optimal fragment for a given position is selected using the criteria that its melting curve has at least two steps, the base pair position is in the fragment's lowest melting domain, and the melting domain has the smallest number of base pairs among fragments that meet the first two criteria. The program predicted fragments for detecting mutations in the cDNA and genomic DNA of the human p53 gene.  相似文献   

Genetic typing of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) can be performed using a variety of methods, but comparative analyses of the quality of these methods are still relatively scarce. We here compare random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA macrorestriction fragments as examples of two of the recent and well-accepted molecular typing methods. For the latter method, empirical guidelines for the interpretation of the DNA fingerprints have been proposed in the international literature. Based on our experimental analyses, we define similar criteria for RAPD fingerprinting. A collection of 100 strains of VRE, comprising Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus avium, Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus, was assembled. Fifty isolates were Dutch, another 50 were isolated in the UK. Strains were selected on the basis of previously determined putative identity, close relatedness or uniqueness. The strains were analysed using well-standardised RAPD and PFGE protocols. Resulting fingerprints were interpreted with computerised methods involving band positioning and we show that typing of VRE by PFGE and RAPD generates highly congruent DNA fingerprint clustering. When the proposed international criteria for interpretation of PFGE fingerprints were applied in our case, 86% PFGE homology as discriminating value between close relatedness and uniqueness, a 75% homology cut-off for the comparison of the RAPD-generated DNA fingerprints revealed essentially identical strain clusters. As a spin-off it is revealed that strains from the different species can be efficiently discriminated, that strains from the UK and The Netherlands form separate clusters and that strains from veterinary origin can be identified separately as well.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a screening method to detect the presence of the IncJ group of integrating conjugative transposon-like elements upon transfer to Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: The unique insertion site of known IncJ elements, the prfC gene, is located in a region of the E. coli chromosome between 98.5 and 100 min on the E. coli genetic map. Using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and the rare cutting restriction enzymes SfiI and XbaI insertions of IncJ elements and an estimate of their size could be determined physically. CONCLUSIONS: This method allows initial screening of putative IncJ conjugative transposon-like elements by physical determination of their integration. Significance and Impact of the Study: IncJ-like elements, which appear to be highly homologous to the prototype IncJ element R391, have been found associated with recent epidemic outbreaks of cholera in a number of locations worldwide. Because of their integrative biology this method provides the first initial screening method to physically determine their presence upon transfer to E. coli.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation of 50 kb is observed in apoptotic human lymphocytes as measured with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Standard PFGE assay involves embedding of cells into agarose blocks followed by lysis in the presence of proteinase K. In this study, we modified the PFGE protocol by omitting the proteinase K. In this study, we modified the PFGE assay by omitting the proteinase K and changing lysis solution according to the method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD). The conditions of PFGE were adjusted aiming to compress apoptotic fragments, increasing sensitivity and the number of samples that could be loaded on the same gel. Lymphocytes were irradiated with gamma-rays and apoptotic fragmentation of DNA was determined by PFGE using standard lysis with proteinase K and lysis protocol from AVTD method. Both protocols of lysis resulted in the same pattern of DNA fragments. The yield of radiation-induced apoptotic fragmentation was higher with the AVTD protocol of lysis. The novel PFGE protocol is simple and relatively non-expensive, requires only 7 h running time and gives a possibility to analyse simultaneously up to 69 samples in the same gel. The sensitivity of our protocol provides reproducible detection of 50 kb fragmentation after irradiation of human lymphocytes with 5 cGy of gamma-rays. In 2 of 6 donors tested, this DNA fragmentation was detected at dose on 2 cGy. The novel protocol can be used for quantification of 50 kb apoptotic fragments induced by different agents including low dose ionising radiations, chemicals and electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate molecular typing methods useful for standardization of strains in experimental work on dermatophilosis. Fifty Dermatophilus congolensis isolates, collected from sheep, cattle, horse and a deer, were analyzed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method using twenty-one different primers, and the results were compared with those obtained by typing with a pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) method using the restriction digest enzyme Sse8387I. The typeability, reproducibility and discriminatory power of RAPD and Sse8387I-PFGE typing were calculated. Both typing methods were highly reproducible. Of the two techniques, Sse8387I-PFGE was the least discriminating (Dice Index (DI), 0.663) and could not distinguish between epidemiologically related isolates, whereas RAPD showed an excellent discriminatory power (DI, 0.7694-0.9722). Overall, the degree of correlation between RAPD and PFGE typing was significantly high (r, 0.8822). We conclude that the DNA profiles generated by either RAPD or PFGE can be used to differentiate epidemiologically unrelated isolates. The results of this study strongly suggest that at least two independent primers are used for RAPD typing in order to improve its discriminatory power, and that PFGE is used for confirmation of RAPD results.  相似文献   

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