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A novel type of bioreactor was designed to clean VOCs-containing air.The operation of this reactor consists in mixing the polluted gas and a mistof nutrient solution in the presence of microorganisms in order to maximizecontact and transfer between gas, liquid and microorganisms and to promotethe degradation kinetics and the relative removal efficiency of thepollutant. A bacterial consortium acclimatized to MEK and containing apreponderance of Alcaligenes denitrificans was established under non-axenicconditions. On the tubular reactor's glass walls, a continuous biofilm wasdeveloped. This biofilm was rapidly contaminated by two fungi able todegrade MEK: Geotrichum candidum and Fusarium oxysporum. Their abundance inthe reactor is probably linked to the acidic conditions inside the biofilmand to their broader tolerance for low pH values concomitant with MEKdegradation. In the reactor, a maximum volumetric degradation rate of 3.5 kgMEK/m3 reactor·d was obtained for arelative removal efficiency of 35%, whereas the latter was maintainedat 70% for more modest applied loadings of 1.5 kgMEK/m3 reactor ·d. In liquid batchcultures, a biomass originating from the biofilm was able to degrade 0.40gMEK/gDCW·h at the optimal pH of 7. Aregular cycle of detachment-recolonization was observed during the operationof the bioreactor. The maximal degradation activity was obtained with a thinbiofilm and was not increased as the biofilm grew in thickness. The overalldegradation rate of the process did not appear to be limited by thediffusion of oxygen inside the biofilm. Over short periods of time, the MEKtransfer from the gaseous phase to the biofilm was neither affected by thepresence of the mist nor by the wetting of the biofilm. A better control ofthe biofilm pH led to improved performance in terms of removal rate but notin terms of relative elimination efficiency.  相似文献   

3 ketone solvents (methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl isobutyl ketone (MiBK), and isophorone) were tested for potential genotoxicity. The assays of MEK and MiBK included the Salmonella/microsome (Ames) assay, L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma (ML) assay, BALB/3T3 cell transformation (CT) assay, unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay, and micronucleus (MN) assay. Only the ML, UDS, and MN assays were conducted on samples of isophorone. No genotoxicity was found for MEK or isophorone. The presence of a marginal response only at the highest, cytotoxic concentration tested in the ML assay, the lack of reproducibility in the CT assay, and clearly negative results in the Ames assay, UDS and MN assays, suggest that MiBK is unlikely to be genotoxic in mammalian systems.  相似文献   

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified genes coding for 16S rRNA was used to assess differences in bacterial community structure as a function of spatial location along the height of two biofilters used to treat a model waste gas stream containing methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). One of the laboratory-scale biofilters was operated as a conventional continuous-flow biofilter (CFB) and the other was operated as a sequencing batch biofilter (SBB). Both biofilters, inoculated with an identical starting culture and operated over a period lasting more than 300 days, received the same influent MEK concentration and same mass of MEK on a daily basis. The systems differed, however, in terms of the fraction of time during which contaminated air was supplied and the overall operating strategy employed. DGGE analysis indicated that microbial community structures differed as a function of height in each of the biofilters. The DGGE banding patterns also differed between the two biofilters, suggesting that operating strategies imposed on the biofilters imparted a sufficiently large selective pressure to influence microbial community structures. This may explain, in part, the superior performance of the SBB over the CFB during model transient loading conditions, and it may open new possibilities for purposely manipulating the microbial populations in biofilters treating gas-phase contaminants in a manner that leads to more favorable treatment performance.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Biodegradations of methyl ethyl ketone and methyl isobutyl ketone were performed in intermittent biotrickling filter beds (ITBF) operated at two different trickling periods: 12 h/day (ITBF-12) and 30 min/day (ITBF-0.5). Ralstonia sp. MG1 was able to degrade both ketones as evidenced by growth kinetic experiments. Results show that trickling period is an important parameter to achieve high removal performance and to maintain the robustness of Ralstonia sp. MG1. Overall, ITBF-12 outperformed ITBF-0.5 regardless of the target compound. ITBF-12 had high performance recovery at various inlet gas concentrations. The higher carbon dioxide production rates in ITBF-12 suggest higher microbial activity than in ITBF-0.5. Additionally, lower concentrations of absorbed volatile organic compound (VOC) in trickling solutions of ITBF-12 systems also indicate VOC removal through biodegradation. Pressure drop levels in ITBF-12 were relatively higher than in ITBF-0.5 systems, which can be attributed to the decrease in packed bed porosity as Ralstonia sp. MG1 grew well in ITBF-12. Nonetheless, the obtained pressure drop levels did not have any adverse effect on the performance of ITBF-12. Biokinetic constants were also obtained which indicated that ITBF-12 performed better than ITBF-0.5 and other conventional biotrickling filter systems.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction (SR) and trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation at two different temperatures (37 and 70 °C) were investigated in enrichment cultures prepared with two different samples of sediments collected from hydrothermal vents. The unadapted sediments were incubated with sulfate (4 g L−1) as the electron acceptor before TCE addition to enrich them in biomass and to establish a constant sulfate reduction (SR, 87% sulfate conversion and specific H2S concentration of 90.81 ± 8.19 mg H2S g VSS−1), afterwards TCE was added at an initial concentration of 300 ??mol L−1. The best results for TCE biodegradation were obtained at 37 °C. At this temperature, SR was up to 92%, whereas TCE biodegradation reached 75% and ethane was detected as the main degradation product. Under thermophilic conditions (70 °C) TCE biodegradation reached up to approximately 60% and the SR was 30% in 30 days of incubation with the chlorinated solvent. Along with these results, the 16S rDNA analysis from samples at 37 °C showed the presence of bacteria belonging to the genera: Clostridium, Bacillus and Desulfuromonas. The overall results on TCE degradation and SR suggest that cometabolic TCE degradation is carried out by sulfate or sulfur reducers and fermentative bacteria at mesophilic conditions.  相似文献   

The ability of a previously enriched microbial population to utilize isopropanol (IPA) as the sole carbon source within a minimal salts medium is studied. The advantage of prior enrichment procedures for the improvement of IPA biodegradation performance is demonstrated for an IPA concentration of up to 24 g L(-1). Results showing the interrelationship between temperature and substrate utilization and inhibition levels at temperatures of between 2 degrees C and 45 degrees C are examined. Models of inhibition based on enzyme kinetics are assessed via nonlinear analysis, in order to accurately represent the growth kinetics of this solvent-tolerant mixed culture. The model that best describes the data is the Levenspiel substrate inhibition model, which can predict the maximum substrate level above which growth is completely limited. This is the first report of IPA treatment of up to 24 g L(-1) by an aerobic solvent-tolerant population.  相似文献   

Microenvironments and microbial community structure in sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this study was to explore the potential of a combined chemical and microbiological approach as part of a study of organic carbon oxidation processes in sediments. An assessment of microbiological diversity using molecular techniques was carried out in combination with high resolution chemical measurements at the sediment-water interface of a coastal lagoon affected by eutrophication in autumn 2000. There was a 0.2 mm overlap between the O2 and H2S profiles. pH showed a maximum just above the sediment-water interface coinciding with an oxygen maximum, suggesting photosynthetic activity, and a minimum coinciding with the O2-H2S interface. The redox potential was high in bottom water and surface sediment, reflecting the presence of oxygen and oxides, and reached low values after a step-wise decrease at -18 mm. Reduction of Fe occurred within the biofilm at the O2-H2S interface and was mostly due to reduction by H2S. The elevated concentrations of dissolved Mn in the oxic water may have been caused either by in situ production within organic aggregates or lateral water flow from sites nearby at which Mn2+ diffuses out of the sediment. Sequences related to sulphur chemolitotrophs were retrieved from the biofilm samples, which is consistent with the small overlap between O2 and H2S observed in this biofilm. Although the resolution of techniques used was different, sequencing results were consistent with chemical data in delineating the same horizons according to redox, pH or ecological properties.  相似文献   

The dehydration of fermentative 2,3-butanediol into methyl ethyl ketone   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A solid acid catalyst consisted of sulfonic groups covalently bound to an inorganic matrice was developed to dehydrate 2,3-butanediol into methyl ethyl ketone. Rate constant and apparent activation energy of the dehydration reaction were determined. The decay course of the catalyst was a two-stage curve. The catalyst was deactivated more rapidly in the first stage than in the second stage. The strategy of maintaining constant degree of dehydration was employed to lengthen the lifetime of catalyst. Treatment of the 2,3-butanediol containing fermentation broth with activated carbon greatly facilitated the subsequent dehydration reaction.  相似文献   

The removal of toxic methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) is studied in a lab scale biofilter packed with mixture of coal and matured compost. The biofiltration operation is divided into 5 phases for a period of 60 days followed by shock loading conditions for three weeks. The maximum removal efficiency of 95% is achieved during phase II for an inlet concentration of 0.59 g m−3, and 82–91% for the inlet concentration in the range of 0.45–1.23 g m−3 of MEK during shock loads. The Michaelis–Menten kinetic constants obtained are 0.086 g m−3 h−1 and 0.577 g m−3. The obtained experimental results are validated using Ottengraf–van den Oever model for zero-order diffusion-controlled region to understand the mechanism of biofiltration. The critical inlet concentration of MEK, critical inlet load of MEK and biofilm thickness are estimated using the results obtained from model predictions.  相似文献   

The ability of subsurface microbial communities to adapt to the biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds was examined in aquifer solids samples from a pristine aquifer. An increase in the rates of mineralization of radiolabeled substrates with exposure was used as an indication of adaptation. For some compounds, such as chlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, slight mineralization was observed but no adaptation was apparent during incubations of over 8 months. Other compounds demonstrated three patterns of response. For m-cresol, m-aminophenol, and aniline intermediate rates of biodegradation and a linear increase in the percent mineralized with time were observed. Phenol, p-chlorophenol, and ethylene dibromide were rapidly metabolized initially, with a nonlinear increase in the percent mineralized with time, indicating that the community was already adapted to the biodegradation of these compounds. Only p-nitrophenol demonstrated a typical adaptation response. In different samples of soil from the same layer in the aquifer, the adaptation period to p-nitrophenol varied from a few days to as long as 6 weeks. In most cases the concentration of xenobiotic added, over the range from a few nanograms to micrograms per gram, made no difference in the response. Most-probable-number counts demonstrated that adaptation is accompanied by an increase in specific degrader numbers. This study has shown that diverse patterns of response occur in the subsurface microbial community.  相似文献   

Anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and degraders in the subsurface environment have aroused increasing attention. Molecular techniques are especially useful when isolates are hard to obtain. Nitrate-reducing microcosms inoculated with aquifer sediment were constructed to investigate anthracene biodegradation. The associated microbial community changes were characterized using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (TRFLP) in combination with 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. A nearly complete removal of anthracene was achieved after an eighty day incubation under the nitrate-reducing condition. The two molecular techniques revealed a significant shift of microbial community structure, coupled with anthracene biodegradation. Species of genera Paracoccus, Herbaspirillum, Azotobacter, and Rhodococcus were grouped into four major operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the library that was constructed with the microcosm sample on day 80. The enrichment of these genera might have links to anthracene biodegradation under the nitrate-reducing condition. Microbial consortia likely played a part in anthracene degradation.  相似文献   

Microbial eukaryotes (nematodes, protists, fungi, etc., loosely referred to as meiofauna) are ubiquitous in marine sediments and probably play pivotal roles in maintaining ecosystem function. Although the deep-sea benthos represents one of the world's largest habitats, we lack a firm understanding of the biodiversity and community interactions amongst meiobenthic organisms in this ecosystem. Within this vast environment, key questions concerning the historical genetic structure of species remain a mystery, yet have profound implications for our understanding of global biodiversity and how we perceive and mitigate the impact of environmental change and anthropogenic disturbance. Using a metagenetic approach, we present an assessment of microbial eukaryote communities across depth (shallow water to abyssal) and ocean basins (deep-sea Pacific and Atlantic). Within the 12 sites examined, our results suggest that some taxa can maintain eurybathic ranges and cosmopolitan deep-sea distributions, but the majority of species appear to be regionally restricted. For Operationally Clustered Taxonomic Units (OCTUs) reporting wide distributions, there appears to be a taxonomic bias towards a small subset of taxa in most phyla; such bias may be driven by specific life history traits amongst these organisms. In addition, low genetic divergence between geographically disparate deep-sea sites suggests either a shorter coalescence time between deep-sea regions or slower rates of evolution across this vast oceanic ecosystem. While high-throughput studies allow for broad assessment of genetic patterns across microbial eukaryote communities, intragenomic variation in rRNA gene copies and the patchy coverage of reference databases currently present substantial challenges for robust taxonomic interpretations of eukaryotic data sets.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the relationship between microbial community structure and hydrogeochemistry (e.g., pollution, redox and degradation processes) in landfill leachate-polluted aquifers is required to develop tools for predicting and monitoring natural attenuation. In this study analyses of pollutant and redox chemistry were conducted in parallel with culture-independent profiling of microbial communities present in a well-defined aquifer (Banisveld, The Netherlands). Degradation of organic contaminants occurred under iron-reducing conditions in the plume of pollution, while upstream of the landfill and above the plume denitrification was the dominant redox process. Beneath the plume iron reduction occurred. Numerical comparison of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles of Bacteria and Archaea in 29 groundwater samples revealed a clear difference between the microbial community structures inside and outside the contaminant plume. A similar relationship was not evident in sediment samples. DGGE data were supported by sequencing cloned 16S rDNA. Upstream of the landfill members of the beta subclass of the class Proteobacteria (beta-proteobacteria) dominated. This group was not encountered beneath the landfill, where gram-positive bacteria dominated. Further downstream the contribution of gram-positive bacteria to the clone library decreased, while the contribution of delta-proteobacteria strongly increased and beta-proteobacteria reappeared. The beta-proteobacteria (Acidovorax, Rhodoferax) differed considerably from those found upstream (Gallionella, Azoarcus). Direct comparisons of cloned 16S rDNA with bands in DGGE profiles revealed that the data from each analysis were comparable. A relationship was observed between the dominant redox processes and the bacteria identified. In the iron-reducing plume members of the family Geobacteraceae made a strong contribution to the microbial communities. Because the only known aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading, iron-reducing bacteria are Geobacter spp., their occurrence in landfill leachate-contaminated aquifers deserves more detailed consideration.  相似文献   

Bacterial numbers and activities (as estimated by glucose uptake and total thymidine incorporation) were investigated at two sites in Long Island, New York aquifer sediments. In general, bacterial activities were higher in shallow (1.5–4.5 m below the water table or BWT), oxic sediments than in deep (10–18 m BWT), anoxic sediments. The average total glucose uptake rates were 0.18 ± 0.10 ng gdw–1 h–1 in shallow sediments and 0.09 ± 0.11 ng gdw–1 h–1 in deep sediments; total thymidine incorporation rates were 0.10 ± 0.13 pmol gdw–1 h–1 and 0.03 ± 0.03 pmol gdw–1 h–1 in shallow and deep sediments, respectively. Incorporation of glucose was highly efficient, as only about 10% of added label was recovered as CO2. Bacterial abundance (estimated from acridine orange direct counts) was 2.5 ± 2.0 × 107 cells gdw–1 and 2.0 ± 1.3 × 107 cells gdw–1 in shallow and deep sediments, respectively. These bacterial activity and abundance estimates are similar to values found in other aquifer environments, but are 10- to 1000-fold lower than values in soil or surface sediment of marine and estuarine systems. In general, cell specific microbial activities were lower in sites from Connetquot Park, a relatively pristine site, when compared to activities found in sites from Jamesport, which has had a history of aldicarb (a pesticide) contamination. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bacterial activity measurements in the shallow, sandy aquifers of Long Island, New York.Correspondence to: D.G. Capone  相似文献   

The ability of subsurface microbial communities to adapt to the biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds was examined in aquifer solids samples from a pristine aquifer. An increase in the rates of mineralization of radiolabeled substrates with exposure was used as an indication of adaptation. For some compounds, such as chlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, slight mineralization was observed but no adaptation was apparent during incubations of over 8 months. Other compounds demonstrated three patterns of response. For m-cresol, m-aminophenol, and aniline intermediate rates of biodegradation and a linear increase in the percent mineralized with time were observed. Phenol, p-chlorophenol, and ethylene dibromide were rapidly metabolized initially, with a nonlinear increase in the percent mineralized with time, indicating that the community was already adapted to the biodegradation of these compounds. Only p-nitrophenol demonstrated a typical adaptation response. In different samples of soil from the same layer in the aquifer, the adaptation period to p-nitrophenol varied from a few days to as long as 6 weeks. In most cases the concentration of xenobiotic added, over the range from a few nanograms to micrograms per gram, made no difference in the response. Most-probable-number counts demonstrated that adaptation is accompanied by an increase in specific degrader numbers. This study has shown that diverse patterns of response occur in the subsurface microbial community.  相似文献   

Pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rRNA genes was used to study temporal dynamics of groundwater bacteria and archaea over 10 months within three well clusters separated by ∼30 m and located 250 m from the Columbia River on the Hanford Site, WA. Each cluster contained three wells screened at different depths ranging from 10 to 17 m that differed in hydraulic conductivities. Representative samples were selected for analyses of prokaryotic 16S and eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene copy numbers. Temporal changes in community composition occurred in all nine wells over the 10-month sampling period. However, there were particularly strong effects near the top of the water table when the seasonal rise in the Columbia River caused river water intrusion at the top of the aquifer. The occurrence and disappearance of some microbial assemblages (such as Actinobacteria ACK-M1) were correlated with river water intrusion. This seasonal impact on microbial community structure was greater in the shallow saturated zone than deeper zone in the aquifer. Spatial and temporal patterns for several 16S rRNA gene operational taxonomic units associated with particular physiological functions (for example, methane oxidizers and metal reducers) suggests dynamic changes in fluxes of electron donors and acceptors over an annual cycle. In addition, temporal dynamics in eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene copies and the dominance of protozoa in 18S clone libraries suggest that bacterial community dynamics could be affected not only by the physical and chemical environment but also by top-down biological control.  相似文献   

The effects of changing operating conditions on the biooxidation of methyl ethyl and/or methyl isobutyl ketone in continuous flow enrichment culture are examined. Particular emphasis is placed on responses to step changes in feed stream concentrations and to substrate pulses injected directly into the culture supernatant. In general, the enrichment culture was better able to handle transients involving methyl isobutyl ketone, the preferred carbon substrate. However, the highly complex response patterns observed clearly indicated major gaps in knowledge concerning the physiology of methyl ketone-oxidizing bacteria. In spite of the two carbon substrates investigated being major environmental pollutants, their removal in waste biotreatment processes is remarkably little understood.  相似文献   

Lake sediments are globally important carbon sinks. Although the fate of organic carbon in lake sediments depends significantly on microorganisms, only few studies have investigated controls on lake sedimentary microbial communities. Here we investigate the impact of anthropogenic eutrophication, which affects redox chemistry and organic matter (OM) sources in sediments, on microbial communities across five lakes in central Switzerland. Lipid biomarkers and distributions of microbial respiration reactions indicate strong increases in aquatic OM contributions and microbial activity with increasing trophic state. Across all lakes, 16S rRNA genes analyses indicate similar depth-dependent zonations at the phylum- and class-level that follow vertical distributions of OM sources and respiration reactions. Yet, there are notable differences, such as higher abundances of nitrifying Bacteria and Archaea in an oligotrophic lake. Furthermore, analyses at the order-level and below suggest that changes in OM sources due to eutrophication cause permanent changes in bacterial community structure. By contrast, archaeal communities are differentiated according to trophic state in recently deposited layers, but converge in older sediments deposited under different trophic regimes. Our study indicates an important role for trophic state in driving lacustrine sediment microbial communities and reveals fundamental differences in the temporal responses of sediment Bacteria and Archaea to eutrophication.  相似文献   

This study explores microbial community structure in managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems across both laboratory and field scales. Two field sites, the Taif River (Taif, Saudi Arabia) and South Platte River (Colorado), were selected as geographically distinct MAR systems. Samples derived from unsaturated riverbed, saturated-shallow-infiltration (depth, 1 to 2 cm), and intermediate-infiltration (depth, 10 to 50 cm) zones were collected. Complementary laboratory-scale sediment columns representing low (0.6 mg/liter) and moderate (5 mg/liter) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were used to further query the influence of DOC and depth on microbial assemblages. Microbial density was positively correlated with the DOC concentration, while diversity was negatively correlated at both the laboratory and field scales. Microbial communities derived from analogous sampling zones in each river were not phylogenetically significantly different on phylum, class, genus, and species levels, as determined by 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing, suggesting that geography and season exerted less sway than aqueous geochemical properties. When field-scale communities derived from the Taif and South Platte River sediments were grouped together, principal coordinate analysis revealed distinct clusters with regard to the three sample zones (unsaturated, shallow, and intermediate saturated) and, further, with respect to DOC concentration. An analogous trend as a function of depth and corresponding DOC loss was observed in column studies. Canonical correspondence analysis suggests that microbial classes Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria are positively correlated with DOC concentration. Our combined analyses at both the laboratory and field scales suggest that DOC may exert a strong influence on microbial community composition and diversity in MAR saturated zones.  相似文献   

基于PCR-DGGE技术的红树林区微生物群落结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】为了解红树林沉积物中细菌的群落结构特征。【方法】应用PCR-DGGE技术对福建浮宫红树林的16个采样站位样品细菌的群落结构进行了研究。根据DGGE指纹图谱,对它们的遗传多样性进行了分析。【结果】各站位样品细菌多样性指数(H)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)均有所不同,这些差异与它们所处站位的不同有关,红树林区细菌多样性高于非红树林区细菌多样性。对不同站位细菌群落相似性分析,它们的相似性系数也存在一定的规律,同一断面的细菌群落结构相近性较高。对DGGE的优势条带序列分析,同源性最高的微生物分别属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸菌门(Acidobacteria)和绿菌门(Chlorobi),它们均为未培养微生物,分别来自于河口海岸沉积物。【结论】应用PCR-DGGE技术更能客观地反映红树林沉积物中真实的细菌群落结构信息。另外,研究也表明红树林区微生物多样性丰富,在红树林区研究开发未知微生物资源具有巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

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