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Flowers, Nectar and Insect Visits: Evaluating British Plant Species for Pollinator-friendly Gardens 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Twenty-four plant species native or naturalized in Britain weregrown in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, UK and evaluatedas potential resources for nectar-foraging bees, butterfliesand hoverflies. In ten plant species a series of measurementswere made, at regular intervals from dawn to dusk, of nectarsecretion rate and standing crop, and in all species insectvisits were monitored throughout daylight hours. The study revealeddifferences between plant species in the composition of theassemblage of insect visitors, and in the magnitude and temporaldistribution of the nectar reward. In some cases we found interestingcorrelations between temperature and secretion rates or patternsof insect visits. Species that received numerous insect visitsin our study are potentially valuable forage plants that mightbe planted by gardeners to support local pollinator populations.Deep flowers whose nectar is accessible to long-tongued bumblebees(Bombus hortorum, B. pascuorum) but not to honeybees may providelong-tongued pollinators with a resource refuge relatively freefrom honeybee competition. Features that make some of thoseplant species particularly interesting to observe in the gardeninclude robbing by short-tongued bumblebees inSaponaria,baseworkingby honeybees on closed flowers inMalva sylvestris, and apparentdisplacement of bumblebees by territorial behaviour of the solitarybeeAnthidium manicatumon species ofStachys.Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Wild flowers, gardens, nectar,Silene, Lychnis, Saponaria, Stachys, Malva, Dipsacus fullonum, Lythrum salicaria,pollinators, bumblebees,Bombus,honeybees,Apis,butterflies, Lepidoptera, hoverflies, Syrphidae,Anthidium manicatum, weeds. 相似文献
Decline in Medicinal and Forage Species with Warming is Mediated by Plant Traits on the Tibetan Plateau 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Experimental studies of how global changes and human activities affect plant diversity often focus on broad measures of diversity and discuss the implications of these changes for ecosystem function. We examined how experimental warming and grazing affected species within plant groups of direct importance to Tibetan pastoralists: medicinal plants used by humans and palatable plants consumed by livestock. Warming resulted in species losses from both the medicinal and palatable plant groups; however, differential relative vulnerability to warming occurred. With respect to the percent of warming-induced species losses, the overall plant community lost 27%, medicinal plants lost 21%, and non-medicinal plants lost 40% of species. Losses of palatable and non-palatable species were similar to losses in the overall plant community. The deep-rootedness of medicinal plants resulted in lowered sensitivity to warming, whereas the shallow-rootedness of non-medicinal plants resulted in greater sensitivity to warming; the variable rooting depth of palatable and non-palatable plants resulted in an intermediate response to warming. Predicting the vulnerability of plant groups to human activities can be enhanced by knowledge of plant traits, their response to specific drivers, and their distribution within plant groups. Knowledge of the mechanisms through which a driver operates, and the evolutionary interaction of plants with that driver, will aid predictions. Future steps to protect ecosystem services furnished by medicinal and palatable plants will be required under the novel stress of a warmer climate. Grazing may be an important tool in maintaining some of these services under future warming. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) is one of the mechanisms underlying potential competition among plants for pollinators, and it refers to movement of pollen between different plant species by pollinators that visit their flowers simultaneously. Two components of IPT, related to each other, are distinguished: (a) heterospecific pollen deposition (HPD) on conspecific stigmas, which may interfere with fertilization by conspecific pollen; and (b) conspecific pollen loss (CPL) on heterospecific flowers, which may reduce the amount of pollen transferred between conspecific flowers. Thus, IPT may lead to reciprocal losses for male and female functions of the plant, with potentially important ecological and evolutionary consequences. In this review, we explore the magnitude and prevalence of IPT, examining documented mechanisms and evaluating such potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. We compiled existing evidence of interspecific pollinator sharing and interspecific pollinator switching between flowers of different species in natural communities. We evaluated the relative importance of both HPD and CPL from studies comparing these variables in pure vs. mixed floral neighborhoods, analyzing evidence for the claim that IPT is an evolutionary force promoting character displacement in habitat affinity, flowering times, and floral morphology. We also examined the findings of hand-pollination experiments carried out to reveal different mechanisms by which heterospecific pollen can affect performance of native pollen. Finally, we review evidence for impacts of alien plant species on native species' reproduction, and briefly comment on risks of crop-to-wild gene flow imposed by the release of genetically modified (transgenic) crops through IPT. 相似文献
The decline in industrial melanism over the last quarter century constitutes an exceptional case of an evolutionary change, varying in both time and space, and between species. In Biston betularia and Odontoptera bidentata, the change in melanic frequency is closely replicated at two sites 0.5 km apart. Between seven sites 50-100 km apart, there is heterogeneity in both the speed and timing of change. At sites that were heavily industrialized, the change is faster, from an initially higher frequency, and starts later than at sites which are more rural.We propose a method for estimating systematic change during sigmoid declines in melanic frequencies. This fails to show any significant change over time in selective coefficients. It is concluded that the overall pattern of change has been driven largely by events in the most polluted and industrialized parts of the country. Although migration may contribute to the estimated selective values, natural selection is the only credible explanation for the overall decline. 相似文献
报道了1个陕西省植物分布新记录属桑科(Moraceae)——水蛇麻属(Fatoua Gaudichaud-Beaupré)和3个新记录种——水蛇麻[Fatoua villosa (Thunberg) Nakai]、假鬃尾草(Leonurus chaituroides C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li)、羊乳[Codonopsis lanceolata (Siebold & Zuccarini) Trautvetter]。这3种植物的发现,对于补充完善陕西省植物资源,丰富陕西植物区系具有重要意义,同时也体现了金丝大峡谷植物类型在秦岭中的特殊性。 相似文献
Generalizations about rare and endangered species are important for the development of conservation management policy and for understanding of the nature of rarity. Therefore, we sought such generalizations by statistically comparing eight life history and reproductive traits of rare and common plant species in two better-studied but climatically and geographically distinct Holarctic floras-those of California and the British Isles. Trends were often similar in both floras. Rare and common species differ significantly for a number of characters. In both floras, a woody habit was significantly more frequent for the rare species than the common species. Also, in both floras, monocarpy was less frequent in the rare species, significantly so in California. The rare species of both floras were, on average, significantly shorter in stature than the common species. This trend in stature remained significant when nonwoody species were compared but did not do so for woody species. Rare and common species differed with regard to their frequency of inflorescence structure types, but these differences were not concordant for both floras. The rare species of the British Isles had significantly higher proportions of mixed and polymorphic flower colors; the trend was not significant in California. In both floras, rare species had a higher frequency of many-seeded fruits, significantly so in California. California's rare species had a significantly higher frequency of dehiscent fruits than common species; the trend was reversed and not significant for the British Isles. We found no significant differences for characters associated with fruit dispersal. Finally, in California, the median altitude of the range of the common species was significantly greater than that of the rare species. At present, these correlates cannot be assigned as possible causes or consequences of rarity. Nonetheless, they may represent "high-risk" traits that could be used to identify other species already at risk or potentially at risk of becoming rarer. 相似文献
甘肃省植物分布新记录 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
报道了甘肃省植物分布新记录2属5种.新记录属是紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)的杜茎山属(Maesa)和紫金牛属(Ardisia).新记录种是湖北杜茎山(M.hupehensis)、紫金牛(A.japonica)、豆科(Leguminosae)的肉色土(圈)儿(A pios carnea)、凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)的四川凤仙花(Impatiens sutchuenensis)和菊科(Asteraceae)的粗毛牛膝菊(Galinsoga quadriradiata). 相似文献
Levin Simon A. Anderies John M. Adger Neil Barrett Scott Bennett Elena M. Cardenas Juan Camilo Carpenter Stephen R. Crpin Anne-Sophie Ehrlich Paul Fischer Joern Folke Carl Kautsky Nils Kling Catherine Nyborg Karine Polasky Stephen Scheffer Marten Segerson Kathleen Shogren Jason van den Bergh Jeroen Walker Brian Weber Elke U. Wilen James 《Ecosystems》2022,25(3):697-711
Ecosystems - The increasing frequency of extreme events, exogenous and endogenous, poses challenges for our societies. The current pandemic is a case in point; but "once-in-a-century"... 相似文献
The allozyme survey was extended to 7 strains of Naegleria gruberi and N. jadini in order to further characterize the genetic structure of these free-living amoebas. As formerly known for several characters the electrophoretic evidence reveals considerable heterogeneity at the genetic level among N. gruberi strains. Moreover, 2 distinct gene pools, that might likely represent natural taxa, are clearly identified. The single strain of N. jadini appears evolutionarily related to 1 group of N. gruberi which is also related to N. a. australiensis. 相似文献
Inderjit 《Plant and Soil》2005,277(1-2):1-5
We still have a rudimentary understanding about the mechanism by which plant roots may stimulate soil microbial interactions. A biochemical model involving plant-derived biochemical fractions, such as exudates, has been used to explain this “rhizosphere effect” on bacteria. However, the variable response of other soil microbial groups, such as protozoa, to the rhizosphere suggests that other factors could be involved in shaping their communities. Thus, two experiments were designed to: (1) determine whether stimulatory and/or inhibiting factors associated with particular plant species regulate ciliate diversity and abundance and (2) obtain a better understanding about the mechanism by which these plant factors operate in the rhizosphere. Bacterial and chemical slurries were reciprocally exchanged between two plant species known to differ in terms of ciliate species richness and abundance (i.e., Canella winterana and plantation Tectona grandis). Analysis of variance showed that the bacteria plus nutrients and the nutrients only treatment had no significant effect on overall ciliate species richness and abundance when compared to the control treatment. However, the use of only colpodean species increased the taxonomic resolution of treatment effects revealing that bacterial slurries had a significant effect on colpodean ciliate species richness. Thus, for particular rhizosphere ciliates, biological properties, such as bacterial diversity or abundance, may have a strong influence on their diversity and possibly abundance. These results are consistent with a model of soil bacteria-mediated mutualisms between plants and protozoa. 相似文献
Douglas E. Soltis Michael J. Moore Gordon Burleigh Pamela S. Soltis 《Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences》2009,28(1-2):1-15
In just the past 20 years systematics has progressed from the sequencing of individual genes for a few taxa to routine sequencing of complete plastid and even nuclear genomes. Recent technological advances have made it possible to compile very large data sets, the analyses of which have in turn provided unprecedented insights into phylogeny and evolution. Indeed, this narrow window of a few decades will likely be viewed as a golden era in systematics. Relationships have been resolved at all taxonomic levels across all groups of photosynthetic life. In the angiosperms, problematic deep-level relationships have either been largely resolved, or will be resolved within the next several years. The same large data sets have also provided new insights into the many rapid radiations that have characterized angiosperm evolution. For example, all of the major lineages of angiosperms likely arose within a narrow window of just a few million years. At the population level, the ease of DNA sequencing has given new life to phylogeographic studies, and microsatellite analyses have become more commonplace, with a concomitant impact on conservation and population biology. With the wealth of sequence data soon to be available, we are on the cusp of assembling the first semi-comprehensive tree of life for many of the 15,000 genera of flowering plants and indeed for much of green life. Accompanying these opportunities are also enormous new computational/informatic challenges including the management and phylogenetic analysis of such large, sometimes fragmentary data sets, and visualization of trees with thousands of terminals. 相似文献
Phylogeographic patterns of temperate species from the Mediterranean peninsulas have been investigated intensively. Nevertheless, as more phylogeographies become available, either unique patterns or new lines of concordance continue to emerge, providing new insights on the evolution of regional biotas. Here, we investigated the phylogeography and evolutionary history of the Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex, through phylogenetic, molecular dating and population structure analyses of two mitochondrial gene fragments (ND2 and ND4; overall 1273 bp). We found three main mtDNA lineages having parapatric distribution and estimated divergence times between Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. One lineage (S) was widespread south of the northern Apennine chain and was further geographically structured into five sublineages, likely of Middle Pleistocene origin. The second lineage (C) was widespread throughout the Padano-Venetian plain and did not show a clear phylogeographic structure. The third lineage (N) was observed in only two populations located on western Croatia/Slovenia. Results of analysis of molecular variance suggested that partitioning populations according to the geographic distribution of these lineages and sublineages explains 76% of the observed genetic variation. The phylogeographic structure observed within T. carnifex and divergence time estimates among its lineages, suggest that responses to Pleistocene environmental changes in this single species have been as diverse as those found previously among several codistributed temperate species combined. Consistent with the landscape heterogeneity, physiographic features, and palaeogeographical evolution of its distribution range, these responses encompass multiple refugia along the Apennine chain, lowland refugia in large peri-coastal plains, and a 'cryptic' northern refugium. 相似文献
探讨了在植物考据研究中如何应用进化思想。我们认为在确定中国古籍文献中记载植物的学名时,对部分植物宜采用集合种(或复合种)的概念。 相似文献