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A critical and irreversible step in the cell division cycle is cytokinesis which physically separates the two daughter cells. This event is consequently subject to tight spatial and temporal regulation. This review focuses on the spatial regulatory mechanisms controlling the position of the division plane. Studies performed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems have revealed that various signal-emitting spatial cues – mitotic spindle, nucleus, nucleoid or cell tips – can favour or inhibit the assembly of the cytokinetic apparatus in their vicinity. Most often, several mechanisms operate in parallel to integrate spatial information and promote faithful genome segregation as well as proper cytoplasmic division. We primarily describe the spatial regulatory mechanisms operating in the fission yeast model system, where a detailed molecular understanding of cytokinesis has been achieved. In this system, spatial regulations target a major factor controlling the position of the division plane, the anillin-like protein Mid1. These mechanisms are then compared to spatial regulatory mechanisms prevailing in animal cells and rod-shaped bacteria.  相似文献   

Minc N  Burgess D  Chang F 《Cell》2011,144(3):414-426
The spatial organization of cells depends on their ability to sense their own shape and size. Here, we investigate how cell shape affects the positioning of the nucleus, spindle and subsequent cell division plane. To manipulate geometrical parameters in a systematic manner, we place individual sea urchin eggs into microfabricated chambers of defined geometry (e.g., triangles, rectangles, and ellipses). In each shape, the nucleus is positioned at the center of mass and is stretched by microtubules along an axis maintained through mitosis and predictive of the future division plane. We develop a simple computational model that posits that microtubules sense cell geometry by probing cellular space and orient the nucleus by exerting pulling forces that scale to microtubule length. This model quantitatively predicts division-axis orientation probability for a wide variety of cell shapes, even in multicellular contexts, and estimates scaling exponents for length-dependent microtubule forces.  相似文献   

The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and its position is dynamically controlled in space and time, although the functional significance of this dynamic regulation is not always clear. Nuclear movements are mediated by the cytoskeleton which transmits pushing or pulling forces onto the nuclear envelope. Recent studies have shed light on the mechanisms regulating nuclear positioning inside the cell. While microtubules have been known for a long time to be key players in nuclear positioning, the actin and cytoplasmic intermediate filament cytoskeletons have been implicated in this function more recently and various molecular links between the nuclear envelope and cytoplasmic elements have been identified. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of nuclear localization in various animal cells and give an overview of the evidence suggesting a crucial role of nuclear positioning in cell polarity and physiology and the consequences of nuclear mispositioning in human pathologies.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of nuclear distribution mutants have indicated that functions of the microtubule motor, cytoplasmic dynein, and its regulators are important for nuclear positioning in filamentous fungi. Here we review these studies and also present the need to further dissect how dynein and its associated microtubule cytoskeleton are involved mechanistically in nuclear positioning in the multinucleated hyphae.  相似文献   

The expression mechanism of long-term potentiation (LTP) remains controversial. Here we combine electrophysiology and Ca(2+) imaging to examine the role of silent synapses in LTP expression. Induction of LTP fails to change p(r) at these synapses but instead mediates an unmasking process that is sensitive to the inhibition of postsynaptic membrane fusion. Once unmasked, however, further potentiation of formerly silent synapses leads to an increase in p(r). The state of the synapse thus determines how LTP is expressed.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary approach employing functionalized nanoparticles and ultrasensitive spectroscopic techniques is reported here to track the molecular changes in early stage of malignancy. Melanoma tissue tracking at molecular level using both labelled and unlabelled silver and gold nanoparticles has been achieved using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique. We used skin tissue from ex vivo mice with induced melanoma. Raman and SERS molecular characterization of melanoma tissue is proposed here for the first time. Optical nanosensors based on Ag and Au nanoparticles with chemisorbed cresyl violet molecular species as labels revealed sensitive capability to tissues tagging and local molecular characterization. Sensitive information originating from surrounding native biological molecules is provided by the tissue SERS spectra obtained either with visible or NIR laser line. Labelled nanoparticles introduced systematic differences in tissue response compared with unlabelled ones, suggesting that the label functional groups tag specific tissue components revealed by proteins or nucleic acids bands. Vibrational data collected from tissue are presented in conjunction with the immunohistochemical analysis. The results obtained here open perspectives in applied plasmonic nanoparticles and SERS for the early cancer diagnostic based on the appropriate spectral databank.  相似文献   

We tested the stability of microtubules in the neurites of cultured dorsal root ganglion cells by dissolving the cytoplasmic membrane with detergent and exposing them to defined extracellular medium under the microscope. Smooth cytoplasmic filaments visualized after membrane removal were suggested to be microtubules by the preservation of all of the filaments in the presence but not in the absence of taxol. They were further confirmed to be microtubules by immunostaining with anti-tubulin antibody. Significant number of microtubules in the established neurites remained longer than 1 hour after membrane removal. To investigate their stabilization mechanism, we transected the exposed microtubules by laser microbeam irradiation and observed their length changes with video-enhanced microscopy. Microtubule fragments started to shorten on both sides of the transection site, more rapidly from the newly generated plus ends than from the minus ends. The maximal rate as well as the pattern of shortening correlated with the time of transection; microtubules transected later than 30 min after membrane removal shortened at rates less than 20 microm/min and typically with intermittent pauses, while the more labile microtubules included in the earlier transections shortened continuously at higher rates. Microtubules in neurites were thus stabilized by (1) stopping disassembly at local sites including the plus ends, and (2) slowing disassembly along the length. Observations of the course of disassembly also suggested the presence of specialized points along microtubules which is involved in anchoring microtubules to the substratum or transiently stopping disassembly.  相似文献   

Using nonlinear optical microscopy of coherent antistokes Raman scattering (CARS), second harmonic generation (SHG) and two‐photo excitation fluorescence, we in situ observed how the collagen and the bone grow synergistically and competitively during nascent biological evolution. The and ions were first observed to be dispersed in the liquid environment, and the collagen was observed 2 days later. With the help of the collagen, the and ions gradually moved closer to the collagen, and then the bone was produced in the forms of CaCO3 and CaPO3. When the bone was completed with the help of the collagen, the collagen gradually disappeared. The biological evolution of snail bone and collagen can be well revealed by CARS and SHG, and in addition, the biological evolution of structure and morphology can be clearly observed day by day.  相似文献   

The nucleus, like other smaller organelles in the cell, is dynamic and can move about in the cytoplasm. In some cells, nuclear movements are concerned with mitosis or meiosis; in others, they are concerned with orienting nuclear divisions; and in still others, they deal with distributing nuclei through the cytoplasm. Recent interest in nuclear positioning has shown that nuclear movements are often mediated by the interactions of dynein and other proteins at the plus ends of astral microtubules with the cell cortex. How the microtubule minus ends interact with the nucleus also affects nuclear movements.  相似文献   

Xiang X 《Current biology : CB》2012,22(12):R496-R499
Nuclear movement often requires interactions between the cell cortex and microtubules. A new study has revealed a novel protein interaction linking microtubule plus-ends with the cortex and a role for dynein in microtubule shrinkage-coupled movement.  相似文献   

We compare the measurements of viscoelastic properties of adherent alveolar epithelial cells by two micromanipulation techniques: (i) magnetic twisting cytometry and (ii) optical tweezers, using microbeads of same size and similarly attached to F-actin. The values of equivalent Young modulus E, derived from linear viscoelasticity theory, become consistent when the degree of bead immersion in the cell is taken into account. E-values are smaller in (i) than in (ii): approximately 34-58 Pa vs approximately 29-258 Pa, probably because higher stress in (i) reinforces nonlinearity and cellular plasticity. Otherwise, similar relaxation time constants, around 2 s, suggest similar dissipative mechanisms.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of manganese-oxidizing pedomicrobia from water is described. The method employs a combination of growth on a manganese containing indicator medium and micromanipulation. Pedomicrobia are slow-growing and are frequently overgrown by spreading bacteria. Colonies of manganese-oxidizing strains are easily detected at an early stage of development because of the accumulation of black manganese oxide. Micromanipulation allows selection of cells from microcolonies before they are overgrown. The procedure has been successfully used to isolate manganese-oxidizing Pedomicrobium cultures from water distribution systems experiencing persistent manganese-related dirty water problems. Considerable savings in time and materials have been made compared with conventional dilution plating techniques.  相似文献   

We examined hematological changes influenced by the experimental hypervitaminosis A. The 3D confocal optical profilometer was applied for assessment of the erythrocytes' membrane structural changes influenced by an overdose of vitamin A. The blood smears were evaluated in terms of alterations of geometrical and optical parameters of erythrocytes for two groups of animals: oil base and retinol palmitate (n = 9 animals for each group). The results demonstrate that an overdose of retinol palmitate causes changes in the torus curvature and pallor of discocytes, their surface area and volume. The observed structural malformations of the shape of red blood cells become visible at the earlier preclinical stage of changes in animal state and behavior. With this in mind, the results of the study open a new area of research in the certain dysfunction diagnosis of red blood cells and have a great potential in the further development of new curative protocols.  相似文献   

Production of identical twin rabbits by micromanipulation of embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research was conducted to improve micromanipulation procedures with rabbit embryos, including the production of genetically identical progeny. In the first experiment, embryos in different stages of development were used for micromanipulation by removing half of the blastomeres with a beveled aspirating pipette. Embryos 74-78 h postovulatory, in the late compacted morula or early blastocyst stage, were demonstrated to be best for micromanipulation. When embryos at this stage were halved, 77% (64/83) developed into blastocysts compared to 78% (65/83) for the intact control. In the second experiment, the survival of demi-embryos in original versus foreign zonae was tested. Young born from the demi-embryos transferred within original zonae (33%) were not significantly different (p greater than 0.05) from those transferred in foreign zonae (24%). Significantly more offspring, however, were obtained from intact control embryos (58%, p less than 0.01). In the third experiment, identical monozygotic twins were produced from Day 3 embryos, after modification of the aspirating pipette by further sharpening it to a fine point with a microforge. Thirty-four percent young (11) were obtained after microsurgery compared to 36% for intact control embryos transferred. Among the demi-embryos, a pair of albino and a pair of Dutch-belted young were identical twins.  相似文献   

A technique is described, cytoplasmic zone analysis, by which it is possible to study the flow of different RNA-containing components in the cytoplasm after their release from the nucleus. After a pulse of RNA precursors, the salivary glands of the insect Chironomus tentans are fixed and microdissected for the isolation of three zones of cytoplasm situated at increasing distances from the nucleus. The RNA from each zone is isolated and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The three ribosomal RNA components, 18 S, 28 S and 5 S RNA, appear in steep, specific radioactivity gradients (exit gradients) during the time interval 2-3 h after a precursor injection, the 18 S RNA gradient lying 30-50 mum peripheral to that of the 28 S or 5 S RNA gradient. Administration of puromycin led to the complete disappearance of the 28 S RNA and most of the 28 S RNA gradient within 45 min, suggesting that the gradients are caused by an engagement of the ribosomal subunits into polysomes close to the nucleus immediately or soon after their exit from the nucleus. The gradients may offer a unique model for the study of polysome formation and maintenance in vivo.  相似文献   

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