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We currently have a meager understanding of the species attributes viewed as important for conservation by children, despite the fact that arguments for biodiversity conservation often hinge on the bequest value of species. We conducted a study of children between the ages of 4 and 14 (N = 183) on Andros Island, The Bahamas to determine how they prioritized wildlife species for conservation based on five attributes: endemism, use for hunting and fishing, rapid decline in population size, visibility around their home, and ecological significance. Children tended to rank ecological significance as the most important attribute for prioritizing wildlife for protection, followed closely by endemism, with other attributes being less important and not significantly different from one another. However, participants in a local environmental education program (N = 67) placed greater prioritization to species experiencing rapid population declines. We also found that boys prioritized use for hunting and fishing as more important for conservation than girls, older children placed greater importance on species with declining numbers and less importance on visibility of animals around their house, and children who had previously fished placed greater importance on endemism. These findings help elucidate how children value biodiversity, and suggest children’s conservation priorities may align relatively well with those of conservation biologists, especially after exposure to environmental education. We suggest that better understanding how children prioritize wildlife attributes for conservation can lead to more informed biodiversity conservation decisions and more effective policy implementation, as the perspectives of children can help bridge the gap between public opinion and scientific opinion.  相似文献   

Landscape and Ecological Engineering - Using the commitment model, this study examines the effects of satisfaction, alternative choices, and investment scale about the environment would predict...  相似文献   

We evaluate postmating barriers to hybridization between an exotic eucalypt and a group of native congeners on the island of Tasmania. We aimed to better understand the basis of reproductive isolation between the species, glean insights into the evolution of isolating mechanisms, and inform genetic risk management. Compatibility between the exotic plantation species Eucalyptus nitens (pollen parent) and 18 native Tasmanian taxa was assayed using experimental crossing for 17 taxa (13,458 flowers pollinated to produce 1058 female × male cross combinations), and previous data for one species. Compatibility was assessed in terms of F1 hybrid production, as well as F1 hybrid survival and growth after 5 years. This data was combined with measurements of style length, and genetic distance from E. nitens to each maternal species, in order to determine the importance of a sequence of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers. We found that the early-acting barrier of style length (prezygotic) had the strongest isolating effect, while later-acting (postzygotic) barriers, affecting early-age growth and survival, contributed little to reproductive isolation. Style length alone explained 46 % of the variation in hybridization rate. Conversely, there was no significant relationship between genetic distance and prezygotic or postzygotic compatibility in these closely related species. This pattern is consistent with selection driving the rapid evolution of prezygotic barriers, while drift-like-processes lead to the more gradual evolution of intrinsic barriers. Although other premating and postmating barriers clearly contribute, our results highlight the important role of early-acting postmating barriers in preventing gene flow from exotic E. nitens plantations.  相似文献   

Through examining tremor dynamics, the study sought to investigate the effects of load characteristics upon control strategies in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) during postural holding. Eleven untreated patients and eleven healthy adults conducted a static pointing task with an outstretched arm, with a manipulated load of 100 g on the index finger. Oscillatory activities in the upper limb were contrasted between the unloaded and loaded conditions. The results showed that PD patients demonstrated abnormal modulation of tremor amplitude in the finger, hand, and upper arm in the opposing load condition. When the load was applied, the PD patients presented a nearly opposite pattern of tremor coupling between limb segments, contrary to the normal release and enhancement of tremor coupling in the finger–hand and hand–forearm complexes, respectively. Principal component analysis suggested that normal postural tremors could be explained by a load-dependent component that had high communality with tremors of the distal segments. In contrast, major principal components of PD tremor were invariant to load addition. Multi-segment tremors in PD were atypically organized during loaded postural holding, signifying that coordinative control of the upper limb in the patients was impaired in the absence of exploitation of a germane distal strategy against inertial perturbation.  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) pose a growing threat to biodiversity worldwide and solutions can be as sound as the understanding of the HWC itself. Conservation biologists therefore must carefully examine their local situations to inform on which approach and strategies may be best. In this context, Mauritius implemented what may be the first mass-culls of an already threatened native species when it culled the flying fox (Pteropus niger) in 2015 and 2016 to try increase fruit producers’ profits. Although the Red List category of the species consequently worsened to ‘Endangered’ and fruit production dropped substantially, a third mass-cull was decided in 2018. A critical analysis is important to draw lessons that may help to prevent recurrences particularly that HWC involving Pteropus spp. are common and set to worsen. We synthesized the best literature available locally and also elsewhere in relevant situations, to critically appraise the setting, nature, timeline of events and outcome of both completed mass-culling campaigns to explore why and how they happened so as to help towards devising better approaches to such conflicts. The idea to cull P. niger originated around 2002 and a small cull was done in 2006. The first mass-cull started immediately after Mauritius’ biodiversity protection law was weakened in 2015 primarily to legalize culls of threatened native species, but still breached the law in place then. The 2016 mass-cull was recommended in line with the law, but was not evidence-based and consequently did not result in improved profits of fruit producers. Appeals supported by best scientific evidence from local and international organizations and conservationists to the effect that culls will not increase fruit production, but instead further endanger the species, were ignored. To forestall recurrences here and elsewhere, it matters to recognize their precursor signs and the conditions that favoured them including why the mass-culls were not stopped. The events provide a rare opportunity to explore the strategy that was used by conservationists and open the way to propose impactful alternatives or additional actions instead. The situation also exemplifies an eroding commitment towards biodiversity conservation, eased by withdrawal from evidence-based policy that suit short term goals of election cycles at the expense of longer term environmental interests.  相似文献   

Gait disorders are one of the cardinal features of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and might be affected by a modified pattern of motor unit activation. This work explores how PD affects the lower limb muscle control and how muscle activity contributes to gait impairment. Using clinical gait analysis data, the onset and the offset of the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signal of four lower limb muscles were determined in 18 people with PD and compared with 10 heathy controls. Different motor patterns were identified in both the populations through a statistical detector algorithm and described in terms of linear envelope, local maxima activation magnitude and occurrence, co-contractions, and bursts duration. Statistical analysis was performed using statistical parametric mapping for the sEMG envelope and linear mixed effects models for the sEMG parameters. An equivalent number of sEMG patterns was detected in PD with respect to controls. Significant differences were highlighted between the two cohorts within the same activation modality. Plantarflexors muscles activation was delayed on time and had different durations and activations peaks, while Biceps Femoris revealed a higher local maximum. These results suggested that functional tibiotarsus joint reeducation coupled with postural rehabilitation might be beneficial for people with PD.  相似文献   

Conservation and wise management of biodiversity is critical for better livelihoods, especially in developing countries. Given the failure to achieve the global target set under convention on biological diversity (CBD) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, developing countries more than ever need better technologies to conserve and manage biodiversity. Despite billions of poor people depending on biodiversity as their main source of health care needs and food the lack of effective strategy or coherent policy instrument for biodiversity conservation remains a key issue. The importance of biodiversity conservation for the benefit of developing countries is inextricably linked to developments in biotechnology, particularly genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The Rio+20 meeting in June 2012 and CBD conference of the parties 11 in October 2012 are the next real opportunities to strengthen existing frameworks and prioritize types of technological innovation to enhance biodiversity conservation and development.  相似文献   

Glaucoma, a slow progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with death of retinal ganglion cells and degeneration of their connected optic nerve fibers, has been classically linked to high intraocular pressure. Regardless of the primary risk factor, degeneration may continue, resulting in further loss of neurons and subsequent glaucomatous damage. During the past decade, scientists and clinicians began to accept that, in addition or as an alternative to fighting off the primary risk factor(s), there is a need to protect the tissue from the ongoing spread of damage—an approach collectively termed “neuroprotection.” We found that the immune system, the body’s own defense mechanism, plays a key role in the ability of the optic nerve and the retina to withstand glaucomatous conditions. This defense involves recruitment of both innate and adaptive immune cells that together create a protective niche and thereby halt disease progression. The spontaneous immune response might not be sufficient, and therefore, we suggest boosting it by immunization (with the appropriate antigen, at specific timing and predetermined optimal dosing) which may be developed into a suitable therapeutic vaccination to treat glaucoma. This view of immune system involvement in glaucoma will raise new challenges in glaucoma research, changing the way in which clinicians perceive the disease and the approach to therapy.  相似文献   

While invertebrate conservation is attracting increased funding and interest, research remains heavily skewed towards ‘flagship’ insect groups like bees and butterflies. This has resulted in a knowledge gap relating to less popular but equally imperilled groups like fleas. Methods for the risk assessment of host specific parasites were used to determine the conservation status of all host specific flea species distributed in Australia. The results indicated one species apparently extinct, two critically endangered, two endangered, and three vulnerable. Based on these results, novel methods for the conservation of threatened fleas are outlined, including the concepts of holistic conservation and the cryptic loss effect.  相似文献   


Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme and myeloid differentiation 2 protein (MD2) are two critical proteins involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Since the nature of the active site of AChE and the binding pocket of MD2 are similar, some ligands can inhibit both of them appropriately. Oxidative stress has also been known as an important cause of AD. Designing an effective common inhibitor with antioxidant activity to inhibit AChE and MD2 proteins is the main goal of this work. In this regard, we used tacrine molecule with a high ligand efficiency (LE) and dehydrozingerone (DHZ) with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-Alzheimer activities. Some modifications on DHZ structure can increase its antioxidant activity. So, tacrine molecule was combined with modified DHZ to present a new multi-target-directed ligand (MTDL). The ability of the designed ligand to inhibit AChE and MD2 proteins was confirmed by molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and binding-free energy calculations. Therefore, the designed ligand can target two proteins involved in AD. It can also act as a potent antioxidant. In general, three important causative agents of AD are targeted by the designed ligand. Moreover, the inhibition of MD2, as the main source of oxidative stress, significantly reduces the production of free radicals.  相似文献   

Blanding’s turtle, Emys blandingii, is a globally endangered species with a range centred on the Great Lakes of North America. Several disjunct populations also occur along the East Coast of North America. Previous studies suggest that the Great Lakes portion of the species’ range exhibits panmixia. However, E. blandingii is restricted to relatively small populations in many areas around the Great Lakes. Therefore, panmixia across large geographic distances in this area is unlikely. Here, we apply Bayesian analyses of population structure to samples collected across southern Ontario (N = 97) to test a null hypothesis of panmixia and assess possible management units (MUs), and to estimate rates of gene flow across the study area. Sampled sites in Ontario represent a minimum of four distinct genetic clusters of E. blandingii, which we recommend should be considered as independent MUs. Preliminary evidence suggests that further structure may be present in less robustly sampled areas, which deserve further consideration. Genetic diversity at sampled sites is comparable to that reported for other freshwater turtles. Our comparison between this study and previous work confirms that genetic diversity in E. blandingii is reduced in disjunct eastern populations compared to populations centred on the Great Lakes. Genetic diversity in E. blandingii is not correlated with latitude, and instead may reflect post-glacial dispersal of this species from multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are ubiquitously expressed as Serine/Threonine kinases, and play a crucial role in cellular activities. Protein kinases have evolved through stringent regulation mechanisms. Protein kinases are also involved in tauopathy, thus are important targets for developing Anti-Alzheimer’s disease compounds. Structures with an indole scaffold turned out to be potent new leads. With the aim of developing new inhibitors for human protein kinase C, here we report the generation of four point 3D geometric featured pharmacophore model. In order to identify novel and potent PKCθ inhibitors, the pharmacophore model was screened against 80,000,00 compounds from various chemical databases such as., ZINC, SPEC, ASINEX, which resulted in 127 compound hits, and were taken for molecular docking filters (HTVS, XP docking). After in-depth analysis of binding patterns, induced fit docking (flexible) was employed for six compounds along with the cocrystallized inhibitor. Molecular docking study reveals that compound 6F found to be tight binder at the active site of PKCθ as compared to the cocrystal and has occupancy of 90 percentile. MM-GBSA also confirmed the potency of the compound 6F as better than cocrystal. Molecular dynamics results suggest that compound 6F showed good binding stability of active sites residues similar to cocrystal 7G compound. Present study corroborates the pharmacophore-based virtual screening, and finds the compound 6F as a potent Inhibitor of PKC, having therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease. Worldwide, 46.8 million people are believed to be living with Alzheimer’s disease. When elderly population increases rapidly and neurodegenerative burden also increases in parallel, we project the findings from this study will be useful for drug developing efforts targeting Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   


The details of the sequence of pathological events leading to neuron death in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are not known. Even the formation of amyloid plaques, one of the major histopathological hallmarks of AD, is not clearly understood; both the origin of the amyloid and the means of its deposition remain unclear. It is still widely considered, however, that amyloid plaques undergo gradual growth in the interstitial space of the brain via continual extracellular deposition of amyloid beta peptides at “seeding sites,” and that these growing plaques encroach progressively on neurons and their axons and dendritic processes, eventually leading to neuronal death. Actually, histopathological evidence to support this mechanism is sparse and of uncertain validity. The fact that the amyloid deposits in AD brains that are collectively referred to as plaques are of multiple types and that each seems to have a different origin often is overlooked. We have shown experimentally that many of the so-called “diffuse amyloid plaques,” which lack associated inflammatory cells, are either the result of leaks of amyloid from blood vessels at focal sites of blood-brain barrier breaches or are artifacts resulting from grazing sections through the margins of dense core plaques. In addition, we have provided experimental evidence that neuronal death via necrosis leaves a residue that takes the form of a spheroid “cloud” of amyloid, released by cell lysis, surrounding a dense core that often contains neuronal nuclear material. Support for a neuronal origin for these “dense core amyloid plaques” includes their ability to attract inflammatory cells (microglia and immigrant macrophages) and that they contain nuclear and cytoplasmic components that are somewhat resistant to proteolysis by lysosomes released during neuronal cell lysis. We discuss here the clinical and therapeutic importance of recognizing that amyloid deposition occurs both within neurons (intracellular) and in the interstitial (extracellular) space of the brain. For dense core plaques, we propose that the latter location largely follows from the former. This scenario suggests that blocking intraneuronal amyloid deposition should be a primary therapeutic target. This strategy also would be effective for blocking the gradual compromise of neuronal function resulting from this intraneuronal deposition, and the eventual death and lysis of these amyloid-burdened neurons that leads to amyloid release and the appearance of dense core amyloid plaques in the interstitium of AD brains.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common movement disorder. The neuropathology is characterized by the loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Transplants of fetal/embryonic midbrain tissue have exhibited some beneficial clinical effects in open-label trials. Neural grafting has, however, not become a standard treatment for several reasons. First, the supply of donor cells is limited, and therefore, surgery is accompanied by difficult logistics. Second, the extent of beneficial effects has varied in a partly unpredictable manner. Third, some patients have exhibited graft-related side effects in the form of involuntary movements. Fourth, in two major double-blind placebo-controlled trials, there was no effect of the transplants on the primary endpoints. Nevertheless, neural transplantation continues to receive a great deal of interest, and now, attention is shifting to the idea of using stem cells as starting donor material. In the context of stem cell therapy for PD, stem cells can be divided into three categories: neural stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and other tissue-specific types of stem cells, e.g., bone marrow stem cells. Each type of stem cell is associated with advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we review recent advances of stem cell research of direct relevance to clinical application in PD and highlight the pros and cons of the different sources of cells. We draw special attention to some key problems that face the translation of stem cell technology into the clinical arena.  相似文献   

Based on an updated census for the endangered Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti), we conducted a phytosociological survey of 167 sites representative of the distribution area of the species in Europe. Results were used as a starting point for conservation assessment. According to our observations, the bird selects flat deforested areas colonized by small shrubs corresponding to successional, subclimax stages that are either naturally or artificially exploited. Four groups of scrubs were occupied by the bird: (1) supramediterranean dwarf cushion scrubs dominated by Genista pumila ssp. rigidissima or Erinacea anthyllis; (2) gypicolous shrublands and grasslands associated with Lygeum spartum; (3) shrubs dominated by chamaephytes producing allelopathic substances (Thymus, Lavandula, Salvia) and showing different facies according to the level of disturbance; and (4) supramediterranean acidophilous scrubs dominated by Cistus, Erica or Cytisus species. As management measures, we propose reducing tree density in flat areas, promoting the growth of chamaephytes by clearing phanerophytes, and encouraging traditional low-level transhumance grazing. These measures will provide high-quality habitats and help preserve, or even expand, habitable patches to ensure the viability of the European metapopulation of this rare and sensitive songbird.  相似文献   

To gain novel insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying hydrazine-induced hepatotoxicity, mRNAs, proteins and endogenous metabolites were identified that were altered in rats treated with hydrazine compared with untreated controls. These changes were resolved in a combined genomics, proteomics and metabonomics study. Sprague–Dawley rats were assigned to three treatment groups with 10 animals per group and given a single oral dose of vehicle, 30 or 90 mg?kg?1 hydrazine, respectively. RNA was extracted from rat liver 48 h post-dosing and transcribed into cDNA. The abundance of mRNA was investigated on cDNA microarrays containing 699 rat-specific genes involved in toxic responses. In addition, proteins from rat liver samples (48 and 120/168 h post-dosing) were resolved by two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis and proteins with changed expression levels after hydrazine treatment were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprinting. To elucidate how regulation was reflected in biochemical pathways, endogenous metabolites were measured in serum samples collected 48 h post-dosing by 600-MHz 1H-NMR. In summary, a single dose of hydrazine caused gene, protein and metabolite changes, which can be related to glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and oxidative stress. These findings support known effects of hydrazine toxicity and provide potential new biomarkers of hydrazine-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

Baird’s tapir (Tapirus bairdii) is the largest native mammal that inhabits the Neotropics, and it is enlisted as Endangered by the IUCN Red List. The historic distribution of this species included the area from southern Mexico to northern Colombia. However, its distribution and populations have been reduced drastically during the past 30 years. The main threats for Baird’s tapir are the direct persecution for subsistence hunting, habitat destruction, and habitat fragmentation. In this study, we used camera traps and occupancy models to identify the landscape characteristics that were associated with the occurrence of tapirs in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, which is one of the most important populations of the species in Mexico, with the aim to identify areas with habitat suitability for the species. We used our best occupancy model to generate a resistance matrix to develop a model of habitat connectivity using Circuit Theory. According to the best occupancy model, the most suitable areas for this species were the forested areas located at the highest elevations of the mountain ranges that provided rugged terrain. We identified three critical corridors to allow for the connectivity of tapir populations in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, and one of these corridors provides connectivity between this population and the population in the Ocote Biosphere Reserve. With this approach, we propose a conservation strategy for the species that incorporates a more realistic and detailed scheme of Baird’s tapir occurrence in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas region. Priority actions to conserve tapirs in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas over the long term include ensuring the complete protection of prime habitat for the species, improved connectivity by protecting forest cover, implementation mitigation measures in areas where paved roads interrupt connectivity of populations, and eradicating poaching of the species in the region completely.  相似文献   

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