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The global European eel (Anguilla anguilla) stock is critically endangered according to the IUCN, and the European Commission has urged the development of conservation plans aimed to ensure its viability. However, the complex life cycle of this panmictic species, which reproduces in the open ocean but spends most of its prereproductive life in continental waters (thus embracing a huge geographic range and a variety of habitat types), makes it difficult to assess the long‐term effectiveness of conservation measures. The interplay between local and global stressors raises intriguing cross‐scale conservation challenges that require a comprehensive modelling approach to be addressed. We developed a full life cycle model of the global European eel stock, encompassing both the oceanic and the continental phases of eel's life, and explicitly allowing for spatial heterogeneity in vital rates, availability of suitable habitat and settlement potential via a metapopulation approach. We calibrated the model against a long‐term time series of global European eel catches and used it to hindcast the dynamics of the stock in the past and project it over the 21st century under different management scenarios. Although our analysis relies on a number of inevitable simplifying assumptions and on data that may not embrace the whole range of variation in population dynamics at the small spatiotemporal scale, our hindcast is consistent with the general pattern of decline of the stock over recent decades. The results of our projections suggest that (i) habitat loss played a major role in the European eel decline; (ii) the viability of the global stock is at risk if appropriate protection measures are not implemented; (iii) the recovery of spawner escapement requires that fishing mortality is significantly reduced; and (iv) the recovery of recruitment might not be feasible if reproductive output is not enhanced.  相似文献   

The relationships of allozyme and life history variation in a particularly narrow ecological setting are studied. Levels of genetic variation are compared in five introduced, predominantly selfing weedy species that are undergoing rapid range expansion northward in eastern N. America, mostly in monocultures of soybean and maize. In all of these species, a low level of allozyme variation contrasts sharply with the substantial inter- and intrapopulational variation in morphological and phenological life history features. Evolutionary and historical factors, determining variability of the species examined are reviewed, including founder effects, breeding system, environmental homogeneity, polyploidy, domestication, and crop-weed interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Ten traits related to life history theory were measured or estimated for 71 freshwater fish species from two locations in the Venezuelan llanos. Multivariate statistics and cluster analysis revealed three basic endpoint patterns bounding a two-dimensional continuum. A suite of attributes associated with parental care and aseasonal reproduction appeared to correspond to an equilibrium strategy. A second group of small fishes was distinguished by traits associated with rapid colonizing ability: early maturation, continuous reproduction, and small clutches. The third basic pattern was associated with synchronized reproduction during the early wet season, high fecundity, absence of parental care, and breeding migrations. A subset of mostly small fishes exhibiting little or no parental care, small clutches, and two to four month reproductive seasons was intermediate between the opportunistic (rapidly colonizing) and seasonal strategies. All ten life history variables showed significant effects of phylogeny. The cluster of species corresponding to the equilibrium group was dominated by siluriform fishes and perciforms of the Cichlidae. The opportunistic cluster was dominated by cyprinodontiform and characiform fishes, whereas the seasonal cluster contained primarily characiform and siluriform fishes. Seven of nine traits were significantly correlated with body length. The three reproductive patterns are interpreted as being adaptative with respect to relative intensity and predictability of temporal and spatial variation in abiotic environmental parameters, food availability, and predation pressure.  相似文献   

Understanding how disturbance shapes the dynamics of ecological systems is of fundamental importance in ecology. One emerging approach to revealing and appreciating disturbance effects involves examining disturbance-driven changes in the variability of ecological responses. Variability is rarely employed as a response variable to assess the influence of disturbance, but recent studies indicate that it can be an extremely sensitive metric, capturing differences obscured by averaging and conveying important ecological information about underlying causal processes. In this paper, we present a conceptual model to understand and predict the effects of disturbance on variability. The model estimates qualitative changes in variability by considering disturbance extent, frequency and intensity, as well as ecosystem recovery, and thereby captures not only the immediate effects of disturbance but also those that arise over time due to the biotic response to an event. We evaluate how well the model performs by comparing predictions with empirical results from studies examining a wide variety of disturbances and ecosystems, and discuss factors that may modify or even confound predictions. We include a concise guide to characterizing and detecting changes in variability, highlighting the most common and easily applied methods and conclude by describing several future directions for research. By considering variability as a response to disturbance, we gain another metric of fundamental system behaviour, an improved ability to identify organizing features of ecosystems and a better understanding of the predictability of disturbance-driven change – all critical aspects of assessing ecosystem response to disturbance.  相似文献   

While the ecology and evolution of partial migratory systems (defined broadly to include skip spawning) have been well studied, we are only beginning to understand how partial migratory populations are responding to ongoing environmental change. Environmental change can lead to differences in the fitness of residents and migrants, which could eventually lead to changes in the frequency of the strategies in the overall population. Here, we address questions concerning the life history of the endangered Gila cypha (humpback chub) in the regulated Colorado River and the unregulated tributary and primary spawning area, the Little Colorado River. We develop eight multistate models for the population based on three movement hypotheses, in which states are defined in terms of fish size classes and river locations. We fit these models to mark–recapture data collected in 2009–2012. We compare survival and growth estimates between the Colorado River and Little Colorado River and calculate abundances for all size classes. The best model supports the hypotheses that larger adults spawn more frequently than smaller adults, that there are residents in the spawning grounds, and that juveniles move out of the Little Colorado River in large numbers during the monsoon season (July–September). Monthly survival rates for G. cypha in the Colorado River are higher than in the Little Colorado River in all size classes; however, growth is slower. While the hypothetical life histories of life‐long residents in the Little Colorado River and partial migrants spending most of its time in the Colorado River are very different, they lead to roughly similar fitness expectations when we used expected number of spawns as a proxy. However, more research is needed because our study period covers a period of years when conditions in the Colorado River for G. cypha are likely to have been better than has been typical over the last few decades.  相似文献   

This study investigated the movement patterns of yellow moray eels Gymnothorax prasinus using acoustic telemetry. Gymnothorax prasinus were found to use multiple sites within a localized area or home range.  相似文献   

景观格局与生态过程的耦合研究:传承与创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
景观格局与生态过程的耦合关系是景观生态学研究的核心主题,耦合研究的范围和程度需要进一步系统梳理。从景观格局与生态过程耦合的内涵、方法等方面,系统总结了当前两者研究的特点以及存在问题。进一步从格局-过程耦合基本理论传承与提升、研究方法现代化和多元化、研究尺度多样化、研究对象的扩展与集成、自然-人文-社会视角的耦合、格局-过程耦合的管理和调控等六个方面展望了未来学科发展方向。最后,提出了未来创新目标,如提高景观格局量化的准确性和针对性、辨明景观格局影响的尺度性、增强生态过程模拟的时效性等。  相似文献   

In fragmented landscapes, small populations frequently go extinct and new ones are established with poorly understood consequences for genetic diversity and evolution of life history traits. Here, we apply functional genomic tools to an ecological model system, the well-studied metapopulation of the Glanville fritillary butterfly. We investigate how dispersal and colonization select upon existing genetic variation affecting life history traits by comparing common-garden reared 2-day adult females from new populations with those from established older populations. New-population females had higher expression of abdomen genes involved in egg provisioning and thorax genes involved in the maintenance of flight muscle proteins. Physiological studies confirmed that new-population butterflies have accelerated egg maturation, apparently regulated by higher juvenile hormone titer and angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA, as well as enhanced flight metabolism. Gene expression varied between allelic forms of two metabolic genes (Pgi and Sdhd), which themselves were associated with differences in flight metabolic rate, population age and population growth rate. These results identify likely molecular mechanisms underpinning life history variation that is maintained by extinction-colonization dynamics in metapopulations.  相似文献   

LC Nelis 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42906
The existence of general characteristics of plant invasiveness is still debated. One reason we may not have found these characteristics is because we do not yet understand how processes underlying population dynamics contribute to community composition in invaded communities. Here I modify Ricker stock-recruitment models to parameterize processes important to community dynamics in an invaded grassland community: immigration, maximum intrinsic growth rate, self-regulation, and limitation by other species. I then used the parameterized models in a multi-species stochastic simulation to determine how processes affected long-term community dynamics. By parameterizing the models using the frequency of the 18 most common species in the grassland, I determined that life history and life form are stronger predictors of underlying processes than is native status. Immigration maintains exotic annual grasses and the dominant native perennial grass in the community. Growth rate maintains other perennial species. While the model mirrors the frequency of native species well, exotic species have lower observed than parameterized frequencies, suggesting that they are not reaching their potential frequency. These results, combined with results from past research, suggest that disturbance may be key to maintaining exotic species in the community. Here I showed that a continuous modified Ricker model fit discrete grassland frequency data well. This allowed me to model the dominant species in the community simultaneously and gain insight into the processes that determine community composition.  相似文献   

Understanding how pathogens respond to changing environmental conditions is a central challenge in disease ecology. The environmentally sensitive fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis, has spread globally causing amphibian extirpations in a wide variety of climatic regions. To gain an in‐depth understanding of Bd's responses to temperature, we used an integrative approach, combining empirical laboratory experiments with mathematical modeling. First, we selected a single Bd isolate and serially propagated two lineages of the isolate for multiple generations in two stable thermal conditions: 4°C (cold‐adapted lineage) and 23°C (warm‐adapted lineage). We quantified the production of infectious zoospores (fecundity), the timing of zoospore release, and zoospore activity in reciprocal temperature transplant experiments in which both Bd lineages were grown in either high or low temperature conditions. We then developed population growth models for the Bd lineages under each set of temperature conditions. We found that Bd had lower population growth rates, but longer periods of zoospore activity in the low temperature treatment (4°C) compared to the high temperature treatment (23°C). This effect was more pronounced in Bd lineages that were propagated in the low temperature treatment (4°C), suggesting a shift in Bd's response to low temperature conditions. Our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms by which Bd can thrive in a wide variety of temperature conditions, potentially altering the dynamics of chytridiomycosis and thus, the propensity for Bd to cause amphibian population collapse. We also suggest that the adaptive responses of Bd to thermal conditions warrant further investigation, especially in the face of global climate change.  相似文献   

The taxonomic, morphological and meristic features of a dark eel caught by commercial trawling off the Gulf of Patti, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, February 17, 2017, showed it to be a female Conger conger. Histological analysis of gonads demonstrated that the individual was in a post-spawning phase. X-ray radiographs showed widespread decalcification of skeleton and teeth loss, confirming a strong mobilisation of somatic energy reserves needed for reproductive development.  相似文献   

In large marine predators, foraging entails movement. Quantitative models reveal how behaviours can mediate individual movement, such that deviations from a random pattern may reveal specific search tactics or behaviour. Using locations for 52 grey seals fitted with satellite-linked recorders on Sable Island; we modeled movement as a correlated random walk (CRW) for individual animals, at two temporal scales. Mean move length, turning angle, and net squared displacement (R2n: the rate of change in area over time) at successive moves over 3 to 10 months were calculated. The distribution of move lengths of individual animals was compared to a Lévy distribution to determine if grey seals use a Lévy flight search tactic. Grey seals exhibited three types of movement as determined by CRW model fit: directed movers – animals displaying directed long distance travel that were significantly underpredicted by the CRW (23% of animals); residents – animals remaining in the area surrounding Sable Island that were overpredicted by the model (29% of animals); and correlated random walkers – those (48% of animals) in which movement was predicted by the CRW model. Kernel home range size differed significantly among all three movement types, as did travel speed, mean move length, mean R2n and total distance traveled. Sex and season of deployment were significant predictors of movement type, with directed movers more likely to be male and residents more likely to be female. Only 30% of grey seals fit a Lévy distribution, which suggests that food patches used by the majority of seals are not randomly distributed. Intraspecific variation in movement behaviour is an important characteristic in grey seal foraging ecology, underscoring the need to account for such variability in developing models of habitat use and predation.  相似文献   

Stream-dwelling fish populations have long served as important models of animal movement. Populations of adult stream-dwelling fishes are generally composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals. However, we do not know whether this pattern that we typically observe among adults is indicative of patterns of movement that occur throughout the life cycle. Therefore, we do not know whether we can apply these patterns to understanding or predicting processes such as migration and thus the potential for the evolution of genetic differences among populations. We test the general hypothesis that patterns of movement throughout the life cycle are consistent with patterns of movement inferred by indirect genetic methods and, more specifically, that the characteristics of the mobile fraction of the population are consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. We used parentage analyses to infer the movements of alevin brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, Canada, and a capture-recapture study of one cohort in this population to infer movement throughout the rest of the life cycle. We found that alevins move large distances shortly after emergence, primarily in the downstream direction, and that the population is composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals throughout all other intervals of the life cycle. In contrast, when we considered movements of individuals first captured as juveniles and eventually recovered as reproductively mature adults, we found relatively large and uniform distributions of net movement distance. Thus, heterogeneity in individual movement of adults is not representative of patterns of movement throughout the life cycle and therefore may provide only limited inference of population-level processes such as gene flow.  相似文献   

Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands has generated considerable interest among ecologists. Syntheses of encroachment effects on ecosystem processes have been limited in extent and confined largely to pastoral land uses or particular geographical regions. We used univariate analyses, meta-analysis and structural equation modelling to test the propositions that (1) shrub encroachment does not necessarily lead to declines in ecosystem functions and (2) shrub traits influence the functional outcome of encroachment. Analyses of 43 ecosystem attributes from 244 case studies worldwide showed that some attributes consistently increased with encroachment (e.g. soil C, N), and others declined (e.g. grass cover, pH), but most exhibited variable responses. Traits of shrubs were associated with significant, though weak, structural and functional outcomes of encroachment. Our review revealed that encroachment had mixed effects on ecosystem structure and functioning at global scales, and that shrub traits influence the functional outcome of encroachment. Thus, a simple designation of encroachment as a process leading to functionally, structurally or contextually degraded ecosystems is not supported by a critical analysis of existing literature. Our results highlight that the commonly established link between shrub encroachment and degradation is not universal.  相似文献   

We assessed the importance of three behavioral processes on the fitness of individual females as mediated via maternal care in matrilineally organized social groups of spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta. These were maternal choice of foraging tactic, the maintenance of individual dominance rank (social status) within the adult female hierarchy, and the behavioral support provided by mothers to their daughters when daughters acquired their position in the adult female hierarchy. The effects of all behavioral processes were closely linked. Maternal care was dependent on maternal social status because high ranking females had priority of access to food, and individual maternal choice of foraging tactic was frequency – and social status-dependent when medium prey abundance provided an opportunity for such a choice. At medium prey abundance, low ranking females went on costly long distance commuting trips to forage on migratory herds outside the group territory, whereas high ranking females fed on kills within the group territory. As a consequence, offspring of high ranking females grew faster, had a higher chance of survival to adulthood, and thus high ranking females had a higher lifetime reproductive success. Daughters of high ranking females usually acquired a social status immediately below that of their mother provided they enjoyed the effective support from their mothers as coalition partners, and they gave birth to their first litter at an earlier age than daughters of low ranking mothers. Spotted hyenas are therefore an example of the silver-spoon effect. This study shows that the frequency-dependent outcome of behavioral processes can be a key determinant of maternal reproductive success in social carnivores and have a profound influence on the reproductive career prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

Williams  Gray A.  Brailsford  T. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):115-127
Parasitic infection of Littorina obtusata (L.) and Littorina fabalis Turton by larval digeneans was studied in summer (August) and winter (February) on a sheltered shore at St Michael's Island, Isle of Man. Sampling was timed to investigate parasite loading at different stages of the littorinids' life history. Nine species of digeneans were identified and infection rates were similar between the species, with a slightly higher prevalence in females for L. obtusata and males in L. fabalis. Temporal differences in infection were small, although metacercariae and degenerate infections were greater in female L. obtusata in February. Analysis of shell parameters and size of the penis in males and the pallial oviduct in females revealed morphological differences between parasitised and uninfected individuals. Parasitic stunting of the penis was evident in both species and the pallial oviduct was also smaller in parasitised females. There was also a tendency for parasitised individuals to have larger shells; although size also varied with season for L. fabalis.  相似文献   

Variation in life history and demography across a species' range informs researchers about regional adaptations and affects whether managers can borrow information from other populations in decision-making. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a long-lived game species whose continued persistence depends on management of harvest and removal of habituated bears that come into conflict with humans. Understanding the demography of black bears guides efforts at management and conservation, yet detailed knowledge of many populations is typically lacking. I performed a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of black bear demographic studies across the geographic range of the species to explore how vital rates vary across the range, what information they give us about population growth, and whether managers can justify borrowing information from other studies to inform management decisions. Cub, yearling, and adult survival and fecundity varied between eastern and western North America, whereas subadult survival did not show geographic structuring. Adult survival and fecundity appeared to trade off, with higher survival in the western portions of bears' range and higher fecundity in the east. Although adult survival had the highest elasticity, differences in reproduction drove differences in population growth rate. Mean population growth rate was higher in the east (0.99; 95% credible interval [CrI]: 0.96, 1.03) than the west (0.97; 95%CrI: 0.93, 1.01). Despite declining trends in the west, 34% of the distribution of population growth rate was >1, compared to 55% in the east. Further work needs to be done to address the cause of the apparent trade-off between adult survival and fecundity and explore how the estimated growth rates are likely to affect population status of black bears. Because population growth rates are close to 1 and small deviations could impact whether a population is considered increasing or decreasing, managers need to employ caution in borrowing vital rates from other populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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