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There is considerable heterogeneity among the Shiga toxin type 2 (Stx2) toxins elaborated by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). One such Stx2 variant, the Stx2d mucus-activatable toxin (Stx2dact), is rendered more toxic by the action of elastase present in intestinal mucus, which cleaves the last two amino acids of the A2 portion of the toxin A subunit. We screened 153 STEC isolates from food, animals, and humans for the gene encoding Stx2dact by using a novel one-step PCR procedure. This method targeted the region of stx2dact that encodes the elastase recognition site. The presence of stx2dact was confirmed by DNA sequencing of the complete toxin genes. Seven STEC isolates from cows (four isolates), meat (two isolates), and a human (one isolate) that carried the putative stx2dact gene were identified; all were eae negative, and none was the O157:H7 serotype. Three of the isolates (CVM9322, CVM9557, and CVM9584) also carried stx1, two (P1332 and P1334) carried stx1 and stx2c, and one (CL-15) carried stx2c. One isolate, P1130, harbored only stx2dact. The Vero cell cytotoxicities of supernatants from P1130 and stx1 deletion mutants of CVM9322, CVM9557, and CVM9584 were increased 13- to 30-fold after treatment with porcine elastase. Thus, Stx2dact-producing strains, as detected by our one-step PCR method, can be isolated not only from humans, as previously documented, but also from food and animals. The latter finding has important public health implications based on a recent report from Europe of a link between disease severity and infection with STEC isolates that produce Stx2dact.  相似文献   

There is considerable diversity among Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) bacteria, and only a subset of these organisms are thought to be human pathogens. The characteristics that distinguish STEC bacteria that give rise to human disease are not well understood. Stxs, the principal virulence determinants of STEC, are thought to account for hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), a severe clinical consequence of STEC infection. Stxs are typically bacteriophage encoded, and their production has been shown to be enhanced by prophage-inducing agents such as mitomycin C in a limited number of clinical STEC isolates. Low iron concentrations also enhance Stx production by some clinical isolates; however, little is known regarding whether and to what extent these stimuli regulate Stx production by STEC associated with cattle, the principal environmental reservoir of STEC. In this study, we investigated whether toxin production differed between HUS- and bovine-associated STEC strains. Basal production of Stx by HUS-associated STEC exceeded that of bovine-associated STEC. In addition, following mitomycin C treatment, Stx2 production by HUS-associated STEC was significantly greater than that by bovine-associated STEC. Unexpectedly, mitomycin C treatment had a minimal effect on Stx1 production by both HUS- and bovine-associated STEC. However, Stx1 production was induced by growth in low-iron medium, and induction was more marked for HUS-associated STEC than for bovine-associated STEC. These observations reveal that disease-associated and bovine-associated STEC bacteria differ in their basal and inducible Stx production characteristics.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O111:NM is an important serotype that has been incriminated in disease outbreaks in the United States. This study characterized cattle STEC O111:NM for virulence factors and markers by PCR. Major conclusions are that STEC O111:NM characterized in this study lacks stx2 and the full spectrum of nle gene markers, and it has an incomplete OI-122.  相似文献   

A total of 140 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains from wildlife meat (deer, wild boar, and hare) isolated in Germany between 1998 and 2006 were characterized with respect to their serotypes and virulence markers associated with human pathogenicity. The strains grouped into 38 serotypes, but eight O groups (21, 146, 128, 113, 22, 88, 6, and 91) and four H types (21, 28, 2, and 8) accounted for 71.4% and 75.7% of all STEC strains from game, respectively. Eighteen of the serotypes, including enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O26:[H11] and O103:H2, were previously found to be associated with human illness. Genes linked to high-level virulence for humans (stx2, stx2d, and eae) were present in 46 (32.8%) STEC strains from game. Fifty-four STEC isolates from game belonged to serotypes which are frequently found in human patients (O103:H2, O26:H11, O113:H21, O91:H21, O128:H2, O146:H21, and O146:H28). These 54 STEC isolates were compared with 101 STEC isolates belonging to the same serotypes isolated from farm animals, from their food products, and from human patients. Within a given serotype, most STEC strains were similar with respect to their stx genotypes and other virulence attributes, regardless of origin. The 155 STEC strains were analyzed for genetic similarity by XbaI pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. O103:H2, O26:H11, O113:H21, O128:H2, and O146:H28 STEC isolates from game were 85 to 100% similar to STEC isolates of the same strains from human patients. By multilocus sequence typing, game EHEC O103:H2 strains were attributed to a clonal lineage associated with hemorrhagic diseases in humans. The results from our study indicate that game animals represent a reservoir for and a potential source of human pathogenic STEC and EHEC strains.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains represent an important emerging group of food-borne zoonotic pathogens causing diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis (HC), and the life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans (30). Production of potent cytotoxins, which are called Shiga toxins (Stx) or Vero toxins (VT) and are encoded on the genomes of temperate lambdoid bacteriophages, is the major virulence determinant of STEC strains. Additional virulence factors, such as genes encoding the attaching and effacing function and virulence plasmid-encoding genes, contribute to the pathogenicity of STEC strains. These virulence genes are closely associated with a subgroup of STEC strains that are frequently isolated from patients with hemorrhagic diseases (HC and HUS) and were therefore designated enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strains. Strains belonging to serogroups O157, O26, O103, O111, and O145 are the EHEC types most frequently isolated from humans with HC and HUS (33).STEC strains are part of the gut flora of different animal species, and ruminants, particularly cattle, have been identified as a major reservoir of STEC strains that are highly virulent to humans (27). Today, it is evident that STEC strains can be transmitted from their animal reservoirs to humans via ingestion of contaminated food and water or by contact with STEC-excreting animals or the environment (9).Recent reports indicate that wildlife animals play an important role as carriers and transmitters of STEC strains in nature. EHEC O157 strains (13, 32, 36, 40, 46) and other STEC strains were isolated from feces of different ruminant deer species at different geographic locations (2, 20, 28, 34, 36, 42). Deer have been suggested to play a role as transmitters of EHEC O157 strains to cattle by fecal contamination of farmland (43). Wild migrating birds have been identified as STEC excretors and participate in the spread of EHEC O157 and other STEC strains over long distances (17, 37, 47). To date, only a few reports have been published on the contamination of raw game meat and other game products with STEC strains. A study conducted in Belgium indicated that about half of meat samples from wildlife ruminants contained STEC strains (38). Deer meat and jerky were identified as sources of EHEC O157 infections in humans in the United States (31, 39). In Germany, different types of STEC strains were isolated from venison samples (34), and surveys performed in the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment revealed a contamination rate of wild meat samples with STEC strains of 9.0% to 14.8% between 2005 and 2006. In this time period, the proportion of STEC-contaminated samples from game was considerably higher than that found with beef samples (1.3% to 4.5% STEC positives) (23, 24).Current data suggest that wild-living animals and their meat products are underestimated as natural reservoirs for STEC strains and as possible sources for human infections. Game meat is popular in Germany, since it is considered to be a high-quality product, and per capita consumption is rising steadily (report from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment [http://www.bfr.bund.de/cd/7134]). To meet the demand for game meat, a total of 36,126 tons of wild animals were hunted from 2005 to 2006. These were divided into 19,000 tons of wild boar (n = 461,881 animals), 11,300 tons of roe deer (n = 905,387), and about 4,000 tons of red deer (n = 60,664) (Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband [http://www.jagd-online.de]). Taking these data as a basis for estimation, the average amount of annual wild meat consumption is about 0.45 kg/person and accounts for 0.8% of the total meat consumption in Germany (22).About 62% of retailed game meat originates from animals hunted in the wild in Germany. Only 3% of the meat is from animals that are grown in captivity, with fallow deer the most frequently grown captive game animal. Imported game accounts for 35% of retailed meat (26). In compliance with the legal regulations, hunters are educated in meat inspection, and hygiene rules request evisceration of hunted game immediately after killing (C. Commichau [http://www.tiho-hannover.de/einricht/lmmikro/wild1.doc]). Inspected and acceptable carcasses are allowed to proceed to immediate sale to individuals, restaurants, and food handlers. For safety reasons, processing of game meat must occur separately from processing of other meat; when processing of game meat is conducted on a larger scale, it is performed in special meat-processing plants. Only a small portion of hunted game meat is inspected by official meat inspection authorities (26).At present, little is known about the characteristics of STEC strains other than O157 strains from wildlife meat. In order to provide data for estimating the impact of game as a potential source of human pathogenic STEC types, we characterized 140 STEC strains found in meat isolates from deer, wild boar, and hare. The strains were examined for their serotypes, for properties related to virulence of E. coli for humans, and for their genetic relationship to STEC isolates from farm animals, from their food products, and from human patients. The aim was to determine the similarities between STEC strains from wildlife meat and those from other sources, including humans. Our data indicate that game is a natural reservoir for and a potential source of human pathogenic EHEC and STEC types.  相似文献   

Intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli represents a global health problem for mammals, including humans. At present, diarrheagenic E. coli bacteria are grouped into seven major pathotypes that differ in their virulence factor profiles, severity of clinical manifestations, and prognosis. In this study, we developed and evaluated a one-step multiplex PCR (MPCR) for the straightforward differential identification of intestinal pathotypes of E. coli. The specificity of this novel MPCR was validated by using a subset of reference strains and further confirmed by PCR-independent pheno- and genotypic characterization. Moreover, we tested 246 clinical E. coli isolates derived from diarrhea patients from several distinct geographic regions. Interestingly, besides strains belonging to the defined and well-described pathotypes, we identified five unconventional strains expressing intermediate virulence factor profiles. These strains have been further characterized and appear to represent intermediate strains carrying genes and expressing factors associated with enteropathogenic E. coli, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, and enteroaggregative E. coli alike. These strains represent further examples of the extraordinary plasticity of the E. coli genome. Moreover, this implies that the important identification of specific pathotypes has to be based on a broad matrix of indicator genes. In addition, the presence of intermediate strains needs to be accounted for.  相似文献   

Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains were isolated from a variety of fresh produce, but mostly from spinach, with an estimated prevalence rate of 0.5%. A panel of 132 produce STEC strains were characterized for the presence of virulence and putative virulence factor genes and for Shiga toxin subtypes. About 9% of the isolates were found to have the eae gene, which encodes the intimin binding protein, and most of these belonged to known pathogenic STEC serotypes, such as O157:H7 and O26:H11, or to serotypes that reportedly have caused human illness. Among the eae-negative strains, there were three O113:H21 strains and one O91:H21 strain, which historically have been implicated in illness and therefore may be of concern as well. The ehxA gene, which encodes enterohemolysin, was found in ∼60% of the isolates, and the saa and subAB genes, which encode STEC agglutinating adhesin and subtilase cytotoxin, respectively, were found in ∼30% of the isolates. However, the precise roles of these three putative virulence factors in STEC pathogenesis have not yet been fully established. The stx1a and stx2a subtypes were present in 22% and 56%, respectively, of the strains overall and were the most common subtypes among produce STEC strains. The stx2d subtype was the second most common subtype (28% overall), followed by stx2c (7.5%), and only 2 to 3% of the produce STEC strains had the stx2e and stx2g subtypes. Almost half of the produce STEC strains had only partial serotypes or were untyped, and most of those that were identified belonged to unremarkable serotypes. Considering the uncertainties of some of these Stx subtypes and putative virulence factors in causing human illness, it is difficult to determine the health risk of many of these produce STEC strains.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains possessing genes for enterohemolysin (ehxA) and/or intimin (eae), referred to here as complex STEC (cSTEC), are more commonly recovered from the feces of humans with hemolytic uremic syndrome and hemorrhagic colitis than STEC strains that do not possess these accessory virulence genes. Ruminants, particularly cattle and sheep, are recognized reservoirs of STEC populations that may contaminate foods destined for human consumption. We isolated cSTEC strains from the feces of longitudinally sampled pasture-fed sheep, lot-fed sheep maintained on diets comprising various combinations of silage and grain, and sheep simultaneously grazing pastures with cattle to explore the diversity of cSTEC serotypes capable of colonizing healthy sheep. A total of 67 cSTEC serotypes were isolated, of which 21 (31.3%), mainly isolated from lambs, have not been reported. Of the total isolations, 58 (86.6%) were different from cSTEC serotypes isolated from a recent study of longitudinally sampled healthy Australian cattle (M. Hornitzky, B. A. Vanselow, K. Walker, K. A. Bettelheim, B. Corney, P. Gill, G. Bailey, and S. P. Djordjevic, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:6439-6445, 2002). Our data suggest that cSTEC serotypes O5:H, O75:H8, O91:H, O123:H, and O128:H2 are well adapted to colonizing the ovine gastrointestinal tract, since they were the most prevalent serotypes isolated from both pasture-fed and lot-fed sheep. Collectively, our data show that Australian sheep are colonized by diverse cSTEC serotypes that are rarely isolated from healthy Australian cattle.  相似文献   



Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli cause severe intestinal infections involving colonization of epithelial Peyer’s patches and formation of attachment/effacement (A/E) lesions. These lesions trigger leukocyte infiltration followed by inflammation and intestinal hemorrhage. Systems biology, which explores the crosstalk of Stx-producing Escherichia coli with the in vivo host environment, may elucidate novel molecular pathogenesis aspects.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Enterohemorrhagic E. coli strain 86–24 produces Shiga toxin-2 and belongs to the serotype O157:H7. Bacterial cells were scrapped from stationary phase cultures (the in vitro condition) and used to infect gnotobiotic piglets via intestinal lavage. Bacterial cells isolated from the piglets’ guts constituted the in vivo condition. Cell lysates were subjected to quantitative 2D gel and shotgun proteomic analyses, revealing metabolic shifts towards anaerobic energy generation, changes in carbon utilization, phosphate and ammonia starvation, and high activity of a glutamate decarboxylase acid resistance system in vivo. Increased abundance of pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (PntA and PntB) suggested in vivo shortage of intracellular NADPH. Abundance changes of proteins implicated in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis (LpxC, ArnA, the predicted acyltransferase L7029) and outer membrane (OM) assembly (LptD, MlaA, MlaC) suggested bacterial cell surface modulation in response to activated host defenses. Indeed, there was evidence for interactions of innate immunity-associated proteins secreted into the intestines (GP340, REG3-γ, resistin, lithostathine, and trefoil factor 3) with the bacterial cell envelope.


Proteomic analysis afforded insights into system-wide adaptations of strain 86–24 to a hostile intestinal milieu, including responses to limited nutrients and cofactor supplies, intracellular acidification, and reactive nitrogen and oxygen species-mediated stress. Protein and lipopolysaccharide compositions of the OM were altered. Enhanced expression of type III secretion system effectors correlated with a metabolic shift back to a more aerobic milieu in vivo. Apparent pathogen pattern recognition molecules from piglet intestinal secretions adhered strongly to the bacterial cell surface.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) cause post-diarrhea Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS), which is the most common cause of acute renal failure in children in many parts of the world. Several non-O157 STEC strains also produce Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) that may contribute to HUS pathogenesis. The aim of the present work was to examine the cytotoxic effects of SubAB on primary cultures of human cortical renal tubular epithelial cells (HRTEC) and compare its effects with those produced by Shiga toxin type 2 (Stx2), in order to evaluate their contribution to renal injury in HUS. For this purpose, cell viability, proliferation rate, and apoptosis were assayed on HRTEC incubated with SubAB and/or Stx2 toxins. SubAB significantly reduced cell viability and cell proliferation rate, as well as stimulating cell apoptosis in HRTEC cultures in a time dependent manner. However, HRTEC cultures were significantly more sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of Stx2 than those produced by SubAB. No synergism was observed when HRTEC were co-incubated with both SubAB and Stx2. When HRTEC were incubated with the inactive SubAA272B toxin, results were similar to those in untreated control cells. Similar stimulation of apoptosis was observed in Vero cells incubated with SubAB or/and Stx2, compared to HRTEC. In conclusion, primary cultures of HRTEC are significantly sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of SubAB, although, in a lesser extent compared to Stx2.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of a detoxified derivative of a Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2)-encoding bacteriophage to infect and lysogenize enteric Escherichia coli strains and to develop infectious progeny from such lysogenized strains. The stx2 gene of the patient E. coli O157:H7 isolate 3538/95 was replaced by the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene from plasmid pACYC184. Phage 3538(Δstx2::cat) was isolated after induction of E. coli O157:H7 strain 3538/95 with mitomycin. A variety of strains of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), Stx-producing E. coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and E. coli from the physiological stool microflora were infected with 3538(Δstx2::cat), and plaque formation and lysogenic conversion of wild-type E. coli strains were investigated. With the exception of one EIEC strain, none of the E. coli strains supported the formation of plaques when used as indicators for 3538(Δstx2::cat). However, 2 of 11 EPEC, 11 of 25 STEC, 2 of 7 EAEC, 1 of 3 EIEC, and 1 of 6 E. coli isolates from the stool microflora of healthy individuals integrated the phage in their chromosomes and expressed resistance to chloramphenicol. Following induction with mitomycin, these lysogenic strains released infectious particles of 3538(Δstx2::cat) that formed plaques on a lawn of E. coli laboratory strain C600. The results of our study demonstrate that 3538(Δstx2::cat) was able to infect and lysogenize particular enteric strains of pathogenic and nonpathogenic E. coli and that the lysogens produced infectious phage progeny. Stx-encoding bacteriophages are able to spread stx genes among enteric E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Produce isolates of the Escherichia coli Ont:H52 serotype carried Shiga toxin 1 and stable toxin genes but only expressed Stx1. These strains had pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profiles that were 90% homologous to clinical Ont:H52 strains that had identical phenotypes and genotypes. All Ont:H52 strains had identical single nucleotide polymorphism profiles that are suggestive of a unique clonal group.  相似文献   

We have isolated Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains from the feces of feral pigeons which contained a new Stx2 variant gene designated stx2f. This gene is most similar to sltIIva of patient E. coli O128:B12 isolate H.I.8. Stx2f reacted only weakly with commercial immunoassays. The prevalence of STEC organisms carrying the stx2f gene in pigeon droppings was 12.5%. The occurrence of a new Stx2 variant in STEC from pigeons enlarges the pool of Stx2 variants and raises the question whether horizontal gene transfer to E. coli pathogenic to humans may occur.  相似文献   

Lytic or lysogenic infections by bacteriophages drive the evolution of enteric bacteria. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) have recently emerged as a significant zoonotic infection of humans with the main serotypes carried by ruminants. Typical EHEC strains are defined by the expression of a type III secretion (T3S) system, the production of Shiga toxins (Stx) and association with specific clinical symptoms. The genes for Stx are present on lambdoid bacteriophages integrated into the E. coli genome. Phage type (PT) 21/28 is the most prevalent strain type linked with human EHEC infections in the United Kingdom and is more likely to be associated with cattle shedding high levels of the organism than PT32 strains. In this study we have demonstrated that the majority (90%) of PT 21/28 strains contain both Stx2 and Stx2c phages, irrespective of source. This is in contrast to PT 32 strains for which only a minority of strains contain both Stx2 and 2c phages (28%). PT21/28 strains had a lower median level of T3S compared to PT32 strains and so the relationship between Stx phage lysogeny and T3S was investigated. Deletion of Stx2 phages from EHEC strains increased the level of T3S whereas lysogeny decreased T3S. This regulation was confirmed in an E. coli K12 background transduced with a marked Stx2 phage followed by measurement of a T3S reporter controlled by induced levels of the LEE-encoded regulator (Ler). The presence of an integrated Stx2 phage was shown to repress Ler induction of LEE1 and this regulation involved the CII phage regulator. This repression could be relieved by ectopic expression of a cognate CI regulator. A model is proposed in which Stx2-encoding bacteriophages regulate T3S to co-ordinate epithelial cell colonisation that is promoted by Stx and secreted effector proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles released by Escherichia coli O157:H7 into culture medium were purified and analyzed for protein and DNA content. Electron micrographs revealed vesicles that are spherical, range in size from 20 to 100 nm, and have a complete bilayer. Analysis of vesicle protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrates vesicles that contain many proteins with molecular sizes similar to outer membrane proteins and a number of cellular proteins. Immunoblot (Western) analysis of vesicles suggests the presence of cell antigens. Treatment of vesicles with exogenous DNase hydrolyzed surface-associated DNA; PCR demonstrated that vesicles contain DNA encoding the virulence genes eae, stx1 and stx2, and uidA, which encodes for β-galactosidase. Immunoblot analysis of intact and lysed, proteinase K-treated vesicles demonstrate that Shiga toxins 1 and 2 are contained within vesicles. These results suggest that vesicles contain toxic material and transfer experiments demonstrate that vesicles can deliver genetic material to other gram-negative organisms.  相似文献   

The virulence properties and serotypes of complex Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (cSTEC) were determined in two studies of healthy cattle in eastern Australia. In the first, a snapshot study, 84 cSTEC isolates were recovered from 37 of 1,692 (2.2%) fecal samples collected from slaughter-age cattle from 72 commercial properties. The second, a longitudinal study of three feedlots and five pasture beef properties, resulted in the recovery of 118 cSTEC isolates from 104 animals. Of the 70 serotypes identified, 38 had not previously been reported.  相似文献   

A total of 318 Escherichia coli isolates obtained from diarrheic and healthy pigs in Ontario from 2001 to 2003 were examined for their susceptibility to 19 antimicrobial agents. They were tested by PCR for the presence of resistance genes for tetracycline, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and apramycin and of 12 common virulence genes of porcine E. coli. Antimicrobial resistance frequency among E. coli isolates from swine in Ontario was moderate in comparison with other countries and was higher in isolates from pigs with diarrhea than in isolates from healthy finisher pigs. Resistance profiles suggest that cephamycinases may be produced by ≥8% of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). Resistance to quinolones was detected only in enterotoxigenic E. coli (≤3%). The presence of sul3 was demonstrated for the first time in Canada in porcine E. coli isolates. Associations were observed among tetA, sul1, aadA, and aac(3)IV and among tetB, sul2, and strA/strB, with a strong negative association between tetA and tetB. The paa and sepA genes were detected in 92% of porcine ETEC, and strong statistical associations due to colocation on a large plasmid were observed between tetA, estA, paa, and sepA. Due at least in part to gene linkages, the distribution of resistance genes was very different between ETEC isolates and other porcine E. coli isolates. This demonstrates that antimicrobial resistance epidemiology differs significantly between pathogenic and commensal E. coli isolates. These results may have important implications with regards to the spread and persistence of resistance and virulence genes in bacterial populations and to the prudent use of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli serogroup O26 consists of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (aEPEC). The former produces Shiga toxins (Stx), major determinants of EHEC pathogenicity, encoded by bacteriophages; the latter is Stx negative. We have isolated EHEC O26 from patient stools early in illness and aEPEC O26 from stools later in illness, and vice versa. Intrapatient EHEC and aEPEC isolates had quite similar pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, suggesting that they might have arisen by conversion between the EHEC and aEPEC pathotypes during infection. To test this hypothesis, we asked whether EHEC O26 can lose stx genes and whether aEPEC O26 can be lysogenized with Stx-encoding phages from EHEC O26 in vitro. The stx2 loss associated with the loss of Stx2-encoding phages occurred in 10% to 14% of colonies tested. Conversely, Stx2- and, to a lesser extent, Stx1-encoding bacteriophages from EHEC O26 lysogenized aEPEC O26 isolates, converting them to EHEC strains. In the lysogens and EHEC O26 donors, Stx2-converting bacteriophages integrated in yecE or wrbA. The loss and gain of Stx-converting bacteriophages diversifies PFGE patterns; this parallels findings of similar but not identical PFGE patterns in the intrapatient EHEC and aEPEC O26 isolates. EHEC O26 and aEPEC O26 thus exist as a dynamic system whose members undergo ephemeral interconversions via loss and gain of Stx-encoding phages to yield different pathotypes. The suggested occurrence of this process in the human intestine has diagnostic, clinical, epidemiological, and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

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