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In order to determine the present benthic fish fauna in the Sea of Marmara, sampling was conducted at a total of 10 stations for 2 weeks in August 2009, using a commercial twin beam trawling vessel with 18 and 36 mm stretched mesh sizes at the cod-end. In addition, some physicochemical parameters that play important roles, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH, were measured for each station. As a result, 31 fish species from 23 families were found at a total of 10 stations in depths of 30–1000 m. At each station, the Shannon–Weaver diversity index, Simpson dominance index, species richness index, and evenness index were estimated. This study reports on species composition of the demersal fish catches in the Sea of Marmara for a preliminary assessment of the status of these fish communities.  相似文献   

The influence of three different species of tubicolous worms (Pygospio elegans, Polydora ciliata and Lagis koreni) on the hydrodynamic bottom roughness length (z0) was analysed in this study. Flume experiments and geospatial methods were combined to determine the potential interactions between worm tubes and the near-bed flow regime and the resulting effects on sediment transport in the south-western Baltic Sea. The three selected species are common in the area of interest (3539 km2). Their species-specific population densities were taken from existing macrozoobenthos datasets and transferred into a Geographic Information System (GIS). In analogy to the sediment roughness length, the hydrodynamic roughness lengths generated by the tubicolous worms were calculated and corresponding sediment transport values, derived from flume experiments with artificial tube lawns, were geospatially analysed using GIS. In order to show the direct influence of worm tubes on the surrounding sediment surface flume experiments were conducted at two given current velocities of 20 cm s− 1 for sediment displacement effects and 5 cm s− 1 for deposition effects. The roughness length was shown to increase by a factor of 2 to 30 in the presence of biogenic structures such as the worm tubes. The near-bed hydrodynamic conditions are significantly influenced at low roughness densities through independent or isolated flow conditions at 0.7 to 1.9% and at high roughness densities between 4.2 and 7.5%, resulting in unaffected sediment surfaces through “skimming flow”, as well. The GIS analysis revealed that this effect occurs over 4% (137 km2) of the area of investigation, whereas sediment displacement at roughness densities between 0.7 and 1.9% due to increased turbulence is the predominant effect over 33% (present on 1172 km2) of the area of investigation. These findings reveal the important influence of species-generated microtopography on sediment transport processes.  相似文献   

The disappearance of larger individuals and the decrease in individual body condition suffered by Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the eastern Baltic during the past two decades can be expected to affect the stock reproductive output. To investigate this, female G. morhua were collected during the spawning and pre‐spawning period in 2015?2016. The current individual potential fecundity (FP) of eastern Baltic G. morhua was estimated and analysed in relation to total length (LT) and indices of nutritional status such as body condition (K) and hepato‐somatic index (IH) using generalized linear models. In addition, the current prevalence of atresia and its potential relation to K were investigated. Moreover, a calibration curve to estimate FP from oocyte diameter, based on the autodiametric oocyte counting method, was established for the first time for eastern Baltic G. morhua and can be used for future fecundity studies on this stock. The results showed that FP was mainly positively related to fish length, but K and IH also contributed significantly to the variation in FP. The model predicted that fish with K = 1·2 have a FP 51% higher than fish of the same LT with K = 0·8. The prevalence of fecundity regulation by atresia was 5·8%, but it was found only in fish in the pre‐spawning maturity stage and with low K. Temporal changes in biological features such as the length composition and individual body condition of eastern Baltic G. morhua, should be accounted for when estimating stock reproductive potential.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 533 bull‐rout, Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.), were collected during February–March and October–November 1997 in the south‐western Baltic Sea in order to study the feeding ecology and investigate diet changes between seasons and with the increasing size of the fish. The isopod Mesidotea entomon, and herring Clupea harengus, were the dominant species in the diet, accounting for 99% in weight of all bull‐rout sampled in spring and autumn. Mysis mixta was frequent but less important in weight; analysis of the ontogenetic diet shift showed the presence of M. mixta essentially in the smaller size‐classes. Herring was eaten almost exclusively by individuals larger than 21 cm total length; its importance increased with increasing size of bull‐rout. The isopod M. entomon was abundant in all size‐classes examined. Prey‐size and the size of the principal prey, M. entomon, showed a significant increase with increasing bull‐rout size. The diet shift from mysids to fish was followed by a change in the weight‐length relationship. Cluster analysis confirmed two distinct size groups of >26 cm and <24 cm. In conclusion, the data indicate that the diet of bull‐rout partially overlaps with that of herring in the first trophic stage, and with that of cod in the second part of the bull‐rout life cycle.  相似文献   

We studied the vertical structure of the phytoplankton community in two toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the offshore Baltic Sea. In 1994, vertically separated potentially toxic, diazotrophic and mixotrophic species (belonging to Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae and Prymnesiophyceae) dominated. In 1997, picocyanobacteria, mainly in colonies, made up 40–50% of the total phytoplankton carbon biomass in the top 20 m both day and night. Colony-forming species of picocyanobacteria seem to be occasionally important and hitherto underestimated in the Baltic Sea.We found species-specific depth distribution patterns. Nodularia spumigena and Anabaena spp. were observed mainly above 10 m depth, while Aphanizomenon sp. was mostly found deeper, especially at night. Dinophysis norvegica was only abundant near the seasonal pycnocline and showed very limited diurnal migration. Other flagellates, including small Cryptophyceae and 10 identified Chrysochromulina species, occurred down to 40 m depth. Their vertical migration may help to retrieve nutrients from below the summer pycnocline.We conclude that considerable differences in dominating functional groups may occur between years/bloom stages, and that the vertical distribution pattern of many species is recurring at similar environmental conditions, suggesting species-specific niche-separation.  相似文献   

The characteristics of parasitofauna (81 species) of 15 fish species from Vistula Lagoon (the Baltic Sea) are given. Parasites with a direct developmental cycle dominate. Parasites with a complicated developmental cycle are represented mainly by species developed through zoobenthos. Some of the parasites testify to the deterioration of the ecological state of the lagoon. A zoogeographic analysis of fish parasitofauna has shown the presence of five faunistic complexes. In Vistula Lagoon freshwater species dominate, but marine species are also recorded. Species that appeared in the lagoon as a result of human commercial activity are also registered.  相似文献   

Cystacanth stages of three Corynosoma (Acanthocephala) species, C. strumosum and C. semerme, and a new species in the Bothnian Bay, C. magdaleni, were studied in the fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) in 1996-1997. The length of the trunk and proboscis differentiated the three species in the fish. The stability of the Corynosoma infection was studied by comparing the present results with those collected from the same areas (central and coastal) in 1977-1982 (Valtonen, 1983a). As C. magdaleni and C. strumosum were not separated at that time, the joint infections of these two species (called "C. strumosum") were compared. The stability of infection with C. semerme in the central Bothnian Bay was noticeable (prevalences were 82.9 in earlier period and 81.9% in later period), while the prevalences of "C. strumosum" in the same areas had decreased (21 and 13.5%, respectively). This is suggested to be due to the disappearance of the marine bull-rout, Myoxocephalus scorpius, from the Bothnian Bay during the 1990s due to an overall decline in salinity throughout the Baltic Sea. In the coastal area Corynosoma infection was clearly lower than in central area in both periods.  相似文献   

Vegetation communities, morphometric and water quality variables were sampled in 62 undisturbed coastal lagoons along a natural land-uplift gradient in the northern Baltic Sea. The lagoons had a morphological inlet threshold reflecting habitat isolation (i.e. the diminished connectedness of the lagoon to the sea) and located in different parts of the archipelago (corresponding to altering wave exposure). We used indirect multivariate methods to find changes in vegetation composition, and axes derived from the analyses were used in correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses together with environmental variables. Habitat isolation proved to be the strongest predictor for vegetation composition. To identify significant change-points we used a method, which detects regime shifts by accounting for differences in chronological series and gives a regime shift index. Significant shifts in habitat isolation, average depth and total nitrogen were followed by shifts in species variables (i.e. dominant species, cover and species richness) and salinity, total phosphorus and turbidity. Of the species, especially Chara tomentosa showed a shift of high magnitude. Also a shift in wave exposure mirroring position of lagoons in the archipelago structured the species, but this division was seen only for less isolated lagoons. Our results suggest that lagoons are primarily structured by habitat isolation forming two structurally different regimes: one of less isolated lagoons dominated by a diverse array of vascular plants and marine algae of both outer and inner archipelago characters, and one with isolated lagoons dominated by high vegetation cover and dominance of Chara. In addition, vegetation seemed to stabilize water quality in the isolated regime by reducing turbidity and phosphorus, indicating a potential feed-back mechanism and a shift in structuring disturbances from abiotic to biotic factors with habitat isolation.  相似文献   

At the end of the first half of the 20th century, 61 species and subspecies of fish, including one invader (bleak Alburnus alburnus) and 17 species—endemics of Baikal—were reported for Siberia (Berg, 1933, 1949). At the present time, in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs of Siberia, 96 fish species and subspecies are described, of which 80 are aboriginal and 16 are invaders; 33 species are endemics of Baikal. Each landscapegeographic zone of Siberia has its specific ichthyofauna: in rivers and lakes of the south of Siberia, species of boreal piedmont complex dominate; in water bodies of the steppe, forest-steppe, taiga, and southern parts of the forest-steppe zone boreal plain dominates; in the zone of tundra, arctic freshwater dominates; and in Baikal, the most part (35) of species belongs to the Baikal autochtonous complex. Most researchers, as before, distinguish in Siberia two ichthyogeographic sites—West Siberian and East Siberian—that enter the Arctic Province of the Circumpolar subregion of the Holarctic region. Baikal is considered in the rank of the suboblast of the Holarctic.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aquatic macrophytes was studied in a northern transition area of the Baltic Sea; the Northern Quark, Gulf of Bothnia. In the area there is a gradual, marked change in environmental conditions, the most prominent of which is a decrease in salinity from 5.0% in the Bothnian Sea to 3.5% in the Bothnian Bay. In all, 40 species of macrophytes were observed; 10 fucophyceans, 10 bangiophyceans, 8 chlorophyceans, 3 charophyceans, 1 tribophycean, 1 nostocophycean, 6 phanerogams and 1 water moss. 26 of the observed species were of marine and 14 of lacustrine origin. There was a clear change in species composition and community structure from south to north over the area. The vegetation at the southernmost localities had a marine character, with belt-forming Fucus vesiculosus and a comparatively diverse flora of macroalgae. Further north, an ephemeral, lacustrine vegetation dominated by benthic diatoms and Cladophora aegagropila prevailed. The ratio marine: lacustrine species decreased from 4.2 to 1 when comparing a southern and a northern sub-area of the Northern Quark. The species observed include 57 % of the marine macrophytes noted in the Aland and Archipelago Seas (N Baltic Proper) during the past two decades. Two marine species, Aglaothamnion roseum and Ahnfeltia plicata , are reported for the first time from the Northern Quark. This comprises a northern extension of their distribution limit with approximately 300 km.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea, a semi-enclosed brackish water region, has been inoculated by non-indigenous species for centuries. Today, much of its biological diversity is of foreign origin (i.e. xenodiversity), intentionally or unintentionally moved by humans over ecological and geographical barriers. As many as 98 introduced species have been recorded in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. The role and abundance of much of the unique native brackish water fauna of the Baltic Sea are threatened by these non-indigenous species. The rate of primary introductions into the Baltic has increased since the 1950s; the secondary rate of spread of non-indigenous species within the basin varies from 30–480 km/year. We review here the invasion histories of the brown alga Sargassum muticum (introduced in the early 1990s), the mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (1887), the barnacle Balanus improvisus (1844), the polychaetes Marenzelleria viridis (1985) and Polydora redeki (1963), the cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi (1992) and the mysid shrimp Hemimysis anomala (1962). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

东海浮游翼足类(Pteropods)种类组成和多样性研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐兆礼 《生物多样性》2005,13(2):168-173
根据 1997-2000年东海 23°30′-33°00′N、118°30′-128°00′E海域四季调查资料,运用定量、定性方法探讨了东海浮游翼足类种类组成、种类数、物种多样性指数(H′)及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:四季中共出现翼足类 21种,其中尖笔帽螺 (Creseisacicula)、马蹄螔螺 (Limacinatrochiformis)、强卷螺 (Agadinasyimpsoni)、蝴蝶螺(Desmopteruspapilio)、锥笔帽螺(C. virgulavar. comica)、棒笔帽螺(C. clava)、玻杯螺(Hyalocylizstriata)、长吻龟螺(Cavolinialongirostris)、芽笔帽螺 (Creseisvirgula)和拟海若螺 (Paraclionelongicaudata)等 10种为常见种,胖螔螺(Limacinainflata)和皮鳃螺(Pneumodermaatlanticum)等两种为次常见种,其余 9种是稀有种。在春季转至夏季、冬季转至春季时,种类组成出现明显的季节更替现象;冬春季种类分布仅受温度变化的影响,而夏秋季则受温度和10m层或底层盐度变化的共同影响。在冬春季,东海近海由于暖流势力较弱,水温较低,翼足类种数较少,种类数和多样性指数南部大于北部,外海大于近海;从夏季到秋季随着台湾暖流势力的加强,海流将较多的种类带到东海北部和近海,尽管近海种数和多样性指数值仍呈南高北低的特征,但南部和北部,近海和外海的差距明显缩小。  相似文献   

为了解胶州湾海域鱼类群落结构特征,根据2016—2017年间对胶州湾海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查数据,采用相对重要性指数、生态多样性指数和典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)、非线性多维标度排序(non-metric multidimensional scaling,NMDS)等方法分析了胶州湾海域鱼类群落的种类组成和多样性特征。结果表明:调查共采集到鱼类46种,隶属2纲10目30科41属,以硬骨鱼纲鱼类为主(45种,97.83%)。其中,鲈形目(Perciformes)最多(22种,47.83%),其次是鲉形目(Scorpaeniformes),占15.22%。种类数季节变化明显,以夏季最高,23种;秋季最低,16种。优势种组成以赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)、褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)、褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)、大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)、许氏平鮋(Sebastes schlegeli)和矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)等鱼类为主。多样性分析显示,鱼类物种多样性存在明显的季节差异。多样性指数(H′)季节变化范围为1.668—2.453,以夏季最高,春季最低;均匀度指数(J′)季节变化范围为0.577—0.808,以秋季最高,春季最低;丰富度指数(D′)季节变化范围为2.431—3.123,以冬季最高,秋季最低。典范对应分析表明,水温、盐度、水深和pH是影响胶州湾海域鱼类群落物种组成的主要环境因子,且水温和pH是影响鱼类群落结构及多样性时空变化的主要因子。与历史调查资料相比,由于人类活动对胶州湾生态系统的干扰,鱼类群落结构发生了较大变化,优势种组成更替明显,多样性水平降低,鱼类群落结构趋向简单化。  相似文献   

黄海鱼类组成、区系特征及历史变迁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所标本馆馆藏标本、采集记录及相关文献资料,分析了黄海鱼类的种类组成、区系特征和历史变迁.结果表明:黄海海域共出现鱼类113科321种.从适温类型来看,暖温性种类最多,有139种;暖水性种类次之-107种;冷温性种类70种;冷水性种类5种.从栖所类型来看,绝大多数为大陆架浅水底层鱼类,有193种,大陆架岩礁性、大陆架浅水中上层、大陆架浅水中底层、大陆架大洋洞游性中上层和大洋深水底层鱼类分别为41、34、29、15和9种.纵观历史文献资料,发现黄海鱼类群落结构和数量发生了很大变化,目前以鳀鱼占绝对优势,传统经济鱼类如小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、太平洋鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)、太平洋鲱(Clupea pallasii)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、鲐(Scomber japonicus)、带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)、镰鲳(ampus echinogaster)、鲆鲽类等在渔获物中所占的比例降低,昔日占优势的大型经济鱼类,逐渐被小黄鱼幼鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼(Johnius belangerii)、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)、细纹狮子鱼(Liparis tanakae)、方氏云鳚(Pholis fangi)、玉筋鱼(Ammodytes personatus)等经济价值较低的种类所取代,鱼类物种多样性和资源量呈下降趋势.因此,加强黄海渔业资源管理和多样性保护工作显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

Synopsis Activity patterns of some common Baltic fish species and macrocrustaceans have been investigated in natural light/dark conditions — in most cases for periods of at least one full year. The fauna of the northern Baltic proper consists of species of both marine and freshwater origin, with both types represented in the study. The different patterns found are discussed in relation to light period, light intensity and to the structure and function of the eyes. The following species were considered nocturnal: Idothea baltica, Mesidothea entomon, Gammarus oceanicus, Palaemon adspersus, Anguilla anguilla, Spinachia spinachia, Pholis gunnellus, Zoarces viviparus, Scopthalmus maximus, and Platichtys flesus. These species were considered diurnal: Clupea harengus, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Perca fluviatilis, Gobius niger, Taurulus bubalis, and Cyclopterus lumpus. The next three species showed a crepuscular pattern of activity: Praunus flexuosus, Esox lucius and Gymnocephalus cernus. Four species were considered to show inversions of the activity patterns: Pungitius pungitius, Pomatoschistus minutus, Myoxocephalus scorpius and M. quadricornis.  相似文献   

The species composition and brief characteristic of some elements of structure of the ichthyofauna of the Barents Sea within its geographic boundaries are represented. During the whole historic period of observations in the Barents Sea, 182 species and subspecies of fish were recorded, belonging to 59 families, 28 orders, and 5 classes. Most species and subspecies belong to the boreal complex (59.3%), occur principally in the bottom layers (56.6%), more than a half feed on bottom and demersal invertebrates (52.2%), and are commercial species (52.7%). In the Barents Sea, 21 species and subspecies are commercial. Their ration in catches depends on the integral impact of natural and anthropogenous factors. In the arctic zone of the Barents Sea, the part of noncommercial species makes by biomass 1.18%; in the boreal zone—0.26%; in the Pechora Sea—10.6%.  相似文献   

Fish landings in the Baltic Sea from 1970 to 2000 were used as a proxy for fish biomass to explore variability of total fish biomass. Total demersal (total D) and total pelagic (total P) landings proved relatively invariant over time compared with most of their component species. This was explained in terms of the energy limitation imposed on the ecosystem by its carrying capacity, forcing species interactions (predation, competition, etc.) with compensations that allowed the total biomasses to remain relatively stable. Extensive interactions were demonstrated among the Baltic fish species by linear correlation with appropriate negative signs, indicating compensatory interactions consistent with the energy limitation theory. The variances of the landings of cod, herring, sprat and total landings reflected the magnitudes of variation of their biomasses as estimated from the Virtual Population Analysis (VPA), thus justifying the use of landings data in this analysis as a proxy for biomass. Significant demersal–pelagic coupling was indicated from the landings data, which could be explained by trophic interactions. Species interactions generally explained between 17 and 66% of the variations in landings. Thus, substantial portions of the variations in the landings must be attributed to other factors: biological, fishery and environmental.  相似文献   

Fish consumption is increasing globally. Overfishing puts pressure on fisheries, but aquaculture provides an alternative to satisfy the growing need for seafood. However, nutrient emissions from aquaculture contribute to eutrophication, and raising fish from the top of the food chain is inefficient. Here we use the approach of industrial ecology and report ImPACT decomposition analysis of the drivers of nutrient emissions to the Baltic Sea from rainbow trout aquaculture in Finland during 1980?2007. During this period, the nitrogen load studied increased markedly and was 522 tonnes in 2007. The phosphorus load quadrupled and then returned to its original level of about 65 tonnes. The Finnish population increased slightly, while the average affluence level increased significantly. Total salmonid consumption increased substantially during the period. The increasing percentage of imported salmonids and improvements in domestic aquaculture technology ended the period of strong growth of emissions in the 1980s. Decreasing the nutrient load through reductions in salmonid consumption in the future is unlikely, due to health benefits and consumer preferences. Replacing domestic production with import of salmonids raises questions regarding outsourcing of the environmental impact, and regarding rural development in Finland. Major improvements in production technology are not in sight. New perspectives on rainbow trout aquaculture may be needed, including using feed from the Baltic Sea, thus closing the nutrient cycle or changing consumption and production to herbivorous fish species.  相似文献   

An aggregated sample of 925 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua collected by four countries in different regions of the Baltic Sea during different seasons were measured (total length, LT = 161–890 mm and weighed (mass, M = 45–6900 g) both before freezing and after defrosting. The cod were found to decrease significantly in both LT and M following death and frozen storage. There was an average (±SD) change in LT of −2.91% (±0.05%) following freezing, independent of starting LT. Total M changed by −2.65% (±0.14%), independent of starting mass. Shrinkage of LT and M did not differ significantly between 1 and 4 months frozen storage, though LT shrinkage was significantly greater after 1 or 4 months in the freezer compared with after 5 days. There was significant variation in LT and M shrinkage between regions of capture. A significant negative relationship between condition of cod and LT or M change was also observed. Equations to back-calculate fresh LT and M from thawed LT, M and standard length (LS), gutted LT, gutted LS and gutted M are provided.  相似文献   

Scientifically-based systematic conservation planning for reserve design requires knowledge of species richness patterns and how these are related to environmental gradients. In this study, we explore a large inventory of coastal breeding birds, in total 48 species, sampled in 4646 1 km2 squares which covered a large archipelago in the Baltic Sea on the east coast of Sweden. We analysed how species richness (α diversity) and community composition (β diversity) of two groups of coastal breeding birds (specialists, i.e. obligate coastal breeders; generalists, i.e. facultative coastal breeders) were affected by distance to open sea, land area, shoreline length and archipelago width. The total number of species per square increased with increasing shoreline length, but increasing land area counteracted this effect in specialists. The number of specialist bird species per square increased with decreasing distance to open sea, while the opposite was true for the generalists. Differences in community composition between squares were associated with differences in land area and distance to open sea, both when considering all species pooled and each group separately. Fourteen species were nationally red-listed, and showed similar relationships to the environmental gradients as did all species, specialists and generalists. We suggest that availability of suitable breeding habitats, and probably also proximity to feeding areas, explain much of the observed spatial distributions of coastal birds in this study. Our findings have important implications for systematic conservation planning of coastal breeding birds. In particular, we provide information on where coastal breeding birds occur and which environments they seem to prefer. Small land areas with long shorelines are highly valuable both in general and for red-listed species. Thus, such areas should be prioritized for protection against human disturbance and used by management in reserve selection.  相似文献   

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