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Swine genomic DNA segments containing repetitive sequences were isolated from a porcine genomic library using genomic DNA as a probe. Three fragments containing the repetitive sequences from two of the primary phage clones were subcloned for sequence analysis, which revealed six new PRE-1 repetitive families other than those reported earlier by Singer et al. (Nucleic Acids Research 15, 2780, 1987). The frequency of the repetitive sequences in the swine genome was estimated at 2 x 10(6) per diploid genome. Sequence analysis revealed similarities between these repetitive sequences and that of arginine-tRNA gene.  相似文献   

Structural genes adjacent to interspersed repetitive DNA sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The observation that repetitive and single copy sequences are interspersed in animal DNAs has suggested that repetitive sequences are adjacent to single copy structural gene sequences. To test this concept, single copy DNA sequences contiguous to interspersed repetitive sequences were prepared from sea urchin DNA by hydroxyapatite fractionation (repeat-contiguous DNA fraction). These single copy sequences included about one third of the total nonrepetitive sequence in the genome as determined by the amounts recovered during the hydroxyapatite fractionation and by reassociation kinetics. 3H-labeled mRNA from sea urchin gastrula was prepared by puromycin release from polysomes and used in DNA-driven hybridization reactions. The kinetics of mRNA hybridization reactions with excess whole DNA were carefully measured, and the rate of hybridization was found to be 3–5 times slower than the corresponding single copy DNA driver reassociation rate. The mRNA hybridized with excess repeat-contiguous DNA with similar kinetics relative to the driver DNA. At completion 80% of that mRNA hybridizable with whole DNA (approximately 65%) had reacted with the repeat-contiguous DNA fraction (50%). This result shows that 80–100% of the mRNA molecules present in sea urchin embryos are transcribed from single copy DNA sequences adjacent to interspersed repetitive sequences in the genome.  相似文献   

Evolution of interspersed repetitive elements inGossypium (Malvaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little is known regarding how repetitive elements evolve inpolyploid organisms. Here we address this subject by fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH) of 20 interspersed repetitive elements tometaphase chromosomes of the cotton AD-genome tetraploid Gossypiumhirsutum and its putative A- and D-genome diploid ancestors. Theseelements collectively represent an estimated 18% of the G.hirsutum genome, and constitute the majority of high-copyinterspersed repetitive elements in G. hirsutum. Seventeen ofthe elements yielded FISH signals on chromosomes of both G.hirsutum subgenomes, while three were A-subgenome specific. Hybridization of eight selected elements, two of which were A-subgenomespecific, to the A(2) genome of G. arboreum yielded asignal distribution that was similar to that of the G. hirsutumA-subgenome. However, when hybridized to the D(5) genome ofG. raimondii, the putative diploid ancestor of the G.hirsutum D-subgenome, none of the probes, including elements thatstrongly hybridized to both G. hirsutum subgenomes, yieldeddetectable signal. The results suggest that the majority, although notall, G. hirsutum interspersed repetitive elements haveundergone intergenomic concerted evolution following polyploidizationand that this has involved colonization of the D-subgenome byA-subgenome elements and/or replacement of D-subgenome elements byelements of the A-subgenometype.  相似文献   

A cloned 2.2 Eco RI segment of interspersed repetitive DNA was hybridized to genomic DNA from a mentally retarded patient with an interstitial deletion in the long arm of one chromosome 12 (12q-). Under hybridization conditions of high stringency, one prominent 2.2-kilobase (kb) Eco RI fragment demonstrated reduced autoradiographic intensity in the 12q- sample compared with several normal controls. These findings indicate that the genomic location for one of the highly or perfectly homologous 2.2-kb Eco RI fragments is in chromosome region 12q21q22, and suggest that a low-copy repetitive DNA probe as used here may have practical utility, as in detecting small deletions or other chromosome alterations.  相似文献   

The review is dedicated to one of the most common classes of repetitive elements in eukaryotic genomes: short interspersed elements. Their structure, origin, and functioning in the genome are discussed. The variation and abundance of these neutral genomic markers make them a convenient and reliable tool for phylogenetic analysis. The main methods of such analysis are outlined, and the potential and limitations of this approach are illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

We have designed and evaluated a series of class-specific (Aves), order-specific (Rodentia), and species-specific (equine, canine, feline, rat, hamster, guinea pig, and rabbit) polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays for the identification and quantitation of DNA using amplification of genome-specific short and long interspersed elements. Using SYBR Green-based detection, the minimum effective quantitation levels of the assays ranged from 0.1 ng to 0.1 pg of starting DNA template. Background cross-amplification with DNA templates derived from sixteen other species was negligible prior to 30 cycles of PCR. The species-specificity of the PCR amplicons was further demonstrated by the ability of the assays to accurately detect known quantities of species-specific DNA from mixed (complex) sources. The 10 assays reported here will help facilitate the sensitive detection and quantitation of common domestic animal and bird species DNA from complex biomaterials.  相似文献   

Replication time of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in hamsters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The replication time of 34 hamster genomic DNA segments containing interspersed repeat sequences was determined by probing the cloned segments with nick-translated early- and late-replicating hamster DNA. One-third of these cloned families replicated early, one-third replicated late, and one-third replicated without temporal bias. 19 different inserts from these clones along with the SINE, Alu, and the LINE, A36Fc, were used to probe Southern blots of early- and late-replicating hamster or human DNA. We report long interspersed repeats, LINEs, are selectively partitioned into late-replicating DNA and are often concertedly hypomethylated, while short interspersed repeats, SINEs, are selectively partitioned into early-replicating DNA. For some interspersed repeat families, this partitioning is complete or almost complete. The CCGG frequency is very low in late-replicating DNA. The mammalian chromosome's pattern of early-replicating R-bands and late-replicating G-bands reflects a differential distribution of LINEs and SINEs.  相似文献   

Many families of interspersed repetitive DNA elements, including human Alu and LINE (Long Interspersed Element) elements, have been proposed to have accumulated through repeated copying from a single source locus: the "master gene." The extent to which a master gene model is applicable has implications for the origin, evolution, and function of such sequences. One repetitive element family for which a convincing case for a master gene has been made is the rodent ID (identifier) elements. Here we devise a new test of the master gene model and use it to show that mouse ID element sequences are not compatible with a strict master gene model. We suggest that a single master gene is rarely, if ever, likely to be responsible for the accumulation of any repeat family.  相似文献   

Short, interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in prokaryotic genomes.   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  

The distribution of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in the human genome   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The distribution of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in the human genome has been investigated, using a combination of biochemical, cytological, computational, and recombinant DNA approaches. "Low-resolution" biochemical experiments indicate that the general distribution of repetitive sequences in human DNA can be adequately described by models that assume a random spacing, with an average distance of 3 kb. A detailed "high-resolution" map of the repetitive sequence organization along 400 kb of cloned human DNA, including 150 kb of DNA fragments isolated for this study, is consistent with this general distribution pattern. However, a higher frequency of spacing distances greater than 9.5 kb was observed in this genomic DNA sample. While the overall repetitive sequence distribution is best described by models that assume a random distribution, an analysis of the distribution of Alu repetitive sequences appearing in the GenBank sequence database indicates that there are local domains with varying Alu placement densities. In situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes indicates that local density domains for Alu placement can be observed cytologically. Centric heterochromatin regions, in particular, are at least 50-fold underrepresented in Alu sequences. The observed distribution for repetitive sequences in human DNA is the expected result for sequences that transpose throughout the genome, with local regions of "preference" or "exclusion" for integration.  相似文献   

A major family of short, interspersed, repeated sequences in the bovine genome has been characterized. This family makes up the majority of all non-satellite repetitive DNA or about 6% of the bovine genome. It is estimated that there are at least 600 000 copies of this family interspersed among non-repetitive DNA sequences. Sequence analysis shows that this family includes sequences reported previously by Watanabe et al. (Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1459-1469, 1982) and is distantly related to the human Alu sequence family.  相似文献   

Six novel families of interspersed repetitive elements have been detected in the available human DNA sequences using computer-assisted analyses. The estimated total number of elements in the reported six families is over 17,000. Sequences representative for each family range from approximately 150 to 650 base pairs (bp) in length and are predominantly (A + T)-rich. Sequences from four families contain stretches of patchy complementarity up to 45 bp long. Member of one of the families is likely be directly involved in a multigene deletion on chromosome 14. Two of the six sequence families are homologous to 'low reiteration frequency sequences' from monkey cells, detected first in defective variants of simian virus 40. Like Alu and L1 families, the newly discovered families are probably composed of pseudogenes derived from functional genes.  相似文献   

We report the establishment of a hybridization-based marker system for the rat genome based on the PCR amplification of interspersed repetitive sequences (IRS). Overall, 351 IRS markers were mapped within the rat genome. The IRS marker panel consists of 210 nonpolymorphic and 141 polymorphic markers that were screened for presence/absence polymorphism patterns in 38 different rat strains and substrains that are commonly used in biomedical research. The IRS marker panel was demonstrated to be useful for rapid genome screening in experimental rat crosses and high-throughput characterization of large-insert genomic library clones. Information on corresponding YAC clones is made available for this IRS marker set distributed over the whole rat genome. The two existing rat radiation hybrid maps were integrated by placing the IRS markers in both maps. The genetic and physical mapping data presented provide substantial information for ongoing positional cloning projects in the rat.  相似文献   

Short, interspersed, and repetitive DNA sequences in Spiroplasma species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
I Nur  D J LeBlanc  J G Tully 《Plasmid》1987,17(2):110-116
Small fragments of DNA from an 8-kbp plasmid, pRA1, from a plant pathogenic strain of Spiroplasma citri were shown previously to be present in the chromosomal DNA of at least two species of Spiroplasma. We describe here the shot-gun cloning of chromosomal DNA from S. citri Maroc and the identification of two distinct sequences exhibiting homology to pRA1. Further subcloning experiments provided specific molecular probes for the identification of these two sequences in chromosomal DNA from three distinct plant pathogenic species of Spiroplasma. The results of Southern blot hybridization indicated that each of the pRA1-associated sequences is present as multiple copies in short, dispersed, and repetitive sequences in the chromosomes of these three strains. None of the sequences was detectable in chromosomal DNA from an additional nine Spiroplasma strains examined.  相似文献   

The mammalian interspersed repetitive (MIR) element was amplified in mammals 130 million years ago. The MIR element is at least 260 bp in length and is found in approximately 105 copies in the mammalian genome. We analyzed copies of the MIR element in the DNA of various mammals to determine its relationship to the structure and function of genes, in an attempt to identify specific uses of the MIR element within the mammalian genome. We found that alternative splicing within the acetylcholine receptor gene in humans takes place within the MIR element and results in the incorporation of part of the MIR element into the coding sequence of this gene. Furthermore, the polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) at the 3' end of four different mammalian genes is derived from the MIR element. These uses of the MIR element suggest that other regulatory sequences found within the mammalian genome originated from ancient transposable elements, many of which may no longer be recognizable.  相似文献   

When genomic DNA from the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis L. was digested by BclI enzyme, a band of about 150?bp was observed in agarose gel. After cloning and sequencing this band and analysing their molecular characteristics and genomic organization by means of Southern blot, in situ hybridisation, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols, we concluded that this band is an interspersed highly repeated DNA element, which is related in sequence to the flanking regions of (CT)-microsatellite loci of the species O. edulis and Crassostrea gigas. Furthermore, we determined that this element forms part of a longer repetitive unit of 268?bp in length that, at least in some loci, is present in more than one copy. By Southern blot hybridisation and PCR amplifications-using primers designed for conserved regions of the 150-bp BclI clones of O. edulis-we determined that this repetitive DNA family is conserved in five other oyster species (O. stentina, C. angulata, C. gigas, C. ariakensis, and C. sikamea) while it is apparently absent in C. gasar. Finally, based on the analysis of the repetitive units in these oyster species, we discuss the slow degree of concerted evolution in this interspersed repetitive DNA family and its use for phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

A novel category of variable tandem repeats (VNTR) called mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRUs) has been identified for Mycobacterium ulcerans (n = 39), M. marinum (n = 27), and one related organism. Fifteen MIRU loci were identified in the genome of M. marinum and were used to genotype M. ulcerans, M. marinum, and an M. marinum-like organism that is considered a possible missing link between M. marinum and M. ulcerans. Seven MIRU loci were polymorphic, and locus-specific PCRs for four of these loci differentiated seven M. ulcerans genotypes, four M. marinum genotypes, and a unique genotype for the missing link organism. The seven M. ulcerans genotypes were related to six different geographic origins of isolates. All isolates from West and Central Africa, including old and recent isolates, belonged to the same genotype, emphasizing the great spatiotemporal homogeneity among African isolates. Unlike the M. ulcerans genotypes, the four M. marinum genotypes could not be clearly related to the geographic origins of the isolates. According to MIRU-VNTR typing, all M. ulcerans and M. marinum isolates of American origin were closely related, suggesting a common American ancestor for these two pathogenic species on the American continents. MIRU typing has significant potential value for discriminating between reoccurrence and reinfection for M. ulcerans disease.  相似文献   

The KpnI sequences constitute the dominant, long, interspersed repetitive DNA families in primate genomes. These families contain related, but nonidentical sequence subsets, some of which border functional gene domains and are transcribed into RNA. To test whether these sequences perform an organizational function in the nucleus, their association with the nuclear matrix has been examined in African green monkey cells. DNase I treatment depleted the residual matrix of most of the KpnI 1.2- and 1.5-kilobase pair family sequences although significant amounts of each family remained in the loop attachment DNA fragments. Hybridization analysis of the KpnI and RsaI cleavage patterns of matrix loop attachment DNA indicate that some sequence subsets of these KpnI families are relatively less depleted than others. The nuclear matrix association of subpopulations of KpnI 1.2- and 1.5-kilobase pair families was also shown by metrizamide gradient centrifugation of nuclear matrix complexes cleaved by KpnI endonuclease. The gradients demonstrate that some KpnI segments are differentially associated with nuclear matrix proteins. Moreover, the procedures permit the preparative isolation and purification of the DNA-protein complexes containing these KpnI 1.2- and 1.5-kilobase pair sequence families. Speculations on the relationship between the matrix association of these KpnI family sequences and their possible roles in gene organization and expression are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences near immunoglobulin genes in the mouse genome (Steinmetz et al., 1980a,b) were characterized by restriction mapping and hybridization. Six sequences were determined that turned out to belong to a new family of dispersed repetitive DNA. From the sequences, which are called R1 to R6, a 475 base-pair consensus sequence was derived. The R family is clearly distinct from the mouse B1 family (Krayev et al., 1980). According to saturation hybridization experiments, there are about 100,000 R sequences per haploid genome, and they are probably distributed throughout the genome. The individual R sequences have an average divergence from the consensus sequence of 12.5%, which is largely due to point mutations and, among those, to transitions. Some R sequences are severly truncated. The R sequences extend into A-rich sequences and are flanked by short direct repeats. Also, two large insertions in the R2 sequence are flanked by direct repeats. In the neighbourhood of and within R sequences, stretches of DNA have been identified that are homologous to parts of small nuclear RNA sequences. Mouse satellite DNA-like sequences and members of the B1 family were also found in close proximity to the R sequences. The dispersion of R sequences within the mouse genome may be a consequence of transposition events. The possible role of the R sequences in recombination and/or gene conversion processes is discussed.  相似文献   

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