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It has been proposed that anti-Ig antibody activates B cells in a way analogous to the antigens, i.e., it delivers its signal by cross-linking and clustering the Ig receptors on the surface of one cell. However, the cross-linking of different B cells which may deliver to each other a signal has not been considered. Thus, we examined the effect of preventing cell contacts on the response of rabbit B cells to anti-Ig allotype antibody by using a solid agarose medium. First, we examined the 14C-uridine incorporation in liquid medium and in liquid or solid agarose in cultures stimulated with anti-Ig antibody (Ab). The response was high in liquid agarose or liquid medium but was absent when the agarose-containing medium was solidified at the start of the cultures. If the agarose was solidified 6 hr after the start, a good response was obtained. Moreover, if the cells were sedimented at the start before solidifying the agarose-containing medium, a good response was also obtained. Similar results were obtained when T cells were activated by Con A. To examine whether B cells require contacts with other B cells or with non-B cells, we examined their response to anti-Ig Ab in the absence of macrophages or T cells, and found that purified B cells from lymphoid organs or from thoracic duct responded well in the absence of T cells and/or macrophages. The response was also absent when the cells were cultured in agar at a "local" concentration close to 10(8) cell/ml. Also, concentrated supernatants of anti-Ig-stimulated cells did not increase the response to anti-Ig in solid agarose. These two last observations suggest that the lack of response in solid agarose is not due to a lack of diffusible factors or to a lack of feeder cells. Therefore, because the only difference between the cultures that responded to anti-Ig or Con A and those that did not was the distance between the cells, we concluded that the contact between B cells or between T cells is essential to their activation by their respective mitogens. We speculate that the anti-Ig Ab or the antigen cross-links B cells, which then provide each other with the activating signal or with one of the activating signals.  相似文献   

Chemicals produced by aquatic organisms, and especially micro-organisms, have received increasing attention in the last decade for their role in shaping interactions and communities. Several cases emphasize the fact that chemical signals or defence may modulate interspecific interactions. Notably, it has been shown that diatoms, unicellular algae and key primary producers in aquatic ecosystems produce a wide range of bioactive metabolites. Among these compounds, polyunsaturated short-chain aldehydes in vitro strongly impair the reproduction of various potential grazers. In the field, the relationship between aldehyde production and reproductive failure in copepods remains unclear. Recent studies have suggested that these putative defence compounds may also be involved in intercellular communication and in interactions with competitors. Potential effects of the aldehyde precursors on various organisms have also been described. This review presents an overview of various results obtained in the last decade that could help us to understand the role of polyunsaturated aldehydes and their precursors in the ecology of diatoms. It is focused on the dichotomy between freshwater and marine environments. Indeed, most of the results on anti-proliferative aldehydes concern marine planktonic diatoms, whereas they are also known to be produced by benthic and freshwater species.  相似文献   

During collective cell migration, the intercellular forces will significantly affect the collective migratory behaviors. However, the measurement of mechanical stresses exerted at cell–cell junctions is very challenging. A recent experimental observation indicated that the intercellular adhesion sites within a migrating monolayer are subjected to both normal stress exerted perpendicular to cell–cell junction surface and shear stress exerted tangent to cell–cell junction surface. In this study, an interfacial interaction model was proposed to model the intercellular interactions for the first time. The intercellular interaction model-based study of collective epithelial migration revealed that the direction of cell migration velocity has better alignment with the orientation of local principal stress at higher maximum shear stress locations in an epithelial monolayer sheet. Parametric study of the effects of adhesion strength indicated that normal adhesion strength at the cell–cell junction surface has dominated effect on local alignment between the direction of cell velocity vector and the principal stress orientation, while the shear adhesion strength has little effect, which provides compelling evidence to help explain the force transmission via cell–cell junctions between adjacent cells in collective cell motion and provides new insights into “adhesive belt” effects at cell–cell junction.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrophobic interaction on the activation of Ca2+-stimulated phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C), isolated from mouse brain, by phosphatidylserine (PS) and diacylglycerol (DAG) or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate were studied. To maintain bilayer structure during assay conditions, phosphatidylcholine was added to the PS vesicles. The vesicular structure of all types of PS was confirmed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The PS-dependent activation of purified protein kinase C from mouse brain is affected by the fatty acid composition of PS: an inverse relationship between the unsaturation index of PS (isolated from bovine heart, bovine spinal cord or bovine brain) and the ability to activate protein kinase C was demonstrated. In highly saturated PS lipid dispersions, only slight additional activation of protein kinase C by DAG was found, in contrast with highly unsaturated PS lipid dispersion, where DAG increased protein kinase C activity by 2-3-fold at optimal PS concentrations. We quantified the formation of the protein kinase C-Ca2+-PS-phorbol ester complex by using [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate [( 3H]PDBu). The efficiency of complex-formation, determined as the amount of [3H]PDBu bound, is not affected by variations in the hydrophobic part of PS. These results indicate a role of the hydrophobic part of the activating phospholipid in the activation mechanism of protein kinase C and in the action of cofactors.  相似文献   

Irradiation of CBA mice elicits a pronounced response of intrathymus and bone marrow precursors of T-lymphocytes (PTL) which is manifested by an increase in a relative content of PTL in the thymus and their transfer from bone marrow to thymus. The estimate of the regenerative potency of the thymus most adequately reflects the cellular events leading to regeneration thereof. The differences in the thymus regeneration dynamics between CBA and AKR mice are associated with different radiation response of the intrathymic SC-1-PTL in mice of these strains.  相似文献   

Laura Quinlivan describes her job as rodent colony manager and gives advice on raising rodents.  相似文献   

Genetic, as well as biochemical, studies have now demonstrated that peptides, like in animals, play a role in signalling processes. In this review, the role of the four known peptides with signalling properties in the communication between cells and between organs is discussed.  相似文献   

The T-lymphocyte activation process involves a series of coordinately coupled biochemical events occurring in response to antigen or mitogen. These events have not been completely characterized. The present studies investigate the mechanism of protein synthesis during the initial phase of T-cell activation. Among the early biochemical changes, induction of protein synthesis was observed as early as 10 minutes after mitogen stimulation of T-lymphocytes. This early protein synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide but was insensitive to actinomycin-D, indicating the presence of preformed mRNA in resting lymphocytes. Since early protein synthesis parallels the increase in protein kinase C activity in activated T-lymphocytes, these two biochemical events may be related. In the present report, amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+/H+ antiport and protein kinase C, significantly inhibited [3H]leucine and [3H]thymidine incorporation in a dose-dependent manner into phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated T-lymphocytes. Furthermore, when T-lymphocytes were stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate, a known activator of protein kinase C, a similar inhibition of protein and DNA synthesis by amiloride was observed. The partially purified cytosol fraction isolated from PHA-activated T-lymphocytes showed a 75% decrease in protein kinase C-mediated [32P] incorporation from ATP in the presence of 100 microM amiloride. These results suggest that the T-cell activation process following exposure to mitogens involves early protein synthesis, which may be mediated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Objectives: Intercellular cooperation has been hypothesized to enhance cell proliferation during cancer metastasis through autocrine signalling cascades and mathematical models can provide valuable insights into underlying mechanisms of metastatic tumorigenesis. Here, we present a model that incorporates signal‐stimulated cell proliferation, and investigate influences of diffusion‐driven heterogeneity in signal concentration on proliferation dynamics. Materials and methods: Our model incorporates signal production through both autocrine and paracrine pathways, and signal diffusion and loss for a metastasizing cell population at a host site. We use the signalling pathway of IL‐6 for illustration where this signalling species forms an intermediate complex with its receptor IL‐6R. This in turn forms a heterodimeric complex with transmembrane protein gp130, ultimately resulting in production of downstream signals. Cell population dynamics are taken to follow a modified logistic equation for which the rate term is dependent on local IL‐6 concentration. Results and conclusions: Our spatiotemporal model agrees closely with experimental results. The model is also able to predict two phenomena typical of metastatic tumorigenesis – host tissue preference and long periods of proliferation dormancy. It confirms that diffusivity of the signalling species in a host tissue plays a significant role during the process. Our results show that the proliferation–apoptosis balance is tipped in favour of the former for host sites that have relatively smaller signal diffusivities.  相似文献   

Optimal growth conditions are presented for a new colony test with mouse thymocytes in agar contained in glass capillaries. The kinetics of colony growth and the dependence from the PHA-, I1-2-, agar- and 2-mercaptoethanol concentration are shown. The colony forming cells are identified as T-lymphocytes by usual morphology and by an indirect immunoperoxidase method using mouse anti-Thy 1.2 antibodies.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins and glycolipids as important constituents of the extracellular matrix are considered in the present review. Their role in the processes of cell-to-cell contacts, control of cell proliferation and neoplactic transformation, are discussed. A glycosyltransferase-acceptor model of cellular recognition is also given.  相似文献   

Human fibroblast and leukocyte interferons were found to suppress lymphocyte mitogenesis induced by optimal doses of phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A. In certain situations (low doses of mitogen and/or low doses of interferon), however, interferon significantly enhanced mitogenesis. In experiments using varying concentrations of interferon, dose-response curves with different slopes were obtained for fibroblast and leukocyte interferons. The effect of interferon was apparently exerted during early stages of the lymphocyte cell cycle. There was no inhibitory effect of interferon if the lymphocytes were washed with medium before being exposed to mitogen. Interferon increased the binding of radiolabeled mitogens to cells. The results suggest that the immunological effects of interferon are consequences of actions on lymphoid cells. Fibroblast and leukocyte interferons seem to have different modes of action, or to bind differently to target cells. Possible mechanisms for the suppressive and enhancing effects of interferons on lymphoid cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Limiting dilution culture conditions were established which allowed the differentiation and quantitation of influenza-specific cytotoxic T-cell precursors (CTL.Ps) from naive mouse spleen and thymus. One in 49,000 nucleated spleen cells and 1 in 40,000 thymocytes responded to stimulation with influenza-infected, anti-Thy 1.2 and complement-treated spleen cells, in the presence of ConA-stimulated cell supernatant, with the production of cytotoxic effector cells. These frequencies are 4- to 15-fold higher than those for influenza-responsive B cells in the relevant lymphoid compartments, and it is argued that major quantitative discrepancies may exist in the sizes of the B- and CTL-receptor repertoires.  相似文献   

The activation of naive CD4+ T cells requires both TCR engagement and a second costimulatory signal mediated by the interaction of CD28 with CD80/CD86 expressed on professional APC. However, the situation for naive CD8+ T cells is less clear. Although evidence indicates that induction of CD8+ T cell responses is also dependent on professional APC, the ability of some tumors, which do not express CD80/CD86, to induce CTL suggests that other pathways of costimulation exist for the activation of CD8+ T cells. We examined the ability of tumor cells expressing different levels of a tumor-specific Ag to directly prime CD8+ T cells. We demonstrate that CD8+ T cells are directly activated by tumor cells in a CD80/CD86-CD28 independent manner. In this system, costimulation requires ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction. This results in the generation of CTL capable of inhibiting tumor growth in vivo, and maintaining long-term survival.  相似文献   

Migration of FITC-labeled mouse bone marrow cells into the thymus was measured by flow cytometric analysis 3 hours after intravenous injection of cells into irradiated mice. The percentage of cells reaching the thymus diminished when the dose of injected cells increased. The dependence of the number or labeled cells in the thymus on the dose of injected cells was not linear. Pretreatment of cells with anti-SC-I serum, peanut lectin or H-2 incompatibility antigen abolished thymus migration, while treatment with anti-Thy-I serum, soybean lectin, trypsin or Thy-I-incompatibility antigen diminished cellular migration and treatment with neuraminidase enhanced it. It was concluded that the main type of migrating cells is SC-1+ precursors of T-lymphocytes. Penetration of these cells through the blood-thymus barrier is based on the recognition of their partly sialized surface glycoprotein receptors by membrane lectins of the blood-thymus barrier cells.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in the production and use of transgenic mice has been a boon for biomedical research and a challenge for the animal care and use programs responsible for providing housing and medical care to these animals. The authors suggest ways in which the veterinary staff can successfully organize and manage transgenic mouse breeding programs to reduce uncontrolled breeding and the problems associated with it.  相似文献   

Most cases of familial early-onset Alzheimer's disease are caused by mutations in the presenilin 1 (PS1) gene. However, the cellular functions of PS1 are unknown. We showed predominant localization of PS1 to cell-cell contacts of the plasma membrane in human prostate epithelial tissue and in a human epithelial cell line HEp2 stably transfected with an inducible PS1 construct. PS1 co-immunoprecipitated with beta-catenin from cell lysates of stable transfectants. Conversely, PS1 lacking the PS1-beta-catenin interaction site did not co-immunoprecipitate with beta-catenin and was not recruited to the cell-cell contacts. L cells, which do not form tight intercellular contacts, formed clusters of adhered cells after stable transfection with GFP-PS1 cDNA and demonstrated a clear preference for independent aggregation in the mixed cultures. However, L cells transfected with mutant GFP-PS1 constructs, which had a truncated N-terminus of PS1 or deleted PS1-beta-catenin interaction site, failed to form intercellular contacts. In addition, in primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons PS1 was highly concentrated on the surface of extended growth cones. Taken together, our results suggest an important role of PS1 in intercellular adhesion in epithelial cells and neurons.  相似文献   

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